Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 20 Nov 1902, p. 2

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El !?_[8i fS[%I='ii'i5i'3A| Dftllcq - Lennon, Ardagh, Uowan & Alliston. *MONEY T0 LOAN AT 4 ~-----__..--._...__..__.__.__.._. GCARTHY. sovs z Mtiliculson. Burris- ters. Solicitors, Conveyancgra, etc. Success- ors to McCgrthy,Ppler & McCa_rthy. 0ice-Mc_C.rthy Block, Dunfop Sta-eeyt. Barrie. ' ` """" - W. A. Boys, R S. BROAD. M. D. C. M., F. T. M. C., L. C. P. S., 0., late resident Physician and Surgeon or Toronto General Hospital. with special attention Diseases of Women, and Nose and hroat Work, also for some time our eon in charge of Emergencv Hospital. Toronto. 0 eand night r_esidence-. upstairs in McCarthv Block. 21 Dunlop St., Barrie. second door east of Dougall Bros. furniture warerooms-near Five Points. Dknnn In ' 20-1`, DUDE. lufll Phone 10 . Hours-n to 1. 7 to 8. rrcu J. nan, su.u.. su..:\.u.a., pug" u.:\.u..r., London. SPEClALTY-Discases Of Chest, Stomach, and Nerves; Consulting _Physician. V T Victor A. Hm. M. 0.. L.R.c.P. and s, Edinboro, L.F.P. and S., Glasgow. , SPEC[ALTY.-Su:-gery Midwifery, Diseases of Skin ; Consulting Surgeon. V .U Toronto, Fellow or Innny memuu vuucsc, Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office and Residence, 18 Owen street. ' R. J. ARTHUR ROSS, I'..R.C.P. 8: 5.. Edin- burgh; M.F.P. 8: S., Glasgow, medaber of British Upthalmological Society. SpeclallV.- Diseases `of Eye; Eur, '.l`hl'0I.l and None. OFFICES-:78 Dunlop Street, Sanders Block, Bar- .-:., mmmvin. Pm: Olee and Railway Station. OFFlCE.-'-.18 Uunlop btreet, Dancers nnuun, gm- rie. opposite Post Oee Railway Stataon. Phone 54. P. O. Box 96. 7-137 ' Vunvu --v-__-, ` J. Mccuirnv ` licitor in Unancery, \auuv4 U` Uloe-Fi|-cg door Owen atteet, over 1 mcrcc. Ba.mc- Hnwsou 3'; cnnswxcxn. Sonics. . ,_ton of the Sn tame Court of Judicature of Omaha. Procton, ohu-iu, Conveyanoers, etc. Moneto loan. Oces--Ross Block. Barrie. C.. E. Hxwsox. A; E. H. Cxnswxcxn. ? ..per cent. 5f.""~'.' " "V Banisten,. . _ Solicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries Pubhc, Conyeyangen. Oices over the Bank of Toronto; Ban-ac. Money in sums ot $2,090` and upwards, to loan at 5 _ H. H. STRATRY. K.C. G. H. Esmn. J. C. SMITH, L.C.P.S., Ont., (late of Drs. Harvie & Smith, Orillia.) Office and residence -comer of Owen and Colher streets, Barrie. 23-ly ,1; ncvuu. null-In ' night residence-BI 0W Barrie. *'1`eleph0n 77 R. J. F. Palling, Graxlnate of Trinity Umversity Toronto, Fellow of Trinity Medxml College, M....|...- ac thn Cnllmra of Phvsicians , `VI: "la Idrnunn -r- Notary, etc. Mon and Stayner. Barns n..:IA:my, Owen street. Ind btayncr. us: I an I Building, Owen street. .:?_2 _ If the wholesale buyers knob up the market and hue ell do -with Iettilig the prices. how ivould it do eoL iressc .th ,-market in them, 'giv_ingT-the1n` tl_1:e*`;pfrivfi[l`-f as-or b-wins 911% the H A :nm1gh`V` _ ., U _ . .` `ITRATHY 3; ssrnn` _Fred J. Hart, M.D.. M.R.C.S., Eng., L.R.C.P;, .nI~ dnn_ _wy l An admirable food. with all its natural quahties Intact tted to build up. and maintain robust health, @8333? ex- -areme oo . n . tins, labelled JAMES IIPPS '8: 00.. ML, flimoeopsthic Chemists, London, i mnmana. _-__, R. W. A. ROSS, Physician. Surgeon, etc., L. R.C.S. Edin,, L.R.C.P.. London. Otces and zht residence--Brown's Block, Dunlop street, --In /:'I`nIna-uhlln HI. -' j V }\i1LT- Bu-riatei. solicitor. Proctor, Notaxhy.-' o Vtiogveyancer, etc. Spcdal _attcntion* In ....-..a nun nmlnunz wills, obtaimng letters or THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. . .- .- '1`. AR ALL, M.D,C.M',, oice in Bot.hwell s Block, Allandale. On the premises at night. .o-Iv The farmers have no room to grumble at being kept is little later on the mar.` ket, as by the Examiner's own showing, the prices set last Saturday by the bwholessle ' buyers were considerably lower` than those obtained previous to 10.30. Eggs dropped two cents edozen, butter 3 cent a pound and turkeys 2} ' cents a pound. `Sn. R. P. VIVIAN Homoeopathist. :60 Dunlop St. 5-11 V Residence and Office. 8-Iv ans. HART 5. HART ll .1"-IV . M. CAMPBELL, Barrister,` loan. Oic f..L..-u `tn Mnngv [9 IIIANUFACTUBES. D. C. Muhcmson. 1-inrsnzuuns. EEQAL. Could a fair and impartial iudgm ent of the By-law; be attempted,` based on the result of a one day : trial f_ ___}___..____._____._>e BURST, Barrister, Attorney. Chancery, Conveyance: etc. '\-nan ntrol. over O C0m- 1 o. H . LYON` \IIl 43-ly etc. apecuu _'dIlcIIuuu' obtaimng letters dianuhip, qoueczingaccounts, I. Barns. Mouev to Loan. _DI'UWll, vnung...--- I__,,,, . 3541' ~ ' 456 AND 5 PER CENT, 70:-o ` `I I IV of ` Toronto s-ly Solicitor, - ,Rau-rig :3. Both- 44' The logic, by` which these who op- posed the passage of the new market" By-_law now seek to aeeail its e'ect,`ia dot of the clearest end even seem: tinged with something which indioetee that these patriotic oidaena would even be pleaaed to see the market ruin'ed,_in order that their oontentipnfrnight' he bo_rne*ont to the eifeot that the town inverted 812,000 in market buildings --for the benet of a few peotive of therighte I Ulu I3 aq-lv te coals, h disoou: You can gctthe best Apthracige n::,',3_" % M -*~ `.$".:;; war... . . , , ....=....~""`.P`: '...E`.`...':-.- v.s.. ea col!-.=:_*....1.. _O.l'III'Ilnd In `t u 1: area anv u---~ v" new '.:; .0%I_ 3: Kg. `Mel'I Cvn"| . V.S.o 6 lecsollkerllasnd-la` Pukcs-`an Lwerv 5 ' 4/ . 34. A mortgages. Wills. etc., prepared on shortest uonr=_- aoyesgm doing business in Simcoe. Farmers e5P.1' I-1lV.Il`-Wlted to call and see us. Glad to see VOW 5 rm: f'm- ~......u...:.... .. ...:..:..- 3111 IIIVIIOG to can and Glad to Y0 Char e for consultation or advice. 0 FICE-Op ` ' , B '. Peter Street- 0.-.'?I'_te Bame Hem amis CHEAP COAL %--AND woon _.-v--- -uwuxvv GIIII Jllul Inllvv 4-7 G9` YOU!` property on our list; costs nothing- Monev to Loan--"Don't borrow a dollar until YOU 5` me: terms best, rates and charges lowest. Deeds Mortgages. Wills. shortest uotice_- 20 Vail! dmncr hnn;naI,cc in .Q3mrm-, F:1rm. fS C599`-1' vi: 1' lun-Upposit Street, Orillia. Almost the- entire burden of the arguments advanced against the new By-law by the Gazette and 'Ex_aminer is to the effect that the farmers are being prevented `from getting home early. Is it to the interestsof the Barrie merchants to have the farmers loll their produce by nine o'clock, or half past and then be in a position to c drive home for dinner, instead of taking that meal in town and doing their shopping in Barrie '1 ALLANIJALE ms FOR SALE. Rnnxsswr was Fouowmo Fuzz Issvuscn ` COMPANIES: The Mercantile, now affiliated with The Lon. (1011 8; Lancashire of England. Secur- ity, $15,000,000. The Waterloo Mutual, of Waterloo. Ont. Tothl assets, $334.o83. ll!I._ 1:l-_..-.._.l--1 `II-_L__-I -5 r\-_u_. l`\ . _ ---_ _....--., Var.-- The Economical Mtual. of Berlin. Ont. Total assets, $303,078. Also Lloyd's Plate Glass Insui-ance Com- pany, of New York. Cash Capital, 5250, (Kin. An; ;i1e Sun Loan and Savings Company of Ontario. Private funds to loan on first mortgages. Ac counts collected. &c. ` nmnn nunv unndnpcnn Q '-I-no-Ann-xra Qtnrn R'|rr:n CUUUCH COHec`cag QC Ofce over Hcndersonp Hardware Store, Bame Ont. SCROGGIE &. SMITH. CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. 4 Condensed advertisements on first page such as wants of all kinds, lost and found. property for sale or to rent, specic articles, etc.. etc, must be accompanied with the cash, and will be inserted-hrst insertion 2 cents per word, each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (names, addresses and gures counted as words); but a. reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the same matter exceed four. .".1 T}_1l`-ADVANCE`. ' the `lamest circuhltigxfonanto have % `County Town. _ 3' Paper % Advertisements are charged at (1 `COT ` V In/xes agate measure make on Cuts` for hdvertluemenu must in every one be mounted on solid metal bases. [1 par Am_mm lxn Adxvaxnce. '%ScRo<;GIE &. SMITH, V - - TRANSIENT ADVEB'I`ISIN(} ' Leal'Noti<;es, Auction Sales . .Btc[-;-Firsl: insertion 10 cents p ' subaqunt insertion 5 cents per line Rbndina ntim-s. In nan!-c M. u:_ ` . T. . l3'Preferx-ed positions for local advert-L,-9 ments in the paper will be sold at an advac; of one-third on above rates, on no other ac. count will special positions be given_ This `rule will be strictly carried out. CONTRACT CHAN GES. Adve11ti_sersw_iIl please bear in mind that notice of mtentlon to change advertisement; "must be handed into the office not later than Saturday at 10 o clock, and the copy for such change must be in T11: Anv. .1903 otce not later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday in my week, otherwise the advertiser s announcement may not .be made public until the week fol. lowing. I0 nl-uonuna nf Avarhanvnnnrc nllm....1 _ I LUWLIJSI ` 12 changes of Advertlsements allowed per year. It more are required, composition meg will be charged, ' A1111-nr run} `In nun`-rail G-n u..- LL, W111 IJU ULIGI U . Advertiser; will not be allowed to use their space for advertismg anything outside their own regular business. Should they do so transient rates will be charged for such ad. vertisements. . , f the 39,1116 matter. . mgelon O I 555091 uni u out Pe weaadghl hoticesg 10 Cents}. pe . , _ or line or insertion 2 5 cents P 1` June. r line for rs: each subsequent All items rm. 5 lines of this character, charged as 5 derh ' A . poetry 5c. per line. lines. V 1 v v\.z:4Q.r\r.:-.j7 C Real Estate and Insurance A599" .LI-n co.-I moans. but by oraenns "W PARKER 3. MORREN _ l`A_` EVERY DAY BARGAIN DAY ~ It` the object of our contemporaries had been to guard the interests of the town and build np_ the market,.wonld they have criticized the new By-law before it was passed and then fallen upon it] tooth and nail on the first Saturday after it had been put into I , operation? Avguxply ant Alf?` BARRIE, ONTARIO. 3 Iooucouuouuo_goago__0_0 INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, ac. COMMERCIAL conrmcr mus. L f-IBARRIE Iy Iii. . - f'THE ADVANCE OFFICE: `D. nin A`! Page 48 Column Nownpapor. Publhhod from the ounce, "3 Dunlap Street Bulk. in the Countvof Simgog. the Pro- vince of Ontario. Cumin. wary < Thundnv Morning. by T IAMUIL wasu-:v. VPROPRIVETOTR V. 20, iom. by far in the according to nuke one Inch. Goo: -ie._ and 43-1) TH: Noanisnu Anvnnct-: _ THE NEW MARKET BY-LAW. The attack made, last week, on the ..Market By-law by both of our con-f temporaries, when the` new measure had not been in force a weelr and was In operation for the first Saturday of v its life, was most ill-timed and appears to border closely on rank treason to the town's interests. It is no indication of: cleverness to lead a manto thinkthat be has at grievance-in fact it is quite one of the easiest things in the world to do, but it becomes a totally differentv matter when an effort is being after-4 wards made to disabuse this particular man of the impression which has been `conveyed to him. And a pre arranged plan ct attack on Bar:-ie s prosperity appears to` have been made by `the .Gszette and Examiner, in trying to .4 drill it into the farmers that they have_ a grievance against the town: It is a dangerous game for a newspaper to A play. A -'No new name be added to thg Sublcription III until tho monevil A Illucriborr now in arrears for three month: and no will be charged 8l.:o per annum i`! . `um: Ulllo 1 0 dry run. . V. palm . ,Exp1e1s. -7.56 mm. ' PENETANG. ` II. 8 1.111. _Acc4om1noda.tion. _ 5`.I'I_,p.x||..V ~ p.111. Accommodation. 1 `(.50 81111.` ALLANDALE .1: azuuun SECTION. % IARRII 1'0 ALLANDALI. 7.31 3.111.`, 7.56 3.111.. 9.35 3.111.. 11.15 1.111.. 12.11 |.I., 1.26 1.111., 5.8: p.m.. 8.oo pan. ' ALLANDALI TO. BARRII. 7150 `Inc `to! ` ml "085 `Inc, pom! ,0`, Fame) 43`! p.ln- V - _ _ .'g-. yuan: ------. anavnununsikf Non'rii"`1i'J{v}' ;1.Il mm, M - V .. 8.20 pan. (.00 pan`. *Atl1ntic & Pacic 3:. 18.00 pan`. {J0 mm. Soo Express 1.8? gm. ~ `Gnvonhurut mixed (month only) 9.35 an`! up uuauynnn A...` nus]:-nnn_ `l'IVBlll'IlII'ls uluscu \-vuuu van , y.-- ' . COLLINGWOOD W MEAFORD. II. I Mail. . `G 88 I pm. : DRNRTANG. H lllllll 0UK"I3I|lUU luv-sonny `Daily. All other train: Dailvcxeept Sands)/r`. cimnu: . RAILM;1:L" Inllou should secure a. Rand-M':Nnlly Railway II ud Hand Book--issued monthlv. ` A n , .1. -_ L..:_- I\..2I.- A-nn En-Illnv; Tluu or Suuclurrxou. A 11.38 `cm. URI}. 5 pan. - 7.68 _a.m. _"1f_he legiiee of Bertie will hggly re- lish the estimate fyhieh the air `Mes v-hiitiu hi.% ' 3'0. enidoI""wll(hi i;`gnuIhZt.1gf ` ' 4. . L 79:1" 2 ~ ', `- If the fefmere one idea was to get home early, they would patronize the nearest Jnnrket, but it. is the good prices which attract the farmers to Barrie, even if they` reslile neorer` to Orillio, Benton, Elmvele, `Steyner or Oreemore. Barrie has built up at good market and in aide:-'to preserve it the By-law tnnlt be enforced no it in in piece; on Lilllvg Petethorougl_I,- Belle.-_f` *i11t l3'**5'd- .G'-t39'- 3'k'- ville nd` other" places `vllihichv tho-6* the m-sniwefmkeheihiwil ...`r x f ~ . 3 ~. . '1 . _ A, V __eJ,y ol, nIa_rket,jw'hat"\-Iran ft he t uuate`o::*mqings twelve o clock,v ivhen, V betore the by-law came into effect, they could have saved so much time" by selling to the {wholesale buyers, as soon as they came to town? . `E _ T . `Do the merchant buyers have all to do with setting the price ! Not exactly. And tlfat is one of the very reasons why the farmers go on the market to sell.` It is there that the price is made and the farmers should hear this strongly in mind. '25 ~.\`'1:-` .' r-..:>':J.*", J .`, '71./.*r`-*.`V.~ I fu~',g.v_ -` _ ' ,.:w': "ii _' .`, ~huyirs:-keep}.-;vnp gths: ; 2. _ _,_ ya. :- __ ` . ` rh'!IIrkt~bnir|disa.=9!_i9 Hprqdss-eofonlil ' have been eoldto theni,e`directi.i'anddis6i posed of-w'ithont__! de1'a`y'.-'_.`And~wh1, it might be asked, do the farmiers; represented as `being in such` .a:hurry' x. get away, go to the market *.aymy .andWwait there as-a rnIe,nntil about Of course the Gazette and the Ex aminer in their eagerness to uphold the cause 9f the wholesale buyer against the farmers and the citizens. at large, inlay dispute, these` gures, but the list of "quotations, as taken from the vari- `ous papers is or: 719 at Tm: 1AnyANes oce. - That Barrie is hard to surpass, as a grain-buying centre, must be conceded when it- is stated that at only one of the other shipping points in the_county was the price equalled which was paid for wheat, when a general compsrison_of the gures was made a few weeks ago. The quotations of the balance of the -towns and villages fell to from one to three cents lower, according to the gures given in the newspapers pub- lished in those places. It was the same with other grains also. Potatoes sell to from 10 to 50 eentsa more . butter at 2 to 13 cents a pound advance and eggs at. from 2 to 6 cents per dozen- The farmers can get from one to two dollars more for .their hay here and from 10` to 30 cents a ' pair more for their chickens. i I \ And; anyway, what is it that brings the farme_rs;to Barrie? Is it not the difference inprioes obtainable here and other places and `the fact that other business claims the attendance of far- mers in their county town periodically? As` soon as the wholesale buyers came `upon the market on `the rat Saturday after the by-law had been passed, prices took a drop. . Up to that time . `butter had been selling at 18 cents and. eggs at '22?- the gures given by the Examiner; At 10.30 a wholesale buyer mounted a table and announced the prices as 170. `la, pound for . butter and 200 a{ dozen for eggs. So is `it not reasonable to infer that if the buyers had been allowed access to the market at an earlier hour that these latter gures would have prevailed during the whole of the forenoon `l i `T C When this lanhonncement of prices was made did the farmers gush 'eaqerly to sell, so as to be ablelto get away? ear-ly-not a bit of it. The market was crowded, until alrnost twelve o'clock by farmers. who were holding out to get the prices _o'ered by private citizens rather than those of the wholesalers. It will been ill day for the former: when, he tries to` deal with the whole- sale buyer without the competition of the citizens at large. True he will get away from town. outlier in the day, if that iethe prime object in `life, but he will not hewe has much money in his pooket-book, as he places in that re-T oepteole now as 9. result of a visit to the gerrie market. The Mmosing W.0.T.U. met on _Wod- nssdsy, Nov . 5.` Oonsidersblo business was .tnn,noted.snd .sn-sngsmpnts made ft ! moetinc 6-1 the !14t!r in-9 ins W!!!-% .' *h9139fo;rend9rn% mv-is": DoGoer,1_vu`mude In honor- uy mombbr of the. Lodgoon Nov. 5; ~_vQongnulatloni:;V-7`V V ,e? yhb` uunt thg'aVbeat-f1v_n!i*y'.ilii:ig 9.tA thpn mu-ket.prioea _ia `about on the Iiirig pat. _ L V 7 * L "GI!etI=o_'q raforeipno to "pV41ifoL,`oV~"`o<>'I'il`I II nfL-".` Wham min at the United s`eatea,in true of Canada in` _ratio.f Yet `few Canadian farmeta realize what a Amine` of waalth the pouury raining industry lsdiiaghtvtvp -thefairm own way `bf. bit-_guins' shd Ihough they may `apbnd mora':.time'thanL ne regnlsr buyv" era, yet tbe:.luttgr it; the one who in reality pm-chnsaa the produce the cheap- e`r;ot,the__uvo. A% - - : Do our readers ever. imagine that our earnings for one year would pay all the pensions for two years, and leave a balance of $12,000,000 in the treaaurv? Would you believe that our earnings `for one year are $26,000,000 more than the hog and potato crop combined ; $52,000,000 more than the entire wheat crop, and $31,000,000 more than the cotton crop 9- In Around gures, our earnings for one year are in excess of $200,000,000, And we have been engoying an average increase of more than 10 percent.` for the past ten years. .With all th' wealth,_and thiaigreateat of all comtinea, our in- vestment ia. aa aafe as Government bonds, . There `in no chance to lose, vbdtthere in aohance for the buaineaa tdliilcifeaae; In`faoftthe,1'. is amazon vlrrei.` F'>1'! *~ The Product` of the Modest Hen Exceeds 7 V the Wealth of_Gold and Gold Mines. An article in the Inlund Poultry Journal goes to show that the chickens which vmeture in the spring are the greatest combination of capital, yield- ing the greatest results _of any combi- nation on the continent. Speaking of the States the Inland Journal says, on behalf of poultry_ farmers :- ' The Gazette` refers a farmer who aoldt-his-`groin to I buyeruud could not sell him his potatoes rbefore 10:30. If it woulduot be out ofhplaoe one would like to enquire whether the -buyer in question . would have paid the ruling price of 90 cents I beg for potutoee `l Well, not exactly. ` EDI'I'0B1AL.NOTES. At a; meeting of. the Thorold Board of Trade lately, ,the question that was discussed was What could be done to prevent the merchants of neighboring towns and cities from capturing the trade of that locality. During the --course` of the debate, it came to light that the Thorold Post published 22 St. Catharines advertisements and only 18 Thorold e advertisements. The Printer and Publisher in commenting upon this, hits" the nail on the head` when it says,` When L and only when all the merchants are united in their support of the local press can that press be ex- to refuse to insert outside adver- tisements. How would the Barrie merchants like to see half page advts from T. Eaton 8500. and The Simpson Coin THE ADVANCE every week? A If the ladies Barrie appreciate the -e_`crt which is being -made to give them an opportunity of making the .rst_ se- lection of the market produce,- before wholesale buyers, purchase it for ship- ment to:'I`orouto, they should rally to the support of those who are endeavor- ing to obtain for the new By-law a fair trial before judgement is pronounced upon it. The best evidence of appre- ciation that could be givenawould be by extending an even more extensive pat- ronage to the market and purchasing supplies there as early in the day as possible. Oitiaena who-w" iehed to. pnrohaae at a fair price without having -to come into competition with the buyers had an opportunity of doing so on Saturday. Thoee who wished to gettheir produce oheaper and waited until the buyers came on the market and prices dropped cannot complain if they did not have the name opportunity for making a selection ' . PROFITS OF POULTRY RAISING. nnxmsme. ' Oompleinte have reached ~ tlia P_ubl`o Works Department that the waters of the Muakoke Lakes are so high at the present times: to threeten to announdihg lend `ma the Geve_rnment' heve leaked to remove the eteplegn Vln the oagnle e_t,Bels Port Carling in _order to the height `of the w-=Ler-e"ttThe if?ie:tfeth9.h*ah`ev-brie if-.t. :shou,,;e;tsq1;gvah.L been the =.1;.gvy: I '5 "$91? " V Lib, : ,,*,,,1aga4removdaj :6} 1 In order to save coal at the water worke pumphouae, Belleville counoil hue decreed that in future the Ohiet of the Fire Brigade is to notify theeugi- neer whenever e re is extinguished. This hue not been done in the puetyvith the reeultjhet the engine: `were often kept goinget high pressure for 0. con- siderable time `after the remen had re- tired `fronn the deene.. V T - - \llIUI'UI.I. II! uunuuu. V The experiments made recently by the Grand Trunk Railway in wireless tele- graphy from a moving train. met with enough success to warrant oicisls in believing that the company will make further experiments with a `view to the adoption of such a method of communication while moving at a great Rev. Thos. Vosden, s Methliat minister of Woodstock, has `written to the Hamilton Conference withdrawing from the Methodist Chorch. He writes he has become a Dowieite, and that his sympathy with Dowie s work is incom- patible with V loyalty to the Methodist Church, and that his address for the next ,few months will be Zion City-, Lake 00., Illinois. if _ pl Q` _ xii 'h5Il:"` "ville 6nTn:sdi1 nilih. ' ' I L Th . Chgjgtianfhbngetmiin Chijpa, ' ` 9ll*'$,n_w$-7_V!lIl {Q9 :0 can vuggpug -. `?3'gem511M3ehodim hcalled Rev; E. E. Marshall of Wdodaeock. Wi-lliom. Stuart, or-rested `for utteriog coonterfoit notes, pleaded` guilty before. Recorder '0bompagtie in H1311. . 1 H. O. Johnaon, C. _P. R. andit -clerk, was found guilty at Montreal of con- epiraoy to defraud the company by giv- ing information to conductors about the time of secret audits. The Salvation Army, {,according to General Booth, has 7,405 self-sustain-` ing institutions, 4,700 local oicers and its doctrines are preached in '37 differ- ent tongues. u-- 1:.-nu ' A\n- _ -. - - . N'lr._Joh7n M:)i:t.ei7thVws nominated for -the ` Legislative _ Assembly by the Conservatives-of N duh Perth. The Donkeboure have petitioned the the Sultan-- of Turkey to give `them shelter, stating that it is impoesible for them to become the subjects of Great Britain. T. Mr. Tannihill Sturgeon has purchas- ed the 50 acre farm of Mr. Jno. Bate- man,` 2nd con., Inniel, for $3,400, possession to be given in March next. Mr. Sturgeon will rent the farm. The members of the Church of . Eng- land in Canada will be asked to con- tribute $75,000 to the cause of missions next year. This decision was reached by the Board of Management 0 6f the Chlrch in Canada. , _ ' V. etei-one have decided to open It bur-. eon of information. regarding the loca- tion of land in New Ontario under the grants from the Ontario Government. I The 91d Cmwford foundry at Bow- manville, ocohpied by the Oshawa Can- ning Company, was destmied by fire; AHlb`s:-c.De':;1;on`was it-re1'ated '1`! `Bow ? manville `while driving `a. horse stolen from `Mr, Honrv Marks of Dunbarton. hOwen.Sonnd has purchased the gas nndelectric light plants from the com_- peniea operating them at a cost of $71,000. T A A million dollar American Land Com- pany will take 2,000,000 acres of land in New Ontario and settle about 50,000 people there from the United States." At a meeting of the congregations of Airlie and Black Bank Presbyterian Ohnrohel on Monday last a unanimous call waaextended to Rev. Mr. Rose of Salnfleet. K V '.l"he Canadian Northeni Railway Company's new line between Winnipeg and `Neepewa was formally opened Thursday. It 1! said t.hct_ the church of the Goodvshepherd, Stayner, will be torn down and rebuilt in a more central locality in the town, 'c The` annual oelivehtion of the Women e Baptist Home and Foreign Muiaion Societies of Ontario Opened-in Hemilton last week. The large water tank and` engine house being constructed by the G.T.R:, nearvthe Holland River bridge, is ap- proaching completion. A High. aih'paa's:.:'o;_nndowmm Insurance Pelican, in":-aliable puns or money loaned clpenon. Apply `- - T ..- GIVING sj'rn:iuc.1'H a. vmoun. 43-4-6 % -- % THE BALL `PLANING MILL COMPANY-- . Ca nterin . Building a_nd manufacturing of Doors. sh. B `n , Mouldings. etc. Plauin of all kinds done promptly: and satisfactorily. ot Blast Drying Kiln. Drstnct agency for r'a.ined lum- ber Factory-Bayeld Street. Barrie. {ODGERS & GALLIE successors to Geo. Boll. THOMAS-KENNEDY & CO.. Architects. 'well'a Block. Barrie. ll`, bOlj|VyIIlun, u... ..,- nwmg ma. pmbaung oh admimstration and guardianship, c_ ctc. Uicea. Rosa icks. Barns. AV vv nu, AVlIJl\IT III a D5151`, UDISHD Laud U Surveyors. En ' _eeu_-s, Etc. (Established in 1852.) Oiee. Medical unldmg. S. E. Cog. Richmond and Bay Sta., Toronto. Telephone, Man_n 1336. In- struction: lett witlg Strathy Est_en, Sohcitora.Bank of 'loronto Buildmg, Barne. wnll be promptly at- tended to. 59-49 ENDOWMENT INSURANCE Pououes E.Em?:f8-!iocoA| ;T"'! ---v--. --~- , . .EI~moX. ARDAGH, _'_cowAN .& BRUWN._ r Barristers, Solicitors for obtaining probate or vans. guardianship and udministratmon. arm General Soljcitou. Notariev. Uonveyanoere, etc. I-hucm-on Lnrmox, Aux. Coww, B; Houronn Annex, G. E. Lxowx, L.L.B _Oiees: Hind_n"Blos.k. No. 6 , Dunlqp street. Bar- ne. ' `. Branclg 0oes-3Lennox & Ardagh; Gravenhurst; Cowan & Brown, `Creemore gnd *1:-IV Nwxiz. MURPHY 3; ESTEN,-0nt.-ma .a.. \u`h;".fVa".h=.'?Eiff.5:. E; `.`PE:l`.*."

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