Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 24 Sep 1903, p. 5

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gnu: Fa|| Millingry Opening T j--;- London` Sept. 23.-'I`!Ie Canadian llenuhcturere Association, before \- landing on lntonnsl invitation to `Hr. Chamberlain to vieit Canada. ` k` ere aid to live instructed eympn-h 4 ithizere in this` country to diecover it 1 . 1 poeetble how -it would be receivod. ` -- They hue been empowered to ueum , i It. Ohenberleln et en enthueiutie ` greeting and eympathetle hearing. A. I_oI_n_e people here are Inclined to - . . reeenlo the eelonld telegreme otoeym- , - path: with It. Chamberlain, eoneid-`L , erlng then II 3 break el 0l_lIii,tIl-i.`- _ tl`ene|.etiq:ette_ `and en attempt 4 at g 1:-lIe.e'o.lenlee`t_e Interfere with the ?do-. ';QtK.QOI'l__Ol the kingdom. 1 Panic on '0: lay in Ioltlol and lots M i ` lullng l'I-avails. Bone, Sept. 28.-Withi|; 40 hours. t the question at peace `or Iver will ` probably be eettled. Premier Petrol! had an interview yeeterdey with All ; Feruh Boy, at which the whole Kace- i dogien eituetion Ill dilcueeed. As is I reeult a much` bettet feeling prevails. end condent hopel are `expreeeed thet e Ietietectory edjuettnent will ed by A report from! Constantinople r meat? on as. ehlel polnte {C ieeue. be reached. Thin View ie etrengthen- i `that the,ceu.n_:li oglieietere lie with-V .in"lIIee.eureb1e' dietenee of an agree-_. Your attendance is particularly desired. showing of autumn modes is a fashion triumph. The most nndsexelusive styles are displayed here in all the glory of the Parisian moglistes"-s`ions.`_eomprising a ehoice `selection of pattern hats from the leading Nell: .Yo'.'_I'k1; artists. a New York ready-to-wears, ete., as well as par- dejiigns fifom-"our own workroom-, Thursday, September 24th races" TS FOESTANDAND PATTERNS. _--V-------- ----g.---- qy- j-- u---u tuj ` The magnicent showing of new: Fall Merchandise offered for your inspection "und_er` the general title of Fall 0pen'in'g" represents goods of all kinds for women s wear; to suit_ all tastes, to t all purses. It's the result of careful planning and preparations in everysection of the store. An exposition of personal and household requirements gathered from the most authentic sources. Utmost care has been given to the econpmical feature of this event, E `IABLING US TO GUARANTEE EVERY a PURCHASER A SUBSTANTIAL SAVING. a - Fancy Mercerized Veetinga,the moat magnicent essen- ment we have ever ehown, proper weights tor fall and winter weer, price 20c, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, and 85c New French Flannele in great aesor`tmenI.,ne colorings, peryerd . . . . . ..-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 500 Silk and Wool Weietinge, in gill: and pleasing stripe ` effects, `at per yard 50c to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$l 00 1 Fine Amazon eeced beck Waietinze, bbeeuitifnl-. feet --I-...:.. ._ ..sO.u --HI ' IR,-. I IIILIU aiulunvu IIDUUVI-I Uwwlt vvunllrvluv, vvu-uvunn-n~ on-cu eoloringn, 11:20:: and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L . Fine Dalaines; all wool, new patterns, per yard V . . . . . Finnet: Lainea,'in.polka dots and an-ipea,a.nd plain,black, cream and navy, M: per yard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. at" _ This stock is without doubt the nearest perfection ` pouible. Every `style and cloth represented. A Fine all wool Frieze Shirt, with ounoe, a lender. . . .82. 75 Fine Cheviot Cloth, "made with onncee, until; strep- -e:-1u- nun` nAb`an1I at Rn ` L` IIIU VIIUVIUI \JIVIIul. uuuuv vvusu uvuuvvu. U-vow. -553" pinguand mcIing,st....;...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spoicinl value: st 34. 50.36.00, 86 00 and . . . . . . . . . . . . . N ew Fall Shirtwaists. Beautiful creations in ne Mercerized Vestings Lustre, Silk. Flannels, Sateen and thenew Panne Velveteen. Special valuein all wool Flannel Blouse, in cream, trimmed with fancy Galon and drop ornaments, at - ~ - - ~ - - $3.75 .AUTUMNSTYLES IN SHOES - Now we are ready with the most complete `stock we have ever shown in thie " department-p-,wMen s`, women : and children's--at popular prices. , . oluuu oI.}}Tu.;-I53. Ready with a Dazzling Array of wmuu as nouns. ` New Ready-to-wear Skirts N gtyest Fgll Waistiggs .GRAN. "IA':';-49.'?%`?!%"]J'!`,"3 ...5.'-.E .A-._'L _L-__"__. , - -___ AUTUMNSTYLES IN SHOES = '1:-0.-1:>A:sz st, John. N. 3., kept. as.-n thorn in not 0 fresh lllpply of logs in I 1` the` near future, St. J ohn'n chief in- ` <-dusky. tho manufacture ol lumber, will rocoivo 3 severe netbnck. There In now `on abztual =tnmi1io"o! logo, `and oporgtionp at the boom: and for the lemon loxt week. Thorn are four or . an M3 mm: giving employment .to out A ;thounund non, repay to shut down. _ 7 not adjusted. Over 1,400 ....,;1T,y.;. of the company at Michel, Coal Creek and Morriuey are member! of ` tho Unitold mm Workers 0! Anorica. It a otriko is brought on it to prob- ` able that Coal Crook and Michel miners would I called out in uym- . pathy. -Tho coal company refuses to ? roconiu tho Unitod llino Workers 3 Kuociation organization, which j make: the situation Ioriouh. ` | The MASTER MECHANICS PURE TAR SOAP heals and softens the skin while prompt'ly cleansing it of grease. oil. rust..eto. _Invalua`ole for mechan- ics. fa1_vm9ra,sporten"1en. FREE cake Lon-,_tje,o,ei t o_ 20 for `postage. Aibert `T011011 " `;:i10-er 1.43.6-ae :M0n..1`..3.l-.2 z ,4 Anohn, mam, Sopt. 2:;--James Anon, of thio town, hoo boon orroot- , 3 od ot Chicago for oloping, with his g --vyv- "-v-- "'-V - --_Vr-UIr,"-w-zv-~ ` I 1 1 `w'1fo'o otopmethor. on information V : ouppliod by tho dooortod wito. Au... 1: boo boon mu-riot! only; your, and _ It to ooid thotyup _to tho vory 1110- -j aunt of tho wodding `lo did not know I forvhtch ol tho two "women ho cord '1 U u'l`_`.' !, :x.p.{iius um? . In 7 50c 15c JCIIIU QII HIIB IIIVIUC J.KlIJVII UVIU I-IIIIDII, EUIII-I UVGKDI Ill` quality, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c Better qualities in black and colors. at 60c. 65c and . . 75c Fine Black Peau de Soie, rich, lustrous Silk. per yard - 75c j_Bonnett u ne heavy Peau de Soie, special, worth ' $1.25, for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.00 D_-.--:2-_| _-____. -2 l)I___-_ 0:11.. :_ _.-:_;. I__...;I... -..I.. Nearly every day sees some new `design in Dress Goods auiiving. Exclusive patterns in Dress and Skirt lengths on y. . Beautiful."Hnrris Tweed Suitings, in-Skirt and Suit lnnnl-Ma `A `vs n6-non tn:-J `(Kn Q` nn Q] 0: nna Q` Q: IIVWIISIIIIP Lllll LVVVWMI IJ|IIUIII`U IIJWJBIIII 3|-I\l CHOU lengths, 54 in . at per yard 85, $1 00, $1.25 and. $1.35 Scotch Tweed Suitings, suit lengths only, at $1.00 to $1.50 ` Fine Tweed `Mixture Clothe at 50c, 75c and . . . . . . . . . . 85c V 0 SILKS. _ Fine all silk black Taeta, sott nieix, good wearing lII_QQ|:.'I' at IJKIIIIIITIII H Llllc IICFVJ J. W-II I19 LJVII3, ERIVBIZI VVIIL LID for...... ..$ Beautiful array of Blouue Silks, in . waist lengths only. at from 50c to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 4 The New Fall Coats . Are going at a tremendous rate. regardless of the warm 1 weather. People recognize the fact that we have the values and we assure you that they cannot be duplicated at the prices even if we wanted to do so. All our costs ar- rived before the sums`: came into force. thus effecting an initial saving of 12; per cent. Seeour values. 31 of them at $5.00, $6.00, $650. An an an no ___.I Q|n nn V.I|IV-| III I-Fl UIIYIII If *1: %}'75o,ssoo%.na ....... New Dress Goods and Sillz; | 3 I +++++++-:--:--1--z-+-:-x--z--:-:4-3-I--3--n-I-gs-+~z-++~:-:-+-:--:~+-:o-:~:-+~:-:-t-:+-:-++-I-++gI4-I-+-:- L 3arrie's Bargain House. L x % ..] I . Slxbscripfiona taken for the DESIGNER 80c. a yam- AN D FOLLOWING DAYS norEL. in the TOWN of nnuuz. on SAIWURDAY. the 26th of Septem- ber. 1903. at 12 q'olook. noon. that very valuable resndentnal Kroperty. partsof lots. N09. 1 8: 2. Nort Eugen- xa Street. Barrie. the late rgsxdanoo of Jonathan Hen-depson. Esqunre agd -Inowin the oooupatnon of J. J. Went. Esquire. - ' C On flu}: I'|I"l\l\DI"V Phat-A in nlnrlrn 0113381 30 '(I68H.'Bu The proserty will be sohfsubjeet to a reserve bid. - 1\-L..4I I-1.2; 1lIl-In anon`-A-n`\nu 1011` IIIIJDMLU l$U\0LlULVy U] tut. v R ors. Auctioneer. at the UE 110 EL. ARRIB. ...- QA'l\fT`)AV hn OR`-`u 1|` .Anfnil|_ nsqunre. I On this roperty there is a large ; and oomm ious brxok dwelling house, , summer and winter kitchen. good eel- lar. furnace. bath rooms. water. as, i and eto.. There are also good stab es. lar e lawns with ornamental trees cement walks. also a garden. ' 'l"I'a`_`D`IlQ_'I`nn now until chnarn anti ' anu cement VYHJK3. also a gurucu. , !_ TERMS-Ten per cent. down and the balance in one month thereafter without interest, or a considerable amount can remam on mortgage at a low rate of interest should the pur- chaser no desire. "VI... --..-.n_l-up cuo3I` Rn n.n`an|-|`u:nnL Ln '3 l'I3l'VUIl ulu. ' Dated this_10th September. 1903. r.-.- A` ngniammnms `gag-39_.%, __ We Show these goods at prics 20 to 40 psi` cent. `below regular selling values. 75c. Cloths for 550, $1.00 Cloths for 750. $1.50 Cloths" for $1.00. DRESS G0()DS.-A11 the new things that are now in stock andat priods mxiging from Lie to $2 00. a. yard. We sell Dress Materials from V we to 50 pgr yard Ln`:-\|lV mar mnnt sf-.n1-an nhnrop. . 1'Il8I'U Will D6 0113 ruu Lur RUBLIO AUCTION. by Mr. Jae nnlrnvl Annl>nnnn- 1:!` thin Offnmw 5510 I1 Oobourg. Sept`. l8.-lliu lit Coldntroun Guards Bond utrivonl hero yuterdgy. Bundnuter 1103:: found his` boxou. containing in uni- for-ml, had` gone astray. It In no- cessury botoro ho conducted in civil- ian clothe! to not permission iron the Qovorhgr-General . . There will be offered 3: sale ht. II Y!)`l Tl`! A I"IfW\`I l`\\T Inn Mil "Ow VALUA sun Residential Property ` muamz. Av<=rrI9N [SALE Wliiiii" Ila Itiia-' L .L7I-Q. I...u.....\...'J..h-p `an-nou...A-.--4' .0th September. 1903. G; A.` RADENHIUFRST. . . Vendm-'9 Solicitor. T310 00 trom lat: LU qua uuvu; _)uu. vv v avu usvlaa Luuuuuaw uutu um nu am: 11:31` yuru below what most stores charge. _ ' - - . ' ` UNDE1:UI.OTHIl`SG-Mex_n s 75c l1nea1l'of pgre wool Shirts sand Drawex-s, sateen mshed, all sxzes, speclal 50c. _ Men s umon shirts and drawers at:40c, speclal at `.25c. $1.00 Heavy Rzb Kmt Tlger Brand. 75c.. ` . ' LADIES FALL UNDERWEAR-]2c, 15c, 20c, 250,400. 50o,e75c and "$1.00- the best lines that money can buy at these prices. - . SILK WA1S'I.`S-A new line of $4 50 Silk Waiyts in black aadall colors, received to-day. sale price $3 25. ' - FALL SKIRTS -In Slurts we show one of the largest ranges "in Ontao. Over $3,000 worth of Ladies Skirts,` Suits and Jackets at prices` that cannot be equalled elsewhete. 0 - . , A NEW JACKETS AND CAPES--Englieh, German and Canadian makes. Hundreds quick sale. Jackets from $1.00 to $25.00 that you wi nlaaluh am: pay` much; more for to choose from. All the latest styles and. all marked at recially low`prices for '.$1.5o Hun DKIIU. iv elsewhere. - . We are agents for Geo. A. Slo.ter s celebrated I uuvnvuu Auvlu ynovv vcvnvv IInowvJvvn n. -J` .u-..._.. n,victes` Boots and Shoes; 1 :rI.per1b.{.I...ILLIZIII'IIIIILIQI :?er.fPE;OLOOItII`o-uoJIulIII`O T- `_ -v.1: . . . . n an Jo-o ""'{d Hides . . . . .. OIUCOCIOIIOOOC o1iOOOO . . . . nOIIOIIOICIIIlU low. ver :1... I` . "I-IoIouvnOO0IIOI PCHI, uhIIIIlI K.umHidu.:::::oouoooooan-no-noon W,-T;.... I090 > 8ootO_ .1 out: mu 7.` ocuoooauoooooogo I Xoocy-3'54` -Toronto Farmers` Markets. wk) White . . . . . . . _ l.ua.. IOIIIIOOCOOIIOO roltoxro. Sun. 23. 1903. 2- N39. Hfltw . g the ' ..for ~ Hqrns; v tanne- u_.__,,,h mt)'hiu oooQICIIOO'9>"'.. Wm - - o u -oucnoooc0t0""" gwm. " cLoT{s,TvC'EEn. \F'll"IE`Z`l3Sv AiiiibLoAK1NGs VVe show cooda nrices 20 to 40 mar ceht. Below regular aallimr \. The Prices Ruling in the Barrie sud Toronto Markets During thoweok. I'I.___.. Q_.._. _- _--_ Eat special Cash u r r i w 4, the ageucwqr mg bestjaxanket ui11..;meqnmi W ma % the hazy ztievaucg in `woui, we are uellmz at last year's` pricey. ' ` " 1 8 mg . ; GOOD wnm: WOOL BLANKETS ae...... . . .T..:2 25 * % SPECIAL LARGE SIZE BLANKETS .t.%...T.% ........... 3 00 35,00 PURE WOOL BLAHKETS tog _. . . .. .. . . . . .A 4,25 % Dyes illd w 1. Cat Q .. dl it oneyfnthiothoy Ark hi0`l'L_VI;l. .-_ 0` Dyein thovorld. 1`ry|'__`_" mtg thm ES'1`RAY---3t1'3 `*3 b,,,,,rs.-=1-.9-. E W?i'3m'1<?`5h.%aaH1: g`i " `` $14.1 ' ' *hI 6 . vol`I.lr t six I"-"'7 h ~ to or ' . V uywigo 139 2" I` " 9: 3, sent, 4; 5 1~*LAi~iNELs nun c;_yg`$V1iiFoRTERs " .8R%.-*=: THE MARKETS. Grey Flapnels at 12?_;c, 15c, 180 end. 25. all of Awhichere Ibeciei ;values. 35c Navy Wool Flannel for 25. `CANTON FLANNELS, FLANNEl.- ETTES and WRAPPEMETTES--Aan immense range at last season : .-.-u' nan New goods just in $1.25, $1.40. 3175 and $2.50`. J. C.- IRWIN, -I tuuocoq-Q vu-v. -v w---- Bmuuz. Sun. :3, I903. `p 5 , :5 an 75 ,au yaigioiod ride you `can bring down the largest game. Buy your rile and outt now. Get used to your weapon. You can buy Ries. V_Gun._ Ammunition or 3-- I- J. ROSS. Given instruction in: igl;ier f Barf-" lxbol-8 Inn-ucto`n. co-plate Iqulpnonl. lcudoiu quloud to poojtldu. Cones". to-apcnulopl. .103. , cntulosio tum: ammo, sgpc; 88.-A mum an} `era cl.4|vorao.hu been and to be vu!ld"byJudgo'G1bbou at tho Cir-" can Court at this city. no judge] hold that-in tho shaman`-=01 any proof? oz mud, a cut Ill valid and must )0 rooagnud by tho court: 0! mi- " _ -1- I note. Windlr, I Ho1na`n,_ ! ox-O.P`.n. undfbominioi Exprgga up-" out in this city wan dcqulttod ut tho ` -luox County; yutorduy 31- ' _torn`o'ol_| on two charges "of maps!- lll yum 0! 33...`.'.. 93- j-:---3?-j . Sportin;_Goo|s ` of. all kinds at the lowest price from """""' '7' """"' ` ukod whether the one of bountic " London. 5'9`-` 33""n7""7'Adnm'. Van to be adopted byythe Govern- Lgmbton has `dqumdoflshl ' mont t.o.on('ournge" the `lead industry. And Vspology of-_,.G_0"0} ` Bit ._lhke_nzio aid +_%Cundo should `HuIto'I'1.t0I_`,1 -H0 10.3". ...'3"t~r `,~_!.ollow,'fthe ,D.!'..im:;i;'>`l_ in vogue- in ;the % V -*P*9=. 9` j"'!;% `%v=I1n#te+*mt-% -=.*e.:=b9!P`W.-. wily: WIIH SIEAIW MM Gregg {Shorthand Touch Tyjpewny-itin: Bookkeeping Penmanship J. W. Weitcrvlt. A _ O|: onorodVAooouaTtnnt, ash "Sivan Yul: `u? it euthe necps- opos- body- n the? ecar-. orand d the rther other no-nu In A;oIo`:}- 1-L- -dun AQQ'II0|O.I\.V '_1`.ho.=om.;.notab1o;.oxcepton-,. was .. the {exc)Iangg__;og- view_p,~betwee1.I_-;~.;_th0 .P3:,e- iftnir loud: o??iT'tii3-';{>ppi1-i tio"p` juslff `frer . giclogk. Tpis Acpn-. __,trqi'ersy,Zj'w:`i37 Irosof ')t[r.- e13 orde*h_. I r :g:on_tent(5:_;" would it: utiiiqit to c_a.riry Caxjga-. aia;n tmnc to Portland, , The P_re-_A mier replied with some `heat, `and gjncidentally tbldkury Borden that the. .time of the House was being wasted with ;'m-guments ddvanced ad naus- :45 . u ,_,A _,,__s,u__IAI_-L _ haul.` "I,IV?mn the -'1 _ Ottawa. A Sept. 23..-`-O! iconic twen- h Aty amendments which - the Opposition l propolea to move ._ln connection with the Grand Trunk Paciilc Railway contract, only two had been di8p0I- l ed of at.6 o'clock `lalt night. _ These two amendxnente had engaged the ~ House since Monday. morning, Tiredf or the protracted .` Opposition, the Government counselled its followers -`to hold aloof troxn the debate. Only under keen provocation did any Gov- ernment uupporters rice to dispute an ;argument ~advanced',"by s-the Opposi- guom .:_ L ; .` V .A The first amendment proxdridedlthat the Grand` Trunfk Railway}? Company ' `should pay in cash the par value of the twenty-ve millions of stock which ital: to acquire. A- E. Kemp` 1-`showed thedanger of relying on the moral obligations" impoledlon the Grand Trunk Pacic. The company,- he said, would sooner or later stand on the strict legal interpretation of the contract. ' V - Through Canadian Channels. .Mr. Fitzpatrick : amendment to the amendment, which virtually emasculated Mr. Borden's amend- ment, was then declaredcarried. Mr. ` Borden promptly oered another hpamendment to Section 7, providing that neither the Grand Trunk nor the Grand Trunk Pacic should dir- ` l ectly or indirectly encourage Am- erican transportation routes, and } n that each should do its utmost to 1 L carry Canadian tralc through Cana- 1 1 dian channels to Canadian ports. ,n _ u-_L .__.I -ll'._' Idlnll Lallltllaawanu y\.p_ wwunnnoununn `Iv- vI- "The amendment was lost, and `Mr. Borden then moved Iano_ther which shared the same fate requiring the Grand Trunk Railway Company, tr-A respective M the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company to do its utmost -to, carry Canadian tramc through Canadian channels `to Canadian ports. s The section was then adopted with- out amendments. _ v wn f in_ nation hould V rene. ill de- caves to not. 0 the E. B. Oeler. vropoled an amend- ment providing that the telegraph: v used in coxinoctlon ' with the trans- continental lne ehould form part of the railway eompany. V and that the revenues ehould belong to the coun- try. He pointed oxit that the tele- ` graph wae a very valuable aeeet to a railway, -and precautions ehould be taken to prevent the tornatlon oi an independent, -railway, line. At "Ir. \ Fitlpatrlere euggeatlon . the amend-4 neat wae held over to he eoneidered ` in eennectloa with a eubeequent A -1-an-g During the last hour and A half the waning sitting at the. H0! -good prognoll was made. Section was hnowod to stand, 111'. Bord explaining, that 1:; desired to an on nmendnunt regarding the cc Itrnction of the eastern section by commission. In connection with Clause 19. svhich prohibits members of Parlia- ment from holding oicee oi emolu- ment under the construction commis- sion or undertake ' a construction contract. the Minister of Justice pro- mised to draft an amendment. The amendment will prevent any `member of Parliament from being interested in construction firms. T 7.. _-a.l__ nc _|..Q_I_ ._.__ -_-_- AI. _ The Senate met Int night. tter 3 `two `weeks gdjournment. Senator ' 'Dexnp'lemuI `Introduced the bill pro- . vidlng hr the payment a! 050,000 _ennually tor ave years on lead e 1 umoltod in Canada train CeIe.dian' oree. Senator-`T Ellie expressed the L hope that at an ee.rly d e._tI tlpe`Gov- ernment would make . 'et;e't'eni`ent of T St! polit`-Y 61"-'-Ol`nin bountlee. Four ` [bills (ranting bonmtlee for diaerent I Q`: purpose: had already been intrdduc- `u ed. -. '!`ue..tre.ders like himltlf. Son- , '.,etor. Ellie said. ,would_ like to have 1," "le`nltA tetement of-'policy.in-this % respect. _SJr_-- Mackenzie Bowen, though` 11_:9t,e.~ oppoeed to bo_untjee,' - naked" whetltjet the , policy of `bountie -Via`:-to be adopted , by the G0.V_0r_t_x- I1 ?to`="eII[ao,n.rivl'.' ~;t,M='.l9itle inedu-Atr.v 1 In Section 21, .;.vll:i'ch empower: tho` Govorninont to stop work at any time, clouu adopted tram the In- tercolo id Act. Mr. Borden ouggub ed that it should be provided that the Iuoponslon ' should be without compensation. _Thio_ will be consider- ed. - _-Al-_ `Ill __ ,,)A!, A -- Section 22. providing for payment! to contractors in the order of. the comlniuioneu, was adopted, ind Sec- tion 98 wan amended at Mr. Bor- den : suggestion by making the com- miulonerr books open to inspection by the Auditor-General or Minister! otrinnnce. ' I : An amendment was `also node to` " Iection 89. ranking it neeouory for roport -of the p.eonetruAction_ com- mieilonore to be eubznltted to Pen- liunent each union . within fteen nirn nx `'61-. ..-.._h._ . _`A II. ion 4 1 lqruncuuragu Ell IUIKI .lll|lUII.I'3'. ' ._ " "" _ said `"", I- 3-0. . Sept. I8.--A Itriko ,;_!_ollow `fthe =_pg'_incipj_ in ,t,he Irchroaunol In tho ulna controlled %Abosant. was ;only. 57 -0 %0rov'- I-t Pm Co-I Gon- no: at A'l'oI_-onto 2:: [topic jaw In: ;_rI`o t ran? 39:; `list I91 10:; to and Count lulu `With the III r-In vulva cw-aunt Wllulll IIIFUQII after I tho opening to! Pqrtino : rologuph` Banana. can Anondnonu. he I038- noiarnnnzi Amrm?l+! run ces ztion I dmc'n't. rm... . hut oz 1 HQ) j `rgely; years rpris ey in ac tu- te the . will eraily. - given` that "

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