Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 26 Nov 1903, p. 4

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; This is a great'Mpney Saving `opportunity; Come for a Barga; t-o':J_"l;: Busy Store. . A - . SA J EANT& SMITH Twmndoftheweek Sale Last: was a decided success. sha.11 follow it jwith another this week and offer on Fmday and Saturday _ Some Wonderful% Bargains in Ready-to-wear Garments . . . READY-TO-WEAR SKIRTS UNDERSKIRTS BLOUSES DIRECT IMPORTERSI A xa..u, _n.. Ilrtll-AP:-evoking` sketch of ' the-Well-Known Toronto socialist, `I . rhnlll TIUDDIOIL Although Mr. Phillips Thompson ~ assisted other gentlemen in` the work of warning English toilets to "keep away from Canada." as the adver- tisements have it, he seems to have fallen out with the unions which were engaged in "the same endeavor; V Phil- lips Thompson says unionism is effete and he declines to have anything more to` do with it, writes Day by Day in Toronto News. This, from the author of The Politics of Labor!" This from a publicist who has fought upon a hundred platforms side by side with the men whom he now pronounces to be all wrong! Surely :;Phillips Thompson knows that only a week ago it was announced that the District Labor Council represents ; well-nigh twelve thousand Torontoni- I ans. How can he expect to fight this i phalanx? But it is easy to foresee Mr. Thompson's course. `He will go l on his way undismayed. His withers are unwrung and his courage is sem- piternal. He has fought many a ' battle, all uncaring whether or not victory could be his. The principle of the thing has been what has al- ways actuatedg. the kindly J imuel iBriggs. In public life as denuncia- ' tory as a Robespierre; in private as mild as a Vicar of "Wakeeld, is Phil- lips Thompson . The things he says about capitalists and the things he says he would have done to capital- ists areenough to make one's hair standon end. Fire ashes from those mild eyes, and seething words come from behind these iconciliating whis- kers. This, though, is when it is time to discuss the iniquities of the social system. On other and `social occasions the ferocity is replaced by aznildness and suavity that A would sit `well on a physician taking up practice in a new town. However, Phillips Thompson : vir- ile pen has been dipped in gall once more. His Socialists, he hastens ` to acquaint the public. by way of tho j 91`88S_, are the only genuine blown-im ;. ~th9`bO_tt1,9;` ` gsee-registered`-trade-mark . 5i3 ;The public, is warned .to `beware of all others, which are base imitations. Mr. Thompson writes a- T hea1`tr'11I'.dling-- denunciation of the e:iva.1`ar.tic_19,i which leaves the well.- wvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwvvvv :f.3j+++++++++++++++++++4++w~M4* r White and Tan V lnwcrus % g f r` j ceoooooooooooocooonoooooaog nrirn .~f. VIia:G&.rz`st `Variety at: . _. . .iceCIOI..C.OIOOOlIIIO' .`,. C .'. U nrinn * *3 "SM Don you, so you should not Gcla; . what you re uireh in the way ofsugar, ~.v~ .o *`"":iI's. e have laid in a srccini Hz`: -J ,8 5. and when we recommend them up L!` mpch cannot be said in their y .1isc. .\`.~u -` V.1.a"3`Y0u cannot have vour l`it`k3k`-` - pass this iof the best quality. Our \'i=':'.'-'-`_" ?1?.`*.d from acids. We have the \x m \\ 121'.`- `7',`dI', Malt and Concord Grape. 'I'1Ic-~`r`I'~"~" "' ' h'8ht grade and pure. Trv them. HOBLEY BROS- :4-ritifl .xI`- meaning nut obtuse reader in astate of wonderment as to which kind _ oi Socialists he should join. Given an aspiring though ignorant young man who desires to become a Simon Pure revolutionist. How is he to know whether `he is getting the genuine er- ticle; no matter which body he may cleave unto? If he be wise, he will not- accept any ex parte statement from interested people He might well demnnd aldavits in the well- known patent medicine style. Let the two clans get up their testimonials. Let them produce documents setting `-forth that the deponents have tried. as the case may be. this or that line of Socialism, and have experienced no` benet. And then should come -the declaration, that, having switched to the other brand, they immediatelv became cured of satisfaction and bo- vine acquiescence in the present so- cial` order, and were recognized by all . thinking men as genuinely inoculated with the Socialistic (no offence meant) virus. Mr. Thompson should not leave the plow in the furrow. {._- TEA AND COFFEE MRcHAx rs. `Novmmn 26, Kay Aims RELIABLE )--special 5, 1903 :AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALAAAAAAAAAI New C1thin2 and $ % Men s /Fmfnishings IN looking over our assortment. you will nd no `old t goods, everything having been p'_`afsse_d into stock during the last few months -and `custoniers can be sure when purchasing `of getting no ` shopworn goods. m.n.ms~ .vE.rs.--I LAME-.s' . v2;s'r:s mmns -vEs.Ts:2 25 doz. Men's Blueurev Shirts and Drawers, extra heavy, Regular 40c each, to clear at 25c each. . ` H ` ' ' ' . ' T 50 doz. Men's very heavy woal seecr-`ined Shirts and Drawers, sizes 84 to 44. This line has always been sold at 75c to clear at 500 each. ONE noon EAST or TWOSPECIALS IN MEN'S UNDERWEAR runsrg, _ wining, = 7 vv %a LADIES vEsTs-+Long enema. (9`\' `V %.mmm;, ` t;1;1gi1ned,Co1lr and Front, -aAll sxges, Dmwers, ankle length at 25c pair. `- I; vESTS--Long Sleeves; neatly trimmed collar and front, - light grey co`.or. Watson's unshrinkable. all sizes. at 50c each. Drawers, ankle length, 50c pair. ' - - V 335513 V Q15 5 3 -V-5 --v-rvv--1 --v----; -----v---- ~v.------ ---~ - qream in color. Watson : unshrinkable and made from a ne sot ; Wo0'l;';l_1'l sizes. special at 75c. Drawers. a.nk1elength,`75c'p:_1ir., T vE`STS--NaturalT wool, long`: sleeves, _pla.in collar `and treat, sizes 2, 3 and 4 at $1.00 each. Drawers, ankle length, at $1.00 8 paxr. ' A -, -Long sleeves, neatly `trimmed collar a`nd front. I _,-_,1 ,1 1 __, I _;_ ..|_ n__-___ _ 2-- --n. _.--1 -1! th`e`i1est line of F_xeiwh Kid, GIo\;es that are made. These gloves are known as `..`Roui1lon"~ andfqr quality and perfect tting cannot be _ beaten bv anv other glove at the price. We have them in all colors zso Black and White and theyare sold at $1.00 a pair. .1: 0 - 9:1 I n ,1, r\I--_-, ,1 AI Ar tn ade. w1Vl`Siwz-avs`ir1_'i3_1V:;.ci~vb"I1Ve$ie`Glbves at_ $1.25 9. pair equal to any $1.50 Suede Glove in the IdI_llllIIV Vliwul LADIES . ."..E5T.5:f1 Km GLOVES- rchison freight` rates` tcaneed. by water route competitiomgreat benefit would be derived from the grain. which woiild be -teamed to town from the. whole district for shipment to the East. Coal would also`. drop- appre- ciably in price. `An interelstting let- ter on Trent Valley Canal matters will be found on page; two.f The Huntsville Forester is `respon- siblefor the following-.-Ha\_ren t had much snow yet. but slaying par- ties have neverthless been numerous the past two weeks. ` -r v v Mr. Justice Street. wmmehtin on Lawyer Jack~son s conduct at Wood- stock. on October 21st, 1902, said:- " Mr. Jackson, of Ingersollv. has as- sociated with men of the lowest pos-A afible character; It is evident he must have! desired. evidence to have been made to procure the proving. of charges in the petition; There is no doubt `of it.` I, have seen nothing `like it in court in my life." V1 V Such Wholesaie condemnation. in.- stead of Arelegating Jackson to a back seat. has `proved such a. splendid re- commendation for him that he tohans been appointed` ._Canadian. agent at Leecls, by the" Grit Government. -. Complaints g_r'e ;eo;ive`d `from. tiiej so time by the Advance, .-to the. off -. that got f geoeive A.` _tl{;ei1` , .,paper q1t jth i;pf pos_;p fipe " addresses. ' "As the ; .pg.f;oi1 le`a;v6:' thiaj " of_ioje =rg I1_A-" , "}1a.rJy_ QA '\i'i:j;i`Iui`1t"a`.i6t 11i:"t_o" ` . % "y".?~i- W4 , ,7? The members of the Ladies Aux-. iliary of_ the Royal Victoria Hospi- 'tal, think it would be a._ very nice end becoming thing if that wealthy cor- po.ration'known1a's the Barrie Hock- ey Club would undertake to defray ' the expense of pu't1;ii_1g rubber tires on the ambulance.` There should be a nice `little surplus hand. asl the result; of all those {three `and four hun- dred duller lgete reoeiptsrwe `heard about lest7`winte:rl. a_nd_ if? .'the_..boys donn`.t require the money; they_ could hotppena itbl.x1;a,tI'i_t1i'J.1:,er. .vvh`ie,l__1_'.wotuld` 159 iii6re,tp1ea6ih8!t9 -ihL WW-nspqhple at large. than bo p.roouiAje t=l;,e1xj uch eneede 3 r e ; r 2. E--We keep in `stock ___. -_- -.. -r-` - ..w-. ' The 6311oaica}bn; vvater- color Portraits and ` t 7 Artistic Ergmes V J. Frank`Jackson MAKER OF PORTRAITS "pxjomlitly ivestigdtcd and an effcctl ]made to trace- the trouble to its isouxrce. ' _ " A. . ` I The following schedule for electric ilighlts lwz'1s.`adop.ted at the last meet- \ing "of. the Newmarlzet town` coun- cil {-1 light per ann1'1mi.l$4.80;_ 5 lights $3.75; 10, $3.05; 20 or over, $2.15. No recluctions are to be made from this schedule for bed-rooms. etc. The chedule is for 16 c. p. lamps; 8 c. p. will be charged 3:5.` `the price of. 16 c. p. `and 32 `c. ip. lamps double the price,of 16 c. p. The'_rate for meter will be 10-cents per 1,000 watts; The corporation will` supply all meters and will charge _a rental of 15' cents per month? for a 10 light meten; 20 cents a month for a light meter; 25_ `cents for a 40 light meter, and 30. cents for a 60 light meter. _'1`l_1e Oril1ia`Scvhoc'>l i3bard is dispn- `sing with son1e'of its tgachers on ac- count `or {the falling off. in attendance or puma It `difficult to under-' stand how such at state of affairscan-I exist in so progrsive a" town._ It will take ;1ai:hi;1g less than an action-for damages, appaxjently; to` awaken the Council to the need of plaoinga-railing along the edge of the sidewalk over Kidd s Creek on Brad-. ford street. And-ndow `it is Meaford that is hav- ing trouble with its Electric Light Company. The `is nothing like mu- nicipal ownerhip.` _ - ,A . , The editor of the junior, "barnacle" 5 organ. down by the station, appar`e_nt- i ly fell a victim: to the guile ofsome ` of our br-ighteyed young` school-mis- tresses, "last week. and boldly f1ur`ig himself into. the breach to defend `them from an iniquitious School Board. which recommended a raisein salaries-the said raise. `however not to take effect until September. Ye young editor boldly championed the cause of his fair clients. but unfor- tunately` ran foul of cold facts. as shownby `.Ratepayer",s" letter in an- other column. It is easy` enough to say give the teachers more money. but such advocacy looks a trifle sil- ly, in view. of the circumstances that the estimates forathe school year, en- ding next June. -haye already been struck and no provision has been made for any such advances in salary as are urgediby the Gazette. That the teachers are deserving'of4`htigh'er remuneration goes without saying. .but granting them advances this` year is a horse oat another color. ` ._ ..___._.`, .. _`.._, .-_--yo anavuoauu 4-nunaaavnal -~A fw of ~o_uvr sportjs took in the shooting. match last` Friday after- noon at Big Bay Point. They brought. home avilarge amount of fowl.- with -`them. _, arr` A]: I-r\ '3 " ' ` - - - V STROUD - V Mrs.VR'obert Foster and her , sis- ter, Miss Olive Robins. of +Weyburn, Essa, will spend th winter with friends here. ' . ~. T ---_M.i-si-3~}E%:o:v've-na' Black was the guest of` Miss Florence Reid last Sunday. A |_____-' _ _ _ _ _ -3 1|;,, , 1 `I _._.-..,. _. -y.. vpavv .-.vv:\A A-auv I~:\.n.L:\AvvJ 0 A largebrowld from here attended the dance at Mr. AGe9_. vH,11nter s on -Tuesday evening `of last wek. ` I 1i/r:'.._ 'r1-__.I_!_1, an-.1: 11 _ ..-..\....-J v u v-anon ouaav V Mi7s:_s Burleigli .`34u1holl':;1:`<;.' spent ;Sunday`with..Miss Edna Hughes. 4.-.(--- -.c -__._ ._,.-_.L-_ L.,,1 V- Iing, Nov. .27th. _ :`~ .Eh:a9 :.1t Home will 5e held in the Orange Hall Friday e__ven-T .-_vv-.--rv.-.- Mr.vHarvey Hughes and isfers, spent a couple bf days last (weekxwith friends in Cherry _0re`k. _. T I V 'n_ Q______-nl."l"|___`|,_, ,,._ -I, I ` _`-'1={'[i.;'sv 'li:Ir_x1'1;1m Duovlmage etertained Miss.Maggie ,ZP>eac-ock last Monday afternoon. ` ` ' =' . irlij lgasllilgeturnedf hbme . ',i1.`@""`,._"." iv"i~.ti.*3 3513-Veg; %B'-3' 1?`-L .` r "~_1's1_i7- A-lice {Pratt ' spnt [Sunday with friends in town. ` 'M - ` 1. - .-- -` -v_.._-- --- `re-n\IA.I-J Vgvvao -Mr. Samue`l_Broley m a1e a Susi- ness trip to'Cookstown last Monday. I. M-n` (V1-.....-. l`1L. ._'J.l.._ 1.-.: 1.2.. ___--,1 ---y -av vvvauvvvvu Au-DI: .LV.l.\ll.A\l.lvJ- if--r.` Chas. .Chan'tler ha his wood furnace `taken out and a new, ,coa1 'f}1;1`nace put. in.` _ 4 V 'l|l'__ 'f_i,_- It . a II n -- - - I ]Sc3;1`11a1l is on the slick- l1is_t: . 1- 1 - I - .._....- ._ _. D 1 ' The Advance last. week. by a?{"lapa.- pnna; refcrred to Mr. A. B. "`,Ay1e-swuorth being~mentione d' in the Callaghan affidefvff m ',oonneption .swi.th Hon, J.` .3, `stnittom. A It is. Mr. F. B. John-st o1`1..an'd. not Mr. Ay1'e:s'-' V-fjpvoih. who is alleged to. be';mi1: _e(_1.:11_fu in this ,latest_ development of .- cl;;4 G_a.-- A h9.,v55*%Lw4 0111' '.`mi541E9' .11 : 1 315'19f5;i.~ ubu. 1 I ~ _ 7* ' ? Mr. Will'Coultr entertained a- few frjendss at his hom-e*1ast \ Monday evening; f T ; * TV `r Miss P98?! , E ai1.<*:y. -_of.. ..Bal1antyne- spent Aa.,f.ew dam, last weekgwith Mr. a;1jMi`l9- 'H-`AVGtos._'- . [ TrT .fI 3'. %"R5i}i. ;ot;, tomato. was }home .0\T-i;_;;.;;_Sung1a:y. ._ 2 ., A - .... ___-.. L I3 9; 11 in :- . A __-- _-v_..._ ' .------~', - . A was `held in -tlhe Metho- dist -Ghuroh on ..Wednelsdayv evening to make arrangements for the 1 .n,(.., _ Lu;.;_g.... ~` "5"`..i ~ .,k%;`n"' oyster` supper `tel he held. `here en `Dec. _-- w ---u-`Q? --_: Don"c"worr about that Xpnssv. gift. What: is more accepc- . able than a ratclaas portrait? Call and. gee our specialties `TI-IE -NQRT HERN ;D.VN.CE %$nms um -'1"et'ur-neld home from an extended'_ visit with | friends in Torontd. . _ g The, plan of campaign" mapped out for the Liberal party atnlthe coming "election-s, so far as the fiscal ques- ltlon is concerned. will be5on lines si- milar to those of 1900. The party [will offer no general platform` for the ieonsideration ot the electors. It will be a free for all rush` to retain power. -In the West. where Mr. Walter Scott, the member for West Assinaboia, has already referred to the Laurier policy, an effort will be made to -convince the people that `free trade is stilla plank in the Liberal` platform. In the East bntirely different tactics 4 are being` pursued. Hon. Raymond Preten- ftaine is endeavoring to satisfy `his ' bontstituents in Montreal, that all will be well as far as protection is con- cerned. In South .'We1lington,'Mr . Hugh Guthrie, in accepting` the Li-. beral moqtination, `delivered :1 rows- in Natitor_1al Policy" speech. No ibroad national spirit, underlies any of .'th-ose fictitious promises. The (one; idea of the Liberal candidates is to lget elected.` So far as the welfareof the country is concerned. they do` not give it a thought.` In striking Acqu- itrast_ with such a deliberate attethpt Ito deceive the electorate, is the "plant- id policy of Canada _for` Canadians, rwhichis ann-ounced`fron'1 all Conger-` vative` platforms; whether in the East "orlthe West. ' The Conseryative`_ party p -is proud of its record and `the policy it offers for the `development of ~ Ga-5 Anada, but in every riding throughout. the country, apologieslare lbeinig pie. tiered. in one form or another or_th` ___L_aurier pro21_7an_t.v , pd A .>{; - `I... no`! a-.. .-aianngnsr -u-u.au vv savi- Mr. I. M. Gilpin` drove to Schomberg last Thursday. ' I V \ Mr. I. M. Mortdn conducted .' the service in the Methodist- Church on Sunday evening A 1 I _-, --L!__ __ ,1! 1,1 .` `r\'!_I n, -0 I "and Mrs; W. Ralsfon visifeci friepds in Beeton last w'eek'.` __ -v,...- ... cw- vgguvu ._ Miss Ethel Bannerman, -of'Mark- . ham, and Miss Violet Coates. of Buf- Vfalo, spent a week's visit with-Miss i May Wallace. 1-` '1: I -u 1 "A meeting. of the Bible Society will` be held here on Thursday _even- ` ing. {Rev. Frizell`, of Toronto. will; Ispeak. ` Beatty returi;d hknne \ after spending the summer at Mani; ' toba. ' V ' - vv;.'ahd -H. Grose attended the ` lecture given by '\Rev. Mark Guy 1 Pearse in Barriglafst week. A a -at -r -n- in-I a q . r ANGUS. , Mi-ss Cassie Kirkpatrick" spent a few days` last week with her oou-.sin;, Miss A Bell. ` ' _A vry (enjoyable evening was spent last Friday, among :1 number of our young people, at Mr. C. K. Clark s. V V . Mrs. Shorts, whd` has been Von an extended visit with `friends here, has returned .t-othe City. - 1|,r:..._ 1" 11'._-,,_,L____- ~ru--__-,-, -_ . ---= v-\. vvv\1\A\~AL.nvv~nn\4\/ha u-bunt:-Al -"l'\Ii-sts.Estie Bell` has been re-en: 'gag;( to teach Baxter School for_the 0-omxng year at an advance in salary.` A ""`, ;The'complet'iqn qtthe Trent ,Yal`-A h _;_O,n'.l sja'tei;1 -msaztnsf ;;'x'nu`I_vl1'7 to % . ` ' 3,;-he; ireiiuution jaif -v..v-----~.-.. -uv ,va.4v VJ! Mi_ss L. Humphr_ey, Barrie, is re.-. Vnewmg old ac-quaxntances aga1n.. 1\.r:...... 'I';'I...J.:.. 'n..l1. 1--- I___,_ __ _ Warnam Whitney, of Rochester, N. Y., was at the Holland House, New York, for aday recently, at the end of a hunting trip of several weeks in Newfoundland. and New Brunswick. He was in the Adirondacks through Au-g'1::r., and when September opened he vvuzs off for Newfoundland.,Plenty ` of g:-me and h-sp1endid sport, was -16.3 comment on his experience in Newznundland. Much of the coun- ::a.i-d he, "is a marshy plain, but `(here is plenty of caribou. I saw. more than three hundred of them--' twewv-eight in one herd, and I , brou: *1; some "trophies of my marks- , man: 3- p and good fortune home with ;me. ,1. root of the plentitude of game > was the variety on one occasion". _1n; 1 our cnp larder. We had black" duck, teal duck," caribou .meat'_.'a.nd r trout.` The` big` game In New" Bmnswick is -moose. They come to" - the -.wa.ter_ night 8.i1d~:i.m01'-'nin g.- 7 and the-_qui_et coves, I where ,they cant stand- in, the".>water `penal `pg:-s .4-L- `I31... -'...I.'. '3'... LL- _ * ence ea 9.; pleasing '1}-em'1n,1au_nce; .121 .NewfoundlVand quiet water sur- _ 111.000,` lake: a._nd.jthe~like,"q.re always K it `av. V usual E II uuu All but? -wu.u-:1` V`-'J . and nip the -lily pods,-is the place to get them unawares. I have the head of.one I. shot. Of course one must endure some haydships on such a trip. but when it {is all over_ the mounted heads uppni the wall at home bring `back _the`wholo ' experi- and the nrI;}fI?&Didl.f. .whi;1..o:- `_in;.;bIew ._ Up" 15$ IGQIIIIE.` Wllllrl J.` the lakes ure.Jdea,d aw stream : are V`9iu_ik' water. 1. .-on...-.-:v ' * w nrunswmx star, & the and, -800% `We o'ereve1:;97Ma1it_1einstoclion Friday and A Saturday a.t+Spec1a.1 Cut Prices : - I0 Mant1es,T.regbrulwar value $5.50 `to $6.50, at . . . . . . . .o. . . 8.Mant1es, regular value $4.50, at. .e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _10 Mantles, our greatest leader this season, special at. . . Full range of Tw_eed'Skirts Black and Grey,'regula.r price $2.00 to $4.00- ........`I- ......J ....-..- _ __-_._ -_ _. - V`. .v__.._ -_ --T- ----.v-- vw---- 7- `pl , -v---uw- -avg vTre"erl :'end price . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 F lannelette Wrappers, regular price $1.25, at. . ._ . . . . . . 50 F lannelettge Wrappers, extra quality, week end price. . Fancy'Fla1ineilette B}ouses- week end price . . . . . . . F ancv Flannel Blouses, Week end price. . . . . . . . . . . . .. Black and White Silk Blouses, week end price. . . . . Fine Black Sateen Skirts, weekend price. . . . . . . . Extra Heavy Black Sateen Skirts, week end price . . Liberals Are Still Practising i Deception `

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