At`l1\!rl\ rs:-his . V The Sun Lif Insurandq company; OF CANADA F . * .. . 4 Call and get rates for your own satxsfgctnon, In the Suri-ogate Court of the County of ` `Simcoe. 1n the Matter of the Guardianship of Nora. May Houlihan. the _1nfa.nt child of David O. Houlihan. of the, Town of Barrie. in the County of_ Sim coe. Hoetler, deceased. INSURANCE FIRE and LIFE % WHAT DO WE {VANTTQR Notice of Apfslication for, Letters of Guardianship 1 Inc nutshell the none can be put thuely: `If-Will` Barrie suffer very much from the Join of the trade of a body of "men _who `hie banded together, for the `express pur- pole of.beiu_g'able to putchgae their dry joode, " groceries, etc.., in Toronto a_t '1vh0leuale retea ?" T .. ...- . ,.u an; su uuwuu-ucn 3&1: LI. STEWART & STEWA RT, Solicitors for ap Annrn II-[OI We have never-lost sight of quality, no matter how low the price. the changes of business, blow of trumpets and shout of bargains to 4/ befuddle and `bewilder; there is one steady-going, enterprising store that nswervesitn'eitgherto the right or the left in its duty -to the people who have made it. the successiit is,_ and that steers true for satisfaction for all. With yourcontinued support and confidence, we shall attempt still greater things for the coming year, and as you have helped so materially to make thisstore the :success_ it is to-day, we shall gladly receive from you any suggestions that will enable us to better serve you in this-- it ._Barrie's Most `Popular DryiGoods Store. M u . #80 _W.en`tf,o_ok you into our condence by explaining how our in- ,,ei.'ense:l`.?ioCluihe nf htisiness wo\il(I`i`n`1enn` great saving to you. The re- sult .hn 'hieen _4highi'yhiintisfnctory; We have been delighted with the XQCTIQ MONEY. V `-._you 1; Happy New Year , fog your generous support-eduring I902. vvnnl. on axnwnug, Solicitors for the Applicant. `.v_,. 4 At Friday evening's eeeeion at the Coun- cil a communication was received from the Pain'ewicl: Grange asking for the re- ` pool of the and threatehing that the members would decline to market .tl_ielr' produce __in Barrie unleea the time t-_ reltriction war removed and would rend it on to Toronto instead. This bore the r'n})pearinoe, at acaaual glance, of being alum a_ `knock-out blow for the By-law int a `little rorntinybfi the source from - which the document emanated ehcwe that fjtliee Aldermen sized up the situation `i-fproperly when they consigned`. the - com- Jlinnicationvlrom Painewick Grange to the fjrutelz paper basket. [ ' SARJEANT & SMITH. , LWe%h`a;;s:e heJtigh t.st3rf;n:l;e\i}>ng Grey Swagger C_0*at.s at $5`. $9, $11 and {$12. We claim to be :`1f?*9h39*P93F* =9QI;in O_Il ta!ii_o,;; ~:_fo,1_- good clothing. Put :_1.h T 4 , the test. A ,1. .13! . .- ` G Shoe and t E II`; `tIie'"i`eliable makers .s:.~.}..~..i-A ms k~.%-..A-LA+ L . \J..I..IJ.I.I `We h'aYe the style Coats $5, :50 $11_ `kn __l_____":. MEN S m\` 1) 3 fI\'r'?9\--- __ r_-:-- 4 V I_) .'Y('?JUTH?S_ RAGLAN OVERCOATS, tr A,? SUITS, JACKETS, 3U1STE?$a 1 3_T 9} vhf ? x `-_`I7n"L-'.;:...`a.-~7A.L - -'13 ':ff?The' farmers can now judge for them- , Ielveu to what extent the Gazette had their interests 5 heart and can also form _ ollhrewd an ' as to whether or not Tm: guide a miateke in its claim ;{thItthe'.GIzette is pimply themouthpieoe . "of the -wholesale buyers; who are naturally lnxioue to keep the prices down is low :5 b possible. `_I` 0 I` e ..n .. prices for in Barrie. They 1 . ' Anuthr ahimulent [direct from Europe to us, Ia:a>::.:xaz>s~;v-=_;.-'.~aa:.. -' J ` - "ito _;1.a1_11_c1;>t;}1is,.\'e;x_l__;.`g::_;_ fa` vE4y"1a*?sc `s{y1s {J the 1 ` Sb'a_w1s, Fasciimtors, Gloves, `Mitts, .Ui)d`erV`Iests', "Blousle, Wramwers, Undersl : Skir`t_'s,: Dres Goods, Cloths and Tweeds. A frdt I0 p-er cr-nt in hl-`.~I.' vouns TRULY. " AI Ethe Gazette commends Magistrate Rose for his condemnation of the new * `By -law. It must necessarily endorse the V -irguments which he_ advances in eonneoe tioniwith his -criticism. And this is where the shoe pinches. For as a matter of fact M_agistr__s.te is opposed to the enforoe- T . the By-Lsw on the ground that through ;_'_itI operation the townspeople have to pay farmers too high? a price tor their * .roduoe. As the Gazette, during the < Market By-law controversy, has been ` olaiming all along to be the ohampion of I the farmersl oause, `it would be interesting `jto know-how that Journal can reeonslle : he;atatement of Magistrate Ross with its holgtgntion that the new By-law would llrlvelthe farmers away from Barrie. _. . TO ALL ial' bargains for the ]:u idn_\fs The prices run 13:.--,. -~- - - .. 'CVV` \`_.-- On these lines forLadiesEam1' Childru n w'e are o`ex'- Nw Jackets and capes SAMPLES--An'other lot or whole- 's ale Samples, Tin Ties, Gloves, Socks,- `Undershirts, Top Sh rt. Fan- 5' Shirts, Braces, 'N'eck'Scarfs, at 30 per cent. dis count. . , _Gift8.. = A- few sun estious for New Years . I . _ 5 In the ru`sh of the Christmas festi- `vitie have you forgotten anjone? we desire alsoj to thank you _ NEVV YEAR Ta: MARKET BY-LAW. A The `Gazette is adventuring on rather ltngerouu ground, when it boasts of the [pet that Police Magiutrate Rosa con- idpmned the new `Market By-law in open geourt. i = . 9 met` anmltlent-ldirect came -'_(I_':;;aX_ - `I ` es; r . _ V, _.a.._. lXis;.welx'.`gz'1`he very latest styles at ]o\v92-at `Sig. _.` .,fj . ,. : . \ *:wh1cl1'_ gtzjcli ; Jackets and Capes were ever sold ,..z '_ciinot be equalled elsewhere. j"I'.wv- . - to 25 per cg-nt 011 regular pnces. [ators, `Mittx, Stoqkings, , MUnderskirts, Dre 1, 19o3.t II VI` slunuunlfllv. Adva/nae. {A.uu:wL w:si.:-:\'r; Pnoamaron _ -7 -~w~ - :i`;1'.a':'.:`::'4::s':;L.':?:::.:.'*;::;E`..`:*' @n.m.. All --u.-_ ._-s_,, 2-._.., an a `NORTHERN ADvANcI-: new name will be added to the Subncptibig " Iltil tho mouevjl paid. 7 3., . _ __ , 35>?` L . ~ `wt `.-:.. r -\ ., . " . . - e'*": r 2 -` I ` ' ' . .. `J . _ iM.zlcer `of Portraits. ` " !'.ISNlS.'.l'ANG. ` , 1.1%,. mm. , Accommodation. ,5.28 p.m.1 \._ .8. -p_.1n_. Accommodation. 7.56 mm. -`RCALLANDALE 8; BARRIE SECTION. I _. ~n_A|uux ro ALLANDALB. _"-_.-`-.153! a'.m., 7.56 a.m., 9.35 3.111.. 11.15 a.m., 12.1: _`..; 1.a6a.m., 5.2ap.m.. 8.oop.m. . ` ~ 'Al.l.ANDAI.3 1'0 auuun. ;7.5o n.m.. 11.15 a. m.. 11.25 n.m., 5.9: p.m., `luv-v -cu o-suns navunflnauuu I.llUI.`lllllVo flliilv. All other trains Daily except Sunday. '59'l II`i_I.|s le`voBrr lu`'ii arrive from the ;-llIln Innti9_nodplaces_u`fo1lows: V - Vfsruou ' TORONTO 31 mm; .`,.An .__A _ p_,_____ or no _ tlhlished from the Oice, :23 Dunlop Street V3lfI'iII. in the County of Simcoe. the Pro- ` "Vince of Ontario. Canda, evry Thursday Mgrning, By lplllrl nail-nun -:1 -- _ - - . _.._.3._ [A 8 Page 48 Column Newspaper. V L AR-HIE :nAILw~A aumfa. nun pan.`-. \ Mall. .' 11-33 mm`. $.11 .p.m.. *Atlnn'tic & Pacic Ex. 3.58 pan. lu ogoning Expreu leaves Toronto at 5.30 Ll A III`! nanny . Tgxus or Suascmrnox. I `____, __ an #;`."y$`Il I."`|lI JNIw yY%earl '.u.;..%:;;TTa,e:' \IR\-'1` .5 H - Ex run ..2I 5: A-mg; ` .90"!- 11-38 uunu nuu _IuJuIvu was Ifllll DFQCOBGOCII WWII. `Engineer Gillies of__Sarnie Tunnel and e reman on engine 980 of the express "N'5.3.'.'l19l1.lz the killed, ;.Tl_1`e remainder are A 3- rthrzxms III? III IUD ' aKll'00',l1. II_th`oT_oidett occurred word `;"L..0l_.l.,0AlAI_t to Iabndon uni doctors were soon Q.;.ih9, 00_n8. ; The _work removing thg, 4154.ns1.inihrd7vihi'thIii6rg9aedea'wish. J .3"Iiiinishi-<.`lIiIlibi"'nl `na-..:-x m____. _ . . Tlib wreck I was ooinpiete, find it is `ithgniht that hardly a single passenger in. tjxelmokar esqnped injury. . The other, oa_ra the psugpg9r.`trin_.remaiped` on V`__ _, ,.. .--~ .... .. we vaptulu was proceeding west` at its usual high rste of speed. The freight was moving slowly and was to hsve taken the switch at Wsnstead to allow the express to psss. Apparently neither "of engineers saw the danger in timeto avert the soeient, forthe two engines came to-_ gether near` the west svvitohyith frightful ers_sh.hoth being ov;-erturned into the ditch, '_ nd the ~bsazsg'e ` and express roars being telesooped into the smoker, with appalling` WS_eventy-four Killed and" 'I`h1rcy-one ; Wounded-Woret Smaehun ` ` ` ` in Years. A terribleaooident ocedrred at 10.10 Friday night at Wanetead. `a station on` the Semis branch of1the G.'l`.R... being _a.`, head-oi oolliaion between the Pacific Ex- 1 press (No. 5)., end an eue$bot'1ndfreight~` train. The expren wu proceeding west! at its Jllllll high ntn nf ........a mu.- -T............... any s.s'uu.I we enacts of in stroke of paralysis, at the age `of 73 years. During the Fenian Read in 1866. he was one of the rstto join` the Home Guard. He was a sherman by occupation, and at one time was one of the town's largest sh merchants and shippers. _In politics he was s staunch follower of_'the late ago, heyreoeived the Government appoint`- ment of lighthouse-keeper of the Notts.wa.-` ssgs light, which positioii be retained un- til" the time of his death. ~ ` _,__-- .....,,. Mr. Arthur Clark, one of Collingwoodi oldest settlers, and resident, of the town for over fty years. passed "away on Christmas Day from the effects of a stroke `of Fenian 1866. first n 1'n:..~n... 11...... n--- i Bystander. in the Weekly Sun, Says;- The light for the government of Ontario in the election courts has produced its inevitable effects. We have had a 'carni-, val of tampering with the rights of con- stituencies, sawing-o' of petitions, and all the chicanery by which election trials are notoriously beset._ In one case mal- prscticehas gone the length of deliberate- ly putting up money for the purchase \ 1 of evidence to reverse the {vote of the f people; a factwhlch the people, if they s have only self respect, will remember. I i should the constituency be eventually . thrown i open by `appeal. Nor has. the I! fear that the heavy strain might be laid I upon popular condence in the judiciary turned out to have been unfounded. Mr, Ross had shaped his course in the inter- ' est of his party, and while party govern- ment prevails he would hardly. be blamed for so doing whatever the consequences to the country might be.. But the con- sequences to the conntrywere suretoi be bad. Had the public interest prevailed, Mr. Ross, instead of ghting this dark and sinister battle in the election courts, would have taken the course to which British precedents pointed, and metwith- 9` out delay the Legislature which he'hsd called. `It is impossible that a strong, '3` respectable and stable Government should. 7C be produced by suchla process as this. - ` ' tic The public meeting. called `for Friday $ evening nex_-t by the Mayor to be held in 1 ` conjunction with _the postponed meeting of_ the Board of Trade should be attended by every ratepayer who is interested in the welfare and progress of the town. The Mayor, Aldermen and the Chairman `the Board of Oommissionerss will all be Ipresent to explain the administration of their `several departments and to give cogent reasons why the various money _ by-laws now before the ratepayers should be sanctioned by them. The candidates for aldermanic honors next year will also be given an opportunity of stating their- platforms. The meeting is to be held in the town halland opens at 8 'o clock. 1w{n1p4Y"s RAILWAY ACCIDENT. - Before _ another isioe. '.l`nx _ AnvANcn_ `the candidates for the Council `of 1903 will be inthe eld and a. 1m warning is t given thelratepay era tourge on the strong.- i eat possible` men the necessity of coming to tne`ron_t,and assisting in` the adminis-' ' tratlon of -municipal _a`airs_ during "a` year which promises to see the turning point in Barrie s career. Well V` authenticated rumors are `in the air concerning `certain industries whichhavepropoaitione to make to the toIrn,:noIr that we are assured of the O.P.R. paasing throu'gh'Barrie'. Under these circumstances, there should befound men who are willing to sacrice a little of their time for the good of `the community- at large. ' . one of the Town's Oldest Settlers ' Passes Away. 1:- A-.LL- I`- bgpkA on fincm.m: 5 per 453%.?` 'I?`uie ratepayers emotion the by-luv bu -Monday. which authorizes the issue of debentures tp frisiso this debt the_ money can _be 39- ` cured at leu than _fo'nr per cent,-3 con- aiderabje saving, an the-Mayor says. A V gs. via`: tr . ' \ :7 Wh%9`n=%theV nreant \152Ietrioj:Lrsm -.imigi6p'ga idok o1oev't`I;by;T ierg `I:ddl_e'?1" um; . de`b:`fot $4,200 incurred, throtik .{ Ltho "purchase of-` Vadditionhl plan't, iota. This `money had been boyrowed from the I.__.L. - nmn A51` OOLLINGWOOD} media; 178;} | I A II.-- 5- I.-_- A;1OX'1Vi.`.E---VGc:tnT:I*a'T: l,* S.;I';rantf;.`jx' Rev` L. "and then We Wiufba 3`-We of hm -- . : Rainer.- APP1t7o}M;RS.j-W.A.BOYS.- 2 - ` ' . . .4 ` A - awn-How v % % ...*=!!9? ing, 35 u I T 'an V ADominion Squaxe P: o, nearly new, and Ray- mond Sewing. Machine, nearly new.; Applyat THE `.5? -YAI11_C.=$ fEFA9F- . - ` ;. %J :43-er ymreu+MmswIns%MAcnIn ronsau: . V I T `oobooooo ` _ Hind Quin-te,rs _i $6.50fpe r wt.l~ Fox- I $5.50 `- -* narcut and delivergd tom` ..pnrts4f Else Tfowm . . This question will be sub- _mi;ted to the ratepayers. of the y:'3o4i1nty~of Simcoe qualied to vote on rriolneyby-laws at the Municipal. Electigns on Jan- iiary 5th, 1903. A full v_ote e is reqtlested for the` guidance of the County Council. 1 . J. F. SMITH, Static gent. J. D McDONALD.District Paisctgger Agt.T H nto._ -\ arl, are not surpassed In the best H .15. Tickets, Folders and al! information n applica- tion to Agents. ` ' ---VG-C-an.aa4A1.a. 0 V 191). Prompt connecti as fast t . ` ' - ed_ Parlor and Sleegin Carr. unmlsly appgmt _ Meal: "3 la (mt-ta." served in nu. `..:.... .. A r~..:_ eq rarlor and sleeping Cars. ` ' ' V \. MealsV"ala. carte." served in the ' ing a- d Cafe Cars, are not surpassed in the best H .15. Ticlrnfl, Folds:-n and all I-`Ska...-.51.-... .. _.._.I!-- * ' -9 On: way and round tri Tourists Tickets are on sale, dailv. giving choice routes and stop over privilegea at principal points. I EXCELLENT S VICE. fI,,_, . _ uuu u \u1t\ILal.LV'|\3 I Including New O:-lean nd the famous Hot Springs o Arkansas. - -` ._. aw-new yIuuluQUU,UU|`IIg'ICXU IW_"0n1e,9~'f 4: ' - _ .=:-`Ajs.:_:aI consequeni3i`?a_theA',int'erests of the TownoioBar_rie for-the last two "years ha'_v'e besnrepr nted in`=thechief parliament `of the; .-county: `by the two `gentlemen named, both residents of. Oro. These gentlemenare doslbtlell both worthy men, but they are l ea'c_h`engaged;in fermion occupations which _must,n_ecessarily occupy a large portion of '.t_hir;time.._s~ They are diicult to reach if anything .. urgentrequires attention, and have their looalintetests and possibly their ; localprejudices, andl submitthey cannot `possibly look after the many needs` and re- quirements of the County Town of Barrieas well as one resident among us. . `, 1 see by Warden Quinlan s letter publish- _ eda couple weeks ago on the subject of County Roads, that this important question Will again` come before the next session of the County Council, and the sum of `$150,000 may be spent on the highways of the County `by `this County Council. Shall - the Town of Ba}-lrrie look quietly on with stoldod -hands Without any direct representative and see this large amount of money expended, $22,000 of; which is `directly contributed by the towns and villages of the County, with_out endeavoring to secure any portion of it for her streets and `highways, or shall it all be spent under the direction of Mr. Campbell and Mr. Raikes on their township roads alone. The development of Barrie as asummer resort. the development of local industries. the possible coming of thcC P. R. and many other questions of importance ` may require to be dealt with, and Dr. Wells, who has bad a larger municipal ex- ,_ perienoe than either of the Oro gentlemen, and who as Mayorof Barrie -for several times, did such good service for our town, canwell be entrusted with our affairs in C the County Council. The town willthen have one representative and the township one, and this is as it should be. - . How to do it--The township will doubt- less look after itself--let. the town do the same, and give-a solid vote for Dr. Wells. . their own candidate. When at man divides his double vote and gives half to one candi- date and half to either of the others, he . really does not assist our own man much, because he gives equal help to the opposing man. If this is_done to any largo extent in this three-cornered light". the Town of Barrie will be without a representative for the next two years as in the past. Depend upon it. the township voters will not divide their votes to any extent with our Barrie man but will go solid for their own men. I hope the ratepayers will see the importance of guarding the welfare and prosperity of own, town in this particular and give a double vote for Dr. Wells. I thank you Mr. Editor for your space in your paper. ARE YOU in FAVOR nominated rrom Barrie, and two candidates, Mr. Geo. Campbell and Mr. Geo. ,,Raikes from Oro. to represent this Electoral Div-` ieion. Throughover-condence on the part of the voters ` of Barrie, andtthrongh the uncertainty always . present in` a three- cornered ght, which uncertainty is much increased by each voter having a double vote, we had` the surprising result of the Barrie candidate being left at; home. AD I nnnnnnnn-en`- 1-Ina 3-grain`..- ..I -I... logging! .uu.u.g.vsIa, ~ q,_ . ..:.Daer vSir.`--w'Aa:' `huh ntepnyer `of.`- i - desire "to call` the gttention of x_n.y. `fellow \ rnt_ep_pycre to whet, in-my opinion, ilfi metnerof ninch importance in the coming election for County Council. As you are aware the Town of Barrie and Township of Oro are joiner}. together and constitute ~Eleonoral "Division `No. 1,` of the. County Council. ., At the last. election,` two years ego, one ca.ndida.te, Mr. J. J. Brown, was nominated from" Barrie, and candidates, Mr (Jon I`...-..-....I....u -_.1 n. n.. 'n_:n_-, Mn. V Enrron; V. l`QdB .Qin w%Hou-:sALE V AND RETAIL wbgrmii 'iiisonTs .Gm'ncjl `is supposed tq repreient" % flip _ voioopf the citizens: and ;Ivit_l1"evexy.. ..;;pn;1;g:,bu2 onejp; Y9? the. Byd-Tluv CALIFUR A.;1V\;'l.XICO. FLORIDA ` and! "CAROLINAS" j!___ `Y_.,, 3 .'D3. Wmm.s' `As, (:6UN*rY 'cO\isaMis- * aIoN1g;a. 1 l_ 134-, , , um TRUNK %o`o `- v;....0F..'... In XIII, . Yours truly, AN INTERESTED RATEPAYIB. `-'ro THE- ff: "fvhe}.' $1.; 5... in am. an` .}y; cdtnmand a_ price of: 16 onts 9 pound` and`. i`=:gq'pue_ -10` pnti th, _1;p_y betm-e chnisquga; v_.._... _-r` , ._- 4 -. - ._ .. : 0" f;a.rmar% inll pgii a` mirket;v-iAuoh"iQA RAILWAY svsrem I - , Well, Mother, there is 9. Layer of Raisins, and 9. `pound of ' Shelled Almonds, and a box of those 20 cent Chocolates ' for the children. Oh F and Moth. er, get.a. pound of those: 40 cents: onestoo. ' I like those! - And-9;, couple of 'p9_tir1'd,s of ` those `loxjglym `Sp`anishz.;lGrapV8,'8` and ddxtl`: f0r3*=Na?l 97'm968:F98l; gzndl VDat08.,*ind* .tM6t_:her,.7'-`gQt . _ `I A them all `at; = {_;..4j_ {r-V: ,.l er cwt. lo 1 all: `Office -V--37 M-aryV St.,B-1:1-r`i;e. f % MONEY T0 LOAN. f \JL \JK1L` I'll} L L` AGENT FOR The Perth Mutual Fire Insurance 60. The WB8tBI:_Il Fire Insuranca u. LET ME SEE V ........ I .42. ~ will take fgur risks irranv bf his companies on the ' bst terms and lowest. rates. `All first cla- 5 com- J panics. Full amounts of losses paid. GENERAL _AGENT`F0_R - I ' . l Notice is hereby given that after the expiration of twenty davs from t e V first publication of this notice application will be made to the Surrogate Courtof the County of Simcoe before the ludge in Chambers at the Court House. in B3.I'l`16 fora grant of letters. of guardianship of the above named mfant to Janet Houlihan. of the said Town of Barrie. widow, the mother of the said infant. Dated at Barrie the with day of vDecember.A. D. xgoa- Q I`t.`\UAD'l` o. c`"A nrru _ " N eturllly, if the protest had come from the residents of Inniel, other than mem- - been of the Grange, it would have been - given due consideration. It is hardly fr likely, hov_vever,' that with Berna pm. then thoee prevailing an the Tor`- ._?; oqzgsi market, anyone will ehipproduoeto n!`I!"!%*!'i 5TennV1'1e?'!';"'3'? % tI`|"e"i,_iI,-.y`V; _v'vel I_ere the n added cont or tram: