Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 23 Jul 1903, p. 2

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I annuamnn . :55 Dunlap-St.. Barrie Box zo1 Barrie . u. -..... -.._-__, , tr;?;$olIc;tor.~'cto. Bank of T'o1`on 4; . $55 `Barrie. Money to loan. ;:w;A_ULr1f:;s;3AnR1srER. somcrron. -c ProcItoi'. `Notary. Conveyancer. etc. *Special attention in drawing and prcb_at_ing vsfills. obtaining letters of administration and guardianship. I . collecting accounts, etc. Offices. Ross Block. Barrie. Money to loan. .... _... --._. l_r.NNo'X. COWAN .T33RoWN. BAR-` risters. Solicitors for obtaining pro- bate ofwills.-guardianship and ad- ministration, and general Solicitors. Iflotaries. Oonveyancers, etc. Ot- , tices. Hinds` Block. No. 6. Dunlap -.......+ `Rnrrie. Money _1_:o loan natt McCARTHY. Barristers. tc.E oerihe Rn] D1-nus` Ar IIVIIJIIAV-vw. HEWSON & CRESWICKE. BAR- -|.-.a.--a nf fhg Supremgl .....--..- A STEWART & STEWART. BARRIE- ters. Solicitors. Notaries Public. gnd Conveyancers. Money to lgan '" -""' -me at 5 ner cent. Oftnce. I-S'il.`.1-%A'1`l.1Y 8: ESTEN. BARRISTERS. Solicitors in High Court of Jus- tice. Notaries Public. Convgfancers. Offices over the Bank of oronto.` of $2.000 ~ V Barrie. Money in sums` and upwards. to loan at H0 H5 K 0.. Go H. 143-]-1.... 4 V ' ` H. T. ARNALIE. M. D. C. 11.. OFFICE in Bothwell s Bloc}:..Allanda1e. On the premises at mght. V " `'``7 ` pl Ill: l,`U1 _LVvv.|.|.|IImn\(v Uionin = Toronto, "` T ..l 2.12 p. m. V For Toronto. 6.26 p. m.. For Newma'rket."i`oroo. ` oto. Mon`treal_o1ud East. N .-r ---n Viv 2.20 a. m. For Orillia i.Nor_t1} Ba and "l-loo. ` '1 11.34. a; m. For Gravenliurst. V860-H ~'tia- Junction `a Parry Sound. `I 12.59 p. _m. For uskoka `Wharf. ii '1.29 p. m. For Magne-tawan Dock and Bu.rke s Falls.` 2- 4.00 p. m. For Orillia`, North Bay and points West. 1 9.24 `p. m. For Orillia. [- _I 11_.15 p. m. For ' Penetang. Col- lmgwood, Meaford. I 12.1 p. m._ For Penetung. l- 3.40 p.m. For Stayncr and Coiling- V\'00d. ' ` ` i I 8.00 .m..For Ponetang. Culling- ` woo . Meaford. _.|_ Daily except Sunday. ' daily. I " 9 [DIIL J. C. SMITH. L. C. P. S.. ON'1`.. "` "`<- "1 ---in 1- Rmifh. Oril- I _. _-rv1-up`-I-1*-fQ(\`! 5933 -IJIVv-; --w-._- ENNOXs & BROWN. BAR- obtaining ant} ad- and_ Solicltors. Notaries, etc. Of- fices. Hinds street.-Barrie. to loan at 41-2.and 5 per cent. Branch Of- fices at Crecmone and Alliston. Haughton Lennox. Alex. Cowan. G.l E J. Brown. L. L. B ` _____._________..________.__ DR. J. ARTHUR R088. L. R. C. P. .. .. .... .___-__._ Q `ll `[21 13 48.. Barristers. 8-.;lIcitors. Conveyan- oers. etc. Successors to Mgcarthy. Pepler 8: Mccarthf. Offmes Mc- Carthy Block. Dun op St..- Barrie. J. A. McCarthy. W. A. Boys, D. O Murchison". ` E. s. BROAD. M. 1).. c. M.. F. 'r.| Mo co) LI 0- Po `Soy 0.. Phsician and Surgeon of Toron- - to eneralg Hospital. with special at- tention to Diseases of Womeni andi Nose and Throat Work. also for` some time -surgeon -in charge` of : Emergency Hospital. Toronto. Of-I _fice and night residence. upstairs` in McCarthy Block. 21 Dunlop St..' Barrie. second door east of Dougall ; Bros. furniture warerooms. near Five Points. -Phone.. 105. 1' i : As t`AunL`n`JLl!OJLp a.p ---- ._V Attorney. `Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyancer, etc. Office. fnrst door. Owen street. over Bank of Commerce. Barrne. . `-4 ---- 1-\ A I) x UIBDD vv ;.v..,_., _ risters. `Solicitors of. the Supreme, Court of Judicature of Ontario. Prootors. Notaries. Conveyancera. `etc. Money to Man. Offices. Ross Block. Barrie. 0. E. Hewson, A. E. H. Creswicke . ._;_.. A - --oa~lI\CI1G DRS. ' HART up .; *0. H. LYON. PTR1TV?X?13i4:/F61~}i'5TTf/'i:O UUI.l.Iao Eaten. _hd' Conveyancer 1n any sums a 13 Owextn St.. ..-A- `I _ t 5 per Barrie. H. D. S T`. D- M. Stewart. 0 art. L. kite) L. D.. $70.000 FOR INVESTMENT ON GOOD AFY QUANTETY or MEJNEY TO I_._ _L A' n , 'rni73ALI., PLANIM3 MILL COM-! pony. Oarpentering. building. and` manufacturing of doors. sash. blinds rnonldinga. etc. Planing of. all . , satisfac- torily. Hot blast` drying kiln. Dis- triotg ageno _ for . grained, lumber. Factory. . aytield street, Barrie. Rodgers &`=Gallio. `successors to" Geo. VKENNEVDY 00;. ARCHI- t};wn`a Blvok. `Barrio; V , A . IR. W. A. ROSS. PHYSICIAN. SUR- geon` etc.. L. B. C. 8.. Edin.. L. R. . Pv. London. Offices and ni ht residence, Brown's Block. Dun op` street. Barrie. Telephone. 77. { .-------------.?___`j._,_--------:'... ...__..} UNWIN. MURPHY & EBTEN. ON. Ln-Cat `I a...) F1z."J.' F: FALLING. GRADUATE or Trinit Universit . Toronto. Fel- low 0 Trinity ledical College. Member of the ollege of Physi- cians and Surgeons of Ontario. 0(- fice and residence. 18 Owen street. & 8.", Edinburg: M, F. P. & 8.. . Glasgow. member of` the Briti_sh Op- thalmologioal Society. Spec1alty.-- Diseases of the Eye. Ear. Throat and `Nose. Office, 78 Dunlop street, Saunders Block. Barrie. opposite. Post-Office. and Railwgg Station. Phone., 54; P. O. Box. . SAM JEL -\r'{rV?.V-':t'..EVvZ!T. 7l5.I;1:)VPR!TOFbi 3 HOMOEPATHIST. l Hours. 11 to 1; 7 to 8. Resi- dence and Office, 160 Dunlop street. Telephone. }35. A ILUIJC LJMJLIJ. hw J-I-LILUL 3 A. J.IJ-IJ-IO Hart, M. D., M. R. 0. 8.. Eng., _L. R. C. P.. London. S eoia1ty-D1s- eases of the-Chest. S c_>ma_oh and Nerves: Consulting Physician. Vio- tor A. Hart, M.D..L.R.C.P.. &. 8.. Ed- inboro. L.F.P. & 5., Glasgow. Spec- ialty.-_Slur ery. Midwifery. Diseases of Skln; onsulting Sur eon. Offices day and ni ht. Lane B ock. Cor. of Dunlap an Mulcaster streets. '1'el- nnhnnn, 1 9.3. uuunuy nu Ll . ephone, 124. .-._v-uy as- v----.- Q va.vn.r-up gv loan on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers` notes discounted. Colleo- tions made in any part of the Coun- Ey. Real estate bought and sold. onveyanoing in all its branches. Marria e Licenses issued. Office. Ross B ook. Dunlop street. Barrie. .-,--- v_` ---1 v .---ac.--u-aaovc wig.` \-\l\J.`.' freehgld security at lowest rate of interest. No princi :11 money re- uired until and o the term. H. , Strathy. Solicitor, eto.. Barrie. \'J.V.IZ L -L\I --l`o;.n Zt 41-2 and `Super cent. Easy terms of re-payment. Lennox. Cowan & Brown. Solicitors. Barris- ters. eto. ' ....-.. -_v.u.s~..u.a. uv .uuJ..I.'A.LVg U15` tario` Land Surve ors. Engineers. eto. Established. 18 2. Office. Medi- cal Buildin . B. E. corner Richmond and Bay 5 rests. Toronto. Tyle- hone. Main. 1336. Instruotxpns art with Strathy ,& Eaten. 8ol1oi=- tors. Bank` of Toronto Building. tBarrie. will be promptly attended 0. ` I RADENHURST. BARRISTER. I a_I:-:Ln-o in Cha.nce1`Y. 1 DR. R. P. VIVIAN,` $1 per Ann-um in Ad-va2`we.! MANBFACTUREBS. ESTEN. BARRISTER3o n-....a- nf Jun- ____~ PHYSICIANS. stop 13 D.._ D. M. stewil MONEY 1'0 i.oAN. LEGA ______._______._____... BOYS & MURCHISON. .. .. ,u-.... nnnvnvan- _UnvmrF1{s._ .._...._._.____-_.-..____ FINANCIAL. ARCHITECTS. % No ucw numb will Added to thd Subscnfiptioo M Lift until thc ugonov in paid. Q ,L._,__,_ _,_~._ 2` ._ ,4-_-._- t_- 4L_, - .._-..LI.- __.| & TTHART: FRED. _ J. B_ARR_Is- '% I4%D\ii:aTIsuNc. ME? ' A T ' _--o1r__ . (HE Norrrnann ADVANCE BARRIE ` `TIIIADVANGE a proven to the largest circulation of any, `County Town. '1 Advertisements are charged 1 __-,_ `In I1-_..-__4 proven ;the ha" by Paper in the Advertise_ments . space`--13 hues agate measure m:1c;:$`el3nch ::- _ __,, 1 an] 15156 .. V ";* - s , t1;Itot;!c`:,rt-i4o1:1ct:l1(<;nc .m._ It .. - f the 89-"3 ._inseft10n 0 ents ' . - anion 5 cents per `l.tn1::icgg, 10 cents . 5 cents per line for ingertumly . f this character, A? 5 hsiiauiry Poetry 5&1 ' inc!- alea, Amusem per line, line. per line fo r each sub 81'. chnrged line. All ihsm enh, etch n: 5 un. Preferred positions for ments in the paper will be sold at an ad. of one-third on. above rates, on no om" `count will special positions be.gim_ `role will be strictly carried out. CONTRACT CHANGES. -Advertisers will please bear in mind um notice of intention to change ldVeI'tisgmum must be handed into the oice not lam um Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy {MM change must be in T11: Anvuc: ommm later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday in week, otherwise the.advertiser'a annonucmm may not be made public until the week fol. lowing. I0 nhnnunn nf Lrlvnrnnmnntn ..1l-_.a IUWIII o 12 zhanges of Advertisements allowed W ear. It more are required, com `ti 3:111 be charged. pm ".' A4-Inn:-aAIu I-11; uni La .11....,..: L- _.-_ .. . "u$.duvUourti`;;n;i}l not be allowed to useihg, space for-advertising anything outside um-I own regular business. Should they do. transient mtes will be charged for imchuL vertisemants. - I Condensed advertisements on rstpaga mg, as wants of all kinds, lost and found, prom, for sale or to rent, sbecic articles, etc., em must be accompanied with the cash, and `mi `be inserted-_hrIt insertion 2 cents per each an uent insertion 1 cent per mg (names, a dresses and gures counted 9 words); but 9. reduction of one cent per mg will be made when the number of insertioc. of the same matter exceed four. WU Illulal nuvb uivuvy Iv WI Subscribers now in 'u1ea.n_for thine months and vet will be charged $1.40 oer annum ` Out: for ndvertlsemenu must in even `one be mounted on solid metal buu. CROGG|E & SMITH` The Mercantue.';o";;i{a}eal with The Inn don 8: Lencashlre of England. Scar ity, $15,000,000. The Waterloo Mutual. of Waterloo. 0:: Tothl assets, $334,083. The Economical Mutual, of Berlin. 0:; Total assets. $303,078. Also Llovd'e Plate Glass Insurance Com- pany. of New York. gash capiul, 3.; Rxnnsxzrr -ms Fouowmo Fm: Ixsvw: COMPANIES: Anavgiae Sun Loan and Savings Comm?` of Ontario. ' Private funds to loan on first mortgages. A: ` counts collected. &c. A mag Anna I-I-nnvnnn n uarwnrn gin" RIF?! % counts collected. azc. 054:: over Henderson; Hardware Store, Bur: Ont. :4;-2 n 4gnnn-|| jig- EVERY DAY BARGAIN 0 it the following prices until ever) Mi _ Lot 17. North Cumberland Street. ' ll 18, `u u " "" -._.._.-...._. ,60 ,c.",l.tO.I'p Ht. Duzld Doyle, Does Not` Figure Largely Last Ya":-. 1 The Ontario Archaeological Report for 1902 is mainly noticeable for. the paucity of articles by its editor, ` and former chief contributor; Mr.` David Boyle. InvMr.' Boyle the Province possesses an archaeologist. of remarkable powers of investiga- tion, and a notable gift of expres- sion. He is the -creator of the Arch- aeological Report, which` ranks high smalls `the publications of other than statistical and admi ' trative mat- ter issued by the On ario Govern- Jnent. ' The Government is pursuing I.~"n16l`lt0!_`iOl.lS policy in publishing this report, but the conviction must` force itself upon those aware of the facts that it doesinot. go far enough, and support Mr. Boyle more heart- ily. What it has done has been to Snake him Curator of the Provincial Museum in the Educational_. Build- ing, and to furnish him with inade- quate assistance. He. is immersed in routine work,. which could in large measure be poriormed by persons de- .'void of the special qualities which he . possesses. "As a result, the only im- portant portion of the Report which is from Mr.."Boy'le s pen is the set, of notes on the accessions to the mu- seum. It e_ is impossible to regard this as a` wise uselof an excellent` public ' servant, says The Toronto News- rnI__v ....!....:.....`I I'\I\;"`1Yl) fnnfurn nf [CHEAP COAL --.AND W00 . coujrgoung. our 01 v-"-`" PARKER It IIOR . cmr BARRIE COMMERCIAL CON TRACT ...| I:I..-_~ A _ . _ ; u . . . . . - n non A5" Qt CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. [INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS. 6.6. I H`; IVUH I r_1I:.ruI ruavnuvu. An 8 Page 48 column: Now-pnpor. `Published (rum thc Oce. :33 Dunlop Street. Barrio in tha_ Couhtv of Simcoo. the Pto- ' mace of Ontario. Canada. ovary - ; Thurulav Moruiug,bV Tl-IE EXCELSIOR SCROGGIE 6:. SMITH. ;Ju;6b | '.l`e;noe . 4wac.B.1aw"in Street P-'-n ADVANCE J on 23. I903. JNGWBL - The principal positive feature of the Report is the series: of township archaeological maps. Mr. Boyle has - set on `foot a more ,or less systemat- ic mapping of the Western Penninsula of Ontario from the archaeological Q point of view. Mr. A.` F. Hunter is ` exploring,- township by township, the - import_ant.region between Lake Sim- coe and the Georgian Bay, Mr. W. J. Wintemburg is working in Oxford Ciounty, Mr. R. T. "Anderson in El- 8 - The only ' work of this nature tempted Mr. G. E. Laidlaw, who deals - with North Victoria. Eastern Ontario is at- and Mr. F. W. Waugh in` Brant. - in Central Ontario is by. unrepresented. although` it. must _be`. rich in sites. Western Peninsula year by `year se-_ 'lect particular townships, and pre- pare maps showing every known vil- The explorers of the ` ._1age site, the V Indian trails, and ,other information throwing light up- * on the aboriginal mode of life. In time a valuable archaeological maps of Ontario should be compiled. One comment which must be. made is the roughness of the actual, map- work done by the investigators. Mr. Hunter's map of the Township of Oro `is the` only one which indicates the presence of -hills. Itrmight be V suggested that investigators in this * line pt workrmight be supplied with properly drawn maps, showing the I 1 physical features of the ground. The `O survey ' bers of -the.Roya.,l Military- Qollege has produced a. number 01 .e=`e11nt ' x_naps"of a portion of Ontario; Gould . which .is being made by. mem-' \o$z5o 0 535 1 )0 1050}: go 1325 2 30 2:90; 9 15f ---.__.... ONT. uouoouul _ THE ARCHEOLOGICAL REPORT. 0! 8: portion 01 Ullhilollvg vvu-ul not the Dominion `authorities furnish" -the Provincial Archaologish with priuts, of these? {The increase in ac-: curacy would be well worth the tri1- 1 ling outlay . - ' . , 'l AIIQ$II- all!` V,1IIhlH ` mag ouuayr. ' . `A curious. and valuable contribu- ftionvia Mr`; A. T,` Cringian_'a continu-L ntion ,o!._ his 4 examination into ' Iro-v quois folk-songs. `He has reducedoto. musical notation over thirty oddjo ` _ tional alr_s`:' _ Vanna: aA:t;w*A'kA,-3f(i:pjg"% rnnuvuuu vs anus-u-up--- --..._.. {Australia has an ornit_ho1ogists'. . union which: is working hard to so-`-` - cure -the passage 6tV1a.ws to protect. certain birds which `are in qangsr at extermination. It is _s'ug-est9d_ that uttqin isl'ugds_ _lho\i)d J be reatrvod nocislly. got the nutmeg pigeon; ` `- % shing . turbd brat. ~ , c1t'iis.I.gIuzd.:hd ; t xori`u;1mn1."='~`$It}"ii saga ~ _ atf"tamon't :s;t<>` 4 'A curious Hanitoba industry in the for . catsh ' in tho lower roachei of the BJ.ver._ _'Abo\1t fty camps of Indians are engaged : in it, andithey get _fqnr or nve..~oon'ta and easily. h go a to Kinney- `a` pound; 101- the. 7 "T110 , , V apolia, St. 1?_'auI' and, ather `American I'alo"- o`.I_.';`ii1`r Intention of Auvtx-oils: Ilnll. __ ......lLI..I;;--I; '-rrH,URsJ5XTU%1."3rE`"*)T.'7 b"3n._ '!'nus- or Sunscaur-non. A cdopi `ilnduitry. _ Wgl st1?_eIm;got*tender gIudness,, ` =2, [ `Of `lmy mu=,=a;_1d` opa.l-tuited'`I`_l:!e ` Qt .wa1_'m. mltisunlmer `an: that light aln n1ybt1c_ringxs; `_ gwnm sot-tly wings : . * . The mus1('!`of a mousand `wings . Tnat aimost tone to sadness. Midway V twixf earth` and heaven; Ar hnhhln in {who nuns-Iv nil-,~--IV Qlbnm IILIIIVVIIJ IJVIXI. Ulll'I.ll KIIIU IJCCIVVLI, A bubble. in the `pom-ly~~nir,`~-I~ seem` `lb oat upon the sapphin: floor, a dram]! or .._clouds of snow, - Ahove.` below. . ` , _ Drift with my drifting, dim and slow, . ~ As twilight drifts to even, _ . ~ ' The muskallonge lends itself to spearing because of its` .Vcour'a.ge. Alone` among the swimmers, of in-. land waters it seems to have `no fear `of man, a.nd~certa.inly it has none 0! .9. boat. A musky lying ha.1f-hidden in the weeds witheonly the front part ` of its body` projecting from the cov- ` er 'will not stir a tin as a skit! shoots by` four feet over it and it will often strike at a._ spoon trolled not_more thanvten feet _behind the ; craft`; v . - The little fern laf, `bending . ' A- Upo"n- the brink, its green reuec-tlbon greets. , And ktssestsoft the sJm.rlow.that it meets 1 With touch so ne,` _? V The border line 1 - The keenest vi%s1on`can t dene, Q4 no:-font In fhn hlnnhuv {.885 KCCIICUL VIlUl.|_L'I1ll I. U! 89 perfect is the blending, 'I`ha_ far 111- trees-that cover A ' .' -The brcmnlsh `hills with needles. green; and On ' uuiguasu lull )! ILL! lCI.ll3- `LUCK uh-III I so 9 `. - The dghfng elms o erhead, vine-grown and 1 v n - 1 1 `LIE li.l`(:lL~ug guns 0 crucuu, _`VllIU`tIH o1d,`- : - Beplctured are - -' - Beneath mertar, Where not a ripple moves to mar Qhsuhan nndnl-Imnfh_ n`l over. li1he is the undertone: 730:4; Innnufw afsunnlifl and "Mine is we undertone: The beauty, strength and ower of thelnnd Will never stir or bend it` my command; ` But all the shade M V lrmitrred or made, It I b_ut dip my die blade; And It to mine ne. vvucre HUI. I L".IypII'. uluvcn In Shades underneath, or` over; "O! pathless world of seeming! _ 0! pnthleu life of mlhe. `whom: deep well M 13 more my own than ever was the real. M For others Fame And Love : red ame, . And yellow gold; I only claim The shadow: null the dreaming." n_--II .. .. 1.`!-u-nnA-. I `,V'.I'ho Sport mogul. But Vrratluql Jun i L ' T the Same. ` .lI;.` V This boldness by dgtyjs increased by night, when all shes "are more approachable, and the great pirate. willolie perfectly "still while the boat and -the man standing in the bow with torch and speafare rowed with- in five feet of it. The fish thus otters aneasy. mark for the spear and would be hunted in this fashion even more than. it is but for for laws which forbid it. _;I, ___' A2_I_ ..--...I-;.I'I..-an-A `QQIIQ Like other` sh, muskallonge leave the deep holes -at night and. haunt the shall_ows,. where: they find food more plentiful. Often they will lie with the single {black n out of water. V * '- 1 . It is not so hard to nd and I spear muskallongehs it is `V to land them after they "are speo.red.- The sh is immensely powerful and if of large size, will. putiup ea. ght,against a, spear that will make most men; "wish they had let it,e.lone. IHL- ........ at-nu`-ntla nn 4-A n]{17nI` WIIIUII IUI ULII II: I wzsn may nag nu. u.,u.u.uw. The man stands up to deliver the stroke and stands up to make "the tight` and'u`n1essA he be an expert hol is apt to go overboard` in the .dark. 1 _It [is a difficult thing to stand - in a } narrow-bottomed punt; on rapid .wu- % tor and handle a long, sti pole with a twenty-pound sh thrashing at -the otheroend of it. = ' I . 9 . 41.2- ..--...._ -....4.4nnu nnnnu-Ara UDXlCl`UIl\l VI Jun 1 For this " reason amateur, spearers 1 prefer a spear from which the barb = _detwches as soon as the sh is struck. The poie comes out 01 its socket" and oats along. There `is 8 string tied to the barb and the man -handles the sh with the string as if it were 9. line. - vR__-,, __ :4. :_ L_...'l A- 1.1` avail`-`Ian- 11 lb WUIC U: llllvn Even so, _it is hard to do anything with the sh,- as the barb is in` its- side and it has all of its Jengch to" oppose to any eort to drag it through the water- It is the aim of `the apearsman to drive the spear clean `through the sh as near a vit-4'} al part as possible so that the shock will prevent it from, putting. out . 9. its strength. , _ T -V rm....... :. .u. wanna ninfnamgnnn wnv Lb! bl..1Cu5\..u. -There is no more picturesque way of taking the sh and nothing more - exciting than the scene when a big 1 musk'a.l`longe has been speared light- .ly, just deeply, enough to hold and t not deeply enough to injure it. 01-` ten the torch is knocked overboard` and the `fight iscontinued in dark-'-' ness. If the man goes with the torch hevwill have to swim for it. - vn-.1.n:_... .1....... 4-1.... ndnn A! n vnn.. .I.U1'UIl. 11!: Will uavc vv uvvau. . . Paddling along the edge. of a. zhhs- % kallonge lakeor down one of the rivers, ` it 'is not diicult. tond three, or four good -sh in an hour, but one" good one will be all that a man will care to handle in` a. night. When A_ 4I-._---_.1`. II... .'n 1'1-nv|I|I`A!! {>31-gr` W1. C813 `LU nuuuxu Lu. (I; u..|5Ln_n .IvAuw;; ` he gets through he. is generally tired T enough to go home. ' K - ` -4-4 Mr. G. L. Watson, the designer of Shamrock III., who was married re- cently at ePqtne_y' to Miss Marie Lovibond, was born` in the `year 1851, in `which the chooncr Ameri- ` cu capturedthe `now historic` America, `up in the celebrated match round . i the Isle of Wight.` `Mr. Watson : up-" prenticeship -.was served on the Clyde. His first ~. `famous yacht was the ninety-ton cutter , Venduara, which ..beat the - hitherto iinvincible Formo- .s`a,, owned bythe their Prince V 91 Wales, seventeen times `-in succession I during` her !irs t < `seasons Bio em 1 yacht` oi worltiwiderrenown was the 1 Scottish challengerklor the America 1 Cup, ' the-'l'hi8'.tle,. and-the `most 3110- 1 cessiul of all was the;King'8 Britim-V nia. He. also; designed `tor L0`dDun-f I raven e('.vho_..Wa.s.a t_ his weddirrg) the` three Valkyries, two of which raced` tor` the'Ac1ip'. ~ ti ~ I I A Montreal `me_rca'ntiMle ambaasp ` dor vou'che`s .'or_ the Vstojry"otV aT Burr ' coldniit at Rostlirni who, being a much imgressod by` an accident. 711;? whih_`on` 0'! ins? -'ma.`tea'~ch"oppod ol! 1 a tab` wmrew endeuvuring: t6. -lpflit`: -.a ` fstick` 01:" vioo, Jlotorminods ; to, qvgjd ` such. a. poqsifbllity: !9..h$..*= Wn;.u~'h! ct`o.ndin`g- in u_ wahtuf: `.`jIhiVl` `Q :2 ' .y_v .::.`;. ._,". V`; , .- -,_- ,-.7 . hP`..1|t*%ol.*~. ' f SI5EAR|NG MUSKALLONGE. i6ol- in itlgojwdshtui The slum:-och : Doplgnor. Eldw Bxvefl I--9 1-n vuauunnau -E. Paullne_ Johnson For % V Laundry . 111-. Justin. uocarthyvs 1-on--mature or the ~ British Historian. Mr. Justin .McCa.rthy says: James, Bryce has, in {ace and form, the V characteristics of a stalwart ghter. ; .His forehead is high and broad, with strongly marked eyebrows, straightly drawn ov,er deep "and penetrating eyes. The features are all nely `modelled, the nose is straight and . statuesque, the. hair is becoming y somewhat thinner and more grey` than hit was when I first knew Mr. ` Bryce, but the moustache and bea.rd._ although. they, too, show some fad- I ing in color, A still thick and: strong as in that past day. The face . does -not look~Irish; its expression is, f, perhaps, somewhat too sedate and 4 resolute; but, on the other hand, it does not seem quite Scotch, for there is at moments a suggestion of dream- iness about it whichwe do not usu- ally associate with the shrewd North `Briton. Bryce is a. man of the mosti genial temperament, thoroughly companionable, and capable of enjoy-r ping every inuence that helps to " brighten existence. Always a student 3' of books and of men, he is never a recluse, and I do not know, of any- one who seems_ to get more out of life_ than does this philosophic his- torian. The Parliamentary career of ltlr. Bryce began in 1880, when he was elected as Liberal representative for a London ' constituency. Later, under` Gladstone, he lled the im- portant office of Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs. Later still he be- came Chancellor of the Duchy of Lan- caster, and` in 1894 President of the Board of -Trade. Long prior to his public life, he had published his great historical work, The Holy Roman Empire, In 1888 The American Commonwealth" appeared. He has traveled, and in 1877 published a narrative ,of his explorations in Transcaucasia, with an account of his- ascent of Mount Ararat. In 1897 his -"Impressions of South Africa" wereissued, and within a few weeks . we have had a volume of his bril- liant Studies in Contemporary Bio- graphy. Mr. McCarthy says that in the new eort now so sorely need- ed, to create once more a true Lib- eral party, Engxland` requires, above all things `else, the constant service `of such men as_M.r. Bryce. _ ~The companies in Hastings county gold elds havovauccessfully introduc- ed" the bromo cyanogen process in treating `the prevous1y refractory mispickel, ; as the ore in which arson. ic is contained is called, and are 'now..turn'ing out eighty tons of o.ra- cnfc 9. month. `The? arsenic ,ca.n' be ` o_;,`o;_pl:_:;iod, on _th9_ cor gt ltarmora. at, a ,c4"jcA _5SI'._ 61 $2.Q.;""a. `ton . It cells at 370 "i`qi!9ii!13r]oa1!s1}.i81f'omen.-3902, a ton. A c ~=.! htd~ _.>.t[:,e. L;o:ulao:`-:ccar;ric,- Mm` ~ 180 `V_mr;tl1.=.,ofu g9_ld .in -Jeac_h:ten;... I i 4"-61, -.0" . ' . . :; 5' *5 "W 3 33?i British Army Statistics. 0. ' recently issued British Blue ` Book. states that the regular army - on January 1, 1903, was 324,653, consisting of 1,490 Household Cav- alry," 29,297 Cavalry otthe Line, 1,610 Imperial` Yeomanry, 84,959 Royal. Horse and Field Artillery, 28,174,Royal Garrison Artillery, 13,- ;'757 Royal Engineers, 9,966 Foot` ,Guards, 176,580 Infantry of the Line, 15,503 . Colonial ~Corps and Indian Infantry, 8,443 Army Service Corps, 6,020 Army Medical Corps, `2,638 Ariny Ordnance Corps, 854 "Army Pay Corps and 362 Army Post omco Corps. At the date mentioned 163,488 were in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales and the Channel Isl- ( ands,` 95,475 in Egypt, China, Crete and-the ", Colonies, including South 0 Africa, and 75,740 in India. There , were 4,311 desertions. Of the non- commissioned othcers and men 195,- 080 were of the Church of England, 22,900" were Presbyterians, 14,284 were Wesleyans,-"2,953 were .other Pro'bestante,-" 46,883 were Roman i 0atholics,-. 159 Jiere . J ewe, 2,459 were; M.oham1ned_ans,4 Hindus, etc., i,_e.nd,_26.,608 .we`re'unr`eported' as "to if religion, As` ,_res pects-' race there were` -218,823 En`gli sh non-commissioned `f `omens, and `men, 26.3080 Scotch, '35,- * 0717 n~mu,1 8-.1940 horn in India or. the , -Colonies.` 3986 itoreigners and 26,667 ' r:~~*fI ot*Ii>eci.ed- - A i ii I ` ;,Sgan`:bq_i,t4pd;;h:1 hutsvpitrm ivith f '7 ` "W %'*"T.`A"*l3-; ` u . V '~.. . . -' ,r 'Ira.ms leave Barne for -and arrive ` follows: V V . . . ~ ' 0 241` arm". For Newmarket. .Toron-. tram the under mentipngd places as .1.` `If--.I~-gal` uni` v\A:!|" nan} Mn. mvu-:s savor-:. Auontc I`;-om Gglcl Ora.- um unnei BRYCE. trHm_n`to_ni`HEnN mvmcn `the tint Railway Hour. . ` The rst `railway motor ever built in this country to run :in lieu of the ordinary train and engine is now running between Fratton and South- V` nan an`-A-I`-:t\I\> unv t.]nVd'Q 1 runnlng Detaween .l`l'.luloUll uuu. b.)uuvu- sea. stations; says L1oyd's_ Weekly Newspaper, on the joint line of the South-Western arid London, Bright- . (I_--LI. t`I....a+ nnnnnninl, lulu JJUIIUVII, Lt: Iaovnv on`, and "South Coast Companies. Each car is 50 feet long, of the mods- ern bogey type," with two pairs of mm mm sewmq mums] i ADoinin_ion Square Piano. nearly new. and Ra - n mood Scmng Machine, nearly new. Apply at TH ` ADVANCE OFFICE. 43-tf " EAL a. in. nor .|.Vewnxu.tnuu. -bubuu-. to. Montreal` and points feast. _ J 756 :1; m . For Newmarket. Aurora and Toronto. ' V ' A I 12.16 p. m. For Newmarket and Tnnn in THE FIRST BHLWII MOTOR. iwheels at'each, end, and in `one body contains engine, - luggage van, and first and third-class passenger de- partments. The `first-class compart- ment seats 12 persons, the third- class 32 persons. The motor-car can be illuminated by gas. and warmed in the winter by a special apparatus.` The car runs every 10 minutes, the time of the journey being (our min- utes each `way. \.. ` ironmes. In team I thereon. Apply ENDOWMENT INSURANCE POLICIES Highest cash price ' for Endowment Insurance Policies. in reliable panics or money loaned cirr FLOWERS-Rosen.Carnet1ons, Violets, fresh every day, Bouquete--Button; 0%. hole, Hand or Corsage. Funeral Taken: in non} (Ia-Conn. 233711233" VEGETAB ' Abhonn I any dell s. VEGETABF , Crisp and Tender; Lettuce, Cabbage. uanips. Beets. Caxrou, etc. . SEEDS--Flower Seeds. Vegetable seeds, Plants and Bulbs. WM. TAYLOR sE:ED 'roRE] Tnko: Mums , Dumas . COPYRIGHTS ac. Anyone sending a sketch and deacrition may - guiokly ascertain our opinion free it Invention is probably atentable. Communica- tionutx-icti`oonndent Handbookon Patent: sent free. 0 deet may for securing nu. Patents taken t rough Mann an 0. receive special notice. without 0 urge. in the Q J 41.4222 4. AAA 4AAfAAAA ether an- I` LUIS! Telephone `:5. A handsomely Illustrated woolly. Lament cit- culatlon of any aoientmeoiournal. Terms. 33 1 ear: four months. 81. S dbyall newsdeulera. nun: n n- -_-- . II-.-- Il-..:. IZIIJIIIII Will pedal without charge. In the Scientic Ilmerican. I I.__.I_.....-I-I an-O--haul -n-LI- Yjuannd A`: II x-Iv nomsr AND snimsmm. mg..- `.3 up: '\nnlno\.) , (:0 TO mu NEW I-'OF_l_._ALE -THE! NORTHERN AnvANc:1 A II 41` I_______- Q`--..-4-n- A-41

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