Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 17 Sep 1903, p. 1

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\'\nJ u-- vuurvn-it For sale on very easy terms. a farm` of one hundred acres, well fenced. plenty #1 good water.` one large barn. cow and horse stables. and plenty at other out-buildings: a good six-room` house nice, young orcharad. This farm is in a. good,state of cultiva- tion and I would take a small house Vr-out vwooov u---v-------v--I v_--------v I P.0.'-4 ` ~ ` . - 0 34-39 The Post Office Department is urg- ing upon those.,_.who have. mucheoor- Irespovndenoe. or who send- letters thmugh the -mails. to--_ have `written _-__!__L_J -__ .LI__ __,-,-___ `_AL \___._`I s'."io3?.I 3'32}? L?}I=a'nT}2;r7'E'n| same. For further particulars. ad- dress JOHN THOMPSON, Craighurst OI on u-an-. Irwuaon vaov -no-n--r; vv _ Q-I- or printed. on the upper'.lef't-h'an-d corner ofthe envelope._ their "name an-d post office address," so t'hat'if not -delivered at destination _it- may be -promptly returned to the sender. in- stead of going .to the dead letter of- fice. Delay and trouble would thus belsaved and the general adoption _of the practice would save much anx- iety. Persons `desirous of having their name and address printed on their stationary can have the work` neatly. cheaply and `quickly done at this office or merely inavetheir box and post office instead of name. ` -0tton & Co. are leaving Barrie for Hamilton on `Oct. 1st. They are offering their large stock of Kitchen Furnishings at cost. Only two weeks more in which to get the greatest bargains ever' offered. Call and see them. Opposite the Queen s Hotel. Mr. McKenzie : Resignation Accepted --Reports of Committees`. Xjj The School Boarid held its first meeting since the opening of the fall term on Monday evening. Chairman Milne presided, and the following members were in attendance. Messrs. Thea. Smith, Alex. Cowan. B.W. Rine- ha.r't._ W. C. Andrews, G. G. Smith, Philip Love and Dr. Palling . _-L!-_-... _______ ..--_!_.-J __ .The report` was addpted. V. ~`Mov,eid'by Messrs. Thos. Smith and Alex. Cowan-1`hat this Board .r.e-`.| grets having received the resignation lofrllr. MeKenzie. who haeso success- fully taught our. entre.noe'.olass4d`ur- ing-the past ~te1'-m`andA wepiaue an re- OGM 0\l1t..high_ appreeiatien` of his-s`er-.-. vioen him abundant siiooeas: iii the _u_tuxe.inb 'whateVe_1: line of life` he `may -_dir'e'ot, his _energy" for _t_he gnqd 91 eoeiety that - .9. obpr .~.of.::; this ~r65ol\1tion ...be ..torwerdes,1s tax. Mr. .Mo-`s fKenxie;?- :-i~0erri`ead.j. _ .A .3 ~.+~ _ J . -- 015,- . 7. .. .. _~"' soatdd Sebastapool. has well as a etailed account of the expenses: entailed by the raid made on the poaehers. He complied with the _in- structions an-d'is holding` the boats for further orders. V -See the MoGregor `Family at the Centre Simcoe Fair in their startling. daring aerial feats, also -the Scottish trio on.the bag pipes : Bean and Ham- ilton. the famous barrel ` jumpers and Gourley Bros.. the celebrated oom- edy artists. '1`... -._`- -.. ._______ _-__, n.__.__ . -_.__- van uvvvvu-onv \l- an-an--angnunvno uanvwnnuvuv The Management Committee re- portednthat all the teachers on the sta_f_'were prhent at the reopening of "the, schools on Sept. 1st and that all classes began `with. the exception of two rooms in the South War-d, where the repairs were not completed until -the following `day; that the Model Clam. this year. has an at- -`tensdanoe of 28; that Mr. McKenzie s resignation be a`cc`epted andthat his class be placed under` the care of Mr. Digongfvfhtop shall receive $50 ad- ,'ditional"salary for the term: that on? ao_oo_i1nt of two cases of scarlet fever .in,.t_he West Warid; School. the rooms -396: o. _ \ woreolosed from Friday until Tues- day in order that they might be fu-. `The report wafs` aidopted. ' " j The Finance Commit tee reoommen-e deg! theupayjnjent of the following an- ., ` . 1 -c. - - A-` -- WAN;I`ED -- Gardner. or man Wihf some knowledge of trees and shriibs- Pr.ofitable home position for winter. F~VC._IT_IIN, __Fonthill. 0n't.. 38-40pd QYDT `II! A \-rnivwus U` __ --vi `Want a. sua- `V by Meats?` lmdrews. and Iiot."That ' G. `H. Iging"s_ tqmdei` ' I01" .i1">I.I'=i.5#} Witfiita ]i1_ib0 't1'I` Eat. .iWnnd Sdhqol lie'fafc`apt$d'fo1': th'e dum ~~ .; . ct; $42;0n-swath` tr; ,t6.oi .%.9mrlo_t9d In -------`r --v--y u-.-~- -a-- go---...`, - `Communications were received as ollow1s:-- - ` a u -.-v-our v W. J. Hallett asking for an increase in salarv and btating that ._he is now. in. his. 11th year, as Model '-T-Refe1fr'ed to" Committee. School Master ansgl Principal of the Central School. and is still receiving the same salary with which he began 4 i?n3{'isZiis' 1E2"i2;'i}}i, asking an increase in` sa'1ary-Referred to Com- mittee. ' ` Fr~om W. A`. Evans. Principal of the West; Waiwd School. thanking the Board for increase "in salary - VRe- (o`ei'vo'd, - -' -I-.1 IA In 1101- 0 1- 4: .|ll.'.l.`Bo JKXIKIB - ` ` Q U *Mr.s. ~'1`r,io`ker _ : .- ~ ' ' 4 00 . 0..-Masking I 2.. = .-4 00 Barrie Gas 00. V .. 70 Roggrslp Rogers,`repairs,. ' ..14_00_ 111:5 - E ya: . yr--uvv "1 it `Q in wt wv -van 155v1:1;_y 13)t_Isj:".s-.(3'aLTa:,A_x-ii:-dx. . From A . G. McKenzie, tendering` his resignation from the Central" School staff. to take effect by the `end of the 'month-Received. s-..v- V- Ir--\r u.-gv-Q Va-I -Livvv. v vu- ` From J. Bebb. agking pe'rm'ission` _for his son) to attend the South Ward School` instead of the Cen'tra_1 School `on amount of. infir.mities-Granted. -."V`S;":;.-1-t:1'r!se?ott'."su plies ` ,` $36 no G. `D, Patterson. ' xsinfeotants. g Watson Jones M149. Dodds ' _ ` 4 00 -Mrs. V. 00. . . ~4 `Du--2.. 11.... I1- LIME, CEMENT, .sHO0L mu MEETING. >-.i- 1. -- V. _..._.a' $37 16 -f_-M_r. and Mrs. Thomas. of Niagara Falls, have been visitingVMr. and Mrs. `A. 0. Garden. 'mL..`3s"I'b.[;i):=,`l Smith. of Coladwateni spent a iew days last ` week with friends here. 1 `Mr. Will Bothwell is spendig al ffw holidays at Gravenhurst and Sans Souci. ` Miss L-illie St. Onge has returned home from a two weeks visit with friends in Toronto` 1u*s_._ 1-n___2- 17-3.. 1.-- _.-.L--_...-:I 1.-...- j wan BARBIE Vmopnm HAVE BEEN L DOING DURING THE PAST WEEK-- vzsrrons TO THE TOWN. Miss Geitruue Butler is visiting friends "in Tor_onto._ GIaFwXNTEffF ?_ yn-on_ths. $12 a month. no washing; or '11ln8- Apply 54 Mary 93 .:.~.:. FOR SALE - Town dwelling. sohd brinlr hnnun \T:\ `In `Nancy E.` , R, H Jqsie lirury? is visiting Miss; 'Wasddel1 in Or.illi_a.A ` Mr. Reggie `Kortrfght is leaving to t ake'up residence in England. 1-sir. Arhie Bu1:fonv` is gtterling |'.I.`rinity Oollege School. Port Hope. Miss Clara Marrin has returned from a few weeks visit with friends } in Toronto. -nu.-- ...v.. V. 1\?[i4._ M. Shack; of Hamilton. re- -turned home ._on Fridayafter a short visit in Barrie. Miss Maliei Vailr has been spnding % % the past week inVToro_ntoV. Maizy' BaIdwin is home from visiting Toronto frignds. - ` Mrs.-J. C.-Itwin is home again `after L .a' plea'sant;visit to Niagara Falls. L ' Rev; Thos.`:IBl`IoKeev [is spendirixg a ` [week pr so with_ his sonsat Sturgeon ;`Fal}s. ' im-'];I'1';. W. M.cDonel l and Miss Morel. {of Ottawa. visited friends in town last week. - n ' " eumg souu b$i3k h`Z J`e. No.6nMqay st..'R H - FLEMING. Barrie. ,. _ .,-. ti WANTED--Good cookhand housemaid-V . gtvply to MRS. J. R. COTTEB. 0we&"` ..-.v.-s-.a -.. ..v- vgnvvu Miss Bessie Vair lxas returned home after spending several _very enjoyable weeks in Cleveland. . \ - . . 1 1 vnnaauvunp VA ova vn.nyv- Mfrs. Wm. Hunter. Muloaster street, and Mrs. A.-Scott. Peel street. left on Saturday: f-or-Markham, where they' `will attend the golden; wedding pf_the ,ormer s eldest brother. V I Jessie Mcclaih. -of Clover Hill; has been `visiting in Barrie. v vsrnua nan \a-v v vnuu V Mrs. G. C.r'1`. ];;r1borton- returned from Toronto on Saturday accompan- ied by her brother. 1 11- , on 11'? In ,,,,,._- - in town during the week. .:LVI`1".." z:1`1;-(`IT Torrance. of Galt, have been Looking up old friends 1-3`: 15 ,_ _,_L___._._J v Unars van ~ Mr. -and Mrs. B. Holford Ardagh returned to town. lastwveek, to spend a few days prior to taking up resi- dence in Toronto. - __. .- A vs ..-N--"l:[1=:e 1..._(Golonel) -`('3.a`;1'1;1i>-z>:l1,vMis:s Camp- -bell. .Mrs. Willie Campbell and chil- .:iting Mr. and Mrs. Archie Giles at ~La9Iiine. .V . qr v-mnvuv _dren'}and_Mias Ida K-ortright are vis- u apavjvnaf any-J asnv-mg -av- \v\rvu The Mises Grey.;of New York`. whe ' have been-theeguesbs of Mrs.`Joffrey vMoCarth`y . left one llandey for Tori: `onto. where `they _will be entertained at the residence of -Mr. Laird. A.~;st.' Maager of; the _B9;nk of Com-_ ' >1n 91'-.`:;` , ' ., .-cu 5'-4. ' . ..u 5- cu! . The` Beeton World says :`-"Mrs. W; '; Hut6hi1iso"n.`_ 9f Mqno, iiisited' Mrs. W. Irwin; 'a~.tew_ days this week on her return. tram AB,a.rrie..whe',re she xwasl tlww: egt fall. 313685, Ardagh and Sena- ` 6.we'n;A ;_5Wehil'_eein'Bgrrie jshe wit-' .1~::`.i':' A .0! rul vv an: a vnavvu - vlzfts. Ba1:l:1ry and Miss Evawof Bar- rie.=spent a few days in bown last Week} the-guests of- Mr. an-d'Mrs. W. G.ray.-Newmarkgt Express; ~ A A 1-__'_|# -3 1-___.1_._ -- FORT SALE-15.-a:1-';` mm fox? sale" in the East end of the town: -311. `"1 cultivation. good, new frame hous_e. bank barn, eto,.,good _W,at I`-.vf11.1t- In t - % '9; Ya.- vfle o,`,`.`,`?; '3` 35331;` if \lA up llnannannv-.1. .~--- u-nous -.-..-..n V. .._- __.-_. ' Mia Lizzie Cram left on Tuesday for` Sintaluta, Ass. to spend `some weeks with Mrs. H. Partridge. Miss Cross was accompanied by_ Miss Thur- -s_a'Johnsom. of Toronto. ~ 1!!` -Ir '|,,_L__, _L_._-L an---.-n--.-J . --v.----. ---4 .--.7- --_, The Misses Lister, who have spent several weeks with friends here. left (in `Monday for New York. 01, `II .I, ,, , IIl___ L__ \-4-u-J- `Mr. K. Lugk. of Lon-don. ac- companied by his friend. Mr. C. Nich-_ .~--vv _-..:.._ -.._V ._ol-._`sprent ah ftevgdays w-ith_ the_. form- :'e'r s` patents; Min` and Mrs. 0."A -Luck. I . `IE1... 7:___:- t1_-_... I_L -_ m.-.....:.... Miss Brown, of Toronto. who has! been spending the summer at St. El-` [ mo. VMu.=skLoka, has been visiting for aw ,tew days; with her brother,,M_r.,Wm. Brown. Bayfield street. an... 11-2.... n_-.._ -1: -n..... 'If-..'I.- ...L~.." woo --.-v-.-.-. .v. . Mis Ni_ta Wat`>;`s', 0.f',iI;.'1nilton. has | been the guest of the Misses McKee,` Mary street. during the w_eek., . - ' ` \l'__..__._ u`rf__I._I_!| In A! ..-vv .-.-v-p-u Mrs.` _Jas.' Mccaffery. of Rochester. N. Y., has been` spending a couple of weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Thos. Smith, Utopia. `Il"_`__ -I'nj9L\. 1-I .... .__ _- ,3 _ _ _ _ _ _ __-.I L- Miss Edith Hewsn is prepared to take a clam in dpianoforte instruc- tion. For terms, address P. 0. Draw- er. 13. Barrie. -\I 1 I ,1 L, up ' -vy -.au-a- . gu- - The Mises Daly have returned to Toronto after spending two weeks with their parents at VaLlleyfield Farm." -A Vespra. `If; ._ 1 -nr___ 11 'r1'-l1!-...`I A...l.....1.. . Mr. A. McDougall left for Barrie, where he has seduredasituation in Ball s sash and door factory.-Midland Free Press. ` " `av..- } .After spending six weeks with` her oousin. Miss Una Luck. Miss M. A. lMoNabb ,has' returned to her home `in Penetang; `I, A 'IE,'f\ , , II `,l , , 7\___,_'- b:;;aL `I -`1ES`_f`DE'hlCVE" FOR-SALE. ' . The brie kresidence on the corner "E Clappertgon and Won,91sy'str68$._ tur- With modern oonveniencbs. F01` ' MRS;` th - . . '3TeEP r{r.tqlu.rr %'p.pIyAltSON; tt. 7--~ vvu. ---- .35 V-Iv V1`? YI . Memrs. _A ubb" Grasett and Cla- ` ztence Bothwel1__will attend" the School of Practical Science. Toronto, this year. V A11 __ -, - , 1- , H _o n___` __ A__nL-L 1___ SOCIAL AND PERSONAL It Was` Destroyed Together With A Large Amount of Gram - The Stock Was Saved. ,. Prices remained unchanged on the `market Saturday. Eggs, butter and` poultry were offered for sale in quan`,-, . tity. Eggs brought 14 and 150. bu+ ' _ter 15 and 160. and chickens wen at from '50 to 60 centsa pair. On the` grain market oats were worth 306;- wheat. 73 to 750, peas 61..to 63c. rye 45 to_ 47c, and barley 40 to 43c. Hogs are still down at $5.90 per cwt. my... .......I.. .....-u-:..... -----e ..-- ......-- ...,u.. u... qunvv yon. vvvb. The apple packing season is now on` and the `farmers around Barrie should see that they pr-ocurebarrels` enough for their crop. In other districts the farmers clubtogether _and buy a car- load of suitable stock and then get the barrelsmade up. each securin'g' sufficient for his needs. By. July a.` farmer should know how many bar- rels he will need and a great deal of time and trouble can be avoided by, making provision for the crop early, in the season. The rush for barrels. when the- season is in full swing cau- cnlu o nn-nn4- 4...! .3 .I._I___ _,-n s % MR. F. G. MORTON'S BIG BARN STRUCK ON TUESDAY. -_-v--w- `GIG can A-`ll QJVV Ills S`es'a7 ;eat deal of delay. and Barrie farmers should make an effort to keep up. in this respect. with the fruit [growers in other districts- In` doing so they will find the buyers more ready to visit them and will realizevbetter prices. At this seaeon of the year it is almost impossible to get barrels made in time for the cusp. i } Thursday l-a-s't. She says this was the M grandest event which has taken place in Barrie for many a -day and that thre were more than three hundred` costly presents received. OIILVIB IJGLIIGBBI The barn was valued at $2,000 "and was insured for about half this amount. There was a1so,'it: is under- stood. a small axnount at 'in_sura'nce placed an the crop.-buit the loss to Morton will be heavy. A5 none of the crop was savegd he will be unable to retain his_sI.;oo'k. 1`. . -- 4.- g . -I;ewia Trew. 0; Oak Hi_ll r_unV :.;.29;}Nhy.[ threshmg maphnn and kill-_' LATI-I AND sl-uu e|.as Barrie was a storm centre on Tues- day and the weather was most tem- pestuous at timesduring the after- noon. Two opposing currents of air `appeared to meet over thisend of `the Bay and the clouds were rent and driven in every direction, whilst one of the worst. thunderstorms of the season took place. " 'nr_ n-_ 'Il"___L _,_ an A The fame-of the New` England pI~a'y. "Quincy Adams Sawyer, has spread all` over `the 'co_untry"_a'n'd everywhere 'the at tre gsoing people ire` the uni. `vive to"see it. It"is Hooked `to `play an 'eng'ageIiieht "here. at the Grand `Opera Houe,` Sep._23r'd; 1903. and a crowded" hose `v'sfiIlf_"doubtless show its a1ip1joy.Y`of "the wholesome story of 'New'` vEn`g'la'_n-d lffei The play is Ip"ui1t`distin_z:t1yqn comedy lines and there" fa a_li`n`c_st"a coi1tinuo1is laugh 1`ox'_n7' beginning to end. the sweet. di'gn`iVfieiI_ loire scenes between Quincy VAda`xi1s`.S`z,a.'jfe`r .'and_ the blind girl. alone Ioornmanding` `that respectful silence which proves t,hat__ the p.'uthor who` penned `tlie ten_dpr,sen'tin1"enta1 touch- es and the actoix _ who 'port1;ay,_thm,'. oox`n`pel5 that involuntary S.YIhpathy._ 5, ]wm h; is themgn-st tribnt to genius aft.` ' . - ',".a " *vTLV}?r1a`;:e'3 ifgelr out by` 10 o cl_ock in the evenig. The house was not-Ldamagedu ` ' ' ~ ) ma. `Albert Hopkins. of -Hamilfom. riwas? run over and kills don the .rail- A G.1l Ll. LULGIIJ UUDLIUJ CU: The bolt first struck the larger windmill on top of the barn. running down the shaft and exploding with tremendous force in the granary. Mr. Morton had just driven into the barn. but fortunately escaped with- out injury. He states that within a` few moments after the explosion the entire interior of the barn was in flames. Several hundred bushels of oats were in the granary and the force of the explosion scattered these all over the. place. as well as a great quantity of grain which was stored. in sheaves above the granary. Some of the. movable farm implements were saved, but this year s entire crop of grain was in the sheaf and was de- stroyed including about 800 bushels of pwheat. 200 bushels of barley `and 200 bushels of oats. as well as some 20 tons of hay and a number of valu- able pigs of registered stock. The horses, cattle and sheep were out in the pastures at the time and so_suf- terfedfno damage. ` ` lIlL"_ 1.--"... ___,._ _.'I_.;; _..L .-no nnn"-,_1 --- --.....v.. var... rnunvvu Mr. Geo. Morton, whose fine farm. near Painswick, is well known. ape pears to have been the only onewhose property was damaged to any extent as the result of the storm. His loss 1Wi1l be a heavy` one, as his magnifi- cent barn was struck by lightning and totally destroyed. lI1L_ I__'lL !_._L .. 1"?" :`Qui.x%cY 5 wins; jSA?WYER.: ] {$1.oo15i!:R A SINGLE GOPIES FIVE CENTS ' THE LIGHTNINGH8 WORK. wnnnu mar. ._...-..v.nn vvaanvcnvvwv 1 T t'*'.MRs.- ga:2fs`?;:*%. %?mc on. .11 BANK? To RON up Invea _ In 1 7MoN::wr .31: * _`!`, 1' `arse '-m'iot'3n`{g? nk F2! %The3ariea."'9%-I ,T--3--"""`-"`-`* ` --+---,--_.._` II. N -33 . _ . WHO ' ` VOL` L SAMUOEL Wssun. Proprjgig-_N9 All the best quality and gddrnteed. Lw.m~-- ----- T ~-.---.-. z.2x::msa '::;';:m` `' """""_` 'z.."xi:v;za ,-.- 3 I AIIE Man W h I`IIul1'I`;V";'l,f . v . ...::.1::*:.::t`:'.*.:E ...."'F*:*..`.z.`. .`;*'.*':.%...a.A.... Succusson To JOHNSTON & SMuEAN'r.' WALL PAVINGS ' How they grow .inthe:V: : ::% : -----L; ` , Order for Auction Sale : of u:;a`Lsa3'&`c.';j;to:'Iii, ` ""*tat'ruE Anvmcs on as 5 ::g?:her arqngcmento cad bomlldd. : `gun `O that advatitafo (6 'i||4l\W'l $l':' I l'|l1lVl I V9 385630 '"ted by L. Tebo. Anctiduder ndd=,valuItot.I_||l7r -,; -- -4-.-----u--.-no - Nmv Al)VER i`l8E1VIEN'l'8. I BLAVU I-I n un---- . R. LAMB. Manatee Barrio `B'ru'|.A FARM. FOR s'AL E., 7 U Iuvo amount: DA "'57. I C ten vvean amount; :Ott| Women L love f { ~GpAod% Perfume F5'R1fn:N=1::.**~-**'7%""" .msa'%'%`4"i". -.-um, tor m%?:`$$`:mm%.J3, ;}j`1med ovgr um 'ru'din;z1$6oml[, at V4`, aoohamoi` , titharg 16.: `V. ~ . Bria A BARl`!IE .w Robertson's Drug Store ' I\1'\I\f\`OIIIIl'.\ *\l\l'I.II Anaunvtuvu ++++++++++++++++++++ | J. I.-ELI; us `l'.oronto.~ In nln `I'.oronto,~'.- , J T . ,1 h . ; Is prepared yo rocaiy .l3.!|,PilI. in,, piahq `after Oc- tobefv I.tp [mo ` ) ' d . ' 4 : ans` D '6 :cLA PPmI'foNsne'in . I muggy, BA33m.,. 7 :m1v:, ' 37' 2` `J ` . jtl I C`! II@u:_v_`u_ w-.-V..- _ . 9 '_ 1_msfr MAnn. ZE_ E3OL'lfI_E3+-8'78: 3:3; _ ' Miss %H1;1'_4:_I_v%_GM13AsETr LUMBER. LATH - % AND Asmcnns [HARD AN15 o'Ffr woon jg H-3 Ap 1y to. .x -`war: nun 11..I!)LV'l.' -"DIIW-" """. house for rent on Donaid street. 0 too V t G. H. ES1!3Nf1nd stable.` .Ap?ly I 9 ti 1voR`sA'I?" """`"1'!:"':t*-' ion aegtes '-more or lgssgfgotggisgng of (3119 E99`; halt at `lot 26, in the second oonoessm. 0981: of the Sunnidale roa.d.;`u1lin .809`! ute of cultivation with good buil.d.-.4 Inca Half mile from ohur9h._sohoP: ' office, railway. and vnllhye 0. x. 93' `tom Iaul' . 4.. -_ 3 Young Men s Hatters ` 2. .4.` 1$+++++++&++++++++++++++ VVVI - Portland 0emonI% I `.._ .4- : Graduate`. Gold Meda.l:&nfd. Artist`: 1 ., Diploma. rc.-ronto Q<,>..1lene_ . . , 1 `V ~ " `o.Mus1c._-1' M Late teacher of. piano':.a.t Mun yum. School; ` ` ` ' -v A. . \ Fnn-nu !-n,v _ Good perfume! heed hot} necessarily` % be, % high" priced. -- . ` 15-..;-___.`. - '1_;_ us 3* - r_15;;`{1me th ounc iis . our. [ speciglty. N o` gancy pgckagesto pay or. ~ -"('Jomek aV,n,d% hav'.ey O u r handkerchief perfumed free withwith 7 I f I-IAT, the nobbiest `stylashown this season. Imported direct; ` It is the latest and best. % 40 cents an% ounce, at Thisis|t UIIIVII j-.---- ` ESTABLISEE ' "" D 1835" : Capital - $2.500 Rest onlgontid - Andrew 1- co- rem , . Gen ! Manage: `i'i' Jahggag ', 0` Q. . BARR A as I B Draft! i::1:_:d o:t:Jkli:;glt3'u;lfn:;| conducted. pout: received and inherent &|l::3l'l:,h.. ` . b. not rate. S|MMON8 X 60. jflj New Vunk E *5` nuns: : 11\UCT19{(';_." oprosmaz ros-r OFFICE or` out: own ximxuuca.-van`. cm: AS YOU WANTAIT. .o&1i{gepm:ga ;19o3.;T ; 5 ii ?venqr=~3':'"o I{ git?! F 1 %THE! SHIJW we law: a" 'unioI'i'u`% 6? Wink Fund! d. 5 per cent. on thoucudt of e;:es. McCAR'l`H'l[. -sows. -as` ., . 3 lnulop Stgeet Vrggg, aim`; L, A: .,,_ M A a... nX`t'1cI_.ub_1%-"- Iran` xrzusrs rjnankxn. ran COUNTY or swoon AND 1'!!! bouzxnxou-for j cmwufoun cnrrnuon. ONT. -U. 1- 0 `!i9itr- 4 17, 1903. `Ratepayers will _. please remember that the last day` for payment ofrst "instal- ment of taxes will be TH URSDA Y,-O 0T.1st,1903. Make payment at once and 1 aqola the rash-._ -ln;lhkl.. nvment at Sun have good Snmmgr Wood. Iplit. at $2.25 per loud (_ -Pract`ical illustrations in. killing. plumking an-d dre-$.in`g.~ poultry will be given at the Barrie Fair. week after. next. V ` `I ' VYUIIIIU V I - 2 -o_n.-_'-.-v fIa,s'c1:1c Pkb 9/ V M 8 . 1', The Advance has to thank the man- J agement of the Orillia Fair for_ com- ; plinientary tickets. The Fair is held on the ,17th. 18th and 19th, thisyear. '_- LL - V. yuan-us gran: gar an us: you w gvv v...--_- The big Barrie Ia-`aim comes off on; Sept. 29th. and 30th, and Oct. 1st... The management are making arrangements to have a number of special attractions. - ` Illa Ill-I\l ,a-uvanp .Lyua.n_ uuntun -I-vvoay vnanur `, nu.-. Owingto vacancies occurringin the .ohair's of the local court of the'An- oient `Order of `Foresters `Mr. John Lockie his been elected Chief Rang- er " and Mr. A.- Bidwlell Vice-Chief. 91- |ll0llI . . . . u :{3 ,., ....mn.;.. 0646.50 `$3395.00 `s:a:c.U'R::--:32. 0 ULPITAL _ - . 005500.000 RESERVE FUND 0- 02,000,000 3971.50 ' I. "_-`-Leive ooo.l}orde.1-s w.ith'J.V IG-seats; _ % .- - .-- _. Try lvmsnxlo. hymn: 4: son for Split llnrulwuod. Luzon loads, In town I91-03.25. - . VI `A iocont from an~'d- a'1'1eavy..wi`nd_ 1 and snow storm in Manitoba is repor- } teid bohave `done a "great deal of dam- 3 ago to the grain in stool: and stack. 3:11,." A 3_-_,-- 1.___'L_ .L1___.1_ L1.__.._.. Pure Pickling. Vlnoznri. Plelxlinz "sumac and Condiments at 301`!!- wnnvs. V ` The Elmvale Lance says :-"When Mr. Arnold. of Barrie and Miss Phil- lips. of this place, were driving out of Penetang. Thursday last. the horse bolted. throwing the occupants to the ground. hurting the latter consider-3 ably. Both are recovering nicely. of Barrie : Southern summer visitors. '1krs.*_ McK9ggie s" handsome resi- dpnoeb on Blake street has been pur- ; ohaseed by Senator Brown. who is one i 1 u 1 -There s a hoiisb famed for `A dress-' goddS-it'S Vicke&"s. A *M%=b!! : F'|k=% vauog` . 122 u1'-?;'.:.X3_` blmz n V` ..n..r'~ kw ax ` -mi," I -1.I1'zc3_i:;1I:`1"1:ixc : I:1`:I-.I:"iII'r COMPANY. gg-., - , in 'to_ dnlilthf :_ :=1'cuna|`1n'-'?-J'|t_"."-\`mn'h(A ,nn- Jul- an-aunt. e Make do mistake ! YARD, `F()0'_1i OF ' TORONTO STREET. ' .gmce--91 Du_I_1_|gg8treet,Bar%rie was HAPPENINGS 62 A wnimx an '1-own AND _v1omrr1r. '-Mrs. O. F; Wright has opened a fancy .g\oo'ds `store. where everything of the latestvand most up-to-date pro- idwotion in this line can be procured. Elizabeth street.- first store west of the vWellin-gton Hotel. The Secretaries of th'e Goldwater an-d Oollingwood Fairs having kind-_ ly orwarided invitations to The Ad- lvance. The former. takes place on Sept. 24th and 25th and the latter on Sept- 22nd. 23rd. 24th and 25th. A` representative. of the Watch Tower Bible an?d.'1`ract Society will hold a meeting on Saturday evening. Sept. 19th,'at 7o clock, on Sunday-af- terno'on' at-3 and in the evening at. 7. at the residence of Mr. Jas. Reid. . 48 Oollier street.` No collection. All welcome. - New seed: for can qow1n-f-'l`1mom_r'. Clover-I. orchard GrnuI'.`- lonyn Mix- "-'9.-~ ca '..`.".'.`i'F'.'.!'?-""'-T I "--'l`he rt:;-a93i"ij1`rui1k is _r1inni'n'g-;sin- fgle-fare __eg'cmsins`_- into ,,Blarrie on the ;;_30th`. for "the "Great~_C_e`ntre Sfnfooe.;`Eihibittp.,.~.-..l. , `XV -Mir. to... G. em: a f elected President or `the "Embalm- ~ ers" Asso. The annual jrneeting was helldsin Tdrfonto. last week. Mr. Chas. Smith` was awarkle'd. acertifioafe by the Ganaldian f School of . Embalmers. He gtdolxjj `hunch-5` in the examinat-ion;- 4;. `:=.i1`6iai:=:ne`;o: Mr; ...H.zughton'5 _LennJ.ox.:M. P.-.-`had a. narrrow escape from. being. killed an the Hamilton !:ra_t3k,.o;;.th_t;.. G.. '1`, -R-.;-'6n=.,at1'11'!1ay; amt tlie'_r'_eby. hangs eta`-la`. <`n_r`' _r`athen the. tail doesn't hang. as it_ was out off by theclocoznotive. The cow was .1:urL>.:~ot1:e:wis.-- .. ;.. '- rig;-wake ;;in,.i`.t1;g-Bgr__igir4;r.,il;6`f,sept.' .. ff 30 pg 0_o'i:',;a1hJtant}wi`_'._` the` iaats~o: M _ . " `i-ng ` "tram e. '11:. . T sc&u1er1iJas*i:efvd } i"` v'rn_c-f" ' gm; i:`veek;"5hd"-!a`wand, .1 ,1.-lI_L__s* LL45? 5`. L - 773 3W9V$.1Q$r % opening foi-V dfe$1akihg apprentices. Geo, Vigkers. .- * rl11Bla~'- vvvulsr `nu -xu_u-vvcuvu *.- -.~"uu'* `:""uul ilgherigq` ; .j]]gp'ax;tm'ent.`M ...at X 8_!N.i!1gd:4is1; niet-7a`xyt`11';oh gi .oon-"1 1 1 XIUII IUVU IIUKV Uri!-. Iuvlu V PRlC_3II_8.-`-ilbq~.~: . am add : nxs~nu`nc1; Istj. mnuun jmnrg. u. `r v--v-.-7-v-~v I QU:i;c~;-RENT --;8m.a.ll brio fnr ~nn-un"- anon `\nu-in .1` l'PQM'_

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