Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 13 Nov 1902, p. 1

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Telephone 88 B ARR-IE,- COUNTY 131: ,SIMCOE, ON'1 `ARIO,i NOVEMBER 13, 1902. Mr.` 'Hat_18?1*'on Lennox etated to have had = `_ `nothing whatever to. do with the ` revival of Intex-est_1n the ' ' wharf r.n_a.tt_e_r. . 1 __ _ The `appended lettervhae been received by_ his Worship, Meyer. Boys from'Mr. Leigh. -mu` McCarthy,` ' M. P.,' ,in answer .to the .0ommunication addressed to himend publish. ed in THEQADVANOE eolne; weeks-_ngo.', In willbe seen, that Mr. McCarthy diere me- teriellyvfrom the Mayor in hiajviewe :- 1 nine` Sir,--MAy absence from town "prevented my receiving your reply" to my` letter of the 30th September.` V ` ' - v Van nninntinr L-no nnbinnln rn3nnnnnn:no:1 Vuurenlmt Fm L { MB. lE|GHTDN MGBARTHV. _ % ,A * "1:Io_{ i;31i.%V1V9o2. Worship. Mayor Bovh, ` " " ' ` `Ila -9-in , an Ul._.AIM8_'1`EA'1` mzroiz BOYS WAS 1g_o'rnc-1_mD somm TIME AGO Acon- ` 5 cmzm NG TEE pnmn. I hare entirely misponoeiyed the spirit in which, and "the _intention- with which, it was written =It:was notilntsnded todandpdoes not cast blame upon anyone. nor `was `it intended to be controversial but merely" a plain --statement cflaot addressed to you oioiallv as head of the Corner ation length or otherwise. of the Town of Barrie by their renres enta- tivein the House ofommons. The publish- ing of such aletter I submit withall defer- ence needs no apologlyg either as to its t "seems to me. you exhibit unnecessary warmth in repudiating a charge of delay as `to the construction of the wharf, which you say is made against you in mv letter. Might I ask you to take -the trouble to re-read it. and if `you do so, you will, I think, fail to nd the slightest accusation against anyone of delay. The only reference to you is in my note to the Editors of the different papers. in which 1 indirectly point out your remissness after ten-days. of either acknowledging the re- ceipt or replying to me. I might now fur- ther add that during that interval you had the opportunitv`of.. lacing the subject mat- ter of the letter eit her before your Council at its regular meeting on October 5th or at the following committeemeeting, neither of which was done. but during that time one of the papers, THE ADVANCE, in an editorial, wrote attributing the delay to me, hence my causing the publishing of the letter in the papers. ' - `I hang -uni-ml smith nlnnnns-A that can ntnfn- yuiuga-Kre noted with ploosure that no state- ment ot tact contained in my 1ettar is con- trovetted. T _ 1 _ LL- -.._._!.._ ___.__.._L A` -...- -no.1 1' I\\JLV.I LWIKIBJI I Alex. uuvuruuu. _ In the opening paragraph of your reply you point out that if you were to follow my suggestion of lesvin the selection of the location of the whsr to either the Minister or the Chief Engineer it might undo the resolutions of two Councils and the decision of` the Minister. ' ` - 'n____:- ..._ n__A. a._ _-:..4. _..a. LI...` ...... ......... 0! Cline!` DUVHUIU UL Alluluuuuvn street. It was in the rst place to recall to your met'norv,.t_h9 steps that had already been taken by your predecessor. _and which goyjpg to his in%_sei-pbuitigan, riIghtlAy.orVwponvg-. UI VIIU lllIlIl.llIUIe Permit me rst to point out that you seem also to misconceive a municipality's position in regard to Public Works being done.in it. It really has no voice in the selection of a site and it was only by reason of my inter- vention that the Barrie authorities were consulted. The reason why it has no voice is obvious, because the responsibility is entire- ly with the Minister who is directly respon- sible to Parliament for all expenditure made by him. nah nnI-l-Inn'I~I\i- n-L-In nnnnnnn in Air` `nun: BXOODB 6 copy 01 nuuaunu. Are you fair in thisl Have you not fail- ed to state that the copv of I-[ansard was marked advising voni that the `Minister would not do anything until he had a deed of the pro rtv? Did I not succeed against considerab e opgosition in `having the money- revoted, and di not the same marked Han- sard advise you of this? The Hanssrd you admit having received in - March, and yet a on etafonn were never asked for a deed. c echni y you my be correct: neverthe- less vouhad denite"nctiee "in March that .the.Ministe,r would not move without. the .-deedg_and still nothing was done. '1 beg to remark` that I..did give the matter bgth sevions and _car_efnl attention. ` a r .5. __ ,.!..g" `-flan IIAAIIIIIIIV `hf till! UHIU Ill! usruuusuu. . Farther on you write, that until you re ceived my letter of the 30 ult. you had no intimation that a deed was required for the location of the Wharf, and you also ask if a deed was not necessary when Mayor Baden- hurst interposed and stopped the commence- ` ment of the re construction and repair of Wharf in February 1901 why is a deed re- quired now? ' In reply I would point out that when the grant was first made and revoted in 1901, it was tor re-construction and repair. When again revoted in 1902 it was by the Minister s resolution made for construction alcne:' it was evidently the Minister s opinion under these conditions that a deed was required, but apparently when for re-construction and repair no deed is necessary. However, I see that you dier from the Minister in your opinion and think that the title to the necessary property upon which to constructs Wharf is already in the Dominion Government, no deed is there; fore required by them. Your predecessor could not surely be of _ your opinion or he never would have taken .it upon himself to interfere with and stop a Government o`i- cial ' in the execution of his orders upon Government property. 'If it is found that your opinion is the V correct one, it will be unnecessaryto delay matters further, but stance to take what preliminary steps are necessaryand roceed with the construction of the wharf w ere it seems best to the Gov: ernment. ' 17... _._A _`--_-J .L- `can narnlvdnng nnnnnnl-:n eruuleuv. ` You are pleased to be somewhat sarcastic when you write that in my answer to vour letter of February 7th last I sav- that I havenotedrt-he/conte_nts and will giveit my most careful and serious attention, but from that date to September , 30th `you neither heard or received anything from me; exoopt aioopy of Hansatd. Ann canes `o`lI in fhil` "IVE Vll `nt serious inn _onl;enu Ilwuuuu. ' Let: me now` give the reaeonu for the length of my" farmer letter and for asking that your Council oer e deedjofe the neces- Auryfperte of? either Beyold or Mnlaeeter ......+. . v'l 1-. cu. in t:ha:1!at nlnoexno recell to U lllllln But puttingthis aside, suppose it did have the e'ect you suggest; it would only be rea- sonable I submit to presume that if a change were made by them. they being unbiased by local prejudice and having all the facts before them, the decision they came to and whichever place they selected would be for_ the best interest of all concerned, and again srmit me to impress upon `you "that. no inister of a-Department can act or direct work to proceed unless he has the favour- able report of an Engineer upon which to base his direction. __u__._ __ .__.- _..:-- A.l...4. ....a.:I uu... -. OH!` OW!) wnur 352.313: pmopm HAVE BEEN : some mmmu mm PAST -WE ax- Mr. John Dicknsonasjzreatly improved `in health. . - - W hjl;-h-duy- -Wilkinson in visiting frieiids in Hamilpon. gun a A no. Dr. "Chm-l.i Clagk was up from N'ewmark- at for Sunday. . `- T719 1 1- u... an s TM[rs.` ::l`I;app has lbenen visiting friends at Anton Mills. _; - T fa visiting Mrs. W. D. Al- lan; ihcreemore.` - . -\ - -..- - PAll_iog and children have re- t__umod_ from Toronto. .. --_-_. --.- ---- - u. 71"- arv Lewis, iviio been visiting freinda out of town, irhome again. 15, 'I` vvv can v..- __ -- .-.-' -- ------ --v-- J. W. Churchill is conducting evan- geliatio services at the Holly appointment.- Il .__ n`-__I_,, ,1 11, so 9 I mm" 1}iu;i;"1'.In;` 3.22` LQEJLQQE "1I.T.I.; after a pleasant month : visit with Toronto .friend. ' ' GUARANTEE FOR CLHBEE MONTHS. Ethel Lloyd, trained nurse, has re- turned from Churchill, where she `was nur- sing a patient. Inns` In a 1 McDonald and daughter, Euphemia, left for Sanlt Ste. Marie, Mich, on Saturday lagt. ' ' 1: 151'. n u }:i;;\vin town to reside at [her home in-Toronto.- ' ' z`lZ(i:`|::11:t;;.u-l>-:o`a_I:-"visiting Mr." aid Mrs. James Cu} in Penetang. ~ ` ` ' II'_ `I 1'? `T I I 0 In _ n `improved within: the lap): fey; days. Mr. iWV.' has aratly `'2... II'-__.. I -72, , * `-' . who has been on reliev ing duty at the Allandalo oices, left on \ Monday. for Lindsay, ; Mr. II.}3x. Mary street, have! returned from Hillednle, where they have been spending e. few days. V HQ ihi n71L}{i_z{, $1 sh-my Bay, is takieg up residence in Barrie. ` ' e n _- ..-_ ----_ ..- -...- __-..' ..`.rv.--..-v--- Scanlon, of Bradford, `who has been` visiting the Mines Spry, has retained home. I12-.. 'I I_I_:, `I I I ,.---- _-.__..- _-__ ` William Wait has returned home from Chicago, the climate of the Windy City not agreeing with him. `T -1.: I _duouu ououoooouqouog A ':l`hoV_vjv'e;l'ir`:1g_tt'>'>-lf:-p;a'.; on Nov. 5th in % Chicago of Ming Lizzie lslaiaht (`ox-mgrly of Barriehnd Rev, L. H. Allan. Mr. Robt. Scott has returned T from Spreg e. Algoma, where he has been em-_ ploye for the summer at Cook : Mills. Mr. Scott has gone a to Sp:-sage for the last. three aeaqone an states that an ` enormous amount of lumber is being taken out along the north shore. ~ -- ' ' T _, ,`__,_.___r.,_--. __ [Miss lrene Dyment l"n'\s"returned from To- ronto, where she has been visiting friends for the past several week. ' C` j - Mr. Simoa vienlieme again after epending a few weeks in London. He is considerably improved in health. 11 0 In 019 - 1\ C D Her many friends in Barrie will regret ex-- oeedingly to learn of the very serious illneae in Toronto of Mine Emma Young, of Brad- ford, daughter of Rev. Mr. Young, formerly of Burton Avenue Methodist church. Mina Young wad taking a courne_of training in the Toronto Hospital, when the- suffered an attack of `a pendlcitii. Au oratfon was performed, at unfortunately was overtaken by a atro_ke.of paralysis} in Young`. T]El'1'7;l;0"8'[;-l`.-tt a. few days has week vialting Urillio.-lends. `* " ' 1 IR}, 1'1 mu id. Lewi:, Uu;pio., fvinited her mt-' ant; at Hazgholme Saturday. V "ll:__ lV-..._2.~ A, u u Ga-;;i-a -2}`;-:;;:w';;:l-`in-;:%-been visiting `friends at Edgar for a few days. `I . -TIT. T? Il--_,I, 1 "ii; 1ih;i'i1;ot;} -;e-it;-1"ned home last week after an extended vieit. with friends in Toronto an'd_Lompton Miilu. V `IL, I .1 ,, T 1*o;-ml :i541;r;gi.Lt{f ii. iigkaga, who will be remembered as a graduate of Victor- ia Univeraitv. is now editor ot the Gokyo, the organ of all the Methodist churche_e'in Japan. WARM FOR s sLE--s. 94 othe,N. 54 of Lot to. in con. :2. Inr.isl-about 5o acres. =soil first- class Frame House. Barn, &c., Orchard. all in good state of cultivation. Apply to MRS. EMILY I. FERGUSON, Cookstown. 46-49-p Dr. Broad and MI`. F. T. Grafton` of town, with a party of twenty-one other gentlemen, left Toronto on Friday, in a I acinl `car. to visit the mining districts of nlifornia and Arizona. ' ` ' Miss MoCneig and Miss McKay have completed their course in the Training School for Nurses in connection with the Victoria. Hospital. Mia: Mecuaig has qoneto Chica- izo and Miss McKay is at `present at her home in Beaverton. V`*"Mrs. J. B. McDoneid and her father-im I law. Mr Duncan McDonald, have returned home after visiting the latter : two nieces, Mrs. Glassy and Mrs. Sopher. of George- town ; his nephew, `Re . Neil McPherson, of St. Paul church. _amilton';' his two brothers. Messrl. William and John Mc- Donald; his sister. Mrs. Stewart. end his "niece, Mrs. Lowery,Aof Bovymanville. 1'1`-.. ...__._ l..2__J_ 2.. D_.._:- -=II -`-_--5 -- o _ J. H. Neelandu in Toronto during ~ the early part of the week. u,.i.;a`m;.tiw: AT iaaua family ; have taken apartments at the Queen : and ` closed their residence for a time. Mr. Con Martin, who has been in Winni- peg for the hat couple" of years, is home on a visit to his _pa.renta, Mr. and Mrs. J amen Martin, Charlotte street. It: Ii C b - V4-n Midland Free Preee-Inepector J. `C. Morgan was in town this week inspecting the schools. He haealmoet fully recovered ' from his recent severe illness. ' ' mu. R.TLo;.};f:a.i.}i}' 5} "Detroit, with `her mother, Mrs. Wm; Hunter, arrived in town last `week. They will spend the win- ter at their home on Muleaeter St. --The afternmn train outt, very nearlv gelatmg into trouble on Saturd_ay`shrongh the madam `of an opn switch. The engineer '.jI1I n0dd lit. in t_ign_o hand hrfmxght the ,V`*`.%`%.`.`;'i ;i'i-`T.` ,`9!F*?`;Y'.?!'!4'i3' `Q _'f = mm Jean uagm, Toji Ailiaton, who has beenapending a few days with Miss Nettie Weir, returned home en Tuesday. 1\ an up ANTED-Teacher. male or female. for school 1 . section No. 8. Essa... Fully qualied. P081. nnn open until December 1st. Algpl stating` salary In W. C. FERRIER. Secretary. 0 y P.O._ 44-46-P Barrie, ` secretary of the Ontario Licensed Vict.ual- lets Association, was in town last week. % an on 1- as h`u;;.m.;..;; h1.ae;1s;.;;.;;`.;;;;.;.u;h.;.; ... covered from the severe accident with which she recently met by falling on the sidewalk. in In Mr. M;,;i..;i;;.;1.;;;i;;s;.;..;ag ia}iv}{i.}gd the misfortune to dialocate his left: arm at the elbow joint while wrestling on.Nov. lat-. | In C -'\ Mrs. Drummond, of Brampton, who has been spending a few weeks in town visiting her sister, Miss Mabel Irvine, is the guest of friends in Orillia. Di. .-;;s;1a;n2;.7.;.;:.;i;.;o;2.;, has been apending is couple of days with his sister. Mrs. P. E. Scanlon.` Beveld street. 1 social MID Pensmm. vxslroas THE Town. D0INlON OF CANADA OUR CRITERION. "rowN AND VICINITY. ` --`The County Council meets on; Tuesday nets. _ TEACHER WANTED-For s. s. No; II. Innjsl --a male teacher with second class certicate-. Amlnc ln nnmmnnnp vet `nII2fV,IhQ- Annlitnann. ` Fatrn Buddies, clscoen. One. .11` _lI0Tl!WEl.L9s. -ram HA15PEN1NGS on` A Wm: :19 -Mr; N and (fzoge, of Lefroy, Iapent Sunday with friends in town. - A 'AA:\ ' -A'94o .;`....: .n;...;.;".;:.;.; ibiyh X}: Orillia parnv at French River passed through on Saturday. - .41-2? C D . n as T l3' Le:ve orders for transfer 9! bagoagelor carting at J. G. Scott : oico, Phone 86. Jame: Scott. -Walter Seivans, who was convicted in J nine of stealing boomchains at Honey Har- bour and sentenced to six months in goal has been librated on the strength of a peti- tion nmnerously signed by residents` _of Bar- rie and Midland; IUIIVWVIL VVIUIJ UIIU Ul\_-P3050 uuvvuuavuu ---News of Mr. Fred Clark's success in Peterborough will be of interest to the large number in Barrie who have known him from boyhood. `Mr Clark, although, entering upon business in Peterborough against very keen competition amongst old and well established fur rms has succeeded in win- ning and holding such a share of the pat- ronage of the citizens as to warrant him in remodellinghis store and helnow possessesone of the neatest and mostattractive establish- ments in the Province. the handsome front di which. with its modern luxfer prisms for lighting up the most remote corners of the store is well tted to be ranked with any of the business houses in theilarger cities. The interior of` the store is nished in cherry and is resplendent with handsome plate lass mirrorsand highly decorative electric T ight fixtures. Mr; Clark : 'push and enter- prise are appreciated in Peterborough and he isfbuilding. [us a business of which he may well be pron .. * i * (I:-.2 -:mQ `LVAL --:4 g-n'In4n--5..- ' -Mr. W. Shanaliah now [carries the mail between Barrie and Hilladale; -Special Qaaa church.` On Sunday Evening noxl: Rev. Walter Witten will preach it special sermon in Christ: church to pnren_te,con the training of children. All are cordially invited to be present. L -A runaway horse dashed out of the Barrie Hotel yards on Saturday and over- turned the buggy to which It was attached. It was caught before it: had gone fry yards. `The damage. `beyond 3 broken shaft, was slight. - - r TL- 'I"l...._I...-..:-... ...._........ :.. l'l'1..:_:-.. Robertson's Drug Stotem Ullllln -The Thanksgiving services in. Trinity Church on Sundav were very largely a1.- ` tendedf Rev. Canon Reiner s sermons were most apropos to the occasions and the music was of a special character and admirably rendered.` T 'Mr. James Scott has purchased the carnage and cab business. of Mr. John Thompson, together with all his vehicles etc. Orders for all kinds of teaming, and for cab service may be left at the office of Mr. J. G. Scott, Dunlop street. It '1, ___ `\ II I I I --Mr. Henry Ball, of Thornton, and form- erly of Wsrminstenhsving decided to give his entire time to insurance business, is moving to Barrie, has the centre o, the district of which he has the oversight, and has sold his store business to Mr. Alexander Reid, who is now in possession. .n -an on n. JJIIICIIIJCIIII KJVI lILVUII\IIJlU VIIIIIIJII KlI\L 51'? The story of J oeeph illustrated by means of limeligh views. as well as a number of scenes-from the Passion Play through the medium of a Kinetoecope. On Monday evening he gave an entertainment in the church the tone of which was morally high and most valuable from an edpcative point of view. I"I'!_,!4, `I'I,.,Q`I, ; E-I,,Il ,.I, VI VIVVVI --Rev. Hiraiwa. President of the Metho- dist conference in J apan, addressed the con- gregations of the Elizabeth street and Collier st eet Methodists churches on Sunday, giving a right and interesting account of the work being done by Rev. M. Takagi, the native `missionary snpportedby the Ep worth League of the Barrie District. The progress which was being made by the girls school was also dwelt upon to considerable length. The speaker's account` of his own conversion under Dr. Coehrane in J anuarv 1874 was followed with the closest attention. ' _E II I'.I,, J I`I,,,I_l, , __,,_,. 2,, "our" 8rpecl:lbs--0h'ase. and sanbornu Oolreo` and Monsoon Tea. at BOTH- WELL98. v - ' The Hprtman Course consisting of 5 enter- tainments opens tonight with the McDon- ald Malenortetteeto be followed by the John Thomas Concert 00 , Dec. 3, the Ern- est Gamble Grand Concert, Dec. `30, Prof. Byron W." King. Feby. 2 and the Libby- Eaton Gomhinntion Mar. 16. These enter- Ztainmentegnre all ret-clauand should be `well patronized. Tickets for the `full courue can he hid at Robertson's Drug store at the zverye low price of 81.00. ~"'lOct.I, additional re?fg_;<;_)h.entertuinI1,:ent_.for.choic`e of seats. ' --%. G. McKay, Liberal, was unseated in Nort Grey on Tuesday and another elec-A an will be held. ` ' I -Se7crei:n::;eelands, of the curling club, announce: that ` the inembgrahip roll now contains one hundred names. ` ' 7 Iii; '1T.;}L};;,;;".Is1L; A. 0. U. w. will attend Divine service in _the Elizabeth St. % church next Sunday Morning. Tb'AUH1f.K \VAN`1nU--ror 3. 3. no. lx._1nq|unI certicate-. duties to commence xst auuary.1'qo1. Applications. stating salary require and experience will be re- ceivednp to the zoth of November. 1902. J. J. REID. Secretary. Craigvale P.O. 45-46-p --By consent of both parties, Mr. H. S. Stathy has been named by Judge Britton to try `the case of Patriarche vs. the town of Orillia.- He will act exactly in the same manner as would the Judge, and either party will have the right pt appeal to a higher court-di`ering in this way fromdthe award of an arbitrator. It is not expected the case will be tried till January. `I 1 I 11' I III (I -Mr. Frederic N1choll s ne steam yacht the Minute, `which went ashore on Georgina Island, in Lake Simcoe, some weeks ago. and it was feared would be a wreck, has been got aoat again. The steamer was so fast aground that it was necessary to build a cribwork and raise her with iacksctews, to not her o`. Mr. Charles Wood undertook the work, and carried it out successfully. '- -The business man who is contented with his business has stopped growing. The man who says he has business enough, therefore has no need to advertise, has reached the full ood of the tide. But after the ood is the ebb always. It is a law of nature that nothing shall remain in a state of rest. Everything grows, or it decays. No busi- ness can remain at a standstill for any con- siderable time. -Mr. W. J. Stubbs, of Peterboro. was present at the Sunday evening service in the Elizabeth St. Methodist church and gave -`nlan at-tutu ta` _Ts\nnn.h `nasal-I-nl-no` H17 I-nous-so Grey aquirrela are getting very scarce in thin Section, but Mr. Ed bite, of Cooks- -s`ho_t gouplg of line one: last week, eawb "OPERA HOUSE. AROUND mans. Farmers are cautioned against disposing of their alsike seed at prices quoted by travelling buyers. as in many instances the seed has been disposed of at prices far below that obtainable in Barrie. The Mail and Empire quotes alsike N o. 1 at from $6. 75 to $7.50 and No. 2 at $5. 75 to $6.50. The World s quotations are $7.30 to`$7' 80 `or No. 1 and $6.50 to $7.00 for no. 2. In Barrie the price runs from about $4.00 for the poor grades to $8 00 for the best although it In hard to set a price as the quality varies so much. On Saturday a dealer purchased some at three cents a pound while for anoth- er lot he'gave $7 35 a bushel. mhnnn :3 run Aka-u-an 3.. LL- .__..2._ -:a..-_-!-._ on nvu uu Kaye wt ou in UIJBIJUI. There is no change in the grain situation since last week. Prices remain at the same gure and deliveries are, if anything. a trie lighter than during the last few weeks. UIIIJW lJlVVI\l\IIyu The following companions were present.:-- Ex. Com. Alex. Cowan, Z. ; Ex. Com. J. C. Irwin, H ; Ex. Com. H. E Jory. J. ; R. Ex. Com. W. J. Sutherland, P.Z : Ex. Com. J. B. McPhee, P.Z ; Ex. Com. G. G. Smith, _`. _.Z. ; Ex. Com. W. Johnston, P.Z : E_x. Com. J. F. Polling, P.Z : Ex. Com. Geo. Monkman, P.Z ; R. Ex. Com. J. MOL Stevenson, P.Z ; R. Ex Com. S. Wesley, P.Z.; R. Ex. Com. W. J Hallett, S E. ; Com. A. E. Stapleton, S.N. ; R. Ex. Com. Geo. Monkman. Tress. ;Com. J. Shrnbsole, 1 .S. :" Com. V. J. Merrick, let V. ;Com.` J. H. Neelsnds, 4th V. ; Com. J. F. Jackson, J. S. ; Com. R. King, Jan. Companions, D. Lewis, Amos Train, John M McGuire, W. R. Alwnv, A C. Baown, M. J. Rogers, F. D. Height, E. T. Tyrer, Alex. Milne, Dr. J. C Smith, R. McClnstey, J. Anderton, Fred Mart. Ex. Com , J. H. Willis, Keystone No. 32; Comp., J. Bird J r., Grand River No. 70; 0om'p., Frances P. Warne, Grand River No. 70. Come , Rev. J. H Shenpsrd, Dr. A. L Murphv, E Miller, B. Holford Ar- dsgh and G. Bnycrofu. Ir.HUl'l|.".H .wAvI I,I:.u:. `- ~; 1:. _ sf Female'Teacher tor thdjuuior Depnttibnftaofj ; uufdjliubuc Schdol. guts! awmzmu on-.h;* ` nuar . . ' V M -uh: `"4 `*`5&tt >n:r3niv55ao'?iov5:7x3t5` - . taint ;: tam The Anin}1a1Pub11c Meeting to be held on December 10th. The Ohildren s Aid Society of Barrie, held its r glut business meetinv on Tuesday in the ouncil Chamber. In the absence of Pres. Strsthy, Rev.`Mr.v Witten occupied uhgebeir. - 1--_._~L____ ___.____4-.I L`__A. _3..-_ I_-A. uuo ulasvuu uuuiu Iauv uuly IUIHIULI. Prices remained steadv and potatoes. which were soar-`ea, sold readily as 90 cents I beg. although 5 few farmers who were in a hurry to get away sold in quantities cheap-g er. Eggs `are still brining 20 cents a dozen, and 18 cents a pound is asked for the best butter. Chickens bring 65 cents. geese 7 and 8 cents a pound and turkeys 10 cent! 0 pound. rm... ....... ....--I.-s. L... L_ _-_ .12 _ . , . __.| t.- The new market by-law was discussed by many and the opinions expressed, as may be supnosed, were somewhat diverse. The fsrmerwho was on the marketearly did not like the idea of havingto wait until 10:30 to clear out his stock to the merchants, while on" the other hand, the farmer who brought in his produce at half-past nine and ten o clock was more than pleased with the ar- rangement. The farmers who came in early, however, will have to bear in mind the fact that the citizens have not accustomed them- selves to the new order of things yet. With- in a fewweeks the house-wives will be out bright and early also. `Some of the mer- chants have expressed themselves to the farmers as being unwilling to buy their poul- try after it has been picked over. This mat- ter will soon adjust itself, however, as with a demand for poultry from his customers the dealer will have to obtain his supply from the famer and will make it worth the while of the latter to only market his best pro- duce. THE GRAND SUPERINTENDENT on THE GEORGiAN DISTR.IC1' IN TOWN TUESDAY EVENING. At the regular convocation of Signet Uhapter. Royal Arch Masons, on Tuesday evening Right Excellent Companion Ayles- wnrth, of Collingwood, warpresent` in his oicial capacity of Grand -Superintendent of the Georgian District. He witnessed the working of all the degrees in the Chapter from the Mark Master to the closing of the Royal Arch. . na. u... -1--- -2 ..u__ ___u_ ._ AL _ - n - LUV 1 III A.|l VIII 2 At the close of the work in the course oi I few remarks be highly complimented the members of the Chapter and the oicers on the excellence of the work done in Barrie by Signet Chapter and also congratulated the Chapter on being the banner Chapter of the District. He statedin concluding that al- though his visit might be looked upon as an occasion for criticism by himself, yet it was a pleasure to announce that, as a matter of fact, he had received a lesson by witnessing the whole work put on in so perfect a man- ner. .1 I A e nu . .. 1-. The Secretary reported that since last meeting six children had come into the charge of the Society by J udge s order. The most of these are already arranged for, but the need of- nding homes for many young children ought to be strongly urged. The Secretary was instructed to acknowledge the receipt of clothing for wards of the Society from Messrs, Parr, Moore, Irwin and Vair, and to convey. the thanks of the Society to I the donors. ` A ._...z._ ._._- __-..-_1 -_ I__I_I LL- ____,,-t The sharp front on Friday evening put the roads in splendid condition and as the farm- ers. as a rule, are now fairly well through with their fall work, the market was crowd- ed. the attendance being even larger than that of the previous Saturday, which we! the biggest since the busy season. `pl-inn: no-vundnn sugar! .....I ....L-A--- IIVL1 At the close of the Chapter the Companion! present; adjourned to the banquet room where a tempting colation was spread. After this degree had been worked with the same completeness as marked the previous ones, a" short list of toasts was introduced. this portion of the evening, however. had to be out somewhat short owing to the large amount of degree work which had been done previously. mkn fnllninunn non-nv\nn:p\-an nun-n -su-nan-.6 . ' IIIIU \lUlIUl'Un A motion was pneeed to hold the annnnl public meeting of the Society on the evening of Dec. 10th, at which it is expected there will be an address by a member of the Pro-' vincial oice. V The trial of Gerald Sifson on the charge of murdering his father an London? conclud- ed on Saturday night, and resulted in t.h_q.. acquittal of the accused. V r l - " LAlDMAN-At the Highlands. Barrie, on Thu". d:a;..sa:- i .*2a:.?::: = ' * M M Mt-~ LOVERING-At Barrie N0 be th and Mrs. G. F. Loveringv .mda.I:g|1te:.9 2 to Mt. $x.ocPER ANNUM IN ADVANCI __ amour om-us nvr clurrn. ROYAL ARCH MASUNHY. CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY. tom mum. SIFTON IS FREE. PRICE OF ALSIKE. .. ANTED-A gnod gen_eraI servant. small fam- ily. references requxred \Vrite to MRS. PARKES, 62 South Drive. Rosedale, Torgngo. T lIlUI\I- I u v uvruuvu We have a. large amount of Private Funds to lead at d and 5 per cent. on the security of ood farm Mortgages. MCCARTHY. BOYS 8: URCHL SON. Dunlo Street Barne. Commeru. or collected. - cAPlTAL - s2.5oO.ooo RESERVE FUNn$2.600.000` uw A n OFFICE TORONTO. IQ.""' "-"": -j '?7 V Interest at highest current rate allowed on deposits of $1.00 and over. A GENERAL `BA-1-(KING uvsmnss T . nn1\II'|IYn'I`Il!II- nu`;y w- - BARRIE "'Bi=iKNcH OWEN STREET V a 1 n_._..- --/I wa I-Inn-Q maa. t`:nnt\|unVI-AA B FASHIONABLE TAILORING 3 DUNLOP -STREET; 1| ""5"" ' ment ana wen payrgnuzl V. ;9g:`gde::.?ov1nce of the Dmmmon. , _,___., .-.T._..._.__ I/____... Tn-IE" Mb E10 "NW [IV--..- our TEN spec; l _ .a Cour. ' W1 d E V "i'&A'1`i." i1f ..;ous young pm :9 Rood results for the ` ~{o`(r:;, bet!e{p_0sIl:non in e_ Imi- ' e cos ls ut n ' "Marching to Succ:sI mag'mt0.u" New `c`u`-` . . writefornt. Address 3" all p`,u8ue coRR1csg>oNnENcE DEPART _""- o I _ ~ __ man or woman W . ho wish cud- j Ppu-`g. Aulylijxnbaann ------- --`.. :_..._--:.__ ccvnnvoinn. my OH N R. LAMB. Mmxcnxi. __,..:---------- V VV -I41.-I-V &l--un-v:n-:nnu-- Commercial Paper and Farmers nota discounied' -.mIh-cted. " -r--V -swsunvvu u c I I ' ` " Hemlock Slabs . .--' - - - -- Splits Hemlock . . . . . . - Dry Pine Block: . ; . . .. Rough Hardwood . .`.`-'v_=- 4 foot Maple . _. . . 0 J Snlii: Hardwo.t;('l. COAL % $8.00 per ton` cash. , Hardwood Knots fotbovx fI toV9_ Derload : : :` g, .2 .V . wnu-O"RRE5PQNUnN.un unrnu-.1 Lu an cenitral Busmess- College. rnr 12?. (3'_'lSl"I`C)- - Brush &smNe.s. :`:`?.F.1i%}?_`!P`ET [TANTED--At once. two girls. Applv to. MRS. R. R.` ROGERS. ayed St. 46-4.8 T` wuom: xsnu Plfoprietor; iow ""';osition in Inge. rubella - Hal. Oh!` '.Ca,ta.l6g'u'c The gost b_fm;'" cmtaina particulars. larchm A `tefornt.EsPdgENCE DEPARTMENT. .. _`4....l Ruginess-College. lGKl[. |}YM[N]A80N Opp. Post Ofice. Bme..Ont; NE\v Al)VER'l`ISE1VIEN'l`S. HEAD OFFICE .'ronoi~rro. Pnohes 33:and 37- 'r:Ai:Hza %wAN'I?i-$03.: Ia`; 'l`-_-I_-._ L-.. ;I.-' U.-_I-- '\-'."-- MONEY TO LOAN. , ,,_- _...-....4. At D.:.._o- F.- 25 CENTS EACH. Tooth .:_1-:'C;OZN'TO- '1 v w_ H_ SHAW PRINCIPAL. ' h TWELVE regular Ateachegu ,;:Ln`:nd well patronized b\',studeutI'v.V ____ .. At` the Dnmininn. ` I 'III BORN. VUILIAJ LIVVQ `Dali! Ag WM. LATIXBI . - `Rh-`nu mm % u . n cord. cord; box." box. * Bsxnss wntcnoAncn`3`nn~o13.m'r`nn MEMBERS-ON MO1{DAY'EYIN- ING'hAS 1`._ . - -_T At the meeting of the School Board on Monday evening there were preuent Messrs. Alex. .Cowan. chairman ; J. Brunton, G. G. Smith, W. 0. `Andrew, TR. B. Webb. Thomas Smith and Dr. Pulling. ' Communications received from MiIe"E.via ' Lee. Mine Emma King and Principal Foel: er, asking increase in salary.--Reierred to C-om~ mittee: * V v = ]j'__!'| 1- -us HIIIIDUU. ` ' ' - `Mr. R. L. Barwicl: `wrote compluining of the `damage done to the Trinity church grounds by the pupils, of the Central school slicing down the bank, He `naked that the pupil; be prevented from repeating "the c'ence and than the damage -`be repaired. D1`. ' I hiflnll A` Dunno-Ln. ........w uuu, null: we uumege -`no reputed. Dr.-'Pe1ling.' chairmen of the Propertyvl Committee reported verbally that the com- mittee had met and openedthe tender: for; wood-thet of J amen Chee_eeme.n e being the lowest had been accepted at $2 80 per "cord. The heating arrangements at the Allnndele school had eleo. been examined end found to be still unsatisfactory. V ' Tho inalinn nnn|vn:66nn haiuavnl-anal LL--....L A'four row bleached'bristle brush, comes. soft, mediumvand hardv Each brush is stamped with the maker : name mid guarnn. `tee (Cha.s.TLocneu, Paris, Fmnoe)Vand with the name THE ROBERTSON BRUSH and the principal of the Central school take careful measures to prevent the pupils play- -uv uvou uuIIlu|ll`IUl.Ul`y. The Finance Committee re rted through its acting chairman, Mr. G. . Smith, reo- commending the payment of aocounteamount- xngrto $124.05; - . he report was adopted. The Management Committee through its chairmsn,~:Mr. Thos. Smith. reported reo- commendin that the salary of Mr. Marlin of. the East ard school he raised to $450.00, also that at the . junior third class in the Central school is overcrowded and as some` of the parents of the children in the `East Ward have complained of the long distance thek children have to travel that the junior 0 third scholars of the East Ward be returned to that school at the opening of the New Year. . ' ` ` The report was adopted. Messrs. Falling and Andrew moved that ing upon the embankment reterred to in Mr- Barwick s letter at such times as they are under his control and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Mr. Barwick.-- Carried.` I ll 1-a one 1 TI" -- Moved by Messrs. Palling and-Brunton that the secretary notify Mr. J. H`. Nee- lands and the Pease Furnace Company that the heaters in the South Ward -School are not ' working satisfactorily and that they must inspect and remedy same at once.- Carried. ' ' nn--___n LA nn_,,,,, -n'_ng__ -___u 'n..--._:.-.. WEI I IV: Moved by Mesere Polling} and Brunton that the committee on Property and `Supply be instructed to have bin at suitable place erected at South Ward School to accomodate at least tentons of soul, the cost not to ex- ceed $15 00.-Cerried - TL- D-_'_J `a.I.-_ ...I'....-o__.I On Saturday the Town -will apply to the Court ot Appeal for permission to `enter an appeal against the judgment delivered last week in the case of Hinds vs. the Town of `I)-.....:- ALWAYS on HAND\FOR:S1A%LE% Q.uAalrtty and Price `. ` * A % nghtat... % % W % 4 st %EtIzABETH AWJEL UR II-I W . Barrie. WAwnnA good Gama fog?` " Lu _f i_bino:.c Apply `A1 -A`. ` .' `?*L`.? .' Wea- has arrived and we can now supply you with" 5 qumy SCRANTON COAL. JOHNSTON g.` Robertson OFFICE-43 Dunlop Street i YARD--Foottof Mary Street 4 Fresh Minedwual EGG. S176Lv%EANn NUT Scunm Bognomanmc. GU WLU VVb'*LIBI I IVII The Board then adjourned "AT REASONABLE PRICES. GIVE USA CALL. . Town WILL APPEAL. OA TS Simmons sells RnceoonCoats cheaper than anyone in T Canada % --Jusfr IN-- DIRECT 1mPmuIuns' FROM GREAT BRITAIN South Side Dunlap Street 5:50.00 $35.00 Q2 ) 23 $4ooo $45.00 See the Immense stock at Simmons & co. *ARJA%n1' "1_"V1u:~-1'1_r'rn1:1:s"_`_V'.r_s 031312213. -ran couiwiv or. smcon AND 1-an mun... %TIIm. The.

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