Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 13 Nov 1902, p. 3

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JULY 2,1903` JAN. 1, 1903 These Music Next You % A LYEAR IN ADVANCE "'FI7I-:7n Van` `$3.53 % onup Twelve O.RILLIA--The Council has decided to have the livestock pene on the market. place suitably paved. and fer1ced.i..'..' An ojcial from the Public `Works De- partment, Ottawa, was in town on Saturday, looking into the question of Uriliia 8 lake front. both Capt. Moln- nis and the town baring applied for water lots. The Commissioner decided blunt` the matter does not come under his department at all, unless ii on be Vshown that Oriliia Bay is u harbour or B purb, otherwise the Ontario Govern-_ ment. has jurisdiction} `V IIII , `T 1 5,, ,__- ___> NOV. 6. I902` LAUG. 6. I903 MAY 1. 190:5 FEB. 5. I903 Free Get Are V THE same`. on) STORY. An exchange says that one of its subscribers got mad some time ago at the editor and stopped his paper. Th a next day he` sold `his wheat for four cents below the market price. Then his property was sold for taxes because he didn t read the treasurer : sales He was arrested and ned $8 for going hunting on Sunday, simply because he didn't know it was Sunday, and paid $300 for a lot of forged notes that had been advertised two weeks and the pub- liccautioned not to negotiate them. He then paid a big man with a foot like a hammer to kick" him all the way to the newspaper oice, where he paid four years in advance and made the editor sign an agreement to knock him down and rob him if he ever ordered his paper stopped again. 'AmEI's'I'J'E'I" -33-"I":-I'm; ' DISEASE hearers the duty and privilege of enllIt- ing in this chosen work. Miss Ee McLean, of the Presbyterian choir: sang " The Heavenly Song, beautiful- ly. The Children s Hour was taken up and an excellent exercise conducted by Miss Chase and Mn. McNabb, with about twenty-eight` girls from the Bright Sunbeaxns Mission Band." wll I a welcome change in the programme. Mira Chase gave an interesting account of the best method of studying "Vla- Christi,. a dicult Mimionary book for Auxiliaries. Mrs. Gregory also touch- ed on this. Mrs. Mocdie, of Barrie, one of the early workers in this Pres- byterian Society, gave earnest, helpful, closing words,also compared the dilculo ties of working some years ago with the more modern and speedy despatch of business, which sugared well for the Society. NOTTAWABAGA -e The Noitawssege council metat Duntroon on Monday, Nov. 3rd, to transact the regulur'busi- ness. One item was the granting of 3/ permit to? `erect poets from Glen Huron to Collingvood by a new Telephone `Company. By this company the rates are so low that farmers all along. the 8:h con. of Nottnwusnas can have n telephone in their house and can regu- laxe the delivery of grain t_ofColling'-' Wood by the prices quoted to them the buyers. - The system can be extend- ed in any direction. g A The 16th meeting closed, to meet in Icollingwood in October nexc.-Packet. I uuu no an-nature wlu (I0 ule TCSI. . Pul-Mo is inexpensive, being sold 5)` druggists at $1.00 per large bottle, or you i may procure a sample bottle for 15 ceutla If `your druggist has not got Pul-Mo In E stock, a sample bottle will be delivered to any address f FREE OF ALL CHARGE: J.Ij_-__ ,nn n .4 4 " It -is estimated that the value of the buildings erected in Winnipeg this year reaches $3,000,000. Pu!-Mo stands alone--the use of any other medicine, as an assistant in not necessary. Eat good, plain, nourishing` food, -get plenty of fresh air and outdoor exercise, and use Pu!-Mo as directed; ` that is all-Nature will do the rest. D-_' _ :_ :_________g_N . 7. , an L.` Avdcira; _n;;t:s_to . The Pul-Mo Co.. Toronto. OIIC. . The SEPT. 3, 1903' DEC. 4, 1902 MAR. 5. I903 JUNE 4. I903 Grmvl-:NuuRs'r.--'The following nail care have been elected by the Curling Club: Mr. and Mrs. C. Mickie, pen-on and patroneaa ; Pres., Dr. Grant ; "Vice- Prea., J C." Anderson ; Sec.-Tr.eaa., S. Curran ; Executive Committee. Messrs H. E. Young,`Geo. Homer and 0. Goa- aage; Skips for the ensuing year were elected as follows: E. W. Gaudrie, D.-_ McRae, W. Wesley, W. S. Our:-un,Dr. Grant, A. A. Mowry, Rev. J. A. Dow, and J. C. Anderson. . " Times Sheet With BBACEBRIDGE. --- The Bracehridge Hockey Club has elected the following oicers: Patrons, A. `McLeod, M. R, Dr. Briglaod, M.P.P., Rev. Father Col-T lins, P. A. Smith; Pres., W. A. Gilles- pie; 1ut. Vice-`Pres., Rr. Robertson; 2nd VicevPres., J. Anticknap; Sec.-Trees, Mr. W. Marshall; Managing Commit.-' tee, W. White... G. Potts, H. Kinsey, F. Woodhouae. ' ` cumnge from the local exchanges con- cerning the important happenings T of the past week. Owen V Scum)-A liiyeed oil mann- ` maturing company will locate in Owen S.nnd and spend $50,000 in erecting` buildings. The V usual exemption we all tht the new company asked . . . . Citizens are talking oi annexing u_ por- tion of the Brovke suburb and having the town incorporated as "a city. ' TEcUMsE'rH--St. John's church was 1 the scene ot a pretty wedding on _Wed- day, Oct. 29th, when Miss Belinda A. McMinn, eldest daughter of Sum-T uel McMinn, and Mr. ` Allen ;fTixon were united In the holy bonds nflmsrri.-_T may by the Rev. A. 0. Want; T115 ~ bride was pretmily robed in "white silk: V` Orgsndie trimmed wiithi inserb`ien:`ztio9,v and ribbon, with bride] veil, isitid-jollfoii`-ievfl-f a bouquet of cream roses. MiB8i,-J!5.bii : ,r'. ..r`. McMinn, sister gef thebifidL6, bridesmaid, be'ooming1y_.sttire(_1;eiggf cashmere, trimmed withiv[)iI;h|ehi.5i".iA 7? we-r ` . g .2? . ~ 2 - V. ' L` =;`|i'`-.,.' ~< .. . all over lace sud -IibbOnT;%'-And boquet of pink roses.``_:` l`he green`-::[Q::. .~_. Bllpported lgisi *;saphe,,v,;:\AMr;eie1%- , _.Lessoh, of ANeweaoh`.Bebi9i}` A messw or xnwmnmsrxne mvmrrs mmspmmo IN rms` vmmrrv. BRAmjoRD--On j %".`.'13`?%,_.."'j'?!__.",`.vV Mrs. Stihbs dropped-%9!i'"b'h`E}a-6 _ iuq to bar huseh13%:`L`i1`. 3; been 9. Y - `\ . r II L iiws or comg1v_Aun nlsmct 5 TCVTDQFW `_ ' ` . ` 3 . _ .1` . .u k` g `.;.E'.;, . v. -. _,`- 3 -_ _ _ , . _ , . 4 ` ' 4_. 'l,`v,,.\, (lip! _"u`\_-.< _ -:-. -- _ ~ _ A, ,V ` - m - ' I. . \;s _ \ twg. _`._u,rr.l~.,r ,._.A,__ __ :_.`_.v;;',`,\_.Q ., _ L V _f_) . ` ` t"- '~ ; ' . H - `._ .~*.' - >~' _<"- , " ' . `_ _' In `V._ J. 1,5` A ,`; ._.V _ ' Guns, R'fleF_s 3;] Al 1 : Apple Payers 3 I I i l at ' a Lanterns. Scoop Slmvels, Chums, s s . s Washing Machines 3 and A Wrinsers ls. OPPOSITE POST armor. - - ~ 'V~ .Th.'.ddni:,h,`: ;t991kt; 91$-ft rabentilwf. T M5. D.U.tOhOl' ;$9:;`Ml'o 'EV,Ql9I_t,' of Toronto J unotion . . .t .Mr. Thou. N ey in so seriously ill thnt his. recovery is not expected . . . .'.l'he Epworth Leogue diatriot ooeru appointed .for the pres- ent your are :-Honornri APreeide".nt, `Rev. `_J. Young, Bradford ;' President. Rev. Dr. Lona. Bond Heed ; lat Vice- Preaident, Miss M. Verney, Tottenlmn; 2nd Vice-President, Miss A.` Stephens" son, Aurora; 3rd Vice-President, Mine 1. Clark, Boston; 4th Vice-Predideut Miss M. Milliurd, Newmu-ket; Supt. of Junior Work, Mrs. C. R. Knight, Allieton ; Secretary, Mr. Will Boukev Thornton; treasurer, Mr. Deering, Snroud. V ` Conniucwoon-Mr. Robert Leonard was united to Miss Elizabeth Bell, of Singhampton,- at the residence of Mr." W. J. Montgomery, last Friday even- ing, by the Rev. Dr. Ockley. g After ~ the ceremony a bountiful supper was served, when dancing was engaged in until an early hour. . . .A company manufacturing plain and `traction on- gines. threshing machines, `feeders and straw blowers, are talking of locating in Oollingwood. .l.`hey require three to ve acres of land close to rail and lake shipping, and will erect, if they decide to, build here, one solid brick ` building 60:300. one two-story building 60xl50, and one metallic storage 30:400. The industry would be a very desireable one. . . . t. A man named Robert Switzerland, formerly of Stayner and Orillia, on- Monday laid information before Police Magistrate N ettleton to the elfect that one, Angus Blackcame into my room at the Manitoba House and stole betf ween $165 nnd 817 0.out of my pocket. ..._V_,, A wisrrans has "seen iaaud for-the ac-T oused. ' V S'l`AYNER-Th6 services held `in the Presbyterian church, incidental to_the induction of Rev. Mr. Alliston, last Tuesday were of a very pleasing nature. Rev. Mr. Cranston ot Collingwnod preached the induction sermon. The address to the minister by Rev. Mr.` Paton, of Angus, was most practical" and helpful. The address to. the con- gregation by _ Rev. Mr. Oameron, of Allandale, was also good. I The after. noon service was a very impressive one. `Atter an appetiaing tea in the basement,- with much good feeling in evidence, the programme for the evening was an nounced. A full choir of both oolngn-e` gations `gave excellent music. The moderator, AM:-. Borland, of Coiling- wood, was in the chair. Good, helpful addresses were given bythe `Rev. Mr. .Seelv', Methodist; Rev. _Mr. Murdock. and Rev Mr. Grant, Baptist; Rev. Mr, Letter, Anglican; also Rev. Messrs.- Roll-ins, Cam`eron and ' Cranston. . .-. Mayor S_andere,Vwho was injured Toronto at Thanksgiving time by being knocked davvn 01-`T : Ki!'sl> *=9`=a 1" `bicyclist, islabla 55;OY??5?!9h kli . . . . Superintendent A-='_.;l?lin;, of the R.. was intown on_`.Monda y_ and madgs a_rrangemen_ta -for`_ .lighting ;,th_e _statio by. electricity. ;sn!ss,ver;i;s%..aben lightly; w`n.'%:."5D.,vB`@Y-ll"d7 vita-***9`i'4*1 ..n.,ne.,w;mmfeaip1y;2vq9 r R . ` .i. V `M IDLAND.-::l'_l-l;- votaqtoma -;~ad'eipta` `Midland for t_h9 1,mont;h o_f Qct'ob6}' am_un td_: t9:i;h,B_yI :`!n of ; . ' P,l:ru5:'raitG-"l.`h'e ratepayers are,tslk- ` ing of buying out.the' electric light _00IJi|Iany . . . ;Dsa_th, last week, carried` oil` one of the oldest residents of Pene- tanguishene in the. person ` of Mrs.` Amanda McGirr, who died at her late residence on Main street at the advanc- ed age of "71 years. Mrs. McGirr, who had always enjoyed health, was taken suddenly ill of pneumonia a few days before" her death, and although everything was done_ that medical aid andonursing could do. it proved of no A avail. -Mrs. :McGirr, A whose maiden name was Judson, was born at Phillips ville, near Brockville. . . .At Council meeting _on Monday night the following resolution was unanimously carried :- Whereas every year, for a` period of about twomonths prior to the close of navigation, there is a great shortage of cars along the linesof the Grand Trunk Railway, making It A impossible for ship_pers,to properly market their mer- chandise, and the trade of .- the country much injured thereby. `And whereas the said Company do not appear to take active steps to remedy the evil, Resolved, that in the opinion of this Council" the attention of the Hon. the Minister of Railways should be called to this matter, and that he be respect- fully requested to take such action as to e'eotually compel this company to live up to the needs of the country, and make proper provision to meet the requirements. of our trade and com- merce. And further, that a copy of this resolution `be forwarded to `i all Boards of Trade ' of the Province, as a well as to the'Mayor_s of all cities and towns therein with the request that they co-operate `herein. Ioteuicfh the . even; V : r3*?*?i!3Ian@9!.;f 011-sroodoe on I,8at"nr.dav. . November 1, he"`V,7wa_s `."."',4dd,, W .. Mil!` Klil M1310: eldest daughter agar. y D. '1`. N Mu. of '_thati:efn. Q. .On Wednesday at 12-Ao olook, i:o`o`:s,i`i the marriage. took r "place of of Mi_dlaud s estimable young peopleinlthe person of` Edith, Annie, youngest daughter of_,Mr_ and Mrs. G. Moth, of Midland Avenue. The (room was Mr. McGeath, of Port Arthur, ;a conductor cnthei Can. adian Northern B._ail_way- The bride was given away byihergfather, and was supported. hp her friend, Mus Violet Bpatty, .o_QoIdnater The grcomgwas attended by Mr; Joe. Dobson,_ot Mid- land Rev. J, A Hm. performed the ceremony . . . .'I`hs largest vessel to `enter the harbor `this season camein on Sunday morning with a cargo of orefor the Canada Iron Furnace Co. The `boat, which was called the Agawa, is aoonstructed entirely at steel and is 390 feet long. ` V-ti I-i?if`*-th3` Inch 1 not pent 3.! 71:7 --_Ev V.IIW;%_` _ . IW`,I ,.Q`V.' " V` ghng mun jot?!-noyed `of purpouo of solving of the page problems of existence. V Dr. ';31:s'a-;.A ':6a${r%me, A1vii.~wie Ji&f`NixouV,A Fonny Quanta. 5-. \' `T7 V _ Box 18. A - The home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross has been `brightened by the at-L rivalot` neon. V ' r..- -_. _..- - Mrs. Alex. MoLedd is `visiting her sister, Mrs. Kennedy, in Aginoourt. - e 'l"?l;e'Dhnl;rde _ae:vis`c1oeed last sun- day evening for the winter months. - ' The',Messia;;Pridhum,,o4_Beeton, _are yisi.bingfrieI'1:da.[1ere. _ _;.; 111-11 -..__-lg-.. I-.:a_. A 40.1 "L%.III;f--k`;o::e% Wine. my%Na. _Qn,__GebrgQ.Riot}orda6n, J; Kenwpll- . V ,-._ -11 .1` :__:_ 17'-..` "51;Q"fiT::-:.{i1a ;I.eouara, Wm. Warnica, _MQ.ry.Warnica, Annie Ken- -,._" .._1"; -'_ .`u..' . ;_.' `.'_--:_ well, U, .heonard,Al1nze1 AVGIIII. A ;.%1T>m-. 11 `(a)--Rab,a1- Nixovn, i Jennie }I$irby.AE!mI`n-A8{hntp- r s -it n |1'.'.'....--.'.....a.fI\'3'.;.`..I'..,'.'.u. gen i;a_ `coma cc; tgladde`; the heart: at Mr. and Mrs. Joe Spicher. 'M:. J an; arid Miss Li;zio Mair spent last week with friends in Churchill. -V f 'atiaVdi.MVra.V Sam Ranaier, of Not-. tgwa, spans Sunday with the fo1rmer a' ` parents. : _ 9 I "JV. iD. Ompbll, Vof Veapra, spent: Sunday at Lon. Bur-kl.1_0\1der a._ . rd _ _ HONOR ROLL :;-Repor.t_Vof' 8; S,_.No. 13, Innisl,.. for %*h9`mh?9f09tb==V Harry Arndld art-iv`r`ed home from Bylig Inlet: last Saturday. If!` ,._,L ' '.l.`he.pre1nis`ea of Zien `ohm-oh are being beautied by a new wire fence. Mr. 'LorenvJackInnn has the contract. ya-,__ an uy-ay- . _-,...-.._.._ ..- ffwelj, 0.': 1J:eonqrd;'_'IV_I_uzeltAverill, . Class . IL;--'.I.`_VanenLK;eI; _I;all,Lizzi/ta Ken-` sun NIDALE CORNERS. * ov6r'fmt ijek.) . E,.~;)iiqn;fPiheg;` R. N. Grant, 0rillia, President, in her address which tollowed, "gave a resume of the year s work, and showed clearly that the great aim of the Society should .be to do as` did Dr. -Storrs see the end from the beginning, that the grand consummation of the Gospel s_ aim be fullled.` The reports . of thirty-two Auxiliaries, and eighten `Bands. were then presented, and were very encoura- ging. Mrs. W. Thomson, of Orillia, welcomed the delegates. Mrs. W. A. Copeland, of Collingwood, on behalf of the delegates, warmly responded. Mrs. Stewart, of Victoria Harbor, who had recently beenea teacher in Regina In- -dustrial School, addressed the Society at length upon Presbyterian Indian schools, and the six boarding schools of our church, which have an enroll- meat of four hundred pupils. - Mrs. Oranston, of Collingwood, gave an excellent Bible reading on prayer, froln John XV. Prayer was divided into ve parts, adoration, confession, thanksgiving, petition and` intercession `-that our natural wills be subservient to the will of Christ. V Session adjourn- edat 6. A v ` V The opening meeting Thursday morn- ing wasat 9.30, with the President in the chair.` The first item of business was the reading of Presbyterial reports. Miss McConkoy, of Barrie, Tidings Secretary, reported 703 leaets subscrib- ed for, `which was twenty-ve In advance of last year. Mrs. J. Playfair, of Mid- land, reported a large bale of excellent clothing, much of which was new, and valued at - $585.86. The` expense of transportationcwas materially reduced through the kindness of Mr. Playfair, who carried the bale as far as Fort Wil- liam, free of charge. Mrs." Needham, Orillia, Secretary, reported the follow- 1ng:-- Were II1_octod- e `. Thhe l"_6th.snnunl meeting of the W. `F.;U.8., 8oeio_ty,- was hold us the Presbyterian church, Orillia, -Wodaeaday Ind Th,nndsy_,. October 29 end 30; In every meapedt this was the best meeting held by the Society. Mra...J. B. Tudhope, oonvener of com- mittee on 'oiedenti_nln, report `sixty-two delegates aaelirolled. e The Seeeion opened on weasesdsy se 2 p.m., - by 3- d`evot_ionel meeting, eon- dncted y,Mra. Campbell, of 0:0. Mre. R191! mt Amsm:nv.A| r}1noh-ving i'S31'{e"1'i.e of delegstes in nttondnncs from vicinity.:--Allsn- -d s'ls,", Mrs. Onmeron, Miss Kosher; Burris, Mrs. , Todd, Miss McOonksy, Mrs. -Stephenson, Miss Rogers; Ivy, Mrs. Gsuley ;'Cookstown, Mrs. Smith ; Oro- Central church, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Pcsrssl; Oro Guthrie` church,` Miss Agnes Ross, Mrs:-Robertson, Mrs. Lynll, Mrs. Brown, Miss Brown; Oro, Esscn church, Mrs. W. Horne. W48 "The various Auxiliaries Reports of the sixteenth annual meeting have been read in your hearing. You have heard our disccuragements and encourage- ments. Taken as 4a whole we may safely say they report progress along all lines. Four only show. decrease. We have cxtended our borders bv the addition. of two branches, Creemore and Hillsdale Auxiliaries, and one Young Woman s'Ban'd, in Elmvale, with bright prospects, therefore at present we have thirty-two Auxilia:-ies,and twenty-three Mission Bands, in all 55 branches. The membership of the Auxiliaries is 587, including 88 members of General Society, which with the Mission Band membership of 556; made a grand total of 1143, 68 members in advance of last year, and an average attendance of 550, two ahead of - last year. 703 Tidings are subscribed for, an increase of twenty-ve- over last year, -In many places women in the congregation take '8 this newsy little. pamphlet who `are not 8 yet members. A`; ne baleoi 9lc`thiog,. `val_ued at $585.85 `was sent" frompgzthis. P&-bvtridl. is yoix;.hiwte.what1.' Qur icontributions `year; _4 am`.',o 8l'ati- 3. a fume 7A.nxiliriasiy;donttibuiedi 4131,-y 536.62 ; -VMisaion._BaId9, 3-16, '1'n_ akingl_ - A4`--. 4- . AA.` ` -a tota`l~ .of $2021.62, i am 31 in excess of lean year.. `Our President has visited many 'Auxi`lieriee,eeI/1:1 these _visits>' havebeen innohappreoietetl. ; - `Txiluon-, of -B;1.\o;ebr.ide, on- awered` many 1 qneationq rel`tiva\ _ to the Society : work,` -to the gatisfs(ti_;n of all. `Mrs. Cameron, of` Allandale, gave an address` on Miaion `Band work, and stated t l1'at_r9ne4 at @119 'chiat' hind- 1*if15`.",5.`?V`:". .`,i195.;?9k;3-A.iai3'i`99 ' f iaodecm ` A u-Addreaoe by Local % 2nd'Vice-Preaident,Mrs. H. scum, Victoria Harbor. 3rd Vice-President, Mra.W. A-. Cope- land.` Collingwood. -in -\ an A 4ti1 Vice-i r,e9ident,. Mrs..Duw, Gra- vanhurat. V ' T Tidings _Secretary, Mia Mcconkey, _Bnrrie. , J Corresponding Secretary, Mrb. A-% MoNabb, Orillis. I Becorciing Secretary, Mrs. Needham, Orillis. Secretary of Supplies, Mrs. J. Play- fair, Midland. isaion Baud Secretary, Mrs. Ste-V Venn, Barrie. - 1, Hononry President, Mrs. Cameron, Allsndale. President, Mrs. R. N. Grant,Orillia. `lat Vioe.Preaident, Mrs. J. Fraser Smith, Bradford} T1"easure1f, Miss B. Thompaoh, Brad- ford. I i Mrs. Dow, of Gravenhurst, followed with an address full of re and enthus- iasm, on An Ideal Auxiliary, and how such could be brought about but for the apathy and carelessness of the members themselves. Mrs. Greene, Mrs. Locke and Mrs. G. H. Hale pre- sented greetings from the Anglican and Methodist Auxilliaries, also the Brit- ish Temperance and Missionary Soci- etv (with headquarters in Belfast) re- spectively.` - Mrs. Gregory, of Manse- wood, for over an hour, spoke of the Stirring up of individuals to a sense of God s call, and Impressed upon her Lord. Mrs. W. M. Harvey,`-'of 0ril- liu, convent of Nominhting Oommitcee announced the oicera for the enauingl y`par: ' 1 `IT 1'` O! I II I` I .fm-tho: disousaod Mission Band woik. Adjournment at 12.30 nooif. ' The afternoon senion was opened by O devotional meetioig, conducted by Mrs. MoKinnell, of Orillia, the topic of which woothe Second coming of our vs nun: an uuucaic auu ICSLUIC IIIC 8IllICI' ed to peri':ct`health. Do not go to Florida, ` Madeira, California, Mexico or the Rocky `. Mountains. Remain at home withbfriends ` and home comforts around you and usef Pul-Mo, which is the achievement of the ` century in medical science. Pul-mo is an absolute` cure for Consumption, Throat and-Lung Troubles, Coughs, Colds and all "other consumptive symptoms. ` A cure is now within the reach 0 every sufferer: j ' . PUL-MO if used as directed will check the progres ` of this fatal disease and restore the afqicb -4 4... ..__'.-L I.-_IAI. l'\- _-; ._ . _ Is: I APRIL 2. I903 001'. V2. 1902 1-Hkouu4uos or mucous An: HA3-rauma -rowanns A` A LI II 2 L: 3- -up CUT THIS OUT

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