BEATRICE CLINE, . .BEIa.LA_ GLIDDON. .5 ` W. D. AIRTH. t~ '.. 3 Q A. ROBEBRUGH - S_H_ERIN. . Chairman A. Milne. Dr.` VPa1lingf,.a_m_d Thos. Smith`..of the Public School Board, an.deR ev. W; Wi-t_tef1- were in- -attpndanc ,as _w.ellA as; 9." number "of lajdies. and ma zaddreseeg suit- -Aab1e"-to. the-.0I:ISaei_on. Bogersqu :&lldlE1`8.- Bowen waived. t;th<.:.fasn.tLm9;z[ts -e0}i1,W:-:1&5.D"9?9F"?:1i!.a9iP99iEA_ ;.83*':s1 8i_=9fe-;- ' ` V e A ` IN} __Si_gn6d anbehalfnot th pils and tgachers,-- _ _ ._ , Extra Principal "Foster of the West Ward school remembered by the ` Teachers and Pupils. " ---.4-n . The afternoon exercises` at the Ward SchooI_were pleasantly varied on Friday last,.when Principal` _Foster,-.w.h_o has resigned from the staff. was presented on behal_of the teachers and pupils with a handsome c1ock..'.b Miss Beatrice Cline. while the appended address was read by .Miss Bella Gliddon: - Dear Mr. Foster.-V It-vwas with feelings of sadness and deep regret-that we heard of your intended departure from oil: midst. That the pleasant rela-_- tions which have existed between us for so._l_png.__ar e soon `to be `severed, is indeed a source of ~_ sorrow to._u:s.` "As our thoughts ; go back. over the past we call to - mind the earnest , conscientious . way in which you ve ever striven 4,_to help us--4both pupils and teach? ers. -. Your _reaody`- sympathy. your willingness. 71:0 render assistance wherever and'_.',when'ever needed. have won for _you__o'ur'hi`gh'e`st re- V spect and es_teem'.` T Possessed of ,high ` id-ea'ls`.'_'an'd realizing that " ' education in its truest sense is there 'V than n `the attainment of `mere knowledge _ (it" is _in fact .the`fit'ting 'of`_` one for life) you ha'ye"en`deavored at all times to keepa like standard before us, bothby precept; and example.` A u "n anI.`4....'I ---.... l--'| L1. _ L H} vunguon, 0: we 1_uxOn..v-_ _ Sir Wilfrid Laurier. in answer to ' Man"y""t1':%'estio;;$_f tro_n ;__~ the` ` ],9ppoi6h_ "htanohssaz: stgtfeil thait 1 {therelj was 1; gm tram`-swinan. `Raymond Prifontainv _ ntutemgnt; t;'.` of-V;,;_`t;h e ipgqrqpgge at th'6" Pu'b'l"i6` W3: s ne;sui~t"n*eii"`* uvould be handed over to~the,Marine` ygpg ; l!j_i1s`,;1`.er:ies,V fD;;;gAr%tnjen;t., _ M V .%v..':.. ' $A"dlh"II":1\Q uiinn ` v(n'h`n1'L`.4` I ' :Q0OOQOOO QOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOO . QOOOOOOOO ' OOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOO:.................. ` I , , _ V OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO mAs;ig you thatwe shall hot spono forget your `ea_rnes't "efforts `Vamong us. andywyishing you `every `suooess in your new. `undertaking 'in_ `life : ..--.. ...., I.-nvvvtlv uu'u va:.u.|yu:. , As a school. 5we feel that on _thi_s.thei last occasion of our `meeting together. we cannot al-. low`the opportunity to pass with-` to; you. . 'ou1:'_g`iving `expression -in ;some tangible form to our deep sense of appr_eciation of your influence. 'am'ongf us. Weyvould `therefore ask your acceptance of this clock- as a slight token of our regard A PRESENTATION K- -`~a_ogn of .~t_he cnnstructgqp, gt, ;9,q.d_`;ip " tfh`1a_ "(li\"i.'i5x1""`<`1! `t'h` cauartyw rm T`(J`6ii`ii`i3i_"1i`2i'f=.i' `6ur"-sy'ui1snthy;- % V A 4!'}'lt v`sa-.l:`-.?: . .n.r`n. -`J.-2.` ...,L_- z... A's;plendid Pot of G1-'<=3;:".Aa..[! 131a<;1; Hrespn skim. trim % `n1ed.vv`ich,`s_iIl<'- and cording, =reg(1lat'f valu $5.09 for. . . .$3.75 I_ lolh-of"t`hose:ue.,` Skirts_ that we'so'd' so Area`dily'at `$3.09 last month on sale -again now Ext thqsam price..$3.[] A`I.ine.+;7:;nsi1),m;k%s%1_;i;`zs; "plain goods-trinimedfwith vvhite_. >o .; (:_ I and polka. clot liglit. summer Weight, special `at 31.65 _ $1.8.5.$225,$nd.;... .... ...... .333 50 VNo'Aw" is year time to seclure extra. values in_'a_1most all kinds` ,otfLi.n er`1s. We o'er:- 1;_Q dezen Towels, punre Linen Huek, regul'ar2 5cpo:i1~,t;ol'. . . . 18c .10 dozenCotton Huck Towels, worth 8c.each,- for . . . . . . . . 5c 5 dozen Bath Towels, large size specie} 2 fr . . . . . . . . I . 5c Extra value in Bleached-and Half Blea.ched_Table Damask. _, The v_va_rm vtethef is redting a greattir1among,the.Blouses. ., ;We are showing as great variety bf Bloiises at popular prices such as 90o,.$l_.00, $1.25, s1 .5o and .. .... ..$2.U0 This `w)eVel.< we u`pkn-new-,1'ih.esi made bf Matting Cloth and ; __ Lustre and a. 4neAWhite `Muslin Blouse, bought at cut rate, which we `wilJl,se1l special at`... ._. . . . . . f. . . . . . . . .. 750 ArLV'bRI5%%A1_iOuT LADIES!" sxurrs , mkq .hi_t6` btfei arid .xx 1`<$te- .--> .'V`. usefu1~`-ispour constant" study. The org-an'zation is .b'tr:to%day,th37;~-\gf befbre aLtV`1{1:`{;1i...V8er'v``a' i}: better. A The bu'$ine:-ss is growing f st.,, man we eipctd, anti we by. that you ar_"p leased.p' Th9 V main oint is to have she]-,p,.,.S so ;thoroughl;ll~:pEased~that tlitfiyy wi11'om`e` again and Bring their friehds. i`L1NENs.% LINEIE rM:US`LlNfB.LQUSES _\{Ul|uI.y. uum uut wgusyubugo '"#9 $3; 1? 9 `M at up .-(u~ -4 (.4; .1: .g, DIRECT mponnzns. f j cnow HILL- 4 Miss Keensp. of Bai-rie., was the guest of Miss; Aconlpy over Sunday. ~ =Mi8gMinnie Blank- mm. 1.... ---- _,-`_ v.- -:\nJIulClJ GI: .ll..l'Sa U0 Mrs. Sheepwash and childre on Tuesday to join her husbz Fishburn. Alberta. He went on weeks ago. The best wihes 01 many friends follow them to new home. L Don`.t forget the picnic in Mr. ;..ges grove on the 25th. - ___vu-`VA I Miss Atkins. of Toronto. 9:3 is a guest at the parsonage. Mrs. Marlin. of Mrs. H. Kerfoot. Mr. '1 . Balmer. of Queenston Heightspllas returned home after a pleasant visit with friends here. ` Mr. Geo.` McLean, of Crown Hill. [spent Sunday at Mrs. D. MoLean s. ` . Sheepwash children left Tuesday, tojoin her husband in Alberta. He out some weeks. 'best_wishes of their -many` _frieng,.fnnny 4.1.... it - -' ` Barrie. is visiting .V;ETERAN ::s, ATTENTION. ii: gleadquarters. Barrie, 21st May. 1903'. i ` District Orders by Major J. F. Smith. . - President. ` In pursuance of Regimental Orders and at request of officer command- ing 35thRegiment. H. M. Army and Navy Veterans, Imperial or Colon-2 ial will parade with the Regiment on Market Square at 1 p. m.. Sunday 31st `inst..:and march to the Queen s Park ' . 2 WALTER WITTEN for. Divine Service. "all military and naval medals to be worn. ' By order. V U i , l -Au...` CI. I .;V\I .I.l.J`J1!I.' Miss Millie Lennox. who has been quite ill, is recbvering. f On Sunday. May 17th.`1903, to Mr. 1 and Mrs. John McKinley. a daughter. _M`rs.MJohn R. Standen and children. of Barrie. `are visiting} Mrs. A. Ron- ald. Jr. ` ' ,, ,,,, , __...., ...-vu-4.3017 uuuu auu P40- rine Simmolis; recitation, Bella Glid- don: duet. Eva Fleming and `Kathryn Hogg; song. six girls; recitation, Ber- the." Robinson; song. Reta O'Connor; reading. Gertrude Reeve; duet, Roy and Russell Poucher ; recitation. -mouth"-organ. solo. Ceoil~ Jor Marion Draper; duet. Laura and Lily Cline: recitation. Minnie Cripps: y : Song. Jessie Smith ; _duet, Elsie Stuart and Hazel Lawlor. 1'he'Treadgold concessions were dis- ousod. Mr. Casgrein moved` `en amendment to the motion to `go `into supply. condemning the action of the Government in giving away valuable franchises. It was shown th'a,t, gree.~tin ini|1l.tice.~'ivas imposed ` on the `1'niiie1"cs' in t_he'_gold.t-ielde. and izhath lfeqgd had-. been pre.ctised = in .o1'"".'"g`et ..thet . stunt-. The. Governn1ent., odselined to investigate - the gree 'iecaxidiil$:i' brought?-i.tq_ . it; ' ,po.iee- . by governor V ' " M`. 'i"~ ` 0o:i"8.1i.21_i13_ _of the Y73{kon.-353 ~ 31.. IITEI l_..I I` _ . _ _ ._ % MINESING ITEMS` -.a.a ' VIY-Iaj OI` mrose left` on Monday wing received a cable- - intimating the death *~ -----a4;1y "3041 Secretary, M A R. 17 7- .--.---xv `lb ULIUII.` fhem_ their r. Burd- 25 pairs White Percale Corsets, sizes 19 to 25, wo'th :1 half more than the price. We ask this wiegk per pair . . . . . . . . .. 5 dozen White Cotton Drawers, umbrella shape, with he-m stitch tucks, regular price 35c, ,chisweek . . . . . . . . . J4 25 dozen Ladjes Black Cotton .- ;H:ose,fu1l' fashioned, Hermg `dorf dye, bargain price; for... Iv! V -- . u-.~`-v-wv- The House gajourned on,yA T as 8 mark of respect to` the late Hon. Dgtildl Mills. Z AIIJIJ I \ Kfhtfade of Patn Leaxher, new shape, all sizes, at . . . . . . . .. 150 yards of Was}; Sillg, in --v V stripes, checks and oral de. ' `signs, good range of CO1OI`iI](rg to choosefrom, Regular valae ' 50c'to 75c., to clear this week at. .` ..... .; ............... .. om: BARGAIN L15? COTTON HOSE LADIES: DRAWER in` "on"$`S With 813.]!!! I0! an-vvr ' I good mplcmenc Ihdmgood game how`. "3. canon: cement cellat. rchard iuu bw"',: '3` Wltor. For funhcr parhcula I y lwclllnn or m nnmurr ROBERTSO 'I l|l'1lII aluun an-" C, -v Onlerforhuction Sales of harm 5`"kdf,`.xd by L. T Auctioneer and `M. at THE AD ANC8 OFFICE Eu ; tn-ungclnonts can be mid" d Mun` -to their advantage to call 3 `g. :p`;:j"B SALE- VPUH SAL:-on nr---- 3605 Dwolli d %..';':;`{g,";,;:'g=,,:::?. ; any. A ly gag-h1`.`w,: soot`, )"h| Onlolding 4o cattle. to honeud` j"U~3X45 Wjth stabling load umlnmam nhadn- mod tram: hoU9!,__ for abet? "5 `glul-Ill llllligl lull tnfvuananpqua V .__-.; x . ' '1`-he number o,_f`-pz-`iv`ate biljgbetdxfe Patllpmem; ' `thisv session argerz rthap'g; before. This wek' m u ny5 .we3"e.disposed of. `- r'r_____ ...n:_--_.___1 -.. 'nt-_..1_-- '.l`h e- Staff. Band. and HoadQ`! I"; Companies. Nos. 1. 4 and 5. "`;e= rade on the Market Square. 33",` 1.30 p. m., .on Sunday. the 315` May. far the ur ose of mar_*}'"5; the Queen s garg, where D1V1la vnoe will be held by the CW `Side arms will be: worn. t . The Veterans will parade 3 same hourtgndopltce. - - Y 1`. 91' . z. D. H. MacLAP.E.\. Chag-~ _ Acting Adjutant. 35` . ' Bazrrne. 4th May, 1903. --v-- uni 1:1 I ruuuuvu - - . L . - 0,9, I i._z'.=f.:*.;.fm;:`:.:.' 3.:::":f";*:..::v.t;..: .-'.".: :.2: ;f..i`.3uzz By ' L1eut.-Uol. J:$.-h_dcPbee. com ing Sbthv Rest. % Iupnovzo FARM ron SAL` --- vuwvu an ` 'vpuvu. v--- ~ II. Bryson. F32 York 81.. 9" Hospital iwomen 3 -------v_, ..uJo Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Ac_onle,'~ Midland, called on relatives in7 vicinity a short time ago. Power ompany have submitted` Vswer by noon on Thursday. Montreal Streot R:1iltx-a_veml0E and em Ioyees of the Light. 9*" mahds. to which they request an Mia Annie Roif is4spen,diAn5gaf' days with Mrs. Thomas Caldwell Shanty Bay. `II. _.__a 1:3 -\ 1 .1 . ,,I.- ____-J- The Crown Hill Cheese Factor: running, again` under the mam ment of our former cheese"-maker` Bert Bell. We wish him success ll`- _ ._ . -..--. vv u H non Lulu cuuuwu-x -Mr. Stewart Love, who has 3' working in this neighborhood. Som time, spent last Sunday N home in Mulmur. % "war. W -~ em, ' ,d. this n fall. _:_____: ing. All present report having 5; . an enjoyable - time. jf___ -I1 _ v.. V sQIlA\/ LALlJUo J J V` Mrs. Brownlee, of Shanty Ba} visiting with her daughter, Mrsf` Drury. LADIE: BELTS` T --i-- T :u- WI` All Cases Accepted 08-11 01:; 4;. An I R- BLoU_E_s1LKs REEIMEHTAL Jnnnsas. rhnm srocu SALE5- , ,1 1-... and dc". 2... A -- ponsms` mm. FT ' one no{z"'{~"'k'33l?'5V t.l1e`.,71`):.ivisiona1-hadqu:;'. L t hAeT Coagnil can drrange tof meet tm11cz*'mCom-' palijkin thismatter of groviding more the new buildingsxs}y'9u{1d,__:peV ,_',L'-.* J LLB- A._lI Private. Secludd fmike thgs [p.oipt_a great";distrib1;_i_i'13g oexi'tr.e, and whz_it" 1` t -would z'nea_:i`it"t1i'is" Company ever cliied` `\i'ith"s"ome-`*0? the attering induge3;;g;;ts_ he1;1_ iqgt to .f!;:emby'f' ` nei8h`50rinit $t0&%I1!3l"t7iii"135I5 ,,1 |____I_-_._..a....... 10 51-... J Trig an l_`_30.RTHEB:N'l\DVANC` E __.___._ __ _..m ll'l|l|'l6llY auuruuag, uy` snmuzl. Awraspev, Paoamsrn Tlnus OI Suus<.;xu='rIoN._ 31 per Annum tn. Advam:!e. Bell `them a. twenty footstrip off the "street just` west for` the i yards.` bift the Council did not "see fit to grant the request. The need: for more"rooin at the Allnndale yards is imperative and it ,vvouLrl_ be the hardest blow` that B_z_zrrie's industrial progress could receive, it the G. T. R. had to look -elsewhere for the accommodation which they cannot ebtain here. It remainsfor the Mayor. or some Al- derman. who has a modicum of ging- it `means `tg us: tohaVs~e'%tno;G..'13g 1I_,L__!L__L2.__ I V u`u:~y'_ I. W` , n .- ..:--_.V . N,` g -1 I ~.h;_rjbtI no.\v,in il:tQ`I`E0l threq ugpntxthrnnd our will be charged $1.450 per annum T V ~ ' V ' ,,,It; is,311xnders,b;oo`d`f:t%i1`at the %,;j_and Nmao-i-:A'noNs`_saou1..n Sm` _ ' `:1-.> ..g V zrhihk Veixthoritiesistill xiiive. I.,;;"i3;u`*ii`1';.` consideration the matter of erecting in new roundhousej as 'xv?elle.ias.`:` xnlirc pretentious `station and __office, \bu_ilg1;' ing at Allundale. b_ut. unfortunately, the yards are confined to so limited 8. space that it would beuseless. conv sidering the presentcrernped condi- tions and lack of siding room. to pro-. _ seed with thewvork". Some two years` tfgb the `Company asked 5`the' town-stat W Mr. JoA_h,_..H'I_xi}?_s _ resi,gfnedV ' poson _a"*:%`1`? 1}"bg$rib _~i-"toad-.= Oversiaor -w--vp-u- --~ ...-....v -, _.-_.._.. _ . __.,__. ,`_ and secured a situation as micr- r?`"iIi`i riifakje-up. t 3brin8` ems n ,.tei`*agai`hvbetore the G_ounc il `ind AL! IIIZ Ivjpvvurxgmrv {yr - u - u -aw-- gu |8`-i_Q!'>a_ge 48 Column Newgpupef. fil5u``!~I`d'A"f<|":`l1 the Office. n3VDun|op Street. , _BI|fl i_0 in the County of,.Simcoo. thcgro-`f ` Vince 6f 'Onui'io. `Canada. 6v'oiy'v. ,_ Thundnv Morning, by ` M *4" ,.____g_ % `T '.'5Iti J3?vA'i3"via7%?f' lfF ::.',35?|`6-W'i" I!'97?""f9' nunr will has r-hat-.vmI SL115 hat ann I'No new name will be added to tho, Subscripiiionv .. 2%. V .r I :.. ....m n.. ....-....u :.`-...:.a 4% Am WEEK 1nTmL1mEM . Y` 56`i ev`e with artistic tmerit is. }`he` 1:` ystone _o.f phot9grtg,ph~ its success. Pictures from our I studioiare _stri.otl_y_ pe:3mo,;1ent' % AWARD Mans, 3900. J; 5 _...; ?M$_1$`.` pf 'I orm_aits. _ Tunas Suas<._:xuv'rxou._ I III. 9 I098 mat- 9._'1foI,fn"d'-7the d;zza| `n 8%! icmmissioner, ' j `:1: `rd. _Ald.VStep1;ens-yanked _as .to thi x-ad. insot~1:hoxnp:on ~ ~*- 'A`I'jI'. ~,'la_....._nI 3` :4; `F1i'om'Wm'. McD_$!ild and others asking for the Qhstruction of at granol i`thic pavegpgn om th ` t west side of .`H:&yfiel d street r~' at the corner'If_i'$6fv -the Wel- lington Hqtel._proce_ejding northward 4 318 {at as t},ae';;zppr6`p1`iation will per- 3} I I-5:`. _ mit.ff -' - 1 ` t-'F'f_om Henry` potind-keeper, ta-skin'g that` t'he ciggiiaoil provide a. pound for the keepig of stray ani-`o male. ' Ald Otfton and Striifnge `stated {that tithe-Road; -Ove1vseei5T'had' neglected to. hgye .,8`a`rbage_ rer_n'ov__ed from certain streetg. $1.` ,3 ' ., .` ,. V ,,.\___ _'* stvreetev. , '5 "i"'f~'_," "aw A_t,tenti`q9 will be- gfiven:';{`vt:,3_`eA com-K pf.i'1"`1i1t"immf_33fi't_1tely. . ~h . "MQ'O5L`.l_'Q'll` complained of the manner in 'whi6'h the street wa.l;e1j-_ ingwas done in the East End. gm "Fhe ,i1f't'fef ' ,-165"" 1-K" .z"."~~:4 j Ifyzers 359 look ihto '.-'.. .2 ---- --v----_~-M--v . _ f T .. Ald.- Bre iinz,m*inquire'd as_ to `who Lwain rebponqible ~ tor;'the_ remvql mt tleLTz__|}o;zun\,1re`,-V\`vhi_:o1 had . been p1a'hb`d* :aj6i1\idT -the" guts. for :`therWin|L;e`1_,j:`_ _'s`L1__..L Im ---vw-enIInU_avlJ` up auvuu VVUJ. SUBS`. '1he`conimunicatiq1;s were referred! to the Committees`-`with the exoep-1| [tion oh:thb3e,.,ttf`om- Dr. Arnall A and Mn. Hines g 1 ` ~From John .Hin a's_; tendering his .rqignt.ioq up Road `Overseer. - ' l'n\Iv\`vv\\1v\`:nnl-{urn-an ......... .__n-__._-_1 I :wnit:e ithatgwh coatiit S;;xi'-=.d- fl... -.. n _ _- , mum. ,,V3.:{f; ' From- ,1. J. Brown and a number of others `asking fo;;ghe -construe tion. of _a granolithic pagement on Louisa street from Beroz_y,sVt-reet to Char- lotte street, on Mrs John -Wood's oor-V -up;-n V9`-eswfiy-.9 _~.~.v ,~-v -_,-we v; 7.3- ---~-,----- 1 words. He stated th`z1`t`he`-\voul d do; ~a1l_,~-in _hiz.3.p9wer. `to assist the Council`; "iii" its wbrk. and would extend all the assistance possible to _l`.is i bolleugue. .Ald. Lowe. Rcsldeaxts (if his 3 ward. he stated, were greatly pleased 7 ` oVit*h'c prospect of~-a- pavement _ex,- ` itndiiig to Al`lan5la_1,9; -o.5n_ti-;l;e.Mhad hop; i _:I 1.- __...........I.. I-1... IV...`-uni` "rm. t-Ii'."l1V'|I :UuMM,w:uTuA1'1uu 5. ` .C`>!1:jmi1 nic51t:i dns`-"were reoeivgg aj % f6llow.9:`-' 3; . .. Us ' bu (1 -us 1: ._:-4. _g. I BLINK: III atllllil LIUIIO ' V ' I:`rom,]Dr.`Ar_nall calling tntibn A -`heoez ',Hb1adksihinthf shop. whifx. he _staj;edJ\vAa_- in a most unsanitary con- 7d`itibh'.~ ,.;~F.l`-Gin; Dr... `Arnqll .o.sking__ _th1;1.t '_ as Hehry Hirlehey ho.d"been quarantin- gggi. aqqountzgot scagglet fe war in his `fa`.!n$~ li.1.for;fen. dgyp} that his wages nor gday. 13..-... 'I`lY...- 1|r-1\L.L;-:1 .1 __ J -.Lu_ ____' dto the condition of this ditch 0;; :the_ south side of Bradford streetz7.~;nea1 be paid to him for"-hf~hat time at $1.25 ;;;i :L;1x<} c;f1Ii3sa1'~EvEg" J de- 'l'i}3`ES ra`f}o `S a3~ E6 wh e---Eire new vgalks. V copld, be placed to the best adcvarm. `1;-`1'gi3"Z; : `I a'iie1\`I'fng to` Al;d. Bre11_'pan," J-1.... 'l'nu.-us a"nf'n1` '}'}1nf` Im'\Ina- `wall. n- ggygg .|.Fp1`_, _;p_u`x__1 Qogglg 3_`Z:.`I5XlBl. .j,(l. E ` he 3' appgrtmnt `qty 03, Rwy-f . leader. ' 6 _mg;;(1_,,'P;1et;ontaineT_ tq a.cqbfn'et (iii? * tion wa.s*v'eh!fila'td.` Holy >95 If ` deur. speaker of the Commons, xgafs Vappointed.'q`suqceed- Hon . J. Israel. Tarte. but`I" plti was put on footfin favor of Mr. Prefontaine and Brodeur was thrown .down by his `. 1- .V\'``_ IUII-V VI .3 g From Ee". `(i s. Pedblcy on 1_$hl' of the Children's Aid Society. tfank'-4' iugh thrspouncil for the recent grajit 3 to tlmt"' 'o1'gh'n'-ization.` . #3` ` 1.\......`- 1n... A.......n ...1i:..... ..'u.2'...L:....1 itenamg I20 A.ll_EI,`ll1_1,_l:g 'R.Il_\I.-".`|`1u-`a|.}uu uuyf ` ed to persuade the Council to e fiend ; the wateringecart route to.Mtha ;' disl ` tonbe. but felt i-was.usele_ss` to; th'e`. matt"er_ its the expense involved would amount to $86150. " ..A__. --.-.._o.- . -u-ox--.-u `THE TOWN ununmn ff gI,1s1;nNuunnAYNI&HT% ' " "`:---1. - AL1>.13n:1~iN AN AND McLEAN HAvf3i~I G . SUBSCRIBED TO THEIR DECLARA-' 7 TION, THEIR SEATS. .1 , . ---= ---- . v_--..`, .Mka'yor_ Boys expressed his .leajLii'V at s&;Vj13g{t1g-rfuges, of Ald. Brermgn an-d'McLea1'1 `a`g"iiriV at L11evCoqfi_1ciI` Board. Both. he stated. had exp_eri- once in municipal matters and shbuld worthily 1:,epr_'e_sgnt.,-W heg, yards? waiph ' had *ewc.ted~ them. as:- wall, `am he a ~8a'.eaI. help 1:0 .thn..9.o1An9i1. ..:1..,c1.- .,_..Mc- A ~Lmn xvn ,9 JEIY ...91'% }%."?I'?.} 9`. the Council and _to_him' might be trgced ;,t1;9g.9r1g.3 of;_the, which in`t1"o-' du`66d -u e Worship wag pleased to gee him back A`f;f.._t}`iegs Q91Ixic11`;,tb5;a,sist%;iu.,.t!1e - de- 1iet"~fw;`a.Iks into Ba1'rie.} His` ;"l i B`8ra`f`1oifS {f' whrer--t'h"e \_'_;rfall:'s.; _-__1_a 1-- .-1_-,..1 4... n..- I.-n+ 1-|rn1nv1'_. Ipygun-` .l{B uuI.v1'I.Aug vu \L_u.c .u. v.,_,,.c..-, the Mayor stated that being well ac-, quainted with" that part of War:i1;_.5`.\` `which might be called Allandalg,-:=he supplied a need in the Council. .1 gags needs of his constituents. ` A_ld. McLean thanked His woilsinjp 41 .o_;'_ his ;_\s_{o,i`ds of yvelfeome. He stated `that when _ he'had_ hea1" d`~of~.- Aid? Campbell's retirement` he had in- itntion .013 ente,r_ing;-_ the field; but through the kindness of his '.friends tion in Ward 6. Although he xade no~canvass. the result had been jmost satisfactory. He hoped the Council of the `Councils of the six prcfvious years. and work for the town `as a whole.- While. of course. he had a warm feeling for No. 6 Ward ; he-~ whole town. would `doubtless be able to sigpplgr V `valuable information regarding the ' his name had been placed in nominau-H of_1903 would follow in the footsteps would try and do his duty by the &I\IL`W. &E.L3JH ILLIIILI-U s.`dH%uI>DJ- 1 ` `i ',,'- ` .: _ Repairs fort e` Allandale a.nd_ Mulcastzxj` street Wharvea-other Bu_s1ness<< ` ' Transacted during the . ~ 1? . ' - V ` r -` ` The Town `Council inet in reglar sassion on Monday "evening withvt};1Ie Mayor in the chair. The A1dcrfnen' present -fvvgfg Mssrs. `Strange. Mac:-" Laren, Barwick. Stephens. Poweu,f.0`tL ton. Lowe. Brennan, McLean`, find Pouch,er. __., -I ' Ald. Rcs's'Vafxi1 Tyrer cumein durs`-' ",_l.&`l(l.o -' li:3_U Lvglguas obligabkoq `_t_._o `nthef Mayo; for ` `H"e `th'a`t*"'h'\v r0uuu.ur. 9., Ald. Rcs`sV" f" bcameLinV lingkths evening. .',[:7Bl:Ql_)l`!l}Qll-`.=v{llShC) Qxpgessed Mon "to "the? Mavor `for his. 1: "6ai&'1;uiiq:6moNs._ n;1`n:nnWnna `nrnvvn rnnnu `INQUIRIES. essed his : )1` hisgkindf " woul do 3 1. - n_--.`.-!`I" 1` V durei-" -.---v `no auuvo runway 55: lol-II? Tfxln The body o'__ Miss Annie Orr. al '0.lrk in `the Poet-Office. was found `in'.?j'._h_g _rix`rfe1"_-_zI.t_.V_. _MQh_a.i;haln..;. She had " `inb0> -I C- I!` I1.` VI IIIIIIIIJ. `P 191! . . `. H . ,_ VThbJ:;P`,QB3;:rap `i`p 6fs 5ihdica`te 8. bunti_ul harvebdnr thgrwest. . MIL - `I.,_'_s'_._ -~p -in-I ,,-- At the conclusion of the June ses~ -.sion of the.County Counci1..War.den _lMurphy. ex-Warden Quinlan and [County Councillor -G. W. Bruce, ac- companied by'A. W. Campbell. Pro-Y `vincial Road Commissioner. will leave on a tour of inspection` through the states of New York and Massachu-' _se_tts. They will go direct to Albany viher thy`"will"be' "joined" by the Stat `HigVhwa`y`s -Commissioner. W-ho` has_*_ kingdly ;_ca11_sented to accompapy thm `to aunuinbcr: of *"s .in the: btut wh`e1"-eh roo'd`s~ ,l_1a'vej' been constructed. on) modern V principles.-- In- .New`...Ymfk m .th.ey..`.hope. t ;in,teniew . .rnanutac.tnrcr_s., ..o_,l L rowl'- ` "making: ~~machi:fIe_`r'y.,- _. ."1'hc.' dcleg_g_zti:_on exfpotc_':l_:`o be away or.~a_:woel;.-' r fr? " : VA1.9'!T- -`campbe-ll'. Ghief of [Police ;at _Ff91;t;1nVVilliam. _ded2"~7" . ` uni -5A`,3??}'~`IIiI'u` 4'3... -.'; ;-' _' _ fa---~,.'L :`~'-_. ;. ' 5 t'h* `-6f5W_o1-'lh;'s ` hadh decided':'h{.Jt 31 A ,-en. . ` they should he" removed. `tor 'do' this Vvdrk` `duxjingivthe present [; = " "Ald:~ McLan_ shohe of `the . heaps `of -stre t scrapings which had.== been _. :du-mped'in Queen's Park. He thought 'AI_`I ('1, -I `Hannon, of Osprey Township. Grey `home at Badjeros. _on lMay`8th. The 'Peterb'oro` County. to their present * - `- v v , Rev; Mr. Ha-nnonamdi" Mr. Thomas", County. were in town on Friday in an- endeavor to trace a brother. Robert. who as the result of amishap is` at . times not accountable for hisactions and who wandered` away from his ( old gentleman is 63 years of age and it is thought he_ may be re'trac,in g the a route which thejfamily followed; many years ago in travelling across the country from Dummer Township. home.. He` was last heard.-`of as: pass- ing through. New Lowell. ' ` '.-'-A'.i&'."0tto`r1 and Lowe `moved. th_a't' Ward 4 be given an additional $300, for walks.`-_- -Lost. A M . T 1 NEWS NUGGETS. `At"the annual meeting held` in con- -nection with th Baptist '- church. the following were chosen as` deacons:-4 Messrs. Thos. Johnston. Wm.: Jus-, tice`. J. Churchill. F. Landon. and John` Crispin. Mr. William Stephens is-' Clerk; Mr. C. W. Palk. '1`reasu`rer: Mr. H. Linney. Sunday School Super- vinterident: Mr. F: Landon. .Ghoicm:1s- ter and Mrs. Sanderson, Orgamat. = .- .~-a-wv 'i'}.1d. Straun-g-<;~;:;lledattention to the bag state of_ the sidewalk on Mulcasn tar `St..'jnst north of Dunlop Sh, ` .'1`he Cojtin'oil then adjourned; - `s;;;:;t'i*:i1at v Ihe- V`Twoul d aa.ft`en'd=to the removal` `of the dirt... ` ' F:INANGE=..COMMLTT! e - `The Finance. Committee. th;'ough*its _ohairman,Ald. Ross. recommended 1 the payment"-- of acootmts" aggregating '$.986:65. largely made up of exp(_=.n- asels inconneotion with =th'.e new. pave-A -Tmbnt. - T`-Hi. se;'1iens*t}itez_1; that he ` 'w'ou1d they .tho_ught, the`- accounts in 00111180-.- tion withthe pavements.shou1d`.' be xoharged ,to the wards in which the, walks -we1ve cons oructzed.~ _ 't)n1:rn]] on-nanny} .. curl-1.. HI... nun ..-.-... cu--_-_u-.n ._'Al-1. McLean- and Pouchcr moved that the Board of ~Works be in1s`t:ucE- ed to place the `ditch in proper con- dition, referred to by` Dr. *=Arnal1.`--' Carried." ~ `vQn"mot'ion of 'Ald.3Ross and` Mac- L'aren' the usual grant was made to the Citizen`s "Band with the condi- ti'on".attach'ed that "when the town wants_.the organizatiorfto turn out", 'on'l'y" the members actually present receive $2.00` each. _ ` L AI-I `ll -- --- w- w, vuwu - aovv vv` vnyvvvu IQIJ-QC? The Mayor-ruled the motion out_ of order, .as _a by.-law. gs required. in such cases. ~ -,--v v vuvuv ..Ald. MacLaren and McLean put up a great fight to have the-street wa- tering route ex't`end'ed "it; the East End; 'axi' finailly; carried ~th<':ir. point. . Tin`-nu` A-uvvgc-cl-us.`-um. ---an --3----- ---~---'-- _--_, _ ........ .._,T ........,.. ...-..,,........ John Armstrong was given permis- sion to remove a`tr`ee opposite hbi's' premises. undef the supervision of the chairman of the "Parks Corp"- mittee. ' '-'__I;-':y;:1`s'-decided _that the Tmonei. f,wo1'11d`_bo needed in `any. gvent 'and Vtl1'at_"some. repairs were `also 1jc'qui- 'Sit'at {the Mulcaster St.` wharf. -Ann -\ ,; " _'X ;fg;dl`:i`1:`i'~)1n_"\:"T1!;:1`)`ol'.`;fs.o:&.i "iavg:%`ni= f `dn _7h'n`or_as" in bbnusyv '16:` `-tboflf laliip; 'hn:`!din`?trozxl1).. ...tgs':vl;`lr:sn9gIgatz*t.oeht..-s '- ~ m log. `r' `:8 prowiaemoi-6 nyimpartme ohhjn`g 3 `.I...$I.- .u....-4. -_.llI'l1__.J.&` 36:: S} . --._._ .. uvoavvn nnvvrvulo ,.',-Ald._1'9Vc;;ve'l1 agreed -- wrth Vth'e--prnev-` io1_1.s speakers. and asked Itimti a `man be a~'ppdin\t'ed to do 5this'sp`ecia'l work,. 'The"report was adopted. v A Ald.~`M'cLoan and Poucher, that` th, ros'ig`nati-on of--John Hines.` asr`Road.- Overseer. be accepted and` that`-'the_ '<$ha i 1"nian o1."t~he"'-Boaird-of Works be given-'~pow`eTr to engage a man ftb reg-j ulate the expenditurembn .thewalks `in-thodjfferent wards. V " ' " A11 - "fine Mayo: algd `for a 1;t1e'de- l_ay_as._he"undrst6od' that the Gov-' brnment ' wharf was -to_ be constructed immediately. ---._- _I--!_:__1 111-1, ' :1 7115." Iv}.c.>s;3..z;;;1wSi:"1:E;n;eva: 1'z"1<`)`x`r`(;`c`lf that Ald. Brnnan and McLean be appoint- ed on all` committees of which ex-_ 41d; `Campbell A and Fletcher. were me mbers.-Carried. ' ' .-.v--.-v - qr-gnaw-Av `A1d.A .S;ephen and Brennan `moved tha.`tx_'Thompsoi1` street he" openqd {up {at vcostinot `t`o.~.e'x_ceed $1255 FIVE... 1|'.._..__. ..--I-.I LL- , ___ --.- -.-...... nuaanv V =~Ald. Str;ng'.e.Aanc`1` .I.%.oss 1oved' amendment. that Mr; I -. Soules be'-'ap- pointed Rdad Manager. ~ ' ' " .7'A-l.I 'n___-_-'n.._,, ~. - _--- _.-an... o-`.\.~Al\.~a\4`l.l - v"'Kl.d. Powfcll>*a`nd Tyx`-er moved?" in, amendment tg_ the` amendment ' that the Bbard' `of Works` be empowered .tq employ * a -`man, -as` time-keeper, ivithinstructioins to "keep track of `mat-erial..eto.; Ia-`tr $150 pr day. on all_ local` in_1prove~m'ents. '_t'1_1e Allgndale Wharf. 1! us) U1]. L ICU: ` `On motion of`A`1d. Powelland Mc- Lean $25.00 `was granted to repair The amendment tqth`e' a"n3'endh1enf, was carrid. " 4 IRE N`oRrH11N2;DvANoE% During the afternoon a` pleaging `J `program wa`s_4pre senrted;_inoluding this 3 [tol1_5 >Win3 m1mb1 5.=? _ Re"ljai!i8`iLGo1:triie .y Gi=$Y< 3" " V a v .,..ii.;a 3}:i1}.}eir}}cS'E.5as'}}a ; qgxfVzgny';,a l`,oth_er_ cquntries, pave