3:`iL .?:;:i::::::::`.i'.'.':*s::: 5*`: `C`...I`......"..... 8`. Tallowperlb....................... .. H0 Hail`pOI`1b.......`..*......... ` 00;.` Law kin8I!1dP-`tO,fl_'BIh.--..o...- 60:- `W - Pick:_l00IOll_CllIlIiO)OI `anon on` . s o o IOOIIIIICOI IlJOI.Il` 8%.: Toronto Farmers Markets wnean. goons '. .'.`1`.`.5::::::::: `What, I'0dW. I :3 i ate Whct, Wj|itG...n.'.- `IOOIl|I4OlIl|'|[ whBIt;OOIO-nan-u 0000.-go` Snrhnni . . . . . ... . . . . . _ _ . _ _ _;_____ nogoccviucontinua--uroccuonmo |a?:n;,'.m._5a...... 1' BIOBI, pBl'_Dl[.-..-...`.uu.u. -I ofuoao c ' -0519 to I Iv Iltt`0;i'g~.9...-us ...;......,....., iIt'la'|`o' _O"o_ -. :` no I ft`) ion_ | GEORGE%V*ICKER_S%_.` Importer 1:: - -.-1-?` consnrs - Toe Inga 18 mil `f at W0 :1 `Gunmen in hllud-`I119 French De:-ignc. )Tbere e n brink se long in these goods going on on the tears. Tue new apri.`-g c-Ju. vq nires three yards to make i_a.1d the s f clung ' iug dtapeneu make up very e'.ar:t-_vel. Care has been exercised to choose the dai. ti- s pa t -v= c which ago conned A 0, his 'a_tore 4 selling. -Ench end all will appeal to you an magnici nt. 25 40 A45 and 50 cents per yatd. ______ V - are afriving. Fashion points to small designs `cf Black and Colors on white grounds, The makes we show aireperfection in e, prices are moderate and the avsortmentxis v.._ried_ 50c,, 75C_, 1 $1 00, and $1 25. ` COLLAR AND TIESS All that man dsires in Dollars and Neckties in a `complete range). For: [and Overcoat: L - % ` ` IOUIIII IUITUW U! W||n|Ul|lJ|UD\l' U Il.I..IIIvoa ....` the decease on the 3rd inet., of William A. H. Leeson, eldest son of Mr. Francis] Leeson. at the early age of 27 years five '. month's and two days; He had been'con- | ned to the house only ten days before his death but he had been complaining more or lessof being unwell for a couple of months previous. The immediate cause (of death was heart failure. He leaves behind to mourn his loss a young life. an infant son, a father and a brother besides a `large. circle, `of triends and: acquaintances who deeply mourn. his early departure. The body was placed in a beautiful casket. Three beautiful wreaths were placed thereon, one by his "bereaved wife, one by St`. Lulxe s_S. S `and the other by L. 0. L No. 9, of which latter `society he was the trusted treasurer.` `On Thursday last all that was mortal of him was laid to rest in St. John's cemetery. Oookstown, borne by six ' of his brother Orangemen, Thor. Robin`- -- D---....I -'I _....' T... If-nhnn-V Jnhn Fancy :Colla1;s and Fancy Ties Trim M ARKl'n:'rs_.L Nut 3 Cars` 1: inythovtrade that has created such I demand as Crompto-. s Favorite Styles. It s diiult to keep up siz-syin the medium piced The IARenie, Cadet, French` Girdle,Evect. No. 343. No. 409. No. 606 are selling freely, but clan at-out-at of them are i-\ style 209, long waist r n French y Model, Military 1?` out, long overhips -I aellur from the start. Undoubtedly the best )0u have ever _seen. Weaask` you to see at-Price, $15.00.` V T ` / . A All Fur'Coe_t_s and Fur "Caps are marked: at substantial reductiens to claw, also afgw ovel-coats that muet cleared out even at a. sacrice. ` 7 Are sellixig rapicily. we atbeiided the Liquidation sale of Messrs, McFa.rland_, Gray I &_Southg'9,te, Toronto, and._securede a _la.rge"shi_pmen`t at 3 low cut price. They are yours on the ssnje terms. A CALL SOLICITED.. . T ` . `. TORONTO. FIB. ` :7. I903 Q __I AA - New Neck Ribbons THE MEN'S STORE % . % direct from the Swiss manufacturers l2., I5c;, 206.. 1254-... 35c., 45c. Seldom hu {mi death of any one in` our neighborhood eeuaed I0 much pro-_ foun sorrow or wideapreed sympathy u A`,_ 4------ .... n...Q..A in-I n0` Wnlllnnun t`.-;-- I O0...- 300.... -r-:4 V ~ ~ Airange of Beau_t;iful_ `Neckwearisk here for your inspection, .atid 1 na..n'y'i1ew_ arrivals are expected here today. The latest 0! "Fashions F ancies are represented and many remarks of ap prov. -al of our co llect.ibn% are heard on&all-rsides. Every day s selling 5*':: "'?I._ Bo _ 5} o 25 75 ' To carry Winter Footwear` over from one season `to enother isn't to our Jliking and the proof of it is the re- duction in the prices. - ltithie instance.` the loss is ours , even the actual cost hasn't been `spared and with qixan, ' tities 1imited.buyers who appreciate quality and money- aaving ought not delay in taking advantage of these oerings positively the bestof the season. to suit the most fastidious taste may be found st our store. Selected blends at 25c. , 350., 400. sud 500. 3 pound. Nothing ner crown. Wu-rented as to urity and quality ,We make s specialty o pure, high` grade teas end ooea. Our prices, you know. are slwsys low And our customers are assured of promp attention and satisfactory trss_t_ms nt. " ` , Order $1 tc., to be gond by L. Tebo.`Auctioneer and valuatof may 50-bftllit EADVA:CE aE`FIg.l Fliers ten-:5 ,_ ` _;;_oa4 at mung IHOBLEY BROS. Beautiful Neckwear WT and Goffge Mrchants man mu rmmr H _|'-fAR l4V|_ _sjrociI.&~sAu:s%. Ladies Belts... \'rar_iety-1-aw being duplipated 'I`hey [medium priced goods rangmg up to the 0` [III DIOVLIUF Llfllglllll I.IIU~ l.Ir\' a son, Samuel `Lee, Wm. `Macbeth John H7 McGlean, Silas Gave and Jane. E.` 6 Holt, and was followed by a very large I funeral cortege. which bore ample testi-A lnony to the respect in which he was held 1 by all who knew him. Rev. E. L. Herve g assisted by Rev. A. G. Watt, of Bond Head ofoiated at the funeral rites` A short but limnressive service was held in the church at -which his pastor took as 1 the text to base his remarks on And he that reapeth received wages and gather- - yeth fruit unto life eternal thathethat ioiweth and he that reapeth may rejoice . -together."-l-John IV: 36. At the close ' of the discourse, he very approbriately enlogized his many sterlin characteristics 2 vahllein life. At theend oft eohuroh burial `.`servlce,the Oran e brethren a of L0`.L 2 ' V209, assisted by rethren of neighboring- to their eparted brother. by__their b_eauti~'. -. ill; and .I.01mh burial service. , Hegyillt _ aha; `mhch missed by all`s'rho knemhlm; "m'e`v`va_s:r. identied with all .1 good i lodges, std their last tribute of respect ,.ob9i9!;4 ` ms a prosperous .farn;ueri" eh: for (aid lrelmb1..F096Wear is required 8 ` _ - e. wintvr aui the pnng 311110 "when the snow is woino `=.'3y- ` . - L " B. MYERS :_le_a thQr `soles, sizes and half Pbaled Laced LBoot`s,-`with the caps, extension 80.168, walking. heels, ~ solid A ~ IUGKIIUF BUIUU, U113 uuu uuu -'3iZ93n;`o frtvb-ooo"o'u u on 3 o 0 s - '$1 'l'._l;`h_Lsas,m`o_;~st vli_e`ix1 Box Calf, only 1 5 Boys solid grain Leather Boots, nailed op pegged bottbms, f `/Solid leather, inner and outer i ` Isles, 31.25, yen worth .;. . . .. v'Young'_ Ladies aims made of A` , gp1en_iid box leather from 5. ` -V-Douestic 5` :7 -3,` ' `L , , ORY.A .._.% -..`!' I iapecial Shoeg for Boys 'a4nd_G.i`rls` ': : : : These half dozen truly good bargains will give you an idea of the monev-saving `on all Winter Footwear, We can't duplicabe. a singlepair so the earlier you come - `-'-LL_.. 51;- H Fz_nnuAmz Hosiery at Specialty in 19; 190$ , lughelt curre , over. \'IoUlQ V Vosnr--V better the WEE " No.9 Snmu. was gindtter of 1; LY. late of County of T is hereby giv all crednto Itho estate of C Uh. in the Cou h ho died on 1 ' .. I`l. are I i February, ' ol_' to dghx - W . c ., d deocnpuoi -5'34-ularq am ll! . .. ` cenj. on J :'cm 4-4 cboqgf Ra 'wI:-v- * |I`l.I'u`1 .. `.0 cent. raw|ey & Moore IV Anuai 13. 1:9. that jgainst the . who died 0 I O3 3fC Inc 3550:: thereto ha all.th not be lia to any shall not auch distri AI: no`: An 'V &i-I-I-V . I Paper add NEWTON ROBINSON. Will 0! ulc and sur _ particulars unta and t them. , I rthcr take E-dat.e~thc Lthe assets bl.-Again kg HIIICIIQ or to delive own of Ba will of the - ...-.I an: SI petitions or graduat ;1u Lrucuun an] uti ' (if an) .01. cake :1 u [II II), rah take 11 `.5. 51: . unit` ISIS, Jaw , in the 4 A . D. 1903. I nrclyo -- 5.. Anluua UDIWLIII ,1 10:10 ...:. 1 Iucn ulul. lthe qlh. and offe .7 Thep ve or s :` ropcrt}4 , bid ` ; furgherj I mixed fa .. J- aha. 'll1l Inn in tzed whet1 TH E Best Bargains Yet so~-x:3 the Re 3 Ma 'I`I'.ll'4`DlI' uc, I. . Mar lay a Camp and nut to in . nun! 1 I Ill-IACU In We as ahog r the plate ` in run- IIIO I1 5 I v usug ;'.oR_-A5] -_l.. c. ZFU! ih ' wss, "Tell them I died trusting in the Lord." In `sll things he performed his every duty tsithfullv, feerleesly and conscientiously and war elwsys straights forward and scrupulously honest The hesrtfeit sympathy of the entire neigh- borhood goes out to the friends in their sudden end ssd bereavement. But while regretting his early demise we will all -bow in_ humble submission to the will of Him Who rnleth cllthings end say, fThy wlllbe done. Those who mourn here `the blessed assurance thst he left 5 bright testimony behind `him and are comforted with the thought that "Blessed are they who die in the Lord. A mem- `oriel service was held in the church at Pinkerton lest Snbbsth by .. the psstor. I Rev. E. L. Howe. ' M1253 Fnolumcn Cmvnnn. Corrnpondont. Min` L. Moms who, been ill slowly oonvnleuoing. - I-I twun . I `(`}-i>l;|-o'n spent I couple` of days In; week with friend: at Oookujtown. ` Mr. Imlie Smith, of Bun-te'_, called on Mr. -Dyer on Friday vening. ` CDO II` I` ` Mien. Annie Boil, 3: Ber!-ie,"i| the guest,- ` at present, of Miee;;l1_.erg}!eley.`. OVIIIUC II CTVIY `DVD. wl % with her patches heie. `Ill 1-4 I D wie-a"AI`1;;;'VSn;igl;yiftne 3.0.1. Ipent Sunday Lat home. ' 5 - . 1 -. Wwiilitrbvazlrrxeron and` Mn. ' Ju. 1 ` Brown visited friendaiin Veapu one day last. week. T , L ; Mian(EVa Mnon,`of Barrie. opntp few days last week with her that Mu. Wm. Blfvghun. ` _ I A W` Ronald and Harold Knowlai left here on Wednesday evening last on n | trip England.` - ' nu II,` ',u'c " '7 " B `"' ". The Sunday School hr has pufohued uome new bogka fol`, their library. vubv "1}.i.za3"E>;1ii}'1}I4'r..}}Eed home from an" extended vieit with friende In Medonte. : - ' I i Sun3ay T|)oitTxTgqaZ. _!1ieo9"dIy there` was llaiger Vcqngrgstiolln tl1{_'pp ~ usual. ` . : "Mine; 3. Wilaon `and B; mainl of Allsndale. wre the guest of the Mine; Eallitfg Int ' week. ` "T to "x1'{.T't.Y.?S'1'o'&I3'i?h3"3'&. W'3?'3 Tuesday of this _weok. - Min . `Cumming from Frguonvslii 1 visited with Mu. Bert'Pu-fridge last week. Qite ;;;.;...s;; 5% Tn&rZ'J.i.".{6 t;pi173 1-ollntiveu from Eollyr mind her on Sun- dry Int; ` T ` L ` ' ` D. '2 I I - ' A n un- Rev; Mt;_.;_ Douglas commenced holding revival motiugc in the Methodist church Int-week Mr. G. Reid intend; "helping him this wept s_njd next; Every one wel- come. 7corn_c`{'one, * come 111. `,' ' ` 7 .-I '7:-1:.-_' n-' '-|n..-_.-V.` x . V-_.:;sA$; - I. _, -. o _ `____- I 1 %i;iaitihgf` her _nioo9. Mn. Ih`Gilford.VT L- --an '_. ` {_ `Mr. children` hn.ve-.' bepn ill. j The _ _d ootpr ' hu Ihon` attehdiug? ,31io,.-o_l_.di`at girl-, ain`aTmm|f.ion_` of % LII3 SIUIIIU `II CJTIIIUW I3 WI`? b 0 Miu;.Mnrg w5_;ley.I Min J euie K911 fof _!Brr'i9 spent Sunday 45`: nnnnn In `LA-A vf UH-U V7 L` ` . V. Mia; Loni. Partridge intahaia refnniing \ h{n fnitnx-A Hanna 3": 6kg "4-BL `I37.--5"..- CROWN u1Ln HQLLX.` A Bpnarr VOF1'NE.WSCONCEl_lNA_IN(-3" -rm: Movmanrrs oxrsxxra wmo ` Ihzsxoanfrs Quite -a` number of Visitors durlnk the week-A Special running North lost a. ` Wheel on Mohda.y-8pec1a.l Services -.--g 5--Jnv . IIIIUIUQ Dal av a.`uuv-v.- Mines Ethel" Ind Sylvia'MoMortsn have regal-nod from Midland. V -- -- -. .. n n 3, .L_ __._-_; -1 HIIU I-IIUIQ lluwusnuvuuuu Two of Mr. `Harry Dawn`: children are auering from ucarlou fever. ` ,-.__4 L-.- .'.;_.-.....I LI; c.....:ln dun VV HUG: Uu. usvuup-J -upwvu... ..-_ - _- - Next Sunday. ` 4. `Min Leooe. of Goldwater. in visiting her % uncle. Mr R` Trinket. " ' L ,_I_-!, -I'-.au.4.-- LAIvA l'Ulv|ll'l.IV|.I ll-VKII uxuuuuuuo `Min McDonald. Mustard", lithe gains oi Mr; Thou. Bndfzn-d.. - is g. '.,, _u_n_I..-.. -..- Men s 3 Buckle Fine Jersey Overshoes. sizes6 to `$1 75 ` Men's 82 00 Long Felt Boots,'ileal.,ther foxed, te r " s- -T $il50p. 10. our regular pr ce $2.25, to clear at .- riclearat L A Men's Felt Congress. plain and leather foxed, regular price$l 35 to $1 7 5, to clear at and leather foxed, best quality, sizes 3 to 8, to clearat - - - - s- ~ Ladies $1.10 Felt Slippers, lace or elastic instep, warm and_ comfortable for `young or old, i exible soles. sizes 4 to 8. to clear at ` ` r- Ladies Fine Rubbers, reliable qualityito suit any i shape shoe special at . p- T l - I $1 00 i Ladies 31 35 Felt Boot,'lace or elastic side plainp" 95 yuu QllIuuuIw.vuu vs Uuv .- vv -. Min Benin Orr. ot Colliqgwoodh the guns of her sister, Mrs. Philpu. ' URL _._ _..- 3..-- -.1---L-u G-L -`unnvini II1l.- UIIHUIIII. llvuu uvunnvu .-v--- . , Fireman Brown bu rmoved his family to ,-the Allanda.le,end of the town. ' ,. n.-n:_..._...`l`I. bk; UU..Iu Ia Gnoc- I ,__I There. are just twenty sh Ilnuiei olng-' terqd `around the foot of the whnrf. ~ _- -2 IN..-- BUIUII Ilvuuu us: now: w. -- . ..__- . Jilin Etta and Nellie .H0;kl"i.(-`[0, of Gran: fol, have been visiting friend: in town. U|l|IlVI uvluv uunvvo w r.-__.._ `Mn. Burroll. of Onledon viuiuh hor dnughtgr, Mu. Cannon, 9:: the Town '31:` A fhoufpiou, of Mgiford. upon: ifw day: last woe; at the residence of Mr. Jon. Ava, guuuvv _IlUv - ._---.... _---____ - | Mn . Gordon Keunedy, 1:or:>I;o. ha; :0 ; turned home after 9. plenum: visit. in town. % 5 nI,u,.I-.. lI-_a. 1.. I-3-Inn `V IIIICUII III`!!! III " ' The local bunch of the Royal 'Tem'pl` - of Temperance will meet on'l.`ueednv_ evening next in Bruntonle Hull`. nu? , , ___l__;. I.-- _g Mn; J. S, Brnnton not been omen to St:-oud thronah the illness of. her father. Mr. William Brown. :3 .1 4C\,,A,| -1___'____;J VKBHOSS KM%P ENFElLuT BM. V Mr. Goo. Luonby, of Nowmurkot, has re- hurngd home after spending a few days with 1 Mr nd Mrs. H. [mesh 7 ` ' % Fireman MoGibbon fell into 0. tondor on Suhdav sud out nu ' ugly 3-uh In bin head through writing a lump of coal, out 1- ,,_-__ _|._ I... L`... II` `An IIIIIKIIIQII UUOIDIIIH - Ovunour V- --_.-._ A Mu. W..J. Cannon, who has been ill lor the put. few weeks. it still quite low, much {to _t'herourec at her many friends. - Int II, ,1 n;____.1 ,-...I II}-- BU yllvlvquvv an av. -_--g-J ----__ Min Aliie Webb, of Strong; ? ind Miss Ms`) Smioh. of Colliugwood. are she gust: of _Mr. and Mn. Cummings, East St. r__ __I__' I.-- Ill 0'. Saw Uicowe `.p-------_' ___.. ..-. Mu. Cannon, of Celedon Ens. _whofhaI been vieiting her two tone. W_i|liem_jnd James. in Allendsle. has returned home`. . nI,_I-_. l_>__ _...._I.-_-.I G..--u. U-IIIV-. uni on--v-n----` _ __.-_.-.. __ _ Mr; Albert, Taylor 'purchue;lV,if;'om Mr.` Chan. October, the house on `Edit 1 greet which -in now occupied by Mr, J amen % 8l`l'Y. ' . -` - ._--_x--_ ._:u 1.-`|.-u x..' Q; &9II,O . Special services will be `held in St. George : church on Sunday next to mark the tenth nnniverury of the opening of the church . V - urn an 1 A__#,, VII. VIII Driver Graves and `family have removed from Mr. "Thou. Turner : residence to the `Phil : hmilyr house recently vacated by Mr. Din. Meg , ,A_ __.___s_.._ __-.:n `I..- I. IIIII I auuuuny e I Mluionery Anniversary eervloee will `be held in the B|l!I5_0lI Ave. Methodist Uhnrch next Sunday. Special manic` in being pre- pared for the ooouion by the choir. ` " J-._-A_A -- 3--.. LL- "Human PIIFUU SUI IIIU Illliilllu 11' View vuvue A depntntion from `the Town Council visited this end of the town on Monday lo; the nrpoee of exemlng the wherf and acer- tun ng when repetre are needed. They didn't arrive on the scene any too soon. ` ` ., , 4,: _--___2...';_ On Mondey morning. 3 el runnug north on the G. T. R` loet {wheel eli'd.'.! couple of care were ditched. The entire euxlllery wee eent out from Allendele,` bhi tr-eio wee deleved eome hour: before the truck: were cleared. ~ _ ` J .. .-- - nun n 5 W .' _ v,>\J___ Zone )9 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooobooooooooo9ooooooo3 I . -w-- v- v-- V-`-._v_ 1 Rev. J. W. Churchill has been ovo:,6,n his old circuit at Goldwater, oondno_t.in`f_Ih'e_` fnuerell service In oonneotidn "with the get}; of the late John Borlend. undoubt.edly"th`e oldeet-pioneer of the `district. He use `over e hundred veer: of ego. I III _I. -1 L`. _ .__L_.. `mfg The Men : Club of the Burton Ave. Church - will hold an "At Home" on the evening of Much 4th.- The Refreshment Committee of the Club held 5 meeting M: Mr. J emee Bi'nnton'e on Monday eveninayo devise way: and means, . 1 One of Mr.` Wvce e team: which have Iqvvuwv vv-aw -u-- -.->--_.' One of Mr." Wvce have" been engaced in drawing wood, ran away on Monday on the North towniine. The sleigh to which ' they were attached `was left in front of George Lawr e house and the team ran on to Painewiok. ` MISCELLANEOUS. . . Pontmuten in Manitoba. want mare pay, and atepauo being tskon to form on Association for mutuul help. ` A 9' 1 . ll 1 "1e}:"i;Q ilxnfiyr Ka'ng.eon. um ll the pulpit of the Norfolk ptroet Mothodistchuxfoh, Guelph, next _`7_6'|r. ` ' `ll 1-` , J l_._.__-._ IS._S__._ ---v-v-_-v ---._--- V. ..-.. . v Jnmoi Muolha. an Ifving !1G|l'f~ Glenmn-rid, was ntobably fatally inj uredby his hone stamping on him-. _-,_ -21 1.-.. ._.`___-.1 -- -v-- V, ._.- ._---v _--,.r-_g _ enbnwonh County Council 1*-ufyuoed the usual $400 grants to North and South Wentwotth Agricultural Sooiot 9`. L. ' ' I{:i"=i"i3."15'.'1'v.'."...';A `.e.;.;;..e....; u... weetern .divieio'n have been dismissed, and their place: will be lled iron: the An.` ' - wllllu-ee French children nsfmed Moneette living neer Lsuriet-,~ Men,., Ste been: Iosked in lye and died from the results` "An injunction` hen; been, ,inu_ed pe- dtuining the Bell Telephone Oompenyl from extending its Iyiteln in Fdrt William. , .. .'- I - M1-1*. {'rAuo.. Mom 11.} been an dur. the put week but] at present writing `is ieoovoring. w ` Friends of Miss Kivll, of -Lyndon, syhoiu said to huve sloped with Jameh Murray, have `received word from her duednt Winn'ipeg.7 ' A I 7`. ` .. `Milt Mary Or_ouV with 1 cold. we are p :9 be out sa`a.i.n. viho ha, been {sick l.euad tolngy, is this '- spent Suriday with` her mother at "Egbert. . _r V V . I ` fTh; dhoir has baon1mp1"o.'vod vex`-iy muohzuinoo new member: have been `d Cd. ` V` - 4 ' . . -Mamie Ohrtntheu rotujrixod `hut week from Christian V_slley- where` she has boob visiting Mu, J. J. Brown; The social which we: held at the home of Mr. M.M; -Bell lut.'l`ueIdey evening was a decided success, We expect another `to be held -in this neighborhood in . the Inn future. ~ ` " 2 g iJMi{{nie Sibbnld, Bu-rib, Inn has % visiting-friends in this vicinity. " * ~ Mr. 'l3ho|._ Bell and. family intend Vmdvlng to. Angni -A in the vnping. _ M12} -Boll `will1bog reutl`y`?n:i-nod who has bionvp vow kiudjijpslhliaihz `no f h _; u. 3;.`-~ %"m1;"%V;3;' JFZsZ"yZ&LEd %poo%p1.L gttendod`,th-S_.- 8. Oovontion. which wu- , We are pleased to. hear the hum of Bel 31-oe._enew .n_1ill>_ 'e'ga.in.~ We Will!` _them In` `Anna I Brunton lm bon `called to ; -L _ 2n__... .1 L-.. l-sl.-- Ila- Mu. liluludolle. of Bolton. in tho guest 0! her listen at White Lodge, for 5 week. m9:n%;oizin?1nn ummcn ULPOPIA. `The Prices Bumnc ii: the, and Toronto Market; Du:-in the Week. ' Iuuuun alum; _uAIgxm'. `% I-ISllU uuInonoon-cuunuonnuu-lu-cur-u quant- IRYOQ uoI.IIOlIIIo.IVIsoIosluuincounou `7.... `Flouln............................I. 3 5o;::..- BuckWhOBCgu........_.,u- 00:019.. 47onoA-, ~ ` `GENERAL PRODUCE. V Boat by 6 56..".. MutI0n.. l~I.U-D60-IIIltlO.IlII'IIOI>IIlO `Timon Live Hogs, selections ` no to :30 o oo. .. n hanvvnrlinrht -.. .. .... iblullltillh Live 1103!, selections I70 to :30. . . . " ant. oonaoiyt` ll pelfpnlr....`un'u.....u. DuCkC.. I-"Cir-o-nuncooaoouoooonoo Butter, oll,pq:-lb... ` Butter, Tub} per lb.._. ngncuoocnoon E do:.... . ...... Rggsttpninerhan; . . . . . . . . . ..... pnoN`g;"Ia9.A% 3 M8 ; %o"""" _"ooococogoooQo3 -`""""<;>oooo9c5`"""""""`""`ooQooooococococoa E I re CIUl..noooo-ago--on Iloilmiobollillioo lvlnv nnr tnn _ . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . - . BuI%I PCT lJag..._..........u-can POl"`0-_u...--_u-us I0`IIu_InIO_ ' St. Luke : Sunday School, Pinkerton, will hold its annual entertainment on Friday evening, 20th inat., in the Orange Hell. Newton Robinaon.. Come one, come all and `enjoy a good programme.