3-u---:---4-------v LENNOX. COWAN & BROWIEI. BAR- n,1e_2.n.__.... 0.... '..InJ-n3-gnnrp int-n_ STEWART & STEWART: BARR1S- \7_A___-..... 1).-l-.1:n DR. J. c. smiibu. L. c. P. 3., 0NT., _ o Q4-!A.L r\..: STRATHY & ESTEN. BARRISTER ~r-r,-_.1_ n_.-_4. -4! 1.... ' __._________.____.__.__________ `H. T. ARNALL. M. D. C. M.. OFFICE in vBothwe1l s Block. Allandale. On ' the premises `at night. DR. W, A. Boss.` PHYSICIAN. sua- `l'_1Z._ T DR. i. ARTHUR ROSS. -L. `R. C. P. & 8.. Edinburg; M. F. P. & S.. Glasgow, member of the British Op: thalmologioal Society. Specialty,-- Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose. Office. 78 Dunlop street, bfaunde-rs Block. Barrie, opposite ]:`ostv-Office, and Railway btation. Phone., 54; P. 0. Box, 96. it. s. BROAD. M. 1)., c. M.. F. T. -up .- 4` 1-` :1 ._._.___:._..____._:__._______..___._____._.._. HEWSON & CRESWICKE. BAR- -` LL- uu.\w-nvvun DR. J. F." `PALLI~IG.__GRADUATE`0F. j1 731' 2 131 I Qjul L` \I&`Ll&l L\I l'1oi. on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers notes discounted. Collec- tions made in any part of the Coun- gy- Real estate bought and sold. onveyancing in all its branches. Marria e Licenses issued. "Office. Ross B ock. Dunlop street, Barrie. -_.- -gw.-..u-.--.n. VA.` Al-I.\IJ.VJaJ. LU} loan at 41-2 and 5 per cent. Easy terms of re-payment. Lennox. Oowan &. Brown. Solicitors, Barris- ters. eto. V,-vv - v..- -..1 v --ago-.aaana. \ILV \l\-IV-IL! 'treehold'seourity at lowest rate of interest. No prinoi al money re- gtuired until end 0 the term, H.2 Qnlinilnn Alia tin-o-"A `V0 39115;. arsasunvow-..--y ..-_..-__-__,, ` Pi'oetor.` Notary. Cenveyancer. etc. Special attention in drawing and probating wills. obtaining letters of administration and guardianship. collecting accounts, etc. Offices, Ross Block. Barrie. Money to loan. "M'.'c.,'f.'.'5.'i2."s'., 3. . fake resident Physician and Surgeon of Toron- to General Hospital. with special at- tention to Diseases of Women. and Nose and Throat Work. also for some time surgeon in charge of Emergency Hospital. Toronto. 015- fice and night residence, upstairs in Mccarthy _Block. 21 Dunlop b`t., Barrie, second door east of Dougall Bros. furniture warerooms. near Five Points. -Phone" 105. bate of ugilfs. guardianshig and ad- ministratnon, and general olicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Of- qes. Hinds . Block. No. 6, Dunlop street. Barrie. Money to loan at 41-2 and 5 per cent. Branch 015- fices at Creemore and Alliston. Haughton Lennox. Alex, Cowan, G. % E. J. Brown. L. L. B. u..InvvLu.L u: u;.;. u ........., terAs. Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Conveyancers. Money, _to loam in any sums at 5 per cent. Office. -13 Owen St.. Barrie. H. D. Stew.- art. L. L. D.. D. M. Stewart. V--,._..V_ geen. etc., L. R. C. 8.. Edin., L. R. U. 1 .. London. Offices and night residence. Brown's Blcpk. Dunlop street, Barrie, Telephone, 77, `Trinity .University. Toronto, Fel- low of Trinity Medical College, Member of-the College of Physi- cians andsurgeons of Ontario. Of- fice and residence, 18 Owen street. (late of Drs. Ha.rs:I;: V6'ri-lV-' ha), Office and residence. corner of Jwen and Collier streets. Barrie. The value of courtesy cannot be over estimated. Courtesy and kind- ness and politeness are about the only investments costing ' nothing. which yield large returns. . A lady in- 4.terested in ` moral movements com- plained the other day_of the lack of good manners and rudeness of.` es- pecially, parcel and delivery. fboys. .'1`hey will rudely, bang at` doors and. .without removing the cap orany form of salutation, coarsely and'flippantly__ hlurt out the inquiry; _"Does Smith or Brown. "or. Jones, live here?-`no, prefixing of the ordinary title of courtesy` "Mr. . or, in cassefof a widow. Mrs. This is comparatively `pt small matter, except that it indicaltes a.de- . plohrable lack of parental trainin `and A indicates `the spirit of irreverence for elders and superiors so Vdevplporablyp prevalent. Disrespect fozaf .Ia,uthorit_y l -and our elders shows invariably a_dic- respect "or jdivine authority" fand. , its klemanc_Js. "This lack rpa:a;t;1`o6p;.ip , 1-ovli, and reverence accounts-;%::'Iori';_tl_ie1; :.-great amount of. .: youthful. .~depravityL 5 i ~12` fr` "5 v in E0` ' IDJJLILVLLVA--u-. ---._-_-_v->, , Attbfney. Solicitor in _Cha.ncery, Convqayancer, etc. Uffme, fxrst door. Owen street, over Bank of t1...~......n-.-nu Darrin HUUL] VVVGM Du; ow, Commerce. Barrie. ll-`I IV 009;` UV \.rA.u.;n.a-u -- ..'._.__ risters, Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, Prootors. Notaries. Conveyancers, etc. .Money to man. Offices, Ross Block. Barrie. C. E. Hewson, A. `. H. Creswicke. '1-LULLLLL A. we ...a-.a-_.--., Solicitors in High Court of Jt-" tice. Notaries Public, Conveyancers. Offices over the Bank of Toronto. Barrie. Money in sums of $2,000 and upwards. to loan at 5 per cent. H. H. Strathy, K. 0., G. H, 'l]..l-A-. UULILQ Esten. A Luuou uuun uuu UL u.l6 term. 1. Str_a.thy. Solicitor, eto.. Ban-ie.J A.}4tADEHURsr. BAR'RISTER- unii`-`new. Solicitor Chancery. _AU_L'r. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. ..l.- DR. R. P VIVIAN, All will remember that we" had Vaome share in securing the agreement to `close the St. Louis Fair on Sun- day\s. The fact it is td be closed on that day renders it the more fitting that such a congress should be! held in celebration thereof. MANUFACTURERS. HOMOEOPATH1S'1`._ MONEY T0 LOAN -. ARCHITECTS. :_Q..RYEf7f_9.R3-_ PHYSICIANS. FINAN_<=.I_-:Ia;; Doubtlessthe United States and Ca- nada will be largely represented at Such a gathering. It is possible that ` outof it may `grow; some practicable plan for continued international co- operation -in `dealing with problems that concern both ccuntries alike.suo_h as the transportation systems and the Sabbath. For this -end alone such aloongress wouldnbe eminently worth .while. A . 1 _ .1 A . ..'nd"N"t.`I..t tllzbewgxt nthfacige coal P"3o With discoun U 3-` -_- `L , I` 3"` --- - _ 3, Store, Egg t for_ cash ind 5. X? idoexl`:-::I'.:d a;VS?-ime you w_ant It. . . B. puhr.` I-Jv;y..S:o1S:llxcr stgflg CHEAP COAL -AND wooD stun] IBIIBIU llllll. llll! |uu\v --r Get your property on our list : Costs _nothmg: Monev to Loau-Don't borrow a dollar unul WU 3 inc} terms best. rates and charges lowest "9 5' Mortgages. Wills, etc., prepared on shmtcsl ngnrf-I aoyears doing business in Simcoe. -Farmers ce~[`.` allv Invited to call and see us. chalige for consultation or advice. , J 0 FICE-Op_posite Barrie Hotel. - Barnc. 8'0 Peter Street Onllia. 43" Glad to see vou. 30 1 J. nu nu V an U1!) 8 th 19-1`68t circulatiolrlmcrfelznto County Town. y` At`trnu4':an-y.....L.. _,L . \4\_I|AJIvJ `viva. Advertisements are space--13 lines agate n A|.|.ANl]AlE LUIS FOR _S_ALE. , _ ___..._.. ..- . 4.... 1-:u.un.V ID. Condensed advertisements on first page avch as wants of all kinds, lost and found. propeny for sale or to rent, specic articles, etc., etc, must be accompanied with the cash, and will be inserted-t1rst insertion 2 cents per word. each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (names, addresses and gures counted as -words); but a. reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertion. of the same matter exceed four. nu. REPRESENT `rm: Fonnowma Fun: I.\ SL`P.A.\'C COMPANIES: T119 Mercantile, now affiliated with The Lon don & Lancashire of England. Sccur ity, $15,000,000. The Waterloo Mutual, of Water1oo.On:. Tothl assets, $334,083. The Economical Mutual, of Berlin. Ont. Total assets. $303,078. ` Also L1ovd s Plate Glass Insurance Com- pany, of New York. Cash capital, $152, nnn \ Trains leave Barrie for andearrive nholnthe under mentioned places as llows: 4.41 a. m. For Newmarket. Toron- to. Montreal and points east. . `I 7.56 a. m. For Newmarket, Aurora and Toronto. . ' 12.16 p. m. For Newmarket and .Toronto. ` . . 5.26 p. m. For Newmarket, Toron- -to. Montreal and East. I Ancvl-E19 Sun Loan and Savings Company ! of Ontario. -Preferred positions for local adv!-rt`: ments in the paper will be sold at an ad`-`Am. of one-third on aboverates, on no other me count will special positions be given If?` rule will be strictly carried out. ' ' `H3 CONTRACT CHAN GES, Advertisers will please bear in notice of intention to change adv must be handed into the office not Saturday at 10 o clock, and the change must be in T11}: ADVANCE ofce not later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday in an week, otherwise the advertiser s announcemeny: may not be made public until the week fol. lowing. 12 changes of Advertisements allowed W Ar`l1n1'f;onra u-7:1` can` 1 .. ..`l1,r- 1 - 1 mi_Ild that crtxsementa IACCI than ` COP) for such ` VII-ll. IJIJ ULLEI SC`-`O Advertisers will not be allowed to use theig space for advertising anything outside theix own regular business. Should they dose transient rates will be charged for such ad. vertisements. ' . V Private funds to loan on rs: mortgages. A: couzits collected. &c. nu: . . A . . -- Ll-..A.-.-....... - LI..-A..m.-.. cvntn H-up}. - __- _...--..- V;-yvv\4 Avulo Cuts for advertisements must In every case be mounted on solid metal base. |ScRoGc;.IE & rs)|iF} 1 CUUUIS couectca. OTC. * ' M Oice over Henderson; Hardware Store, Barn: ` Ont. Iinch....... 1 u C ` C {-14} l:*jy7 Real Estate and Inn ram-e M590" _ ._..:k:nrI` ' "1 THE NORTHERN ApvANc: A_ n -|-,,, you In gomg, out by 0rucuu5 ---- PARKER :3. MORREN . CA--n EH9 Tm: ADVANCE L; `I...`.........a- -1" I Apply 2;: J. P. SECVSRD, 13-.-`- -___. u--. _......n Aurel }IllOloOOOIl % column . r }4 column.. ~ 1 column... 2, West Baldwin Street. BARRIE bOMMERCIAL CONTRACT ___.___.__,._____.._ INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, dv.C. SAMUEL \AI.t;2-`:I'.E-_Y_,ml;ROPFIlETOVR CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. j,,_, 1 `I . .Jac';>b s Te1"'race . III TU ` "THE ADVANCE omen.` SCROGGIE 6:. SMITH. TRANSIENT JIVI 0.0 mclng Cllilt we are U18 DL-fl. V Dzcmmn: I0, 1903 s proven to atinn A` `W $'No new nama will be added to thg Subscription I-lit until the money is paid. Subscribers now in arrears forlthree months and vet will be charged $1.50 per anuum. RATES. `Barrie. mom: BLOCK op ACRES- International Sunday Rest 1(The Iaord :s Day Advocate.). :2. 81 per Anna-z__'i;z.__:eidvazce -_-- -------u --i-Tul -All 8 Page 48 Column Newspaper , Published from the Oice, :23 Dunlop Street. Barrie in the County of Simcoe. the Pro- vihce of Ontario. Canada. every Thursdav Morning, by J..I..u-2 a...1.u. nu: u .l.'a.V6u.Llu1`$I;, D00- 'tiaV Junction and {Parry Sound. 12.59 p. m. For M-uskoka`Wharf. V4.oo%p. m. For Orillia, North Bay and points West. 9.24 p. m. For Orillia. , 11.15 p. m.` For Penetang, Col- lingwood, Meaford. I .. 12.15 p. m. For Penetang. . 3.40 p.m. For Stayner and Coiling- sv33d' F % P t 011' . . .m. or ene ang, o m - " woos, Meaford. ' 3' ll Daily exoep Sun-day. ' dailx. . nun:- 2.20 a. m. For Orillia -.North Bay and Soo. ' A 11.84'a..m. For Gravenhurst, Sco- uI'n'.T11nnfnn and "Day--an Qnnvul EDITORIAL NOTES MIu':E'1i'6i? P?)fiT'1aX17i*s' "BARBIE RAILWAY. GUIDE` |-l');;b worry nvbout thtt-XmII:" gm. What in more acupu- able than i at-clan portrait? Gull and see our upequltiel Tums or Susscxxnxo, H 2. High taiift a._ga:st~all_ ~`fgrign soccer - % The Hamilton B'peo.tatorT has cut- lined the following platforms for the Liberallconslrvativv .p4a'r`ty;-4 ' . ' lowing--pIa.ttorm for the Liberd1-`-Oon- eervatiyfe Vparty.-9 _ L 1.TPre:e{enti&1 'trade wit1_xin_ the [em-' pire;-, V V L it is not generally known that when the County Council has expen- ded the fund raised for the improve- of the roadways will again be assum- ed" by the municipalities. That such is the case. however. is shown by the appended paragraph from the report of a_good roads" meeting held in Stratford recently ;.-'.I?he main ,queS- tion upon which Perth people have not been clear, is whether the taking over` of the roadeby the county, would `necessarily continue in force after the expenditure of the grant. In answer ment of the roads, the maintenance to` a nueation along thelsewlinesy by 1 I "County Councillor :.W'hite. Mr.` Gainin- bell. said that \the Councilppoould re-_ eelfeo-1responsibility}? - ' \ 'p'e'a1 its by-law. and time `divest -it-1: ) WTh_e city of London, e0nt.. is in practically `the same fix as Barrie. in regard to its board" side,-`walks be- coming dangerous before` .the~muni- cipality can see its way; clear to go to the expense of replacing them with granolithic pavements. It is cheaper in the end, to lay cement walks in- stead of planks, but the trouble is, so Imanyiof the plank walks are playing out at about the same time. that with such an `enormous initial expense as is aetntailed in the construction of granolithic pavements, it is futile to think of undertaking a proposition of such magnitude, as the replacing of all the old` board-walks with ce- ment. at present. The solution of the difficulty will be one of the big tasks with which nextpyearfs council will have to grapple. ` _ ,_ ".7 .~- '7 4 fr". _ |"P;F . 2; -_ ' . -..,;. ; r 7 _ -_. . `;.-' - Awayheckm the middle of the summer, whde otherm were enjoying a vacatiora. we were hue erhlilj 50' `'0 C011 IIV9 You Worry in thepelectuon of hilt: for the holidays. The result of our wot ueeemnthemsgnicentarraeofhlnda ' the: ` , at Jun Asshgngfgn 1,5139 IsH5|~'3"|5L:'"-'?.i" .';="Z'.`:"" mm, our men. far exceed: v\76"1'-`"v '5uA eIr`\'r"`v`G':."a'x'.'.`i."`.'i"o` a`:"' 1.. um - -` '- - aboutit.istItevervthin ia"o'7w` ,y .....m.i. `...::.. `saving? s::..m:.:::a..'::';*:;;u:3*:s rth everything when selections were bexng DRICES--Bu\i;n an nnnnnnllu `noon. -L...L ...- ...-_. _n_I- Q .__-n_- .- 1,-,. ,, o__, o... _prices We were alsoable to pick up some decided bargains. everyuung wnen selections were pang made. - ` _ , e e "' . `Low PR|cES-Buying an unusuallv` large etock we were able to make `a bigsaving in _ All of this saving we ve you theadvantag of. This enables us` :6 Eutsoxg` hcee down to where it makes competition imposuilie. |T M UST B N-Our stock is to a hi to give you an adequate ideaof its size and high characterin thie_s . We don't want to tell you. e want you to come and see for yourself. Whde it_ will be impossxb e to exl\aust.t`t before Xmas, V ` still there are a_ number of bargains that will be surely packed up by earlv shoppers. Here are a few lines we are especially strong on. V , $r'\'I\ 1'15 -1-u-q---u-. `pa. subscribed by adherents of the party. in various partB`of Ontario. Of this sum $6,736 was unexpended and there- fore, the Conseryative candidates in the 98." connstituencies actually re- ceived; on an average, the vet.- ry' muni- ticent contribution of $227 each to- wards defraying their legitimate ex`- penses. This amount ,would not go very lar in corrupting a constituen- cy compared `with _the_ sum `of $50,- 000, which the Reform pa_rty'_'expend- ed in West Elgin, the $25,000, which the election trial proved was. _handled The Weekly Sun uses a poor ar- gument against closer trade relations with Great Britain for the purpose of making the colonies the providers of food for the Mother Country in case of war. The Sun says;-- i p \- V Lord Strathcona, has been pro- ducing `the argument that. Britain would depend on her colonies for food in time of x_var. Such argu- -ment is not only unsound, but Ia- tuous.- The colonies _v,v_ould be in- volved in the war, `and their transport would be cutoff. 1n the meantime the foreign sour- 'cies of supply would have been re- duced by exclusion from the Brit-' ish market. Thus instead of feed- ing Great Britain in time of war, her colonies would `be_ apt to starve her. V T If the food supply could be cut off as coming from the colonies, surely it would be much easier to cut it .off if alforeign power Vvas`Bupp1yr I ' - _ :. ( ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _-u-v wvrvvcuu IIIIVII` Ulult * 7s75_:z:-:E:" ":is::n:.~1--cs ' Pocket Books gnd ! uneI.- "rollot Sen. Multury Brnihei; T1`-uvelllng Soto. Band and stand llln-on, Imported and Domestic Perfume, Decorated Ato- nuzero, Celluloid Good-1. shaving sets, soap Boxes, Manicure sou, Work Boxes. Chocolates and Run Run: 1.. Ifnnnu-r n-..:.-.....- ' Robe rtson s Drug Stbre OPPOSITE POST OFFICE - e T % BARBIE, ONT. Anetice from Dec. 14:11 to Xmas we will be open evenings til; 10 o'cec1:7.j/if in Hon. John Dryden.'.s interests `in South. 0ntario,, or the.$20,00v0 and the $30,000" _more which. Goveru- I ment Agent Lewis had at his disposal in North .Waterloo. . Readi1ieAss .-__.- manna. van: nan: vl ICII crllllne ..eor3 "0 ellnlold Good; striving s;t:?8.:i:':u;)`<';e:, Manlc'ure sou. Boxes, Ohocolatpl and Bon Bonn in Haney Packngel. . . ,:,-.:. Elmvale is evidently to see some i fast hockey again this season. In re- ferring to the prospects for a good team, the Lance says ;-Lots of ma- terial is available and two, fast sevens should be placed upon the ice. Of last year's team we will still have our famous goal-tender, Irwin. as we have t not heardpof him signing with any outside team `yet. The two plucky. little defence men; Shanahan and. Ma.- guire, are; also likely to remain in town for the season, and! Mason will betas prominent and aggressive as ever at cover-point. Ken. Ritchie. who distinguished himself with his lightning shots last ,winter, has re- turned from Shelburne, and although lhe has: received tempting offers to _ return, it is likely he can . be persuaded I to don-an Elmvale .uni_orm again this p r -w'in,ter..~`Harry ` Arnold. one of: the ifast fo`rwl`_ard.s'i and vavstandi-by omthe. .olub,' is alsol-i{n_1towfn and. will-' b'ln= 1 ;linje'eif_ his paternal ;du_tie's to not `in- -.te`rere'.' Mil~le`.;7 'rre`v?e1y`npy1`i;;and Alt; _ OI-ute exp60`l;ji;to"vpgetinto` training _ . _o;,xi`d-._; will` "be ae1e;to_ make some pi} i rflisththiliz "h;`the~`mrwarq, _' 3,1 .. A at . . H Collingwood Enterprise--'1`he golf season has closed after a most suc- -cessfuleseasony The membership was considerably increased and greater en- thusiasm shown by the {members than in any previous year in the history of the Club. The championship of the the Club was won by. Mr. Hy. Robert- son, K. 0., -after a_ most exciting con- test, `the runner up being Mr. W. 1`. Allan. The handicaps were won by eMessr`s. W. '1`. Allan, Adamson and Hy. Robertson. Home and homegame,s were played with'Barrie and Orillia. in which the local club showed great ` improvement. i i The Penetang [curlers held their meeting on Friday evening when ;the following officers and skips were elec- ted or. the to-msquing {year;--_Pre.si- dent, W.` A. Firstbrook; Vice-Pre,s., George Robinson; lscc.`-T_re,as., Ja_s. Letherdale; Exec-_Com._. Mayor Cope- land, Wm. Pratt and J. F. Beck; Skips,` Mayor Copeland, VVm'. Pratt, Geo. Robinson, H, H. Thompson. J. F. Beck-.. A. Crawford. A. B. Thomp- son and Jas. Letherdale. - The young ladies of Orillia have or- ganized a .hockey club for this sea- son. A Miss Hazel Carss has been elec- ted President; Miss Emmie 1'1`u.<.l- hope`,`Secretary. and Mi$ Irene -Moore :Treasurer. The _Captains'of the teams are Miss Irene Moore and Miss Hazel "Cams. . . V 1 2; Christmas trade is already in full swing and the early shoppers are get- ting the benefit of having first choice of the bewildering assortment of hp- liday gift-s which Barrie merchants have laid into stock in anticipation of the largest trade of any season for years. Those in `search of suitable Christmas giftsbwill do well to con- sult the advertising columns of the Advance before investing. , l The difficulty. in'01'1tario is that in- stead of treating the barnacles with an iron hand, as the Globe advised on ',aicandi'd Monday; they are "treated ! with an `open handi. `The first gues- ` tion asked each day `as the rulers of Ontario get together, seems to .be - ` \Have the barnaecrle-s been fed this morning? Whenever an office is va- cant, it; is a matter of `ivhich barn- Vacle?-and, if the barnacle doesnot fit the office, so much. the worse` for ;the office. Offices are made for `,barnacles; not "barnacle's for of- l ` fioes.-Montreal S'tar. sporrrs AND PASTIMES Reddy Hastings. who played point for Oshawa when in the. Midland Lea- gue, --is in Orillia and will" line up wrcn the team "of that town this year. -B.`edd'y is nearly_ eligible for {the f`has-bceu class.-Por.t Hope -Guide. pine; pulpwood and nickel at` all stag- ` es bf manuf9;ctu're.V - . . : ` (7.. [Attention to Hudson's bay. Hudson's I (:Ol\Sl1Inpt1o]1 Capt. Mclnnes and Capt. Lockie" Johnston had a .very trying exper- ience on Wednesday of last (week; when they went from Orillia to Strawberry Island to bring over the cows and other _stock. which Capt. Mclnnes has had there the past sum- mer. They started from the Island with the steamer Ella towing a snow on which was the stock, but so hard was it freezing that before they reached Boulton s Point there, was nearly two inches ofice on the lake and they found it impomible to reach the narrows. Accordingly they suc- oeededld in laniding the cattle at the point, and Capt. Molnnesvtook the Ella back to the Island. Just now Mr. Jno. Mclnnes is on the Island `and will ndt `be able to get off till [Simcoe freezes over; which will evi- 1 dently not be long. . 7 . ` . It happened in ,9. crowded railway. carriage. A very fat and bumptious man `was making. a. general nuisance of himself to the other occupants of the carriage, explaining in a. loud voiced his cuteness and success in most things. Some of the people in the carriage smiled pityingly, some mere- ly looked bored, but one solemn in- dividual eyed the fat boaster with a. stony and immovable stare. The lat- ter at last became uneasy under this unwinking scrutiny and, `turning to the 2 an, said blusteringly: ">n-I` E11115` Qua-not `4u4;`p3s\.. -5 _.- `III-._ ULIVJ - DOLL SIIAIZ IJlIuI$ VIE` III.` L.v Q "\'x~1l, what yer looking at me uh `that for? Want to eat me? ll" 9! ...~, wusthe crushing rejdincier. -"I'x-- 9. Habtow-"-London `Answers. ..v- -...v.._. ,..v...vg and aLDevon steer and heifer, and also three second prizes. In addi- tion he wins three breed champion- ships and two challenge cups with the Hereford steer as the -best beast in the show. The Hereford was bred by Queen Victoria. It lacks `half a. month of` three` years of age and weighs sixteen owt. two quarters V and twelve pounds. James F. Doyle appeared in -the _To- ronto Police Court Saturday morn- ing on the charge of stealing elec- tricity. He! put in a, fuse and /used the electrieity to -light his house af- ter -the Electric Light Co. had shut it off. He was fined $25, of_ which sum $8 went to the Electric Light Company. j V H I / old invincible Jack Kenny, who ei- pectsh to arrive home about Christmas; accompanied" by his brother Jim: also Jack Kennedy and Jack Hughes, two swift ones of the Elmvale team. Be- sides we have some young 'blood that will make the puck fly, and altoge- ther we ought to have two good teams. -'6 Birmingham, Nov; 29.-The strik- ing success of the King in the caL- tle show here, makes it plain thatthe skill and `art of cattle `feeding and raising at Windsor are still main- tained. The` entries from {Wind:sor Ca.stle are `three Hrefords, two Short- horns and four Devons. His Majesty` was awarded four first prizes for a Herefoxd steer, a Shorthorn heifer . You will` hasten recovery by tak- ing one of Ayer s Pills at bedtime. coug1i,co1dsi For hard cnlds,'?br'onchitis, asthma, and coughsnf all kind. . You cannot take n any-4 thing b_etter_ than Ayer s Cherry Pectoral. Ask your own doctor if this is not so; He uses it. ` He `understands why it soothes and `heals. my 1...: - a.....n.I- Anna}: lm- unmln. Then I `VIE 'II UVVIIJC$ 1-ct --V---- V I had 3 terrible cough for weeks. Then I took Ayers cherry Pectoral and only one bottle completely cured mo." Mas. J. B. Dutronwn. St. Joseph. Mich. An- -A- `In: C II A1rtIt)!1l'\ The King a Prize-winner is the onl"y` remedy. that ` ~ will do `this: s It get; right to ihefoot of the" ` trouble-. It 33 zuar8?!td%@%wr9- \ Stole Electric Current . You can t cure a cough or cold` from the outside. You must . cur_ it through. the blood. It 'i-s'propoIsed to hold an` Interna- tional Sunday'_Rest Congress on Octo- ber 6, 7. 3, 1904.-fat St. Louis. in con- nection with (the .W'orld s Fair. vA'll societies in the United States and Ca- lnada having for their object the pre- servation of the Lord s Day are co-op- herating in making; a arrangements through a joint committee under the chairmanship of Rev. Dr." Kneeland_.' _eneral Secretary of the NewiEng-I land Sabbath Protective League. The General and Associate Secretaries of the L. D. A. of! `Canada, are represent- ing Canada. V Pr-Ilcos 26. and Pectotja Dlllft Eat 1'0:-I. Frozen in n v v-vr_, __ J. O. AYER 30": Lowell. Macs. . intercon- Apply Frank Jackson] 1' A T711111 I\'l'.`| 1\t\'~nrn-n rnn E gs-If vu-1. AIAIJAILI-IL LU J?JD.lI1lLVp ULV` tario Land Burve ors. Engineers. -etc. Established 18 2. Office, Medi- cal Building. 8. E. oorner Richmond and Ba streets. Toronto. Tele-. phone. 1\ sin. 1336. Instructions left 1 W113) Bttathy & Esten. Solicitors.- " _B`ank at Toronto. Building. Barrie. I W111 be p1fomptly__atten:ded to. - I ENDOWMENT [ .,uu3ANoE POLICIES o. H. LYBN. PRIVATE FUNDS Arno $70,000 FOR INVESTMENT ON G001; } `....-I._IJ ' __-_, ANY QUATi'ri'rY on MONEY TO I._'_ _L Acn` `HE BAILL PLANING MILL com- pany. Carpenterin . building. `and manufpoturing of oors. sash. bhnds moul~d1ngs..et. Planin . of all kingdxs "dome gromptly an _satisao- toply. Hot last drying kxln. Dis- trmt agency _far grained lumber. Faotora. Baytxeld St.. Barrie. Rodff 0:98: ,a.l1i_q-_\_122_8sszr;e_t. Gem Ba - Hours, 11 to 1; 7 b0 8. Residence and Office. Corner of Dunlop _a.nd. Boyntz Streets. T :--- --, ` ._____A---~ UNWIN. -MUR HY 85 ESTEN. ON. l'CII:n `'-._.I .Q____. V Lmcur. V % "R088. L.` L. B.. BARRIS-{ Tj" gtgr; Solicitor. etc. Bank of !IIoron- ` 7` o.;Bu.ilding. Barne. Money _to loan. !rhe76o%1i3ai5c}:{$ii}"v ii;ter`- f color Portraitsfangl Artistic Fifames