Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 23 Jul 1903, p. 1

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V `ran Amrnnnsrs; ot*sxRnm.'rux'cou1~rrY or smcon AND `ran nonunion or cnmm oun cnurxnuoxs. _ ` ONE-THIRD OFF THIS MONTH; . . Up-to-date` Hatters. . ovrosrrm 1=osr o1r1cE, uumm, ONT. . 01-` om; OWN LIANUFAOTUEE; 9 O 0 IX `Q93 1:.--_ ----- . OUT `AS YOU \-WANT IT. A Ziqfxiis, *ot`mut{r_ea1;[aoouses%` usnauax-z.{iy'y3.'an];wr,e5` 3301}. . AND SHINGLES TAaL.|:._:: son.-na: Ez`|?ias_7.:umBiDg'!!1 .=tan{1.V`4' '_--vAQ`nlE'l'I. BAMQ -:-__--, y.---.--_._ -__",.r-- _'__`_._ _. |~.r- "`j,--v-- --- -~- - > . ` . VTh`e~bAoysVof __t_hT9_rOn't o Bljoagiyiew 1 Institute have `come; and` _gqne iqd it `xs;`v;;1`1%`vv:it1;;n';e1,;e mark to ea the ingxjry .,pb; 1,g!;_y of ,73'oung"Vgmi)e_v_IT1ave L ,_- _"_..-."L._.-.`l." c_:.1;.1- 1....1..:...1-n......... n Q-'-`fl,-`J `-l: "!-.)"-1 V` I ""-u ".""'&""4 -- - - `more "g9od"' fr_,9_`,i1Ad.s behind `them 7t_.,h a.n- , anympay. of liisitms _he:;'eitdrore sojour_r:1ix.1g'i n Barrie. .Wi';i'1e,camping in St, Vipocptfa Park they respepted boxes are w""V--tI|o_ goods nit: clan". -lI0'l`IlWl7.'laL'S. ` Try a box of Rex ChocolI1top--onr On. August 18th Barrie will be vis-i itecd by about . 300 - delegates I totho I. 0.` F.` High Court of Central 0nt_ario. which `meets? in annual "con- olave "here on that date; A _special effort should be `made _to decorate the "town in honor of the visitors and ,t1ie_Co.unciI might easily.-.make_ia _rea-' o;1ab1_ , xpex;di'tu,r*e, tolfhis em; in [connection with the entertainmeilt of the delegates; u.5.`he lady` deL_eg'ates' from the Auxiliary braneh._ofy._A.the Order `will be Mrs;'Margai:eff._Gprdon. ]V)r.'Po1`1i1-rd. Mrs. ,B.,. `H.-__=puthbe_'jrl;, Su-T . ;'i17 me;"CIiief.])feputy;3;i 1_ d Mrs.'"Hill._ 1- :1.1.r`.. I'..I_.. ll!... .'..:-a.4a " ...... .a.".I:-.-. I The Sunday School` excursion in connection with the Collier Street Methodist church. last week. proved highly successful. although the wea-' ther was most unpropitious in the morning. An interesting list of sports "was runoff during theafternoon at the Point. The most amusing por-. tion ot the 'da'y a program was the egg hunt. an innovation introduced by Rev. Mr. Redditt. Forty-five eggs were secreted in the bushes and. the youngsters turned loose to find theme within a given time. The winner of the _oo'nte`st found six eggs and the [fun was immens'e__while it lasted. w. s. Wallaceathe Alliston auctio- neer. who tried to shoot his wife and mother-in-law. last week and then turned his revolver on himself. was tried in the County Court, on Tues- day. before Judge Ardagh. on charges `of shooting with intent to maim and shooting with intent to commit sui- n'i-due." He entered a plea of -not guil- ty to the first charge; but pleaded guilty to attempting to commit sui- oide. He was found guilty on all of the charges and remanded `for sen- tence until- Monday next. 7-`nu: `MIA!-IA II---n..-.o 1- A;.... 4~A_. Q..ll` ` `to. Big Bay Point. v/-- --- --r-v.v- ` - 1 The Firemen are 'arrangingVfor 8.} grand day's Outing on_.Civic Holiday, ` when they will run an excuxjsion l'l1`L - -'0 `I -The pr.izes.to obe.awar at the Tannery picnic are therfihest ever on.exhib_ition in` Barrie. - They can be seen in LScott s Bookstore window. 5X -I:e<; 1;;<-1'nV "i"g`i;.~i\`4fI;1;s';V.a:`sv_Vcele- brated this -(Thursday) morning. at `St. Mary s church for the repose of the soul of His Holin.ess.`Pope Leol XIII. ` ` ' ` `- _._.-- vv `:-vvu-av~ 1...! vvnvla uJJ\4uu:AAJ\Io (Unclaimed balances. mm at the Bank of Commerce to the credit of the followinxz pe.rson.s_.--A. Finlay, M. Riddell. [J.~ G. Gillespie, .T. Mills, G. Master `and J. `Houston; In the Bank of Toronto there are unclaimed bail- anoos to the credit of F. M. Thomas, E. Brown trasurr and W. S. John- I-av `:1-`ho.-Orillia Times in its .nof.es"on the -recent Orange demonwtration in that town isays~:-T-"The 35th Regt. Ban'd played. Iseveral selections in front of the Opera House while wait- ing for the procession to start. The Ban`dmaster'. Mr. Henderson. has them well in hand and playing fine-s `1y.n _ - `If 1-: `If II -11 A110 I postponed to \'_{Ve-ednesday, August 12. On Sunday evening after Vespers a lecture will be de1i've_red at` St. Ma1`Y 5 church. by` Rev, Dean.Eg_an, en the Papacy. V ` V " fI"I..'.`. 1-.1:._-._.-.. -__~_ '___`____._..g.___. g-_ _ '- ---3 --4 --V-H < ' F' The County Couno'i1_ is in session for the purpose of passing. aby'-1a'w_ in connection with -the issuing of the Good Roads debentures. 7`i2e{v. R. _s. Fraliok. "of An-ten Mi11s {and Rev. J. J. Redditt excl'1aVn,2'ed pul- pits Sunday evening, the latter de- liverinxr the anniversary sermon at Anten Mills. - ` AIn........L ..1.---.-_- ------ r--~--~~~t- ~- :t.lu.rlI .LV.I.l.IlS. _Although showers were frequent on Monday the ADyment-Butterfield Foundry excursion proved `a most. successful affair. The Advance. is unfortunately. unable to publish a list of the `prize winners, as the. ;,management ne9:lec-te'd- to fulfil a promiso to provide:/uls with the same. l'I !__-`I-9._,_ u -....." -..-.- ---vpcs-v-4 -uvnnvu : 'l`ry Mickie. nymomt dr son for spilt Hardwood. Largo-1. loads in town `I. 33025: . trgvgggv-, guy- gr.-l.--wv r-.__. _,___._. _.____ __._ . --Li`3;~l'._` i:;n`_`..L nLake-1`o1irist_s VT. parf;xdi_s'c. I _Boa._t:s."7I,'1inqh and shfjt, ,drinks _~,cap be] ___pro11r ed' at "all time,_s;;`;,Mi_s,s-I._1q;`vir1j`e1noe. I . mt-`_ 15-..- -g n..'.;nw _`..L;-'_'a.-. n..':_...| _`.:..... rain HAPPENING!-S or A }w3:n:K IN V -'1'o"wN.AND VIGINITY. Camp 8nppllon-everyIh|'n new gun `IP40-date at B0'l.`llwEIoL b. Everybody -is_ waiting for the Tan- nery picnic on` Monday. I W-un l`l...............L:_-_ .._____.L 'nf__'_!L_L_ ....`, -avv Mr. Brown, J.-P., -is-acting as Police Magi-strate in_ the. absence of Mr. C. `H. Ross. la L \IIIlIaI La [J-ll-I-'o u. 1:1. n0ss.- . . . V The Elizabeth St. Methodist and Congregational, Union excursion is postponed to YVe=dne.sda y, August 12. On auxin;-Into A-A-giuunn hf`-nu -A`.-An-u-. ---gv IVIIIII IJLI .IJ.L|lLI'\.lll_yu I I Thercorgservatjves swept Manitoba at the recent Provincial election. only nine Grits being elected. A ._ ` | Q}... ...-...L-.__ .e__ L ,- ,l'___'I , vw---w w-our-J II\llII IIL\l'\IIa\l\LI See posters for full partidulafs con- cerning the Tanxiery picnic on Mon- day 8,1: Big Bay Point. 1|/l'. . 1" T'|__-_,___ 1' `I5 BARRIE,.COUN'1`Y `OF SIMCOE, ONTARIO, JULY 23,_ 1903. AROUND BARBIE. , ` . . k , . . L * . x-I,-`.',,~. .- .-mu-..-1; ._,a,AUu~.>\. ' - - ` _ ' `. -" ` . . , 2'4. ' - can-a-av- a-up v VI-nn'vt\J." Dear Sir.-A.l1ow me."`an behalf -of the officers and} boys of the Broagie vnew Boys _ Institute who"-were 1n camp at St. _ Vinoe`nJ:`.s Park. -from `July. 7th- to 17th. to extend_ to,` the `Mayor, Town.,Qounc`il anod`cit1,ze_ns of ABar.rie.y_our most` co1'd,;ial.'tha_nks'for_; _'_a,l1_ Wglxexr *' qnerasity`ahsd kxndngsa; stands the .:-mns,t `.f ~34 .505 ' icia 1? -' .!`11D.t1n`.9n.~, 'p;B1?i9iiAe5~=*v:6ishiE:=s , V ..W11;l? t :ho A very pretty `wedding was solem- nized on Wednesday. the 15th inst.. at The Map1es." the residence of Mr. .and Mrs. Robert Reynolds. when their eldest daughter. Sarah Christina, was united ,. in the holy bonds of matri- mony to Ray Eldon Wice, the cere- mony being ably performed by the. Rev. R. G. McKee, of Stroud. -At 2.30 1 o'clock, while the "wedding march entitled "The Arrival of the Bride, was being played by.M'.rs. A. Adams.` the bride appeared leaning on the arm of her father an'd the bridal par- ty took their place beneath a beauti- ful arch of -' evergreenis and ferns, which was tastefully erected on the lawn. The bride was daintily attired in white silk organdie with trim- mings of white silk and Valenciennes lace. carrying a bouquet of white car- nations and having orange blossoms `in her hair. The bridesmaid. Miss" white. silk organdie with trimmings of pink and carried a bouquet of pink carnations. The groom was assisted by his brother. Mr. Allan Wice, of Collingwood. Immediately after the. ceremony a sumptuous repast was partaken `of. after which "toasts were fittingly replied td by several of the guests. The bride and groom lefton the evening` train for Toronto and elsewhere and on their return they will take up` their -"residence in New- market. The bride s-going-away gown was of blue ladies cloth with blouse of white corded silk and" hat to match. The gifts were exceptionally numerous and valuable. showing. the esteem in which the bride was held by._her many friends. who wish her and the. groom long life and happi- ness. On returning from accompany- sing Mr. and Mrs. Wice toxthe station the-. guests spent . a very enjoyable time? during the remainder of` the evening. The`. rooms were attract- ively decorated` for the occasion` with 'fernsand fIow'ers" ." The guests _were lnainly. relatives of` _the,' contracting: parties. Among` the guests` a distance wer~e.--Miss `Hurst. Toronto 3 Jun sister of the bride. also wore xlls I_{_i'llen.Bra,cebr.__idge and Messrs. -`Allan Wioe-. collmgwoea.-: :Jo1m ;,F.__ Reid. Lindsay;-_ Henry, Re yno1ds.?.:T0_- ronto; Har'ry-"E. b"Re`id; Toran_to.. 4 I-Brockviile was ciwsen as {he nex place of meeting. getting 671 votes. as against 476 `for Ottawa and 28- for Kipgston. ( 1 VA v4a*\ ~j:} Ali. The following membersfot the . Sea Flower Fishing Club are isolated at Duclos Point. for the next few weeks % under the care . of Constable Dan. ; Sweeny (aseook), Messrs. O. H. Ly-.} on. C. H. Ross. M. J. Frawley. W. A. 4 `Boys. J. G. Scott. John Payne,` Fred. Warren. J. R. Tddid. of town; `John; G. Turnbnll. W. M. Wilkinson and T. 1 Eakins. of Galt; Chas. Ross and Dr. | Langr.ill.' of Hamilton: ,J. D. Jones` an-d Wm.`Phillips, of New York. I nu.n,I_n- -n___---- I- n.-_ 1.-...- .......4l ...---o---V- -- ----. .-t---g`.--v-v---.t v- ---.~-v bThos. Shanahan, of Elmvale. wear- ied of seeing Constable Keely take a short out across his premises when- ever he felt inolined and. one day last week. took the law in hisown hands and doused the constable with a pail of . water. It was lo`ti's of fun for Shanahan, but it cost him $22 when Keely had` him.` up before Magistrate THE ELEGTIUNUE The electibims in th Grand Lodge of Canada. A; F. and A. Mi. resulted in Grand Master Haiding ,a.,n`d' Deputy Grand Ma`st~'r Allen b`e'ingv\'chosen by acolamation. The" e1ecton' for other offices 'resul ted_as follows :'-' ' -__-_, .,,._- -vw--- -Grand ~cre'tary-M. W`. Brd. Hugh Murray, Hamilton. ' `r1___-_: n-_,9, , 111' `1 1!? `us Irv, I1; .l?4il&|l.l`Ug' I. UIVUII LU- Grand Junior War'den. (first ballot) W. Bro. R. V. Matthews. Hamilton. Grand Chaplain, (first ballot)--VV. Bro. A. J. Cobb. North Bay. ' Board of `General Purpose-R. W. Bro. Aubrey White. Toronto; R. W. Bro. A. F. Webster, Toronto: R. W. >Bro. `William Roaf. K. 0.. Toronto; R. W. Bro. J. 0. Morgan, Barrie; W. Bro. A. T. Freed. Hamilton. ` - :9 I'\#,_I,__`I1, , i join in the` wish `that the Broadnview % Boys will visit` Barrie: again. wan`. .-an _-.----:.-w, '- ..-n -.v-_.- Mlcile. Dvmeut 4: Son have good Summer Wood. splint: 8`l.25Aper long. ` IIII _ t'I`_-___I_A__ '_ 7'|_____ _ _______ ` } M. W. Bro. Murray is the quad Secretary 1 and M. W.'Bro. E. ll-..-A lII--_..--_-_ v-_.-u~ -vu av`: your av-- } Grand_, T1'-e.asu1er-.M;v\%":"TBro. V E. V T. Malone. Toronto. f` out on ;-u on _v._. _v. -.---v- (*3`rran;i Registx-ar-W. fro. C. F. Harris, -falkerton. ` ` 3 ' V 2 rt........J Q,`.-....4L..__ -nr 111-. 11..- ri.-_L , --------.7 1 >IU-Aanlnviinln `Grand Senior War`den-w. `Bro. vvQ 1 G.` Eakins.- Toronto. 1?.-and T.-....:..... ur....'.1..- 1::_..L 1_..'n-a.\ Em oyed` Their Shy Herer A vmwnnnlna. up`. wit --`-. .-- _ Grand Treaeutler. Toronto. July: 2"ot1;.4 1903; `mm umcsns. ..--v-_,-1., cuvuo _ ' Mr. Fred. Halstead and little son of `Waterloo. are: visiting his brothgr, Mr. AAE. HaI.stea.d.'Pee1..ust.r_e_et. on_ "their way `to_-spelrid game weeks_ in `i1t_I11koka._ t j _t( -`n` - n ruin .0-vvnlti" A_..._;-_.I_ -._.-'- U-ILUL\IGn. T. T. MoVittie. formerly oneof '; .Bia.rrie_ is 'promin e_nt, oitiies has` again " ih.?3f `9.i919?1<;?'9i4 9.115 [of the Fort j:Bt`_eelgpB' 0' LiB9_z;al- ' zfyativg uuuxuuluuo > _ ' V, , Mr. arid Drake. Miss Drake `,._`?n.FF1t90::_;9 -$31310 Wale: `gm . PW . 295.] I ~ Mister Tom MacMillan'is visiting `in Thornbury. '_ 1 ` an-,_1,,1p"n,A-1 `I ,1 1-3,- 51. I\/Astana 1;: V: vaavv gva u- .w -v Mr. A. H. `West has returned spending a"few days with. friends in I . 1 11- ,. rm,-n,-_ .11---- QL.- 1.....- lulu Lalo \I|rIuIllII Miss Lizzie Mac~d `of Park- dale. is the guest of Miss Annie Pow- ell. Owen street. ( l1,,_,__- 9.. _.,_-_._`l:..._ Mr. nnzi (daughters. of Parkdale. have been guests at Mr. an"d Mrs. John Wood 5. Ina-A__ l1_-L-_;.~ Tl 1'-_'...'I.._. ..L.-An} Boa Mia Bettie Pierson and Miss Pres- ton. of Tottenham. have returned home- after a pleasant visit at the residence of Mr.` `J. H. Hipwell. 1 ,i,L__. -re 1`I`1'-_ L [IL AVA} `oar vv V--v ` The Advance o R. Wor. Bro". J. 0, `Morgan on being eleo'te,'d to --`the Boafd of.Genera.l Purposes at the -Maasonio Grand Lodge. last week. Il'__A__'._ - fI-..-........ I-IL\IIIO Mim E. M. 'NeevB will return this week to the General Hospital, Guelph, to rssume -her `duties therp after a three weeks visit with friends in Da_l- |9\nUv Q.\n\_I' 3-5 V.-...., -.v-..-. Mr. Wally Hopkins {of Collingwood. was in_town [on Friday. "Miss Olive Jamieson ' is visiting among old friends, here. A ` Mr. Randall Breretqn is. spending ` his holidays. a-t Scbomberg. Miwes Leroy. of Toronto. are stay- ing with Mrs.` R. Wolfenden. W--- 1--.. 1...-.. 'l-__I _ . _ ~ . .._ soon iv ;v.. .-.-.--~ nu. - v-_..--____ Mr. E. Bemrose hs been Iooixing up ` old friends in town and vvii::iniAty. I .&vJ. vnavvn _MI_`. and Mrs. Gal1ie..Mary`St;. have been spending a couple of days at Big Bay Point. T `L44 tr 1-:u-_.:..... ......l 1'1 nnnn u Mia; Allie Johnston. who has been holidaying at Gdderich tor the past few months. returned` to town on 'l_.`{1esday. ` a `ll'!.._-- \T-\I2- `f\A--nu` A` Dpgynnfnn I Misgg Nellie Dewar`. `of Brampton and Beatrice Dewar. of Toronto. are staying in `town. the guests of the Paton. Charlotte St. , 1 an-2-- - VVUIUUILIU LL Uus vuu. LL Ivanuwu Mr. Douglas Stewart. of Calling- woo`d.= was among those who attended the _Mo'onligh`t Excursion to Big Bay Point on Friday evening last. ` vv 111- 11-, fr- _.-___ 211 - 'Il'......-.I .I.uuu. V1.1 Elli-I3. vvvuus-nub -........ V. W. Bro. Hammill. of Meaford. was elected D. D. G. M. for Georgian Distriot.No. 9, at the meeting of the Masonic: Grand Lddge, last week. I- 1-\!-_____.. ....`I IKE-.. I)-an ysvoswou 1' Jon Javuuvnaua -- u . . . V. Mia Gertrude `Butler .with' her guest. Miss Birmingham, of Toronto; and Mr. Barry Butler have been spending a. few days at Big Bay Point. 'If2_. T.V--..2- J._._A .c`nn Atuv-|"IlI:`\`IIft)dq $llV5l,\IlA.lb Ibavvv \.I.I-Jug uuv maa --`~J ._ --__. Mim Fannie Stone. who contributed so .ma_terially to -the success of Sat- tur-day eveninghs concert. is the guest of her cousins, the Misses Mccabe. --5 `err-as .A 'I\._______;. ____} VI. .JA\?-I. vvuwauug unnv .-u..-.-..-.. __v....... Mr. B. Willmot, of Davenport, and Mr. C. T._ Hunter and daughters. of VToro,nto.`.`have been staying for a few days with Mr. and Mrs.` J. E. Will- .__ -1. . nu-J -v- -rm.----v. Miss Ercella Sew-ell isvvisiting Miss ' Ida Pae. Big [Bay -Point. ' `iris `brnII~, ,,_,1 "i}f`iE." 37 '15r";Cv1'e} %}1"%.".eL1 to town from Hillsdale, last week. '11 Miss `Lime Williams 'i*+.;y'i};;? with friends in Toronto for `a few weeks. _- nuc- .mf[r`s .:. Flemihg and Harvey are spending a month with friends In Thorold. .. n..- A `son: I 1'5, III C. LAVA vL\A- Mr. A. C. Gibsoh, of Pittsburg. Pa.. has been looking up old friends in town and vicinity. ` ..1ur_ 1-_t_-'.- UUYVIL Gnu vI'vA.|.nnu_y - Newimarket Express.-"Mr. Jaffrav Robertson is holidaying with friends in` Barrie. '- .. .-..' 0` gr _ 1 g_ Lu Ddlllco _ - W Mr. and Mrs. "J; C. Morgan and fa- mily haive lett for their summer home at Sandy Cove. ` ,.,1 t\;L-._ __..l -L:I.1....... Anal V11 \.fVV vs: avLvvvu Miss Marcella Cranan is `spending her vacation _with her brother and friends in`Por't Huron. Mich. I.LI\)l-ILIL, Ann `Van: A-u-av Mr. M. E. Gray ant-1-Iblii-8;:-2-3' Lorna and Gertrude have {returned from a holiday trip ,to Manitoulin Island. 1-`, _L_._ 1If-_.I J uIl :._.. `l'_..:.. 1IT_!.-`L L` LIUIIIIGJ Iul [P _b\l Alhuuluvuanu Anaaiannsnu Beeton World-;`Miss Josie Wright` went to Barrie On Tuesday to spend a couple of -weekzs with friends. _- a as. Q. 1 _ _o___, Mr.-l(v has joined Messrs. Gallie, Montgomery and Grease at their Big Bay Point camp. . um` __ _g__ ___J `JILGIIUIJLIIV \lLu.|J\| aavuuevp nu-an v V .- Mim Carrie Martin. of Bo;v1'nan- `ville. is a summer visitor at the resi- dence of Dr. Patterson and is greatly pleased * with "Beautiful Barrie." In-2... r1-_A...._.1- .'n.-A.1.... ...:n.- 1;..- WHAT BARBIE PEOPLE "HAVE BEEN DOING DURING THE PAST WEBK- I -ta --15:: uuux. uuwsu guuu Uasuw ' nd Stone stables. G001 ! young ~ 01'- `We ot. cultivation. If not sold the` hard and goodv-soil in a first-ra.t~e bum W111 be rented. App! ha OPS. Barrie. _ *4 July 15th, 1903. _. _ V WELVL} ."hnI.;.._',/ L953vCon.q. Innihl. 1'rame__h9'lI Fe- . V th `; _g(T)i3iItI:11ses or to ROSS &` MPR0`vx2o' FARM `wok sALa;:r_h -..--..----4 u_ }"`Mr. Norman Metcalflleft last Fri- )day for Buffalo. ' " `Il':_._ 11!_-_`II- Q_-_-_II 2.. _.!_.!L2_.. `Il'!.._ ..-.-,, ...- 1- E'I`.H. 0t ton. I `Inuktitut v-v scan u-.-- -_.-... _-._._ , Mfrs. Graham`. Worsley street, has returned from a visit of several weeks with her` daughter at the Soo. -Mr. Alex. Richardson has been up from Toronto for a few clays and was among the callers at this Office last week. ` - A` -Q Q" 4-! I-\,,A__!j___ __j VVCWLQ Mr. an'd Mrs. .W. C.` Burridge and daughter. of Toronto. were Saturday visitors a.l:~the residence of Dr. Pa1- ling. 1:-_.. -n- 1--. 1ur..4.L.... .....`..I 1\A':aa `Duh: LILIBO Mrs. De La` Matter and Miss Reta and Master Harry De. La Matter are visiting Mrs. Frank Bemrose. Big Bay Point. AC`! `I 1 `,1 ,4 __I__ L__ Lanna ULIEUS .I:aI.uu. Uuasxvuyv um.- `Mr's._ Drummond and Miss Irvine, of Brampton. are in town for a couple of weeks and are receiving a warm welcome from old friends. -1 l'!-II!_- ll-Iv sauna \-l\IV\rI Mrs. red Qtton and childfen are "visiting at Big Bay Point with Mrs. vi `'1' l\1l SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Qwaguauuuug II1ya.uvvL'\nvAnvoJ ` a . . . V ... Ralph Roland. of Galt,,`rode his Vwheel into a 20-foot chasm in turn-_. _ 'gn.g gsidcvfo slbxv some lzidies to pass` - '"1(}- Wa5B* `robablg fatally injured. -. \naaA:\a\nugu .va- .1: v--.-.. -._- v'.:r-...J . , Jdgr. .H_. C. clntyreaforeinan of a Canadian` Northern bridge gang. at -:'Saska:tcoz_:.; Was ,acqi'dentIy `killed. 11.11. -___.1_. L3-` .- W MUNEY T0 5 V6 a large amount 0 and 5 per cent. on"th_ "g0N3W - MCCARTHY. : Am` I._)Un|op Street Bafric. 'The' C. Rxsteamer Monterey will Be` abandgnedby `the underwriters `l---- -..___...-.I - ..---- rd-I-`V-5 uu Ilulvvn-oIJI\rAo\r\.A cu. v.-v ..---_-- ..-_--__. _v giarggen have arranged angw -pphadule ,qf.pay_w.it}j.1 tpe c_o_mp_a,I'1y-' V -:1-__ 11- n nr-'r._1.._.'... e................ ..t .. The Sa_turglay market was largely attended `by the producers and the prices were practicall-y unchanged from the preceding week. Eggs old at 15 an-d 16 cents a dozen and butter from _14 `to 16 cents a pound. Chick- ens ran from '40 to 60 cents a pair and ducks from 80 cents to $1.00. On the grain market wheat sold at 70 to 72c.. Aoats 32 to 330.. peas 55 to 60c and barley 45c. Ohio. are amongst the summer visit- ors in town. They -are registered at the Barrie. j II`! 1- V-'.lh; Toronto News . Tuesday. July 21st says.-Miss Ruby- Edwards. 0 Barrie, is visiting Mrs. c. M. Ed-V wards. Tarryawhilc,` staying `with Mrs. summer.` . _ Miss Mirna Craig`. _Sun~da_v with the Misses Webb. Miss Lulu Mil!-.r. of Avening, is the guns? of Mrs. W. J. Johnson. Miss Gibqnn. of Toronto. visited MW .Jno. Sixsonc ast week. Mr, avid Mrs. W.`R. Kim: are holi- daying` for a couple of weeks at Ot- Vtawa. of Toronto, spent: A very pretty but quiet wedding took place on Tuesday at Cedar Lawn. Schomberg, the home of Mrs. 'T"*m` T33 vie. when her eldest daugh- ter`.-_`Mia "Adele, was married to Dr. Ewart Lount Brereton. of Barrie. The drawing-room, where the ceremony took place, was prettily decorated with green vines and marguerites. A-Mt 11`o c1ock the bride entered the drawin2`~room on the arm of her bro- ther, Mr. Roy"Stanley Davis, of Lon- don. and the ceremony was conducted by Rev. Wm. _`Frizzell. of Toronto. The bridewas gownedyln white taf- feta and appliqued chiffon. lace. She wore a long tulle veil. caught up with `white roses and carried a show- er bouquet of thesame flowers. "The _hri de.f3m'aid was Miss Lillian Davis, 9'i's_;ter of the bride. who wore pale _b1_ue,cr_epe def chene with yoke of Point A1ace an`d white trimmings and._.oarried pink fcar-nations. Dr. G. S. _Richardson. of Newmarket, attend- ed-ythe groom. -After the ceremony gq.-f_<'la`in,t~_y._ breakiastwwas partaken of `th,e.do.qA-tor" and Mrs. Brereton. .;.ft_e"tf~ immedia-telyu for Mu;skoka.~ Lila Brntherson. for` is visiting `Mrs. H. E hofh srfy-o,nf;_ In- v-- - vnczvhs (is_Iookin_g up old friend town. . Misses Jean and Eva Flemingu} St., have accompanied their fa on a +1-in Ln x*r:....-_- Mrs. J. F. Pelan. of St.H'I'homa.s. is Mrs. (Dr.) Mills and Master Ewart, of Toronto. arethe 2ue'st< of Mrs.` (Dr;) Richardson. Worsley St. Masters Ira and Ralph Stephens re- turned last week `Mr. and Mrs. Schulze and Mr: Carl of New Orleans. who have been registered at `the Queen's for several weeks. are in Waukesha. Wis., for a month before returning home. Mrs. J.M. Forster. wife of Dr. Fors- ter, Asst. Sunk. of the Ontario Asy- lum for the-Insane at Mimico. was in town for several days visiting, her brother. r. A. `J. N. Terrill. _ ]f_ 1-1- Y in Ba. .1 W i_<:'iul .`:i i:? B H. McLAf{1seN_`:n "IqfJQtAr . _ -_... uvvuulpdlllu cnelr father `on a trip to Niagara. The Misfes Fair, who have been vis- iting Mr-s. Fred. Warren. Mary St., have returned to Toronto. Mrs. St. Thomas. are . the Worsley `Mrs. H. Smith , of Sturcreon Falls, .Mrs. Seegar and her family and Mr. Mr. Clarkson. of Parkdale, also Mr. Armstrong, of Clarnton. Ottawa Dis- trict, have been the guests of Mrs. F. H. Hall, "Woodbine." Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sparks an?! children. of_Toronto; who have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Stephens, left on Tuesday for Aver-y s Point to spend three weeks. On Sun- day evening Mr. Sparks sang. "He" shall feed His flocks" from "The Memiah. with fine effect. in the Col- lier Street Methodist church. Nuptislsof Dr. B:arf.on and Miss Adele l W311.-oo PER ANNUM.-IN ADVANCE SINGLE COPIES FIVE CENTS WEDDED IN SGHBMBERG SATURDAY MARKET D.Dwvis. of the Mitchell Aid- s.lookin_g friends in .r--,~ -. v --u |.lll6_ HUI? 1`. J. N.[Terrill. 9'. Neeve. of Gencoe. was :1` .'--...l_ .L_ - ` ` zrson. of Goldwa- E. Jory, Eliza- "" T98. One-half mile from Holly` `Dost-ortm All 1 d ~ c. five ;;%s of W. mr:enc:=a:e,d wa- amfdgtlarge brick house, good barns DIN`. .Qfn1'\`n| flnn vm1na'.. DI"- 2. Mar! father ...'l`.3` Rd 1708 ."5:,l,'eEh0'9{' `uu hula/1(()\V(}:g? 1`! :-`W N.% L-W ' ' , v "hnkbar Us and o`""`3{":" . we I , ed oreh*"""' 5'. six mile: go ` PCO' from Barrie and 3* frat. I, Ioldata < u icl.|1 :r `acriw Fm` Pm: E to]. A. CD V V . I `.,5.f RBETT. Thornton. _nt- - v <-----??'J . 1 E-NTED~-500 men for Turner & 0-. South River. A ly to John A. v_DOIjJALD. until Sgliurday. at the belctorxa} Hotel. Mr. McDonald wzll mn1:S1I1{_untsville on Friday. `V8833 $Ig_EasV$_30 for good men. 29 ._ -ma sALEL ished Hummer. cottage; sxx bedrooms. d3` taohed kitchen, nice grounds. boil`? and boat-house. Apply. MRS. KINGS` MILL. Big: Bav Pomt. 29-29; W! boat_-house. Ap 1y.` MILL Big Bay Po?nt. '-.____ . rARM FOR SALE. dchoice farm for sale. being north half of lo'!4v - 4. Innisl. com rised of :00 acres, mote or less: acres cleared an 1:: good atnte of cultivation. ho ' 3`.' Rood buildings and also 33005 _d"'m3 use wuh stone `cellar. good well` and cistern. 3. , Md Wing creek and good orchard. . Will also sell Wand - . ` h ' s :o_.~:;mS:`?`f1"`..".1".` xf3?1S:s %`3 I%i3u?"2$. . - uua.na\va.lanoV I 8`!!! z i S-u::oessox.s to Johnston & Satjeanb 3: Tel. 88. Office, 41 Dunlop St. 4. Yard. Foot of Mary _Str_eet. A ++++-z~-2~+~M--:-~-:--:-~z-+-:-:-+~:o+:-:s+~s---:- E ever _ FARM FOR sALE.W7 , V 2. Con. 11. Innistily . One-half Holly A11 ..1.......uI ..n-ynnn" #:VA I 3:%?+++-9+--++~%~--+-!--!--5--3-!--!-~!~+~!-!--+3 Shingles Grey and White` LIME, 1 Star Portland CEMENT, 3 Coal, Wood, Lath and T? ` We keep :he beat. - Satisfaic ~ % g~;;..s";;RJE;;,;;:`c`a: J. Sllnnnsnvg tn .TnLv-ml-nn X7 Qorvinnnf. 'w\ a.{u.I$--'1 he residence of the iate . l1.~Mc- A Ktzzxe. Blake street. Barrie. In per ect order. ."modcrn convenencea. `Boat House. For I'- 2:::-,:- B<~RwI<=K- "``:.`?. - FOR S.LE--The residence of the igte H.~Mc- `H Ecggle, Barrie. __In e_:_t fa" { as g $1"'Mgm"1d I'w vr ; ce- res Gen lMn||a;::: 'l'g l`~ J`1 hu'; '`, .':1r"g>lv: . ' Q 0 b . BARBIE BE A ggneral }$&nking Bu8:Am'CII . Drafts 1ssu.ed on all has Oifntea conducted, . poms recexved and interest allwzgrld. ])e_ at high. MORT zer. LI lWE, CEMENT)` {Am `AND sl-HIINGLELS ties ofi 19 all you '0 . .... .. 9353.25 -3615.50 "'"` $646.50? $1395.00 '- munull. - - - IJAPITAL RgsE0VE FUND ....... nd `War T 02,500,000 - $2,600,000 I\Jl'Il-I`Io'. " VG, - . F Ound . ;`1':=.:asg.': ..`::,,`3,,3:::*.3.22E.2T2:a2a*:P`};.: aA~'k JT VVVV I ' Hake no mistake I YARD, FOOT OF TORONTO STREET. _ CAI .1 an---.- w... 9 18657 snn nna All the best quality and gua.ra.nteed. --an R . isses M. o Ssh T5! 3, uud'p_t she v _3) _ WHOLE-~N . 358 . V01 1*`;u.`Ex. W EsLEY. Proprietor V . {.2} ! rill lo NE W A l)VERjl`l 8EI&iN'l`So __,i WIALL Mvmes in`t!`.e: :-: : : ; `jg LU-" " "V`I"" We ac a distance send fog our booklet ,\.\'I~1ING BY MAIL. V _ u nlun Mnnnopf Rn :-rhn Run MONEY To LdAN. ! :a In--- -_- D 1 Au;;.,.., C mam ma SALE. 6...... 1-,, u - ,-|- L- valdes 1l1ar{t->-f'ia'a's; "A'|A;o-1-V`,-'().B'!'l1_eQV'VI;7lV!\il0! I - and M JOHNS'I`ON,.Churcl'ull. 29-32 I . nargc amount or rrn-ate runes to lllll cent. on the security ofDcI)Jod' arm McCARTH=Y. BOYS 3: til-V. ' . , v. M $...`. D Strmar Rnapi- ~ TO RENf, uncc In ank 0| . 1 0l'.0nt0 Duugw : and modern conveneuccs, 0,0 fnfa`. -> II I I $r.`l V 2 amount of Private F mud: to loud ant An 91-. --.--10-cw .\` flll I a five yea rs " amounts On .-u----7 ----ea $2,500.000 $I.000.000 yul rnuv 'I`hnn1nnn Vdryo :01 -tl - In ten" vea-s` amounts ` - IXLLVU 3 29-29.` 3 luildbi "mo vu- `:9-3"! Estate of George Blackstock. late of the_V1lla e of Thornton. deceased. Not1ce is ereby given in ursuance of B`. 8.0.. chap. 1 9.-sec. 2 . that all credntors or Persons havxn claims dagiann-st the e-s ate of the sai George B 8.0k8t_OOk.' deceased, who died` in or about the month of June. 1903. are. on or before `the 17th day of August, 1903. to send by ost. prepaid. to the undersigned so icitors for} Thomas Henry and James `Scrog 1e. execu- tors ot the said deceased, t eir names and addresses and full particulars of 1 their claims, astatementof thexr see ; curities and the nature of the secur1- ; ties it any) [held by them. A_ _ I An take notice that after th'e.sa3d J 17th day of August.-next. the_saud ; 'execu'tors will proceed _to dxstmbute ` -the I a'sse`ts..wof the stud. deceased amongst` the 5artiesv;,entitl_ed thereto`. } haying regar only .~'to.~.the clazmst of t hxch the `said `executors thent_h_ave * -notiloegzndrthat the will not bel-table J for sand assets"-so istributed or `any ` partnthereof. to many, erson or.-per; sons of whose -claim` t _e sand execug .A terms have .not_,n,oti,cc' at` the ttme of such distrxbutionk .' . _ = ,Da_ted thle-15tl1. day or. July; 19.08.; :l ' ~sfrM'rgY.:&s'Es1:EN;,;a I .' Iv n.S.ol1w.ito13s. ,A,gB1aF,rW.- 1'E'1`l?RBOlmUuu. U1" uun M 0l"1`0N & .SQN. .Barr_ie. LA _P*`P'1'2'` 'P"iz*!t-* Thf:y%.;; |MlGKl[. IIYMENI "sAI|Ls, 5V FOLDING-'_BE ..c.. n nut hina,1n- |"t)I`.UI|.V\a_wu-u-_-, -p--.-...,,__ _ H or amychnnbg In` the c mpluglme `8e_Dl1V0ll,I' ` orders to .1. J.'r-URNERJ. sous [ I 1r.'rmnonoUGu.,. or- our aqenv. .H H. j OTTON Long diatnngg nhonedav51'ADf!ht-V; ;tvsz,o;'co1,'_o:_cgdA c_i;'-.9us=smp19y*e.es of rro_b- ; i VGorgMe Norris. or M,nt_rpa;..auuuuw 5 F hnz%*' ` hing. _ : plto 9. % int FOR. HARD AN6 s'o"F'r woon ,.,. _ . A `h; +++++++++++++++++++++ BEST MADE. PI-ION'E-87 8: .38- To keep a stock in order it is necessary to makesome sacrice at times. Good Goods must be sold at less than their worth simply because in the course of daily business they have been overlooked. This is the `case with about forty dozen ne Toilet`Soaps we ` now have on hand. A new shipment is on `the way. We shall need room when itcomes and in accordance with our usual policy will offer everything in ourpresent stock at one- third o while soaps last. The reductions are from prices that are already unusually low. It will be necessary to buy at once to make sure of the saving. 9 1!I--3-__ we?1;;r1nit and braids, correct styles.- SIMMUNS H0. Up-to-date Hatters`, Sh ,_-`__` 33-2--:~:-e:-o:~---2:--z--z--a--:--:-2--s-oz-4:-:-:-~:~~:-o:-+3` $6555-i'fha Window, Note the Prices. Robertson's Drugstore. V V. SunPorIlaml Gement EXEcU T0Ii Nanci. Special values * this. week. Sennit Split showing wear. L If so we have made_it _easy- for you to have a second and new one at merely nominal cost. - ~ - . . v v V . ibppo} j`

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