Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 20 Nov 1902, p. 1

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"3.3*3Iz`i"M`."e "3:c.:y Electric Light Commissioners enclosing the following reeolu - tione which were referred to the committee concerned. - LITA. ._._'_, ,, I 1 In - wwuvvvv pay IJDI-III uvurunuzu III TIDIIW Acct. and $1800 for the purpose of purchasing metres and traneformere the above to he submitted in two parts. comnmren REPORTS. The Finance Committee : report recom- mending the payment of accounts amounting to $149.27 waeadopted, ae waethe report of the lndigent Committee recommending that William Waterman be eent to the Houee of Refuge from December let to May Tlat. -uuuv uau-u--uuurruu bu UOIIIIIHIJDOB. . from the Canadian {Bee Journal auking that out: of the town he -loaned-for the pur- . pose of illustrating the next. number of that Journal-Grantzed n 14`... In In 117...: ..ns__ ,-- Juul llDl`*\II'IU IIUCI From F,. M. Ward calling attention to the impassable statepf St. Vincent St. -_-Refer- red to Committee. - [p____ q.____._.; n, n . - .uuuv|uu vuul me. new government wharf. Ald; Brennan preeented a. report from Local Engineer William Armstrong. con- i cernlng the amount expended on newer: and drains chewing the total outlay to be no lollowe;- - .Wellinton St. (Total $400. 00 Town : share... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .;..225.54 RouSb.;..........'.. (Total) . . . . ..49000 Town : ehere. . . . ........ . . . . . . . ."304. 92- Elizabeth and Birth su. . .('1`o:el). .600 oo Town : ehere. . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352.67 Ccmmucetione were received as followu- From Mnyor.Cene,.of Newmarketa inquir- ing it the town roller could be rented for 3 short tlme-Referred to Committee. FIR!!! fkn (`A-ant`:-can Dan TA----~' A-". sun lav \.IUluulIIWUUa From Seegrem & 00. re out-o ve1vea- Referred to Committee. 13..-... ll 'n.-A- ._--_,-,, nn - - ---` - --' ----.yvo Inna`. AVVIII vsus-'3.-\JDllBl'3 `matters before the council. The council assembled in regular session, Monday evening. with His Worship Mavor Boys presiding and all members present with the exception of Aid. Vair who was called to Owen Sound at noon. As will be seen by reference to the communications. The rate- payers are to be again given an opportunity of voting on the` matter of authorizing the purchase of metres in connection with the electric light system. Another matter of importance was brought before the council by the Mayor in having authority given to -him and the clerk tcprocsed further in con- nection with the. new government wha_rf. Aid- Rrnnnnn nun-nnagyl .. ---- -L The matter of the new 'Go.x_re1V-nrhenfi Wherfto be xeptta the fore-Ineu1-uction to the Mayor and Town Clerk.--Others `fnnttnrn hnfnnn on. .........n I IIUUUIIIUUI 0 Tu: Council then adjou-nod. . .. ..-.,..... .....,._.,.. .. .,-,.. ......... 225 pounds. less nee. A`ao 10.00 oats. for milling. ROWN & C0, ` nurmpavmas WILL HAVE ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY V or VOTING on IT. BY-[AW T0 Pll0HASE ' ELEGTRIC l|GHT METERS. iron gum R. v. Hoa1=rrAI...L ..._., . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 00 ,3rd'donabion 25 00 `niliilliIOIIVIICOOICOOIO 2nddonation............12 50 2500 u o o ~ u o IOIOCIOIIIOIIOIIOO on on 0 n ``T'._; T _.__II (I2) --`.L I IV o I u Q O O 00000 Ills ' lab lnntalment of COUNTY OF IMC_OE AND THE DDXINION OF CANADA OUR CRITERION. * II'I'6'65 ..#1op 1000 OUNG LADY. Bookkeeper and Typewtiter. experienced. wants aituatnon in oice. Box B ADVANCE OFFICE, ' 47-47p IIEAA x L `@"Hunter Bros . have reeiyd theigt-first _::'_hipment.of1)ChrigtmuL Shirts; price: $1 to mcvlorf! em-um > Re Excelsior Life Insurance Company and do Greer.-A. E. H. Creswicke (Barrie). for the mother of the insured. appealed from order_ot Master in Chambers. (1 0. W. R. 702) declaring that the widow of James de Greer was entitled to 8174.25, payable tinder a policy of life insurance. The mother had advanced $l00von thetaith of insured tellinp herthat the was safe" in doing so,_ since she was the beneciary under the policy, which, however, the insured subsequently declared to be for the benet of .his'wife, `whom he had marriedafter theidloan. - R.5,McKay,fo_rv , Isth9.ri<!='rz.i9Px2-.,have-Pl.B!-md~~ THE ADVANCE, through the ever-thought tel kindness of`-'?Hon. Senator Gowan, is in receipt of a recent issue of the Halifax Her- ald containing an account of the grand re- ception which wae recently tendered Mr.e.R. L. Borden in that city. Tm: Anvzmcx has also to acknowledge the receipt from the Senator of a number of valuable pamphlets issued by the Dept. of Agriculture. l unuunuu ulllvhlll IIIIIUIIKII I district in the north gonntry, ll... l"I'____ IN . ' n was rvvs vuu ul. vuuuug uu-.9 sun can unuuacuuw. r. Cong; boaats of having paid all ex- penses whileawav and coming home with $106 more than he started out with. ._ ..._._.. `V- v--vv----,- Mr.` Barry Mclsee, barrister of Sturgeon Fella was in town, last week. spending a. day or so with his parents. Mr. McKee has `uat returned from a 500 mile canoe tripwith * ritiah Capitalism through the pulp wood dint:-inf. in Iihn nnivhh nnnni-an V V 6o;t;s:'o-f- '1-Eggtar, has just re- turned from a three months trip to the North West, during which time he had an opportunity of visiting his son `at Mooeejaw. MI`, final-an `Haunt: ll` Iuntnn nnzti cl` av- Mr. Aubin e many friends will be pleased to learn that he is on a fair way to recovery -the operation which he underwent in con- nection with an attack of appendicitis being pronounced moat enccenetul. ` Rey. S. Sheldon formerly ot the Barrie Baptist church and late of Grace Baptist Church, Westmount, has accepted a call to the Baptist Church. Cornwall. He is a graduate of McMaeter University. _' `lJ'_...__ `ll_lI __ `street. Misses Lizzie and Thurza Johnston of townlett this week to take up residence in Toronto. The Misses Johnston taught in the Collier St. Sunday School and were very active in Church work. They will be much missed in Barrie. ` vMra. Alfred W. Wood, of Toronto, iein sown visiting her brother, Mr. Will R. King, Rose Sb. Mr. `Wood, who in the business manager of the Toronto World, was in town for Sunday. ` - Mrs. J oaeph Rayeld, Black : Corners has returned home after visiting her brothers. Messrs. William and James Spearin, Moon`- stoue, also her uncle Mr. Luke Spearin. Sr. Allandale. -` . ' Mr. S. H. McDowell received a telephone message on Sunday apprising him of the very sudden death of hiefalzher, at Alliston, and left: during the day for that town. In fr 0 ,__, ________' _,_ _- [Miss Maude Mciee, _w'h-ow'been in. Montreal for the last few weeks, on her way home from a summer : outing in Great Britain reached Barrie on Tuesday evening. It -s u go I` mg; l;1 :Vi)u17"',nt--V"ictoria B. c. wne in town last; week for a few dnvs. Mr. Duff will be remembered as being connected at one time with the B. C." I. etal. _ Mr. A. E. Dymenb M. P. Theaeelom, has been in town for the last few days visiting an Rowanhurn the residence of his father Mr. Nathaniel Dyment. ' ` -\ `u an , - _ .. Franklin City, Pennsv1- M Vania, is visiting her brother, Governor Sie- 1 none at the County goal. * It I II 1'` sun on -- Mr." and 'M}.`cAis Mickie, Graven- hurso arrived in town on Saturday and am the guests of Mr. N. Dyment. `Inn in. 11'! I 1 M333 ]:`Tair1afuTonVVV`e<(1`ne-a;1'ay, to assume her new duties in connection with the Bell Telephone Company _at London. in-v vr T\ . up 'C\ . :- I`n:J._ - Mr. W. B`ennlet'nh!`. "I -.V;[':ent Sunday in town with his brother Mr, J; 11. Bennett. Ho returned to Midland at noon on Monday. nur- Mr. Fred * J.;L;;.;.;.;; N6? Ye1iSv7'd{'s;. Ass&., aInd:Mrs. Homer and son. Clarence, of Toronto Junction, are the guests of Mr. Jonathan Siasona. "(aavpt ) Steinho, ot Walleceburg, and her daughter, are guests at the residence of Major Rogers. ' I 1 I III 1-; v u n p 'q- Mr. and Ears. W. P. Lewis, Mr. [Harry Lewis and Miss Marv Lewis left for Bella- ville on Monday. :Mr; Edwude continues very low and during the week was feeling even worse than for some time. ' , s`. - V. ---_a _- - v_-. .. -w-w -u cansovnolvinvu Mr. W. H. Myer s condition continues to improve much to the nleasure of `his friends. Mrs. Brown and daughter are at present the guests of Mrs. H. Stoke at Anten Mills. e M}... E. 1>.;..11Jx1,_13:IC $2 1 K 'a11";Z;. ned t;o_ her home as the result of a very heavy cold. ` ` 1'4 `sun. ._ -- iiige Ball is attending the annual meeting ot the Woodstock Loan Go. in Woodstock. ` o ,,,_ V_._ V... _-_ ..wu-----u Mina E. bohriat has retufded to" Barrie after spending several weeks at Edgnvalp. Il__ I1 ? 11- an n Miss weir has returned froxn visiting Tor- ` onto friends. Mr. T. W. W. Evans, of Brsdfond, was in town last week. Miss Orispin, of Gibson, spent Sundayhnd Monday in town. . In C\ Ivuvuvti U 18?`!!! We have a large amount of Private Fuudi to land at 4; and 5 per cent- on the security of oodfarm Mortgages. MCCARTHY. BOYS 8: . URCHL SON. Dunlop Street Barrie. T % (El/ias"l_3-e`;:h;a.--S;r`-3-11-g-: ;>?i3-1';sdford, is visit- ing Mra.`Dounell, John street. ` kfuatioe Lount and Eont are leaving this week for Bermuda-. :.};1'It}c'ai'u' engaged in even- gelistic work a.t Gore "Bay. "_ I'IY:II!_ .._ ____ v_v ---I- E vwtliiam Awinley has returned from the North West for the winter. `Mira. Join; wSi1lii;atiSaiiiravdnhurst, has been visiting friends in town; V `.S__,I'I . -.. -4 - - - - J Mr.a.'l)`-. .]-a`v.<`:-oi) : `was visiting her parents _at Anten Mills last week. T Mr. zvczwhn Shepard spent last veek in Creemore. ' . - Mr; E. Atdagh was in Gmvenhurat, last week. vxsrroas TO `1`Hl!:('i'>\7V\`I:I:`- 7 Mrs. Martin Burton id home from Tor- onto. -V . Mrs. George Ball is visiting friends in Hamilton. - - \ Vv u----- ` no: , 'UIUunta3. I Comma ' 1P . or collectezicfa 89 N1 Farmeunotu discounted SAVIN_G_S_ BANK DEPARTHENT WHAT BARBIE pmopm HAVE `BEEN . DOING DURING THE PAST WE a:K- A M1msmG LAW-SUI r. sncm AND: Pmsumu. -The series of concerts which are to be given in the Opera House. this season. under the direction of the Hartman Lyceum Bur- eau, was inaugurated on Thursday evening, when the MacDonald Male Quartette pre- sented a programme. which _ greatly de- lighted the audience. as evidenced by the fact that `nearly every number was made a double one and some even more, through the insistent demands for encores. The mem- bers of the Quartette were certainly most T good-humoured and ,accot_nodating in res- ponding If the remaining four entertain- ments arenas well worthy of patronage as Thursday evening's` concert (and there is every reason to supposethat they will be even better) the patrons of'the `course will get vsluevior their money. ` Course tickets sting: piT1?'hai`e';d at._R0:)l')'lertsog:! Drug if9.'.. 1 . 0199! .. 1' NPOII \ heaI',+snir~u:.bis:'hn-9,vf9n; . T --Rey. Father Jephcott, of Stayner, de- ; livered a special sermon` in St. Mary s Church, on Sunday evening, under the ana- pices of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. The address was based on the theme of charity, and the speaker dwelt to consider- able length on the beauty of the virtue of giving. The music furnished by the choir was of a character to elicit very congratula- tory comment. Mr. and Mrs. Powell sang "Rock of Ages as a duet, Miss Mary Gra- ham contribnted the solo Our Heavenly Father, and Mis Mamie Powell rendered Thy Will be Done. The Tantnm Ergo, py the whole choir was exquisitely interpre- `ted. Gyeat praise is due Miss Mamie Mc- Donald, who, at the very short notice , took charge of the organ Her rendition of chn- bs_rt s Recessions] at the close was very ne. -Jane Hill, and her husband, of Coiling- woodyapparentlv do not enjoy that domes- tic felicitv which should exist in all well managed households. They have quarrelled on several occasions and their troubles have been ventilated in the police_court. On Friday evening there was another row and on Ssturdav morning following, Hill ap- peared before the court to answer to a charge of attempting to break into the house of complainant and of using abusive language. Eillbeingknownto the court, was sent to the County goal for thirtv days. --Judgment was handed out on Saturday ..In the case of the Cobban Mfg G0 vs. the Queen's Hotel in which the plaintiffs sued for $1,077 for improvements to theoor and front of" the hotel. The defendants. had paid $800 into court and held` that this sum was suicient taking into ` account certain defects and departures from specications. It was held that the amount paid into court was sufficient to cover the amount which was due. J . A. Worrell, K. ~ C. 'Toronto..for pltf ; A. E. H. Creswicke, Barrie, for, dfdt. \ t$'S'hirt. [CoTlla.rs and Cuffs. See those at George Vickers , successor to Frawley & Devlin. -The annual public meeting of the Barrie branch Bible Society will be held in the Re- formed Episcopal Church on Wednesday evening, 26th inst., at 8 o clook p.m. The ` change in holding the meeting` so early in the season is owing to the decision of the 4 Provincial` Society to have the scal year of 3 the Society s operations end with the civil ; year. An interesting meeting is anticipated 3 A talented speaker from the outside is being 1 secured and suitable music provided. ' I` f`;:%;:;::*.;;:*::=*`"""* ~"w~w~o -On Saturday last, W. M. Douglas. K C , on behalf of the Town of Barrie and Webb asked permission from Justice Moss to appeal against the recent order of Chief Justice Meredith in the appeal case of Hinds vs. Town of Barrie. A. E. H. Greswicke appeared tor dfdt. Judgment reserved. --Tmn ADVANCE is indebted to Mr. Wil- liam Taylor, orist, for a magnicent bunch of -chrysanthemums. Mr. Taylor has been most successful this year with his mums, as evidenced by the beautiful specimens com- posing the `bunch now adorning the desk in the sanctum. . Bros. `are selling $10 Grosvenor Overcoata for $7 .50. -v .'.._-_- -v- - un--V .` T 2 i V-- -Erneat Thomneou-Seaton, author of Wild Animals I have known, lectures in i Massey Hall. Toronto, next week, and Bar- 1 rie holders of the Hartman course tickets | are privileged` to hear him without extra charge. ` ' -Rev. Dr. McLeod continued his evening lectures last Sunday on the authors of hymns. He spoke concerning the life of Toplady, the author of Rock 01 Ages, and contemporaneous men of note. It A 1\ ms uuu uuuuvuayunnuuuuu luau Ul U000. -Mr. A. D. Simon, more familiarly known as Doc, formerly proprietor of the Royal Hotel, who. has just sold the Franklin House, at Hamilton, after spending a your there,` pas returned to Barrie for a time 1.1;... _ _L Inn, 1'! - - --Mr. W. P Lewieis taking the Anglo~ American Hotel at Belleville; The hotel is 1 a first class one in every particular and does a big commercialtrade. Mr. Lewis takes possession on December '13:. 9\ -` .-.-A iarev purporting to be drawn on the Standard Bank by the Mickie-Dymenu Lumber Co ., were cashed in Brantford on Saturday. They were all forgeriee II I-no -5 av . - --Rev. J. J. Reddits evening discourse on Sunday was conned to a discussion of the Manitoba Liquor Act, on which the electors vote at the impending referendum. ' -A' meeting foftldle ;'est;v of Trinity Church is summoned for Tuesday evening, November 25th, to discuss matters of mo- `ment. A large attendance is requested. '[)..."l' 1' n__1.1:--x- - - CAPITAL - $2,500,000 RE5E.?.`.`. .:3. :. . ".?.3:9- I ;TLeave orders for transfer of begaage or cutting as J. G. Scott : oice, Phone,86. James Scott. e ~ ' t$'Fa-n selecbioh, Christ- - mas Card; and Callendara. Latest in Sheet Music, GABRE'1'r s Music Store. ---__-- -.- vuwvnav I nvunvlu , -Th;viH_:)okey Club Executive. which meets tonight, has a lot of business to trans - act. -v--u- ' - --A yo{:g"s}x{:-Mr. H. E. Jory had a rib broken while at play on Monday. an-I v__12-._ 13 "' .0yfs`torI. Hadd1oI, cuco`e-. 851:. A1` 'B0'l`IIWEIaIa 8. -Edwa.rd Small, of Shelburne, was found dea.d'in his bed on Tuesday. E31 Mocha Glovs .fo;'T%c. at H unter Bros . ' _-, ` v-. --V--an-yo i'Lsdie:]:;or your Corset needs consult ` the ladies in charge at George Vickers ; "Di..- `l:l _-L_.. 111.4. 1.1 .- '5I'OW'N`ANi) . AROUND mm. Saturday Evening. Nov. 22 w. J. FREDERICK 'r Ho.uAs -PliESEN'l`8- Mr. Herbenft E. Danton The County Councii went: into session on TTue'aday afternoon. A. full account of the preh` dingo wil1_appen_: in next week : A114 , At a largely attended meeting held in the Collegiate Institute after school on Tuesday a hockev club was organized with the fol- lowing oioers : Hon. Pree., T. H. Redditb: Hon. Vice~Pres., A. Hay; Pres.. A.. L. Anhin; Vice Pres.. J. E. Minna ; Manager of Seniors,` N. E. Hinch; Manager of Juniors, Jan. A. Stewart; Se tary, G. Gallie; Treasurer, N. E. Meccmi; Com~ mittee, 0./Grasebt, A. Pee, T. Morgan; C. Bobhwell, M. Gray ; Mascot, Chester J. McBride. . -Atgenerel meeting of the members. of the Curling Club will be held this evening at 8 o clock at the Vespra House for the purpose of electing skips for the season. It is hoped that the attendance will be large. The membership has now increased to 110, and as the list must necessa.ril y\close when the rinks are selected. those wishing to join should notify Mr. J. H. Neelends. the secre- tary, before themeeting this evening. A; _ I-__.._I_ _AL_,_ ,, ,, Ilvvv nuuuauvun tanuuuuunuu unuu pluyuu CIUVGII games. Prizes will be awarded the winners in the series. The club meets on Tuesday . evenings- III IJIIC HUI ` I evenings. The Cribbage Club began a. series of games on Tuesday evening, which will embrace three fniilzte of play. There were twentv- rs two mem present and each played eleven m1'n'mn_ `PI-inn: will Inn nwnlln H...` ..:.........- --In is rumoured that Mr Harry Jamie- eon thinks he will be too busv to manage the Intermediate Hockey Team this winter and that he may retire. In this event Mr. Fred Lewis would probably drop into the position, as he has changed his mind about leaving town. ' -`-0. L. Darrocb, of Collingwood, will be a candidate for the O.H.A. Executive. He is asking the support of Barrie, Midland and Orillia clubs especially. I\ 9 I , -'_____---'. -Barney Quinn, of lacrosse fame, has been in town for the last few days. It is understood that he is an applicant for the position df trainer to the Hockey Club. T- 2.. ..__. __.ILI -Elmvale has organized a cribbage club. A tournament between Barrie and Elmvale would be interesting. 1` . a 1u- . . - - aAI=[2%i=}zIt-:LBLi-"c%'AE'IcH .. 33`??? ' . . ARM FOR s`AL ?-..-S; _ lF__in gon. 12,-Itioill-113051` ,_ --_- ---- ..--,. The Ivy Leaf. W. H. Power's great success, will entertain the patrons of the Grand Opera. House Saturday evening, Nov. 22nd. . The drama vividly illustrates life among the peasantry of Ireland, and is a great favorite in Canada. The plot is powerful, the action brisk and the crisp dia- logue plentifully supplied with highly enjoy- able humor as well as touching pathos Thd play is noted for the beauty of its scenery and novelty of its mechanical effects, especi- ally the ight of the eagle wlth its recious prey at the end of the second act. he com- pany will be headed by the young Irish singing comedian, Mr. Herbert E. Danton, supported by a strong and competent caste. -Corbe;|1Z a9.rbett, of Peneta.ngui- shene, have moved to Orillia and will play hockey in that town this winter. II`! I\ -~-- ---Ti1e Ottavta won the! ` Rugby championship of Canada on Satur- 1 day by defeating Ottawa Collage by 5 to 0. l -n 1' -n-____L ,4-n nn - -Miss Lottie Brandon, whose loop-the- loop act is a great attraction at Shea ! Theatre, Toronto, this week, is a Canadian girl. and was born at Barrie. She is a mar- vel at cycling and this is not the first feat of daring. she has performed, for she has taken her life in her hands many times in riding down an incline seventy feet high, three feet wide and 180 feet long, to nish in a tank of water four feet deep. (111.- `l.._ T-_1n 111 71- n I _-_ --- `V... ---Jr -Word has been received in town of the death in Brandon, Manitoba, of Mr. John J. Cavena, aged 45, who let: Barrie for the west: some three vears ago The deceased was employed on the Grand Trunk here and resided on the Allandale road. He was I highly respected and was a good citizen. A brother.- Mr. Thomas Cavena, lives on the Allandele road. The deceased leaves I widow and small family. \l:-- I'_-.2, 11 I ` --Judge Ardagh has been selected as the third arbitrator in connection with the pur- chase by the Corporation of the waterworks of Midland" from the Company. which at present owes the system. Mr. A. E. H. Creswicke, of Barrie. represents Midland in the arbitration and Judge McCrimmon was selected to act for the company. I7_..jL,,,l ' a'TheZBazaar for the New Slipper Sole, Berlin wool, Shetland oss, Bactenburg. Honiton and Point lace. braids, etc. JOHN A. MCLEAN. , _. - - - - w... an. vn \J\llI\4\lIlI\IIJ- -Correspondenta are again reminded that the change in the postal rates necessitate: a two cent stamp being placed on all correc- pondence. _.nn cu - - -- lQ:l)-o;;t miss Rev. A. L. Geggie a lecture, Wit and Humor, in Barrie Presbyterian Church, Nov." 27th; Silver Collection. COUNTY oouuqn. is smssion. The Ivy Leaf ,_,-._._---r , r... .1 vnu vv UV W10- E"We' direct your special attention to the Corset edvt. of George Vickere. page 8. our SpecIuln-Chaee and Sl.I|b0I'll I ' Coll :-e and Monsoon Tea at BOTH- I WElJ4 So Farm. producewas as quickly picked up as it came on the market on Saturday. Many of the farmers delayed coming in until ten o'clock and after and there was plenty of room for them when they arrived, as the householders had purchased nearly all of the produce which had been marketed at an earlier hour enabling those who had market- ed the produce to move o' and make room for the later arrivals. Prices remain practi- cally the same as during the last two Satur- days. Eggs are at 20 cents a dozen. but- ter being 18 cents a pound. chickens run from fty to sixty cents. geese 7 and 8 cents apound and turkevs 10 to 125 cents. Ducks sell at 60 and 70 centsa pair. Potatoes are still high, 85 and 90 cents a bag being asked. GRAIN DELIVERIES. Deliveries improved somewhat last week. The market is keepimz verv steady. Local dealers purchased 6,500 bush. of wheat at 63 cents. 1.600 bush. of barley at 40 to 42. 1,400 bush. of rye at 45 to 48, 4.800 bush. of peas at 71 to 72, 7.600 bush. of cats at 31 to 32. Buckwheat is scarce and brings 500 I bushel. unuer Bros . Suits are perfect in fit and workmanship ; price from $5 to $19. an-I17-" .12-- , SPORTS AND PASTIMES. {Suio nu ANNUM IN ADVANCI _ SINGLE COPIES PIVI cum-s muuun BARBIE. l[lCAl MIRKET. PLAN AT ROBERTSON'S DRUG srona. Prices 250, 350, 500 and 750. 1*" "N. v f TEN 8 acid.` COIN`-I'll` `$03 : ;;;";`,`fL".3?11p?$'Juc. goo: roultuvfor `tboun:.' . - man or W9 uuOuge`;?:rn`osition in Info. - , fofrfw cost is but nomnnal. Our New-Catalogue man who winhn`t9 p'reparo "Marchint-' *0 succesi" cantaiul all particulars. . , Add . - wmE(f)0!$lESP03EN CE DEPABTMENT W. H; SHAW .Pn1uc!:b-Jug A strong schoel with TWELVE gegulu teachers. splendid equipment and well payrgmzed bv ptudmtg. from every provmce o4f.the Domxmou. L A .' . ___._.__ ......___--. { THE { Bii K 0F`_T_0R0NmTB PUBLIG NUTIBE. <:IAv| 5' un g eu.u--:5. }onn m con. 1;, Innisl_--gbqjqt` ou rBnru"`= v'A'.an . \ O IMIAIKVWS ,_ _, .,l'.` 23- ` ,. ( .-,,- ' at"), A GENERAL n.i'nTi:1NG nus:-Nnss ` onunvornn. RGCIITBE `V'i`5cf}xizt}cspoNu1ss_cE DEPARTMENT Central Business College. -ronomcno. nun l_l -nnn_|n.nn .._ _ the Council Chamber. Barrie. for the pain? `P38d assessments or accuracy of tho` :_; ;"l*l1;4; and which I; by4_Jgv. _Il_)[u_izI"l)lo.} F",1'he (Joan; of Revialoh Will be had 0!! nday, the 5th dav of December, at 101 Ill. Dose of hearing complaint! O[IinI|!'.#:`:Dl'O' % 0- zneasurgmentu or onv` 'o;hr "V_..oom[i_l`|_`lMnII;Z. wl:J_neot1on with the abo_ve;'*'t'! alLItlono_'t!`M___WV`o_'k_!.? 'h Deraona interested miiv. .I.. ?3.me S*uds:.. nf nnr TEN SI\&i('lI cmurn-1 `an -ANTI`ZD--A G is `. d `. 7 Apply :o.w;s':'`iE i)o1~3'i43'r'i'f.', N"?s $`fy 401-1'1- act LI; N I "VOL Sagauvx. NEW Anvnrlsnmi: HEAD OFFICE Tokoifr. ` MONEY TO LOAN. . _ 1-....- _..__....A. -1 I!_!_._4, II , .-- .v-v`.`a JOHN Fl. LAi'n'a. Mmm. Smuux. Winn! PNP"m" ' W . M M WHOLE, oV'ss9,} And turther take notice that the enid Municipal Council have undertaken and constructed said drains and Ieweu and the total cost thereof is $1,585.00. at which $883.11 is to be provided out "of the enerel "funds of the Municipality divided II o,llo\n : Wellington street section --('1`otni).T. 8445' '00 T0Wn,35hBI'8....o....--ammo--cog `Ross street `section--(Total) . ... . .`A. 490 ,' Town e share (including perk). . . . . . 804 Elizabeth and High street Attention 1:; ` T `(Tt&1)..............'s_.. oe:-ooo- own e share . . . . .......T.."_....'."....'.\e852` I % Glgrk, V V VI GOV.` -17"47' vvvvv -1 The pm: of matter `in no great this weak shut `the (Anvmon `bu ;I:oLannou'uoa, with; A-1-cg`:-_ot, up. jg. numbgr. o! ;pon:egnqndont_:__hat ml: .99M.bu?"I have at .-n.I9!|hy..t.0. be `W'ANTED-At oga. two. good girlo. `Apply? to } MRS. R. R. 'ROGERS.`BnyId St. , M46-48A ALWAYS ON HAND Fox SALE Quality and Price might at... ' ' 5| ELIZABETH ST.. BIBHIME Iii ' petitioned by the Local Board of Health: and also on the said Wellington street and Eliza- r `AKE NOTICE that the Municipal Ooun-' oil of the f`-orporation of the Town of Barrie (having been duly requlsitioned and by the Committee of the said Council to un- dertake and construct drains and sewers on Wellington street and on Elizabeth and H igh streets for sanitary purposes and as a local improvement as herinafter mentioned and the said Council having by a two-thirds Vote ufiirmed the desirability and necessity in the Public interest of said drains and sew-. ers. And the owners representing the pro- per number and value as by law required whose properties abutting on Ross street, both and High streets. having duly petition- ed the said Municipal Council under the provisions of the Act respecting Local Im- Drowments `to undertake and construct" a drain on Ross street from Toronto street westerly a distance of 585 feet." Ale 0 _ sewer and drain on Wellington street from Bavfield street westerly adistance of 561 feet. Also to continue the sewer on Elizabeth Westerly to High street and on and along High street northerly to Park street and to assess the final cost thereof upon theproper- ty abutting thereon and to be benettede thereby to the ex tent and at the rate of one- third of the cost per foot frontage in accor- dance with the provisions of general By-Law . N o. 376 and amendments thereto. and theta stutementshowing the lands liable to pay 3 said assessment and the names of the owners, thereof so far as they can he ascertslned" from the last revised Assessment Roll is now filed in the oice oi the Ulerkyof the Muni-. 4 `Wlitv. and is open for inspection during : 03306 hours. ? A - A four row bleached hrietle brush, oerhel soft. medium and hard. Each brush is stamped with the maker`: name and guaran- tee. (Ghee. Loeneu, Paris, France) and with the name THE ROBERTSON BRUSH and GUARANTEE ma IHREE MON'l!H.S- 1'Ax;e:s Due: DEC. ,1s'r.; llqtopnun, will please romulnbdr. that the.Ioond (and III!) lnutalnnont ol Taxes wlll be due on lllolidayn Doc. 1;! last day.--Avold rush V and delay by inallllfg plumout at once.-Nov dun ol grace allowed.- - 47-47 Otll` OWE :-w-._...- Hlrdvtood Knots ifqi Box mzwoh 33.25 `pm-;losd': : . ._ . Brush- Robe%rts%on s Drug Store has urrlivedand we can now sugjply you ymh hlt: nnnlh-,n 1IuA- - gn-... . - _ _ Jouusrouk PARTMENTS WANTED by single gentleman. Two rooms, furnace heating. gas-or Electric A light. With or without board. Liberal terms for- V suitable accomodation. Box A. Auvaucx; omucn. 47'47P OFF1CE-43 Dunlep Street YARD--Foot. of Mary Street K5313? Eiii." has Split Hemloqk . . . . . . 2.25 Dry Pine Blocks.-. . .. 1.75 Bough Hurdwood....._. 4.25 Lg; -`j'. :4 foot Mple. . . . tc-In-`II I 3|!` QUEE- EGG. STOVE AND NUT . _- win`: vvv VGII IIVW lllvply beikunlivy SCRANTON com. T333 $1-3: - _ __ |6KlE.0YMENI'3 soul O.A.L`~r _\ _.$8:09%pfn: ton cash; -- L-.. --- Opia. Post 03109. Barrie. Ont. and a capable gompauv in a grand scenic I-evival at the great Iriah Success AT'REA_SONABLE PRICES. A GIVE US A CALL. Phonics 33 `and 87. 25 CENTS anion. % OATS ._.....A1`._.._.. Simmons sells `RaeeoonCoats cheaper than anyone in Canada A South sida Dunlap Street See the Immense stock. at % Simmons & co. $30.00 $35.00 nn an . . . . $6.00 per cord. Iovooco II II noonoo ....'.. 3.25 II 1103. .V.. 23.25 n Voord. oooooo ll `Mm 000!!! N. N ncocif H yslwsm! - .1`!-IE` INTERESTS OF BARBIE. THE -j PIANO... TUNER Telhono 88 ` BARRIE,. COUNTY OF SIMCOE, ONTARIO. NOVEMBER 20, 1902. --Members of 'Ba'rrie,Lodge No. 77 An- : "oienu Order of United Workman to the _number of {shout seventy, marched in a body from their hell. Dunlop street. to the Elizabeth street Methodist: Church, where, 3' jtiniely end, :39:-opriote sex-mon_1w.es `preached Vtogh;`etx_);byf; .epg.:tqr-,Rev. `T ;&;MoKhgley._ shied .__. ,9?` " ` "Q_6`n anus. vuunv. on. Lil! uluunlluuuu UL 8100... . . . . ._.._ Capt. Whluh,3rd'donation Ju.CheeIman.....'.....`........... Dean Egan, 2nd donation............ Charles W: ,M'luVMury. ay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C. A. Shepard ..... Ge`9rge.Co`los.... JoI.Marrin . 'Wo"A-I GfithI........ John A. non, New Loweii,f&'.}it3f I .; l3'A bemtltul iuortmont of Chrintmagj rNok'weur st Hunter Brook, 250. and 500. ~ II I - D.`\ ` I Q? 12 A The following" eontributiona have been received to the Building` Fund Royal Vic- toria Honpitnl-0ot. 17th to Nov. 15, 1902: Ministerial Aeeooietion, Thanksgiving Qnrvinn . R05 R0 LVCIIIICUVI ICI RUUVUIKUIVK, L IIDI. Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hy. Dollerv, 8th Donation. . J .` Main riza. making 810 Alex. 0 _ke. an. lnnta (Inn JIUUUIII IIVI UIIII On motion of`Ald. Powell and McLean the Finance Committee and the mover were ep- ointed ecommitteeto assist in entertain- g the member: of the Bee Keepers Associ- ation on the occasion of their visit to Barrie in December. A 'I"LA' n-___ -2! AL __, , as u THE SEWEBS COMMITTEE l & ogers to proceed with the construction of a beifry, at the cost of $44 50. for the Allan- adale hose tower at the fire hall and recom- mending that the members be empowered to I purchase a stationary re alarm bell, weigh- ` ing not less than 325 pounds at a cost not to exceed $35.00. The report was adopted, re orted having authorized Messrs. Rogers run eovnnnmsnr WHABF. Mayor Boys stated that he considered it necessary to take further steps in connection with the matter of _the new Government wharf and submitted the following resolu- tion which he had prepared in that behalf: .'.l.`hat this Council once more express its desire to have .the proposed Government wharf constructed at the foot of Bayeld street, but should the Hon. , the Minister of Public Works deem it advisable `to con- struct the wharf at the foot of any other street in the town that the mayor and clerk upon receiving notice from the Minister of his decision as to location and a description of same -be authorized to take the necessary steps_to transfer any title, the corporation m y have in the property required to His esty. the King and that the clerk be in- ' structed to forward a certied elegy of this resolution to the` Hon., the iuister of Public Works and .to Mr. Leighton McCar- bhv, Ml . . ` j ' The resolution was passed Onmotion the Finance` and Assessment . Committees will form a Court of Revision to `deal with the appeals rs sewer` assessment on December 5th. a ' - l\._ __--S-_. -1 Ali! 1'1 II can :- UVIIUUI IIV\cIs It was moved by Mr Bennett that the I oounoilbe asked to submit a bylaw to the ratepayers of Barrie to raise the sum of $3000 for the purpose of extending the water main ` as follows and pursuant to petitions received from interested 'ratepayere:- Blake St. arhnnninn In East: Wand ns...-.1 reoewea xrom Interested ratepnyers:- Blake St. extension to East Ward School estemnte or cost ll00 feet-$l000. Bayeld Sc.. John St. `North. North St-', and Viney St. extension, estimate of cost 2790 feet- $2000. The oommissloners being of the `opinion that the sold extension will pay 9. reasonable return for the outlay. Mnvn luv Mr `Ran-mu-. 4-,I..a. 6|... ..........:| svuuuunulu nuuru 10!. DOB. 0l..'lDy." Moved by Mr. Bennett that the council be asked to submit a bvlaw to the rate~ payers of Barrie for the purpose of raising the sum of $6000 for the Eleotic Light De- gzrtment to` be applied as followa:--' Qnnl-.n nan kn-ulp Ann-:Inn`l. 3.. `Dl_..a. A --L *%;a;.;;;.az.?s;';.,;i;..i";. E3'33}T.:1 `' "' 34200-to pay bunk overdraft in Plant Ac_ot. Ail!` `All Slug nnnnnn -.A A` ------A`------- .225 WANT ED--xoo D:-eased Hogs, highest prices for. weights from_9o to 15 poundl. from :50 to !`o.ooo bushel: white oats. for milling. ROWN 8: CO. - An

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