.ricu1tu're; Dr. J ames Mills, an by the glvlng 0] ,`(IUlUDDV" " C. C. James, Deputv Minister 0f`\`.5' ` Ontario `CoI.1ege., Guelph: Prof. IIm'<'""' ` t9, and others. Guelph; George C. Crcelman. 'l`01'"' IF TURKEY REFUSES. IIIVVVW JWUUIIDIJO. 3 . Hears." H. -Brown and WH. `Kno`wles lu*'e-'ret,urnd from a hunting trip. :1 n n A-n_'.._2_L_.___ '...L-.. UK! Qilj IOU on`-outrun. ---`-- '!`he\annual. S. 8. Christmas` enter- `hinment here will be held on Wed. 28rd. A good .progra.m isvhging y`.op`ared. consisting. for smgigga (ra- ` d...'v`.3n5.~ 93d` , . : . s1IiO'_l'I,o< ~'N"ii n. ...._.`I lm... s.:"I' 5`, `WVIIUTI . 4`*7"1r;%"ana Mrs. `w..,J{;Andews aiu 2 %.sggnt" Bmrdr. m4=h%%%1risIds`% at; i : ' ~ HOLLY. .. ' ` Miss Alice Young. M Mineising. spent Sunday of last. week` with M_is.s Annie Srigley. V ' T ` -1-4.. -an-___..v__.-1. .1-a----_I..~ -\..'.I .'I-u'.{.I.d,, SI-IIILIU has 153w; 0 Mrs. Margaret Peacock an'd daugh- tw Maggie. of Stroutl. 9PBnt`._ Sun-1 [lay with friends here. . V Mr. and Mira. Sturgeon and Miss Iturgeon. of East. Gwillimbqry; . vi- died` with .Mr.. and Mira. `W . J. An-. ,.Vi:ewsereoently ., _. . 1 -`I'__4`__.. I II_L.-_ --.1 1:!` - I'lLI.I:1 cu an: pa nnuu. The Fair has always proven to -be of mutual advantage to the farmers and the `merchants. inasmuch as splen-~ `did prices are always realized for` the . Run] and dairy produce _andVfrom_the standpoint of the latter it was .r'no'qt beneficial to have the holiday trade stretched out over. as much timeas possible in order to. avoid, congestion ilnrfng the few days before `Christ-i eh _Mr. J. C._ I1;win is suffering coon- uderable pain in his left knee. as the result of slip ing. on Saturday, when `descending f om the shelving in his store. His knee came in contact with 3 oqunter and quite a deep out was t . - .~~ -.,..._,_ -v_ I_....._... _. A new departure is being made `in charging exhibi-tors a` of ten cents to assist in covering expenses. The fee entitles the exhibitor to en-y fer as many birds as "he chooses and -also prcoures for him a pass to en; fer the show. The public is also to be charged an admission fee of ten `cents. This charge is made for the dual purpose of keeping" the hall clear of boys and loafers and also of in- creasing the amount of money. to be offered as prizes. - CI, `l'.I>_!__ 1.-- -l_...__`... ...-ppo-nun `-4; `nos C cw-uvv--Q. --vv -v---- '__--_._ -_v.. The ben-efitV wlvaih thwe to}-n _de- rives from the Fair is "sufficiently -ap-- preciated by.` -the merchants and ho- t+el-men to render it Junneuessary _to dwell on the subject; and Val1Tinter- ested are urged to make Mr. Fletch- ers task as easy, as `vpossibleg A _ l-_!--.. _.__J_ Arrangements have been complet- ed whereby Barrie s annual big`, Poul- try Fair will be held` in the Town, Hall nn`Wednesday, 16th, As this is a particularly busy season with the `merchants. the business men of the- town will not beAaske"d' to attend to the collection of funds, as formerly. and Mr. R; J. Fletcher" hasbeen en- gaged. to solicit contributions. 1, ,__n-.L ___I_!-_I_ J_'L- .L_____. .1- IT WILL. BE HELD ON DECEMBER 16 * 111 IN THE TOWN HALL. - THE pouumv -1-`Ann There will be an (unreserved `credit sale of farm stock. `implements. house- hold turniture. em.` on Lot: 17. Con. '12; Veaprg. `onM9nd%ay..--N6v.~180`th; -1.908.` 8_alV_e=o.t-~one, o`o1 ;N3fi'19y Ive ock ;9burp- ----w- - van vsualalvlrlho There will be a running sale" and auction. and a good programme of vo-4 `cal and instrumental musioz. `kindly -provided by some of the _best talent of Barrie and Allandal_e, V A , - All. A_.,, "AT I:-1_4.f1;3;l!:`f8`a!!`1i;.il{.)!`;E:'.O6. at 7 p.m._.` doorsggain open. a_dmaaion 10 dents, --.u V--a ca-naaso-Ital-J0 y Vrhis affair win he a novelty, in-tm town. It will comprise '9. variety of ether refreshments- . entertainments. _and will provide for the _req uirements of young and old`-- including `home-made loommodities; oandiesmlolls by dozens. ice oreamandy A very interesting event book place at "Angus Presbyterian Church last week. when Mr. Watson Carley.` of Allandale. was married to Miss Mar- tha Perry, daughter of Mr.- John Per- ry, the ceremony being performed by Rev. H. D. Cameron, of- Allandale. Miss Ettic Clark, of `Toronto, and Mr. Irvine Carley, of Barrie, amisted the bride "and groom. respectively, and `am-ong1st' those present were ;--Mr. Cha-s._McDermott and wife. Mrs. Page, Angus; Mrs. Warnica. Barrie; Chas. Perry, Toronto; Mrs.-Richards. To- ronto; Mr. and "Mrs. Klinck. Toron- to; Mrs. lDacre.s, -Thornton : Miss Breadner, Meafnord-: Mr. Patton. Bar- rie; Mr. Whitebread, Allandale;Mrs. A Kirby, Barrie; Mr. and oMrs. A. B. Carley, Barrie : Mr. Jno. Carley. Pains. wicke; Mr-s. McAteer. Angus; Mrs. K. .McKeever, and B/Iim Foster. - The bride was most charmingly at- tired in male over grey crepe de chene trimmed with cream- applique. Her bridesmaid ocked most sweet in toole over blue with garniture of (smoke lace. Both carried magnifi- ioent ' bomquets `of chrysanthemums. Miss Nora Klinck made a very .rpret- -`_y little flower girl gowned in white Lsilky The presents received were nu- *-mergous and very handsome includ- ing a brooch of diamonds and coral ; f1\nvn'I-Inn 4-ma-.. ----I ~ -` ,__q 7. ._-v-v-a van. u.AuI-LL.|\ll-IILU auu UUIUJ from` the groom `"and a cheque from the groom's uncle in New York. Mr. and Mrs. Carley left for a trip to Ha- milton. Chicago and Iowa and on their return will take up residence`.-on Brad- ford street, Barrie. The bride's tra- velling_suit was of navy _blue with 5 ho}-4+. "`n+nk --a....an-.._an...s...n v ounug Bull. W ha7t"t'o' znatoh." i- A PantechnioonE::tertainment will yb given in the Town Hall. Barrie-. ithis afternoon` and evening; by the i Womens` Auxiliary. muz- ..a2-:.. _._:n L- - . .. . .- .\ Royal Victoria Hopital. An Angus? `Wedding T g. Credit Sale uvu av V AIDA IIOJIII uauguu 111 13116 re- volving cogs of a straw cutter and had a. portion of the scalp torn off. The injury is a serious one, yet the physician anticipates no serious re- sults. ` . Flood Destroys Indian Town`. London, Nov. 25.-A telegram has been received -at the Indian Omce from the Viceroy of India, Lord Cur- zon, saying that, accol`-ding.','to ra- ports received at Madras, vood in the `Pale: River destroyed ` town of Vanizansba,dl.- Two hundred persons -were drowned.` ' rive neaiu Washed men. , _ st. Avansar; Ndrway. Nov. 25.-A' N01,`.W8ii11`:' 3 . . W." 'If-fended during Monday night's ' V ` port: .-Five bodies have 5 __ashor_0 some ipe:-some gm-'.'. mu ' Sen Domingo surrendered. - Cape Haytien, `Nov. 25.-Despatch-i es received here from Puerto Plata say that the City_ of San Domingo was surrendered to the revolution- i ists yesterday morning. and that President .Wos y Gil and his Ministers took refuge on board a German war- ship,~ The despatches further say that great enthusiasm prevails throughout, the country. ` Deeperete r lghtlng. London, Nov: 25.--A' despatch, to a news agency -reports desperate ght- ing at Warmbad, Great lztanaiqualand, German. Southwestern Africa. ~ The rebels` captured the town, killing tour Subsequently the German eld force 01150 men: succeeded, `af- ` V. l ` l'lIeInA"-`I-1 _`..*_I_'.` 1;... `-:e';-. tar weavers siweel. in iexpielline the! St. Avanger, Norwegian steamer was `stranded during night : stormo this port. `Five bodies been washed ashore and some persons are `still ._:lingi_n_g' the mash: oi. thogvessol. , I - Windsor. No}. '25.--aeox-go nu... : loin, hostler at thq Essex House. was` in Detroit, llonduy charged % tiy J. Baxter, of this `city, with hav- ~-.!ng;,tt.mntd' cfilin-lLV.jto_ aaaaqlt % mg 1a'.t!a,e,i!i?a' iw e-3'er:-aid f; 5 V Woodstock; Nov. 25,--A distressing accident occurred on the farm of Her- man Thornton, one mile south of .Fo1den s Corners, in AWest Oxford township, Monday. afternoon, when .M-r. Thornton's seven-_vea.r-o1`d daugh- ter got her hair `caught in the re- _volv_ing cogs a. of tom 01!. In serious one, yet the physician sults. . Chatham, Nov. 25.-When the steamer Lillie Smith reaxshed here Monday night with a. load `of lum- her she" was minus one of her crew. The lost seaman was Ed. McVittie of Toronto, nephew -of Capt. Willis- croft and only, son` and sole support of a widowed mother. How he got overboard is not known to the crew, but any cry he might have made would have been drowned by the! roar of the gale, on Lake St. Clair. Gardener Burned to Death. . Brampton, Nov. 25.--0n Saturday, John Burns, market. gardener, had been to Streetsville with a load of produce and started to return to his home at Churchville. His rig arrived I home all right, but his family were horried to nd that `Burns was. dead. His clothing had taken re and he had received injuries to which he . had succumbed. It is supposed that he -had -been smoking and put the pipe. in his pocket and then fallen asleep- . y ` , , J` V Dlurunng Accident to a Little G11-4l`N'nx` 'Wo9dstook Holiday.` {loronto Han Lost an Lita in Gala in ` Lake St. Clair. v--3-ruvvuu lav ysvvv lavat- V The -clergyman A in charge of the church, Rev. Mr. Mcliennan, was among the wounded. He is about 40 years of age. and has a wife and family of three small children, and his -very.we1l known and highly re- i`specte_d. ' ' ` ' Iuvvvgawalv 5'au l7AylUDlUlJu A tea. meeting; and `entertainment for the benet of the children had been in progress in the Sabbath school for about an hour, when the gesometer burst. V ' Several hundred persons were pre- sent, V and a scene of the wildest ex- citement prevailed. K84... `L- _-.......-._ 1 -2 A.I.- __.--1-- _-_ Rho Child :-onhVVo'ro lnrt. Iona of run; It In Flu-ed fatally. \ London, Nov. 25.-The Presbyter- ian Church at Kipper, a small vil-_ large on. the Buffalo and Goderiochp Division of the Grand Trunk Rail- way, about eleven miles from Clin- ton, was wrecked last night by. an acetylene gas explosion. A I-no vmnn-Eu... ..'_.l`....4....L-.'......-_A. vs vvnnnvll V `IL U V 0laA&v`\Au After the removal of the wreckage, it was found that nine persons, mostly children, .had received in- juries, which, in .Several cases, are \ expected to prove fatal. I11]... .41--..`-...-.. -_ -I._.._.- -1 LL- UGO`; LI` 9 y was ioun-(1. It' is .thou-h-t that the gas was ac- cidentally i gnited by a miner's lamp. ` The mi ners who escaped with the aid of others, summoned from nearby shafts, immediately set about clear- ing the passages` in the vain hope that some of the entombed men might have survived the explosion. ' Foil 1,000 root to Death. ' tbubois, P.enna., Nov. 25.--While' three miners were in an e.1eVat0l` cage at Mine No. 2, of the Bualo and Susquehanna Coal Co., about noon yesterday, control of the ma- chinery was `lost, and the cage and 3 men were precipitated to the bot- tom, a distance of 1,000 feet. The men . were killed almost instantly. They were Jnarried and leave famil- ies. I -- -- vans vsav, @9185 U1 U116 for several hundred yards _ at the mouth of entry K." The` passages were so. completely obstructed that the work of V rescuing the entom-bed men was tedious in the extreme, and several hours were consumed before the first body` was found. TI--in &I.-....I.J. 4.1- ; a ` Fort Snaith; Ark., Nov. `25.-'mm- teen miners were killed and great` `damage was done by an accidental explosion of gas yesterday in coal mine No 20 at Bonanza. Ark., twelve miles` from this city. At nightfall only six of the victims had been re- covered. When the explosion occur- red there were about 175 men in the various shafts. All escaped without injury, except the thirteen who were employed in entry K, the scene of the explosion. The force of the explo- sion was terric, and timbers were torn from the walls of the passages hllh'(`rn urn man .\J- 4-].- or c... axing frnaueen Miners T; '<~li'mi3L _iUI!" fmnom or EXPLOSION ~ was so , Gamr -mar '.l.'1MBERS`WE.BE _ vrontnrsonc "ram WALLS or ran _ PA88A.G.-ES'FOR envmmn HUN- mum runs ` V ammm IEIEIII 7I33i`='i E AINLTHE TWI NK- axnoslou IN A cuuncn scAu> Jwmppan om ` MAN OVERBOARD. 'T%HEN0RTHERNT `ADV 4 NM`. J `A London, Nov. 25.-2-Private advices from Pekin are to the eect that Gen.,.Yuan Shi Kai, Governor of_ Chi Lo . Province, has informed . the Em- peror .th'e.t ).1e..\.is prepared to? declare war aga.inat.Vgtl_1e`- tin _ Men-L; vlty of Ban Domingo Bombnded By the Rebels. San Domingo, Republic of San Domingo, Nov; 25.-The peace nego- tiations have been suspended, owing to the impossibility" of an under- standing, between the Government oicials and the leader or the rebel- lion. Firing on the city was resum- ed at 8 o'clock Monday night, re- sulting in further damage to houses here, and the bombardment was con- tinued yesterday morning. The Gov`- ernment. refuses. to surrender the capital, and thesivtuation is growing worse. ,. e ` - ' V umununwunaumnmn ++++++ `w W --una V3` :l:lnpio lioudy For Wu-. SALE MILLIN]9RY-When a sale in this department takes place ladies know the worth of the offering. It. s a tting climax to the most successfull fall season in our ex I\JI- Ivalvvv All that's left of those vlsions of lovliness that have attracted so many and elicited so much }>r21i.~'e and adInirati_on,- will vanish under the sale prices pinned on each. All ready-to-wears are grouped to- gether to be sacriced in the same way. fhts 18 your chance-your one chance-the greatest chance _v(m ever had in millinery buying. Sale days, THURSDAY, NOV. 26th to WEDNESDAY, DEC. 2m1. U]])ERVVEAR+0ur story is short. You all know it now. UnCle1'wc:u'-wlxetlxm` it be for Women,, Girls, Infants, Boys or _Men--they re allselect and reliable. Prices shout their Value, and th_ey_ re quickly caught up. - _ EARLY SHOPPING HAS IT S ADVANTAGES . Successor to F-'rawley 8: De}/Iin. Phone I89 perience. A 1 ii 1: Weseil isVfcle.iim_edr`by the makers be the best in Qanada. They sa better clothing thaniiany-thing ever attempted; that it is nished better, mat even better, the selling an enormous quantity, selling it because we think it good and b T _tailoring more artistic and the styles ever in advance--and other claims. ` s s i A . We have exa.mined'it,p11t- it to every test, `with the result that w rneetall claims made forfit. It's honest clothing in any way Yit is e re now ecause it You Can test it_ erials E many The Clothing GEORGE VICKERS Smart in` appearance-perfect in t, all-wool fabrics, silk sewn and every strain point provided for--and ,a_ very strong point is in the unseen parts --in a. word it -s perfect. It s possible to buy lower priced goods, but not in thoroughly reliable clothing. - e Overcoat: at $6.50, 7.50, 8.00. 9.00, 10.00,. 12.50, 13.00 `and A 13.00. Suits at $6.50, 7.00, 7.50. 8.50, 9.00. 10.00. 11.50, 12.50, 15.00 and 016.00. The supreme test of Men s Clothing is the actual wear. The Clothing we sell is particularly noted for A R and not a single complain has ever been registered against it. ` Nbw we want Your Oginion. Gentlmen -, come in and see them and you do yourself a. lasting favr. _.__.- --v1vvCl% Victoria, B. 0., Nov. 25.-'-Superin- tndent Hussey of the Provincial po- lice, has received a letter from Alex- andria, in the Ouriboo district, tell- ing ottho murder of Lumpy George, `an Indian `boy. [ Charles Bouchor, a Founder of Donn-onto Dead. Deseronto, Nov. 25-.-E. W. Rath- bun, head of t-he Rathbun Co., died suddenly yesterday morning of heart trouble in his 62nd year. Mr. Rath- I V N V bun, who was the last surviving son ; of his father, the late H. B. Ra.th- ` bun, had. been ill with heart trouble for some time a.nd'had latterly been `conned to` his He was preo- business having been begun by his f|}t.her; `Hugh.-B. `Rathbun. { SL2" jn WHO of orgt.-llajor Galloway Arrested on '.l`hla,8or1ou| Charge. Toronto, Nov. 25.---Mrs. Galloway, the wife of .Sergeant-Ma.ior Galloway; of Stanley Barracks, was arrested yesterday afternoon on a warrant i charging her` with shooting-. at her a son, a boy. of thirteen or fourteen years of age, with a revolver, ;with intent to do bodily harm. It is al- leged that the offence occurred when -Mrs, Galloway was in a condition which rendered her not responsible for her actions, and that the proceed- ings. have been taken as a, precau- ytionary 'measure. The bulletufrom ;the'revo1vm- wnn+_.+J.'......-..._ .u.- u ..-r 25 pairs Boys Heavy Knickers, double seats and knees, and double stitched, well lined, regular $1.00, a bargain . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 750 , Boys Overooats and Pea Jackets are meeting with ready sales and much. approved. Try us and.you ll be another on the long list of tborx oughly satised qustomers. -_ e If you haven vigorous, groviring boy, put him in our Cloth `best wear resisting garments we-cen buy. They are all made of rood honest materials and tailored in a. masterful manner. 3 _ ,. . . V . . . . And the piices- well, theres none closer Two speclals m Vaults closely bargained for and F turned over for your benet : ing, the ) 29'nBoye tvio piece Halifax Tweed Suits, dark heather twill, linen seam well lined, sizes 22 to 30-, regular 32.25, a bargain.... ....$1,35 25 Boys threerpieoo All-wool Tweed Suits, double breasted coat, latest `cost, neat and natty checks, pants are double Se-ted, double lined double stitched, lined with. hes Farmers Satin, sizes 27 to 33 re hr 35.50. a. bargain ................ ......... __ mo) ng._ ,,..._, ....;.wuu:. _':.ne ouuet from revolver went through the boy's - ek; IIIIIIIIIV EULWIICQ, ICIJVIJ 1.: 35.59, bargain... vvuau. vvn .l-'ll.l.l.lVI.D uauul, B1168 J6! noa;5,regu ovoouooooo-000.0001 OOCooIOlIOo.u$3.95 `MOTHER snow HER son. For Men flI_.-Vrcm For the Boys .---v. -_._v __ Wu PI-nothing lnrbn;-hr A `lndon. Nov. 25.-The corresP` 4 dont oz The Times at sona reP, ith!-trwhlle` negotiations are dra8`8",9 7.v`..'.t Qlltantinoplo, there is no fem ? aeverities practiced P 'it-t`9lf)?1 iI1lIutt;`populatio1; of M3. , _ o 9. sh-= v- vw -v v London, Nov. 25.-A cIoSP`W-`h t,`; The Central News from Vienna 533 "sit is authoritatively announced `hi: ftht if Turkey does not accept `mm *with` the Auecro-Russian deangwds `em pwm`wnl .proceed With tn. ! own -forces" to establish order If All the signatory DOW; #01` $110. went! 0! Berlin. it 19 dd bo_ Ilked to co-oP1'3'" -_ -__ _ g -1`.- .-` '31-I03 Alum-In and Rama Wm Prom` ' Bnforco Domnndu. A- Berlin, Nov. 25.-Berlin is thq Mecca. of the sugar beet growers 01 0nt03'i0: and their feet are turned thitherward. The Ontario SQE9-T Company has called a conV0Dt1- The. invitations were sent to the.beet 8-OWOPS and grocers of 0nW~ t ` -visit their sugar plant, and 500 Pu \`8'1'a.nula.ted sugar manufacturcq 1f_0m , Canadian grown beets. The xnwta` = tions have been heartily 1`05I`deg t0..a.nd the convention oxwnvdt o'clock yesterday in the Berlm SIT? ra.ilwa'y s pavilion near the sugzu` Ific` tory. in Grand River Park. '1, beat. sugar men were welcomed Dr` M0-Vor Eden. and the. afternoon tak` an up by the giving of addresses by (1 I`. '_Tnv|nnn nv\`u6-- l;n1'CfI`Y' nf -kg.