Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 16 Oct 1902, p. 2

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n. ulun, rxuvtun L`UL\Ub `LU LOAN . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Diszounted. Collections made in any part of the County. Real estate bought and sold. Convey- ancing in all its branches. Marriage Licenses issued. 0ice-Rose Bloclk, Dunlop street Barrie. AI` V. AUI/l-v tel . Solicitor. Proctor, Notary. 1. Uonvqygncer, etc. Special aucnuoo tn drawing and prbbaung wills, obtaining letters or administration nnd guardianship, cuhecniug accounts, etc. '0i&s. Rosa` dlocx. Barne. Munev to Loan. . R. J. F. Pulling, Graduate of Trinity Umversity Toronto, Feuow of Trinity Medical wuege, Member ot the Codege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Oice and Residence, 18 Owen street. I Ur'r1us.-7a uunlop alrcct, aanucrs Luvs... u..- ric. opposite Post Otce and Railway btation. Phone'54. P. 0. Boxq6._ 7-ly Hours-u to r. _o.\d rreu J London. 5 D HI` I n. D. 1.. nnnnnxun, Dental aurgeon. Utnce over Hambly's hardware. Entrance, Owen (Street. Out of town xstand zrd Mondays of each month. 7 V 51-Iv .IJ"'R.CV.S. Edin,. L'.R.L.t .. London. Umoes and "night residenee-drown's Block, Uunlop street, Barrie. Telephone 17. ` T , `LENNOX, ARDAGH. COWAN & BROWN, Barristers, solicitors tor obtaining probate ot wuln. guardianship and administration, anu General Solicitors, "Notaries, conveyancers, etc. I-Lweu-ran Luunox, Aux. Gown, u H.-nu-nun Annmn- G. E. 1. BROWN, L.L.B unu:L wzsgzv. PROPRMTOR JJ 1-larvje & Santa, Unmnq umcc an... m. -comcr ot Owen and Uolher streets, Barrie. " """> " Barns` ten, inloligh Court of Justice, Notaries Public, A -.--.-.......-..n- uioes oven the Bank of Toronto, nuuu we . ........, 30|K:lIOl'l, l`U$C.IlG-Q \rvnvv_'--w--_, -V Covjhx, B. Houroxn Amman, Llsnowu, Hindu Blo.k, No. 6, Duhlbp street, Bar- nciiranch Oco.-.3--I. Lennox, Ardagh, U EWSON .& CRESWICKE.-barristers. Solici- ton of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Untario, Procton. Notaria. Conveyanccrs, etc. Money to loan. Olccs--Ross Block, Barrie. C. E. Hnwson. A. E. H. Cuswxcxz. A `IBIS, SOHCICOIS, UODVGYBIICBYB, cu uu-...... on to Mccarthy, Peplcr & McCarthy. , ` `Oigoe-McCa.xthy Block, Dumgp Street, Barrie. _ """"' - W- A. Boys U. '5ucaw: an` cnan ,` 01hce-Fint door Owen street, : nu;-anon Rn rrig. A GOODRULE. The Berlin town council has adopted I recommendation of its Finance oom- mime that contract: ~ for `printing be awarded only to parties who publish a yLennox, Araagn, Loowau as mwm, .........-.- Alli8ton.' ' V , 35-ly MONEY TO LOAN AT 4% AND 5 PER CENT, Fred J. Han, M.D.. M.`R.C.S., Eng.. L.R.C.P., Cnndnn_ ---:--::j `ITRATHY 8; ESTEN. ` . \. ~- Bum JDNALD `ROSS L.L.B. Barrister, `tor. -* `Bank of 'Vl`o1-onto Building, Barrie. _..--. `op. DR. 112. L. BRERETON. Dental Surgeon. OVCT Hamblv's Hardware. Elrnnro ___..______________________._______ R. J. C. SMITH, L.C-.P.S., 0nt.. (late of Drs. Harvie & Smith, Urillia.) Othce and residence _-..-- ..c n...... and Hnlher streets. :3-ly ____________________._____________ R. w. A.'ROSS, Physician, su`:ge.m,_ecc., L. I R.C.S. L.R.(..t London. Othoes and ...L. ...-:.a-..n._:{rnu1n'n Block- Uunloo SIICGC, I _.-. ______________________.________ CARATHY, BOYS & MURCHISON. Barris- C I` -.... snlnmmn. Canvevancers, etc. Success- A`};ply at _ . THE ADVANCE I 158 THE NORTHERN Anvamca st Drying Kil. Disti-ict agency for -r:.-i.;1 e-d 13$` Factory--Bayeld Street. Bame. PALLIE successors to Geo. B-ll. ODGERS .'.___._._________.__.______._______* IM. M. CAMPBELL. Barristexj, Solicitor, Notary, etc. Money to loan. Othcg:s-Barric ot Toronto ` 541 _l _Staynet. Bathe 0ice-Bank Mung`, Owen meet. H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN on R31 Estate at lnwnat 1-at-a I3`-.-.......' 2%," W4 Baldw"in Vstreet 0 135' ..... .....-___ T. ARNALL, M.D.C.l\ Block, Allandale. UI1 41-IV BR. R.` P. V|_\(lAN is ging, I ; Jn<':'ob a Te;noe ` DRS. HART ap HART 1. IJII. Ml. \ U-K`PoIIl. `til pan. Exprcu. 7.56 can. ` PENETANG. T I .15` mm. Accommodation. 5.88 pan. .58 pap. Accommodation. E - 7.58 tau. ALLANDALE & BARRIE SECTION. luuul `to ALLANDALI. 1.3: .m., 1.56 3.111., 9.35 a.m.. nus a.m.. nan mm. 1.36 o.m., 5.2: p.m.. 8.00 pm. ALLANDALI 1'0 HARRIS. - ,3 l..m., llcls ` In" flu!` `in! so pcllh, W058 lm. 4-`I p.m. 7 MONEY TO LOAN. _ RADENHURST, Barrister, Attorney. :..:..... :n Chancerv. Conveyancer, _etc. THY, BOYS & MUKUHLDULV. . Solicitors, C-onveyancers, E `u.-plnu pnhlnf & McCa.rthv. .1uNU1uc'rtmEs. 8 UIIVEYOIIS . II ` D. C. Muncmsox. ` l'IIY8lblA.NSo FINANCIAL. -Lennox 8; Ardagh. Gravenhurm; Uowan 81. Brown, Creemore and ..._|'.. wvuvw r - -~-_... GRARIBNKURST 3: Nokruuxi? V I .II `can. . A Mail. . -.5.8Ip._m. .3 mm. `Atlantic 8: Pacic Ex. 18.00 pan. I.I0a.n-1. Soc Express - - 1.81am. _ Gnvenhunt aixed (south only) 0.35` '- COLLINGWO0D_ ls MEAFORD. M811. \ 83 `puma lll n- In . Run-ens. 7.58 DENTAL. Eomoeonathist. :60 Dunlop St. Residence and Oice." 8-Iv BUGLE. UK3} , narnswr, lllpbvn gnu, . Chancery, Conveyancer, etc. Jwcn over bank of Com- no-A8. :.M. i):C.M., oice in Bothwelfs dale. the premises at night. unucn, I 45-13 - ' OFFICE, Burk. L: says. .._- - --- W. A. Boys, `I31 Dull IOQIIU navvu-~uuu-uvu --V.-w-... . `Daily. All othet trains Daily except Sunday. IDCIIIZ 23-ly _'._"Cl ISFICIU CIIII .IIlIlll'I.llI:u 4Iv'b"ng ' -Get ur to rt on our list; costs _n0` ` ' M..IIevyt: Loan!-?)o n t borrow a dollar untd &`0`e`:: 3393 terms best. rates and charges lowest. 9 n. .M0I'C8 I[eI Wills, etc., pr: red on shortest no . ' 3 aoyenn (icing huaincsuingmcoe. Farmer! P.: ;lV_ invited to all and see us. Glad to sec \'0"- ` for consultation or advice. 1 V . . ' d Bame Hotel. B3""4'3_|ayn _.- ALWAYS ON HAND FOR SALE Quality and Price right at... TBARRIE, ONTARIO. -ooooooooocoocooooqpiogcsooj - -j--- ENDOWMENT INSURANCE POLICIES Rtmnslur `rm: Fouowmo Fnuz Ixsusuxcn Commxnzs: The Mercantile, now ailiated with The Lon- don & Lancashire of England. Secur- ity, $15,000,000. The Waterloo Mutual, of Wa.ter1'oo.0nr. Tothl assets, $334,083. The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. Ont. T otal assets. $303,078. Also Llovd e Plate Glass Insurance Com- pany. of New York. Cash capimi, $150, H. Thin: luvd Bani: for u.nd- arrive lilunontionod places as follows : nnnnuu Asuncion; vow And time Sun Loan and savings Company or Ontario. . Private funds to loan on first mortgages. Ac counts collected. &c. ' {HI-in. nun? unnnrann Q uarawarn Qrnrn Rana`; ' COUIIKU xllxtuuo QC. } boice over Henderson_s Hardware Store. Barn : I at. EXC E LS I O R Business college. CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. Condensed adverusements on first page such as wants of all kinds, lost and tound, prnpem for sale or to rent, specic articles, etc.. etc,, must be accompanied with the cash, and will be inserted-tu'ac insertion 2 cents per word` nan}: nnhnnnuaunf. innnrfinn I nun? nnr `mu! UV IIIGVIDCII.--Lllv IIJDCIUIVAA u \.al.|I.-1 VCI Wufu, each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (names, addresses and gures counted as words); but a reduction of one cent per word will bemade when the number of insertions` of the same matter exceed four. Cuts for udvorunemeuu must In every case be mounted on mud metal hues. ADVANCE 'BARRIE- - T -_ A & '1`:"ADVA1_CE is_proven to have ' ghei largest clrculqtlon of any paper 1 county Town.` . .v Advertisements are charged accord: ispace'_13 lines agate measure make on A 8 Paco 48 column Nowopapofr. Published rom the Ofea, :33 Dunlop Strut Buds. in the County of Simcoo. tho Pio- Aviuec of Ontario. Cmnda. cvory Thnndavv Morning, by ' | Lvvuubu . 12 changes of..Advert1aements allowed W year. It more are required, composition ram will be charged. - A;-luau-O-`aura I: run! `an onnu-nd tn um. A.L,' "113 I13 IIIIIDI 60`-It Advertisers will not be allowed to use they space for a.d.vertis1nz anything outside their own regular business. Slmuld they do so tynsient rates will be charged for such ad. vertisements. Scnoecnz & SMITH, " TRANSIENT ADVERTISING Legal Noticed, {auction Sales, A etc.--First iIl86l'tlOI1 10 cents per ne subsequent... insertion 5 cents per line ' ' Rnndinn nm.im-Q. I0 :~nn+a m... 1:. ,' .. T b"Preferred_ positions for local advertise, ments in the paper will be sold at an advan of oneethird on above rates, on no other ac: count .will special positions be given, Thi' I rule will be strictly carried out. 3 CONTRACT CHAN GE8. Advertisers will please bear in mind um notice of intention to change advertisement. must be handed into the oice not later than Satuxday at 10 o'clock, and the copy for such change must be in Tm`. Anvmcx oice not later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday in my week, otherwise the advertiser s announcement may not be made public until the week fol. lowing. I0 nlunumu nf Avnrhnnnmnru n11.-u.....) _ tter. All , . r the saw `"8 ,ingort1n O gclll per 11118. IJV 0 cu`, u.I" uI|" "1u A er line for first Reading noticet, P13 gfgfsfo each sub . . 5 cell 5 sequent items un- . of t 1 der 5 11959 . line. . Poetry 5c. per . . obituary ,.--- hues. go 1. o Z.lLz\IA`--'7 _R_enl Eqtate and lnuurance A" 13-. _,-, .. ._ ..,.ohinl. T; ifflSbVERIIsI-Na runes _._OlL, PIANUS ntuvuu 1 us` :31 mm. - 8:):-cu. nu .._..._ .11 5| Euznnnn 31., BARH|E_ Avycomplte equipment, A thorough- A1V up-to date establishment, in every line thorough, practical. satisfactory. It pays to attend the E. B U. (H -3 Circular frag for a post card. EVER in its history has the EX- CELSIOR BUSINESS (`OL- 4 LEGE had such an attendance. or -given so much satisfaction to its ps- trons as during the present session. Three times has it been necessary to extend its seating accommodation, and as fast as they can be got ready, out the pupils go to situations. INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, &.C. COMMEliCIAL CON'l`I:AC'I` BARRIE SCROGGIE 6:. SMITH. CARRIE `RAILWAY GUIDE. ;ADv:nTsEIN '~ Vocrorgmz '16, 5, 1902 RATES, In pan. uuu. now mm. ha pan `Atlantic & Pacic B1. 8.88 pan. _ 0 ovonioc Express lava Toronto 115.10 HAMILTON. 7' ' ONT. PIANO... TUNER (et Tuuu or Sunecurnon. "fiiivi-'6` UISUL` I)! B: an all - not 7.50 p.m.. 1.88 mm. 9.33 pan. 11.38 mm. The hot that the ag wuying ver the poet oioe on Wednesday led mgny oitjien to, ..b6liave` thus - 0 ..G9vgrn Ii ent: ~. simt V" in 9'!.*`fr%%,t!I%,wfp9-0% ?%'i9%L % Otoers in the service of the Ontario Government are `now being promoted to the vacancies as they oooor. This is s decided ohsnge. Hitherto every` position worth having hes gone to en M.P.P. _ The eextl-sordinery departure indiostes the Government opinion of the political situation. llinisters am. A nppoint e`memb'er; to oipe-*= Were they . to do_._Io thev7-vwonldopsngs constituency and lose it, in which-` I'Ii'ent_. won`ld-- I n`h(I by h;Et5_gd btr pmoduoo in like progtnion, 1yIll_:i_&`it A young New Yorker, who is visit- ing in town dropped into TEEADVANCE oice the other day for the purpose of renewing his subscription and tender- ed in payment thereof a small piece of ` mineral, about ' the size of a walnut, which he stated was known as coal; On referring to the Enicyclopaedia..-`we nd that this mineral was at `one time so` easily available as to be actually used for fuel. It is chiey used for decorative purposes now, it seems. ' Are not the citizens of Barrie sizing up the.ooal situation in too optimistic r a spirit? tplvery one who has enough fuel on hand to last until the snow ies appears to oonsider that therewill be `plenty of coal available by. that time, but it must` be` remembered that even if the strike is settled this week, there will be such heavy demands upon the mines tromithe larger centres that only limited quantities on be obtained for some time. ` T " more ' nine 1 thi_ The time, however. Alneyvbeh changer!-to half past nine. One of "(the ndvsntsges' which the housewife will resp from the proposed change isthut the market will be less congested between the hours of eight and. ten o'clock and an oppor- tunity will be given for more careful selection when the active competition of the huokster is removed from the mart -of trade. Apple buyers thoughont the Provinoe say that the crop is turning out much better than promised earlier in the season. Not only is it larger but the quality of .the fruit has improved. The fungus noticeable in the early aut- umn has- pretty generally disappeared and the apples have lled out well with- out serious blemish. It now looks as if three times as many apples will be packed this year as were barrelled last season. ' Young men from this locality who intend going to the lumber camps in reminded of the new regulations of the Provincial Board of Health which re. quire them to heveooinnted nnderthe pain of 0. heavy penalty for noncom- pliance. I ` The eidewalkeinlmany parts of the town are in a `somewhat dangerous conditionand as it has been proposed to substitute [gravel for board-walk, it would not be a bad idea to have the dangerous `portions of the sidewalks removed this` fall. The wood would come in very handy in the event of the fuel famine continuing, The Council at Owen Sound has in- structed" the_ Mayor to purchase 2,000 cords of wood to protect the poor. The price is not to exceed 85. It `is dii-' cult to understand why the Council did not do the generous thing when they were at it and authorize the pur- chase of two Imllion tons. They would have been justas likely to get it as 2, 000_tons at ve dollars a ton. Owen Sound Council certainly missed its chance for a grand gallery play. - It is something of. a shock to learn ' that the anthracite operators have never raised the price of their cool, and "what coal they have heensending out to re- tail dealere recently has cost the letter exactly the same gnre as it did before the strike. The -retailers are conse- quently msking enormous prots. _e mnrromu. Nome. . - . There will be 212,7 23 favourable votes required on December 4th to bring into operation provincial prohibi- tion under the Ontario Liquor Act. . GHURCHILL. ' The committee appointed by the Plowman : Association for selecting the eld for the annual competition" have been very for`tn'no'te in securing AWm. Allan": eod eld. The stubble ploughing will be done `on `Mr. Wight; min` Goodfellcw n form. Both elds "situated on the Penetnng Road, the nbontv 100.:-rode north of the etnbble eqnnllyic . ..1v`n{nlent.- 5 are making Since 1897 some four or ve horses (Clydesdales ), ` twenty ve i cattle, (Shorthorns, I-Ierefords and Ayrshires,) one hundred sheep, (Shropshires and Southdowns), and about one half dozen pigs,(Berkshires and Tamworths), have been sent to the West Indies by the Nova Scotia Government. These were all pure bred stock but a` considerable amount of ordinary stock has been shipped. For the first 11 months of 1901, according to the reports `of the steamboats agents,there were 95 horses, 30 cattle, 1200 sheep, 9 swine, and 125 ooops of poultry Lshipped from Halifax to the West. Indies. There is now fairly good ___steamboat accornodation from Halifax boats" running twice a month regularly, and although this trade is yet only in its infancy, A it would seem to be capable or consider able deyelopinent. According to .the newspapers, a fast line of steamers be- tween Canada and Jamaica `is likely to he subsidised inthe near future, which would `no doubt greatly increase 1 . n bstweeh two 0o,`lonies.` i = OUR. cA ` -- `The present agitation ,in'Jam'aica for e.itherthe' federation or the commercial union of that colony with the Dominion of Canada is `worthy of consideration in this country.` Mr. F.lW. Hodson, "Dominion, Live Stock Commiaicner, writes that the J smaica planters desire to nd, a free market in Canada for their sugar, lemons, oranges, bananas, coee, spices, logwood, etc., etc., in re- turn for which they would purchase from us oats, split` peas, soda and fancv biscuits, tin and enamelled ware, boots; and shoes, organs, furniture, agricul- paints, lumber and other building ma- terial, metallic roong, canned goods, live stock, Chum, cheese, tallow, bacon: hams, flour, and other `food stuffs and manufactures. According to. the re- port of the`Committ'ee of the Royal Jamaica Society of Agriculture and Commerce and Merchants Exchange: "The natural conditions of the respec- tive colonies are all in favor of mutual trade. Each country is the natural complement of the other in natural products, and it is high time that the feeling which has so `long existed in favor of improved trade relations should bear good results. The principal drawback to the -interchange of com- modities is the lack of a rapid, np-to- ' `date, frequent and direct steamboat service. The direct trade between the two countries has largely increased since the advent of the Canada- Jamaica line from St. John, N .B., but this new service although a decided improvement, is but a monthly one, carried on in far from up-to-date steam- ers, occupying froineight to ten days between St. John and Kingston, Ja- implements, ropes and cordage, _ ' A few planters interested in the im- provement of live stock on the islands of Jamaica, St. Kitts and Trinidad, have imported purebred horses, cattle,_ sheep, swine and- poultry, in limited numbers trom Nova Sootia, but as these animals require to he aoolimatized after their arrival in theilndies, many of them are lost. On this account buyers do not care to pay very high prices, but they nd that the imported animacla which survive aoclimatizstion effect a great improvement in their herds and ocks, and they declare that they will persevere until the standard of quality is greatly elevated. ' at-\l\- A h 1 - nun hefore being sonata up ma` any ".U.|i`19feight-`-like the Speaks the` wharf, however; `would it not be just as well if the Town Council communicated with the Dominion Gov- ernment, acquainting the Minister with the fact that the site for the wharf has been determined upon and o`ering the suggestion that this is about the proper season of the year for operations of this nature to be undertaken. ' _ A Hzuniicon man in enquiring for tha description of the women ivhoae body was found Vat the landing of. the` of iuenmiagn pg: Nisgmj .i,_l,!'gn11n.. Flt. u"_ -1' The Goderich Organ 0.... (cog was dam-ovod by" re, gunned, it is said, by (boy Llighting 3 njntob` in the nish- ing room. The, loss is `$75,000 with 37,000 ipsgngxqg; % r . In addressing a Conservative meeting nt 83. Jnoqnel L Aohignn, Montcalm oonnty, F. D. Monk, M.P., mode It strong plea for the npbnildtng of the `tobacco indnatryfin Gnnndn. V V Some of the eastern harvest hands I who have been employed in Manitoba, are returning to their homes believing the work of threshing to` be too herd for the money. Messrs. L. G. Forget 8; Go, of Montreal! have placed $100,000 .0 the disposal of the city to be used for the relief of ' the poor during the oogl .hmh& J smes McBride, of Port Credit, was rnn into by a horse and ring while watching the ring events at Cooksville fair. ` The shaft entered his temple and he may die. A ` T I Four male patients have escaped from the Insane Asylum `at Breck- ville. ' One was recently recaptnred at Prescott, but the athera are at large. A general strike of workmen in Switzerland- he been called in sym- pathy with the street our employees at Geneva. I The Department of Fisheries has been urged to compel the owners of dams on the Hum bar River to count met I sh ways. \ ` The Canadian marksman are invited to compete for the Rspanyup Cup at Victoria, Australia. The dates are Sept, 15th to'Oot. 3130, I903. The coal purchased by_.the city of Ottawa in Wales through the Canadian High Commissioner will cost $11.85 -per ton to the local consumers. Mr. D. G. R.oee,unI;il lately ll; al aupennteudant of the C.P.R., Fort William, has been transferred to Bran- don. ` At Tsmaqus. Pa., sstriking miner wss shot and instantly killed by` on sold- ier, whose oommsnd to halt he refused to obey. NEW MARKET BY-LAW. At the next meeting of the Town Council a new by-law effecting the lnerket will receive the attention of the `members, The medeure is intended to regulate the hours alt whihhhuc_ketere,i any buy produce fl-om__the turmereon market days. Hucl:etere`ie the term applied to merchant: who purchnhe kind of produce for the purpose of re.- oolliug it and the by-law. in its i dorm, epeciee the `hours ,of_ten_ o c_locg' iuthe winterjend `nine o'clock inf-that cube tline .'_`wl|e|';"1`:l_1e.*-i);-o`l|_1:o will be` `peu_nitted_ clea;;upq`pne. in couapetitlon ww1ut..pa` Q0.` A letter from _.Hon. Simon Fraser . ot Melbourne, Australia, states 4 they are Aahbring from the worst drought ever experienced. Oil drilling. at Melt one has been stopped on" account. of the machinery being too light for the depth that the well has been sunk. Thgee children of Mrs. J as. Prukea, of Chandoa township, near Peterboro , were burned to death while she wvad away visiting a sick friend. Mr. J. P. Whitney spo.k:o'a. bon- quet tendemg to Dr. Pyno by the Eat Toronto Uonaorvative Association. .'l1i.... .....--`I.:`Il...'I :_ ..n_- n -n n ,_ " L ~Ti:e man`killed in the`(v}`.:.E;.E.-'ynrds it Winnipeg on.Fridey has been identi- ed ae Arthur Braden, of Toronto. L -ix`--5 A jut-Vy have awarded Mrs. Mary A} Jones, of Hamilton. $1,000 damages against the Street Railway Co. -Fiwlre riotera were `vi ithin the Spanish lines at Gibraltar, as the result of a conict with the civil guard. I. T 1` CCTI I . Willinnobiusqn; of Brigton,-II 18 years, was killedyhile wdking on the _'railw'h1'. i. Vsnuetaivnger was u. Cornwall while driving over I'l`Ii1- why crossing. > ' paper. The Stratford Herald in refer- ring to the action of the Berlin council makes the following comment which might protably be i taken to heart by the Barrie town fathers.--`'l`here'is a` great and valuable service rendered by the press to the city where it is published for which no charge can be directly made, but in recognition `of which such vanaction as that of the Berlin council is right and proper. A Stratford daily newspaper prints in the course of a year probably a hundred columns of reports of council proceedings alone ; it is ready to operate with mayor and aldermen in I advancing municipal` schemes, and in that connection is always glad to confer V with members of council and prominent citizens generally. If the newspaper criticizes aldermen occasionally, they do not fall out permanently in conse- quence ; their differences are like those of-man and wife, who are ready to join forces -to make it hot for a third party who intermeddles or attacks either. The newspaper helps to put the city in the best light before the world, to at- tract new residents _and additional enterprises, and is glad to do anything and everything in its power in the city's interests. It may he said that a news paper s own interests lie along these lines, which is true; but that does not relieve those who benet, from the obligation of bestowing recognition _in such ways as come handy. The argu" ` Inent applies to the manufacturers and the merchant as well as to A those in municipal authority. It may _he that Stratford papers have been delicate in advancing their claims in these respects. The Berlin instance prompts us to these remarks, which are offered in no "fault- nding spirit. The claims cited are of course peculiar to printers who are also newspaper publishers. If Stratford municipal representatives were to copy the Berlin role we feel sure they would not have. cause to reggretit, and that the ratepayers generally would concede its perfect fairness. ` Charles King, of Sl;..'1`hemaa, has been comqnited for trial on the charge of mu}-[daring Willie Freemap. T1'!1encheet`erAhe"e been eelected `as one of the terminal points` of the Morgan eliip combine. L - V A W!'it`ha been issued against th-0, Hull Elactrio Co. for "$562.7 72 on so- oount of 3 Montreal broker. < I-Edward Murphy, of `Kingston, was killed while working for 9 lumberman` in Minnesota. L, T _Tf1e bdiler at Dzy 85 I_I'amme:-slay : our mill, Aberfovle, exploded, but lime damage was done. V placed to load wheat at `Fort William for Buffalo at 2 1-2 cents. Serious chat:-gee of neglect and exor- bitant rates are preferred` against the Brantford Isolation Hospital. The cornerstone of the new'Gs1-negie -library at New Westminster was laid with,`,Mssonic honours. ` lTv;elve hogs suffering from cholera were killed on `the farm of Mr.- William Foreman, near Bright. Hon. J`. I, Turte opened the fair at Ohathem and addressed the crowd in Q1 per Annum in Advance. both French and mngugh. Several Amerioanwveeeele have been ' ,. -Oces: in at -A. Morten : B. P_l k6t"s` Livery S `V vated 1 `us: anus. runuuyu MILL COMPANY 1 Catgentering. Buildmg a_nd manufacturing of Doom. bash. Blinds. Mouldmgs. etc. Planin of all kinds_done_ promptly: and satisfactorily. 01: Blast Drymg Dnstnct for rained lum- l_aer_ Factory--Bayeld Street. Ban-in, nnncoc {fle- C H EAP com. U. D woooi NVV IN. MURPHY & ESTEN, Ontario Land Surveyors. Engineegs, Etc. (Established in 1852.) Ofce. Medical Bunldmg. S 5. Cor. Richmond and Bay bts., Toronto. Telephone, Main I336. in- struction: left with Strnthy & Esten, Solicitors, Bank of '1oronto.Building, Barrie. will be promptly at- tended to. . " 50-49 I-IE BALL. PLAP{IXfIG MILL COMPAN-1:: nmfatgggsngiudhng la_nd II _.,I l& GALLIE net ractory--bayneld SI .'No. now nun: will be added to the Subscription lulu until tho money in paid. . Illllcrlben now in nrr-can for three months and no will be charted $1.10 per auuum - U Wllelv. MURPHY & Es'riN, oncaria Engineers. (Establish: .51.. \nm... M...-I:....| u..:u:-.... c-1-:-- EVERYVDAY BARGAIN b DAY at the following. prices until every 10: is sold. Lot 17, North Cumberland Street. . . .$35 00 n 18, 3 fun , n .`... 3500 -$70,000 l`:`.o1..l c`.`.y`af`i{<`..e; :`.ai``3`% ' terest. No 'ci1ba.lmoneyreq ' d til. def `(e term. H. STRA'1`HY.meolii:or, eliitc. Any quaimty of money to loan at 45 and 5 per cent. Easy terms of re-payment. LENNOX. ARDAGH. COVVAN & BROWN. 34 _ Solicitors. Barnsters, &c. ` R. J. ARTHUR ROSS, L.R.C.P. 8: 5.. Edin- burgh; M.F.P. 8; S., Glasgow, member of British Upthalmological Society. Spec1IutV.- llueaneu of E: 0, Ear, Throat and hose. OF F1CE.--78 Dunlop Skeet, Sanders` Block, Bar- rio, `nun-nnnite Post Otilae and Railway R` S. BROAD, M. D. C. M., F. T. M. C.. L. C. P. S., 0., late resident Physician and surgeon on Toronto General hospital, with special attention to Dxeeaaea of Women, and Nose and Throat Wont, also tor some time surgeon 1:: charge of Emergencv tiospital. Ioronto. Otce and night residence-upstairs in McCarthy B.ock, ax Dunlop b`t., Barno. second door east of Dougau Bros. furnature wa.rerooms-near Five Points. Phone 10 . ao-Iv 'i93'1ALTY-Da.mm of Chest, Stomach, and Nerves ; Consulting Physician. Victor A. Hart. M.D.. L.R.C.P. and S. Edinboro, L.F.P. and S., Glasgow. SPEClA4LTY--3urge1-y Midwifery. Diseases of Skin; Consulting Surgeon. . l OFFICES-'-Lane Block. Cor. Dunlap and Mul- caster Sts. ' 52-ly V i f Telephone 12; I : 3'?-* '~-* , J.':'.':':'.'.:`.?.`:`i`:..'::.::.';.%.':;`mT'""* nn-n__ All -4.-- 4...}..- l\ .:l.. -......L En.-Anus

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