Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 28 May 1903, p. 6

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ne T2-21 9*` I110 rien tin had Ye self 77:? "_gf-j'e1_'gg-.`. is .;, Md oewrn the aufo:~1=m!in: mil" Indian and n'mn`tlnLm en-,` and all {Wot U. . mm; '8VCIA? Cilia Vliloavolvw Iv, qnovow `bf vl iv r climbers. more artistic grounds out all of these" ` _ huildingsvend a more general plant'- ,_ tins of shrubs and flowers therein.` '. -"Inc erecticu ct statues. the erection ` untalns. public lavatories. end. c ts. public` gymnasiums. and `~teet rooms. cemetery improvement. '_im'pxovem6nt of rnilwnyl elation grounds. planting of trees and `owers chout factories. the improvement `of vacant lots. lanes and elleye. 9. greet-_ '-.. -LL-_L!__ I- -nn`uI:A cnr|`}'o`l'il| `- O BFLIUUI. vuuua UH cbuu vsveuvuq av-ovo-9--,v -A ' Civic improvements in rural dis- tricts may also cover nearly as large a field. It includes better roads. more drainage. better fences. `more general tree-planting. ageneral im- ' [prove-nnent of home surroundings. in- cluding orchards better cared" for. evergreens. shrubs. "more generally ,planted and better taken care of. some ower beds about every home- stead. well kept kitchen gardens. the_ shielding or covering of all unsightly buildings by trees or vines. better .-sanitation within the homes. univers- al bath-rooms. lavatories and closets. the improvement of public buildings. `. and schoolhouses. school grounds. churches. manses, and glcbes. by lay- ing out artistically. planting. of trees. sh;-abs.` flowers and vines. and provid- " ing well kept lawns for each. also the establishment and care of parks in .cvr.ety municipality according to size; V -` population` and `convenience: improv- ing the architecture. approaches and -general appearance of bridgespthe en- couragement otytorestry, more `par- ticularly in the "direction of planting` ccpses of. trees as` a shade for farm ' stock. or` to replace native "trees that I should. not have been removed. This maybe more easily oarriedon on the anks of creeks. streams. lakes and rivers. whose surroundings lend themselves easily to beautifying. and all woods that could be easily uti- lized. for park purposes and all ever- greens that lend beauty to the land- ` -.___- -_.l ..J.L-- -nl--nun` `nnl-Inning IBVIIIQL ave-I'n_ I u u A u u u - . avg... :- 3- _..- A er attention to pnblie"'sanitatio n.~ a perfect sewage system. imprcifed `fa- cilities tor the disposition of garbage. more `artistic public advertising. sim- plicity in naming streets. and num- bering houses. fruit and flower ex- hibition. clcansing public buildings and public vehicles, a higher class of pictures in our public halls. and our various public institutions. improved r-municipal` architecture. including all` -public buildings and bridges. compe- and awarding `of. prizes to` stimulate home-planting cmorxg the school children and citizens; gc:;ercli,v.A- ---L.. 2- ..-....I J.-, .J\VVlbI) vl-llob ovoow Itvv-uni v - v - ~ - - -.-- `scape and other natural features. -should be as far-as possible preserved. .Wayside springs should _be preserved` Ind nisdeconvenienti for public use. Guide boards should also. be provided. XI.` -I___.- A..- ..-.-A J-`maun|ou`u nu` `e and: hack door '. debris ._'\_v__l1ile e .,~j_'-skept. li -aulevurds and'lawn's; flow-'_ 1' fl diaousa -more :than- 't.w`o_'.ot7V Uih'66 ,' j g_; of --this. ._hraneh,3; oftiuoivfgf ` ..: The above are some. though not all ..` d the subjects included in the task , `qt. ciiric, improvement. . It is not 3 `possible withing the limits ofa paper- or `address to discuss them at length`.. , `they age: sufficiently numerous to in- 4 vita the effort of all our citizens. both - young and old. rich and poor. To the latter they offer a specially inviting field of profit `and. pleasure.-- The poorer sections of several European and American cities. have been, liter- ally transformed from apparent equa- vlor and wretchedncas to beauty and V _ comfort.` by the efforts of civic im- provement ref-.-rine'rs`.`= -Productive" vegetable gardens have replaced ash- 3,;-1ng;'As;`bs. vines and flowe1"s.f_hav e -taken `the place. ofgbare yardsppaxidp` petty tumble-`doe -Q; urroundg_ugs- as season or `spring:i`f`mo3f"f-9\!i,ts'_ gblo for beginning t.hex.wora;jof*~gout- _n V` `I 1aog'_t~{mp;bve_ "exit. and pg,`-tg i`8`!onl?3rs to `ax _ or impn_ove,ment,,. thug II vshall . '5', `mi * efurt er prefer in this iieper3`i1ioffeane Au` who have mwelned nu-'6u'g'h country. .distr_iots_ Amqat zhavq .:how un{1Itit b.iitive":f}p.re~ _the_ 1- ruja_1`sohool-houses an-d theirf,`au`r`-'_ A toundingb. . 'l.`he walls` of the mild-~~ T _ _ sun .haxg.-;aandA .IIl_!I`.91iygx_l 6:; 3:9 _ guy we, ;t_. `; % m bmamzamou nab mm` -Th`e;gru_s..'it grass there bo. is' unout,_. me tah6Q_`a-dr_e'=`h6t ilitays in good re~' Vpziig, angl " the gut?-buil_(_lings totbid- ding "(ind = offqnsiva. are tvulgarly ex-' ppsogl to the pnliiic kite. And y_el:. Vt_lieao_g_areC__ aeqts of 'learning';"`; Hqtq is whats ` our `children rgceive thei; `Iii-`st imprbasions ~ `of lcnrnitgg. "Igiko % piro-,_' dudes like?` it .i`,naid'._ 1I_o wlidlnilglg; be {he iininressioii made by suri-ibund-" ins: sq rudgtand rop_e11:;;_1t.! 1 Tharp is -I;..L A..' ."I._X._-'.. -1 }`I:n:`-` 1 -x:"'i`sz3'v.s1L7'4T%:i'7"" `T _ Urn-"rounded i,v%.!1!==:99.t%: M , mt? ~ :;1gq;aeaa. itgnpt me Snail! E at-6. . 1 wt. and uni-ely~bir"'bldEbs#w\1?oi`slii'9 A,_. |___.-... HI..- eg :3 qpgpnr; J 2, qujggost an Q3 1' fnhould he made as` attraoti-vh .in`their `J; an `:bs'Bheg.:ot _ {Kq|* .whio`h' `wary -school otion should ,_1 _,__L AI__ ...'I.!.L`.-i'.I ll_ 4- all `C DU Ell .IIi`IVII|IIU"." ` 3|-lV""' 5'?` ',. "n.m. gn'3'%Z1.1n'I:2}"g%i &'}n,';1 gppropriatp occasions. tamiliarlnlng ; .:..l_1e. phildremwjth _.ng_I:ioga_l :.li9I!l *1"? 5 *'i1i,`? *5." --`;.h'. .9!!! l_;ouur' it ._jhou`g`h`3;it ; o am; *6` biiiiting.!"` `:7 -3.1`. 3' Then rural-o)_1_W_oh buildinga are less unfattz-`native than are tha `-'-h6fus:;;;:= nay A:',?'>1"ie.df3`? At,_a`i+I>_`. av _ tgd gxid '-:.:.:`99!.?:` might easily i_magino'that they were s@ldo_m.:. it ogvrjer. fis,`ed.. so cold. h_a;r,e .11!!! unintitinggha Q1103`-;q__pg__oI1'..' It-. : . . ., _; . `X. ,, Wuuhn-nnnmin lb n`.'~l\I!|9*,F' '7 UIIIIIIIII ll`) IIIHIIV 93 """""""' '-*"" -`gxtpripys Va; ~-p_nrow1;: hqpi L =:z:TFh9.r `apt:-itAortruojwidfnmp V is `say *6`. n* vr916.sin;d .. "-`*3-31.I'1L`.59t'ii.*:'A'|i*,x ..'x|'!!1~1".?0,0!! __L _._I.- L. 51.. ..L\'--antic`. A`|`nIIQ"AI' l ."".".',."".`F"""'.l.`. -vi-.--.-.-vv-2::-.2, --..~-A `--,v._-, not only by the Tattraotlv-`zenohuidcti pt ' thpir churches and at-tmtivo i i3' 1tbri6x"'I: \it-' slain by" pleasant and pie!- turesquo sux-rdundinga`. that the: an willinu in hnautity the temple; .wI:ioh_- they have en-gated (or the worvuhvip 98;` ._.n.-_ .I:..--u`._~ ':.. . ..|. :`.\. 1...... = /p"rovc'?nent- fma)` '-5 be` timailbx-.1 .' `tracks and belonging. to the com- aauaaguuy uuuuu - Another direction? iiia..`wiaiiiion fitth-ii Shrubs. tlowera and `well-kpt lawns. is our railway ctation houses and station grcunda.- -Thin is becoming `more important because ot'thc' build-1 in: of electric lines of railway `and the same improvements` should be made. and indeed insisted, upon by the public. upon -the station bounce` and grounds of electric railways as are necessary on steam railway _prop- crtiea. '.llheee improvement; ahould be. made ..a,. condition :dt,yran_'ting_ franchisee to companies when apply- ing to municipalities for them. _An-' other condition that should be in- sisted upon is. that all the land lying alongside the electric railway panies ehouldbe kept_'clear of, all noxious weeds and in general be well oaredfor. 5 Otherwise these proper- tion may befcome eye sores to Zlhe travelling public and a menace to the crops ot adjacent farmers. nu--- __c-_u_... .1... LI... |.:..$......-. VIVED IIL \I_!-I-Jlnvvoav on--. vo-av '1`ree.planting along the highways would add g`r'eetly_to` their beaixty. and it done judiciously. and the trees not planted too closely. while afford- ing a pleasant Lahede. would not nee- essarily injure the roadwaysvby hold- ing the water. and thereby making them damp or wet. A _.A._..... -aA_..L ..I.-..|J L- ._...h. Ln Itllvlaa IIIHIA-I`: up - . A strong eftortahould be made to induce our friends. the farmers. to pay more attention to beautifying the exterior of their homes and surround- ing grounds. Farm houses are usu- ally looatsd- advantageously for im- provements sueh as are suggested. An ivy.` the climbing rose. or `any creeping fvine would relieve their bare appearance. while some pretty flowering shrubs. a fewevorgrsens. and some flower beds would add greatly .to' the beauty 1.:ot: the a sur-. roundings. But what is still --more" important. they would probably in-_ terest some mpeniber 0! the household `arid `make. all`"n1ore" contented with liome and its surroundings.` nu. __ ,_ LL. -1)-.. ____L- -1 (\..L.._:- IJUILIV InI\A Ian! visa v\-nus-cu-Q-or Ihcn in the ol-d`er parts of Ontario, and the other Eastern Provinces. where the larger part of thefarms have been entirely denuded` of trees. when the trees of the fotest were felled. some attempt should be made to pertie.lly_ replace them by'plant~ ing in appropriate places. copses of evergreens or shade` trees. These are not only valuable as"shades for the farm - stock. but would greatly add to the beauty of the landscape. `In the absence at `hedges such as are in the old country. e.nd..which serve the purpose of vtences there. trees scattered here and there overe-farm add much to its appearance. a : .- `Y-J. . _..`_- _.A \...L -..-..._ _..`..-I ...... Inn.-vs cogs-can Irv cu-v v-t-`cw-uvw-`ww- Not only so. but every rural mu- nicipality should provide itself with "one.or' more parks `yvhich should be- come common and convenient resorts: Public gatherings. picnics, private or: i crly keeping th_em_;`up. ' public. could be held there. Nor would there be any -difficitlty in ?secur- in.; suitable and attractive loc'ation_e -no township is without` them. In many cases they are there ready to` ban-d.r with forest trees. water oon-- vcnieut. and .the gerteral topography all that the" la_ndsca'pe g?a'r'dner `could wish :. cost; or pur'ch`aa`e wouId"not be` great. norwculd the expense ot`prop- I . IIQL-` `.`-L--.. -.'.- g-angst};-.`A' '3u~su|-`anvln-unnv|l"I any xuupnug Ln"u1.u_` up. ;. The` above sugfgeeted im1roven|ent`s are all in harmony; with the general improvement of the highways of the country. which in ' recent years has`, made considerable` advances. an"d he's _enow_,x-cached the.atage'_ o_ ` govern-` mental and municipal '1-ecvm.`_,_in`fthe" form of good rchds-improvement. ` IIYQLL ....._.-) _....A... La. . .Ic :'mn. \II`I.Qll` lulu] UL gvuu LUGIAIEI auoysv up. c Withgfgood roads tp,d1;i'v'.e.~ \`\'-heel or walk over. with the highways tree- lined.) the landsonpes improved by re-. platiting. thebohool and ehurch-prop- ~ .1: 'oorl_,nati \te _: L -. , ertieg which we` pas; heautitiud by `well -kept` lawns. ehnibs `and ' treeax vines` `and ,_tlowers":e1nd._ _wi_th ` the no-`-` tional flagvtloaling tram Q flagpole ptfetery 'eish6ol_7`house`_j how, much- m,0,1`8 |)l6a(.88l`|t.' it would be `to -travel; in the country.;and._.how_.mheh more` I pr`o\j1dj-two would_ have wright; to_b_ e` 'nn it ;..~ V-.".l.? k.1.is;;.g`;.);:;Eilgtfpesmrily be too hrint: Tto: :-poirmi_I:v me to enlarge upon` `won :` tib`t-he 6~_V7.hut- i y` :i%*e:x. :.':):r;iinxt2_ in` my djgqotionot Qugthar`, .b0.tutil!.i98 ` .---._- .....| ' ..nI.....a<`1-'-`nt --4-:2:-1-nu-..~s.-.--..-.-.-9", at ltf1fme`i:;ofn1d hqvo: puko.`l;i:i;qtur4 osqnoly aithatugl whercvnr _ lo, tastefully lulgl vo\_\t and -always`; _i _whl,l, kept; Thom" Dhduld be more while- wgxdp. vmqro plinns gtreec. `:01 . -key; l--`st :-e7ot_u. `o_lanl`yx` rm.-. f--and i,`lI[9n' lmpfipvqgl gig-bags sysflfom. f "r-bioial qt__t enti_n givcp to`_1vg?u- `ldtlngi `-`.d'ichltb6tre. "l$n{lding' o(_ it};- wulku tad landsoapu work. Foun- lY"1>'l`ovlded as u gqng voniono. and all local hismriogl events" could be appropriately iggked y .lnom1.In_onto or" momgrial Vtghlotu`. , -- ---... u ....... 5. ..:a rnathgga j me man. g`aw:1s"glu`a i&i1laIg`6iT `iii; l In" IIIUHIIIJI IQ} vquuu-_ i` af"omaiati*?n un"li:gpt :r-9 E ; `that jzfio.-`;Van_ )fdian Epgpple "-tho` Ivittfolontiy to carry them out. I deny both ;: one tg'temonu, They are not unaipor- ,. v~..:--..~-~ ,.,~- ,_ .='-;___.aaA.I'_:'.;s:x.l..A Ir" jggt `ion : Ullllullnl 31'! I10`! llvgfllu _w .primitive o:_ prin:1ev,a_l__ :Itag`g3a. o1:; `mg for th~:_9` ' }f " ` t.:.i .. t _v ?dand_ onj_o;f nu _` end` enjoygmn 1 1; `uhm...-.u,-..u... 1. `urioue. -uyi-oua laingfvrgxl i e to` ettorfmgt , `t 19 ` gion: I I import-"4;n: tan iv: .-to mt iiegleet the.ir\..%" try;-g:_ ts.- I)OEihi\itiOO. 1.5.1:. tone end qgggu. e\o_!. better eloth;e;??`' ' betef"'%8u"o5t5dthen were tod}i'.--~ :- then end mothers. They hev `i.;fV;};hI.eot "hotter. Hhoznea. better eehoe! {f___g`_e'eee apdo_better eh\ii"oliei'i. _ Iijit an of th aum"m`sgm eiillii p"hed3f|0_re -ettrefetive by.` touowlng` the unjea-I tiooethet I heveaznedea end` theore oolntoitlble and attractive thegtixir-' e r.ouodine' of going; oooplo ,o.re:?:o1_ge_ --t;h.~;_ mr. .~h`ex_21>!.-,gnd:,..oontcnt91~;> Sher. w not-,.on1:wad. but they wm. fcrovr to manhood and womzijhanod with e_ greater liking -and iettgetion : for their. arents. their "hernia end_ ,t_l;ei4r eouhtry.` They` vial than he bet- ter ehildren. better men and women and better Gnnediene. ` e _ . Fleming. May 15thf1so3. To the Editor at _The Advance. Barrie. Dear Sir.-As` there are a large` number of former Bimooe Oounty residents in % Fleming and vicinity.- perhaps .a short description of the district would provc- ct interest to your `subscribers. ' ~ 0 The town of Fleming is situated on the.C. P. R. main line about... `two hundred miles west of the metropo- lis. Winnipeg. and in thecentre of a very _rich and prosperous farming community. During the last year theregwere shipped from the district .'.425.0`00 bushels of wheat and a re- serve kept for seed and home use oi 75.000 bushels. The amount of barley _and oats grown was 200.000 bushels. 0.! other farm produce. about 80.000 pounds of butter and.200.000 dozen of eggswere shipped to other points. The sale of poultry was also, verylarge. There is probably no better ectlon in the West tor wheat raising or 101' mixed farming. The soil is arich learn with clay subsoil. The whole district is well watered. the Pepe- stone River running;__about seven miles southof the town, Grass is luxuriant. and hay plentiful. making it a desirable plaoetor*oattle-raising. Many of our farmers have from 20 toa100 head There were shipped from this station during .the year 850 head of cattle and 800 hogs. `This indus- try is rapidly increasing. The coun try is well stocked with fine horses. and the suocesstul. raising. .01. horses makes this a very profitable branch of farming. The" climate is such that horses.` in herds`. teed.-on" the prairie during the whole winter. and are tak- en in- for spring work in splendid con- dition. Many horses are never stabled at all. until theyare brought home to be broken `for worker sold. ` .1 , _ LL . A.I.-.._.-..... "7-j2- . lthough at times the thermome- ter falls to 30 ~or.40 degrees below. `zero. the cold is not so severe as it is `in Ontario with a much higher temperature. This is due to the fact that there is -almost an entire ab- sence of moisture in. the atmosphere. Our winters are not changeable asin `other places. '1`here.is_ norain dur-4' ingathe. months between November and March. This makes it more heel- thy and pleasant.` We`v_e.agreat deal of -most delightful . V weether during the winter season. Our summers are always enjoyab.le.* Liteon the prairie is charming `and.hea.1thfu1. ' Seeding fbegins early in April .ee'ch`_spring. "'_ LL; 1.-....` A. .131...-duos I-"horn *uu5|uu wuss; us nyuu _v-nvu ur....- 'In the town of~F1eming there is" a splendid new brick school house -with two excellent teachers and a. third room which can easily be made readyitor use. All through the dis- trict there are schools at convenient `distances. and hesidesrthree churches `in the town. `serv.iees,..are held regu- larlyfin `nearly every school house in` the- neighborhood. . . . v-f.vl`l1Ve'r3"'iis jreta large area of un- broken land in the district. much`; of it: timfonient tb market. Good farm"-. ing land gun he purchased for from $8110,` to $12_.0_0*'per- `acre. -Intending s'et`tler`dbming"West should certainly t`>p"fott "and pxamine this part of the great -wh'eat:bel't.- - I -.L _.-!-L--9; n--`(ant mggu`-A` OIIQ-3 Amt: UGO`! gown: vv -vv-v -w-v- ; Last wi'nter .s wheat mnrket was one `t ..th9 best along rtha whale line frbm Winnipeg to" Indianhead. Flaming is a proajperousn business .,town.: 1 .. Our. m`erL-hajnts ` curry` -3 -mil line . of. goods. fdquird in a farming district, and`. dtjfright prices. _ 4 .. ' ` "'I|u_s_..1_-_v I.--;. 4.1.- ...-.:L l-........I.l- uv Inauv `innvv-In _ (A .'1`hia~has been t ho_.n19t Iavorablg spring in"? the -history; .01 the West` 1'orrs'e`d'ing. operations. whioh- arql _i:'11~`f nished. :5 and k present indication; gre that, 190% will-sues `the `agrogteqt `o`r_opj-'that- has boon.-. - - f r`{u'nd"A-`Ih. Facing - `J. x Axum l`Bni AsgImnu% Hn{iy yours} . II?` If 1`m'L.~ 4;nv%A;NE; `T as-that W*.3!;'0"!=4' 0... n..cn'.n'iIni'--Ildviti-. " 1 '"W'.' "|."'. '." 1-7" --.--. . .=1*Lm`pI9Ihiqqtiiil`ng!iHp gh`y,.:{`{ 1`hbfi`a;i'o byiiql` mark apples. though I'i6't; glopliat`. It` I aui'priln'g hiv noirlii 1 '0 .yn56'rity'=- of men, agree 39 ,_.to whiph uriatieg make up this. standard ,list. These ajrg Spy. Greening. Baldwin. Ben Davif King. Gravonstaiu. with possibly jtgw others, The list ia.{pho:_t.;;. pne would think t_hat.. with rig-V oroua selection, the qrviving varies," .ti ought to [be pgetty -.no:_n;ly D913 A;-L '3 ,_ A ' Z` ', I. '. -2. . % . Yet the. gut; in tag; 039:! on_ W113 of thoao,lMdI!.I8- % Y31`.|.'l ---__.. ;- ' 1--`I :5 .. .-..-'-Sou 6'-n. i-dun!-ln 9` `". .".`~.".:.P5- 5 .Y ??~".".' noqmp t9,jtl_ee1 it_.~peog__n_s_cry tq.ch_nrgg. to:-in .aaA.ohTon_p by it: ialtq. , 8;); L._ -`.1-nu an` ".11"-".W" ."'".. W. .'.'-' *-`V-'-.-r ~ -2-: .Pll.l9.= too We -.i.I.It<! % !5.r.i.n8- . 30!! "Davis has no quality; Baldyrin hum only .ev.0r!- 9ther; .,,16I.r-, Gigiink maids hadli. and Kin: .,.ha..I.;l !|. Rm .h_e`alth)j:_ti`oo.` i no 1`-iety`. go: ourag, no one notsd cg; 060*. that any ,I'i.iI!"'}!1"!r-,i !'.,-`f'913 5mp'o't. gn mqniiogujoiyturij but toy; tjhg o.oI.npar}-.*9li%iwnnl% <.1.=.I:Iini- #9 *0 ;md9r!I A-whole-919 :n.=u.-rk9:.i it won!!! mm uthmh .9119 mi: 09! A59 _f9\_1pd which; wogld aoqui llilfblfv `(cation than my_ Av`r:o,, yak jnow. It Ben Davin. tor tamplo; o: |l_y: _`l;'x_:'gl4t;l:; jqualitx of 8.yi_t:gnburg.$. 6: it Sgitizyf burg only had thg tliritt fund-`piqliag ---- `AI; 3-: `vi ppy of Banfnguii. thin we wotilj _IV_Iv Uqipi _ P1-Aogteein in thin` n':uVtt"efr| !..I1?W- W` 3'5 $.59 NF`.-? .0` ' ideal x1ierke'tvepple we hm int the e '7 made" leg! prfdgreia dni-"in; !9&_thII3 thy - #299 ftnnilif. . fJ1I"I.t,i,ty$ ...'1`!;e- gent i_u'.'_ there, ,hiI `h9_e'n` eogiwjang 7tivel'y litt1e"'a`I:Sv'Iit"y"l|)'-"t'he' tebting introduction of. new varietiep` airing "t:`uihiogi'able` en Well in .uhpro!it'ghle]; `to bring oixt new `dorte apples. `flag apple growers mm _`di'eover'e_d that they om'n6t tttord to be"eo'ntinu'ally testing new apple6: a_ud the expo;-i-e ment` stations have to`un`.d _that their `limited tests wereot small value to the oammeroial fruit grower. ' _,L .L!_-,- LI__ _._..I- .._-_ `the 1sa:.~.,e`wbr.audagtau -nu. passed. V -. is almost as an apple as Spitzenburg. In cooking it is quite as` good as Spitzenburg. For apple pies" or for baking the Spy cannot he-beat- . en. In most ways the Spy is apmore. satisfactory apple to handle on the. market. According to our obiserva- tionof this variety in many parts of the country. it seems certain that it" is very fastidious as to soil and cli-` mate. It succeeds in northern lat- itudes and at high elevations`. "beingyi; particularly fine in certain localitie ~ in Vermont and Maine. But even in- the same localityiit will succeed on one farm and fail, on the next oneu Just what determines. these latter differences cannot now be said: per- haps we `shall know` some `time. Though` Sp-y has the reputation of be; ing a shy and irregular ihearer.`we know of a situation where it proves to l)_e.n_otably regular and prolific.` These arethe places; also. where the form.` color and quality, are unsur- VIII: vvlllnl-tn vac: an tau gcv.-v --o At the present time the apple mar- ket is rapidly changing and one of the. most fortunate signs of the `change. as we view the situation. is that it is broadening the demand for fancy fruit. Smaller packages are being sought after. and special va- rieties. packed in special ways.` find `good customers. This will inevitably stimulate the growing of other was ricties besides Ben Davis. Baldwin and Greening: and as the field" is ex";- tended. new varieties will becoming to the front. ` c . . g . n Spitzenburg is looked upon as be- ing the acme of` quality in our mer- kets.. Itis capeciallyya dessert fruit. suitable for noting out of hand`. It is difficult ,to grow. however. and even with the best care. it will not cuc ceed in "all localities. A few men of our acquaintance are now making special efforts` to produce this noble apple. and are applying to the prob? lem all the best means` known `to. modern practice. They are top-work-. ing` the scions in_ well-grown trees in order to overcome the susceptibil- ity of the trees to disease. and they ere giving the best of pruning and spraying. ' . Greeningj has suffered in reputation badly of late years because it does not handle well in` the new methods of bold storage. It soalds worse than any othenvariety. . The scald _ was. praoticallyan unknown. or "at leate an unnoticed disease` ten years, ago: but nowe it is one of the troubles which the fruit storage men feel most keenly, In spite: of the. fact` that it` does not have a red skin. Greening i holds its popularity" with the o consum- .ers, in a remarkable fa_s_hion. _ nillihl `Manon nuvnnalasunn =-u nun.-ngnn - . Gravensteixi sauna to be, eajofing a and;No.vafSooti1i. A -, ; tempo;-aryahoom. owing to the fact that. autumn applesha\_re been oom- parativalyi profitable .=_f_Ql':'.UIO last` rthree years. .11; is get-tainly 011.601 the beat variiahies ,otA its` season especial- ly. as grown in Massachusetts. ;Ma2in ) ` I w. --v 00-- `II o `rjIO5IID IJCV LIOSJOIVII Baldwini hasheen ovefdpne in some parts of the pountlry; and}, is -appar-' ently `waning in favor. It is not of high quality. _and its biennial habit of bearing is against it. Yet. it; is nnquesiiongbly ne pf the ' mbst` p;io- ita bIe_ v_a_rietie}s 7 knlowln. -.pq.rtioula`.rly' . King requires itop-`-`vorkiing. higin culture. -oaretul_ pruning. and thor- *ou`gh sp1"aying.~_Even with` these pro- visions it is not` `a heavy crapper. jlts i `fine size.` color.` and `quality; however; `make (item favorite with eot1s'\unexe:g dndxwhen. it .is` v.p1:operl_yapi; on the market -it: brings good .ptioes.e4-Ameri-} ` cA_gr'io\iltuI-"81 .rI?ape:.e .. I , I { `In'gp`,r'po11 .:s: ;.1;rgee is 24m1is_3n $h:*i'l9r~ ` "-' `-,;`."`. -`-\`;o a.`.l_ .-,. LL`,- ` . 1 1-.'\ > - , .-41$ " W % nmi .,,,, % % .433-A%%I=t~'R*t%%E s a 1 G... `,3,, ._ 9 u _f `l.'h_)i0anu.&ian `heaghe for .Giv_ie Iii; _ `{-Inrovglnent was termed in the rotunda ff. 3-at `BM!-'d* at '?_`1`rode.. Toronto. in; 3 J '._Fehrur3.ele_ t;Beetdes the Mayor f :: Eflaronto. the meeting inolizd.ed`b.rop-"' `.`;;2;:eaeI_1tetige body of! gentlemen. pre- in various"_` walla of use. from : m=:ditIe`rent parts at the `Province ;;.`g `?.0u `t _ All, seeped imp\r1cseed- witm? ~74 _'th.e-,e'e_eqigy.o.f;$eo1h_e pooh organiailb; and those `who `had enjoyed the" L ' iadvaixtage of seeing what may be done V ' 13:: the: we: of. eivio improvement.-eeobyg V t ';well-Qfeeted effort. were n)II_lf*~* ,j.:; `fcathustastic ii: urging` the formation jgof aloeague that would cover the en- - ,T.7.351f!e.DOminion- . ' " "1" of `the Leogjue T. to ...;z;-'-. ...'.I ;.......';..-.` LL . ..'*..;_-...`nnu-nl>%nn{ nlf 53. .;L- `M1 - 2 H > ?" 1; ' .-;...- V. . V. 1 .a ,. > ;;`_.2;`,.:...:;..AV;;:f:: A ` ill "- H` . ` A ~ :3 sq" . . {J V 5 T ,` Ht AL` .- I .;I..-,",;',.\,._V.A`; . , I, I . -` H ; >_ . K ` * ` WRb9?`91::i`n:1f:\I:1llr1:inI%:<;n?i:Zl;11(;;i;Ia; '7". -?\'."i V`? 7 . :7 .`!'W?-v_vvy._v:, nu v.....- 1 `%535`%';%&."%"aI.lI0||ior-sI..| 1- .3`? *.':.'.`:'~, . _,- - -. -i`-- . ` ` `j. ---_` i `- E . E R . : . `ti. ,::,-if W ,3] .` ` l - ; t Sc ott s B ookstore . :1 3` {BB 1 V pol. uuuw. vs! gill`-,`aQi.ea uni! 4E'Pl6ni?e:?dnd all ;}=@~_g > zcgtipaiq, thief `I}1l_-9 nterestad -, `,`~*,";.;th'_ 'pr_oiI1iot`ion7 at oggglgqr rnrt. phi)?- .?:--'. siiiavmjpggjuty. or trijilai. f-:v;_il!;_{9. or rvri-(r; ""gixn4pz('n'*_emeIx_t. `Thin is a be'ompre.he`n`- 4 `s--ve program am! affords. 8!! ,9PP,_!- % }~ {family for ov'ery,.is6rso1i..iu'-u Iio 1i'1innl".1.` -';ity to do something tbwards its up-,w `Y3:-ongvlidhuzent. ' civic ~improve'monts m cities . towns ",jf. m:_1_l .viI1,9<%.. may i;nolu,de~ `better In ~*..'nt;u_sct3. more, tree _pla.nt3'n_'g. woll'j ` fkopt boulevards. more` and bett,e`r ; `ikopt parks and play grounds. im-o . =`p.r(w"exnent ` of ,:publio bujldingbadehdol . jhouues and churches by more general _, an ;_l__A.. -____ __ ..I:_...I......' _.--4. HAMBLY ea BAKER ii 0 O O O our susna-is 'gnvln`g.`uaA an am every lesson to believe it `win continue to Qghw. Fox? `on! clutotnou tel! as thy on ave money by pdrcliuinz hos-`no. 4W0 havothoiiut lino oi naohable good: over om. ed (tom doto hnrdvnro.ct:orc. In the line of wltinlxn Awini r1mc1`M:.-we hoyejun received our second our land this season. We can give -you the best fence made for very mac onuzock in compme in an aiz-soiind mas 6fwim`f1om No. 9 to 13. New in the tlcave your order 161- ymonth Twine. We gumm- Vuezhoptice, ne.-%u:x'r fro nm( or commence 5 DOORS WEST smx-axe: Rcfrigcratotgg Oil Stoves. Knee Dusters. M OV E D AND vs'rRouD. 1] ` `_ -_ `-,.> `,f_;'_,' _ ._.,*_.:;xk J .-\ ` p ' ' ' n . .- _ 1 L`; IHE NURIHERN ADVANGE .|t%;eacheAs%`simco.e colmty Peop|e,best :3`-on Azbvmn-rxsxna IN BARRIE rnnrvu: ?; following, artie1e=wa._ propur-& I" 'th__o `Brdn'tford"Exp6sitor by Ana` ~ Geoxge. R. Patullo.` .01 wond- ".`_.L.._._`u __

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