Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 24 Dec 1903, p. 1

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Tickets IQ J 2 ` - ............a -..u-v--go -we we vv vvn Va wu- '1s'e[r. Harold Paikor` is home from Toronto for the Christmas `holidays. `Ill -.. 1' 1!)` 31l....1_- -2 1Ir-n:-__._L,,.,. Been Doing During the Past. Week -- Visitors to the Town. wan BARBIE Pmdpnm navn . 0 . Toronto a; _few days last week. O-nurnnai-I own In vvuyv VI. 11 U91): Mr. Harold Bennett was up from 'll`__ I1-_-,-__ -an---r, 1 q --`yo v-vv own so lav-JIAIDJ "Mr. Fred 'tevenson.~:Chioago. is home for a. couple of weeks. ` `AA - `f'l-.._I.I -n__.__-;.;. _-_-_ __- 4__- ,, Theo Hewson is home from Toronto for the holidays. ' ' `II ... In...) au.-_-__-__ arn_2--.__ Social and Personal BOY WANTED-At The AadvanoeTO't- fice. Only those wishin to leatfn the nrinfino H-ma-In nnml nnn V. .5-no-on; unv sgyvvovvve k . _ The Mayor wag g-i`ante`d' an honor- arium of $100 -in recognition of his services during the year. :` A _9-___._u`_ _p awn -. u up -D Tuesday's Mail and Empire ;-"To Senator Gowan the `compliments of the -.9eason--which The Mail and Em- pire desires to 'be among the first to offer him-inolude birthday congra- tulations. for on this -date he enters upon his 89th year. We 'wish him many happy returns. and hope that his vigor of intellect and great store of knowledge may continue many years longer at the service of his country. He is one of the old school, a man held in honor by Sir John Mac-, donald; Toronto `will not forget that this high-minded Senator put aside his private interest as a share- holder in_ the Bell Telephone Com- pany. an`d voted forlbringing its rates -under public control. Art-a meeting of the Town Council on Monday evening all the members were present with the exception of Ald. Brennan. On motion of Ald. Ross and Pouoher the by-law was passed authorizing` the Mayor and Clerk to sign the .agr.eement with the Grand Trunk in [reference to the fixing of the assessment of that Com- pany at .$30.000. ( l ` ll\I_- if , . , , ,, 0- . 1c.` - `A deposit of 850 made by Mr. J. M. Bothwell in connection with open- ing up the roadway on Bradford St. to the water main, was ordered to be returhed as the roadway (had -been leftin good condition. 1 ` AI; -l\-__.~II -_J *l'|-___h_-._' ._- __.- J lull. Lu guvu vuuuuauu. `p Ald. Powell and_ Pouoher moved that Wm. Armstrong be engaged to do the snow L nloughing in No. 6 _ av- , -_ A-.. _"`_ 'll'__ 511111 OI -1300. `Ian 9 On motion of A141. Bar$i`lsk and Powell. the account of `$29 to Miss Torrance as nurse at the Isol tion ,Hospi1:a,l for the casecbf young. arr- ner wasotdb1"od`_.too ho pond.` ` v rui.:.ao' 123...... m'.n..nn+.ln-uni ~`..r;'.g~.'.. .`.;. ---v-. .-_.v..-vv I Mrs. Daziel and Messrs. David and John O Connell returned to Winnipeg on Tuesday after having beeniin town to attend their mother s funeral. They were accompanied by Miss Annie 0 Connell, who will reside in Winni- peg. The latter had'_ many friends in town and she will be very much mis- mung` _ A Lnmnmmn o1;I"1;<)-3--1-1n:'r F03 THE LAST -rmmon MONDAY nvmnme l.lUU- ,\JX.Ily LIJUUU VVISLIILI In! printing trade need appfy. I-IV lull`! uuav vv p-vu-3 `Ward and in. No._ -51:56 ti": az"1iar'. Bothwell , gate on.Brad1ord `street, for the` sum of .860. nun man`-,3nII n"`L't` `Rn-r ink anal BI` VWES OICIIIIUQ` LU Du Hutu. . Ohio: $i_ng was authonzed to se- cure auttxoxont help _tofhave4 the Town Elan pxjopqrly _9lqano1`jAg,t4'%.onn9i.V -. - V.-o\u Iv vvno Messrs. Campbell Kennedy. Harold Parker, Clarence Bothwell. H. Gra- sett. C. Powell -and N. E. Metcalf. of Toronto, aresht their respective homes for the holidays. 1u'..:..... 1).]! .3 4.1.- a-_-,____ 'n`.n --,v-g.-vna -vn V ILJVIOIIAIIJ DI Major Bell, of the famous Bell Farm, Manitoba. {stopped over in Barrie between trains on Saturday. The Major is a 'br'o"the.r-in-law of Mrs. Thos. McKee. r ' -I. has~been_ appointed head-master of the Lion's Head. School.` z Mrs. H.~ G. Robertson and children left on Monday ,to spend Christmas with her parents in Hamilton. She will be joined by Mr. Robertson later in the week. couucn. MEETING cm-no tlllll (Shoot-All sorts of Gen an Dneu nfruun. mane? Grocer-Ion and Table Delicacies at B0'l'llwEl.I.9s. l A telegram was received on Sun- day morning by Mr. Richard Bid- well apprising him of the death of his son George, at Budbuny. as the result of an attack fof typhoid fever: Mr. Bidwell (left immediately ,to bring the remain.s~-home for inter- ment, Many friends in the town will extend condolences; the deceased '.be- inga young man at exemplary ohar\- aoter. - `.j Christiana Saunders. a widow, her sister. Phoebe Davis and John Pal- lister. all of Orillia Tp.. were brought to the County Gaol Tuesday having been placed under arrest n ton-_i neotion with the alleged killing of; the infant child of Mrs. Saundersa I COA1 LOST-Will the party who took a Black Melton Cont by mistake from the Crveul Rink. on Thursday night laet. kindly return the lame to VICKERS' STORE and receive hie own in return. n---1-u c- - _... _ '..--....- --vasv- v v.u.J uvv ung- T A snowplough on the I ;Penetang ` branch left the track yesterday _de- 3 railing the engine. The steam gauge i broke and Driver Glassford /and Fire- man Patton were badly scalded. m$Q'inO1\4u M l.I-....... . . _ . -._ 1-- _ Nominations `will I be received at the Town Hall on Monday _at the fol- lowing hours;-10' a.m._ for Mayor. 11 a.n_1. for School rrustees, 12 noon for Aldermen and -Commissioners. A public_ meeting. will beheld in the Town Hall in the evening. lV1....'!...J.:...... u-__._ .1__.. _ ___9 ,1 __,_ 1, _ ,, `I-I-Q`-an 4.. v-uvVlA| vv va. v uuu-J Lavusuvuo Mistletoe. Holly, Bouquet Green am. for Christmas Decorations at BOTH- I WELUS. ` The Charity Ball on New Year's night for the benefitiof the Royal Victoria Hospital, promises to )be a great success. Tickets are selling era,- pidly- .' l ' `J90 I 9 6 I "iul Ministerial Association is ar- ranging for the observance of the {week of prayer Jan y 3-10. (Pro- gram of the services will be published l next week. ( `The hockey boys appeared` in their new uniforms, for )the first time, on Friday ,evening.' The `orange and green sweaters looked very swell. A n-......_I_..._`L ._ LI, _ . 'r|__. _L, _ -_ .................. ., ........... .,-, Xmas. -Cards and Calendars. Barrie `Music Store, Dunlop St. West. Q-____!_- ___EI`I L- I , `The Canadian Peultry Review Will be _sent to tubscribers_ of the Ad-. vance for fifty _cents_a year} 'L._ L_-I_.___ L, I` -`- Band at the Rink Christmas night. ` -Leaveyour coal orders with J. I` -..LA. t;"Vit:`:';V`Ell be qheig :l"rinity Church on Christmas morning` at 11 o`clock. ' (" -x xi OR SALE--Two "fresh calved Cows. also one lar efeedinr: Cow. Apply to EGERTON H. JOHN TON.Miueaing. V 5:-52 . ! 0nl;":$1.85 a -year for the Toron- to Daily News rand the Northern Ad- G. sootti` 3 HAPPEMNGB on` A. WEEK IN : Town and Vicinity - Condensed News for Our Busy Readers. N \ VYVTTVVYTVVVVTVVVVV VVVVVVV Locals Around Barrie `:++++++++++++o++++f3 :6aI11 and see Bur choice stock of P` 1 I1 I I I` Monday evening's tea-meeting and concert in the 6th line Presbyter- ian Church proved to (be an unquali- fied success. `The ladies of the church won golden opinions by the manner in which they '-catered to the appetites of the big gathering. Rev. Mr. McConnell, the pastor, oc- cupied the chair and amongst the contributons to the programuwas Miss `Allie Gardiner. of Barrie. who is a great favorite in the section and whose vocal selections well -merited the hearty applause with which they: were greeted. Her accompaniments` were played by Miss Delamen-3 Mc- !Kee. The children of the Sunday 2Sc'hool sang`. "Beautiful Stars" in a- manner which reflected great .cre- dit on their instriunctress. `Miss Cross. The Nantyr Quartette selection was splendidly rendered accompanied by; - the Nantyr `Orchestra. Mr. Hunts-i man.;Mr. R. `Little and Rev. Mr. Ross delivered addresses and Mr. ! David 7 Lehnox gave a Scotch reading in his own inimitable style. ` v i l The subjoined aceount `of Satur- `L day s hockey mateh has been furnish- ed the Advance :--An iuterestingv game of hockey was played Saturday; night between the wankers and a; team that called themselves "Baoha-:. lam from the. forum. The Baaohe lore played. two "of the Bankers a mi: ggagpeiaz _hoke;_ aj Qlayi (wli The Toronto Globe of Tuesday. Dec`. '15, says ;-That pretty _comedy drama. "Sweet Clover, which is always po- pular here, was presented'\at the Grand Opera House last evening by a company headed by Miss Edna Robb and Mr. Otis B. Thayer, the latter very well known as a chanacter come- dian. While the play itself always attracts theatre-goers on account of the light comedy, the tender love "story and theipleasant atmosphere; the company under the management of Mr. A. A.'.Thayer give a thorough- - ly capable performance. Miss Edna Robb, as Lois Halcombe, in the light- er_ parts acted with a great deal of naivete, while she showed -consider-' able emotional power in 'the more? dramatic scenes. Sweet Clover,is very handsomely staged, a particu- larly effective scene being the tab- leaux party in the /home of Mrs. Em- met, while the ladies costumes are very striking. The play should be well patronized here next Monday. A `W.AN FED--FAITVHFUL PERSON TO CALL on retail trade and agents for manufacturin 1 .... .. x.....:..;.. ...-n -..o.I..I:.I....l Imnhmnz lnml tar - LL10 uu1.upa.u_y:! mums. ., The work on the ,new wharf cannot be finished by New . Year s as was an: ticipated, but the framework is just about completed. No portion of the old wharf is being utilized in the new structure which will be 35 feet wide and about 40 feet longer than the former one. The work has /been de- layed on account of (the difficulty. experienced in driving the piles into the quicksand. The wharf has yet `to be sheeted with 6X12 cedars and floored. gnvu A11 Luna; Us .The death took place on Monday morning. of little Arthur Radenhurst, after several weeks of intense phy- sical suffering. as the result of the injuries which he received in the re- cent fire in his father's residence. Mr. and Mrs. Radenhurst will receive the sympathy of many friends in their sorrow. . r . The crops of some turkeys which were offered for sale on the market. . Saturday, protruded to an extent to attract Chief King- s notice. They were quickly punctured and found to befilled with peas. The contents were spilled out and. the owner was warned that confiscation of the tur- keys would follow any attempt to re- peat theoffence in future. ..--..,-.~.v-- u-. uuv uuuu. Lpuaua ruuus Mr. Thos. Kennedy, architect. has just-finished a most complete map of the town, 51:? ft. in size. for the Barrie Gas Co., showing `a plan of the company s mains. F "'11.- _,,, 7| " The County'Council convened on Tuesday _for the purpose of. making arrhgements for `the further dis- tribution of the Good Roads Fund.- `rm - rnL _ _ 1 {swo PER/ANNUM IN ADVANCE SINGLE COPIES FIVE CENTS Lafe Sporting News '6th Line of Innisfil Make no mums: um), FOOT or TORONTO STREET. 9%` E We hereby desiie to `express our thank: to tho Perth Mutual Fire nuuranoe Cognplny. II_Id 30 their agent.hMr. Hen Bull. Blmoo `'50 14ld - our loss. Within aoweek a1t.arv_Mr. Ban impacted -our premises that had been. vintod b res W0 '0' : , . . I . 'evc17ga13hv5`'13 e'a8.5? 8w':'ts 3a3. Vbod? 31:: '55:- pany and Mr..Bull every N090- -nnnunv V menu , _ 0ST-~A Black and Tan Hound Pup _WIth I white ring around the neck aud_whitp UP 0 tail. Finder will be rewarded by eeudIn8*"""" tion leading to the recovery of lame to GRANT KNUPP, Minesing. T ' T 5"" ` -:1 OST.--On Saturday evening. between me um- J tral 9chool. Barrie. and Thornton. 3 datk Muskrat Ru`. The nder will lease leave at P- O. T horntou. or ADVANCE 0 M03. Barrie. 53.. LIME. % CEMENT-_ 5|-5: LAT!-I AND sl-Im"oI.as os'r_...o s g d 'ng.'betweeu the Can- I) Fcrliooalt. "1'3a"r r'i.v?:g' I. dag: ~u___u,-_. n._1r rm... c_A-- .... -1-..-g Innun at . Prenlaeht - - Andrew Thomson viee- President Hon. John shawls Gen ! Manager .111. B. Webb ` TBARBIE BRANCH V A general ` Banking Business ooaducte. Drafts issued on all parts of the _world. De- posits received and interests allowed so high- " est rate. ' W. D. MORTON. Manager, -$4+++++++++++++++++++++++ oo . 4. 2e'.___.!_._._=!. 5? .Bank5f foronm| -3 V - 1 g J0hl\ Ru Lamb! Igsntagfaucug '""'""4"""`""`""?4"f'` AA ESTABLISHED 1865 `Capital " - $2.500.000 El,l_3_s'h-_A" A $1,000,000 _ A nalvnilr Thninnnn AAAAAAAA AAAAAA )OO}\IS to Rent near Codgiate Institute. 88 l _ Blake Street. Barrie. 5:-52. _ N ORGAN -for Sale Cheap. Apply at thw K A-`nnn ~ l\',"I All the best quality nndfusrantood. INGS FOR SALE- ._..________________.______..._ TOWN PROPERTY AND` DWELL- No. s. "miInT3.T6o} SAMUELgWE8LEY_. Proprietor. Advances made to farmers. Sale Notes` discounted or collected and a. general beak- ing business conducted. . I ` .V URU ofce. Total DAVINUD Dl1LV'I\ IJDFISISI AYIDLV I Current rates of mterest-allowed on ac- counts Large and Small. - CAPITAL PAID UP ,0O0,000 RESERVE FUND 3.100.000 SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT `....-..b u-at-I nf Infnrnnl--nllnunul nn no NEW Anvnainsnmnnr. CARD OF THANKS` Lulu!` .VI` for -rates.` enmity Ball nCVU|" uuuuw TROMBL ;&?SON V mull $6,100,000 PARTMENT allowed rs.` Notes I. MANAGER Bzuuuu BRANCH .;. .0. .I. .0. .9. .0. .0. .0. .0- .9. .1. SON Bell Ewart. :01"-t-I 5`-3:. 3" -*:'.`:...'.`."'.,5*.':.':'.'::::.`:'.;..-:.-.-"'-- - Aruy'auc.qng Liggq Loringly ma. amnoryof M M %vzso.;;aap;%soo.` % an `. ":13: svccx'ssor"n'm PAST ` rwo smsons. _An 31:56:-_nu oftho Beautiful Copnody_ .V: ith tho_Vonntile Cluucbt Comedian MB. OTIS muss nmu 3.933 and COED`??- B. TBAYBR 8 `mod b ' I FOR? iTz'.1:Ti~'z'r-A% wen turniahed % room suitable for meetings and ocnveniengi &{.`:29.2!?1L." ..`. .n..;' 1129 1.. l!!!.`i'E '1l'1" 3"" mum ANIS o'n woon EEONE-87A& ea. " swee'Tc1s>ver"l GRAND OPERA HOUSE A MONDAY, DBO. %2Bth % LADIES ASTRACHAN M and Persian Lamb Jackets ARE GUAREWTEEP Vllllll sII\gI_Iiii'" & co.| .... ..;_r|--rT|.|:...... 4 Ba.n'j.e Mu.a_ic_ Store Fancy Goods and Fine China A Also from thelargcst stock of - . ' ' Musical Instruments * At 1 very reasonable price. Call andvsee them 7 V V . IUUIEGO O 6 e Meehe;ir:e" Institute Ired at reasonable retr .; i. i h the LIBRARIAN of-the Inlt. .=:.e-:1: OOOOOOCOQOOOOCOQOOOOOOOOO_ Jsnumunn and TYPEWRITING' -A'r 'l`H\E_-- ; A MERRY cr_I_1us'rMAs`; Tin-he Effort Money The Sarjeamco. com. ar woon B]d"g, 'I_`oront'o Ozo 4: Dunlap St. Ynrdltoot of Mu-y St. : --- .7`. ---- V x A s 1* ---from a choice stock of---' - William Bro'ok_: ` MONEY TO LOAN. - We have a large amount of Private Fund: to land '4} and 5 per cent. on the security ofood farm Mon cs. McCART!-IY. BOYS t URCI-lb 5N- nlop Strut Barrio. ` ` ' ` We havo thoexcluuivo right to teach famous Gregg Shonhand tn Toronto. We also teach wellall commercial Iub- . joctt. Betterinvesti to. Information free. Winter Term. a.n.4, x9o4. AS_S_'OCIAT-E` ~i RINCI PAL J. W. Wstervelt CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT` , . Principal or on own uaxuuoruu. O O 0 -j A 1m 1131 ,__ _._7 cw ` MANUFACTURING Funmrms. -You an p`roc`u|-04:. h;.::`d:c`>n-ave` --`:4 jiujti our am was : 11'. _o o_ 0` Will be saved if you atudy ----` - --u-----w -- _ . `. tovall . . . `mu SHINGLES THE INTERESTS OE EAREIE. THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE AND THE ` DOHINION OF `CANADA OUR CRITERIOR. rnim STOOK sAi..:s. on : "ti suesotterm stoo'k;reto3r t3'"e otgonduoted by L. '1: t bcfbf1tA:1?tBirA%A3la0(F1Ja Where -terms and other`-arrnn menu can be made`. Farmers tin it to their advantage. `to cull 'a.nd*B.IIa`B1"9 nr -91: I-an ' BARBIE, COUNTY OF SIMQOE, ONTARIO,DECEMBER`24,1903. '. urv-I-IVS:-II .M.rs. Wm. Metoalf, tot: Thornbury; spent `a `few days last wegk in town with friends. Q -. -n 1-_ pa - - a-nva.n.nv van an-vvvuua Iain Mr. and Mm. IJ"anstone Sr.. are vi- siting in Toronto with` their daugh- ter, Mrs. G, Munn. \ IIIJVVJI I-Ill I'll`! now-n\II-JD-II Vivian returned on Saturday trom Toronto where Abe has been "spending _several weeks. ADr. Vivian even `in the City on _!i`ridey. ` ' --1;- L Lu. -. ` A ..._.._- , 1a..--:.I-..L' Mr`. Fred MoKeo is home from _his medical studies in Toronto _for holi- dayls. ` 'g -Vl; "f`AA. fll A `Q I A It I II ~_-J pvt F 5 "Miss Miln, of Port Arthur. is the guest of Mr, and Mrs._D. Leroy at the Queems. - V I _ -urr-I1 1-: Ir . _ 'Mrs.C.v Clarke oarne upfrrom Newmarket ~l."a.st week and returned home on Saturday. If_ ___'.S If__ 71... _L-__- 6.. -__- _,| ....,,.. .. ........ ...,..... .. ..........._.. Mrs. Donald W. Campbell and daughter Helen, of Depot Harbor. are visiting at D. G. Campbell's, Mr. J. C. Eaton and wife. of Car- lyle. Assam. are staying with. their unnle. Mr. J. S. Johnston. Mary St. .M.r. Percy Plummet. of Toronto University. is spending the holidays in town with his sister. Mrs. D. M. Stewart. : : ovv Cl! 0,, _A ` 1:: Four lots on the northeast corner ofOwon end Wellington Streets surroun Hedjze-Two dweilins-one brlckvund the other Youglycsst vmh stable and outbuildings. The brick dwelhng hnssll modetn convenieneee-F|-uit trees. `Plies. pqsrs. plums. cherry. black snd red Itrawbemes, etc. This is n bsrgsin it sold at once as the oyvneris lesviuzifor Manitoba. Apply -on "'9 Premises. NJ-IU ES. - `suns ded by s Hone! Locust- |u WV-`III | Mr. Thus. W. Morris. of Broad- view Assa.. and formerly ,a. student at the B. O. I..-is at his former! home in Elmgrove to; a couple of months. _ Mr. P. H. Mary has passed his Jun- ior year exams. .at , the Ontario 001- dlego~',.ot_Pharmajoy`. Toronto. He is in `town to: the holidays. " ant...` cn'..:-__ _-;....._-.a -.. '.L.;.1.... " T `C` VI`? 35`; TX Q Qdvva v Mr} Iaintbn. ot Atirnra. President 101` the Canadian Shorthor_nzfA1sso.. was town on ManIday,..as_`the%-guest of . . ` _ sii9n`~`T'D!ment._T,i4 V .. auzuuuu LUI. fan!) \Jl.l.l.lD|al.IJ.1.5 uuuuuya. Mrs. J. W. blarke, of Wellington. is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. E. -Minnas. . A o . Mr. and'Mr;s. R. A . Stephens and children. will spend the holiday in Toronto- - r ' `* , Mr. Ja1s.`Duff,,M. P. P., has been doing good work 'down in North Ren- .frew. ` I `Mr. ;Vill`R. King`-Ie'aves this even- ing to join Mrs. King in Ottawa for Christmas. I Mfr. A :-ghi Burton is home frdm Trinity.College School. Port Hope. to; the Christmas holidays. ` ` nrs__-_ qr ____ _..1. __ J1 -|r___'_2'- -I-.I_1__-_. "'itiss' "IDvl[.;;ga-12;:-3.`:-1Jd:" `Mamie Edgar,._ ` of the B. - G._I., are spending their holi- ` days at tlieir. home in Sundridge. 11.... or-.-_.-.1: n ? rI-..._I.;'n -_.I VII `7"n7f',"6n G ; n-n_-Ivaav ester Mo` ' ids . on` Newton J zc c 7 X ..J&QCUj.| If V IEIU VII #5336?` Miss Winnie Moore. of Churchill, is visiting in (town for a` week or $0. `ll'_ `I"I`-___I,1 15-1,: , ,' -v-v-auv wu _--vvv \nvUJ' -u--av vvv Mr. George McLean ha; rgiurned fromia month s visit to Chicago. mr:..... ur:....:- 'AJ'.._. .3 :11_____-\__-n -6o5 Manon Bldg" Chicago. V 43-3 W 11` I l'.`4lJ"`l'l1l I. III.` U11 8 l8l\sjlveV O In sun...- trade manufnetunn house havin` well established business: loan! ter torv: straiggt salary $20 paid weekly and expense money advanced ; previous experience unnecessary; position permanent: business successful. Encloee self-addressed envelo e.` Superintendent '.l`revelerI._

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