4 ,84.9_ 1'17 . 157" V 173 155 '5? 1321 ' :'76 48's 15 -- 1017 --j--jg:--n 2838 "1259 1505 A ---`v -v-v vuv ,vu1wu- -lllipe `had Eaexvzvt large sum of Money on the roads and where it wee l -Iltunlly concluded that the Olpanditufg money node: an new system would ;,.49I|!l|I'-1! be nnnooeunry and lime would be derived through thg 1-Lnnnnn-gnl ....&l'... A: 012:: Ann .- 78\"\ L43 _- 24 1'37 _ 81 60 335 18 ll 317 123 41' CIIIII J.` "I 135 476 Is? 72 3% No. I02 19 414 163 . um country 3.0415 sys-rma. l'he`by-luv which was submitted `to the by Oountyvolnnoil. uking their on- donetion of the adoption of a County Roldeyuem, _we_"en[u-tied by egnejority at 1,457, the you etInding`6.468 Forvend 5,011 Again; The oppoeition.to.the by-_- `V low Wu very strong in voerteyin eeotlone, `AAA -I----J-- --- A ` notebly in thediemote where the town- '13 14 10 127 131 165 All 21; ;fl*u:%Noa1n -,n:au_% Anwmc: 1 The oiciul gure; at/obuingtvi from Coun: ty Clerk Fletcher are. u.'tollowI :-No. 1.` S. M. Walla, 1092; Geo, Cgmphgll, 1061 ; % Goo. Raku,` 739. . W.` Sloan,` 859' ; 51 21 17 DA j ,- - A ALLISTON. . For Mayor,` Robs. Scott-V F4 Maura. _ Hutchinion, Eu-por ,`a 1 arrest and Fisher. " ' TEOUMSETH; - . Tecnmoeth Council was elected by ncclam- ntion and cousin: of the following _:-Reeve, R. Ellison. , bonncillora,,J. R. Graham, L. Curd, J. 'l _cnuon and George Haves,` V ,: A rossononno. The Touorontioconncil was elected by ncclemncion _ as follows: Reeve. `James Moore. Oonncilloru, John ., Lowry. ,Wm. McCrne, Frank Mchinlkin and B. A. Trlmble; V ` _ L - I35 157 . 184 For Reeve, Philip Mcbood. For Coun- cillors, F. A. Bell, D. Cameron, 8. Pen-null,` `-`J. A, Swan. T _ . ' ` - ._ _..' -v-u `my. jFt.>r Reeve,` ' George Crook. For Council, J. J. Wilson. Wm. Rnmnev. W; J L Jones; M.-Campbell. _ -~ Reeve; .V - Oounoll., {G J oeeph Silk nu-roannasn. David Hall.` by noel Bhlkwlll, Alfred , - Peter Taylor. iluv 91 Ill` EEDONTE. Reeve Walker was re-eloctedwver Mr. R 1 C. V Hipwoll. Council-W. H. Edge:-ton. James Bell. John Stewart, Alex. Woodrow. , . v MATOHEDASIL Rang. A1133 D-II' L- - - ` " `I09- 158 An 1'5 26 76 13; _119 ,,_-..- v7.-.-,.-w' -w at 'l.'.he net result of Wednesday? contest wepelou of two to the Conservatives- North _ Perth, where Mr. Mont'eith se uejocity of2 were eonyerted Into _a min- gtitrof 221,, and North Norfolk, -where the Oonlervetlve majority of 23 became: ' 5 Idberel .mejarity of 54. 200 yd: 54 inch Suiting` in Grey, Farm and Blue.tegulsr value Sale pric- 51 31 200 yards-(`Irate Linen Damask vTab1ing, V bleache . at half nrinn, ' 400 yards pure Linen Tbwellinggv good width, regular value 7c, `Sale price 50 pieces ne d<.n`e `up in 4 yard ends. all di'eren_t pat- terns. Sale price u u n c n o n n o s A n o A - Io Ofne square yoke, trim- med with Torchon lace on neck and sleeves. January Sale price ....... .. *;`*" 3:23 `:.';;"`::"% set ton, on an inc es, regular price goo. Januarf Sale nrice...._-_. , 00 yards-(Irate Tabli bleache , at half price... .' . . . . . . Amazon Suiting? Ill I 5 ` wmbeaaeaeoiuisu don tlnnancyiu `Juana: inn-nu-If three in a ;mumuen'-7:_xs:._.uu3'.um_ "' . ._, _----rt vu-luv IUI IV- Eveiy piece of Tolile Damask, Embroidery Linen, Sheeting, Lace` Embroidei-y and Pillow Cotton at special Sale pfices. i ' ~ T 20. Emlu-oide_r_ie`s, I23. __ g__ `V I _ . . . . . . - - - u u u a o A ~ c o o I O Q 0 on * ?? vv%7V!=`8~':- ----w-w. :4 as 1'. Eng. _5_1|._ %."1 % `?*-.? `iv; JANUARY SALE OF `Io. Toweing, 5c. _`- Lndigs Skirts V 7 r We Cordially invite all thelladies to come and inspect 'our da White Underwear; We areproud of the .variety. ' Quality is bettc the sale priceewe guarantee are 10 to 20 per cent. lower than other This is part ef our January Sale programme for therst week 2 _money brought us the greatest values. It embraces ever -GOODS are the leadingtfeatures. every department will contribute its a wide-awake , shoppers. a A -We: are >plat n1.iinghf that. our .SIX'1`.He JANUARY SALE which commences next F,RIpDAY;J-. 16th, will be the biggest yet. a p p y department in the StOI', and while LADIES WHITE UNDERWEAR, LINENS and WHITE COTTON , . quota of new and worthy` goods at unusual p17ices-pric,es that will` create a bigostir among ` _ ml Bra-mnn'53n`!ICiLiNs.` ' "Bl:-election: for the Ontario took puoe Wednesday" in 'North .I'o:fqlk,, North Grey - and 2-North -Por th,A f. oonstinonoioi ijetugninq Libqnl and ihoreuing the .noI_ninal puj'o_:it]. of the-Ron Govointnent` to ve. Tots!-numbgr of ne.at_I..J.._...... 98 C ll , I Se; urouMsmn.`- `...._-2I __'_ , ,1 700 yards He'vy leached Cotton. 125:. `l:\__ _ ,, Table Lina AnJA_LA_. f.`_`..1..'.2; L_ . J.' r ?. _ 70` 0* E film...` next weelsipapers for the programme of 2nd Week's Sale. unuaa " II.` acclunation. pm nn....a n-.._-- no! Uollhoil, l',`~ Gallagher, For Cohhl, . ._ n-` , , I__.I. r, Fawn xle pnce , Borrow, DIRECT IMPORTERS. :__._.;IAI!.-Ill. WES}.-V;';;'l6PRIETOR mun ram 39c `to be that In true and tried bgan nutritioue and oney can buy. d and none but wholesome, s are offered b them must be the best out rehable, y us to our cus- effects on. the health follow the wholeson money can I: ligands offer: 120] 56' ;1,,..1....m..'"'"' % % . 50 White CounVte1-panes. sizes 72v86,oft nish, honey comb pattemn, regular _ valueV$l.25. Sale price. . . . . . . . . . ;. .---uowu6Il QIICCI .. -- -vC X. 3`$I I ` '. . Z V , . 300 yds. 9-4 bleached Sheeting, 1 ;:"'v`3:.:1":I:*::,1: .;:*::-. ?t=.?.?.?? 376: or Vrxsr:eciLv'm -_A ll- unoa -. -'- 5 doz. ne'iJi_e;ched sheets 70 ne quality, at each . .; . . . . . . . cl . _ .. . ' 7 ' 2' 25 pieces Wrapporette, best patterns, heavy vyeight, fast colors, worth 14c. I caucuses IJIIVV Of ne Cotton, nished with two clus- ters of four hemstitched tucks and embroidery on neck and sleeves. full size, regular price 900. January Sale` `_price.....'~ . . . . . . . . . . . -_ Ladies Drawers Of good Cotton, with cluster of tucks and deep Cambric frill, regular value e 400. January Sale price . . . . . . . . . .. Lathes Gowns _ hn `:--.-L -3 ~-`!` uuav y wulguo, . Sale price. .. . . Ladies~ White Underwear erms Cash. 50; Corsets at 37c. ... I1--. - H;.I;L;' -'ro% THE-.-i %w:;:.;"'c3;;i;;% : HAILWAV SYSTEM :. value for I0c., 9V_911t3` il'? the ,ba of months of ` and gathe`ring?goods at times when our de artment th - - IOTA]-?_ nag txrrrrrnn nnemql .:,mxcuLnn. ; Frank Jackson, j Jualcer of Portram, 9 VJ_ uvuucu. ~v cry special value at-. . . . ~ B ts th F ` 39 lbs.-Stitch 1ngegngYa`ngerlng - n - c u - a o n - o . n o o o a o u u - o nl .nd "our dainty garments ir r. better thanever and t. other years. e llntuallfmflnsitranco 00.2 H19 1R3lll'an0'W- % 3*: <=*-In:=.-m-Ju--7- i9r.rrcw-`%-a_weeho-- I V 8' will take your risk in any of 3 but mm and lowest ' panics Full apnounts of lanes ...m mm and lowest` ' V- "my-ma W W apounts paid. GENRRJKL AGENT _FOR % %!ha,8u%n Life Insurance Uomupany up `(~_;uAnu-- | lzc. Towels for 9c. 25 doz towels worth from 100 to $1.00 , a fun. all at sale prices. 10 doz. spec- 9%c_ is, regular value 12} . at......_..... Curta1'n_s_ _ 2 25 min rm \T..o.:.....L- V777 Hind Qiiartetvj; $3.50 per cwt. Fre . ' u u u 750' A ` .. `x ,.` I. ~ -- , V ."". , . '3 , . 1. rll . ' .;- 3! h``'f*4`'v '`\-j~``%?iA,`?t`:}*fj`;3',;fa 7:" ; L V ` :2 . ~ -:- 4 v _ . '*'"!u'!E S. J 3 at I-I er1ry' Ball at 69 D15. I8 0!" white Cambric, with deep lawn frill, nished Wlth wide Torchdn Lace and insertion and dust frill. length`-10 and 42in. January Sale price, . . . . . . ..` K .._..... nuu In uuwroxaery. January Sal.- pnce . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ Ladies; """ ' nnlhn In:-L -I-' ` "-7 ,-p- -nu-w uouunn llUIl3'-Im UIOIIIIIVQ "kiln" othet.tn.inn Da.il y.qAxcapt`SuIIdIY- "5--as yrwe. Bleached Sheeting L 9-4 hlnnnlum-I QL..-u_ -, - or CANADA` Ladies Aprons b_!f.l'A no T..u.... pleached Sheeting, in pl'aiu Very special value at. E.`-4-I- '5' ` panics onthe :`"m'Ans':" r rues. - oflootunaid- at chnpom Sm. 5, 1903, -,.-. - ' .' an-no pun -3.60 mil. . PElx'r1gzs&G _ ~: 1.66 can- 3;. min. Accommodntica. ` 5.88 pan. _ .08 pan. Acoouunodntion. 7.68 nan. RLLANDALE` & BARRIE SECTION. , ` DARK!` T0 ALLANDAL1. ` 3.}: u.In'., 1.56 a.m.. 9:35 3.11).. 11.15 3.113.. 12.1: I. loll-III" 5.1I_p.l`ll.. 8-pout - .AlnIaANDAI.I 1'0 'ARRlI. W I-lu.,`_~.llK.l5 `Jun; llus I.`l'l|., pant. g I3u.4'.4`.oUu ` I'_wo* o: & DI`( city of gt: V with head, ' one _' 41% {r Was V of ti`, A13 63 _, Sh Qpehi to set t `Gum 1051:: A (I Pitt 48 - (golnnn .Nl07w:lp3p'Q[, lamb. in tho Collngygf xv... . . of*`0n`If.uio. \. 0nI..._..n-__ It ._._ s,_ _, {i\ e` lay}; and the the `trial In c_am and agr :99] {Ki J .. I :57] ' Mail. .. 6.90 pan. : pan. _`Atluadc.&'Po.cic Ex.V18.a0_p.m. mm. 7 Son Exams 1.87 mm. atinvenhurst mind (south on|y)9.85 . SOLLINGWOOD & MEAFORD .1 l..|n. M-il K on .. _. plac- men Bri orlo por o;1(j, mm gre 86. klvzd A101 :11 W0 her she chi Elam OI Sultdllrrnoit. _ ` g _ ,. '4 I ` JUIIXGC E I n~'.`.- R`m v `viral. nu ounn5'V`As|; M. ' + - 9-33- Mued '~ . 12-65 pm Exnren. .- 1.58 1.11:. 3001! -_._.__..-u. , Roeve.Wm Woo, ( Ritchie, Jno. Niony, _s. G. 1 ` Stewurt. uoolamatlon. ~~ oonnwuiui. I.l.4_- `III- II - --._--ocudwlrvl Mayor Ml cl gd. D. Chnrlehoia._ a .2. c% bo,r.A.n`i`':no nluslo ( nald, ` Yates 1 V9. E Coouybu. % vuunsuvulu, Reeve,_John McKay. Councillors, G. A.` Kerr, W. A. May, R Woodynll by acolam-_ ulon. with on: Councillor to be. ol ectod later. . . ' nuulu (U11 . Councillors, Dr. J. J.`Hnrper. Wm. Jor- ett, A. D. Gdlaugher, Thomas. Finhor-, `George Hutchinson and W. D.` . Schoo_l'1'ruateos, W. 1. Clark. Followln in thefreault of the Good Ronda By-Law : or 74, uzsinat 153. `Maia:-i:y,agninI't 79.". ' mnunv, V - Mayor, A; Jackal. `Councillors. Dfgby Ho:-roll,` R. Rtlkea. N. Mccorvio, _D. W. Aokermln, P. Potvin. Reeve, L. ,0 Coleman. Hen syq. `Walker. uuuuauu W UUU " Mayor, ' W. A. Ho . ounoil, M W. Wjlliumu, G; Eon anon. Bnrnde E. Fur. Buaet-0, Carmichael, Barr. foyle, Wnuon and Spencer; ' ..-vvvu, Laval "I J. R..Hcrvio, .M D. Wslmnan. . -.... .,......uu uur uruo will no :--Reeve, H. Groin.` Oounoillorl. Ed. Moconkey, R. Hill; R. Sutherland Illd_AlIl0lI Bleak. NOMEAWASAGA rownsmr COUNCIL." Reeve, Nell McArthur. Council, Menu. Slnoleir, J. H. Shlelde, Somerville iud J. Scott. . ' ` AW233252 211 116 INNIBFIL. _ _ * A. For Reeve-Harry Gran. aochmntion, EdMo0onkoy.A......._ ...... 470 I) Elli Liberals now have` a majority in "the: -_ Bominioniisenste. The desth of Senator Armand leaves ve vacancies inq the ;;Senet.e.`_ or six, if Sensgbr Mason hes ; -forfeited hissest by reason of en ebseooe = of two years, When the vacant tests are : `lled. there wil>lV_.-be 42`L1bersls and 39- . -Conservatives`-in `the Senate, s_ Govern- ` meat. majority ofmhree. Since Sir Wil- .frid_ Lem-ier took oioe six short yesrs ego L large number of the ne old gentlemen, easy. In those times it took whovmsde history `in their day, have _ something more then money to secure an . seat in Osnsds s Upper House and _ . etors hips did not go to the highest bidder. ' oontained an editorial in reference to the ` in the entire block. This fact, however. ; visions be lived up to . evenif our own eoi-na were trod tfpon. Tm Anvmon ; lellwhere they will. The 0hief"of,P_olioe in ;havin"a - quiet laugh at the expense of the Anvmoeg `It aeema that on the date of the inane which non-observance of the Snow `By-law, the pavement in front of thin otoe was the only portion which hed been nneleened only goes to show the ooneiatency of_ the Anvancs. Believing in the enforoenient of thieby-law. we advocated that it: pro- ' elwaye hewe to the line and lets the chip: L'.0VV1fI8HiP8;TOW1VS AND vr1.LAc+m:g ' ESSA TOWNSHIP. ea u" 2.7:: 5,-` ts E <. = 1'9`:-`r. " . --:.-='-- they"wil1 be inatell'ed,7u 1 general ;ov"er-` !*R1li3`5159" 3.353% .1"ate p`eye1-I,` it will be meme monthtbeftee running of the p1m'.i.cpn:em;31.2eae before the oomlztienionete turn their at- tention to the matter of meters,` ' ORILUA TOWNSHIP COUNCIL re, H Elliott; Council, I Hsrvio, . M.` Mcuter. Jnh TOTTZENIIIAMVQ _ e, ,0. Hughes. Uonncillou. J. H._ :1. Henry Mocnbq, John McDermott. Ilkel`. . ' - I " rnnnunavrsnnim. In in - - F\__ OBEEMORE. 5; not .,,A commewooo. BRADFORD. ' ALLISTON. C . lu;i. C;unoillorI. L gamnald, W. Blanch- I. _ vlfh an.` A f` ounoil, Medan. Inn `Rn-.13-`; flv . I'.l;(.1 HA` U6. : . { .'..'.'.." `.E.`. ,' D. ~ Lamor. Following `II, Q1 - ` 353""! I5. . Aoclumation. ruuaualo. . . . ; . Midland . . . . . . . . . . Lnwnon. . . . . . . . . . . Vic. Harbor . . . . . . .. Woubnuahene. . . . .. Toy (complete) . . . . Creighton. . . . . . , Warminntor ..... . . Mt. St. Looia..'.... uoldwam. . . .. Fouercon . . . . . . . . . _ _ 1.102 ' IUOD 1058 DIVISION N0. 8. `The return: received from Division No. 8 appear to be incomplete and eomewhnt mixed but Menu. Leather-dale and Frewley are reported elected on the following total: : Leetherdele . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,270 Frnwley. . . . . . . . . . .._..,I . . . . . 797 Rnbv.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L796 `Campbell ...... . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 786 The detuiled return: are u;ppen : H Entonk . . ; LFloa (total) . Sunnidule. . Sttyner . . . . Bar_rle.... . `comngwood. . . . . Nottawuugt. . . % Adjola. Horan I. . . . . Athloue .. . . . Moran : . . . . . Arlington . jTegsrt a .... . L . . Q Penville. . . . . Hammellh ...- . . Wilcox : . . . . . . . . Train a.`. . .. . .. .. Cookotowxn ..... . . Beeton....... .... Totbenhum . ; . .. . . AA.'-l- IIOCOIOIO -"E3351. 7Bo`bhoIda . . . . . . .. > Chm-ovhill....;..}... Lefroy...... Thomooh......;.;. Vstrond... ;'. . ; ._- Cra.igvslo....,...... Holly . . . . . . . . . . Big Bayfoiun} . ~Painswiok...... Cookatown. . . . . ...' Bradford ........ . . Bond .; w....aua..;:..;., j Midamou.....'....' Goolucown..}.... Couloonu; . . . . . .. . .`I .._:.a.| ". . `D'1_vIs1oN' 1&0. . Teoonaeth. ' ~ 5 . . . . 0 4 4 DIVISION N0 9. . H Jnpp and D. M. Horvie-- I n a ; . c o o o o ' u `loo `11 _`io9- 91 `,7 37 ;21 _96 67 20 .97 925 .862 4735 U5 U5 El 2 1 2 .3, 5 Us : .2 n : E: I E '3 E `IQIO 9'70 1 GOOD ROADS. 17 I I o I C I o O O to avast: Div. . QVVV V DIVISION N0 7. . . . A DIVISION N0. U4 D1.V :l8l.0N N0. 5. _ nu `ms-rnrcr so. 2; . 155 164 an; ' -19 107 125- ~ 1174 V . avg; 108 72 ha 16 T 247 0 co `ll E53 V `No. 2.`R. 'W:losn, 859} Rlic. Thorpe, 233;. 3. Ju. Fraser; 9444'; TlioI."Hamin'oll. % gr ""3" 724- M . :7 Nli ."t. M h._ - ` ` 7 y outlay` oi ;s1:o,ooo.+ It was by those who vored the. County -37"` System, that while the opposition ,( would marshall all its force against the Qyulaw, those who realised the benets to _;.ba4ierlved through `adopting the new J would `not be auiciently aroused to neeesaity of working actively for. jupaasage. The large majority; however, ; Z _. 01150 undidates for the County Council if yer; ;_-1 favor of the by-law and in their '` QIIYAII worked igdefagauy to arouse .' flntarestjn the measure. The strong letter 5__ addressed. through` the press, to the rate- "*'_';;'p`gyaga`, Warden, Quinlan. also proved most {powerful lever to roll up a big a majority in Iavor of allowing the count! 1 to over the management of the roads the. result was that a most aatia. .end,orsation was obtained. The _ jatepayen ,are to be congratulated on " in; in unmistakable terms, I` desire fto_,plae'e Simone County in the `j fi {amongst -the'.'nmnioipalities whichjare zperftionlae 1'.0I t