Prince rereinand took his can July-H17, 1887, with Stunboulol as his chief adviser. .For six years ` Ferdinand : reign wee remnrkebly euccesefui. -His troubles began when he married Princess Marie Louise, daughter oi the Duke of Penna. one of the most devoted Catholics in `Europe. She had little Sympathy with`, the Bulgarian: and hated Stanboulol. ' ' "It `was because of his wife's inu- ence that Prince it Ferdinand querreied with hie minister. dinniued him -lronjlower `and sought to` inn.) 1; - IC`hly.:iDOI."him\. Stunbeulol wee murdered in July, 1893. " A1 AL.` 41.... 41.- A._nn. - -- -u-ouvIv- an U111], LG From that time the helm; of tho Bulgarian gradually turned to in- tud. Fran tint than. too, dates tho unfriondllneu of the other now- ers, 3 fouling that was intensied when Ferdiinand had his little non. Prince Boris, heir to thn throne", {Te-ml.the best markets in the vrorld, many of- them Iler. ~ -vu Lsonally/selected in Europe. All of them strictly up to .337; ; every garment made for this season s trade, and ; exclusively conned to this store. We ask your par. _ticular attention to our Coats in New York style. They lead others and are the secret of our great success in this department. We guarantee every garment satis~ factory, or money refunded. ~".l.`-he fall stock is now well forward and as this de. partment has been growing by n strides, we of necessity . .gfpurcha8ed a much larger stock than usual. Manges `Mantles and Skirts ` AND ALL READY TO WEAR GARMENTS Pinter v.,3.0!.i'is_ or mu _m.. In;-I 8. AI. _ ,0!-00 3l50ii6Ii; 4i'Z.a. -,11 , . PHONE 170. .'A! h'andnome new at Coho .V:Uu.\ ` nbth the "Y\ `I that. as the be con- Q,_[*thoa aurf :. l1:%.pus1y .::tg9 litnown to ~~8.,,m and 1a111,,i "Ix rising in one Vmgthing thl another. like a : 13 glow of he ow iltitud e may have affected t 0! the '01 th. . Ott '-esI;ur "'..&.1l:;`. :`io "110 surface * LI-_g9wrgnc,__,e 5 rising whilothe % - 9` 9 310Wly subsided. _-vu-- '91` II COP. DUI: WDUC Luv nu--V" 1 has apparently never been disturbed for centuries, as witness the even lay of the loll, the underlying rock 18 learned and scored everywhere by 911 1 force of rushing water. Tho T0 \ surface looks much as would W ` channels around the Chaudiere where I the purrent is most furious; Wt" possible to drain on the water and see the rock bottom. EnoI'm0\1' "9" holes" are seen everywhere. W seams in the rock bed. e\'T3" h" parallel and running in a 893'" northern, direction, being in ms` places about a. foot. Wide and 1 same depth. The stone being 9* tremoly hard, one would say 1-' _n the depth of these seams that W5 spot had been for ages the bed of ` furious torrent of great width. though to-day its bottom lies high b` the Water level, and from ihe d:`P'h .0! oil covering it it must have 09 ..1l!_.i ts Present state 9. _V'8I`y 1"8m1i Where did this immense body f Witter come from? What became 0 St? Sonia think that at eom H. -time the Great Lakes found $139 outlet" through the Ottawa ff `much wider and oeeper WW *1? ,'vi50,l!1IO'.|'I8 stretching from the Chet-9:19 hula to the Ottawa cliffs. M * ..lake water: dradually wore 0. P33` lag! through the gorge of Niegamv *_'tho'e -`Volume of water coxnint M" `the Ottawa may have gradual! . A M _ th. = Another theorm thet,_ 3_m Ijoculnlol on to Itnno Incl lotu- uou no Loony : Luke. On the grounds of the Internation- al Cement Company, near'n Lake, i' be seen something odd and inexplicable to the ordinary pas- ser-by,but which 9. geologist could no doubt explain as 0. paragraph of out planet : earlier history, written in stone. cu . g :1 _.,__l... -- From Btowery creek the surface on tho miinland sido tiles in In 6!-9! slope tovnrdl Wrightville and lb` old gollgrounde. Nee: the creek the limestone crops out freely. A low M {higher up it disappears. Towards the centre oi the grounds the soil 19 some six feet deep. The exctvatim now beink made show that the bed 01 limestone run: `I considerable dil- tgnce, that it rises from the water level at the some gentle sloP 3' soil on top. But while the surface L-- -__-_.._\-- _---.._ L...-. Au`;-hlrhed A one In Point- _,_11 I` CURIOUS MARKS. ,_' The luocesstul Physician. During the time spent in this hospital learned many things that not textbook , teaches, amongthexn the secret of the successful physician. I discove_red.that Jvhile knowledge was a necessity it was _' !not the onlything; tact; energy, sympa-' . -_a'nd- kindliness s counted for` more. .. The most competent. physician was not inevitably the most prospero_us,: while, the" assiduously attentive ignoitamns L.[who made up inca'1-`e what he-iacked in - -skill `kept the hospital crowded and in t:`ai1'li;'i'1iL--l;iive,1"`yl)ody{s' _Ma`gazine.s the fullness` of time had "his own- sun!-` `_ ' Guvelllm 5 Rise. . ; f{`,Books_ that have helped me! chuc- ,t})gd;[f1?ommy- as he piled,.enough hound-~ ` or. the congressional Ro`cotd~o[n - ;tVte;mib1}%h1;n}`t9;=tehh:;:the:r!1iitJs 319 Iuuuo To this letter he received no answer, and so disappointed was he that from `that time until'his death, whicheoc- curred-`recently, be. shut himself up in` his home and lived like a hermit. Most of his time` was spent in reading, and ` the` day after his funeral the heirs he- gnn to `search the "books in his library,- `for they thought it unite posihle that the eccentric old man might have hid-V den" some bank notes in them. , p,,;-,.I___.- l_-_A. l_ _ L-LA.-...-L XVII DVIIIV Illnl-n- navsvw can an-van-g They found none, but `in a tattered -old pamphlet they found another klnd_ of note, the love letter which was wrlt~ ton natty` years ago and which the write. or had. forgotten to mail. - 1 A recent amendment to the Muni-g jpal. Act makes it necessary for {al . >;;{t'41;vo-thirds majority`-vote `of the qualify. ratepayers tobe p`o1l_ed inordefr carry such a by-law as that which - `fit is proposed "to tpa_ss- in connection -,with the Barrie Carriage Company; _}yA.tWo-thirds majority of the vote .wi1l'no..t be sut,ticien_t to carry f`t;he. by-law-it is a two-thirds` ma-' `ijarity of the qualified ratepayers. Whose names are on the Voters` `List. _!Vhich is required. This means that _`al_l citizens who take an interest in. the town's welfare and advancement: `must do a little -work between now and Sept. 28th in order that the re-' ouisite vote may be. pulled. Many ` rate`pa'yers. who are thoroughly in ac- ' cord with the provisionsiof the_ By- iaaw. and yet allow some` trifling matter to ke'ep.them away from the polls. should remember that under` ' the abovementioned amendment to: i the Statutes. every unpolle-d. vote is practically a Vote cast against the passage of the By-Law. With other 'towns.'offering bonuses of $10,000 to __new industries Barrie can` well at- _.1ord to offer a mere loan. as an in- iincernent to such a concern as the carriage Company. V ; Think ot'the_xeaey 4new'".houses`:antl' 1-yie additional` stores. whiehewill be . Iheeded. it we encourage industries in - the town. New jxouses `and steres"1 mean plenty of work next sumxqer. 3 `V _ n -`-'I|`f:c.>-w `did you like the cite? `hid the Enguehmnn Ienghlngly after the urn ! congratulation. "AI. he!" returned the Chlnumn, "with a cunning leer. no no puch big fool to eat hlnknh. ` He put cekee In Ire. Burn him up. He, be!" M" AL_AD- LA- I.-4II9I -`OJ `Kg :1 ` i Love Letter Romance. ' Halt acentury ago 'a young English- men while traveling met a beautiful girl and promptly tell in love with her. A few days later he returned home, and his nrst act wasto wrlteher a love -_ letter. In it he told her that he could not be happy wlthouther and that it she regarded his proposal tavorably he would expect a `reply by the next - An nng3:'3nma:f'wi'5"{v;'3ppom:ea to en impel-tent poet in chin got Iner- Iled Ioon utter. Among the reeipiente net the noun! little cerdboerd boxee con- teining e piece or wedding cake wee e Ohineee nnerehent with when the Iridenoon hed en eutetending ec- oount for goods supplied. Alter the honeymoon one or the nut person the newly wedded huehend met wee. lie celestial cg-_e_ditor.i 4.g,A-n , In: ;n- a gen n-an q-u--u .-on, m:'I"t'oJ'n3.&7'uII& cu. mug. liohman, very much hurt. You might have tasted It, at least, out . or com- ` pllment to` my wife and myself. Why- didn't you?" All ; LA- Alan`- --L '9 --I` "AAA, `Barrie can g; .l arger 'w_'iVtVvI_1`- fput additional industries. Remem- {ber this_ ma work in the Tntbrests 1~o,t~[the Carriage By-Law. button: It gvuu . Me too clnte, uh," laid the Celes- tial, with the same cunning smile. You owe me tnonee, eah;. eendee pol- uon cake; I eat him; I die; you no payee up. Houp 11! He, he, he! I know you Ingleeeh!" ' 1 with in (ltd kwydono of `iciuooeu. Pictures itudio no I.trit|y*\'[:orIIb.i'ent. Awnnn FARE. icon. _ . Jfranklackson. A ` xnnnnyn nu?nT `mi; wny Hutton. .-Il_I....__ _.I__ _-_ _~_ `lfifteriiof. Portia-aiita. _ Paris, Sept. 9.--A despetch to The Temps `from Constantinople, giving additional details of the outbreak at Beirut, say: that when the `soldiers and police sought to -stop the ` en-- counter between - the Mussulmans end- Christiana, which occurred near the Orthodox Church, the ghting became % general and resulted in 30 persons ; being; killed or wounded.- The trouble, 3 the correspondent or The Temps says; " began during Sept. 5, Saturday, ` _ when three .Chx:iatia; ns wem; assassi- ' noted in the etreets. and continued: _V Sunday night. when `a. Ohnzistian ,wus' L~stabbed with e .poigna,rd fby ia.Mussu~l.: J ` rnnn: hnkrn `LA T4-n-.. l`.u.'.....I_i|.- , -avg.-uuvug "guns 13-yuuasauuu U u. Auul L man before the It_alian .Consglpj:_e. V V Ottqwa, `' /Sept. T 1 _ -sqnior. the .Sp'a.rkc stropt b_.n`; er. `wags ' ;'4;arr'a1`sm2d before Judge5=MactaYi.11`on*: . ` `V '- , 3 7 so" ?' -'-5" ?gee'e l"eed' and threw :18, lute _lie > ` ;'So`ila{ *Sei$t.: `V_9;:-;-i-{I`i'!AvaVte `V ltterq` .- ation in that; vile.yet'. Destitute Bul- `,ge,ri:d1 retugeeel ere` `oji-iving;.de.ily._w at Monastir, relating Turkish `cruelty. Sixty-families recently` arrived` .there tram Smilevo, which was totally de- stroyed. The refugees saw a husband and wife sitting in the ruins of their home; when` a Turkish -soldier slash- ed' oi! the:man s head and threw. it in; the woman s lap. ` The `soldiers i itund a servant girl and several chil- dren hiding in a ditch. They outrag- children. Nu_merous.Bu1s:erien pri- '-soners have been brought to Mone- stlr. They were _mostly' unarmed `peasants who had not been `connect- J_narche_d- o in heavy chgiins. i . ` ue,-o_oo_n ifxxag. The llenedonian interior organ es- `timated that 150,000 women, '~. chil- dren and old men are hiding in the mountains and forests of Macedonia. the diftficts of Leren. and Koeear escape to` the le._i_n__.-. The. _V'lach vil- lage oi Gopes , three hours` distant `from Monastir, has been burned. by the Turke, who are reported to have destroyed the village of Stilevo, near Malkernovo. ` 1 Le not-e ceived here from European residents? at llonaetir, give details. oi the eitu-r ' ed the girl and slaughtered all the fed wlththe insurrection. Twenty Bul-_ .,gariens.' who had been exiled, mere T The Entire are burning tho"Ioreste in ` and killing iugitivee who attemptto r thrown several of -theinhahitants in- i _ to the fire. The Bashi Bazouke have i n\I.:_;.--_ ;I.-.._-_.| n\.._I.:..l. ..I.l:.... \ Berlin, `Sept. 9.--A-despatcth to The Lokal Anzeiger from Constantinople says thirty Christ-.ia.ns, among them being several Europeans, were killed during the rioting at Beirut. Later in the day. the Foreign Oice received no deepetch from Constantinople an`- nouncing that `ten persons were killed during` the disorders at about the time the United States warships at-. rived T here, but, the Foreign Olm nds no connection between the two . events. {Amongithe ekilled_ was an Amer/i__ca.n: whether the was a. netlve or the United, _S_to.tee or naturalized citizen _ of `that country does not up- IIAHI`, ' lllil II`! V II: -Thirteen thousand Turkish A soldiers are assembled on the l'ront.ier at Pal- -anka, Kratavo and Gotschani, and are plundering the surrounding vil- lages. The population has not com- plained, fearing. that it may be mur- dered. In the `district of Debritslk, Vilayet oi Monastlr, the soldiers are - reported to be naked and hungry and to be robbing lall around. ' ' V 7 ` Not. `ue Yet. V The general sun of the '.'neurgenta V has issued a; clncular ordering the bands not to , molest the peaceful Turkish and Albanian villages. The order concludes: "There will always be plenty of time to take such mea- Iures." L ` ,,._,---3I,, -, 4|, nI_A__n_A _ n [ Washington, Sept. 9.-'--`rue Navy \ Department has received the 1o11ow- E ing , cablegram from Rear-Admiral - ` Cotton, dated Beirut, _Sept. 7: "Vio- lence and bloodshed between Moham- .medane and native. Christians occur- red. at Beirut, Sunday. Six Greek . Christiana, two Mohammedans and one Turkish soldier were killed; three 'Greek_ Christians, three Mohamme- dane and three Turkis-hesoldiers were wounded seriously. Other murders are "reported." - V nun uocvv UIIC &Io;vvvvuuy Q-g~-ye 3` cu. "l"he revolutionary headquarter: es- timate tha.t 30,000 Bulge:-inn` men. women and children heme, men killed, while at least the heme `number of refuzeel are elowly periehing of hun- ger. . In omelal circles these gures ere retarded as an underestimate and omciels incline to the belie! that the` Qilfh AC` mnaanhn-AA uuguungonn ..w)eg-;l_ `QVVVII . The Turks are apparently determin- : tionery bend near Ostroyo. 80 miles 1 0 from _`Mone,stir. Fighting is proceed-0 ; ing. The revolutionaries have taken ` the Vilnyet of Constantinople. Turk- i is}: troops on now said" to ' be nt- ed to exterminate the entire Bulgaiiv en population of Vilnyet. Aln_rnIng lltnntlon. ~ From Government circles here the situation is viewed with increasing _ e.le.rm. It is reliably reported that the ` Turkish forces in Incedcmie. 0 number { 800,000. It is considered impossible that such e. lords has been assembled merely to crush the rebellion. ` ' ` 'I .e Snlonice, Sept. 9.--'l`v.'elve butts!- lons of Turkish troops are weportetl to have elujrounded n large revolu- ` up a position nee: `Lgke Anitovo,- in ` tacking them. -_A_' _--_n av.--` Fuinne brovails in the district of ..Kru'ahevo,` and the population `is go- ing into the o.djacent`dist:-icta. ` Th` D.-unsluul-Gnu-10-. Lgntlnuu-|n6.u\- An, It-avoid-S J-IV-LOCI! '9 UIIC IIGOIWI `V39 115`: number 91` mulgcrod persons exceeds Klihll J snaumgr by`*`rru'. `um; ro_: A-mu xmoa. Bggann Pleads Guilty. ` H Fatal crolod clash; 7 `Yankee Killed. _ London, Sept, 9.:-,-I_t`11as;dbe`en' de- cided to `hold o.`c_onye_i1tion of the Oonservatiwa` or Western Ontario in this city on Thursday. the 17th imp.` R'eprosen`tatives` from twenty-tour con-4 "stituencien ..wm bo prepent and `tho . gathering promises ._to. be a. very. ?im- *~ .portantAone. i ~ - ,5, ~|; ossining, N..Y,, fseprt. 9;--Pa tric.k F. Oonklin,` a, wife mu'rderer,. was put to .daa,t.l;- in the` =e`I;ec_tric. ~.chair' in sing , ""3;?i" '*PI'.i8 7` ' e..e&ri,'~a?IP.d..' 83 : . ,,,t`._ r.. *'Sa`nduky, 0.. Spt. 9.-'-"1!helnsh- ing. tug Louise. which some -feared had gone -down with vor 100 pas- Vsangers, in the ;hi_g.. stqrm on Lake Erie I Monday, `arrived here` safely early ~ yestettday Vfrom I-veami,!i`s'ton.! l1u4- - v '- `1.")-Kkmoplu >; cbnfhnh "t.'AI:n1!A-I ' I-I-nu ljquud uro`wncd.' Medicine -Hgt. N.W`.T.`,,, Sept. ."9.----` j'.Iose_ph Cotterel, a tailor, "who re- cenply arrived from 'Co11'ingwood, to ' work. in News {tailor shop, was` ' dr'own ed Mondgy. ` He' `was shboing `with 9. party and `was `found about` noon by his companions in t.hrec~!o`et ~ of water. ' -' - .1 In-\~n OJ Ont. . boat". ` New Orleana,- Sect. 9.-MarinvezT7ad- vices of the destruction by a. hurri- cane` 9! San Miguel, a_, town _4 on the east coast _of Yucatan, ate ` received. Not dbuilding was le'Tt` standing. San Miguel was the oldest town in Mexico- It was the pla.ce_~where--C.oi'- tez landed and established his head- quarters. . a I aupc::~3;;-1:-cc-any i'_;a val r om. `thdrlli - -are-. vvatod aeea\ilt".-alone is who: injured `lfaylor in what inlaid to have_'5_0i|i G` friendly bout Monday. night. Wllellh heard that the police wanted him-,., he walked in-_ to headquarterl fand'`a'Ve himoell up. ; 110.13 a young` fellow about 25 years. `ol age. Il1'l`,aylor die! during L the `night ,__the priaoner- will have to face t a. chhrge `oi manslaughter. -/ _Thoae , who paw the mishap declare that , there was no` ill-t-feeling, and'~that~ it ~ wasa pure accident. The police claim they have i ormation to the : effect that `Maya h -maid that it-he` ever got_.the nigger on the mat he ; would never `go on one again. but u Mays friends indignantly deny this. Mayo is a tool maker and has. been employed by the ' Westinghouse Air Brake Company. The authorities are determined to "sift the matter to the ' bottom. At a late hour last night Taylor was on -the operating table; ,at the City Hospital, but the doc- .`tore could do nothing for him, and he died at a.- late hour. He was a a market gardener about 32 year! of age and unmarried. ' `:"f`I..- .. Toronto, Sept. 9.`-L'I`he meat "of `the Dominion _~Exposition have handed out the gured "for La- bor Day. The attendance` was 93',- 000, Yentorday, Farmers Day, the attendance rose to nearly 50,000. The centre of interest was the dairy building, and the live stock exhibitl. The. dairy competitive classes forthe families or `farmers began yesterday and attracted chief attention among the farmers. The hall where the de- monstrating was done was crowded allarlay with an eager throng. Misses Mabel and Maud Parkinson, theitwin daughters of William Pan-1-zinson of Jarvis, Ont., and M. Stonohouae of Port Perry composed the rat class- section three of the competitive class. Ilu- om- ............a- -1 an- (V__L.:-a..._-._- Toronto, Sept. 9.-The iirst annual convention of the'Wea't Ontario Good Roads Association brought out less than a` dozen members. The 'mem- bers gathered at the administration building at 10 o'clock. The Pro- gram Committee brought down their report at nearly 5 o'clock when the members were. able to eecure the hall for the afternoon meeting. Dior cuseion was had on f the queetion of how the Countiee oi Simcoe and Wentworth propose to take ` advant- age of the Government grant under i Improvement of the Highway Act. `Heart. .J. D. " Reid, E. Kenrick, Daniel Quinlan gave eome expert in- . formation concerning _theee counties The subject wee not diepoeed oi be- cauee oi the wide scope the di6cue- eion aeeumed. The balance `of the program will be concluded _to-day. Aylmer, Sept. 9.--Claro l[cGrath, .a. lad about 14 yeart old, met with a terrible accident yesterday after- noon at the Fair grounds. He was climbing a pole to cut the rope to let the balloon ascend when the pole and- denly gave away and fell on him, al- most killing: him instantly.. He is still alive. but small liope is held . out for hiarecovery. _wvvvL\llA uuocp Ill vllv Ivvlllfliivll-IVV VIII.-`I3- The two concerts of the Coldstream `Guards attracted a. vast crowd. Im- mense nthusiasm was 1'nan!fcstedAov- er the appearance of the band, and -the `numbers were applauded. f-v-snub-vg -vvvs. - truss. u- tlis .chu'r. The -attendance was not lugs. Tin iollowing oillesrs wsrs sleotsd: lrrssidsntg luv. Dr. alla- Ksy, Woodstock; vies-prssidsnt. F. W. Duly. London; sesrotu-y. Robert Ilsa; trsssursr, Kiss Wiggins. Thus ocers. with tho following, will con- stituts the Eucutivs Committee tor ths ensuing year: W. 0. Ellis, Rsv. Tnr. Eby, nu. xexoo, Rev. 0. .9 Scott, Rn. W. W. Xettlewsll, Rsv: J. A. Hscdonald (Duerin), `Hrs. An-Igov ._J F flnunlogn Al I1-cg`-5L ' aw: '. ` ij _.5'}a`.'yVQW'_" -V-;.__ J AtI_ou_dnuo logo to. Kim-lg" 80,000 9: ` fir-on Day at nioulnlon Fair. _-m9Il*. WIIXCI III fl - oriiey and r. marker of Guelph. Toronto. Sept. O.--'l`11'o second an- nual convention of the Temperance Luguo-wu held hem yettorduy-. with the president, Rev- J . E; Starr. in LI.` -L-- fI\I.- _AA--J-mg- u-_- --d. - u:-rI;'.:|no' Destroys Idxiinn Town. froupu-at co lnglolnlou Liana. " Gatlhu-`In; itzicnnonutlvpl. I C:_Ii:dlnn I Ingloix-l:`uu_ ind; `y up uv lunacy; Lauusunus vuu, Rough 1` Vdl`a.yeAd the . v=m%95;yg23% W- . ,.`-._-~s_ . 0--u-n `_s..:.L" .'oaiAx`'A?4 no Oo;d'lo|do nun. ;stoz'-`n nouyofa ler; V Polo toll on q ` .. `...:v *-\ - ` ....a.i....%% ...>m.A - w u - --v. no - " .- ' I ` Russia, growing jealous `of Alexan- ' , der's growing. power, kidna.p_ped_ him ,- and forced him to Sign an Va.'bdica- tion- fI_`he"powers, however. inter- _ hired, and` `Alexander ? V :was' 1iher'a_taa.- , i but` `he decided? to abdicate. boulo-; then" became vir-tua1jtodictator.'o1;. : - o.tABu1igaria, -while the-r poyvora *lookgd;_ -uu Us .:.aquza xuzuypug .v0.I1ll`BS,'I_ of Prin9;.:;A!zvatua of. -".`.-`2W'1`. ,I1nauor_1.. A _ - Z . _' it .Bu_lg`alzfia'._w`a;s_ one of` tlhor s`t_o.t_'s, VT 'tza`r vd `dut of th"rurkish e'm pl!fC fol- o 1owi;xg`.th wax`-_ Russia wdgeg-a.g~a1nst ; ~teho"'sublIme"- porto in 1878. -Undm-..' tho troaty -of Berlin" Bulgg,1!iI`W18 '10- E tclarada an autonomous state under the - suzerainty of. Turkey, and Princo .Alcxa.nder of Battenberg was made i its !tS;.ru%?- ..Whn the cabinet wen to;-x1y:_i,_thro.,0,)otn4g no native B1ilg`q,r- jans ltrainod "to stdtocraft. the prin- `cipal"o1c6s wero,lled by foreigners, ' Rixssid. getting. _th`o`I'no`st important ,_ o_ms. fButthier`e was fastidevoloping 20. grea$t=mn.n,- Stefdnzstamboulott, r jone of tho most rexnarkohle men 5:13 `his,.ti,n_1o`.- . . A .:,`;v...-l_ ` 9 .______ H ,.___g . -A Jllll` uuu -Qlk;._Il_l-hicrvli H33 in mind. the eyes oi the civilized vb:-ld~ have been turned towards Bulgaria and its ruler,-Prince Ferdine.nd,who in now in Pain with his family, and who, ' it it llid, will never return to MD throne. having incurred the hu- tred of his subject: to such an ex- tent that for months he has been- eway (rem his capital. tenring to to-' . Iingtion. Bulmhlris With IllO""- ,Q! Q,I'lllUl murao King And Sen-via. mind, {ha `VIII-"ll. flu` nviIIn , L r3I1fq:,[1r_niib I1A'1b._. , .:_`3. 1 1 turn because pt, the sunset` at . new } linntinn _ I l WHY PRINCE FERDINAND FEARS THE FATE OF $RV|A S KING. nu;.l-nu no Iottqd of I30 uuu` and Inn Awoyvlor lqltlnlinu luv Bogus) gogogu of the lungs: of A0 With tni51;ixara1murau of; tho; rd... ...4I on-.'a.';. ."$..o Q.....c- 0...; 1- II$IIIIlO_!"-::Z_I TIIOIC I A In nuop grnua Dom; the; efhugnst left behind us, the buisy store resumes its hum gf _1g{.`eag4;1oipgs.._ 1`heldst.i ni'dnfh*hns been a busy _one in gathering such a vast may [of newhfabrichs ferthe fail.l'-i:traL4de. eAs our; stock is now_ about complete, we are ef thesheewing end pleasedthat we can offer our customers the nest assort. ment of .fqr'ei`g,n and iiomestice goods ever shown in `Be.rrie. SAJEANT & SMITH mttuutnvnunmss muuua DEPARTMENTS Now (men at DIRECT IMPORTERS. no VLODDUIA against: ` It ` . to"a.n attempt to takothe child from her keeping. ` 5P2-ince l.l Boris is now in his ninth .yc:ur.. - He is. a.` bright little fellow, .. with an intelligent. face and a lov- Vuble disjpositioni His mother. Prin- ,cess~Maria Lou1se;.died in`1899. 'J`l.o _fyoung7- prince is, happily yet too you_ng .to have idea of the den- ;:t`hy}-.that-.a\va.1tI-`him.- L v _;,`-,2-`-__-_.,., M. ' c .&.....a_ ~>\.-u.___... -L _ vguuu apgclmonl lddgd. lI|!I,hioent collecf.ton of at insects, _ _..-- -_ ._...._u.q Vt nuuvalll. H baptized in the, Greek church. :1- phoizgh has had previously been bap- `tized Catholic. : A ~`-It, is `fair to $ay_tha.t tho prim:-3's mo'tht: r,= th `Princess Marie. Louise, 1%i~o~tsted against it, a fact which led to-"an a`ttnm'n on 4-..I-an-- --