DR. W. A. ROSS. PHYSICIAN. SUR- DR. ` J. A1i'rH'UR Ross." L. R.-7" 0715? C- L. L. .13.. BARRIE- -l1__.1- -3 '\-........ VV.`.'g;-J9`? U3`): -:Lp:Ia.I:.vLau.:n.a.a;uy vu-a....v - - -, _-. ' . . -_'-,.,,,|` . - - -P'1"c">`3tcr;--No{"'3.ry. Conveyancer. etc. Special attention in drawing and probatingvills, obtaining letters of "adminxstration and guardianship. :_-`B933 ;Blo_ck.1B_aijrie,_ Money to loan. _....._. ._,. "LENNoifco'WAN & BROWN. BAR- risters, Solicitors for obtaining pro- hate of wills. guardianship and ad- .,mi*nistvrution, and general Solicitors. Notaries, Conveyancers. etc. Of- - _ifie;s.7-H'nds :' Block. No. 6. "Dunlap " : collecting `accounts. etc. Offices, % 1 lg .-fHau'g1i_t`on Lennox. /street. arrie. Money to loan at '41-2 and 5 per -cent. Branch Of- fiaesi at: Creemore and. Alliston, `Alex. Cowan, ~G. ` V 1:: 1- 'RI3n'urn, `L: 1. R; ' - J. F. PALLING. GRADUATE OF Trinit Univcrsitit Torontos" Fel- `low 0 Trinity edical College. Member of the College of Physi- cian's_an`d Surgeons of Ontario. Of-' fioerand residence} 18. Owen `street-. -_UI,1,;-;;;_nAe_1;RIsTER. SOLIC1'l`0_B.' &. STEWART. BARRIS- an on an \~r,L__.,-_. `l'I..`_'I!'- H. '1`. ARNALE. TM.VD. c. M.. OFFIC .iu__;n-1- n_ ;DR} J. _c. SMITH. `L. c. P. s., 0N'I_`.. nfgccARiY, have `4?1- ~-- I1-..-A--nun f& MLTRCHI8ON:l {$1 Amtiom in Advano . n:Nouuum.wmboada.acocheSub-aipsba ' .L"I'ChU'i&lCllO money io_pa.id. ` ' ` ` ` ` sbucribaru now in urn}; for three month; and an fill he charted 8! .so out annum} ( ._---- -.--ca-.s1au.V\l JILLIJLJ \l\J1`l phany.-:. Carpentering. building. and -j junufaoturing of doors. sash. blinds mouldings.- eto.`- Planin . of all kinds done promptly an satisfac- torily.` Hot blast drying kiln. Dis ~-triot `agent: for `grained `lumber. vs`-3&9? Eaotory.~ T ayfie1d;.__ _st~re_.et._ Barrio.` Rodgelfs &. Gallic. successors to Geo. %fHEW80N & CRE8`VTh[1(}I{ E.VBLAR- n.`___..__..- 1351 to. _. -_.- ---v-1' -..-.tL vol-QA-I J. KILVIJIJ -L\J I loan on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers? notes " discounted. `i Galleo- tions made in any pert. of the` Coun- T`E.A:-Real .estate..bought and `sold. 0 veyancixgg in a1_l its bfanches. Marrna e Lncenses xssued. Offxce, Ross B ook, Dunlap street. Barrie. __. _ .,,..-..._....-... ;. `J1: u.I.\.IA.VJ:a .I. .l.\.I loan at 41-2Land 5 per cent. Easy terms of, ` re-payment. Lennox. Cowan 8:. Brown. Solicitors, Barris- l'_.'ers.:eto. . ,. .,__.v .. vgw .-.;.'v v .nJ-rL-LIJ-JJ.L`-l- UL` \l\l\J.IJV freeholdsec'urity at lowest rate of interest. [No princi val money re- uired until` end 0 the term. H. A . Strathy. Solicitor. etc.. Barrie. nun. A. .l..li1.l. L. J.u..IJ.,u.1`\..u.I.`.'. Ga D.. nu- inbo1:o._..L.F.P. & 5., Glasgow. Spec- ia-lh`-Sur Qry. Midwifery. Diseases of Skin: onsulting Sur eon. Offices day and ni ht, Lane B cck. Cor. of Dunlap an Mulcaster streets; Tel`- ephone, 124. (late bf Drs. Harvzie E r`x1i-tn. '6'ri"1'.' lia). Office andaresidencc. corner _ of Owen and Collier streets. `Barrie. . ..---v V.-..va.-V.` 4.-..-- 'c."1'1o u}s.' 11 to 1' {"3 to 3. Resi-I dence and Office, 160 Dunlap street. Telephone, 135. I 1. s. -- BROAD. M. 1).. c. M.. E; T. -n-- 1- ;-n -5 ac i E;oI'ro1iIAL News ',l.'.h`-ere have been quite 0. number o_ guesses hazarded during. the last- Ianonthy as to -whether the job of re- ,_-jpluiing thesod on the Government Jot east of the Post-office or the ex- goavatzing of the Queen's Hotel sewer across Dunlop street, would be fin- Ilhod 1'.-irst. The hotel` people won rout. but it they had been racing against other competitors then Grit Government offieials._ their chances " -would haverbeen slim. The town au- thorities should make such provision. `as will .prevent an important `thoroughfare. such as Dunlap. street, being blocked" in this manner in the ltnture. `If the street has to be torn IIICLSCIIUJ .l.'l.U3}_J1Li1.lo LUIUIILU. \.lL""| fice and night residence. upstairs in McCarthy Block. 21 Dunlop St., Barrie. second door east of Dougall Bros. furniture warerooms, near Five Points. -Phone.. 105. v`.-.-amp. 'M-.'C..-'13. c. P.':. 3. . f{te-Iasi_ .Ph sician and Surgeon of Toron- to (metal Hospital. with special at- tention to Diseases of vWomen, and Nose and Throat Work, also for some time surgeon `in charge of Eme`rgency_ Hospital. Toronto. Of- finn and nu`:-}\l' 1-ncirlnnnn 11-ncfniv-n`! Vgeon. etc.. L. `R. .C. 8.. Edin.. L. R. C. P., London. Offices and ni ht residence, .j Brown ; Block". Dun op street. Barrie. Telephone. 77.. &. 8.. Edinburg: M. F..P.- & S.. Glasgow.-memberof the British Op- thalmologioal Society. Specialty.-- Diseases of the. Eye. Ear, Throat and Nose. Office, 78 Dunlop street, Saunders" Block. Barrie, opposite Post-Office, and Railw'av Station. Phone., 54; P. O.` Box,'96. 3.. 4. RADENHURST. BARRISTER. r1L-_.-....... r .in.B`:)`t.1;;v:"e`l`l":s. io3.%'A;'.'m;1;.'6; A the` premises `at night. -.__v1.-_._ I':I&"g-KfIap1f..`AJ~",,-'-*-"~4-,1 an -n . .-u -- I =_.ter.: Sihitor; etc. Bank of Toron- _;__go'-;_Bui_1di ng, Barrie. Money to loan. an IV 4111:; , uv u.n.;a n ..`,__. _______-_.. " tersj; Solicifprs,` Notaries . Public. and Conveyancers. Money to loan in any esu Vat 51per cent. Office. 13 Owen Barrie. H. D.-Stew-V risters. Solicitors of" _the ,SI'Ipx*-ome Court of Judicature Ontario. Proctors. Notaries, Conveyancers. etc. Money to Aloang Ojfices. R Block. Ba1irie.;,. 0; E. He}vson,'A. E.- H. Creswicke. . `T .2` V V The` local Board of Works has a klificult proposition on its hands -when it undertakes to draft a report `recommending a division" amongst the -different wards. of the money "raised for the oonstructi-on of grano- lithio pavements. Just what basis the division will be made upon has not as yet been divulged. but that some of. the Aldermen have asoheme maturing is apparent. Chairman Pow-' ell. himself, is not in favor of mak- ing a division of the money among the wards but i_ne1ines to the idea" -that granolithio pavements should bn1y',be `put down when they are needed to replace board walks which are worn out and that the money ,should be expended regardless of :ward boundaries. _If_ the first walks had been laid on the frontage system 9, good deal of trouble would have been avoided. However, therevis `no use crying over spilt milk in regard {to this mistake, although it was in- `deed a greviousone. In the means time. a little delay. while some plan is being formulated for the expend-_-V ing of the money. will do no harm as the price of cement has, almost reached a prohibitive. figure. .-.naugn,wn ucnxuux. An _;E. J.` 1r9`wn. L . L.` B.` `u\JlI|uI-J11 .l)\JLI9~\II &I.Lu'Lv\aa..---av-.. I 1 ;*Barrist`ers. 8o1'citors. Conveyan- lcers. etc. Successors to McCarthy. },Peplerf &` .McCarthv. V Offices Mc- _.Ca.rth .Bloek. Dunlpg St., Barrie. J. A. c/Garthy. W .B.3'.3- _D: C . ` Ii IInI|:l'|fI -Co 30 HLIJVGJ ; Murchison. I : u I3l`IlJ.E_lJ.VI1l)L|vDl.g Ll:lLIuLcL-a.Aaa.v. '. At"tor`ney. Solicitor in Chancery; gconveyancer, etc. Office. `first dop_r,;;-Qwpnh street, over Bank of ,G.omm9.xt.c..e. Barrie. _` ` ' D_R. R. P. VIVIAN, uaun UL] A ` .l.U1'U{lL0_ Dulllng. e, will bepromptly attended MAKUFAETURERSL MONEY T6 LOAN. AI! _egu_RvEioRs. ` Simcoe County has earned the name of being very enterprising along the `lines of progressive legislation and ldoubtlesethc wide-tire question will be grappled with by __the Commission- ers in the near future. As` it would the a hardship on the farmers to en- act a by-law, which would go into immediate effect. on account of the expense which would be entailed in equipping their vehicles with new V tires at short _ notice, an effective manner of dealing with the matter is` to pass a by-law, which would not,` so into effect for a certain length of the "contemplated change. the owners of wagons. when purchasing new gear. select the wide tires. knowing lthat within `a certain .time. _the nar- row tire will have tobe relegated to` V and France every ,wagon' is" a road- maker. The. tires are from six to. time. and having thusbeingapprised the scrap-iron heap. In_ Germany I twelve` inches wide. according toithe Viioadi cavrried, the {rear axle` fr'eque_n't- V 1! `longer by several inches`; than ftlie ` Irontu. 7-to inr68$G~ the area`. p:1 :_es_,Ved;n iby `the wheels. `and rats` are j>racti= }..bully- ,unknown. It 'l.f:he Go3ei`n(ineiiii`i `in if :`i3h_;.;.`_5_`1_N3_1` {OE ".'.."."r.e ?U.".`'..1 c `~"9v` `A ? `W x `EINANCIAL. PHYSICIANS. :LEGAL CHEARCOAL .-e-.[AND W00 A-'-`r-Iv! so a.4uuu-1-IDIII I DOITOW 3 oonar uuul v` " mi-`3 hcrmnlbearhtes and charges lowest. Mortgages, Wills. etc., pr: red on shortest m + . YB8I'$ doing businenin imcoc. Farm" `SE9 lv Invited to` call and see us. Glad to see you. ~ for consultation or advice. . . ,3 '~ 0 FICE--0D its Barrie Hotel. Barr`?-. ,. Peter Street, `H ALLANBALE Lms ` FOR SALE. Has. a well earned reputatiomfor the BES1` in all lines. A thorough and up-to-date equipment, an elcient start. 3 Everything taught is taught; the BEST I way. ; The `foundation we give will : make for each student a sure start on g the right road. Yqu ll approve of the 0 way we show you and understand the 0 advantages of our instructions. We'll help you to win in the days of prr grrsf. Wherever an Oice Employee is nt-e-`ml our students will give the best satisfac- tio1_1.- Our attendance has already in- creased 30% over` last year. May W I send you our handsome illustrated 36 0 page circular FREE for asking. I! is : very` convincing that we are the BE.T- a "'4.u I.in. For New Man-ketV.. Toljonto. 3-'.:;n`treVa l and points I-Jan. V 9' 7.55 mm. For New Market. Aurora. T;roIito. "_ na 1. 3 In. For New Market. Toronto. .1 5.0: pm. For New Market, Toronto, Montreal and East. - ' V . W 1 C X3HTI.L.1JJ7 `Bell Estate" `and Insurance A'.$"'| 6? yiiur property on our list; costs 110117353` ?'..:.: .M.``M.,..:':`,f .2.".`:*m':.e.: 3'=:Li:3.F 4 M* ' % THE EXCELSIOR 3 g Business _ college A'113wti1e 8un.Loa.n and savings Company of Ontario. Private fudn to loan on "first mortgags.Ac counts colleceed. &c. 0054:: over Henderson; Hardware Store, Barrie nt. ` SCROGGIE & SMITH. 3 AJDLJUGDLLLKU UL `.ILlK1bLlU- DCCU Ity, $15,000,000. The Waterloo Mutual, of Waterloo, 01:: Tothl assets, $334,083. The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. On: Total assets, $303,078. Also L1ovd s Plate Gloss Insurance Com- pany, Of New Ydrk. Cash capital, 32;. ooo. ' condenqed advertisements on first page Ne"; aswnntn of all kinds, lost and found. pr;-my for sale or to rent, snecic articles, et6.. etc, must be` accompanied with the cash, and Wiii beins'rted-nrst insertion 2 cents per word, veach iubeeqnent insertion 1 cent per word (namea,- addresses and gures counted as words`); but 9. reduction.of one cent per wcr-i willvbe made .when the number of insertion. of the same matter exceed four. Rnnnsnnr `nu: Fouowma Fm: Isscmc Commnuzs: V The Mercantile. now ailiated with The Lon don 8: Lancashire of England. Scar itv. S1:.nm).ooo- for advertisement: must In even case be mounted on solid metal ham. " 8'0I_n. but by oraenng nu... y'. KRK;lERA%& Monnzfl njaizkxn - . ;:;:'mm+HEn~ ADVAMJ urnVL.:,.;mas;an of ${ou;r.x g,' su11iva;n.~ I vhpn `jntzheuwitnessahbx at;-`the in-`S7 'g:6ti?9n?1~bt%TthcL Scaoecls &. SMITH Tnl_ADVANcE is proven to `jthelaraest circulation of any 1 County Town. '-Advitinetxnents are charged I apace-l8 limes agate nzeasuwm JCCIO A: uuuv use ncuiuuou, uv1uyUBlll0I) mtg wlllbecharged. Advertisers will hot be allowed to use 15,; space for advextisxng anything outside mg; .o;wn regular `business. Should they do, late: will be charged for sucbgd. 'vnrh' .hnOQ'Ifl `V rnxrisirinr Anvnn71_s1xa ` Legal Notices,'A'uction Sales \m V >3" 4".` : n U (ate;-,4;-Ifnrgt _.v,.11_1_perI:.1_ 10 cent,s pe, ]i5::"I9 3-subsequent. lnsemona gems I)ex- line 9 M ' Rmudinn nntim-R. H) (`Auto m... 1;- ' . A_.u"`auv_,. ,,..,:... nun-u vcula pr! line. I` a Reading notwe. 10 Cfints Del` line for gm `jniortion ; -5 cents per lxne for each snbseqm .in,~,;-on` of the safne matter. 31] mm, de'r 5 lines, of this character, gharggd M nes. Obituary Poetry 5c. per hue. Q 'Preferred positions for l@ `Vments inthe paper will besold at an .`3','I; bi one-third -on above rates, on no oxlm 3, _count.~will*sp'ecia1 positions be given_ `\" rie will be strictly carried out. ; _ CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind M notice of intention to change BdV8l1i5(gmmu bohlnded into the oice not late: 33,, }Sa.ti1'xday at 10 o'clock, and the copy for M change muetbe in Tn: Anvmcx oto. m later tlinn5l2 o'clock noon on Mondav in 3, week, Otherwise the advertiser s an uouhmi mnypot he made public until the week 10;, lowing." ' I0 nkanunn ll `:11-turf:-nvnone-n ..11.\_ \ |W'i`2u':.lIangei of Advertuements allowed 1,, `year. It more are required com ositio will 1.. .-Jm..a_ ' P n m [""".' `fflvllllll J-'-Ihllllll IUIV 5511 Aug. 1- ' 0 *Vry`oonvincing . . A I APP`? zit i ' > I I { : 3.3. 1 smc. RAE .;.__{\P_._, but by ordering 5'09` 1}`-_f-....'.'_.+ A _ _ _..:- msunnncz AGENTS couvzwmcr-:ns, ac. F-'.:_T-I}E ADVANCE OFFICE. . 1'), _-ID "BARRlE_ boiI nmsm>' Anvnrxsnmnxrs. BARTRIE I-7-OF-_ _u__p -again" by ,excavatorS. `:1. time limit phould bexset by __tho Council before the necessary permission is given to the parties interested. APRIL 36 V and Street. . . .5 I! too: Street ..... .. il . .._...- H a u n o o -- I oooooooouoo ..L| | ONT. 1903. Buiio. Talus leau -Bufric not ind an-in from Ildannontionell pitch: as follows: * -- _. _ In _____ __| "Diff? Iiuuu I-3-nu: ru -u-ru----_r._. 8 Page _4f8 column 1-usuaaga from u.. Oieo. `Barrie in tho County of - _x_.-,- -1 11-.-..- (`nu-a4I qA"nmnaIu ' BA-RR_| _E.ZRA|LWAY GUIDE ` plh rut rl-musuug, vvu--.--..-'._,_-` hf Dailv except Sunday. * Daily. IIT U1 XIV tiuiuvy :- rings M at Omario`. .. For Orillia, North Ba? and point: Wat . E... _ ' ~..-`1'__ubu|.9v Sungcurnou. . For Orillia. Nor! Bay and . For Gravenlumt. Sonia.` Junctnon and Parry Sound; M. ` WWI; I , J`. M ` .Tot;onto. Montreal w-vcuv-\nnvunq \I\lV IJL lnlll-l\3lI|o-I ' ` "Insist on having all the rooms in. every oreamery. thoroughly lime- washed. every spring, and also to_ im- _prove the railway .tran_sitv by lower`- '~ing thetemperature on thecars to the: seaport. especially. _those e -from Westernv.Ontario. The butter should, {be three days; in eold--storage at the` . port at .-,shipment:before.being put on the `vessel. The shipping eompanies ;should_ -rejeoty; all`; buttery above :40_ deggu F-_a.'hr`.. .-when :'p1feeehtecl- tprg. Ship-" znent. yangl .;sh_ip a: ehainjbera Whih if isrl-nariisidf `Shoii1d)*?in9vr4*1=!E~1 M9?! iedes E3i.hr"':,"`Th5: -- v v--w 1---J oooo III ` Of a course the foundation for `these high prices lies in the generosity of the .British consumer during th_e past season. It is stated that they have not for twenty years been so h'igh in London and Liverpool as has been the case during the last few weeks. For this state of. things vari- ous explanations are given.` Some say` _the production of cheese in Eng-_ land is diminishing year by year; and this probably is true to some ex- tent, at any rate in proportion with ;the growth of population. though it can hardly account for such an ac- centuated scarcity as has existed lately- The field for good new cheese is now open in the Old Country, though -what the prospects are for a highly profitable" seasonpis a ques- tion never easy to answer. .Pastures ...over there are. we believe. in a good. even and advanced state. '_but this, while satisfactory so far as it goes. may prove a doubtful benefit in the end. Recent reports state that cold dry winds would not come " amiss at the present time in order to check the exuberant V growth`: of grass, which in` the event of sudden frost. would be materially injured. One thing which helped prices last season in Great Britain for Canadian cheese was the scarcity of importations from Australia, and this condition is hardly likely to be repeated- to such an extent in the future. - --........rv- vsnvsvsl ua.:.c_u5uLL_xcJ.L|.a- V The latter remark may ,well_ be made concerning butter. In the past Canadian butter has depreciated in quality in the transit to Great Brit-' ain much more than has been "the ease with that of `Australia and New Zealand; whereas, _owing tothe much shorter_ time required -~ for . it to pass from the churns or factory | to` the-consumer it should noitvdepreee ._ liate `so ` much. "A :pr`bminenjt British I colonial -importing -firm advise.sL the Canadian Governn_1ent.':a _ 2 if _ ll'I'..__L , , Another point which has to be tak- en into consideration is that `prices for cheese in England are so high` that retailers have no inducement to push its sale. and this in time would naturally bring about-an eas-T ier tendency. , However, none of these causes.` not even all of them combined. are likely to beisufficient to prevent a fair trade in Canadian cheese 'being' carried on,'so' that it. may not be amiss to` point out that eternal vigilance is the, `price of suc- cossg-eternal,` _vigilance in the tim- ,proving_ of fquality, V` packing and transportation arrangements. 0 fl... 1-1.1.-.. ..-_- _-,I : ` V, ;-.316-'15? C - V` ,,M.<' Ar _ .` H Ii tame w ~5."`..<`= .-7;`3. `. _" _'.. `-_-'.=` K h`i;n._t1;e L: . ral _i - .saiI_'ed -sbyi`oha-rg eisp ofifthe i~Aemagz.;e.;ae;*:; or 'those whie_hMri`,T}ani`ey:`Ttisf `br`ingli):g_ - asainsts or in `equally `- serious nature are about.` to be made in "r egar_dl _to:t;l1_e_ manner "in" .whi9h"_i.,t`.`A"r- '1~`i`?9,9! ii1:9rth.~*>-i Wjejre W01! this tixnheral-imnit d"e*a-1*i.i` 1iabI&tb= lid overshadowed` and `considered as a minor offence, but` while -the tran- saction` is `relegated to the back- ground for the[,.p're sent. thereeis no ground for the present; there, is `no danger or it being forgotten and in. the proper time and.p1aoe.'the Party of Purity will be given an opportun- pity .02 explaining how it is that a healer is allowedto feather his nest. at the oountry s expense in`so bare- tacod a fashion. p`When Ontario can be robbed of its wealth for the benc- fit of suohas Cap. Sul1ivan..a.~pretty fair idea can beformed of "where the money comes from. A ll ' GOOD PRODUC T6 AND GOOD PRIU -"-fAnv"1ue~ "`ro_p an-i*rnn]1=a.ont'Jomns The chief feetvurev of the iairy'mar- ket at the present time. is the, re- markable strength in the price of oheese,,_13o. and-131`-2c. being real-p ized et. Brockvillp. and 140. for large and .141-2c. for .twins, being_ quite usual quotations in the Toronto and Montreal markets.` The latter part. so'_f*ar asnold cheese intended for ex-V port is concerned. has been p`ract4i- oully oleareci out of the article since` the "beginning of April--nearly a month `ahead of time. There will likely be zrfew dribbling lots` ship- ped out during the next few. weeks. bnt.for..a1l praetincal purposes the shipments for season 1902-3- may be said to have ' amounted to 2.432300 000 at the very _least. boxes as compared with 2235.560 boxes for the previous season, an- increase thus being shown of over 197,000 boxes. The value" of this ex.- pbrtation must `have been $21,000- LL- n__ _1e_, A no omsn mu Bnmn. A waist of the color of the gown or of white is'the' rule for: this sea- M _son, but even when limited to`theso~ twocolpors it is astonishing how many different designs one can find. In white, there is, ofcourse. always a variety of material to choose from . and there is no fixed rule as to which style is the best. The soft silks with d.u'llV finish are for the moment the most popular, and plain instead of fancy` effects are the smartest. White lace waists and whiteiiohiffon are as fashionable as ever. while_ embroid- ered libe,rty'sa_tin'_and crepe de chene `bodi'ces are made in charming A de- signs.` The more elaborate separate waists. are, without exception. made over a fitted lining. and a -bonedone at th'at,_but the material of the front is so arranged that it` is only caught into the side seams or one dart, so that thefjgraeeful and becoming ef- rector asoft front is not spoiled._ fish}; ' fol. It is not anticipated by the` of_- ficials of the Ontario Fisherie"s_l!)e- partment that `thero will be any changes 1 in 1t:he_ closed seasons this nyear; `,1`he Areguliations. so far as, the` seasons. are; "oonoernd. are` a, matter which,-rests with the Dominion Gov- ernment.` and as,`thoAre* has hoenL no _intimoti9n,... thatn` a,ohangeA will he maadq in any. ot,.,t_;hga `dates, `xirotecting sawing ; will o 1i1tL00d zhisnN9i% .ni!!`t1irn:rar9:~BaS- and 4 15% his A;2'1"i1;fq`_:1 3t:1;1"T_`.igTs\'1 !1.e ; 9.` The 1903 model for summer_ shirt waists is arranged to give the full- ness "where it is desirable to the fig-` ure. This allows six small tucks on each shoulder pointing away from the middle. The tuck nearest the throat measures eight inches, long. the oth- ers are a little shorter. as the should- - er seam descends. toward the -arm size. The tucks are released from their folds below, and this fulness continues all theway _down the blous- ed front. Instead of a single pouch to the lower part of the blouse, the fullness , is .draped in twelve folds here. corresponding tb the six tucks above. `The folds areeinverted half a dozen oneach side ofithe box pleat. " _ -The shirt has a plain French back with only 'a littlemfullneess. and this` is at the waist. ` The maker has pro-,' vided tailor;-made shirt -Vsleevesiwhich square strap cuff. which fastens with link sleeve buttons. ~ : g ` ` V . A The lady With an aquiline profile or the straight-line Grecian contour of; face looks remarkably well in one of` the new-boat-shaped turbans. a late variant of the English walking hat. 'T.'he_ boats ere, all made of straw braids, "and so, _-are light on the head. Their seagoing worthiness has not yet been put to the proof. as it is too early _ to yacht, exeept in. southern waters. But June will see plenty of these boats in Newport harbor. and in July and August these light- draught? craft will be plentiful along ashore at Marblehead, Portsmouth and Bar Harbor. T Iwvnavnnvsunau As `regards butter in the Canadian iarkets. ' prices are" fairly high. though not exceptionally so. `Some `people forcast a considerable tight- ening" in values .while others. equally sure `in _tone. are talking of an eas- ing off, the fact being probably that short viewsare the onlyxones `in ore der. and that with` theseadealers are not in a position to see other than merely ordinary` fluctuations ahead. .-Monetary Times. used. and .ithef,.hex wake}! iifside} as at present. " `The ivegetable `parchment ' should be ge,n`u'me,A not ` ijnitation stut 1' as the `1ar'e`.'bu1k-rot 'it- was last sea"-L son, In Ne'w "Zealand -experience is showing thatunot only the best parchment__should.be used. but it is an improvement 'to'a1"1secit double.` In the matter of moisture. the driest butters keep best. and bring the highest "prices." In,color'. -taste is growing `in favor of paler butter. "Preservatives are necessary for but-` ter ' which is exported. `-but care should be taken 'to use _only thoe preservatives which have boracic and borax for `their base. British law al- lows the use of a half p'er`cent. of boracic acid, which quantity "is -per- tectly inocuous to the health of the most delicate.pers'on."if it is not even beneficial." - u u i. e 1` II ,,15_-_ Fo`i' uuudr! MW msnmn Ems. `When You May F:1sh.. LTHE mm: 2; mus ADV gm Subscribe for T HE ADVANCE." A Dominjon `Square Piano. `nearly ew, and Ray- mond Sewmg Machine, nearly new. Apply at THE ADVANCE OFFICE. V ' no-9` OIIG DBWIIIK NIECDIHC I KDVANCE OFFICE. . Highest cash price for Endowment Insutance Policies, in reliable Companies or money loaned thereon- Annlv mun AND sewma mums: ENDOWMENT INSURANCE POLICIES nomsr AND snnnsmm. Telephone :5. 'p-St.. Barrio. v-v--vy-.--v 7 --u-v- -vvv-vv A Izxhdsomeii illustrated weekly. mmeet oar- culation of anyeolentmc ournal. Terms. 83 a :1 th 1. Sodh 1 1 |r|n|u':'n":'L".i... W . "'n5 3`.';"." :"._`_'Ef cur FLOWERS-Rosa. cmauong, Violets, etc, has every day, Bouquets-Button-. hole.-Ha` or Corsage. Pfmeral Tokens in an dc ' , ' VEGE ABES-Col , Crilp and Tender; Lottuce.\.Cabbage. annips,`Beets. Carrots; N3. - saxns'-mosm- sew. Vegetable seedn, Plants * - and Bulbs. ' WM. TAYLOR "Tana: Mann: . Dzsnous , , COPYRIGHTS ac. Anyone sending s sketch snd desor! tlon` may quickly ascertain our opinion free w other an Invention ls probably lpatentable. Communica- tlons strict] condent sl. Hundbookon Patents sent free. ldest a ency for securing stems. Patents taken-it rough Mann 5 receive " 2'.7.f`i'.`;'."4`'"1`:-E`-`.`f :o.L`..". . - - - uuluuuu ux uuynulunt Terms. 86 War: four months. $Lmo<)lul;;'I:ii newsdoalera. U35 & co.8'=mv-`ew jgrk B ` Omce. 625 F` 813.. Wash ton. time. I use {tom twelve to ::e'en bottles a week and nd Jun an L n! rgxned for 8 vino. lwoonoyllnun and 311 an and vol 3. I have two undred haad of honesin mv cue- . w . SEED s'ror-as . . 1; Dominion Square nearly new, Ray nond Sewinr Machine. nmrlv new. Annlv at THE for Spavinl Curbs and salt forms of lameness. 'l_`he use of a sin lc bqttle maydoublc the aellmg priceofyouriaone` . " ' ' Goon togjmvmnrmxxq. B1iibana.7s Bplitfw... As a Ilnllnenls tor umuy uu ll? lulu your dmgglst for Kendall? 8`avlI`x(1 %`;:, 3:5 ldrzlgeutlao on the Horny, e book tree. or " A 11' ddfell . on. 3.1. xanonu. co., euosauno l-'Al.l. 8, VI. Thousands of Men report uall good or_su- pertor results from in me 00 l 3 3.1! (01-35- As llnlment for family use It has no equnl. Ask vnur dnnmlslz for Kendall : snsvln (mu. Ilso un. n. J. Ill-avails:-um vvep Dear Slrs :-`- ~- Gastoe. N.M_.. June .38. 3909'. I have been using yoga! Kgndzqrs Spawn cure to: some {tom twelve bottles a week and nd J: an excellent remedv for annvxnn. lweonerillnnn and menu and awuungl. 1 nave uvo uunarea hclad 0fh0l Sc_$_il|u?`yp_Il 0...= . rnw I I'". `enclose a s or r ' ' and hlsnlscases." you on "5. Yours yery truly. ` H. w. um_m." " inn. 3. `J. -j1:r:nALx."< ;o..' Pi--- (I-4: .-`_ . ` ' ail: 4; p`.m. g .34 p.m. For Oriilia. . . u.'u pm. For eneumg. Collingwood. Mcafotd. `go pm. For tayni.-r_ and Collingwood. . foo pgm. For Peneung, Co|lia wooAd,`Mcaford. I.L n_n.. -...u_o 'u&n:Inu_ Dgi]v_ The oIdjRe_|i51siRtfgng_dy` PC0141 11405506. Wlbllollt BRIIPSO. 111 `I110 Scientic % Hmcrican; I `navy:-Innnnnlc Illuunt-I-An` 1nALI- I _'__ ._A 4.- :3, In rcum :1. Apply x 1-lv GO 'ro _ rm: NEW -FOF_t__S_}_ALE amn- O. H. LYON box 101 Barrie ljloinjfrggnnv A%:`gvANf: ,`_T`\ -0llA3';KENN4ED.Y -& C09. ABCHI-. A't_a:'At";"` `_B6thwll's B_a rri"e. .'1`HEBALLTPLANI1T*IG MILL comf naiuui .. l"..._....rL-_!_A -- $70,000 Eon I_1_~;vEsTMEN'r ON GOOD, - ..-_'I. _-[.1 _`_ -,, ANY QUA1.T1TY_-`OF.-`MONEY To 1...... -1. 11 n -.-1 UNWIN. MURP'HY7&,,V1:3STEN. ON- terio=Lande Surveyors. Engineers. etc. Established. 1852. Office, Medi- ', oal Building.`S. E. corner Richmond and Bay streets. Toronto. Tyle- \ . hone. Main. 1336. _-Instructnons ett_ with` Strathy &` Esten. Solici- tors. Bank "of Toronto Building. .l Patric. will -o.T"H.LYoN. PRIVATE FUNDS T0 `DR. R. `P. VIVIAN. _HOMOEOPATH- DRS,` HART & HART; FRED. J. Hart. M. D.', M. R. C.- S.. Eng.. L. R. C.` P., London. Specialty;-Dis cases of the Chest. Stomach and Nerves; Qonsulting Physician. - Vic- tor A. Hart. M.D.,1`;.R.C.P;, & S.. Ed- hnlxnrn T.'li"D R. 5 fling.-.'...p Q..u.'.. 1S!E`RfA1T.H_Y. '8; -ESTEN, BAQBRISTERB;-1 Solicitors in High Coinryt df Jus-1 tice. Notaries Public. Convevancers. Offices over the Bank o,_,Toronto, 5 "`Bu`rri`e.4Money in sums at $2.000 33-and -mupwards. to lqan at 5 per cent. H. H. Strathy. K. 0.. G. H. E-sten. ' VIIIVV 3 '1:;undo.y Morniufg, by . -cu:-navy vs-.--w--. -.__, f fA%uuI:L WESLEY. PROPRIITOR