Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 8 Jan 1903, p. 2

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or lava ch ten or rplatlves um do 80.: or know 3 . - e m uh warm ted.th d rorsrree`st.i1`bottl ;nn3"cxy1?. uur_1:1"besan 1'y'm.u" ` ` djucutod h :Wisi':e;$t.,Be.Vzo;iI" ` ' % .;%**r",* `.+*"?'= " Migs' ; 1`.' Ben_pi,p-gtam?-`:gqdf % . 7L-A n`gd(b?, J_Nfofth "Mai B`ritt;on Bafker, of Ard`en','-()nt.~,.. has the gust at {his z"a's.her.in~.-law,- 'Sini`6h R7P%vrtz?Z;is +viaitin%g V `I _> I P .',`., :,`, ,_. .. ._ _ 1 \ \ v :_ . "r ; :..;.r, iguest; of Mr; and Mrs; "Walter Beiatori. % Miss?` Maggie of 'To`]:`_oto,1 fapnt Ohfistmas winh her,siat;er,4M-sh. '_Gb..,-McLean. T M. "g V` " `T _.-T-r -Av L\l\JJ.n `COLIN KIEL. Cqrrespondot. .1 ' (I-leldo er from -lastyveek.) . Misa'_Sumerflt, _ '._l`orbnfo', tia guest; [Mrs . W;alte,t?;Ba` 1` lPicke1.ring- J. C. Manson, teacher of 9 this place, is viewing friends at Allis- ton and Rosemount. Mr. iWm. Morri- s son, teacher of Eady Public School, is home, and has gone to Alliston fora : short time before returning to duties. Mr. Geo. Wiggins is home to spend the _ holidays. Mr. and M rs. Brown, of ' Midland, are spending their holidays ' with their daughter, Mrs; Alf. Carscad- den, of this place. Also J, W; Taylor, t manager of-Waubanshene Lumber Com- pany's store, spent Xmas with Mr.'Alf.V Carscadden. W, E. Brown, of Toronto University. holidayed at the same place. "Victor and Ii`ted.vRoss,` of Toronto Uni- versity, are spending their holidaysat 5 home. Miss M. Metcalf is homefrom the city, Mr. John Sanders was home to see his parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sanders, of` this place, hut has gone `back. Mr. Wm. Tannerjhas returned a from Co_1lingw[ood for `a time. Mr.,Thos H. D'nnsmoi-esbas also `returned. Ezra Tanner _i.;_b`ack froin the lumber woods. Mr. John Robertson and Geo. Guth- well were in this vicinity cutting straw `and crushing gfain. i Those who visited in this vicinity and other plucs forOhi'istmas areas follows: Mr. and Mrs, S. Stanley are visiting friends at Bojvmanville and .Pioke1.ring- Monsbn, .l _* 1. 1 F.IJuent181l)`.Tccg5u1nxer:;_19`d`ii;:; ` "3.P|EPSVd. F5'1 . sI.vn1 i`:s2: 3 mm . .!'<!!.;'9la.tl:`rectha1Ido`uo::`x;iif..1.ss.; _' V _ n,-- .--_,.. -.-u u.q,_v `sun, 01, which four are living :-J ames A., `on "the: homestead; William A., on the hdjciuing lot ; Mrs. John Anderson, of lfjflmgrbve and Mrs. Joseph Spronle,`of V; Thornton. The funeral which took f` , lace on Sunday, Dec. 28th, to the Ivy _-i Presbyterian church was one of the largest seen in this part,there being over W100 rigs vvhichfcllcwed the remains to its last-resting place. The service was -.ccnd.uct`ed by his pastor, Rev, G. .I.. Crew assisted`by- Rev. B. J. Simpson. f i`Mr. om delivered a very impressive` S ggidress, taking for his text Heb, 2: 10 ` 9.- `"'..'E'.or it became vhim,for whom are all (things and by whom are all things, in v. bi-lo'ging manysons unto-glory to make is, captain of their salvation `perfect `rough sufferings. _ The pall-hearers %._ Messrs. Joseph Russell, George V ,'a1'`y1ttls,' Philp Connors, Alex. Stewart, amen Sproule and Richard Thompson. he sorrowing. family and friends have ' sympathv of the community I their hour of sad bereavementt IV _"The r'eceno thsw hasimande theroada? very bad for getting around, as they are no icy; ` T ` ' R. F. Camcaden called ohhia broah-_ er, Alf., lastrweek. _ ' ,,__._ -..__-u-y -gvul II UUDUVIIUI 2, o all the little folks, after which the gathering broke up, each feeling that of all the mercy times spent in the old home this was the best. N early f_orty_ .,rela`t_ive`s. gathered It" I the home of Mn "Wm. .'Wilson, last l'- Thursday to spend Xmas in the good . oldgfeshionedji? wai. _ Afteiyl the usual . _giuxe'8_pen_t ielfeeesing and conver_sat1oxi',' Mr. S." Pratt book the eliaitf at 8 p. 11:. code splendid programme `was given - by. the triegds, ooneistliog-4 `of shorted- dreesee by Messrs. T. Gibson, Alex. W1leon',VJ. -H. Mays; readings bv Mes- ? demos C.`and A. Wilson; vocal solos by Mr. D- Jacobs and Mrs. T._.Culfoi'd; duets by C. Pratt and Ed. Keapp and % Miss S. Knapp and E. Puts; reeitabions J by Wm. Pram, Emma Pratt and Harold Wilson; violin `solos by Wm. Wxlson, 3 jr._. C. Wxlson and Thos. Culford,uiah- l `ing with a. violin quartette by Messrs. W. Wilson, 0. `Wilson, Ed. Wilson add Thee. Gulford. Then along came Santa Claus, black as a coalfrom receuc oon- _ tact with chimneys, and .dian`1-ibuted J pm d candies `from a beautiful A.mong`.the guests at ' Wm; Wi-1-` aun a `on Xmas wore Mr. and" Mrs. D. Jacobs, of Blorrie, and. Mr. _.and , Mrs- Wm.`Wilson and daughters, of Grenfel Mr and Mrs.` Thou. Gibson, of -Mine. sing and Mnond M1-Q. J. H. Mays, of- Edenvolo. Mrs. Carin is id Cblligwood visiting he`r daughter, Mrs. Geo_.'McL'sahlin who is ill. - . " 1 8011. ' Miss Aniaudoi Oiu-dot`: and M>;1seTMu'y McLaughlin spent. (Xmas with friend; here. ~ - . ` qua can-us nail ---3[r._v~]?gett'. _ Eng, % 1` Totdhto. Hjivu home for the ;mna.y T FrimkPr;cc an(:fI_Irvv_i`t.1v..a';`)_( aVnt. Xmasyith friends In Newton Robin- . C. ' s. Dicl:inaon,'TT")fVVVIIa.nV1iLli)1i, ia4v9iuit- ins: friends - V ` `I. `I1 __ V lizfrg (and A Volinaon,T `of Penetang.` spent Xmas with{ Mra. Cook. _` " "' """"'J"' dara6n' $ame home frox Tot}- ten_haq1, fox-the hoIiday.; wxxcettlalgs Fit cure for Ep_Y3'p bind A is ' thoonly 9 I ' ' gig is no\?.mc1`bl3yl;%%1:}m1;xmc1auam& A nuomssml. remedy ..-. ` ca~._s'Ir1|" W V al;a.*Inl.Lb- I n. .QR.IGHUR.ST. _. II II GUTHRIE. _ thie- i`:'pIl -Laws!) J-VLULLDY UIIIUQ OD" fgionda last week. V [ Wm. Johes, of Ellixhm-t.1,is the- "uo_u; of Mr. Howard "Jones. A Dovn`it_io:nM`Sqhare Piauo_.` riearzuly mend Sewmg I`-6.'1chine,'near!y new._ ADV.-\NCE~0FF1CE. - ~ munu iaewmg ;`-.`1chine,`: ADVANCES OFFICE, EA|?%'?;L$3I 8.i',`'i: 3A THOMAS KENNEDY & Co.. . - >Well's Block. Barrie. V r wan DALL PLANING MIL J. Carpentering, Building and Doors. Sash. Blinds, Mouldings all kinds done promptly and s: Blast Drying Kiln. District agenc ber Factory--Ba.yeld St:-eet._Ba & - uninua----- `A ucr ractory: GALLIE ._____...._ ......._`_ _... _..-_ ..._ .. Umvm. MURPI-IY`& ESTEN, `Sn:-Q urveyors, Engineers, Etc. (Estah 1852.) Office. Medical Building. 5 _ bl. Car. 1 and Bav bts., '1_uronto. Telephone, Main 1 structions left w1th_-Strathy 8: Esten, Solicit of '1oronto Buildmg, Ban-rie.1will be pro. tended to. ' `Any ' cent. E 7~0.M. U. on Real Notes Diseounted. the Co UH . PK] Real efstate Collections made in an bought and sold. iaranches. Y Y Marriage Licenses OfEce-Ross Bloc_k. Dunlop street B VATE FUNDS T0 LOAN Estate at lowest rates. nvey- I an-ie. D R. E. L. BRER "ov'er Ha.m`bly's ,,___.__..__...__-.-_ ETON. Dental \II` 5` nan. caster Sta. 52-ly ' %VMias L. L. McKnight waemarried to Mr. Fred Simpson last Wednesday `L MoKnight. a home. The couple "4p.9kf the evening -train` to Toronto. V When" tliey return they shall reside on 5f :-lhe farm of the late Wesley Blaokateok. '-"1\A.J.il. I.-- -7 - Nerves ; Consulting Phy Victor A. Hart." M. L.F.P. and S., Glasgow. SPEClALTY-Sur kin; Consulting S f Chest, Stomach, and D.. L.R.C. P. and S. Edinboro, gery Midwifery, Diseases Co In-geon . rrea J I L_ondon. ` K DUI`! In .I.ul'0nI'.0 uenerax nospltal, wxtn spyzcnal attenuon to Diseases of. Women, anon Nose and Throat Work, also tor some um; surgeon In charge of Emergencv tiospital. Toronto. Office and night x'-esidence- upstairs in McCarthy Brock, 21 Dunlop St., Barne, second door east of Dougall Bros. furmture ware:-ooms--near Five, Points. Phone, 10 -. ;q-Iv S. BROAD, M. D. C. M., F. T. M. C., L. C. it P. 5., 0., late resident Physician and Surgeon ot Toronto General hospital, with special attention to Diseases of. WomnI1- mm` Nnnp mm R. J. ARTHUR ROSS, L.R.C.P. 3; 5., Edin-_ burgh; M'.F.P. _& S., Glasgow, member or British Opthalmological Society.` SpecialI.v.-- "Diseases of Eye, E.ar,'l`1u-oal. and Nose. OF FICE.-78 Dunlap Street, Sanders Block, Bar- rie, opposite Post Otilce and Railway Station. Phone 54. .P.` 0.` Box 96. V 7-ly ' , . - -- I R. I.,F. Falling, Graduate of `Trinity Umversity Toronto, Fellow of Trinity Medncal College, Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons l .vo{0nta.rio. Oice and Residence, 18 Owen -street. X..- ..,.,.. .. ...m unuu vy esley mackecook. ' *i_De eth has egein vistted this oom- 'unl_ty, taking away one of the oldest: v,.e'nd. Tuiost highly respected gentlemen 51 ogmperaon of Mr. William Miller on v",B`ridey evening, Dec. 26th, who had ;wb*oone.ine one best of health an within a get. weeks of: his death. The deceased in {'5 Ida URL]. ..---- 0FFICES-Lane.'Block. aster Sta. " R. w.-A. . Ross, Physician, Surgeon, etc., L. R.C.S. Edin,, L.R C.P., Londbn. Oxces and night resiqence-15rown's Block, Dunlap street, Barrie. Telephone 77. 1`; Jl_ Y! L'.lI 1.171, .I>.:.\.-.l.'.o., \JI.ILo, `lad-C U1 J-1K3: U Hanne 8: Suuth, Urillia.) Otce and. residence -corner of Owen` and Colher strgets, Barns. 23-ly "M. M. CAMPBELL, Barrister, Solicitor, -' Notary, etc. Money coloan. 0thc_e8.--Barrie and Stayner. `Bax-ne Uice--Bank ot Toronto Building, Owen street, 5-ly pg . ., narnswrs, Solicitotsiu High Conn: of Justice, Notaries Public, 'Conv_eyanoers. Ofnces over the Bank of Toronto, Ran-19,. f . uarn_e.- -_ . . I Morfeyln sums of $2.000 and upwards, to loan at 5 pet cent. M : "` II `I1 n._~ ___,___ 17 II I` If r.-.__._.. C. E.'Hnwsox. E WSON_. & CRESWICKE, barristers, Solici- tors ot the Suglreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, .Proctors. ovaries, Cohveyancers, etc. Money to loan. Ofces--Ross Block, Banfie. Is is It _____ __ A 1'.` LI` l`.........-n.-n _W_e are ~0l'fV to hear %of Mr; Fied 'A.yorqt a illness but hope that be may Agpon-'\.b`e able to be ouagain. .' C .0 A. RADENHURST, Banister, Attorney, . 0 Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyancer, etc. Othce-1-Fin: doc:-Owen street. over Bank 0: Com- ...-....- R...a-Z- .un.nR, ' CCARTHY, BOYS ,& mvncmsou. Barris- ters. Solicitors, Conveyanccrs, etc. Success- ors to McCa|,-thy, Pepler 8: Mcjarthy. A 0i.c.-'-McCarthy Block, Dunlap Street, Barrie. J. A. MCCARTHY, - W. A. Bovs, T` I" I1 -.._ _..... __. _ AU.L;T-Barristo:_-. Solicitor, Proctor, Notary, ' o ; Conveyancet, etc; Special attention in in-awin`and pmbaung wills, obtaining latter: or Idministratio and~gua.rdia.nship,collectingaccounts, etc. Oices. on Block. Barns. Monev to Loan- ;BNNo_.x.. ARDAGILL COWAN & snows. . Bagrnatcrs, Solicitors for obtaining probate of` w|lls._ guardianship and gdministrauong and Generini Solscatorn. Notaries. Convyancers, etc. _' A V Hauanrox Lnunox, Auix. COWAN, `B. Hou=oRn_AxnAan,' G. E. Lhxowx, L.L.1` ` Offices: `Hinds mo.-k,`No. 6, Dunlap street, Bar- nc. . _ 4- ' Branch Offices:-Lennox & xlrdagh. Gravcnhurm; Lenuox,ArdaEg'h, Comm 8: B1-own, `Creemorc and Alliston. 7 `~~ ' ' '35-ly MONEY TO LOAN AT 4% AND 5 PERCENT, bin s's L.L.n._~ Bartinter, etc. _ `of Toronto Building, Barrie. _money.to_ -Loan., -, ' - . ` RTRATHY & ESTEN. , H. `H. Srmrnpr, 'K.C. S -rw- I ~ Em is going ch havagLo h1e.o:ppoaition lathe council. If theydo this will be the t-at in` auumbrh of years. ` Robs Thompson `and family, of Miohlgan,fU.S.A_., "is, spending Xmas. lth hla father, lMr. Andrew Thomp- I05. ` L ' ' R. J..C.;SMITH, L.C-.P.S., Ont., (late o.D.-s. : Harvie Rx Stnhh, ()riHi2_\ 'nine and rem'dn-nrn { 1. LYON. PRfVATE. FUNDS L-o gr; at lowest ramci Fa-----' S1.) BROAD, M. D. C. M., S., 0,. Ian! abundant DI-u.-`einioi-n and \`uonn.u. l5R.\R._ P. VIVIAN 1. Hart," M.D.. M.R.C.S., Eng`._. L.R.C.P., `n. ` .-.-.____ - oicc in Bothwelfs Block, Allazidalea :21: me premises at night. = V 43-) ` ` :_ DRS. HART G. HART MONEY TO LOAN. -........, .uuu1u1I.Ig'S, etc. -Planin of' satisfactorily. ilot agency for grained lnm- '-.---Ba.yveId Street. Barrie.` RODGERS ` -successors/to Geo. Bull. ___________,o 3 facturing of "`5:;..f:.`;`:..;Ei.`-:*3`"%.2f I ..__,______.____.___ FOR INVESTMENT on good , freehold security at-lowest rate of Ifincipal money required until end of -f. H. STRA IHY. Solicitor, Etc., _ svnvmrons. ns `branches. Lichg -Ross Blocik. Barrie. 45- Y- FINAN CIAL. __-._____.- DENTAL. ' PIIYSIOIANS. Hylands he bouhi Byrneq _ house and lot and hga moved into the ,m"e. ._ , D. C, Muxcnxson. Homdeovathist. :60 Dunlop SI::. - Residence and Oice. ` 8-lv ___:__.1-.------* f1.na.u;. Eor. Dunlop 'and Mui- ...u.. \L:aaLaD|l3nea In . S Cor. Richmond home, 1336. In- Solicitors.Bank 3will promptly at- K!)-.Il'| ` "_ ., V -cj L, Architects. Both- ` .-u :uvv-., .__..._v. A. E, H. 'Cmiswxcxx. ._.. -_...._..a SI, Ontario nd (Established in I. Cor. `R:n5u-rv-A--3 Viigay Hlzdgine. `of ,Moulntr. Albert. spent Xmas under her parental % -An` + ` Telephone 124 "C? PANY~. anon-In... -1 a G. ESTEN. 7 '1 s E ~ _`._\5fiei'i'\;V3:Ftti;i`:as;;untt;';-_c:ags: ' *.??7E"a`3i2;e. a V L notes./ananaaxe. Vb,` .ca.n.get th ` nIi::*Nur_ ht ` Inigfft ..` 1 k v.-aw;-lt`g,})1l`lgp but by onderiizg from , .;t .} r..-x_ ~ RREN UQ.`a,. -' , {fa .`, ; costs nothing. V borrow a dollar until you see me; `terms best, rates and charges. lowest. Deeds. ., prepared on shortest noticg. A 2_o.ye}.r_s doing business in Simooe. Farmers espec:- allv muted to call and see us. Glad to see you. No for consultation "or advice. ICE-_- `B !-I,liB',` {Peter street amev ote arrxe;8'l2;n. L. 34.3}, THE EXCELSIOR-` Business college, um Ont. vumrnn Ilsa` Z The Mercantile, now afliated width The Lon- don & Lancashire of England. Secun ity, $15,000,000. ' The Waterloo Mutual. of Waterloo, Ont. Tothl assets, $334,083. Also L1ovd s Plate Glass Insurance Com- pany, of New York. Cash capital, $250, 000 `And tlie Sun Loan and Savings Company of Ontario. Private funds to loan on first mortgages. Ac counts collected. &c. o0ice over Henderson; Hardware Store, Barrie nt. ' ,_.____.----:--uu&' `B80 Rxrnsnnr 1-as Fonnowma Fm: Iusumxxcn Commmnsz 1 W `ll'_..__._AnI_ -- - ` ' * ' ' Gnu for adverllsexiients mug: in every case be mounted on solid metal bases. 7A/fply at} 2;: L. I j.__-;.9`TBEADV.N(}E 4 1.93 . .-___ --_ . ..-.---4...-.4-4.: gun I Condensed advertisr mentz on first page _:.:.-;; asewants of .111 kinds, lost and found. propg-:rv,~ for saleor to rent, specic articles, etc., em-., must be accnmpanied with the cash, and mi: `be inserted~hrst insertion 2 cents per wom. each subsequent insertion 1 cent per w.'.n`.' (names, addresses and gures counted at 'words); "but a. reduction of one cent per worz . will be made `when the number of insertion- of the same xnatterf exceed four. 2 uoniz SCROGGIE &. SMITH; u 55;` uv VJQGI 51711: , h,Advertisers will not be alluwed to use" their space` for advertismz anything outside that own regular business. Should they do so .tl'8nsient ates will be charged for such afi- verttsemen s.` ' _ `,+iu?: 11,anges of Aztdvextisenients allowed ;.-.v year. It more are required, composition rznes willbe` charged. T ' 'A'!`I!n'l'f;:IaIcn uni AL 1... ..`ll.......,l A... ...._'m `J "Preferrcd positions for local advertise.- ments in the paper will be sold at an advance of one. -third on above rates, on no other ac.. V count will special positions be given. This Itule will be_atrictlv_carricd out. "CONTRACT canons." Advertisers will. please bear in mind tlla? notice of. intention `to change advertisemems must be handed into the office not later than Satux day at 10 o'clock, and the copy for such change must be in THE ADVANCI ofce nor. later than 12 o clock noon on! Monday in an; week, otherwise the advortises announcement may not be made public until the week fr,-`._. lowing.` - `I9 nh.........V..t' A.1......a..'......._._i- -n-....n ma._ugnluuyu~:,_uacu.Luu u Uculu per 11118, jI{ea_ding nbtices,`l0 c_ents per line for rs: fnsertgop ;, 5 cents per lxne for each's1_1bsequent ugael-hop of the sagne matter. All 1tems un. der 5-l1nes, of this character, qhurged as 5 lines. Obituary Poetry 50. per lme. xxx- by 1 -,-~._-- -..---- - pay I Anna; ;u;\ Notices .Auction Sales A etc.-First inse x:tion 10 cents perm ;li:feI:1e::f,' sn_bs(-qneut i_nsertio1'1 5 cents per line. - `Reading nminnn `In nnnfn run 1:..- c-_ r 7the jlanzeat circtilation of any paper in the _Coi11ity'TownZ` ' ' ` - Tn: .ADVA'N'CE -is proven to have by far ._':.AAdyertisemen_!:s,e are charged according to vapace-j-18 lines agate measure make one inch_ ADVANCE` II`;-rhinos`: ' v msummcr-: AGENTS _cONVEYANCERS, ac. __ In scnoccu: 4. SMITH. .._*_______...__.___._?_&___ CONDEE SE1) ADVERTIISEMEN TS. ---u_ %AnvEi'rIsINa an-res "COMMERCIAL conwmcr RATES. Baniini dfluizsxnxrr ADVERTISING .Y.o ' from man: 4. SUN NID ALE CORNERS. Av -R rest. ' OFFICE, Barrie. .3!!! 48-1) Sf: u 1.1 LI 1.11 411.411: UU.l:ialV EH5. ` . Box 18. ' &::3=V;j31&kamk isk%`Vipenang%`% _ -_--......, ul. auangqle, ; noted the Misaionry_ser- _ L Vmany frienti of Rv`. gtjaili, `():l1:1,'T fojuier pus_1`o!",V WHLI .Ie_.am_'1] of ` fthe and .miafottnne 4 hiz 9m>V?%de% W~% we .4 A - ` --- Q!-IKIISWI of ;Ba.rne,'are viaicing at R. G Ric'h`arVd% % _) fMi_ss' EBeni; ;_I;('i-Mia__' te_`n`, visited Miss. `Annie 1 ilayi. ` ' % - ` _.-.-aun v 3511.21. ' . MISS Mzuur Campsunpcorrospouident. - `Mt. Doxiald Campbell of sun: sue. Marie irvisiting relatives here; ' j i ' Mr.'A'lbert and 4Aylm`ei' Uampbe}l bf ` uolweu yiaicgdrrieuds here last week. M;nn' 'Dn_. ."=- _-`J '3" "" "` _-._ ?--UIIIVI The public chooi concert held in Pine Grove school, was a decided success. ' '1`he`proceeds been $17.60. Qur teacher, ' `Mr. J. J. Marks, received great praise ~ _for preparing the {program and the ' being` read by Mr.*'Ber_t .Parr. Mr. A; efficient training of the fpnpils, there The teacher was presented with a. hand- somedressing _ca`se.v An able address been not a slip from beginning to` end. Primrose, of Minesinz, occupied the chair. V _ ` , ___--- ..-rv-- uu gvuu The mooyiug_ picture, show, was held in Grebfel Methodist `on Tuesday. night, was largely. at apd all report having-had k) gooc Receipts been $12.90. ` Quite a number fromhhere eaten the petty given by Wm. Ross, of I last week. Allreporc a good "time, rm... ...--..=- ~ Mien `Edda and t V Mr; and Mrs. Gill, the guests of Mr. Hqckridge. ' ` I. ' T Rachael nd Nellie Hook- ridge, of Toronto, are visiting under the `parental roof. ' _ ~_----win! G` A Quit a n[1;m_berA from the Christmas tree in An day night. ' ..-..- \l 'Mi`ss Flo; t'>oney,'of Barrie, her Christmas` holidays at home. f'\..2L- - /V ' " > ..----Q-g `cilia (Held over from last week.) Sleighing has `commenced again. Mr. W. I-Iuncaburg, of Coilingwiaod, is visiting friends here. Miss Tna Axford, of `Ora, is the guest of Mrs. W. Scott. - ` Miss 0liyevYoung, of Barrie; paid .3 ying visit here last week. ' `We are sorry to set death visited` , I Q o ` v ' . our vicinity once mo_re and took from unions of our most beloved ones in the person of Miss Annie Cook,` who died at her home at Big Bay, Point, after` an illness of error. -two `years, but death came suddenly at the end.- The funeral was on Christmas Day; The service at the house and at the grave was .con- ducted by Rev. G. W." `Young, of the Baptist church, of which she was a staunch member. She`su'ered`a great deal but was happy, and ready to `go and after `shaking hands and. bidding good bye to those around . her, said, I am now gong to be with Jesus.A memorial sermon was held one Sunday, Dec. 28th, in the Big Bay Point Baptist church by Pastor G. W. Young, These lines were written `on her death : Cu .....u_ on vuv vuqruu _ll6l.'Q OB '.I.'ll9I(I8Y, Dec. 23rd. - A fine program was given. The children gave the most of the enterlsainnlnenh ` Mas; W. `g;., ohmianand, ig _viiu'- ing Miaa.Idu_Birnie. . Mr, an'd- Elliott, of Toronto`,- 'apent`0h'tiasmaa.wiu_n M re. -0. Redfern, `Ppinawiok. V - ` { `Miss niimle Guess, of` Barrie, u spending` the Xmia `holidays with relatives haze. Mr. p.a'g';,.; and Mis's._,M`:-ole Paa- gett, of Toronto J unonion, are visiting at" Mr. Thos. Scales. ' ` V > * Q V Mr.vAr4huif 1`ribl iis 1'yiaiti,ng at Aaron; Mr. Reubu cook in hgme rromhe ,}Tot'th_weat.]- _ V \_ `Rinhgrd Tribble, of Midland,_sp_ent Xmas at home. ` % V `Mild S. h&;1'b, o{l'r6w `her sister, Mrs. B, .La'sber; N ,,is vigiting __Mia oiL;'_E11iaeo, momma, is visiting as home. - - Dearest sister, she has left as. Jesus called her long `ago. . All the summer she was passing, Softly as the breeze so blow. She has gone to be with J esus, .And our loss we deeply feel, But tis Jesus who has called her, , He` can all our sorrows heal. r.` Chur::hil|{; : of ` EDENVTEE. me BA:Y__iI"O_IN'I-`:1 ends of A.'F. In"- v?vilI,.5.`soi9r.y" ' .mia;foAr.tnne of . havghg 1, ..r.% ;`esu1 j %jg,cmoer ;: GJKENFEL. v-u -an val lafgelyltttende, ill, of Toronto, "ore: r. and Mrs. John om herb dttended Angus on Thura_- s_Muir, bf';;1g VMil9a`,-;on Suju-' Aw-hie good time. .,,,_.V -. noun v VIII-I-Io , Forgie ;\)nb a `few ,da.'ya' ' . fw;`_`eo; kV yvit._h.. h" r aox); .Frank.?_;of % `qctendd v, which t church spent . .8516.9i95'..!6Le.i ..a=_1z.' 'n`n.*.`.1.- .1 The Qep. an"d_ .entertainfment gfvxi ` in % connection. Vwivtzhz the M_thod'iat ohjiroh< here a_ shprtf '-t ii11,c$~aigcS".\yz_'e|_.M Q dbidd success` 'A,ii1jifbliA"_`,.latUi_` /sum w'a.s realized thigh fav;iI1}T`.,;s_LiJ'_t'5<)'1{')"tLted bymhra V oioials. of_ therqhurch The 'pr4og;-amm'e7 was one " of 'th'a?_b'`tj_ `thti_t`fhs1"a' Q26? been ' . given in`%thi9;;i1t ; %?iYIhie% f by; Mr: 'a'n,d:M1'-3. % scarce in our vilj_age_ it wqs Aalmost`im- j possible to `secure one ev'e'n_ qp affabu. ' Inns price for`-Obriatmae dinnewr. No.1 donbtthe iiuhsual number of `fowl s_u_p pars ?giv. nI at, entartainments ~in-Ehie ' early put-At;o fM fall hadn ki}iin'4 e`a_dtVon% ~ birds thatghquld `have, h,ee"11s_p"ag-ed run-* - . ! _-vw- n-oIlll\JO A Dr. Hunt, of New Lowell, is having [ 9. shingle ',ma`cVhine- erected ontihe Dubois farm` which hfpurchaaed a few `yes;-a ago. There is a large amount of timber on this pgjopettyz and "110. doubt there` yvi be altfathciass, attiol mannfac tured. - ` ` ` After about one week e_illneee Mrs. Hogan passed peacefully away on the 22nd inst. Her husband predeceased her some fourteen years ago. She leaves four sons and four daughter etc! mourn her loss. The fnmilvhae the ` evmpntby of the entireneighborhood. 1-` rr - Mehai". Buie and Alex. Campbell .v(e`.retu.rned home afteysome monch s % "i_n,t.he west. t V` 7_v e r-y interesting and pretty wed- - __waa ealemizedeat the residence. of `e r; John McGee, brotrhen-in-elaw of ' the ~ - ,T[w`hen `Margaret, yhird kdafugher and Ir; Spiker wee .~ I `:gd?,i ;V1_IAnifi`iai:V0 l:o~D";-'. :0; Jaliteg.-' ` n,f S_tayener. eRevv. -Mr; A ehee*9rem9e9Y~e. The ehrisieve-.hiM`ie `{I the e r A There `is very little excitement as yet over municipal aiira in our midst. ` No doubt on the first Monday in Januatyvan intelligentivote will be polled an we always have done and did an even on the referendum. V ,, _ _ r .u-u-VIII Mr. M. Johnetone is engaged . for another year as -teacher in ourechool. ` This is Mr. ohnstone e thirteenth year in . Brentwood school. We think it a pretty lengthy record and one which/is seldom beaten. ' - Mr. Hugh Smith, of this tillage, was h united in marriage t9 -Miss Florrie Latimer, of Angus," on` the 24th inst. They are spending the holidays ivith ' friends at Gravenhurt and other places. "__ `I `I I A - ` _the greatest `number of marks given. . . We `are pleased to learn that R'.eJ. % Percy Gauley, who is attending` the Bertie Collegiate Institute,',waa `so suc- cessful at the. Xmas exam as to receive II `Fr ""` ` our town whivch is said tvb;-l'iberally patronized. We are a progressive ; peopie. ' Z J fed up a skating rink in the suburbs of _ ,r--__, -- _.........u.., may wuuxn Mr. Will Clark has beenhusily en` (aged for the past` few days in uioving a `building to a. more convenient place where he can utilize it with more pro t.. The young Messrs. Smith have open- --. _l2lI .. -_._ D'Arcy 7 t_Gfa|;l` of jhis burg, was is V guest. at the wedding of his cousin, Mr. Fred Simpson, of Thornton, last week. M- nnn n- I` -1 jut her aunt's here Mrs. Maxwell's; ` `Box 20. - (Held over from last week.) ' Mrs. J no Hpzgins is dangerously ill. , Your oorrepondent wishes THE AD- VANCE and all its scribes the compliments of the season. ` ' Miss "Florence `Maxwell, of Ooll_ing- wood 0.1., is` spending her holidays` with her parents here. Miss -E. Scott, daughter `of Cop _ F. Scott, of Collingwood, is holidaying 9 `I'll 1., IV ' A great; mony people Vnlztnded the. funeral of Mr. W. Osborneon Sunday ; afternoon last at Dalston, as there was ` no eeririce in Crown Hill `Methodist churoh._ Our sympathy goes out to the bereaved ones in the loan of their loved I one. V _.__- vw--van-v can VDIIIIIIO `The echolere of the Methodist Sunday eohool held their Christmas tree last` Monday evei:.iog.' The weather being i favorablethere was qtiite e crowd in attendance. Everybody reported the program splendid. ' d `- ' Mien Washington, a returned min-` eionerye from Japan; ipoke in the] Methodist church -ln.at_ Sunday, Dec- 2let, on herimissionery work and of the people and their customs in J upen. ,f|'V],.,. ..-l.-I_._.. -1` .1, ll .1 Wears a6t'r?y'tol_e}a:_-A bf Mrs. Fraser `being laid up at her fishers home. We hope soon to hear of "her. being about fgnin. T % ` ""MissA Patridge, who been teaching school year Trout Creek, in. Parry Sonnd,_ is home-for her Christ- mas holidava. " ' % , __, ` .. I.` l`v_`-vVau,vu-no-H1030 " `Miss 014.. Patridg_e,_of Taronco, i. hoiidaymjg"ac herhome; here in Qgown Hill. ' - . nag V man made. as n,sn%%f.m. .OroginHill'laIt__w`eek. ` 1 F V Eva Partridge is-spending Vs few} days withfrienda in Edenvale, ` Mr. Levi Duhn, who has` beep` under -the weathr, in slowly progressing. `IA:.... 111.... `A Mr. B. Luck Ind _wite nfe spending} Xmas at Mr.'T..Luok, also ` Mr. Win Luck of Weybnrn. ' ;fe.gi._'vf`e';_:;_;=i;,1,> , Mr. and Mrs. DI`; %QSin*d6t;bn 2-`mi ihbj Mis . .', .n.|".Ii:| l!'Ii'i';'1vi-'.. . : - ' BRENTWOOD.

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