Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 27 Nov 1902, p. 4

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_t_or I00 Womenl. SARdEANT& S|V||TH S MILLINERY -%'--ARRIVING %AT--%-- in dark,` mid and-light Grey, Black, Navy and F;mcy Colors, in :1 lengths and waist sizes, at about the prices the materials sell for. P91` Vfe.t' tting. Tailor made Skirts, with a style about them that cannot N` lmitated in the regular Way of making. Taulina vnn nun mum ............ ..;. T`D\'frI'\1):1 _ , 13,11 nt\A\. ru- ----cvwvv --as vuv nyaulub `V6 . V1 l..llll&.lI.I V _ V % Lva:iies, you can save money at .IRWIN S on your Fall Coat. 01' ;Ski_rt. ` ` - ' V FAIUQI JIIIIIUIIU Ill KIUII IIIIIIIIUIU E. Purkhoule, onmuw lumber. . , G. '1`. 1%.. freight on stone. . ; . Icanglord Qum-yOo............ J. G.`Soo'tt., shingles. .. .. . A. Raynor, hauling and, etc. -, J no. Burridge, labor. 4 ; . . .` . . ` ,1`. Oonnoro, plutorinm. . . . . . . .`Reid, lsthiug. . . .' . . . . .v. . . . is:-Gr, _S_o`ott., AoomBnt`._. . , .2. . ... Mfg,` Q_9.,_.`.mI,utloI. `1 $110; . High Grad-3. ` Semi R e a d y ; Fault-less ; _SHOREY S and other reliable makeraa.t'CASI-I STORE CUT PRICES. Young Men's Roglans and Raglimettes in the latest cuts as $5, $7, $10 and $12 that are not equalled elsewhere. M. Saxe & S6ns"diculty enables` us to offer Fine Suits. Overcoats, Ulsters, `pan!-u 1T.-...o... T--L-L~ -- uuyl, .lDllliI' H ductiona. IR`WINf8 dies and Children. sunc uuuu. UVEITOEUS, Ulsters, Pants, Vests, Jackets and Reef on an fully A ~'1`HIRD OFF TIIE PRICE` I $7` 50 a 3475 11 0 mg $`.50. fO:Y".' $10 `S3313 ? 50. 34. C5. 87 3530. woi'th'3: per c::rc(.mr:1ore. I -B0'Vl'. Ynt'II.\" '-IIltlunn - Q..8s_ l\..__._--_ -4 ,1 11, -1--- .5 plan anmw J. 0. IRWIN "Men's Clothing ' $2 00 `Ladies Capes in Fur Lined, P/ilario and Fancy Cloths, Zebel/mes, Beaded and Braided Plush and Zlfotalasse Cloths from $1.50 to $25.00. ' wll nuupwu. e . . Report No.11 Roads and Bridges re- commended that R. H. Gibson, engineer. be instructed to prepare plain for the , North River bridge abutmente; Adopted on motion of Councillors Campbell and Bnrvie. ML- ....L ........-I. no Hun nrnnahatnn An 3.00 5.00 ""3 1"-"-.!'V? We IR-. U0 U7 Ind $10. worth 35 cent. more. Yh""`v"d chd" "V 3 538. Overcoat: and Reefere as the same re` zchbelz. Store in Canada. for Clothing for Men 7.`) Mn. ' ' ob} 0 SKIRTS 9 9 Q o LADIES Gents U tbrellaa. pure silk tops, onyx, - natural wood and horn handles, with sterling `silver r and gold mountings, leather or silk covers, extm v.-a!m= at $3.50, $4.00 and ................. .. Gents Umbrellas, with Linen Silk Tops and fancy horn handles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gents Umbrellas, with natural wood and horn handles, silk covers, very hand- I-101118. 0.00 o . o o a 0' . . o o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Gents Umbrellas II'V|Uo . i - The first report or the Committee on Education recommended that the petition of School Section No. 3, Adyile, be grant- ed, and a grant of 835 be made. Adopt- ed on motion of Councillors Jupp and Breckenridge. T 'l3-......J. KT.` H 1;` `kn Dnnnnntn nnrn- can: 1 v L4lI.II.I (.0 1.Iu7llUllil'll?ll'.y DHUUCHDLU` sale of our new Imported and Canndizm ln:1dE- . MANTLES,_ JACKETS. ~U LSTE RS. CAPES and READYTO WEAR WALK- ING, RAINY DAY and DRESS SKIRTS. Up to the present; date we have sold more of 1311886 than [during the whole of last year. There are reasons fm` it, and tiwy :m`- these:-We hawe the wry latest Bm-Hm. Vienna nu.) T.....:I.... ;-___1__ n7. _1_--.. ._v... . Vv IJ Jnlnvv uuv `V1! lilltfalz .IJ('I nu. Vienna and London Myles. \Ve show u. great. variety in styles, lengt.h~4, maferi-als :1 .d trimmings and our price- are `25 per cent. below those usuallv charged. The newest things in ` We_ have had a. phenomenal] successful Ila A: nus U|l\I-Iv T7-``I'\I ..__`I I1... _ ,1, ,., , 1, WHOLE_SALE Aggm MANTLES, CAPES mo SKIRTS unamu-nay; IIIUII UL \JUuuUu.|uI.u J.'suu\.n wuu J-Vwlnvwo The rat report of the Legislation Oom- mittea recommended the purohnefor each Councillor "of the Consolidated Statutes of 1903 unwell as the Statutes of 1902. Adoged on motion of Councillors Jupp and woe. fl... `I3-..-xnnbn rlnnnnnl~nn n W6}: IInI\l\U.` $1.50 5.00 2.75 0, $15 Drlvluurlugv. Report No. 5 of the Property Com- mittee recommended the purchase of a dozen pairs of hundouh for the use of the County Constables. Adopted _on mo- tion of Oounorllora Fraser and Reikee. "TL- 2--L -u.-snub A` `kn T.nn;nIn:tnn nnIn_ UIIIVII uauuuua -uv-5' avuv J I Report No. 1 of the 'Property re the erection of the Gaoler e residence, which had been laid on the table, was re-intro- duccd and adopted on motion of Council- lore Murphy and Wright. The detaile or, the coatcf the reeidence were an fcllowe : B. E. Fletcher. for plane. . . . . . .3 ' 5 _00 Jchnaton & Sarjeant. lime, lath, ' ' hair, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q27 60 A-. Stapletcn. much work . . . . . . 265 00 Jchneton & Warren, glare . . . . . . ` 41 77 Buchanan & Peuetone. hardware ' :6 85 J03. H|Ibl]..o.n........... P. J. Moore, heating, etc . . . . . . " 126 42- J. E. Willie, hardware. . . 47 -37` Rolrera & Gallic, mill an plied. . .- 360 52 Mickle, Dyment & Son,` umber. - 65' 25` E" Dntnlnan A-no-a --n In--L'4- - G9 - vvw--..._ .-Maker of Prtfadts. oovoooovv Andrew 3 66 IOI;I9 oooocoi 1800 11 25` r_;'_vr~ ii 1.` VI; )3. *m.smswagr. . . I `win I I By ueo'noiuo1d.4 .... .. .IF95f Ocnnoillora Bruce and Whitcaidoa moved- that the Warden prepare a circular letter explaining the nrcpoacd Oounty Roads Syaton: tor the County of Simone. and acttingtorth the advantagea to the muni- cipalities and to the County. the came to be forwarded to the County and Toronto ncwapapera (or publication. ` n . ........lIl.m nnnna --n ca-ntlnan`--In --a-_ |I'W UVCPVIU `III VIIUIIUCUIUIII Oonnoillor Brnoo wu pu-tlouinrly anx- ious to have the letter inserted in the` Toronto. pnpou. stating that two-third-. of tho midontu` of the county road the city papers ov_ory city. In hig opinion the weekly `county paper: were not tend to an; extent. ____. -_'I:-._ 11-.ll___I_ __ ._I_ _ ,1 . A , Jn "J Oouncilior Reiko: leughed at Oonncillor Bruce : remerke concerning the extent to which the city papers were reed _by the farmers and thought it no absurd to have the letter inserted in Toronto newspapers. nni"I I`..Al` `Junk uni `AI! VIII`: Iwvswu nu-we vvu III vl.UIUIlVU IIUWQVI Fl. Oounoillor Wright eteted that not ten per cent. of the ratepayers ever looked It g Toronto paper. In his opinion the To- ronto paper: would make a oh'ere of about 20 cents 3 line to insert Inch 3 letter. n-.__-:II-_ `l)..--I.-..._:.I_._ :_-__s -,n_ - ,1, Oouncillcr Brcckenridge ironically uk- ed Councillor Bruce if he did not think the county pnporn would be willing to pay the council romcthtnmuudor the circum- stances, for the privilege of using the letter. n-___-nI-.. Y__._ __..-_-.I __ `ALL. '____ ___ quwuro Councillor Jnpp argued ac thiuvae an important matter on which it no desirable the ratepavera ahould be fully portedthat the newapaperr be made a email grant to induce them to teke the matter no. It war a question of buainere with the newe- paper and an a bird could not aim: with- out reed, the papers could not be expected to advocate" a zqonnty roaduyatem union it was to their Interest to do ao. The motion Ivan carried. V 4 The followinn reaolution was introduced by Oounoillore Fraser and Raikee : u|'l1l..b `H3: nnaanal Anndun in nonunnn 6- II, UWIIIIUIIIVIU &` ICUVI CIIII &U-IQVU a That this council desire to express its appreciation of the very able and efcient manner in which His Worshipthe Warden so ably conducted the business of the County his knowledge and experience in municipal matters being of great assist- ance to this council in transacting the business of the Oounty and his courtesy made him an executive ofcer worthy to be promoted to a still higher position in the public affairs of this country. VH1... -4a-la`II"t\I| 1-: CIA.-A1` Icing-adamant`-';u Ir vuvllv ,-uwlcw vs vulu vvuuvs u "l.`he resolution was used unanimously by a. Itnntling vote, t 0 members vigor- ously applauding the uentimontn oontnin- . ed in the resolution. `Worden Quinlsn-thnnked the members heartily not only for the kindly feelings expressed in the resolution but for the assistance they had rendered him during the year in the discharge of his duties.- He .thnnked them for overlooking hie shortcomings and commented on the her- mony with whiohithe buaineu ot theyear he_ transacted." , 0 I__ 3 9, The members then joined in singing For He : a Jolly Good Fellow after which the council adjourned "sine die ? on motion of Councillor: J app `and Bell. The National Anthemnnd Auld Lang Syne wntetterwerde sun: on the oor of the chamber. T . Mus. Cnancir. Correspondent. The temperance workers around Gibson have spent the past two weeks in secur- ing a treat for` the people and on Thurs- day evening the following programme was -rendered :3-Opening chorus, Be a Hero was well sung by our new choir. Miss Anderson, of Orcssland, charmed the people with her clear musical voice. The Misses Dean and Urcher sang solos which were deservedly applauded. _ Five little girls sang What would you take for me Papa so sweetly that many in the an 1- ience would have taken all of them if money could have bought. All the school children sang heartily and well "Touch not the Cup". . Little Iona Dean,softened more than one heart into tears for she seemed to carry us into `another world with her angelic voice and the touching words in her song. The quartette from Ornssland made us think they must have frequent pleasant practises. Our chair- man, Rev. Eddington gave a very appro-: priate address on how much depends on each one of us as regards the temper-. ance work at present. Messrs. Ohiteand McMullen added materially to our pro- gramme. Miss Baycroft, oi Orossland, won the lfearts of the people before she left the platform. Miss E. Reid recited in her usual. excellentand pleasing man- ner. The new band from Wyevale came, but failed to connect, so their music was out of sight, and hearing also. Harold Spring, Hilliard Lawson, ' Amos Dean, Ella Lawson, Mrs. Turner, Bella Dean, Muriel and Sarah Mccallum. Millie Law- son, Myrtle Bescock, Alice Dean Harold Miller, Cora maul, Reuben Webb and Horace" Lawson all recited and. were a credit to their teacher ' who appeared quite proud of .her pupils.` They also . proved Gibson" is not,lacking.in_ abundance of ' ` the very bait`-talent. `A`Iihe'ra`l collection '1 ' was thsntahsn up `andthis was followed 5 by a snbstential..lnnch,V.and.ffGod save; NOTES. 9 Councillor Bruce does not appear to piece 9. very high estimate on the county newspapers as a. medium through which the rstepeyers can be reached.` How would it do if the papers in his district convinced him of their strength by advis- ing the electors to leave him at home next year? i III I Iissi I I 0 .0 e u VLUQIIIUVIJ GU IIDCU LGVIIUU Ill. LUUIVUHU Illlclo A veryne photograph of the late Col. Bunting. County Clark, has been framed and mounted on an easel in the Council Ohgmbe}-. V -;I""h'ere is some little joke inthe wind concerning Councillor Kitely and the eggs produced at the Home of Refuge farm. A an-mi`-inn nhnlannnnnk rs` Glyn In-in nd VIIWIB UVI 0 By the Warden : invitation the mem- bers drove out to the. scene of the Vespra washout near Midhut-st,Ton Wedue_sdsy.1 "WV. 4Univ\ern`i.ty , 'it"3oi}I.onf' lutoly rtutned :...... British .Oolumbig.V in viIit.tng_hh` brother, F;cdJahnnon,.hnijqr..;1qg. ,;=-" - V 1399- - `W -` O0 - II - UIIII-Z Tine King}? ____v- .. _Y v_._ ._ -._v.__. v --:-.. Box ;o. strand. .7.` . ` Min Ethel Wright. of Killyloagh, bu` bean visiting her gundparentu~hore`,i Mr. an3l;Mn_. ` . . _s'mOUD_AND _QRA_I(}VALE. GIBSON. ..;__.--l95Z. gal Q We invite you to cell and see specimens of the newest things in Pl\otogrep_hy.- % ~ bioflier Mir it 1. `Eyphoid 't8vZixu `ro- ronto and M K6o in there Eattondjng I.S__ . ".jl7('n.A`hIoEdurd,_ of magnum, an `quest of her daughter. Mrs." R; G. Scott, Itntidn. ' ` % . ' ' "3: dlniiiiat Tex` Oolleotor. Mr. .Wneoe 8loen,- will be at Hill : Hotel. Oreigvnle, on Dec. 2nd born 11 n.m. to 6 _p.rn._ z =~ ' Mr. _Will Nelron returned from We bourne, Aux, .on_`Setnrdey. While out in the Welt he purchased considerable lend end will return in the spring. Will lnokl immense and in very onthneinetio over the West. . ' The many friends of Elmer Robina are exceedingly glad to have him in the vio- inity again. He arrived from the West on {Saturday and la thepioture of health. He will spend the winter _ here with friends and his reported of all'the old Stroud peopl around Weybourne are of the brighteat. K *"ic;1"`iIj{.*ee-.Mr. Angu. Wu-nios hui dinpoued of his farm to Mr. Wright. of Killyleagh for the mug tum 1)! 87.000. MI-. { Jim nZrJ{.J;i {1T{>i.e Lb} `pur- chased the renidonoe of Mr. Wm. Dickey. ghp `we understand intend: moving to .- Tl1.o-btnbloa of the King"Ed`wn1-d one now A being enlarged. man now being busy at the foundations; A Referendum meu meeting was held in the Tempersnoe Hell on Tuesday even- ing. The -hell was `crowded. Rev. Mr. Redditt, of Bu-tie. was the chief speaker. M. Thos. u.m.ni.;.'{.}.'.?;; s;;;;;3.; `Wednesday last in charge of a carload of apples. He intends visiting friends and relatives in Manitoba and will not return for a month or more. . _. . Sunday at the Ohuroh;- . The morning service at the Methodist was bright and interesting. the Epworth League having charge, Mr. Wilson Black _the Pres. presided and Miss Skinner. Mr George Young`, John Peacock and the Pros. gave shortbut very interesting talks At Knox, the pastor Rev. J. A. Boss. preached a sermon specially for young men, in connection with the referendum. Mr. Ross evidently gave his subject a lot ct study as his. remarks were very clear out and well dened . . . A. At St Andrews ;- The annualmeeting of the Stroud and Oraigvale branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society was held and the congrega- tion lled tne church to the utmost. The Pres. Wm. Maneer had charge of the meeting; The Sec y R. G. McOi-aw read the last years report which showed the total donations to be about $56.00 an in- crease over former years. Revs. McKee, Ross and McConnell gave addresses and oicers were elected for the incoming year. The service was over 2 _hours in length. 1; frank, Jaw 7 Aw Reception Service will be held in the Math. Church next Sunday morning. GRENFEL. - TW. A. Hocxiuban Correspondent Mr. and` Mrs. Geo; Young apgnt Sun- day in Holly. V _ ` HUNTING NOTES. e A. J. Kerr, of Kemptviiie, one of a party of hunters. while deer hunting near the Hart party at Ahmic Harbor, lost his way, and spent nearly 48 hours in vain efforts to get back to camp. Organized searching parties were sent out in all directions and the missing man was nally found on the banks of the Magnetawan River, about 15 miles from his own camp. Mr. Kerr had travelled about 60 or 70 miles, and was in an exhau_sted~ condition from exertion and lack of food. The usual precautionary re- storatives were applied, and as yet `i no ill- eects have resulted from his trying exper- ience. V _ Mr. H. L. Levering. ct Goldwater, re- ceived a moose from Blind River last week and for a few days his barn was the centre of attraction for the people of town and country. It was the rstmoose that ever came to Goldwater and of course everybody wanted to see it. It was `a magnificent specimen and when-standing in the bush it weighed about .-1500 lbs. The head and horns were very fine and Mr. Levering took them over to Orillia on Tuesday to. have them mounted. Theanimai wa killed by Will .White `and was ' despatched with` two bullets. both of which were found when dressing the_ca_rcase. V _ ` ` . - Tgadale. of Joaephin, was the guest of Mr. Ed. Young on Sunday. ` Mich Beftha Gollen, of Angus, was the gueatof Mr. and Mrs. John Daugherty ; last waek. - A 1 G Mr. `A. Jdhno i'I1'1:<;fl;sndal last week. Harland Marshall has gone to Guelph. - 'I\QI C no. on... Me.suT-a. Richard and J ohn- Hockridge, I of Bluevale, were the guests ofeMr. and Mrs. .J no. Hock;-idgelaet week. ` ' `Mrs. Albert C. Young was summoned to theeRoyal Victoria Hospital and pre- sented with an Irish linen table cloth by Dr. Ron and his staff of officers. II-71' l`.'I { ember.` Mr. _J`as.` Ranch?-yT -(apt-[t;tm`Sunday in Patnsmok. . = . i'nV'E?1iEi""sE6nt or we comm cuuucu. ` (Continued from page 3.)" T -Report No. 1 of the Committee re Sen- lord reported thet the Opera Heine hed been leeeed for e term of` live your to O. `W. Hertmeu.--let you, -8200; 2nd and Bid your, 8250; 4th and 5th yeere. $350. Oerteiu improvemente were reported. The report no edoptedon motion` of Councils lor: Beikee end Wright. -_.u.- n `Q A. `lanai ll!` ? `Pine nit-:i1c-><`>vlmhaa ;e-x1`t'e;;.' an organ from Mr. Jqhn O1-ispen, Bisrrie, to prac- tice for the oqncett on the 23rd of De- Sam` Iiuoi{;11, handanm, nthletlb young buck Indian, of about twenty veal`: 00 also ntnn nnl-. with his ring lllll tho `I00.-.I-n AC I-kn yuuuu IJIIUB Luuluu In uuvuu uwuuuy VUDII UV age, was out with his rie on" the 10th of the preeent month; near moon River. He was elone. Suddenly ve wolves in e peek ep- peered on the scene and made straight for the young Indian. ..They -had winded him. ' end_ were ta-Vin? to run him down. Sem waited till the oremoet was within twenty- ve verdeot him, when he raised hie rifle. (I eent ehnllet into hie heed squarely in e middle Ind 3 little lgglqw the eyee, The nah Ennis an All!` morn -IeIuIn 0-Linton I-gt AC V Iuluulw -IlIA w Invysv uwavvv euv UJUI k kept on and were within thirty feet of in: when again the true rie sent a bullet through another head. Then the remaining three turned ta'll'and- ed. Sam brought in the heads and hides on Tuesday and made ` efadavlt before the Police Magistrate to get * the Government bounty allowed for the -de..- . struotion oi the two wolves. Not manyof us, we fancy, would have the nerve display red by this young Indian. Most of us would look for tall timber to shin up betore a pack ! `of wolveswould get that close toue . T e ?_ leader of. the pack measured lift 6 in. {re tin of tail to nose. He was an old vete`ran ' and had been In rmsnyvgbts. as his head .9v9r=on.n odd? . .wo.9n . ` ;_. . 9?,` t-1.-99: . I-mark t <` ` A V, ' " .5 7- ..g..' -.1-*.; now ; r . 2% "2'-.`. - -." ,.'3' 3" M -E A 1` V Make_your' Christmas Cakes,l Mincemeat and Puddings E A before you are rushed. Do it Now' We have them all and they are exceptmnallv '. ne. `Buy now from this committee in inrpeetinx wee cc to '- to E; Wright. 1 dey.........$ 3Vi00 - .0. E.Wright,tor John Andrew 00 V J. Bree . rum: to members of the subcommittee _ brlgge. $21 ; J. A. Eplett, account: peid I'D |.D|_I IDIIIII II!!! N l'IIIlVe _ . Be rt No.` 8 of Road: end Bridges etc the emonnte drawn by the Oouncilr . lore in connection with the work done by love : R. Grehem, 2 den.......... 6 . Ru 7 d.y'eee.eeee. Joe 2 J. J. Kitely, 4 dcyr.........1 D. W. Harrie, 7 days. . . . . . . .. R. Murhy,1dcy........... enridge, 1 day . . . . . . .1`. Ecmmell, l dey.......... J. A. Eplett, 5 deye. . . . . . . . . 1 Geo. Campbell, 8 deyc. . . . . .. 2 `R. H. Jupp, 2 dcye ......... Ge 5 e" O I I e e 9 e Geo. Rcikec, 1 day . . . . . . . . _Ju. Freler. l dey........... The report was edopted on motion of Councillor: Bell and G:-chem. " Report No. 9 Ronda and Bridge: recom- mended the payment of the following 1 2 . l 3 on bridge: :-R. Graham. 10 deye euper- vuion of the Wye bridge. 830: H. 8. Ruby, .7 daye supervision of the Wye orth River bridge, 86 40. he report` who adopted on motion of onncillore Breckenridge end Bell. Report No. 10 Reade and Bridger re- rted that the Warden and Councillor ruce lied attended the Good Reade Ae- cccietion in Toronto and recommended that their expeneec be paid. The report Damn-II NA Rnnn Anti Rfidl IQ: [$5,000 on in ~Golg_ You need.not be literary in order to win a prize. Give us your reasons in plain, every- day, common-sense talk. Why `Queen Quality Shoes are Comfortable to wear. - Satisfyingfin . Quality and I Excltisive in Style. % Fjirtlaer par/Iiioulars if desir- 3; ed at lH~Bi-.MYERSH [Given by the .4 Makers to the Wearers of the Famous .... _J ADo;1:iqionSqua:_1; Pia.no,.nea,_:-l y` ne`vv}",'a.txd Ra mohclsewnng Machxue, nearly uosv.-_ Applyat TH , ADVANCE OFFICE. V _ w , 43-cf g-I ..u-\ nnw.-nun |nnnnl_lA1u"I"c - PIANO AND SEWING MIGHINE I-`on SA_LE.__ ~ J ` . ` Youfmay think itjearly yet to select gifts for` Xmas, but it is not too early to talk ahoutit and prepare forit. " A - We expect aularger Xmas trade than ever this year and for weeks have been preparing for it and although it is always more difficult to buy `for others than for oneself, we shall make it easy to make selections here. We aim to have PHONE no . DIRECT IMPORTERS % OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO000000000000000O00O ueen V _, % .ual1ty Rlnt ofthe Legislative Assembly" be re- " lager, police-villages and unincorporated further to so amend the said Act as to Legislation Committee's report No._ 2 recomlnended that the Ontario Govern- quested, at its next session, to amend the ggid not by amending Section 4 and in- serting the year 1905 in lieu of the year 1904. where same occurs in that section ; also i by giving to o the County Councils mailer powers to pass by-lam to aid in the maintenance and construction of snow ' fences. as has already been given the local municipalities, and further to relieve t County from liability for sidewalks c structed on the sidesof roads "assumed by the County under the said Act. where such roads pass into and through town_s,'vil- villages, and rendering liable the several local municipalities for the construction and maintenance of such sidewalks. and leave no doubt where the County assumes` `a system of County Roads as to whether a township in such case will receive an amount in proportion of its assessed area with the County or its mileage with the County, or whether the amount to be ex-' pended in each local municipality should be in the discretion of the County `Coun- cils, and that for such purpose theWar-._ den and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign and aix the county `seal to the me- morial oresented herewith. copies to be forwarded to Messrs. D. Davidson, Jas. Dull, Jas. Tudhope and E. A. - Little," .M.P.P. s. Adopted on motion of Coun- cillors Graham and Ruby. 1:...._.. x7. 1 ..s .1... 'o......-..a._. _- 1.1.- TEA AND c_;1-`H23 ME2ciiAN:rs T e in Asan example of this see our elegant displa'y'of LADIES AND GENTS UMBRELLAS, special for Xmas. They are certainly handsome and useful and we have pricesto suit all pockets. ; i . t New Raisins New Currants . New Candied Peel NewFigs Soft Icing Sugar Shell d Wnllnuts- Shell'd Almonds Shredded Cocoanut Ground Mace` and Sweet Cider ' Ladies Umbrellas. Gloria. Silk Tops, fancy horn "and" wood handles, guaranteed not to out, $175 and; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ladies Unibrellaswith lrandsome silver and pearl handles, silk top and cover, special at . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ladies Umb_rella s, very ne,Awith horn and - , pearl handles, mounted with silver and gold, in great variety of styles at $3.50, and $400and`.....,`....._ . . . . . . . . .. The extraordinary Millinery Business of this store is the result of selling Hats of Style. of Merit. of Becomingness, of selling Hats at their true value. For the next two weeks we shall create special interest here by selling all Millinery, trim- med and untrimmed. at REDUCED PRICES. SARJEANTXSMITH sou: AGENT. Ladies Umbrellas ' Handsome, Useful Prsents "T13 1 :'`:` `R "l:`l):`_`_l u1::perty 0ommittee c 7th report recommended the insuring of the pool property for $4,000, divided as follows :- A Geo! proper, $2,000 ; residence, $1,500 ; chad, $300 ; contents of 51301, $100 ; con- tents of shed. $100 Adopted on motion of Councillors Breckenridge` and Raikec. 4

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