Barrie s Men's Leading Store. Some Real . . . . . . Barg"ains in. . . . . . Men's Furnishings 1its,./all sizes, well 0 made; and good tteis, worth ; Dili1e1$0rters-c O 00000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOO0000000000O0O0O0 Cheaper and Better Thain Ever. LIUIUU. wuu LICIIVJ till` 7 ?`.".`:..s.`?`f*..3i`."..`T : $I 0.99 3] .200 yards of 54 in4eh- plain Cheviot, inowall the dup-to-date shades for suitings, ------ ---.. ---..wv '- v-v- --- -- "C J V ' """` ";;i;.;,;;ea,'a.:1;d-ss " - - ;1AOdoz. Ladies Vests, eece lined, regular Avalue40c., at each - - 25c_ 20 pieces` of V Cheviot Dress Goods, in black, fawn; brown, Oxford and light grey at 25c 1| lbduauom 4:` L A ' `I I. 7 C3"! asnapatf. -i - I - %- -a - - - - - 59 pairs of up-to-date Corsets, regular 50c. value, for per pair . - - 144 pairs of Cashmere Hose, fancy `ribbed , heavy winter weight, special, 0 ....`.i..... 1'... ' of mefehdndisihg bring you great advantages. We buy in enor, moue quanties: desirable Iot ,-however large it may be, if price is made interesting. We pay~,,SPO T CASH. to secureextraeoncessions, and through these up-to-dahiote methods we giehyon VBARG*AINShnot possible by other stores. able goods}: Extra ValueinWorsted 1000 yarde 34inch Flahnelette; worth 1~0c., at less than wholesale" price 500 yards of 28finch Flannelette, good colorings, special at - - - - Your choice of 15, Mantlee, sizes 32 to '38, black, fawn and green, at - - 3 doz. Walking Skirts, made of good Cheviotcloth, in grey and black, cord z._.z___ __ `- .1 A _.`I__ '3 pi{s'foI~' .u1ug, o-2 up so i.`.".i`f.f".`'i?*.`f`f : S I 0 ] THE X ONE-PRICE STORE 7.49 m.ou` in sizes 4 to 9% `NGENERAL ECUTQ I: :3 _.-w\rvIhI SUI-J` - George A.,Slater s celebrated Invic1 _We have no room f in Canada. p T 8,000 pairs of Boots and Shoes fro . `American makers at wholesale 3 It means from l_0c.'i to 75c 21 pair szwi or quoting prices, can"b_ay goods. cheaper at Irwin : L Mr. %Georgo`Edmiu'qn _o `Pototbm-6 % bu 'hp| ggn9td .1o.1a;uaga. ~ Saxe & Son s recent trooble gives u V all made for fall wear, at _a T1: $6.50'Overooata $3.90, $7 50 Over Overcoats $12.50. .Suits, Raglans, 'Raglanetes', Watol _ A in black, navy and colors, at pr Clothing for Men, Youths, B oys am Special prices on Dress`Goods, Cloths, Hosiery and Gloves, Flzulnely A .' Blankets, Shawls and Underclothing Ourve years ofsueeessful business in Barrie is being celebrated by a $- 1\Tew Jackets, Mantls, Capes L A a._nd Skirts Anniversary New Clothing at; Third o`. in all Dep'artments.A W ia Blair. of Shelbu:-e, was the guest of Miss A. McKinnon on the third line a couple of weeks. ` Mr. Jerome` Duokworth, of Victoria .Hbrbor, I on: Sunday with.hiu parents, -11:. and rs. Duckworth. ` Price Sale BAq t;sg.nd Shoes. ___ _ __, v V \l|\1Il\J\J (IlI\J - _-r vy nd colofs, proportionate reductions. n, Boys and Children. __-_-- vnov alters wholesale prices, 01`. pair saving k allnna I\II;n1-nu L-_L L-`I `S_h;<:8,'th:3 whihest grade made f?';l,th6 most reliab e Canadian and mike hal.'.a.....n'_ Dry Goods L; 9:9. 7 tk ur word for it. that you 5 la_fe where. #98 us_ $3,500 worth of Choice < mhing .a Thnrd and a Half o` price. Oivm-mn+.-. an an n..-..--_.- or an 9:18 Illvuau vw vvu5s_ uuiuuu. uu Iauuu.` lllvtivlls On Sabbath. ev. P. Nicol. preached at 11 a.In. and 7 pm. and at 3 p.m. he gave an interesting and protabletalk to the children of the Sabbath school. There was a good representation at all services. Mr. Nicole sermons at morning-and even- ing were .f.oll`of helpful thoughts. Mon- day evening a hot towl so per was given jnsstice to in `Victoria Ha I. The ladies A ceteredto the wants of all who sat down at the ladened tables ; plenty being left 'over. Afterwards a good _program of l annsio and readings was listened to and en- ioyed for two hours. Miss 13; H. Mnl-_ Alana` inf Tnnnnbn kninsl OLA A-al-. ....L..I; 739_fl1P0f8, Worsted and Tweed Suits II osnS4'_'..'..L____ , _-gm wuu G l..Ill.l.l. UH TIC`?- _$'-e;coats $5, $11 Overcoats $7.50; $15 Hawk 81` IN BARBIE. 36, 1902 ILLIU 40c. 48c, 1.00 vu I-V V uvulie RABBI Ila I-In ULIIl' elded .f "'lY"oronto, being the onlv outeide ' talent, at her first appearance in Angue, wee received with eppleuee end epprecie- ea endwe hope to hear her egeln. Mre. Sanderson, and Min McGuire,` the lady eoloietn. needless to uy, were `received with the cruel werm fever. ' Mun Ruby Shields did excellent! in her `rendition of The Beld-heeded en. .We predict ed `IIQIIIA `AI `L3. I'll-II -`LIC1:X`.Q$ wnuglul nuvulv I-III DIIII VUF ,0!!! III IU en el ti niet. Me h k_ > nght 1:. Dr; 33313.. West, olntfgiil. Ulgrk seemed ello, on they always do for ytiief: chute. -Mr.` Clark noted on eooompeoiit. ew. Mr. A. R. Sendeuonjndfev. Mr. Nicol delivered protable eddtegleu; -Rev. ' , man, pum of t.ue;ohm-obj, lllled*?.tlf1_e}7 iiolition of chairmen end mIinI;eil_1e_(1"tli.e_ order; ' The Presbyterian anniversary and bar- vest home on the 26th and 27th notwith- standing the unpropitious weather and the bad roads was an unqualied suocess throughout. There is no questton nor ' doubt but .the attendance wouldhave been much larger had Old So! given his best ,- uevertheless the Presbyterian people should be congratulated on theirsuooess. (_\.. .`.kln-a|s D-.. D M'a....I _..-_-I._A _L af.:`.'e`:"'"":'"'2'u-"""' "' """"'i' ' I n Ill'0_ or I v ' ` ` _ nu aloontionint. Min: .7.'..yn{::".-.." n: V Notes of the churches : - Quarterly Meeting service will be held in the Meth- cdist church on Sunday next at 10.30 a; II. . . . . .The Sacrament of the Lords Sup- ! will `be dispensed on .Sunday.,, N ov. th. in Knox Presbyterian, Preparatory Services being, on the proceeding Friday. . `. . ... .The Epworth League has started to hold weekly meetingseaaain on . Tuesday "of each week . . . . . . A good congregation at St. Paul's on Sunday tohear Rev. Canon Murphy give an excellent sermon. "'11:; Wiil Carson in spending a few days '~M5 hiI home in the village. _ j.;.;x.;.,.." , Min E. Tnrbush igviaiting relatives at Stpynen * I, , I A91 I bro Ioaroe; `Potaib buyers are plentiful, potatoes VV ' Box :0. Strand; ` ` Albert` Webb url Hervey B'owmun.: hit [us week for the `Queen City.` _ e ~` nlierd Meredith has recovered from` hie recent severe illness, and in eb_le_t.e be 7 at work again. ' 8. J. Reynolde, James Johnston` one .6001-go Hen.-per arrived home from the. _.-A-L `-n 141;`) ( We heat? on good authority thst one of our young farmers has struck it `rich, us while out prospecting reoently, he disco- used one of those unclaimed treeluros -not many miles -south. He immediately took out ownership papers sud so will come into possession at once. - "I I sl I I l\,,,,A;I Mr. Spencer 01-oley._our prize plomnan he started the season of 1902 very eul- plolouely. He plowed at two matches last week. at Oreemore sud Elmvele and won int st both places. as well `an capturing ,,_ __4!__._ -1. L`._ -L-__-I;__ -- rvvv:vv- At a the last Trustee meeting of our Puhlic School, Mr; Dearing was engaged II principal for another year, 1903, at a alight increase of salary. Mica Ida Skin- ner, who has had charge of the junior de- 'pai-tment for two years tengiered her re- -In--53..-. _qy---- ~`- --- --..- ' plblnent mall congregation: at the churches on. Sunday owing to the disagreeable weather. Rev. B. McKee preached en impreeaeive leunon on Sundaypmght that was appreci- ated by those who attended the Metho- diet `church. The choir had its full com- I,,. In,___;.. .__-_A.s__ -1 _.__ mI"n:n-';}'Ln}}LS} of our young people Itcondod Bradford fair and the` concert than last week. The feature of the fair 14- LL- I--`nun nnnnknn A` and l:l`A_ IIIUUU Ill! IIUUIM Luv LVIII-luv vs uuv nun III tholorgo number of 'fokiuLond side- Qhj jvquv V- _- __.v-- ` Inllhievouc ban. The Iwitzxh-lsm;:IVa.t.MB1T-aimloy, ;hioh wan ouppoued to have, been stolen`, have boon found. Probably the punk; 9! IX `Iii WIIUIII5, all-up `an A. Ivwg Iuw knoirn boot and shoe uidier, inn come to town Jgnuinou. . _ ._-__L A- lIIL__...I_3II in giving At Home on Hellow een night at the reti- Adonoe at his uncle, Mr. Isaac Rolling. ' "M1 no}-edit], wmiau been ring for the G.'.l`._R. ontof " ff. Nnjobtnd ichomq _ _7.ji;;i.\ V . inoo glllt writing,` the ._- I ,I..._-.. LAAL g-ul -Inn` udulnh `I-A ning Mr. John `wont to Tho:-nhill last Monday. to run an" engine, but not EH33 the job, he is home again. . Kr. and MI_KbO6IhIW. 0! Oo_nlIon s llnl _____;. n.._..-_ L--- `L- .......-L- -3 Frank `Jackson; ' Maker `of Portraits.-` T. ` Ht'IT:'o3"e7'&'uIa}"'iJr'3:"ih3' '&"}'t'.'"o? III!!! cousin, Min Limo Kneouhur. V -l-- -- _ .... -_ A . WUUV v-u-u_ u w--- I with rolntiveu. um` Blunehd nuneumte in: week to: Toronto, where lh will spend some staph` DA` 1,, .C7U'TU v- Ht; 301;; Eirkpstdok, -`of the Toronto 30... spent his vacation hero with his uuolo, Mr. A. Dunoua. u-van un_,_ _ _I:;I_ _..l... .l.-~_ L--- ...... 1-.. = Tlie- Nvi :Exquisito..;vJ ', } Pnptoggapniq Novelty A_NGUs. i&Equp{.[ uuuwuavuu us uwuuy pnvvuuuu l.'l:ql.ul.'Illg llulp. Contributions have been received from the friende_.of the late Mr. Jae Findlay. of town, who lost his life at Pnardeburg ; and of the late Miss Norma" LeRov who was actively engaged in raising funds at the time of her death. The Board has been pleased to des- nnte a bed by the dune of each in the new oepitnl. in-their memory. ' The Women's Auxiliary also submitted its annual report showing receipts amount- ing to $1239.33. of which 3900 00 had been turned owe:-,to the Hospital Board and 5`, balance of 8197.29 lmit on bond. . ' ` rel tlvilllllll` In wauvvn UV ' . The Board desire to gratefully acknow- ledge a. subscription of $1000 00 from the Hon. Senator Gowan to be used for the treatment of needy patients requiring help. (}nllll`ihlIl'.inn hstvn Hahn I-nnniuutl fr-nun Mun wvuz ouuvuuv Va IIIUIIUJ IUI; Iullllllllllg WBTIII. The Board are indebted to Mrs. J. R. Smith, of Thornton, who collected over $150 toward the new building ; also to Mrs. Levi a Smith and Mrs Rennick, Utopia, who col- lected $75 ; and to Mrs. Charles Hickling, of Veepra, for the proceeds of a garden oartv which amounted to $38; and to the many other friends who have co tribnted in var- ion: ways to the success 0 the institution. Tina Annnnnnnuo 1.5 slug |e"T..I..a. (`-539 I.--- nuns wuyu cu vuv uuuuuan In tux: llllallallblull. 1`he endowment of the "Violet Cot by J udge and Mrs. Ardagh ie a great assistance, the Board receiving 5100,00 annually, and they hope soon` to have urther `endowment of beds. This is _a method frequently adop- ted bylarge-hearted citizens of giving help to the poor when they most. require it - The amount of money required to endow a cot in perpetuity_ is $2000. 00 ' . The aekno\_1v- I-.I..- _ ___l_____2_-:,,, ll naunnn AA 9 -.-- ----an--uwuuu-- Q-CZ . Tito piano in e. very primitive torn: is . found in llatabeleisnd. where. primitive as it is. it is as much up-; vprecinted es the finest "gre.nd" in ourown country, .even thoughit con- sist me:-ely.oi e. number` oi-pieces of -iron strung on a. wooden board. A.` picture or one at these shows twen-I ty-three pieces of iron at varying lengths. end _bregdtq. no two `alike. stressed in an ascending sco.1_e'e.lo 1610 Santa. ' Thus 1. scale of then . "three notes is.'produced.jguite sumo-.-. -_ioIitvi)r: .olsb9re.,tptunes.='-I To odd to; its lonorou_sn_e`_ss the instrument , is; usually `put inside ;-:a,.: hollow. , `,ourd,~':a `Noun! 4`=1**?P9n1!#~?f -W;h1.<=h `WI L 01:` =p1ae4;t I V '-fwltlvli DU The Woman : Auxiliary has made a gen- erous contribution to the buildinaiund, as as well as rendered very material aid in -other directions to the Hospital. The board relies much upon the continued assistance of the Auxiliary. which is inriiapeueible for the carrying on of its work ` nnnunn flan Ilnnll A nuuunkan t\` cl... ..-....... UDIIVII-I VII VI IIB `FUSE . . Durigq thelyear 3 number of the voung ladies of the town have formed themselves into societies for the purpose of assisting the new Hospital. and have collected a eoneider- able amount of money for furnishing wards. The Hnnrd AID indnhnarl tn Mr. J `D Old Hospital building and ` contenta(valuedat). . . .$3000`00 Government Grant: oarn- , ed, bu: yet unpaid. eati- mated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "630 001 ' Hoapitalaocounba due (pa- I `_ o o n 0 6 u o c - c o a con New Hospital and lot valued as . . . . . . . . . . . . .l8500 00 LIGIDIIUU KIIIU VII IJ|-IlI\lII.l fund account... .. . . ~. 7643 00 Amount of assets over lia- 'bilities...... .. . ....l4021 451 . _ LIABILITIES. Bank Overdraft. . . . 4:. . ..$ 613 Balance due on Building ` `nut. nnnnnnh VRAQ ll -..uv Tocoutof lot .... 66250 To out of building to dute17837 50. By proceeds of sale of lot B7 amount of money ' V lIOWdt0dIt3......L..s9440 V I on John Itroet........ _175 O0 `By amount aubsoribed, : but not yet paid .... . . 1241 00 By balanca due on this _ account . . . . . 7643 86 $18506 on ulullii UCIQHUU IIIIU VII IIIIU IIIIIIIIIIIK lull count of 81 500 is $7643 86. % BUILLING FUND AWOUNT, mo. . ------vxvzo `xv Town of Barrie. for free patjentn`. . . 200 00 County of Simcoe, -for free patients 250 00 Pntienum... .._.,.. .... 1785 10 Endowment by His Honor Judge ` Ardngh and Mra.- Ardngh, Vio- A - letoot."....`........`........... 100-00 Subedriptionlend Donations . . . . .. . . 255 00 Outside Nursing ..... . . . . . . . . . . . 144 30 Sundrie|....... ..... 19800 `The expenditure for mnintenanoe aggre- tee83935. 35. An overdraft of 8639. 39 has eon reduced to $618.85 during the year. The bntpnoe due `on the building fund an- nlmnm nf gleam :. man an - . $P|T|L$i(-'0MElEn.i UIIV HVUUW vB.VV\Io The annual reports show that 140 patients were treated" during the poet year, the uniq- ber of dentin recorded -being 13. The re - oexpte for the-your amounted to $3960 89 mndeup an followl :-- . . * [ Oliterio Government. Bel of fnom aunt 1900 . .8321 _65 Onturio Goyernmontgrent an: nah Inf I001 ` Hm HA yI-UW\I III. UIIU IIDII IIPICIIC III IIUIV I1 9" closed by s. screen. For the pest tone.-end`-s;~ hslf vests it has been necensty to rent sleep- us; rooms for the nurses in sihonee on the: next street, end it has been necessary to de- cline to receive patients sn lying for help. `.l`he'Bcsrd desires to rem 17 this "state cf sifsirs sad to move into the new building "st the earliest possible dste end` will actively- eolicit the assistance of the citizens in rsieing the necesssry 82,000. "Wen annual snnnnsshn alum: tlvsnln `Ah -nblgnau BUT -ran Niiv Wm. Nor. . 7 B193 OEEDIEDFOB THE PRESENT; - " ` 'prnise(1bero`1-ethe`Boerdf.71i;rou1d1ee1 ` - ` juetied in thrpowing'o`pen.e `pi .At the annual meeting heliiiin eonneotion. with the Roysl Victoria Hospitsl on the 21st inst. reports were submitted showing that the new building is now. inlmost c_om~ plgted "end resdv for use. U` to dste.`the cost of the building has been 18:500., but 3 still further expenditure will be necessary in order to complete the equipment of electric light snd `gee xtures and providing us sup- ly of fuel for the . winter`.--'";l.`he Board eems it unwise under the oireumstnnoes to move into the new edition until I. further sum of $2.000 is raised. When this amount is subscribed the Hospitsl _osn be opened with s mortgage indebtednessiof only $5,000. At present th_e_old building is much, over-. -___3-_I \L- `I)___.I ..--_- L-.. I. wunu C Iuvlgvsnsu uluvusvuuwll Iu VIII] QU,VVVa the old building in much over-, `crowded. The Board room he: been"=ooon- pied "by petiente for weeks. The public wade-.-both male end been crowded to an unwise degree. The Ledy Superintendent : bedroom he: been ooou ied 1) two patientl. _ One patient bu, teen p wed in. the hell upeteire end her bed en- nhsnn `so 1- nnnnnn Wan bh n-no-, an-_--I -1 . 73 $38 III `II! VI IIIIIVIIU `ICIIV due Oct. Int; 1901 706 84. ThoWIZ;;i:l.:l_;;;`rInnp. VIII IIV ` 318500 00 3822273 so 2332278 so 100 oo 19s on HU NTER BROS. H.B. MYERSU Receptions, % Weddings, Parties and Evening Wear %w1IT1m= Stilun 1os1ibmf _noIfr _ b _ V leg: while trying to board a freight. . 9 ._.f _j4___ _,, , N r._...'~...-a. .x.. . r.....a.o...~`..'.-,....`.'.- ...:~..`v. ~.----~,-s. T "iii; gmnat or :5: drowned while` dpfck shooting in `Rice? _,__ . [ _ _ ._ . , is ordered-swift` "service vou'll get if you favor us with your ordere. But you will get more than quick aervieeif you deal here. You will get good goods, whether you order teu, coffees, spices, canned goods or the latest advertised "brenkfae foods. We have thlll H". II I 91" will nevuin - Lang . Llgaaln J or me laws: Inveruled "nteaktas foods. We have them all. as a. call will prove. a have 4 blends of TEA at 25. 35. 40 and 50 cents 1' lb. to am: nllpocketo and our qoc, C050: is mu-iv ed. * " andshoes olonial A A Slippers l-lobley Bro%s.,L 1 IG-ROCEZBS- 50 pairs_: Men s W601 Gloves foe vfinter wear, nlleizes wofth 75 fer _ 100 pairs Men's Moco.Wool Lined Gloves, Dome fasteners, worth 31, for. . . . 60 pairs of Men's W001 803;, fawn shade, made by the celelirated Penman, val-v Armenia], 9 unit fru- 25 M en's Serge and Tweed Suits, `(all good tters, ` $7.50, this week only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 only Men's Tweedvand Serge Suits, a lovely assortment of colors in the Tweed lines, Sizes :34 to 46. These suits are made bi our best 7 maker; the t is guaranteed. worth 810.00,. special this wee . . . . . . . . 50 only left of our celebrated,Tweed and Worsted Suits. Tbese"suits' t beyond question and are` in the very latest style. All wool materials. Tweegls are the latest fall. tterns; the worsted suits are . made of imported serge, so that the co or is absolutely fast. Sizes 34 to 44. Worth $14.00. Yourehoice this week for" . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . .. . vv yvulv vs vavu u `Iv vva avg, Lnnu. nunuv, ullluv U IIIIU uuwutuluu Illlllll, , veryapecialpairfor _- . _- : .` j. . _. . % 10 (102 Men's Black All-wool Hose. tiiadu of imported yam, a card of mending vain with mmnr nu`:-' wnrfhiln fnr . - ..v u.-nu auun o uunuls All-wuul .u.unr. ulauu U1 nulyuuuu. yarn, is ultra Ill zueuumg yarn with every pair, worth 45c for ,b - - - _l0 doz Meq"s; qeoe lined {shirts and` drawprg. very. heavy weight worth. 66c for 410? doz Men . ribbed .Undefxweu, absalufely unsbnnkabxg worth 31.00, _ snu-in1 this who} for ' 15 Boys Reefers, slzes 22 to 80, special this wegk at.` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2_ 19 I4 only Boys Napp Reefexfs sizes 22 to 29, speclal thxs week at . . . . . . . . . . . 2_99 IF. 25 Men's Beaver Cloth Overcoats. size 34 to 44`, well lined `with Italian cloth lining, blue color, latest box back style. worth $7;50, special this v_vek.. 30 only Men's imported Blue and Black all-wool Beaver cloth Overeoats lined with heavy Italian cloth lining, satin mohair sleeve lining,sizes 34 to 46 -We Guarantee the fit and wear of these_ coats. Latest Gloucester style. 1 :Worth $15.00, this week only . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . n 15 only left of our celebrated N ewmarket style Overcoat, madeof im- ported grey Cheviot cloth. Slash pockets. Lined `with heavy a1l- ' wool Italian _cloth lining, mohair sleeve` lining. Sizes 34 to 40. $ I 0 These are special value at $15.00, this week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THElMEN$w CASH . STORE: "-IU NTER SI in "many styles and dierent leathers at uvu auvuu uuuvu -U1 special this week 91- Men's `Suits, 3 Specials in Men's Overcoats ~ frms WEEK PROMPT. bsuvznv 2 Specials i`n Boy`s Reefers