w-.-.:-_ - - mnwson & GRESWICKE. BAB- n_a2-:A.-.._ .8 {Jun Run:-nme DIS. VV. :1. Luvuug .L.-.;.a.--v---.... ._ __- geon. etc., L- R. C. S.. Edin., L_. R. P..' London. Offices and m ht residence.` Brown's Block. Dun op street. Barrie, T_elephone._ 77. i)RfJ.'F.'PALLING. GRADUATEWOF Trinit Universit Toronto. Fel- low 0 Trinity edical College. .Member of the College of Physi- cians and Surgeons of Ontario. 0!- fice and residence. 18 Owen street. DRS. HART &_ `HART: FRED. J. Hart. M. D.. M. R. 0; S.. Eng., L. ' R. C. P.; London; Speoia1ty-Dis- eases o..the Chest. Stomach and Nerves -Iconsultin B ysician. Vic- tor A.-_~ art, f ..&.S.. Ed'- in . -:L.F.P.. Sp. `A155 ow. `3 (Sc- in Ii#&`rv;` '-1\IiHi\:%fn:i*'._ Tliarigann 1 ,v.__..T.v _ ____________ UNWILDMURPHY ESTEN. ON- tarioi.;'.I;at1"cl V 8urvegors._ Engineers. etc. Egtablished. 18 2. Office, Medi- cal Building. B. E. corner Richmond and Bay streets, Toronto. Tyle- honeso, ;~`Mam.. 313536;; ,_.; . Instruotnonqr oft wxth_ Strathy _& Esten. Solioia tors. "Bank " of Toronto Building. V g3arrie'.' will`Mbe promptly attended 0. "W t - -l._,`)1`_ inn. J. ARTHUR ROSS. L. R.` c. P.| &--8.`. Edinburg; M. F. P. V& 8., Glasgow, member of the British Op-. * thalmological Society. Specialty.- . Diseases of the Eye. Ear.` Throat and Nose. Office, 78 Dunlop street. Saunders . Block. Barrie, bpposite Post_.-_0ffice. and Railway Station. `Phonon 54: P. O. Box. 96., V ANY ` QUANTITY OF MONEY',l`0 loan gt'}`1S23ind 5: pe; oen_t. Easy &n-.a...n ~ -A ------- R. S_.- BROAD. M. D.. C. M.. F. T. i M. C.. L. C. P. S.. 0.. late resident Phsician and Surgeon of Toron- to eneral Hospital. with special at- te`ntion`to Diseases of Women. and Nose and Throat Work. also for some time surgeon in charge of Emergency Hospital. Toronto. Of- fine and night residence, upstairs! in MoCari',hy BlocI<.~.21 Dunlop St..l Barrie. second door east of Dou_.galll Bros. furniture wa.rerooms.. near Five Points. `Phones 105. I _ .._- __-'..u,` Lgwnvaagna ;; \.41.1:JnJ AU ,,_lqan on Real Estate at lowest rates. V `gfagrmers , notes .di`sqo'u_nt'ed. V Collec- :,;t_1ons made in any, p_af`t-"of the Coun- Real estate , lpo.ught'; and (L sold. 0 nveirsincina 3n"II i`rd- "'I`rniIn'Hna I oouuuuug . 11' Ross Block. \ .. __.. , .......---_..._.__ . mm 1";nv:'cI-3.-1-.-l.;:rnin;'by 5' QIMUIL WESLEY. PROPRIITOR .i `pups; ; 'xfyA,1V11\.I Li ; ..o41\LB ; COM- ? Qarpenbring. building. `and manixfpoturing of dolors, sash. ilzahyds m uhn8_.. 3b.. . , '. 0,*.., .k1:d`s* 'tibne*Jp%nipt ' -an `isatxsf _c- ..t:Tiy. Hot blast drying kiln. is- vt _-"hgenony for grained `him ' r. _` was zel 1: ~ ie. `*9 9- l5N.NUAg UV IV as. uv 4....-- ,. risters. Sqlicitors for. obta`in-i`x;g`pro- ` bate of w1lls._gnardianslii% and ad-V -, inistrgtion..and genera olicitors. `_otaries. -Oonveyancers, etc. 1 Oia hoes. Hinds . Block. No. 6. Dunlop street. Barrie. Money to loan at 431-2Aan_d 5eper..-cent.` Branch Of.- fioes at` Creemore and Alliston. Ha.ughtonA.Lennox. Alex. Cowan. G E. J. Brown. L. `L B < It T: M. Us U0 El" \ l.`I.'L\JJ'J i in Bothwelrs Block. Allaxidale. On: the premises at mght. |1..l'J VV 1151. n: -.-5.... -. --..- tors. Solicitors. Nota;ies- Public. and Conveyancers. Money toloan in any sums at 5*per-cent. Office. 13 Owen 8t.. Barrie. H. `D. Stew-. art. L. L. D.. D. M. Stewart. .loUL 30-11151 by L1I6_lJpI`Jo.I.\aI\JY,I 0) IX! 9-; lip` gn ` .;I4._1.?_.P.. 3:. b.-.Qla$g,o\v._ Spcc- ` ml Mi watery. Diseases! `W;-`i `ot*`Ei.n..;T onsult`mgv`Surgeon. Offices `: -day and ni 1i'tg'- Lane` Block. Cor. of Dunlap an Mulcaster streets. Tel- ephone. 124.. . ~'~:~`r?-x g IUUAISLIIL9 uvJ.u new .--v--~_ , Barristers. Solicitors. Conveyan- oexfg. etc. Successors to Mpcarthy. .PBplQl` &- Mccarthf. Offxces Mo- CarthhBlfock. Dun ox St.. Barrie. J. A. ocarthy. W. . Boys. D. C. `II...-4n`\=nnI\ J a A. JILUVGJ . Murchison. _._-u -'0 J.u_ca1 cauapu J}J.ugnl.; uuuv 5010. I dnveyancing in all its)` ;brano`hes. Marria elicensea issusgd. Office. Ross .-B ock.'. Dun1bp:stre,et, Barrie. l.l.'l VV nivsv - risters. Solicitors Court of Judioai Proctors. - Notarie etc. Money to (19: blank Ila:-I-in VIE. Q : `Jo D1I.lul.Ll..l| 1.0- -\Io,.a.u -w-, v.,._., (late of'Drs. Harvie 8: Smith. 0ril- lia) Office and residence. corner of Owen and Collier streets. Barrie. lfpor m Advanooj V % . V nwouwumuauuaumoansuiuuipaou ;IJJtuntilthomouvi|pn.id.. " ' `- n.-|..-.:|.._ -._. :. ........ Inn than month: and `f`;;;;`>;1IOMOEPATHI S.T. I Hours. to `"1 :1.` .7 `to 8. Resi- dence jhii Office. 160"Dunlop street. _Telephone.- 185. - ' --. _ `ye-`toad. .1. \ll.' J.!.L\lJ.V.L`J .l. ' at 4J.%.2ifmd` 5"per cent. terms` of re- paym'ent. Lennox. Oowan &. B17ovgrn. Solicitors, Barris- ters. etc. __ V ` ' '3- To 5- IU.I.l.l.'lLVA..I\.aAv-a.-y ..--..-_-,, , Attorney. Solicitor in .Ghance_ry. Oonveyancer. etc. Office. first door. Owen street. over Bank` of` nnnnunmnn `Darrin- door. UWBII 5l.I'Ut':I.. Commerce, Barne. 1 \J.lUl'JLl II nv-an-p .-. of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario. Notaries. Conveyancers. ` loan. Offices. Ross glock. Bayrie. 0. E. Hewson. -A. E. lnnauruI.Itn_ D1003. Du`; 1. no. 11. Oreswncke. --_--#j-` A. RADENH nsr. BARRIBTER . . '. n_1e-2;-_ l`!'hnnno.r17_ DR. R. P%._;VIVfIAN, ._Al_?t_NALL. M. D. c. 11.. OFFICE r-I AII-.AJ.sIa\ mg $I"IUUI"UU`V us uuuuuuu Iv v-- . 0'10; qmnauma smo main-u` nlA1*'i,/iTIB:.ACT,UB.ERS. -___.} *M6iv3f_&p':LdAN. ROSS. PHYSICIAN. SUR- " " " " I) `I'.Vj!__ `f ..._mNANc2AL. .{ PHYsicIANs. ___UB}VEYORS; -.- -._.. .._'__-----------"-"""'-""'_ BOYS & MURCHISON. 4 ,__- I1--guonvor|_ ' That asrch-opportunistgon. G} W. ._ Bhs. again stands revealed in his iruc colors. when he comes forward with an announcement to the effect that he will not introduce his prom- ised temperance` legislation this sea- .ion.- The attitude which the Premier stakes on thequcstion has not met with the favor of either the nrohibi `tjonists or the Licenced Victuallers. "" - `-L, _,_I_!I- __---_... B..` BARRIB- A III___... *VET'5'f9 RATE: ??:r3`E-'ivNORTHERN Aovm 4 .'1'in, `Anluxcz s 'th.;larzest cncu1a:i3lf"an`y`; $3 8 I `W, Gonnty Town. V Peri, Advertisements an charged ifapaee-13 lines agate measure mardi.' `k8 cu :--4. CHEAP COAL ggganz-$1 Iv AJJVIRTISIRQ ' 'Lleil' N6tiies, Juction Sales, Am .etc.-I"irat' `insertion 10 cents , , P" line` gum:-quent mnemon 5 cents per line` . gegdihg notiges, 10 gents per lim, 1 ; _5 gents per lme for each ml- -uuuruiuvur gurus uvu U IJUHIU per ' eadihg I 5 cents f0l'08(;hu inoe'rtion.of the segue matter. All it... deg 5 lines, of thts character, elm. lines. Obituary Poetry 5c. per line, ' 11;.- menu in the paper will be sold t of ona-third on obovo rates, onansnom count will speoial positions be given rule will be stnctlv camod out. cozrrmcr canon. Advertisers w_il1 please bear in mind notice ofintentxon to change adv ' must Be landed into the oice not ma Bstmdny st 10 o'clock, and the copy :0, ahnnmmnst be in T11: Anvmm .g.. ! `H"Pre'!en'ed positions for 10; ZA . vertisements. must be accompanied with the cash,"md be inserted--hrIt insertion 2 cents per I :71: II IIIULW C19 ICHIIIIUQ. Uvuj will be charged. 9 Advertisers will not be allowed to an space for advertising anything outaid. on regular business. Should they a transient `rites will be charged for my , OONDIICBED Anvznrrszunm, Condensed advertisements on rstpagg as wants of all kinds, lost and found, pr for sale or to rent, specic articles, etc,` each an nent insertion 1 cent pa: (names, dresses and gures conntd words); but (reduction of one cent per willbe made when the number ofi ' of the same matter exceed four. can for advertisements most Inc can be mounted on solid meulbuu _ On the other hand, .the liquor men are deeply chagrined at the somewhat equivocal result. They feel that a. Vohange in the License Act is immi-. pent and would prefer to have the Jznatter over with this year, rather `than keep the sword dangling over their heads. Many notelkeepers have in contemplation extensive improve- ments to their several establishments; `but until the question of temperance legislation is settled theybdo not feel `disposed to take_ action. '_ 4 ..I , Y-a,v--,_'v- The Waterloo Mutual, of Wat.er1oo.O' Tothl assets, $334,083. The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. : Total assets, $303,078. A . 2A1eo Llovd'e Plate Glass Insumnceca 3; puny. 0; New York. Cash capital, 5; ""`-- --Iuuuvv CIIII ll:-nun:--~- Get on ' 1-: Ft; costs3d M0IV);0.1:o:I :-f)o%':,ll?aor`r g:r alsdollar until Va 350: tcus best. tates and charges lowest. M ' uc %*;`:::.::..- Mortgages. Wills, etc., pr: red on shorIW"' aoyeats doing business in imcoc. Farm" _ allv uivited to call and see us. Glad to see V' chae for consultation or advice. . o ncn- in Barrie Hem, B=""~,,, Petcr Street. in. ` EVEIW DA? % BARGAIN f" at the fonotjin until every 10 Lot 17, NoI`h:U'nl'b'erland Street.-335 N -n ." II o I ' ' 2: Rxrxxsmrr 1-an Fonnowma Fuzz Ixsm ` Counmasz The Mercantile. now ailiated wkh Then (Inn Ah Ynnnnhirn nf `Rnalnnd Q. Private funds to loan on first mortgages! -counts eollectad. &c. 0950: over I-lender-soup Hardware Swmiad I- | Jllillllaa _ 12 changes of Advertinementa llloy ye_u'. wall In nllnrand- It more are required, compoeitio "Anavano Sun Loan and savingsc of Ontario.` _ A I7DI_IlI\lD D J V vdvvlt, uuu BUG COP] fangs` i nu;t 1:0 in T11: Anvucx .5, ate: than 12 o'clock noon on Mondgn week, otherwise the advertiser ; um `may not be made public until the am} Ionian. lScnoc.c.u-: & SMITHI -A"l'rno4losvc "Bu-rh r r and at-rivo from in .alornndouodp|_neou u ollovu: V _ ~ I `.94: mm. For New Market. Toronto, alontrul . tndlsoiuu But. _ 7.56 can. For on Market. Aurora. Toronto. r mu mm. For New Market. Toronto. , ~ ..t 5.2: para. For New Market, Toronto, Montronl and ,Eut.* ' Q.` 1 . '35-V`/\r.._.. , mu .._- ""F Jana Insurance As: ._-n. mg Lu ` " In,` by ordering 'rAiiKEn& MOB . (`nut BARBIE Has a. well earned reputation for the. BEST in all lines. A thorough ani uu-to-dateequipment, an efcient stni Everything taught is taught the BEST way. The foundation we givn will make for each student a sure start 01 the right road. You l1 approve of 11!! Way we show you and understand it! edvantagesot our instructions. W5 help you to win in the days of pr'B"_5` T Wherever an Oice Employee is needed our students will give the best satisfy- tion. Our attendance has already In- creased 80% over last year. May 1" `Send you our handsome illtxstmtew `page circular FREE for asking. 11 very convincing that we are the BEST- PUB X LJ4IJl.a'E xty, $1 5,ooo,ooo. . - `?T-A__.!4- `A WUTIZBIIVHU. DOW IIIIIIZICG Wlill IE8 Eon & Lancashire or Englanci : H11. 3- :_nnn,nnn_ - A:-ply :0 KC ?! % THE EXCELSIOR Business college To the deputation whieh waited upon him. Mr. Rose` declared that the Government had intended to uintxfo`-. .duoe `a measure of_. advanced and use- ,1ul legislation. The bill was not. to be 7 dropped. only delayed. . `31221: I column. . . BARRIE COXHIBCIAL CONTRACT msummca: AGENTS; CONVEYANCEFIS, ac. E J u;ob | '1`e;nce wise Baldwnin sum. SCROGGIE 4. SMITH. ADVANCE ..i`n.Axs1}z1'. ADVlRTIBmg W . .n' , . nnnna Aunts-.. (3-1 Much dissatiswfactioiy is expressed o:n all sidesby reason of the`.P;`emier s refusal to give any idea of `the pro- sions of the Bill` which `he states hie intends intrbdutgingjcijnetime -in th Ituture. A ' . . . ~ \I il` 1 3| .3 'MAY2l,]903 j` van: 7 so` l:= 1-... Mo. A recent issue of `the'_ Medical News gives out `some valuable into- nation in the following article, % As smallpox is breaking out in ,vario\is parts of the,Provinee, and as lettue` will soon be procuyablee in` abundance. our readers will do well to not on the suggestions offered :,i "Lettuce , is _an` absolute preventive of smallpox, Nfo one is-in any dangeg; of catching smallpox who _,eats a little let_tu, Java!` day-,_ V Sma11p<>.x,( belongs .;to .,t T aoorbtitioi.-ash of `di8e1&se'.Y' '\:8a'll)ifZ' :.t" us. depriveg ;o_! - trealgf ivegetables` aourvy. Scurvy is "a t`ypical scorbni" ytio, disease. < }S'g;igll'?`pol alv,y`a.ys,A:i1'ages duringo the .yyin_ter `geagbpg y`g,l1"a11~.-lite. mar; people. . re: , {$5. " -.*.'0:8.*.@l?19, f9 . 9e.1`n`l;1I:m.d .Ia.fe.,;ood for this_;13:t1jnoi;f9,;ib is such a ._long- int'e,rya1l,,, .-:`P9.i,|1l8.8uther.3. 811:1 hn nth n Y been moat. 91..W1ira yropertlea ljgetguo . outer it_ ApioWk_`_s%: 46 M9,} LA: .. on Ba -. near] ` I. ` elect fljr "re. _ 4 I - Au 'F3wc But The onth .\\isere M1:.'Rose is concerned the__ temperance forces have become used .` to, prccr:`~.stination. but things 'have now. reached a_ stage when .patience has ceased to be a_ virtue. Promises Without acts are not now regardegi with the same degree of Vs-utisfactiolnl as be fo_re`t1`xe'val`idity of the Menitbb;a_. `Bill was assured. _ - . _ A `T V _ ' cords belon Prat bous _'WI'8 ding all. _have the; #3164 sLrai tang sver 1nen -IHay agre alar `ins? loillluu mu muuvy In yu-nu _ u . Vvqbocribon new in strain for three month _ 4 _ . ___'In L. A___..--.I A. -- ..`... -'-`.-. .'?- `alleg by_ 1 dog. : Ea}; ten Jug Owi and nee the few, av; tw no "3 ' 1.37 mm! ' my mm. 1 BARBIE BAlL\iI AYV GUIDE-_ `ram rnmnxnn ems:-Sines. LET Us m V Lmuon. TIIII or Suniclunnol. . For Otillin. North Bay and S00. . Pornvenhunt. Scotia Juncuon Ind Parry Sound. T .*'..`..r: ""."1`.">i~"`"5""3?" ,.*- an TAXIID ACCORDING `ro VAL- wm mv:own.m%` `names m`puaau%* . `Meetings of the`Fai'mers Assoeia- ntion ~wei`e' held L last week. at. Grentel and Nexsfg ,Flos`; in Centre Simceel At, the Grenfel and New Flos meetings the `organization already formed for Gentge Simeoe. was strengthened by the. fmmation of twosubordinate branches of the Centre Simooe Asso- ciation. ` ` ` ., ' , I -. n:n.uuAJ\unuo:Jn' 'l)-An:4'n-nI- l\` (`no-ml-Inn lllvllllllo . I V I Mr; Somerville`. Presidehtof Centre Simooe Association. presided at the` Grenfel` and . New Flos meetings. uv.-|_'_...____ -1. ___|.I n __:.1. `II'_ a__....;.. A short speech was `made by Daniel Quinlan. Warden of the County of Simco'e._ at .the Gren el meeting. but what he said was ery much to the point. "Corporations do no_t.`.'v he said. "pay their fair share of taxa- tion. and they have a gooddeal more than their share of inuence in di-_ recting the course of legislation. '-The people should organize for tho_ pur- posefot limiting the influence of cor- porations. on the one hand. and in- creasing the amount of taxation paid by them on the other. In the United States there are no public subsidies for `railway `builders. and railways when built are subject _to taxation. the same as other property. In Can- salda wedo bonus railwayson being built. and we largely exempt-them "from taxation when they _are built. Our system houldbe changed. There is no_reason why" the capital of mil- lionaires.ginvested in railway proper.- ty; should be exempt from taxation. while every dollar that the man of small means invests in the farm `which `he works should be subject totaxation. ` These things are unfair; we all realize that they are unfair. but until -farmers, organize for the protection of thcirl own rights they will get the hot end of the poker every time. Mr. Pettypiece in, fight- ing for equalization of taxation is! fighting in the public interest and should be encouraged. Every man voting against his bill should be marked for rejection at` the polls. T. {Or I , 9 1.1,. .__.n. --_..!_ --...I3L:p-`van `(Farmers should." , said * Mr. Somer- yille at one of _these_ me'etings. "take keener `and a more intelligent inter-' est in public affairs. They. should not go wild over eelectionsat election times, but should watch more care- fully than they do now. the course of their representatives between elec- tions. Don't in" deciding your course towards a man. who has already been in Parliament. .be guided by what" that man says during the canvass. Watch his votes in the House, and govern your action by his record there." V wantis to form Associations such as - IIIIIIIIIJJIII ssluva. vow-a anq Vaov-v n wt : I `There was strong reasons for sub- sidizifng the Canadian Pacific trans-` continental line. That ':was a pioneer * road. It was intended to bind the Provinces` together. vTo-day condi- tions are different, What was 25! years ago an undeveloped wilderness . is 4now_-becoming a wealthy country.| and there is no reason why `a dollar: of public. money or an acre of public; land should be devoted. to the build- ing of the Grand. '1`runk s Pacific line. The man who. votes for a subsidy for` that line. should be rejected by _the 3 people when he seeks a continuance} ` I in `office as their .. representative. `I know, as" one elector. that Lshall`. not vote for anyjman, Grit or Tory. whosupports the granting of publicg money for any such purpose. . The._ railways~=ha.ve an` immense -power in; this- country. and p the only way to.-i `prevent them from getting what they this. tolet our 'repres"entatives know we are in earnest; and `to declare that no man can hope. to get into Par-`I `liament or .to return `,there'unless lie: ,_takes the right `course in this mat- ter."_ i I-Ilaul AOL! We find the same` unfair conditions in the matter of transportation. I I-\II. Lvavvunvoa I--r woo`. r'__._. `American grain was taken_out of the elevator there and billed for ship-_ "meat to Atlantic ports over our lines of railway atless than` one-half the `rate charged on grainzin Simcoe ship- ` from` the same point. seem to me strange that one of our national highways. built largely` at the national expense should . be per- mitted to` discriminate against the national interests in that way. l._ ...I_ was at. Midland last" fall. and some` It does`. I I I 1 awn- ;.~--rue railway interest is not the" only interest that is seeking unfair advantages at the public expense. said Joseph Goodfellow. Judges have retiring allowances now; `A movement ; is on foot. to secure -retiring` allowan- ces"for school `inspectors, The nex_t movement will be to secure`the`sain'e sort of allowance for school teachers. Fai"'mers. who do just as much in `the way_ of real` public; `service. get no " retiring allowance; They have `to " make` provision .` against `olld! age` throtigh insurance com7panies""or' by some other like means: and then. at-Vi! tcr having, provided for thei_rf o`wn'l V_t1f1_tu`1f'e";in. this way A they are fobligcd pm; * their ; hands-in -`their `egckegs . ii` i l5 11.97{..11"9oi1i, .,.P" ;hi` t'1i_5v__l5,l1;5.1i3.`i'?5.1"`5_S- - 31: #9943; by`; $319. .na#in';6r:iub1io` 5 `e `oi. no` to` ` 'tlh`esej `other 7 claiss,e.,s;";~: 7 " \nra-`~-'iu -ia.'"' ;aua.i*-1~m.; '1tnii`na;``4~t.'i;*-` tipsy tag.` gar v'tbe" p31i-gioseeot ,I!;;ee`l:.L , van-nqvn-u nu vain-I-Jvpa H"`We ` ar` ?`[ said) Thais. Yq\ing'. ' '_'fi' behi'nd`in"th'at unity otjspiiit which user'e"snou1d b'e amaagsms. We"n1u'pt . eT`\jto'g`e'E11_r. .9.pdTsA`to.1id` iiptor 7-`bur, 1',ivght`S`.':vbI;1`t:' tlj e' (irt `jeqsentipl is t {:6 3yina*rtaiii1'`whac*, 'h6's,e vfi`g`liti;`a_irg,. iwa-%:ar16:am``. o.i*a`vry%?aiI1a5Vbsr`%raari:A % * % `2? 9.?!S`53"*%iE1i*;,`79 w m;:'-7!! ;is9optc;d`. ..t;re,al'.,?,u8?'3witH4-?oqnE[1-V uaiaivur.~m v'.l`.ivaoy = "mp 9",;-qivlw A could by means of ' organi'za'tiofn. be compelled to'- give us bette`r treat-` ment. This is proved by what other classeshave accomplished. The pro- prietor ot a `mill in this neighiborliood was paying a rate of $3.00 per thou sand on the shipment at iris lumber to market.- He considered this rate too high. and appealed" to the Lem- bermens Association for zissistancein securing relief. The result not that appeal was that the rate was out in ha.ll.'._-and made `$1.50. The railways. which are treatingus so unfairly in the matter of rates. have been grant- ed subsidies withadavish hand. They have received $228,000,000 in cash and 64.000.000 acres of land. if we v=.l~ae the lands granted railways at $6 per acre-and, some of it is being held at $3.33 per acre-that makes the land grant worth $270.00I_).1.|00. Add this and the cash subsidies together. and you have a total of $498,000,000 - pretty nearly as much as you and I will make by awhole summer's work even it we happen to- have pretty fair crops." i A good practical speech was given by Amos Train at the New Flos meet- ing, The Township of Flos." said .Mr. Train. "about 30 years ago gave a bonus of $25,000 to the Penetang extension of the old; -Northern. Twen- ty-year idebentures. "bearing 6 `per cent. were issued to pay that bonus. At` the end of .the twenty years the principal of those debentures was still. unpaid. Then fresh debentures were issued. for a further period of 20 years. We are now paying these off. in the form of principal and interest, at` the rate of $1.845 a year. Our to- tal interest payment, on account of these` 'deben'tures during the first` speriodof 20 "years was $30,000. In .principal and interest we will pay i $36,900 in the secondhterm of 20 years -a total `of nearly _$_70.000_to meetwa $25,000 bonus. And what havewe in ,`the Township of Flos got out of it? The town of Penetang. I understand. igdid not 0 give a dollar of bonus, and ' yetlypeople in Penetang ca_n_ship a car of produce to Toronto $5 or. $6 less ' than the car rates from Phelpston or ' Elmvale in our township. What you see in a. comparatively small way ghere. yousee in a larger way. taking ` the countryas a whole. Our Govern; ment has bonused roads at the rate of $3,000 and $5,000 per mile. and on these roads the passenger rate is 30. per mile. On many American roads, builtpwithout bonus at all. the rate is 2c. Isuppose if we` had given a big- l ger bonus to our roads. `the rate, on `these wouldhave been 5c. And the railways are not the; only corporations which are unduly favor- ed at public expense. The bonuses "received by the smelter a_t.Midland, paid out of the Dominion treasury. E run up to about $500 per day. Simi- larjbonuses .will be paid at Coiling- wooid end at the Clergue works at the Boo. And yet those engaged, in ! themanufactu.r'e of pig pironin; this Ecountry. and bonused in the way I. L-have spoken of. {charge our ,.people 1'$17 per ton_._ for the same sort` ,_of 'iron~_,they sell, in New York_ at $11 per; : nn "At Grentlel`: metbing. I a branch of }-`Qentre Simqyegssociqgion was f9rn_i- yea qr vthez'1`,o.v v.nship at ;v`esp';`-`a. mth.` V Mr. E. J. Tracy; as President, Hector_ `Cameron as Vice-Pr_e_sident1, and, Jo-_ seph MIoKernan. .G1:enfel. as, S_e;o`re-3; : tary-Treasurer. - . .' ' AL L1,. :0, no :11 At the New Flosameeting anothr local;- branch` of -the. Centre Simooe Association was organized-`wi_th. Ams ` Train .as President, and Alex} Speixfs, New. vFlos, as` Secretary-`l`reagur_er. ' l it. --`~'--- `- i. I r | Terrific torestymes are raging "tin, . both.,s.d_es of LtV1`k_WinAnipeg.gp9ver- _'ing thousands of.acres._b'f va_lgable 'timb"-:.r. which gs chifly the properti E of `the I_);on;i;1iqn Goyerx;me11_.: .,AMany lhomes. V `pa rtio_u_1arlyHin ,;1_;9j,:- qgpnan | settlement. havg be_9n,- glegstzjoyed. " '. ` . \- . fl..- ....:-.... ..:I!_A.-.1 ___!LL LL- 1- g 'fze.;;`::,;;;',;;";;n;:m*;;;:%a;`;M 19- I 09.1 Trades -and Labor Counbi1't'hr`ea;`_'-. ' 'n t-. A.b.y9.`u}.'.t.h C-P-.R,' ;3t~4.W9;!.ipegA' ~ n I The huimzmm an}: ..1..=..'+ nf n"... Farmers should combine as other; '.in_ter_et haye "combined: they have; 'the_y`powe'r, If they javjll but _exe'i-toje it; if they do npt make use-Iof-4;11_e!_ tpower_ they` possess. they will con- timie to suffer." o '- v-- `W. 9'": `'.`"r"`'.`' V'`- 9! ,9"-, '_U ..",_`P!5' The buildings .,a1;d plsgit Hi) `the 1 Northern `Iron works. Winnipeg. were ;;destroy!_1;,b=~-15?? nd. "?.h... 108?... Win` \b_e qboui;_$B0.000.__ _, M_ V 3 Arthur. % 339:9-<%%%.9rmer1:= 8nn9r?1 , s1'1pewri1y1tendent% of _s't'eanships' fd1;"l,:l_se `Oo.nadian. -I_ acif}ic.v~. -has; been `iadqgg ,1 l_m:;i:'aer;.s*st_bivndIhinjs.;%- :.u:`x':~,, '; i V [,r.~~,,*; `gy ypyguw g up? I,?"lC,.. i-BnryI'unth6tuidhdyalio:_dduselt_.'`Usod ' , - 3,-- \ -.s;`=-r _,,Vf '1 }.5"'53.:.%e*.*3::";".-7"* 7 `~Wx3'`~"';"5 . > ADomin_ion Square Piano. neatly new, and R3 - moud Sewmg Machine, nearly new. Apply at `BB ADVANCE OFFICE. A 43-If Highest cnlh price for Endowment Insurance Policun, in reliabin mpanies or Amoncy loaned h . A 1 `mm '3 o. H. LYON -, . -.__ _. n_.._-. mo um sewme mamas I-'OFLALE subscribe to: 1mnvAucE." ENDOWMENT INSURANCE POLICIES `I1 CQSI U: , - VEGElAB`EiS-'-Cele , Crisp and Touche`: i Lettuce, Cabbage, annipn. Cgtfotn. SE'Iflt).S-Flown Seeds; Vegetable sgdo. Plum 7 .IndBulbi.'. VVM; TAYLOR I - U 1 U. UV '.V"T'V'7-`*7 ' .m---"~ --V ='*"'".t..'.`.,`"} ;".7n`. &`ln .."'.c,""' '~"", ". ; - ,,.. __.c---- L .o._\_..-4j.4 -j--` ~ - - `-.-_-'--- 3'7 : , -m..a.f. * ...mg.:o-s a':.`:,`%n.,..5`""'$t.?'.?.u`22.:1.?s;.3`.2.".:"m`% :3 as mouotonowlnzm-znirumof , cum! two Bone Spuvluo oi tea hm landing. Buolullln NV,_ Mun, cw. nun. and ' of " T '""-`-you `. 'my u'u`n``.`_" ;'c"`;.da':`E"<`.'x`-'o%'a'T Irish :1: :1: {or :3. -luannunuse for use .'h no equal. Ask your druggigt {of x 3. Spain 0112!. aka "A. `runny on the none. the book (rec. praddress. A on. 3.1. xsunnu. co.. Enoslmg Falls, Vt. - ULUKI Telgphagp :5. Dr. B. J. Kendall . Gentleman :-some , usedyoua-Kendall`: _ vincureonahotso `lone Innvinl. 5: ugirdy: use Ion Spuvins Ur. d "' '1c'$'c'1a"i'1"'s gait vial. been 0 Ilwuuuuonna I use vincureoua hotso `. 'l:nmovedIl'IomIIiely."' ouhlxnf Spuvins had bean on nun man and Ivcuvucn stantlallxtu. luau hive : sob man that was 1' ll uredb .- thmugh bridge and her comp tcuutment wi.th youI"Spnv.|: nu. Plcuo scndmoncopyofyout "Treadnon the Bone and his Discuss.` Youu vuy xtuly. . C LARK 0. PORT. cu_'_r iri.ownxs_n`p'su; Carmtionn, view, " etc. , fresh every day, Bouquet-ButtoII- ' ' -hole. Hand or Cottage. Funeral` Token: in gnu dnnicnn- ' Ass-:2-:D `"ToRE: ICC? ~ ' ." V V `V ' - 1 l'|l\Il.'l` Anyone sending a sketch ind desert t on may ` Invention` `la b tabla; . Communion.- :-tlounzrl quickly nooertu opinion moon 0 her an at In our '553"`5*m. A 2: .z... I C n me not & vpezuoo. wlthoutc ".':'x':'t.ne... q " .A_ A'AA`.g.gA_ AAA ; 4'... A llnndnotnely Illustrated weekly. Lament cir- culation of nuyentle. 31111181: v'l'er_mq. Q `gar: tour mont .31. 80 man nevmdcul rs. A Illllll ll- ---_ 7 . II---- |l---l. :" r`<`ni :-` u73i{'a'.'f.o1`&$'"7ui`1 '$"wa".5'3&n'e"n?. % c VVIVIVUI I IV < _`J IIIIVI I %". 1! a"`i~n`I '1" atedwoehl. Lara ulat!l1or:oo!n:'1rg`:I3::";t.|ne.j:|:1-nn.y|. rm-m:_t1?1".' L?` H: `An stage 18 0cluIII;_l|CW!!9[;_9'0 " lrnumsoa in tho om; iiibanlopscrc-t-. ` V BII'I'ielIIthoCouut!ofSiu1oo0ot||OPN' ..l..-- _l ns--In nnntln, AIXI Eumue. N.Y.. Mar. xx. 1991. acnuamcu -some ago! `mCumm;Mmm_ two It nmnvnd lhmn mlhelv. `l\I|ID'H0l J5 E. ILIRJUB UII. I'CItUlIU to `If gs ?12:a:::*:3..a:::' .%...,.%~.. pee name. without. 0 in %$ientic'i*n_`'ican. I `|l-nl.`-"4-`J-AI-n iIl;a`.s.-L-.I _--s. .. 1 ___-_4 -._ 2Loms'r AND SE PDSMAN. long :55 nlog-St.. ` I I liV GO T0 was miw .:-.1~1/I :-T__ Eltlvino. N. .. Mar. km aanhmcn:-sums vents an A ~ rilihe prohibitionists, while recogniz- ing the disabilities under which the V. Government labors. are inclined to .:the opinion that the Premier. asan' -Jwnorable man, and an avowed 'tem-'- "peranoe advocate, was in" duty bound {to bring -down an immediate measure of reform. If: the proposed bill had "been submitted to the Legislature. and an expression obtained from the members. the temperances forces would have been inclined to `rest sat- ised. even provided.politica'l exigen-p 6168 later induced the Government to` Withzdraw the measure. The Pre-' :n1ier s statement. in view, of the ref; eeren-dum Vote. that he has nothing to yoffer the prohibitionists, is regarded as a distinct breach of faith. ` .3-: ::-* ;fE63Ef' WAN 8: BR0WN._B.;AR'1 n-I2-:a.-..- Gnu nl-\faI'I;nlI Bro` -.-v _. v v as.` v.-.---- `din L14. \lJ.V \l\l\I.lJ . _;:Y._f:t'1"eehold -:se0.\l!Ii'?.5.. . .;-_ `l`ow_est .-_rat:.g of interest. NO prmcl al m_dne"y' axe- l uired un'ti1"end o the term. g . Strathy. Solicitor. etc., Barrieg ` ' H. ` nu) ' mnoms KENNEDY? $1 130.. -mom: ,. Vggthwgllfa Block. Barrie, _ , Mo_cAR'.rnY. [STEWART ` _ STEWART: BAnm_s- n_19-.L-._- \Y.sl>nu-Inn pllhll- o. H.VLYoN*'.; PRIVATE FUNDS T0 :_----- HE 4: Carbinthriub; 1m'n.n....'. -..`...a :PA1-1.4 =*:I`.IA.NI=NG :':MIJD ; coM- I ? 7 ` 1 Co srayrnro & ESTEN. TBARRISTER8.` Splioitors in Hi 11 Court No! Jus-, tron. Notaries Pu lio. Convevanoers. Offices over the Bank of Toronto. of $2.0001 Barrie. Money in sums and u wards. to loan at 5 per `cent. . H. 8tra_thy. K. 0.. G. H.` Esten. . , * __ I $701100 FOR INVESTMENT ON GOOD, ~:' '-1....-n-1; . ....--____'L,, pan. For Orillin. North Bny and point: Wm pm. For Orillla. T ' pm. For Ppuotnng-. Coilingwood. .Moaford.- p.m. For Syur and Colllngwood. . pan. For Peasant, Collingwood, Mcaford. .1 Dailv oxccpt Supdny. * Daily.