Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 14 May 1903, p. 5

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DIVIDG. adqu_ar|;iI 5. w11l_4_i . Barrm; e 3]_.st,.;i; rplgxng Chaplain I vs no -an...-.-rv , .. .. .. 4. *In regard to the alleged abuses in Mr. Airth s room. we learn from `Mr. Airth and the Principal. that on a Friday afternoon. after 3.30 o'clock -as is the custom in all `the schools he had 9. sort of improvised.enter- teinment. and in connection with oth- er `amusement allowed the girlspto skip; andrthe boys to `shoot with _.an air gun. giving-at.,the close an orange `each -to `the.\ girl . -who skipped the ottonestwand the boy who 5 shot the st;-aightestv: and while we would de- cidedly object to : encouraging such 'eiercibe as skipping 'to.`se.x`ces_aj.u_wc do not consider it was indulged-`in to edanzerqus decree .1?`8l1-7.n1.9.` 0" Athe occg.eion retemed?-to.. . ` -LII -4 .__ 1 o ,_ -;n_-1I__ `l."_|_'. unuvvnnuquuuu p - 2 . That `a voluntary drillv oorps (BoysBrigade) be formed of the boys vofthe upper school who are willing: n in L: .A_ _.,.o..- L- L__I_-.. :_ --......- uuu LLIOJ. ULU1 O A Uvvulluuuu .`-- 1.: That present ~d1"ill lessons be discontinued; ' - .4. 7L11'3:f:r7io31V"i";3s;Lttuuyi ub. E ". f _ - v' : `- `- -Committee,-_-3 . . - \ -_ J .- ; 4 1- av -' 'll"l"l `rm ALEX. MILNE. V . '1-`H03: SMITH.--: ~ Tnustee .Lov:e.- -dgsjired m91je___.t.i1ne; in W.-hi.h. :t0-.~~o0!_,1sid8r~5.9!1!9` of .,h,e., ma.t+- ._tex-3` :whioh, ._ wgrp, %de,a`Tl: .jY'it1_1_., and. the Ieptnft was L18i$?7!3\i1s...t1l.' #95610. '16:`. 9' IE -V ` Dry. Goods and Sihoes. E iiionbduooouoougodoodoucgoouujoopooucobououubuooupoooooocuoou I . ?;f ~f'j 3i)jfA1'if}idi; ENJOYED BY OUR0JIS1`9MERs;BEcAUsE OF OUR CONSTANT- r/.' ` .;- LY. -GRQWING BUSINESS/am well illnstratedin thi` 'wYt s iifindancements. -we are constantly offer- -uiI{)g:prioo._.eo.n;o,e!sions of .th,III,ogIt radical character. and the merchandise involved, in these ttansaccio-.s is in ;wil~l yseimmeaiaswnweccied. n n E oyery c.se,'of.che,_highest quality. You [run no in ta];_ix1g;nglvantage of the SPECIAL PRICES oe b ' ad from time_ bortimeyby thinvatqrzaddi yibti to `bo`Ii_1pare'.;au.d investigate.. The elimination of all .. A:risknandi`uncarti|inty.-`is one of the-cardinal d)_9il$8;0f;0 3'1; .bufn'1n.888 ',.p`p1icy_ and` mistakes, shougd they occur, .22.; 41 kg. .. `II UVUI IEIUIV 1` v_alue"in3;luin,Bla9k 0o"t't._on> Hoo. Hermudorf `dye. .e....., ............. .:._.....-1213. 15, .20. A Speoiy} in nine}; :'an:i ,fI1:_ri[gT:.a,Mau; .. .. ;. f . ..- . Beautiful Fancy Open ,Work Rose; {in pentl "grey and whitp, the lutegt coloti/ngp . . . . . . 5 ........ 7.. - .u.'<,~' . ;`.'.-- `I the p1eo.'su're'of `o'e1-Eng fer your inspection sue'\ a complete stdcko ifj 4 ygigaye Ag`a`the1:ed__fqr,this season.` The tjapge includes several new tlbrilcs sbownf 5, thfrgt: 'See'`1 e,m ;_xi91fv w'hile=th_e.a.s99rmenc is at its best. ' T ' 4-"NEWCOLORED ADIMITIES, i`n. :hlack,, navy end green grouixfis with white sfwots and gures, ex. 'ceptiioi|e.li`_:'Liiie:, f`a_?per'ya'(i.`.:;..~; . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 MUSLIN} in` f s'v'n_1,_ green; navy, pale blue and grey effects, with white. 4. o.- n-`AL In-nouns.` V` W I-i-3?n%9i**_=%% A 4. E and in H011; V o lJl" _ L III-II-I,` OOIUVJV, tlilia Unyaw lllal`-A SIUJ CILUUUD, W SUI] W LIIUU I n : V,' I . -. _ I O O O Q Q o Q I o o o n o o ltolotiooololccl000000000000Oucctioo i .k_nicEer "spot, apecml, a per yard 33, ggw fgibiicf if; Q. grg-git: variety of colorings and black and white, at beauti- . ,_, L` gal.g5fg3iaari]_j;\ih.jikgg-D1gii;e,_' !.qt"of'mefrce1-izel cptson, at per yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,_F[NE,FB,E0'10RGAND.I_s}'in iIn n;em_I`e vdgiecy of weaves and colon-ings, at from 25a to. . . . . . . VAFINE-FRENCH QRGANHIES. in dress lengthsonly, our best importa.t_ ons, at per yard 60c to . . . . 14 Ew, m_;mx,_,pE..s0m.n'e si1kAn`ish,.45?inch__es wide, atper yd 500 and .................... .. FANCY.-LINEN 3TB.I.BE MUSLINS,` in, many, beautiful designs. at from per yard 20c to . . . . . . . ~ BLNCYVWHITE AND BLACKMUSLIN DIMITIES, _Madra.s, Swiss spots, open work smp, '.`V'C`W.,l2aC1 :(-)..`._:..... u o O I econ n a o o o o o o o u o o o o 0,0 0 o u I u c o c o a o u o u o o o o o - o a o - . .. Fabien ; V mech tower; um unite for .thie'enmmer'_e v[e_e'xf." "jW`e heve `the cloth: in :11 deeinble 1371904" _ _ . . ` Flue Linen Sultlhcl, in plein linen, blue eudgreen R5 'mC.IID`r -Ce nnni nno J.'IIIU IIIIIUII $UI5I3`I. III will IIIIVII -|.IIn `ovum: .'mixt_ura;stporyu'd.:.`. .......... Fiuelhtoorizod Linen Suitingt. In fuhi , gI,':'eenA . ' pals blue, 36 inches side. so per yard . . . . . . . . .; ` ` Uni-`Hosiery inn impqmd am... from Vthevninkeu in Germany, and we can t.hereIor_o- `give you better prices than ever bofogo. ` =` wring unlnnin nl-In RI-nil: l`.'n}'tnn "and `IA!-Innnlif -Worthy. of every w6msD':!`Itbontiof:', 1-epreaenting.t_he cloicut union of qul.1ity,sty1e and economy. You will be well repaigl by coming here before Ieleoting your uummarhsu. ' `F -Y_<;1:;'s' sincerely; . Q? % W: J. HALLE'l1T._.e: ;.JAIVlE'.S VAIR & SONS, I `am ; %,N.w Hoiipery e S'ik":> spen't $ ewuueu. $wsLms Milliljlery Beauty "it 1vi'll`;'):i'ovve for those who appreciate 'choice.canncd goods imno: and tin that we have sprl-ad in such a vatidty (Bill. vegetables, etc.,pa;ticulay suitable 9 forvthe pring" season`, when mm and vegetables _thig-xi" hi .Iho'uld he Icntifully comumed. We have envy- : grade grooerienmeaa. coffees, pure '9 us. M an would Ive pleased to supply you with t use it Dopular prices. . `Principal Marlin. of. the East Ward Schdol. asked permission to amalga- matesome of his classes. He was _`directed` to use his own discretion in. the matter. ' ..- . - - A .. vantrvnan-gun.--v .-vu vv v..w....-. - _-- On motion of Trustees Thos. Smith and A. Cowan. the following resolu- tion was adopted:-"That this Board regrets having received the resigna- tion of Mr. W. E. Foster. who has been so long on our staff. having had charge` of the entrance` class in the Central~So_hool for-two years and_ for six years discharged faithfully` and well the onerous duties of Principal of the West Wards _School.-and desire to place on record the high apprecia- tion of his ability as a teacher and a man- of irreproachable character, andthat the Secretary be instructed to forward a copy of this resolution to Mr. Fostenwith the best wishes of the Board for his future success. --Carried- . ` A 1 '. .'I`h(-. p-Board then .adjourned. uggv q-as--..v-- ` ' 'l`_enders- will be asked for the pro-VI. viding of~flowe'.rs for the beds at the vEast and West Ward Schools -'- the ; expenditure not Vto'exceed $10.00. . A, _- -49-`. -2 rI\___-L-.... l'I'I'L.-.. Q....:L`L. 35th Nv 08% Strong Temptation .40 Fina Linens -De Soio. white around with fancy . Persian ripu,vory swell, at par yd . . . . . . . . . . .. New Embioidored Nun : Veiling .fm- Waiua, 42 in. wide. silk embroide_red,u_c pet yd. 75c and . . . . . . . . - `Exclusive Novelties in Fine Wash A Neckwear `Pretty Embroidered Linen and Pique Stock: at 25c. tn New Muslin Ties in `immense variety, in white and ' A with colored silk embroidery. 20.: n9._.' . . . . . . .. Just arrived new designs inne.Chi'ou and Silk Neck Rucheo, in white, black with whim trim- ,- mingrand white with black, at 2 50 to... . . .6 50 New Nek Ruches New Waistings ; AVULLUD 15 uuxcuy 6lVCll Luau. ayyur 1cation'will be made at the resent. session of the Parliament of anada. `I... no. AA! 4-.` {nan-an-n4-n n T.\1rnhnF 88581011 OI L118 I_.'.1'lIa.ll.|U.llL UI. uauuua. -for an Act to xqcorporate a Lumber. l,Power and Navngatlon Company or carrying on in Parry Sound District ant` alun fhrnnn-hnnf nnnndn nnd BIRD... iuarryxug on in ra.1'1'_y Duuuu uisuwc and also throughout Canada and else- ?_where the business of lumberers and ; manufacturers of all timber and pulp products; 0 crating and deal mg in all minera s and mines: and for developing water power and elec-2 tricit and leasing. selli'n and dis- tribu ing the same for t e purpose of light and power. Also power to construct and oper- ate a railwa or tramway from a point at Sout Bay on Lake Nipissing m. a eneral south-westerly and souther y direction to some point or points on the Georgian Bay. thence to some point on Lake Simcoe and thence to a point on the line of the Canadian Pacific Railway in the Coun- ties-of Dufferin. Peel or York. and from a point or points on the Georg-- ian Bay to some oint or points on the Ontario and Suebec Division of the vcanadian Pacific Railivay be tween Myrtle and Peterborough, and from South Bay via Callendar to -North Bay. ` L. T. BARCLAY. - s Solicitor for applicants. Dated at Whitby. this 25th day of Ila rank 1 an? ~ 1 oaoonoiooouoouoooaoo -- The. Prices Ruiing in the Barrie and ` Tc:-onto Ma'rkets`Dur1n the Week./ II--. _ ___ \JaI3otoAoo onouanooq `Peas . . . . . . . . . . 'Barley.... .' . . . . . . .. `R ICOlllo|IAOO"' In]-`l1enr _ _ . . _ . . . . . . .. '_nycICOIIIOlIlIOIIIIIIOIIOODIIOO4 Flour........................... Buckwheat...........;.'...... Beefbycat-cass................. Mutton.................. Line Hogs. to-'e(`~3~-xs new 230. " haavvor1i2*ht........ L: ng, `F'fl"""\ I70 (0 330. ` heavyor2nght....... Dresssed huge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chickens, per_pair. . .. .'.. . . . . . . D ckVfw.unoooooo s a o - 10.: .G`;eae.perlb........ . . . . 'Turkeys.perlb -. ..... Runner. Rnl`__ oer lh . . . . . . . . . . .. hIru,perm.............. . . . . . . .... hugs, per doz....... - . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Potatoes,verbag`.... ............ .. Hay,per ton... ................. .. Iirvardwood. pereord........... Rough Hides .................... .. Trimmedidea . . . . Calfikinn. per lh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Tallow. oer lb . . . . ................. Lambskin: and Fells. lresh.. .. .. . .- Pwk`-ononouo`o u s o n u - u o o o o - cu HoraeHides.......... ..... ........ ? 'I`.Tc'i'c'y's.":>}:}'i Butter. Rol'.. , Rutfbr Tush TIIIIKET. IUD. PG!` 10...... . . . . .. 'Lard;per'lb.................... nun; net dnz _ . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . t.0r_o. *5` .:...hnn : `1.urIcys.pcr .. .. `Butter. Rol`..|::crIb ....... \ Butter. Tub. par lb..... 1` 'I'.nl-II.` in:-`lb _ . _ _ _ . . . . -- Dc: NOTICE is hereby given that appli~ onnnwxrill kn rnuo of 44:9 nu-nnnnf Iauzu ill. Iv uII.I March, 1903. Toronto 1iL'a.rme'1-3 Marketa. NOTICE. THE MARKETS. a-an-saggy` an-av -v `.--v Buuus, MAY :3. 1903. n '35 .60` .50 .20 wer . Parfij .50 A-75 .75 7-55 ' as 75 f5l')o'% }`V."*.:f?"` IRS. l`oront6. i -i-Lil`. ...i~ do atf ` 9 V 0 V . . 0 3 Cheapest m Barr1e..__,_: , A - f Whqlgs|%% and__Retan . 1:` 3 oooooooouoooouoououdq ,oog99g_ 999oo9ow `i ,1 '\ mm or non. nmn MILLS.` . and Robertson were sent for by. the: Mms was dead.` gt -bursting; 551' j_-; essel is thought;;.i;l:'o -have t- b__; cause of death. ' A V Death claimed the Hon. David Mills. Justice of the Supreme Court; FImz'- night. The summons was sudden. He was sitting with his `family,-`tot all up- .p"ea`rance in the best oi heiitho` `the end came without warning, `He was on the Supreme A Court Bench hearing appeals in the o3te(rnoon~:;>,as usual, and there was niosi`g'rl o'f"`in-N i'iis_position of any kind. Drs. -.K.idd family, but before they arrived` THE LATE . JUsTY4;JfW&.;1N Us;D HEALTH AND s1'i1'r1'c_` w1'rH;_ HISFAMILY wnnm END camm. an-nu; u.uuA uuuuyuxcut. uxayumuuuo u-: _ Was popular pe_rsonally?_pId pl`0f93: sionally, beloved by his friends. and respected by all, and as Minister of `Justice he was odnsciejitioug` `*and painstaking. His last constitutional case was the prearation-. Oi 78.7-jV\1C3" 1 menbas to whether the I?av\'1;l`ia;n;p,1_1t-` f FY `representation of Nova Scotia. 1 New Brunswick. __and HOn1;a_ri40 `hn y-ml......,x nu. --..... - -..:-k-n-*.1;"3`uvun&Q-I v-u-saw til. \L\z(.lvLIII I The late Mr. Justice Mills was of 9. Eentlc and b`ene,volent disosition. 36+ 3: :3` Iran nn-...'|.... _ _ _ _ . ....`I`|....v--34' -\uvn\'!_' new nrunswxcx. _ana Viunparxph gg;gJg:_ be reduced. H8 W35 parts, a statesman. a judge. a consti- tutional `lawyer, a journalist}. Writer of graceful verse. r`-`I-.. _ -gr -nt-II_: --...n I U. E-,.....u... .....m . Only a year ago Mrs. -Mills: came. from London to live `at the 'apital.f She and Mr. Mills were a 4e v7dte`d "910. Though advanced in` yea'!'8.. The late Justice's step .was` lastioz his Spirit buoyant, and mind cl erg; ' H011. Justice` Mill Wzis d ant" or an old. P.\ii`itan immil %_?_t'1:;1t` Came from Nova Scotia t`o`. Ont r{dl:i:ih.: _1317- He was born in Kent, Quntr. In` March. 1831, and _graduued at ` Mmhigan University. Ca-lled to,!',hO; ; ;0ntario Bar in 1883. he `Was ihadd 1. 9- 0. in 1390. He held briefs 61,` on-1 :`; i in many notable c0nstitutigpgl: 1 S93. ' _ V _ - #2:! > I no In! He began his parliamentary career at Confederation as member eforeBoth- . ;`el1. and. withtlie _ei:ce,pti`cnnz0.1.:-2. . t_1`II1. sat continually Vfor` l;l3V8'E"""i!0`h-t . :t1tuency' until 1896.. .He. , way ;a',nlM1 01_S6nator that year, `suc_cedin V . "9? Mowat as Minister at ,Ju_st " 1397. and was elevated li ' ' Mme _ Court Bench. 011;. Eek) 1,. t 9% or the latest w`oi"ksf' n 3?.` ` '*h Ees1isheia.r8o# V ,_ ?`- `md 9J`,,ti`cles,,,;in~;j th * mp! "i""W dealing withmfhe e ` 8`: 98n {}reate_.3r;thgi;. ,1 ates an .Gentg`gf,}'V. - --`V " -W V" *',;;'~ '- - V---1--1-|\_v-g--.v gyq gquulvi u-u_'|.g, Suits. Costumed. Jn:k"o5;\-(;.pA0I. etfo._-_',:f_ including nonrlyo no` hundred nu-`plan nt 40 per cent. below regnlur cont price. gr ' ' T DU DKIIWI uvr . . u n '. - - - o o . o o o o o e I"l.l VVJ " `f`"" 7'-";..*V' .x .`I7)gr(| u_ [H $10.00 Costumes for . . . . . , . . . . . . . . ..$7.00 _ W ' ` S11 Costumes for .-,.,. .-.\.i. .`.,,.':;,-;-333310) rgl`r cost` $15.00 Costume: for. . . . '. . . . .`;'.".'$l0 9 V ' ~ We show the largest range oiitefde of Toronto. and Montreal. V , Another ahipmeneof NEW BLOUSES iiB1'eek, White ind Colored Silks, M uslina, Lawns, Sateene, etc.e,~nt epeoinl 'prIou.~" . `Y ` V - ` - V .'~ 52:; ii ?-.: 3"~1 English Cashmere Hosiery -and Fancy Germ_nn'.l`-breed. and Cotton .Hoeieryg- embroidered and in lace work, at epeoinl p_:-ioeg. i.. ' All the new styles in Spring. Boone and Shoes ere `nov`v 'in?. L ' V ` V - ' ' ' " . `-rw .~ I >` -3 . P .. . <.~` ` `I .. .. 7' Laced and _Bu:toned, Oxfords; `S`j)p'lf,`~falhV l', A_l~ben'~i I~CoYoniele` fen?! Opera. lfpers ini all the l;:teat me'shag.g;. V.&LI'iP_`W`I)019'l8i8 We yell the celebrated Geo. A. Slater IHVICTUS':Sha`di` ni Ai;d'hDIig {Fa W. h-v. hgzliho onr-{nk on i(".sdiu" sum, I -..ouo-`AC Qf ~"_t -L` L.n_ _-.I _-_._'_l,_ _ the gveninl ation. . _f ,otti9.rs {of ,.,t;;o confer . St. Churo Law an anuvvssaa -an. van vv...'..v-.. .._...,.; Sunday S6ho't5lf oh Thursday evening last. Miss Laura Sarjeant. who hgfs for some yearstbeenaa teaoher,_:ing the Sunday School. as well as a great -worker in- the church. was presented _,,1, |_.__--I_ ___1 To Miss, Lqprgargqant on '1 . `7>#'?`i M g . M ` U-nl-'--n V A+ `.. {n`3+:}.';";i'"A +:3fn*&h ,&yi_i;_h:_q,_ p99.1j};,yr9scent_[brooch. and :1 silver hairi3rush"accotnpa'nied ~b'y ' "the `appended apdress:- V V to Miss; Laura qurjgantmg s 1; V. ~ Tine Te"`achers"~and ~-Officers at the Sabbath School in connectioi with the Collier Street Method - jist: cliurch; leaminf of your con`-: t_ehnpla'ted.departure from theipf, l s'1nidst. _po\;ll_;?%not allow the_ occagi; sion to pass without expressing their regret at being called upog; ._*"'1;.tq s\_i,ffer,.thevgoss otmso devoteg 3:` `gahd _"zealoi1s }_ ail fellow-iforker. Your genial` bearing" and hep-`Na i py spirit have won "for you many; _ _ sincere`. friends yvhilelsyour fidelity` to any trust imposed "upon youi. ' hasi-`cdimiianded ;'th_e~i re - vv `nu r. w----_-__ ciated in se!`Vice'.`f _ _ i . The..9ir9.it13a\t you will no- ceptk-;'i:5IC2 ;ljt;tjl:=_ a token of vs?l"fat`i th"e'iy' fee-`-"` must at least. in. some sligh anner ex- press ; and they have -you bear away ,with y gthe assur- -ance that your \.!:i'vices have ' been thoroughly 9. ""':`eciated and ' that `fond wishes (cl earnest prayers will folio V ` 5 3*` Y9\F1.'W5f1993'"m3 . ` _ ;, creased, arid: >' '?5'ou;;.`;?"'1'eward. be :5 ,; _g'reat,}in the`?Kjng d Signed eoikbehalt ioff; th .. Officers of the School . - do W11-IAIA Barrie. Ont.."May 7th. 4` ,` 11.4--.. _ , pect og_lal-lmyvylho have Hbeen u_sso- of Heaven.g . baffle. `Inlay -LILIIJ _IIvI.I' {gq__\vvm w"~.-- Miss Lizzie Gross ad the ad- 'dress and Miss Minni6i3.-Emith made an vs:-r nun. - .--____ ._ tfthe presentation. :,;;a;LJ:""V a 3 'sa'l9 "bT`gins to'dAay' nmyhix-ay% .oam;.3":1iQ3s .ik1`5- -:r_ in 17-1.... J...).uu-gnaw: nf Allan- (11118 Spent Duuuuy _III lclll v_a;-we-n .Miss Anna . MoIllvride,.,,i_s irisiting` (6.. an: __.!II .. ..-nu".-In an {-119 nvuryuumv -I?!~uuI.=-.-. :..v{:?vv. .-.-.---W ~- Mr. '1`.~~Nels_an. tramman. of Allan- dale spent `Sundai f`i'I 1t"l1`i"`s' "vi11}1ge." - 11-9.. A...._ 'll -'l"lIu-qnhin a nart aunt. gut. uuruuu. - . 3L.'0. L. Nd. 985 will parade on the 12th with; a. $119 baxgneztfig thgir gld. flag. a-very5'goo,' o1{e_,g_`.6 thug kw; did service for 50;~.r~ year. ,-.._ ` . ;.M.'1`. James. ,Eyqs. jun.." of A A' ,to; was a-gviitnt tiiasbaind room ;on. Saturday. .,ev,e'ninz, . ,. n- -n'-_a. ...l Allhhxufnn-.\ Qv rm : =.viIla'g`e an; can anwwsiifuudaiy. Lo; %dn4ds2h+t9..anet"nt ,g1i:s;.121e Mr. A, Hart. of A`1l"n}v9q,51. gave? ore. and }Y.;k i ,3 . Reeyes-;1)t[qLg___)fq'. 5-pt _ :1.` gm .._ -..,H..~_`,,, x `\ `ll M?`-" . _vq'h_1ng.b _. u-5- -n ' At a meeting } tlie teadhers an__d sun ;1 _ `t1-II!'.__ mt. (II.--....-I.. CRAIGHU_R3'l.' "T. _M;o; _orin'a1%i?.is%"l'visiting- with .2. ` _ '2 `Iv-AA-an I-W33 i last ve week `5 'I'h_ursd;y . mg; `the~1_:e`gular.meeti'ng.'.o the Pub-E A f rlio `8ohool<;gBosrd..on- .-Monday;-`,evening.` A 5 her9:,waerem%presnt.Kesars. -wMiln.: ` I -.ohaia-man;-. and: .6B:untAon,-.v;;IQhnon,i' % `I9!!! Mr.-nJ- Greonwqq4..asking ppr-; V.,.1,ni8.sion tor. hiaglittle `girl: Q9, :au;gnd -4 '\--u,`'.'-. ~vWehb. Bn'n'.tha`iAndrews. . `Smith, ,gow;.;_ 311-` "I?&.l`lI6.1.`v.1r :1-938%-.and:;Rinehart.4., -.-`TV, ' `Aw 99mmnn.iw+t5.9nA`.a -was _ree;ygd; .the...Bl_1t1'81 3?1l`00l_;.i.ll4i,'.V311__:losi`.x14g ,a: - nail}-{final-n. G-4.... .. ...`I_...._--_.. -L_LB__.__ .- ;`. 3.390%? FRQM A` SPECIAQ, ; f :1-_':{,. -; A ~<,(=.~,1`H` _,3V.'`: 1 Y V I I )".-'r.! ` nauazaqsn as-popum amnngsu_uie;' ~ffi%.fP u-`eut oeaxs Pupllse-'-Tha`Bdard'n-` " i laIaao;Mionol_ rB.eretconeo:- % ~; -5 j . -.4 ..o.- Ania: fogggrs vgff Rnalanntinn -'.-Hr ---z 9'.-"'--V-,-5.;_."(v`-_,-91: `Q-ya-_ rial 9:15 1.19:, School.` . I. 2 + A Pti." Na! r%_axd:_, ,,fa: . Geqrgei -0`-93: 2.9*-ht E9S:1..W9x.;Arate-. -Pa6.l'3-P,8titipp'ing against ghel rempv-' Q1. of. Principal; M'.a_1-,lin,.__,_1`o1n, ,th`e' Eagft asking tlwt .a,q; in_oreas_e .q:`_ _tcg,__;1b,1-3 p._.r-,annuxn be new-d yghis 31=i',.l_I. Both dnnnmntn .wm-.9. rah-rrn "tn? -tom-Jk. 8.af:ar:,-easth.e -:Wt; :VWar,a: . .W,a-1:41 8911001,-_ t9;t1;g`;\Meat.Wa1:d.; anda ` _v:--__-va-um -I'1'll,I'VI..|1.Vl-`Inl'yI_. alVA_ULI.lDl..ll6 `ab ` `6e1'.ti.fioate.; fmm -.; a. physician. ._s.tatins'. flunk `inn 'hnn`l6-'l.`.......`I.l .....L. ......__:a. L-.. -.,v_.-.v-vvA` . `Q_-ya-In '.; I13 `till: Dlvlur ,p|_.Il.lrlll5- .Eiha.t her .1.lealtl1,'.;,VV!11`1.!`9-t..i31`.lI1i$ her -9;wv.lk' 9-8;=;f:9-1`;;28S"th.0 -~.W.s.t; = Wand: pl; (aqonnt,:;'$4`1:': 3tis - rv l---v ` : v\rv`u. `upping C 1` . s Lliilletbtii ewe 'teaahi!sa 9%14.~9`l -le?9hn.'.:Tii1r,<.i.=;I;il out_t,i,n_s xv. .91. sQ.o0';.,tglcjg;;ne" a'o-: ..9.ount. ,$1;'..; ;.I9h,n' Bimmdnsurepirs 1 I - `a-ti Jit=.o.st Waidsahool. ';s1;2.5 : :W-. `H4 ..5,'i8h6l`-1. taking .ofstq r m viiidowsg .-.750 ;. ,8cott. supplies V` for den-' $.17 -1` 8ht..1o: 3:12-..25.-. : _ -. ' Thejeport -was :adopt'e'd`. '_ f _` ._"1_`he Manag_inent, Committee t'h.ro.ugh its .c.hair_inan.' Mr- W. -0; Andrews. re- D.0l.`,t9_1,1 that, the tollowing, teacihers ih1:ve_ been a,.l)sent`_fqr;_ the_ month of April, V,yi.z:..-.-:(_3.e,ntra'l. `Mass; Booth, half a day ._through_ illpness-V-Cl'q.ss'. dismiss-j Red. ;In the West_,YVard Ill_l1r'.'_Foster, halts '3 day_ 9!! ,.private' mwbusinless on Thursday *` _atter_noon. _before i_Ea'sten ho1;aay,s.,_ Mr. Airth. taking (`what scholars. were, present; Mass Irvine. .two,\d,ays_sthrough illness; Miss Lee, half a day through i_l1ness7Class dis-' missed: .Miss Sherin. nine.` `days through `illness. Miss Hallettp sup'p1y- ing. In the,'Sout'h War-)d.._ Mr, Shear .for1;tt.w'o hours to attend a".fu_neral.- Weyvould recommend that Mr. Mar- lin be appointed by this Board to act as examiner at: the coming `entrance -examinations. and the Principals of the various schools` be granted iigave of absence target. as presiding exam- iners if' requested so to do by _the Inspector. ` l_'.l.`h'et report` was adopted. I , A Special Comxnittee, thepscop 1-f which is` set out in the following clauses. reported as appended.,through AMr...lThos. Smith;-.- . i .' ' C i . i _ "Barrie. __May 11. 1903. To the` Chairman, and __Membei's"v `of the Barrie` 1 u_l_)lio` School, Board," Gentlemen,-Your `Committee con- sisting of the Chairmen of the Board. and of the Management `Committee appointed to enquire into (the "condi- tion of theschool maps now in use.. the rules` of `thefdifferent schools in reference to pupils leaving the room during "school sessions.` the matter of military? drill. and the'gar'nes indulge ed ' in during school hours in Mr. Airt11"s room, -beg to report as fol- lows:- '~ " ' ' `V \JqII`\I. KIKIIIIKCI UIIIIL \ InI|IIIvl l\JI . in the West Ward. The World.Can- a-da.` Ontario. Bimcoe. Europe.: Asia, Africi1'n"nd "South America. .. C`. u A A ,`Mo.ny` of the maps require repair ing, . In some cases merely. a piece,o cloth pasted on the 3back. would add years of seryioe. We would: also strongly' recommend the purchase of -an .Encyclo'_pedi'a for the South Ward.-. Pr obabl9 cqst. $30.00.` I ' , 11.11,! I _ 1----;_| .-av-cu-no-no vv-u-' ywvuvuu I 2. In the Centrarschool we learn thevrule is to allow pupils to leave the room . freely on ' request. when necessary; and they. are never `kept in at recess as a punishment forany offence. except when such offence is committed during-`the; recess itself. when; for the abuse of'the privilege. they are sometmes-deprived of, the same` for as time. V - . i can . 99 - an - . .. ncav - -- u---.- "In the West VlV;a.rdJ School the same rule appears, to. have. been followed until the present year. when, on ac- count of - the whole school `being dis- -turbed by_the tramp _:_).n_d absence of pupils. who it was thought were un- necessarily abusing the privilege; and at `the suggestion otzthe Inspec- tor the rule was changed and pupils leaving; during the session were de- priyed of their -next reoe_ss.,qr_ if they left duringrthe last session of, the day they were kept in for. ten _1nin`u_te_s `after four `o'clock, Mr. Easter. tells `us the rule has had a salutary effect on the order o='the school and no par- ent `has complained;.so...f,ar as he .know_s-theponly complaint coming; from one at the teachers who didvnot .1ik_e, -to` take her, .t\_1rj_nja._t 1remain'in'g :in_ ` ~charge;_on'ce .in;,twon,. Weeks. V .- r 1_ `LL- u-_-u_ -nr;-._.1 n'.1.. -1 l.i.~.`..` f)..:`...-I `nan sou: u-gnu. curve-v-a on-lQ\Oon II; the South Ward. 0nt:;;:1o d At.- rica. Probable cost of. the. whole about `$50.00or $56.00. V w1`."Th_at the following maps are res- q1`1'ir`ed~in the Central. one each or -'.l`:he I Wfrl-d. Canada and Ontario. `Cu . var - -new Q c In Vlluob av I valve can no 1 V .. In the South W541 ,'s';h3;1 the` _1rin- | cipal-allows the pupils jg his rooin_ `to "go opt w_ith%out_asking-only: one at a time-.-:anc1;,;1a14s,W';1`o!`;\. fouinf `any thou-" bfle- wha;t9v_:reonly~ _ _,_abou`t '_tl;,1-e__he_ a _,day oh._ag avergzgg. _ _ pight;i __say, .however.. h_e_ `, 119,3. the`, adm;1_taLgA "of a Tzooc1Av.i.e1.rt.f;.'thI1* ."??.1i9?+7 95rd 1'_ `LL- `Yin-on: clutuuvn 3000.; VIEW: 01],`, um _w uyw gcuu, ,. I11:the.lo;vVfe1_.'.1`fooq1 s petjmisgion xgitist -be a.kedIo.f the Mtaehera. N0 I.>m.`1t7' `F8.9i`8-:_ . T .. A. gs; gin . 1:9g9_.td ,.'o'xiti:'i~y`g1ri11* we %'V.-31 j :~:r 3 n at 1- ea. txgfacto A`t.'iii f\1`t;` pj-s`dE;"gbiiigodd j;1.g,. . :. ,.:--` ,3 ~ 7: *rfy?: 80390!-%,'i*i1RB _}!EETI1?&-. Ai)Y@tN5E'.. -.._ .v..:z;!-3 2.-:-..-t .;:aeu-n-rm ~-2 , r,_ _ ..-.u...... 5` as strictobedience and good order Eire notbeing secured. We wouldVre,- commend for the consideration of the Board'th'e attached scheme prepared by Mr. Hallett for the Central School. .`Central School. Barrie. May 5-03. My Dear Mr. Milne,-In response to your request. `I beg leave to-'pre- sent the--following" scheme re drill. as` the best I` can think of at present. andhfherefore recommend :- ` ' . IDIIJ vvsav; vvnavvn vv was 2-- 4." `That drill beheld on Friday at- ternoon. after recess: 5. ='1`hat teachers "(upper `sohool)l pntinue their. classes. i_.e.. all .p'u-A pills not 3'1gagedinf`dril1t--at the-usual 1 work till four o .cloek.~ * - , nnuvv-sn Int! -v.- vggv um... on voqv -v-r_, 7.` Thet the pupils of Class IV sr`., not` eiigaged `in jdrilli be `given. in bharge"'of the teacher of the Jun. IV Nclags till four o'clock that afternoon; an...-- rununial-r\lI - _'1`his will still- lave the question of :a`17'rai1ging"withh the male teachers as fo"lhe'working of the corps. 'but'I 'hai've _lett that for an -afterhoon`s`i-dera'- ` II` In I H V `I n'.._. Ill. loll!) |AlllJU1 57055905 Iv `Iv Ins`: vv u--n--5 p ` 3. If this corps be taken in connec- 1 otiou with school work, it should mo 1 undr the principa1 s`directio'n likp .a`n'y other school` work. - ._ - J .ll`L-L _I._!II 1..- |__I.;| __ 'ln..!.`I.._ -1 I V A6.`-That thedrill corps be dismiss-v ed earlier on Friday afternoon. and; the tar`g'e;A -bought by` the Board be` fittednp for the use of the corps r - II, .1. LI, _ , _ .'I_ _E I'll--- `IVY _._` ' 8. That any lady teacher (upstairs) 1 desiring to take her own class in club swinging Or` other exercise, be allow- tb use part.-of this drillvperiodvfor I that purpose. ' " * H` 1011 -1- ,, Au, _ 10 I 'h5%

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