VV CBC I-Iubalua \aU|\.n.a_ vunluar It's great, great! said Dix. Hefty wlll surely think it was Spider." A_..`I 41--.... ......-.- A4\-\- vv\l\IIA lllill `AC `VIII DIILUAJ sauna :5 Han -yr-vac And there was even" more cause for Hefty to think so when the end came rather suddenly early in the eighth. Hall ducked a vicious jab and at the same time swung with his right. The blow landed with terric forces on Hefty s neck, and he went down blow- ing` like a grampus. Then the referee counted on! ten seconds. The crowd howled. It was some -minutes` before Hall realized what had happened, and when he did he vaulted the ropes and broke `for his dressing room, while he- hind him the cheering redoubled. ,. ,_III_ A____ .1__.. 1-1...- ffnll -5; l.Lll.l\| IJJLIJ wuv yuyunnua -u\pvu--1-V... 7 At Cedarville two days later Hall re- gelved the following letter: ` Rev. Charles Aloysius Hall: . Dear 8ir-You will probably wonder how we know your nameiand address. A card fell from your `pocket in your dressing room, and we have guarded it jealously. Your secret is safe with us. . 1-4.! _......' I. . . n . . . . u I15 ha! (ha noun` {ha} 1011!` secret 1:! sun: wuu ua. It was. because we had the card that we let you depart that night without saying more about the money after you , had refused it because you claimed you had broken your contract by ooring Hefty. You earned it; ye gods.` you richiy earned it. The first thing Hefty said when they `got him to his corner , was "Well. I ain't so much, am I?" 1'..'a.1n-ml nlnnan nd nhnnlr nn Third Na- WEB, wen, J. an: I. no nuuuu, uuu gs Incloaed please nd `check on Third No.- tlonalfor 8800. - 111.. 1.....- annuahn Ow-mm nlnr n :1":-rnrn uomu tor yew. V _ We have secured from Spider a sworn etatement that he did not light Hefty Burke on the evening of April 7. This will appear in the Annual, with a. poem on Hefty : fall. before the great unknown. Great unknown! `You shall remain such; but permit us to express our gratitude to you. Sincerely yours. _ `ROBERT DIX. - JOHN BURNS. i Dllllllla, `ICC CICIIII III IIWEI `C One sunauy. having :1 `Tea her am. ' net, the lady .\_ went o the drawing _--_. 4- _--.1 `LL- _-_-... . t\.. _' nun wanna QIIGIVI `I-IV VILII \alI\I$\vo As she, _. spelled chiken-` the dog raised his head: at bones" he got up. walked .1ntuh`e. dlnins..r9m a:nd,xoon-' 941 r#&%Wf~ antckig-ts All IKJIIRIJO ' . `,`.We1l, sa.y, you could have knock- ` ' cd me down with a feather! And 1 that 4-year-old had Peck's Bay Boy \ , beaten at the start. But that was _- the only `time they ever {poled me . V on the brides, he said, as he turn- : ed to reach for the register. T'r\r\`r `anion thin!` `-31: fnvvng-grunts 1 l tloglotql _.L1o_n-I; up Quebec Knew: ; J _ ` nqm it smut; . l 7.`..C_an .;I`?=f`-";tel1_ a._bride when I see -one?" 1.0.dAbl_ie_eof-"the clerks at a Inigo hotel. `in the alicient city ` of Quebec,in answer to the query put to him, A `.w_ell, what do you take me for}, anyway?" He snied contempt- uously. `- Think I've been` room clerk. here six years, and -10 years at Nia- gara before thatffor nothing? Why, -; ` I can tell 9. bride as soon as she steps into the room, and in all my 3 years of experience I have never been ` mistaken buf once, and a. reminis- ; cent smile ickered over his face._ l('I 1'__- ____ LI-_Ar\Dl velar EJALJJIE lJA\lxI\;l\J\l UVGL IIIB lIAaK}. . How was that? asked the Sta-L, tistician, a. `little surpfised at the willingness with which this conqent one admitted having once been frus- taken. W 11111.11 9: ,\ so u .u u l > __Well, chuckled. _the clerk, that was last June. `You _see," he went. on,` "I had ,a letter from this Mr. C---- from New York about two weeks before their arrival, asking me to reserve a room at such and such a date for himself and wife, and giv- ing explicit directions as to certain requirement; necessary. When I g'ot gthat letter I_'made up my mind at once that this was a pair of honey- mooners, and reserved the bridal chamber in the south wing for them. had owers-bride roses, too-s_ent in on the night of their arrival, and everything done up brown. ' `mn- ` d-LA-. `noun- T -...... __-..- ..-.. -..,-_,......5 ......- ..,, .,..,..._. A When'they came, I was more con- vinced thgn over, and began to look on the? oor for a `stray grain of rice. They're always dropping it iround," he explained. Well, she was a. corker! . Pretty as a. picture, young-and innocent looking, and an ` air of hesitation, as if she didn't quite know `what to say next; and he % was young . appearing, too, and-- well, they seemed like a typical brid- -al couple. V urru... ...-.. '.~.......:_... I... .......-.. '- vv`-r-W _ . '-Tho ngxt morning he came down` to the desk and asked me if I had,` a. room adjoining theirs. `We like it so well here, that I think we'll stay A few weeks, he said, `and I want a. room for our two children and 1 nurse; single bed, crib and a cot for the oldest boy, 4- years old. I've telegraphed for them to come _to- morrow,- he said, `sobe sure to have it ready. IIIITAII Vn<;-- . . . . . . . ..`I.'l 1.--- I-_-..1- GK Ip\I JQTII I\'l VII`! LVSJIDIIUI a Look here, and his forenger tra.veled down the lines of signatures on the page devoted to the arrivals of that day. Here, and here, and here-they re all bridal couples, and this--and this-see! Here are six couples in from Boston to-day. .1111 on their honey-moon. Five from New York yesterday, tour from New `York to-day, two from Philadelphia, one each from Chicago and St. Louis, and one from Honolulu; be- sides, I don't know how many from other places. ' . Last Saturday, he said, turning 1 back to verify his statement by 1 pointing to certain little x s marked 4 beside. several signatures on the re- g'ister, "we had 23 couples of em, ` and a. handsomer lot I never saw." , 5 ,_!_I_1,_ ,.,_-1-# _.'4i $11 1 llcLIL\lu7\J|LlI;l LUV A Llvvvl use vi " `I mark all the bridal icouples with I an X," went on the loquacious one, then I can. tell in a minute who was and who wasn't; you see, lots, of people want to know about this` _one_ and that one, and then again it 3 sort of reminds one of a ock of i sheep jumping over a. will after their leader; where he goes, they all go. So when a swell girl in Boston, we'll L say, gets married and comes up here ' - on her honeymoon, why it rains Bos- ton brides during the next six weeks!, ' They all want to spent their honey- moon where Miss Winthrop Quincy; spent her, because they know she'll 7 do the most swagger thing out; o '. that's why there's _so many, I think. 1 uQ--_ -..'1.I....;- ..-..-n... '41.... -......J- 4-- ': VICKI! DJ VIII VII-\40\.I A DJ\I &Il&AJ J. V-J-noO-I J . J 9 7Soon as they come, they want t know all about this and that one. .and to tell me about the other who will `be here in a. week. They say all the world loves a lover," he added, `'and if that s'so, why the world at large can't find a, better place than Quebec in which to make its observa- tions. "New Stockyards at Winnipeg. ing` new stockyardsv at Winnipeg. These will be 1,000 x 250 feet, and further expansion, if `necessary, will be easy. Their capacity will be 125 carloads of stock. The Canadian Northern is making progress with its The Canadian Pacic is establish- `- i I I car shops, in which, at the present ` time, about 100 freight cabooses and flat cars are being built. Chicago people are talking of establishing a ' largo meat curing and canning es- tablishment probably at Winnipeg.'A Brantford company has bought `the . woollen mill property at Medicine ` Hat`, and proposes to start 'ma.nufac- ; turing, with forty hands as a beg~in- ning. The sugar beet `district sends out `favorable reports. "About 3,000 {acres will be devoted to boots in the Raymond district. `A drop in the price` of lumber has given great sat- isfaction. in; this district. 1':-u: SYDENHAM MUTUAL ANB i OTTAWA rm: INSURANCE- COMPANIES-STOCK on 4 M U TUA L. The Sydenhun is the largest urely fatmel-3' nnnnnnnu 3!: in `P:-nvinte. ndenendant. nuns wm receive Dromp: auenvuu. _ Rates on Farm Property from 50 to 60 cents per .`$:oo.--3 vents. School: sud Churches same rate. ' Hones insured to $100.00 and other stock at actual value. V V THOS. GILRAY. , - , Genoral-Agent tor Simeon County. . At Webb : Hotel. Barrie, every Saturdav. 3o-4: OFFICES TO RENT OR LEASE ., (Roouin fpr oicu. in Ross Block. No. 97. Duolq Goa. Fina nmnf vnult 2 Intalv oacunmibv Dr Vrtlvnnuu It uuuuuvu wuu -._-.._ I .,e_'Roome fprocee. 97. Duolop 4 Street. Fire" proof vault: lately occupueclbv Dr. Wells. Aleotwo rooms with vault, lntely_ oocugied bv Hood. Jack! 8 Fraeelti Ba":-netere; Immediate . .0 l cl 0 i "Bu":-la. lnn$: v'1fncox. . 1-tf. I _ '1 ne oyaennam 18 me llft urcry Iarmcn g company in the Province. rndependent, I g not in the Association. ' Communications addressed to the undersigned at ' Bsrrie will receive onompt attention. I Run. an Fgrrn Pr-mu-rtv from ea In Gaeents oer . IWW" . . ` . *Hosp1tal& .For `5i?=`i$.fa } All Cases Accepted. or write ork%st..%nuttam DII$IIlllc .np|uy ID V. II `Barrie. luau-vrx. aqox. THE ampA:,f COUPLES. '-I vvutu an _suv-nu - ~' hdze and dead 11.99 :1 ":51 -' ,"`~` Vent-1911: An, 9cIr1%n1nzn,s INsU3ANn FIRE and LIFE will take your` ii: any of his com;;ahi'u on the best germs and lowest rates. All n: clans oom- panieo. rull amounts of louupaid. banana; AGENT non ' The Sun Lifelnsnranee company . -. on CANADA ecssr won ` The Perth Mutual Fire Insurance 80. The Western Fire Insurance 00. Callhnd get rates fat your own satisfaction. Office--3'1. Mary St,, Barrie. ' MONEY T0 LOAN. I I I. Pnmnm: COME AND GET OUR RATES fsAvE YOUR TIME AND g MONEY BY CALLING Posters, I , 11 Bill Heads (in pads) n Statements (in pads) 3 `Letter Heads (in pads) i V Note Heads (in pads) ' Programmes ` 5 - ` Folders, F Announcements ` Cards, Tags, Envelopes, etc. i Ame` made a race it f we glass, saying as she shook .8. 11 , `eel?-1 ` st at'it: You idiot! .V4Vhyvdon .t,-3'09 : ymake yourself look as ugly a's-you ; I. think. my dear. Aut Mvafdft-` .:..a.:..~ hnr hnn i-hrnna-I: HQ- iTheAdVGB fce ..|.M0Band|ess "Repuiring Jone while foo wherefyofn will find a well f H assorted stock of LIGHT AND HEAVY! HARNESS. COLLARS. SADDLES, ' T ' WHIPS. combs. nmjsnns. inunnjzn Rugs ' VANILLA, for ice cream. for instance; Bmrma Powmm. for cakes. One is a drug. of course ; the other a. chemical s ` and tl-nu-n are still others--SPICES of all Drugs and Chemicals -au-w, `av-cu `In --.--., -v'- The best lace to 3:. drugs is -at a. DRUG STOR . The druggist knows more abou thein than other people. ` -We keep a good drug store Come andlsk n, K about Kitchen Drugs, In the Kitchen, Henry Ball [MUHKMAWS DRUG STUHE: 1 I-HIUIK. ILIJ uuus,` aunt uI.l_Ill`Ul._,t; said, sticking her head throug';hAt_1jAg"' cop, door behind. it is beciiuse Vanity =m 8 mac stronger with you than CID.-, ` prhcngion, You think you don't want ,to marry Charley Glifre. I know you idmyt v.-aiit him to nd you 0. tright. !"_ 31 ; Isn't it horrible, being so vain, with 'ione.S whole future in the 'balnnoe?"t .; Mice said. trying hard to be teartul, a mint Margaret only laughed. After a `nine she said with twinkling eyes: "1 We always thought vanity was-ainong A 4- ......mn imniaiited instincts which Every Description f want. e is drug. or ; me omcr a. "cnemuz: s I and there are still others--SPICES 1.2-4`- nonnlvu n` tartar -to ` .61 men: are Stun tuners- kmds, cteam of tartar, etc. Window Cards, Dodgers, . G..I.. I): ARE NEEDED EVERY DAY qa DUNLOP-ST. BARRIE. BARBIE. Now 1 an, at... V- ... ` ; what do you mean? 'Anice cried. usm-elyy you don't, you can't, think Pm `shamm1ng? Again Miss _;Gordo`n;. ?lwg1,ea and said: Not consciously, n my dear. The truth is I think you re- i,._.,. the tact that you have no choice] in this made to order match." ~ g, uweu, wouldn't that gall any girl f.with the spirit or a mouse?" Anice de- jnanded. Miss Gordon looked thought- `ml , It is unfortunate, as I see i " `.119 said. That. however, does not alter facts. Instead of` cultivating a hostile mind, you had much better be Lrair. Remember, it is not the young jmaxrs fault. The blame, it blame there is, lies wholly with old Mme. 'Boynton. She wanted her fortune to` _` go to you two, her step-grandchildren, the sole descendants of her two hus- bands. Besides, I think she reasoned that as Charley,` whom she 'petted,v would certainly marry somebody, it was just as well to put himin the way or marrying you. _ us, It 1 '1-nvv `HA In: on}: flu: ymhnhl %sV.}i Bills, OF .--u, Catalogues St, ycaia uacn. I think you were a tartar, and I knowyou were ugly." Cliflfe said, his` eyes twinkling. That's Why I made up to the other one. What have you V. done to yourself? `The girl I left he- hind me was sallow and scrawny and green eyed, with no hair to speak of. and ngers like talons-- _ . And just up" from six weeks of `te- 'ver, Anice interrupted, shaking a mop of yellow brown curls at him. I have spent an hour a day ever since forget- ting how I looked just then. It I had known how faithfully you remember- -2]! u\LV1C 1 go uwlly-" - me," : u v A Ln:usai:(11r$v1t`111 a softly bruuantfzrmlalli "I want to be rree~--tree a8 .31`;hmk of. .M h01e months--b`etore 1 "en t bonda e." i Comades the two became wgggg So close and congenul Muzilth eyel looked after them sometlmegmhey wen. that were not quite clero I ma R made for each other `pa `whet. heart. out too late." she 33 1 ' rate? had .Outwardly she kept 'n'ne haldfno. ,taken up the cards. 339' L I imlnd to try cross1n8 th.Td.`Ab.ettothea,'V ,3 Clltfe spoke often 01;-5 -' u {but always v_ag\11"'-,'h. V9'0'fo,"P by... In his heart. be! 91.9.`: {lie}- ; loved best In all th,W1'1a: Hlargaret shou1;l"k1,|.., V : tie, inert of doubt they. 19!` .{ his sweetheart fas Sh?! m. - " E Now and ago.1n_1ie 8?-,VV;-`uV39m=<"i :" " ` j} t ,out of her 1etteta`:..499??T*9~,. V E curious to read 0315` : ` glrough. but 9u;epzs!!%1e:r J ft, {. . __ '.,,,__,fI :5? it The month was` ; ~ to the last I181.-Av..f.~ v}':-n"';.i:.V` 'AnIcee p " ` M . . 3.` `V J O: l.I-nv\-a-- v .-- vv runs: the heaven implanted.-1_n;iinc`t-; whT<;l.1' help to save women from themselveg. y 9! Now 1 am sure of it. _ - ...m...+ Rn vnu mean? Anlce or-Ind- OL Lllilljlllb Juno So lt I say `No he gete the `whole `fortune, whereas he `may `relinquish me and keep two-thirds of it, Anice said. Aunty. I have the greatest mind to stain my face and dye my hair red and wear a grass green gown and A yellow stock"-- ' ` MA ......I..~.ny nynnhl hannmn win! `VB! e A-it wi1 1M may by.` CIIUVV Duvyn = A rainbow would become you ever i so much better, some one said, com- ing through the door-some one tall and.slim, with merry eyes and rm; muscular hands. He went straight up to Anice and kissed her `upon both cheeks, saying: Stars and garters! What a beauty you have turned out to be! Why didn't I come ` straight to. see you? Nan, dear, I'm in the contes- sional. I've gone and courted another girl without ever giving you a chance"- Oh, how jolly!" Anice cried. With Iallthat nonsense out of the way I am awfully glad to see you." I remember you as a real nice boy ever so many_ years back." `i V ' HY 4.1.1-1- _.... ._......'.r _ &nnI-n- nnr T. Auuuc Ll LCIXLLILIVC pauuc. Oh, nothing, -Anice returned. I al- most said I would have made myself live up to your recollections." , 7 Clitfe laughed, `then ran on: Now under our granddam s nightmare. of .. will We have -duly arrived at" years of indiseretion let's" settle money mat- ters out of hand. I'm `going to relin- quish you in the presence of witnesses." You may marry whom you please for" all of me. .1 shall alsoiglvevyml half I urn. 7 u.g_-_ ____ ___- - .1....-Il9 Arrlnn Well, what? cucre asked as she made a tentative pause. - urn. ._._L.:_ .. n A -3..- _..L..--gnu` T III- nu. xuvucy '- ? Oh, I think you are adearl" Anice _ interrupted, dimpling all over her rosy face. And you ll stay here a month. and we'll be the best comrades Si1.13'- . 2You'll tell me all about your (sweet- he'aI.tn__ . . " On one condition," Clltlo broke 1n.~ `That you get engaged to somebody: 'before I go away, ` A Vm. A..- - L_l- -IlVIII"\"9_ UL? 23; 19% o3`L` l A (lumel *1 Vvlll car:jy.yon. toitho yet.-.yl Anlce felt the into his arms. Her own heart beat *rurloua.,ly-.-eshef` was beginning to had` wht hl nu-aunnnn an 53- -`---` " ` ti: hmtf H out ,w}hat_:his ._p_resen_ce ;orI_j_`his absence? vvpnld` mean` in her` life. But`l_-le.` smiled back at him bravely wheriat last they stood -hand _in handenpon the craggy Ipinnacle./'y_".l.`h,e sun. sank. a globe at _ crimson, lling the whole world with rosy` radiance. In that transilgurlng illumination Anice had thetace of an angel. serene, transpar- ent to inner light. eClii'e. laid his hand softly over hers and said very low, .`A`Ite is hardwto godown from all this to I utter darkness. `As he felt her shiver ` faintly he went on, Anice, must a l man suffer his whole life long because of a mistake? H1` .1- _-L I ` {ER I "'51. '&'&'"3c` `know what you u1eau, Anice said untruthfully, turning` away her telltale eyes. cutre caught both` her hands. ' "I think you do know. :, he said. Anyway `you know" we love each other. Now, the question is,-What shall we do? _ [ . -- 2 V - --cu-on vv U `Av 0 | Easily answered-tor . you. An.-be said, herilips trembling. Yo`n' `are gu- lng away--to keep your `pledged word- V ; .But you and my heart? Dare I leave both behind me?" Cline said very low, his voice thrilling strangely. .1 lim RA` `Ann `LAA :`.u-- _- -._>._.-L ---u vv-Irv uunannnu. Ilulllllsclju "'7 :1 could not love thee, dear, so much loved I not honor more!" Anice quoted alxnost under breath. We--we "are" comrades," she ran. on at little "tremo- louely. AComra`des stand by each oth- er, keep each other up to the mar "- ur1-..........:..... a_.a--.: __.1 v______ -Au. -.~-A_ we u-v\v`I \uI|\-as vuuvn any IV lull? ll-I353 `* :fCommdes indeed and `sweethearts and shall be pllghted lovers," Cllire" cried, catching her to him in a breath ` less clasp. Anlce, darling, forgive me._ 1 I deceived you. I said I had courted \ another girl andspoke the truth.` -`But y it was with the understanding that she wrefuse me. I had your picture, dear- est-even that had taken me captive-- but I knew you well enough to under- ` stand how little chance there was of maklng you love me if I appeared in the llght of a necessary evll. I kept it up thus long because-well. because I wanted to and out how well you loved me. Dear heart, sweet one, say ` you forgive the comrade who tricked you because he feared to lose you." ' n1- .1. __1. _-- .___.A.I.l_... L- -_..t...- 9| Io! Smith Russell and the Doc. Sol Smith Russell was once` forced to accept `the hospitality of a family. where Atalble manners were unknown 3 and coarseness prevailed. The people 1 were llberal hearted, though, and treat- ` the actor generously. ' T * Ia-..` -..-_.. 4----.. _-....t-nu` Inn Ann}: gvu QIVI-Ctlww lav` Qvlnovin av away 4 "I do not see anything to. tongive. Anice said, nestling to him with a lit- tle happy smile. . cu [J16 IIVBUI gvuvsvuuoga . For every -favor received, for each dish passed or question asked` Mr. Rus- sell responded with a Thank you or` other grateful acknowledgment. nu_1_A -__..L-_A unn.....I. -nun" nnnnwn ULLICE 5|-BLCL us uunuv vv I\o\I.lIQvnn u This`constan Thank you" annoyed the host and his family. In despera- tion, tpey nally asked` Mr. Russell to. omit it. _,,uu,c_-In _-n.1 4.1.---_L-_ CPI` Ononvnll Ulllllu I-In lmposible! said the`actor.- I was taught to` be gnatetul, , A good habit is as hard to'bre'ak as a`bad`one. ' -_-v_.I...-.I 4.1.... ......Q. `Q B3 nuns lu Incas an a. nun van: t Nonsense!" exclaimed the man of the house, humiliated by the rebuke. Nothing is-- impossible. nIv_.._ _..-II 4.1.-.. )9 null] 61-an nnumnlnn L` ULIIJLIE I5 Jluyvwwlwuvc Very well, .then,. said the comedian, ` using his famous nasal drawl. You rst prevent `your dog from wagging his tail for food given or kind word spoken; `then I will omit my `Thank you`: n 7 . at _...M. nub inc Ann : fnifnff fnr vnn Juli. ' I woh t cut my dog's tail" off for you or nobody," said" the man as he mec- tionately patted his dog's head. nu--- _-.-.. .1-.. nun!` 1' I-mlnno fn fhn UULIIILUIJ puucu. usw vsva w -vuw-. . Yes; your dog and I belong to the lmpossIbil1ties, concluded Mr. Russell. 11-..`-.. `Daub '-"'J6'i33' A .A Wo,ndertIl Dream. _ l It was in the days of Philip the Good. , duke of Burgundy, that a cobbler ; mounted a royal throne. As the duke I was traveling one night to Bruges `he came upon a man stretched upon the ; ground sound asleep, and bade his at- : tendants carry him to the palace, `strip 1 , of! his rags and. place him, robed in J ` ne linen, in hisown bed. 4 i When the `man awoke next morning he was addressed as your highness" and astounded to find himself among such rich surroundings. . In vain he protested that he was no prince, but a poor cobbler; they asked him what clothing he would wear, and at last- conducted him, splendidly dressed, to mass in the ducal chapel,` Every cere-. mony was observed throughout the day, the cobbler appeared in publicain his new role, was receivedonall` sides, by command of `the duke, with deep re- -_-.. -...u ....a.a his hrietreisrn in the Billy` From Bolton. certain town in the north of England there is" a man known by the `name of Silly. Biiiy._ Not reeling well one day, he sent for the doctor.` Atter examination the doctor asked him,,_it he would take a note to the-` node: Lodging ,hout__ae end he would give himeeixpenee. 80 Billy, not liking to refuse, said he wo_ ld.- But: on the :,wey there hecanie .`ncroes a.,._ot_r'eet ~------_ me In know. He upldifthg I palace with a grand supper `and ball. When presently he tell` asleep he was" reclothe in his rags and taken _to*tho =4 _.s...... 1-... and been found when In I118 r333 Il.I.IIl I-unvau _uv ._.- spot where he had been found this Dractical ' Joke was conceived. Waking in due time he returned home and related to hiewite what he took to Fuluucu III! noun __v A be his wonderful "dream way there he came . nun... .. , ...,--- ewe.eper.that he knew. He told` the i sweeper where he was going. but he ` said it he wouldtake the notehewould I give him threepence. so of he went V` and gave the landlord the note. _'and he % found the following written: ' _. . | Give this man a both and keep ` In till tothorrow morning,` and I will W call andeeehlm." , _ ., _' .1 . .80 the, tolloyrlns n`10f1`,n1I_l8 tll` 300150! = ;nd_` ..V pink? `: .... ..`-p..~.... .. . . `:: L".1=.'r.::1:::1;~.~ =r. ..` nI5l11r-In -3.` Ann: .. u .--9. ..a w....... 3 '00:-wright. mm, by '1`. c. Mpcluro Q T.mmaaaaaa 1 4 1 ;_ 'A'.l`he Ilev. Charles Aloysius Hall "would scafceiy have been taken` for a F minister of the gospel as he satin the * corner of a downtown `hotel that }morning, intent on the- columns or .3 {time table, There was no Prince A1-- A bett, no` high hat,fiio clerical collar, no high buttoned vest. His clothes} or not the latest cut,"yet caretuliy brushed and pressed, would have stamped him fa young buslnessl man, and utter a I ; glance at his.tace'-a rm, clean slmven` ` face; with the brown it that moment I knit in a frown--o ne would have said that business was not all the gentle l I man in question" could have wished it._ i CA. 4.. _.__ A ,4 LL- '\__. _..,,-___ -._-V V 2 favorite` the {Rem ~Mr. Hall that if his daily life and deeds gave no inkling to his profession l the symbols of the cloth never would. For thevnrst time in the long tight the {Rem Charles. Hall was discouraged. in tatters, thepaint was losing faith in c He realized that now indeed the church at Cedarville, his church. was" in the last ditch. The root leaked and that cracked the plastering, the carpet was the clapboards and the spire was so badly out` at. plumb that the town= board `had threatened to take it down 1 unless it was given prompt attention. -_.-- _-_I._-_.I_A.t-.. ..-...._.. Al-4:11:16-All r second IllIlIJUB_ It "GU alvvu ytvnn-`It vouu\u---v-c l . some subscription papers, circulated through the _town, had nettedreturns = A pitifully small. The envelope weekly oifering system had been woefully in- ` adequate to cover the pastor's salary. . [and the Ladies -Aid society, with ; three suppers and a fair, had raised ; just $68.87. He smiled grimly as he re- d membered that last year his salary had been $200 short and this year bade . fair to be another hundred shorter. I__3 ___.__-1._.-J _-J. --.- `\tuU\A I-V UV IIlJv|.Il\-A nauuunwwn -u-pv--_v-. There had remained yet one hope. Cedarvilie was quite a summer resort, ` h and during the hot months numerous j , well to do men from the neighboring ; j city stayed` there with their families. a` `Some of` these attended the church. i _ As aiast resort Rev. Mr. Hall had come to the city to make personal appeal to these men. But _Broth_er "Jones and Brother Hayes and Brother Benton had other channels for their currency, and when Hnli, weary and heartsick. sat down in the corridor of the` hotel. ' he hnd raised but $20 in cash, with I pledges of perhaps $38 more. rr- 1.-.: .........-.`I kl- 4-{nan fa}-u aanln Va-v v v V- won-ow l - ":53; George!-':'1`here a;;n t any tattoo marks here," said the shorter or the pair-.~ We owe you _every apology, air, for a- very_ stupid blunder. Will you. join us?" He nodded toward `a 3 pair `oi! swinging doors from behind ; which the clink of glasses .was plainly - audible. 4 I No, thank you, said Hall shortly ' and turned again to his time table. I A .__n.. 1.- 1.11. 1.1.. .a.-..-I. -_ LI... ...|...-I, PICUSUD VI. [IVA W VUUI Inlvnvo _ _ He had opened his time table again whenesome one touched his shoulder. ,.-._ 1\___l.l___ I) _-l.l .. ...J... In VVIIUI-I DUBAI; vuw uvuuuwu n.-nu - .. _ Oh, I say. Spider," said 3 "vo-1c;'1n' deprecatlon,` this isn't just square, you know. We've been hunting high and low for you. Why didn't you send usword?" . . , 3 ,__ 1: - ._..._-._.. A-II--.... II- VV\II-`Ll Hall looked op. Two youngtellows, evidently` college men, stood before him. _,og____a__._ __-nu ..-a.1 usual. . '1`h'at s pretty good." said the other young man. You're funny when you have artry at dignity. old boy." . ` llIl1I.A._-I.. _A --..- ugglngnlnngu tunAAa '9 IIGVG G` BLJ _$U unannnugg vI\n wvgu ` `~"1`here s no` use imlnclng matters,_ 1 said No. 1. If you're going to back down, we want the deposit back; that : all.'_' _ - .u ,, nu , _ n 1 cu--91 _____LI4_ Infill Illllll ' .We_re yon addressing me? . and Hall._ ' ' _n_ ____ 4;._ .__'-an _-n: 1.1.- -43.-.. Gentlemen, said Hall curtly, I'll give your seeming lmpertinence the benefit or the doubt. There is evident- ly some mistake here. - ans. .2... .an. -2-.. ..nm .....a u... a...o- D IJTV IS **of{,"r1'x'{g 3E";'ri'3m:'f said the mat `speaker wearily. You've -led us enough or a chase already. -(11-- I__._- D! __.I.`I Tf..`II -1-lug... -.--II-n- Zn: vvou vf e:T1;;e," saitfall. rising angrily; I _ve no intention-- ` V - ._-_ L- ____ _._-_Q_- .5 IV lav Ilaivnavivnn Have you the nerve to say you're ' not Spider McGann?f aid`No. 2 while he favored his companion with a pon- derous wink. i _ T T Most certainly I'm not, said Hall. Would you mind lettingpus see your left forearm? said No. 1, with the air , of a man who has trumped the trick. I _ Certainly not," said Hall, with some usperity, if it will be a means of con- ` yincing you." ; \ `I1 - L-..-J I.!_ `AIL -_--_-. g-.3 LL` `V nnnvnua J via: He bared his left forearm, and the % two bent over it critically. uv-n_. nr.-..._-o n11_.` _ . . . ....n. -'-_. A.-J.L-- mKg;.`ix`1l:; ;e.i;.;hc:.-vtou1`1.<`:hw<;.x; l;;sms'l;oul- der. ' - " - ~ 4...- ;-_.o;' L- n_n.._.:- n ..-n.1 - w`:Ve d_oh'f mm to intrude. said a . respectful voice. T L ` I1'-II I-AI.-J ..-. Ag` Ciuoon `LA urlnnnnu ` V Ivaywosun I vawve ' Hall looked up and tound the young fellows again before him. ` Well?" he said. ` 5 (You see," began the taller chap, 1 we'_re.1n the deuce ot a 11:, and we thought pe`rha pe -bare chance, you 1 know-'you might care to help us out` ; and `incidentally make -u neat bit out ! of it. '1`-here'AI several hundred. in it for 'soIue one." I F I .--menu LI___-_.I.L `H AL`- AL--ugly. A-5` Elm L01 DIIIIIV vulva ` - -- Hall thought of the church and hi: morning`: work for the $38. I urn... _._L.l_I-, `min. 0:: nunntindl-`Ann , Ullllll B Vvvsn av; Ipuv r I'm certainly open % `";1'zzest!ons."f my said. smiling zrimly. % 1 4:11-... ..'.-.. |._.9u -nhl lulu lnfnnlnn. uwr. Hall : tace I slon at thoinqnlry. "I have in year: past," headm1ttedl ` -"Gooda" Ia1d.,tho:+_other. "It we can I are ` L`---nit `Q1 " b_rea.pun1edexpreo-' I ` . yon;-are the V817 man Just at present.` This gen- Rm-nh- I . am Rnbrl .. . a I I . ","V-Eu .aee, _ Dix contlnugd, at the 'gym.th ho; trginer called Betty. `Burke. He : pt'It:on,t ;*1VrYim.*=' 1". 601- 4. wno% '15t'l1'0'ohrI8e`to?'tlV.` .1 ' u Ill`-lull-55 5*"-'1' I you `K, box)" said. his `1ntet19- I ADVANCE W0 `I-- nernons_pon_1__pos1ty_._. _ ` V ' V g '1`h1s=was- our -`p`Ian:'.8om e- years ago Itgthere came to _the gym`-a little fellow ,_,{numed"8pIder- McG.ann.e Spider was a `Zooming lightweight, whlchtruth didn't f strike Iietty until Hefty struck the oor." But the affair. blew over, and now heis crowing again. So we hunt- -ed`up McGann, who is a lightweight chalmpion now, and altered him $800 A- ...- --... _ ..-3_..L 1'I--..I-;. l'l`\sp. --`III up-on-`nova-, c-vvv, woo-_- w-_-v--- -----. Yvvv to `\go up .agglnst- Burke. The mill` comes .01! -tonight at the Macedonian club, and poor old. Hefty thinks he : up against the Mace.donianclub s train- er. It ll_ be rare to see his face when. he finds it s Spider_ McGunn. Spider will lay down in the ninth, and Betty will simply swell. He'll continue to` swell until tlie Annual comes out. This : will be in it. He` handed Hall a slip or paper. In a scrawling hand was written: - 9 back on us. This is to `certify thot 1, Spider Me-`; Gann, laid down in my`ght with Hefty Burke. I could have punched him run or . hole: as a sieve If I'd v had a mind to.'f same : as I done once before. A - SPIDER M GANN. Lightweight Champion of the World. Now, the point `is, Spider : gone , I- IA. on .._A.1' I\__..__ ll1'IT_I_.- ...A& '1`hat a it, u1d`Burns. We've gotd "to `pull it on somehow. We've soid V vs: uwo over 1,000 tickets at anywhere from $2 up. All the old grads Hefty has oored will be there ready to back him--you see, no one knows it : xed but Dix and I and the board of editors - or the Annual." .___q __-_-s___ 1.1.- 1..-..- -5 G-`IA... C III. tut; muuuuu "And you're the image of spider - McGann," said Dix. Our proposition is to give you the $800 to meet Hefty tonight. If we couldn't tell you from `Spider Mccann. he couldn't. You're due to , go out anyway; so it won't make. very much difference when you do, only we'd want you to stay as many rounds as you could for the sake D of appearances." 5 Hall was thinking deeply. For the church: For the church! ran through . his head. ' ,.A no _-n.| 1.- nI...l3.._ It.` uuuu pu; wan. Iu.u|p Jvun -\....-v. , You re` a brick! said Dix, wringing Hall's hand. Meet us here at 5, and wecnn talk it over at dinner. And- shing in his pocket-`-he re s fty to ` clinch it. We'll give you the rest after the mill." 1 - --,1: _.-_ ..__I_.. LL- -4-IRA-r IE ucuu. ' Gentlemen," said he, Spider Mc- Gann pro tem. is at your service. ! utr--_9..- - n...x..1-cn nah! 1"\I- unulnnlna This Dog can spell. ' There is a south side lady who owns ` in Gordon setter which she believes is . endowed with almost human `intelli-i I gence, says the Chicn'go News. This is ` not .a hastily ` formed nor.-unfounded opinion. but has been developed by years of experience; Here is one of 1 the many incidents from which`, has " | prung. her faith in her dog: ' ' 1 A_- n.....1-.. |.- .2.._ n_1..I-....I hm. Ala- Sui: Anus. At 6 Hall was pacing the corridor; when Burns and Dix came in. After dinner, at which Hall was given many valuable points as to Hefty : style of boxing, the three entered a cab and were driven rapidly to the Macedonian club. ,-_--._-u_ n -u-1--I. _1.-- 4.1.... Ullllh ` It was precisely 8 o'clock when the Rev. Charles Aloysius Hall, clad in green trunks, faced Hefty Burke. That gentlexnan s face was a study. Beyond `a doubt he was suirerlng from the shock of recognition. ' 19 4 ..__IA.. _- Inn` "Inn 7 lava. on-v Inn`. vv Iran`! -an-ow w-_ | room to read the paper. On a rug near ; . the window the setter was basking : { drowslly in` the sunshine. The lady's A . . two sons were still in the dining room | nishing the repeat, and the mother] `] overheard something said about bones. ' y Now, the good lady has a mortnldread u that her beautiful dog will choke to . death on abonesome day. so. raising ' t her. voice, she called .out,+Boys. don't | give .Da~n -any c-ll-l-_c-k-can b-o-"n-9+5." 1 | ~s.spel_ling these 1;wo words_so the dog : * pl attention would not-be..stttat'ed. _"I'm ~ 1 u_ 101- LL- ILIUUIL U_L lC\;V5ulL|vun Not quite so easy as last time, Burke muttered between "clinched teeth,. and Hall could not restrain a chuckle. ' ' 1:11.- .._A-_-_I_ _.-l-- _--`gimp: Cllllce '.l`ime! The.referee s voice sounded In almost absolute stillness. Then at it they went. `Hefty`,;,was nervous and Hall was cool. He could imagine him- self back at the gym in his university t days. He side stepped_Hetty s sledge- hammer blows; he dodged and ducked in a manner that brought the crowd to its feet. - He would do his utmost to stay those nine rounds. I. -..- -4 4.1.- 1.---.. Danna ant` `Div BLIJ luvoc uauc Lvuuuun - In one of the boxes Burns and Dix were hugging euch_other. l`I`LI_ _......4. .....-...4.ll! mall: `l\I- Hall-iv r lifiie