WHHU IIIIII Ul lllllllyo On. March 14th last the qtiestion of re-' voting this cum came up in the House of Commons, and song ueutions were asked by Mr Bennett, Mr. L aylor and the Hon - Mr.-A H0888ro,.ja.nd,i m._-reply Mr. Tam said ,5l !!`.J~9.*! W921: hf-=1, n9. ban %vr9d with W11-i1j?ofw:`hbAnr9pertv.% and ` that time was- L, _- Ialuul w yuu. A . _ On February 7th you wrote me in answer to my suggestions. and also advised me. that the Council had passed a resolution unani- monsly in favor of Bayeld` Street-this was done by yonrouncil notwithstanding the tact that the lginaineer had reported and ad'viIe_d that it wohld be useless _ to try and do anythingito the wharf at thststreet with that Olin) ofmoney. ` _ . fl- \l .}...I. 116k` `nah Iahsn nch"!-.:n`n 1:` Ian.` ICV U} U` IIJMIUCUIIUL - I have spent 3 large amount of time "in considering varic us plans and sub- mit the above as the most practicable for adoption On that report Mr. Cavana was directed _to proceed forthwith to rebuild and put up the best wharf possible with the expendi- ture of $3,000 at the foot of Mulcaster Street, for which purpose he proceeded to Barrie early in February. 1901, and when about to commencebis work was requested to desist. by the Mayor and Ald. Powell, Chairmanof the Boardof" Works. It being Town property there was nothing left for him to do but stop- 'l`lnn-` `e-kn int-inn an-AI-A mg in rnanl-A tn IIIIII IOU U Ullll Ilavll Then the Mwor wrote me in regard to tllinftis follows : T 6 6 'I` --II_.I '-.. I'1----__ -...I L- IIIIII DI IUIIUWI 3 * * .* * I called on Cavann and he. talked the matter over with me. and q ` said it would cost too much money to do anything to the Bayeld Street _ I "wharf. and that'the proper _place "to make the improvements was on the Mulcaater Street Wharf. andl gather- ed further that he said that he was going on with the work at once I have written himnot to proceed with "the work, eto., etc.. ' " * .*. Subeequentlvlargely signed petitions in favor of. Bayeld Street and in favor of Mulcaster Street have been forwardedto the Public Works Department; 'I`Iunnuu:nIe nun: IIn-Ivnl-1:1!` In 101' huh dill`. WIDE!- . In J ennerv, 1902, you communicated with me. asking me what Ihould `be done to pub on theeworlgend received the reply that the diicultv wee ceuledthrongh the Engineer L-..I_.. I.-.` -n-um-A In L3: nu-no`: nu nknnn DIIU I uullu Iv Ulil uupus uusuuu. Thtrgrent was re-voted in 1901. but dur- ingthet year the controversy on the part of the citizens of the Town a.s to where the money was to be expended made it impos- sible that the work should he proceeded with. a_ 1- .... .._ -nnnn ..-.. --......-..a....a....l -.h.l.'l uuuuuay Wu! vnuvuuwusuuuu can an [Saving been stopped in hit work, an 13:; inn-ed. and I then made some other suggem than to you. ' - - l\_ E-I._'.._n..} HI-L maven .-o-AI; on; in naming- THE GOVERNMENT WHIRF. * * * I should consider that the best value could be ohtained from the expenditure of the present grant by placing it on the Mulcaater St. awharf. Tn n'nn-nun:-dnn than Ennis dtu-V\nrnInnAn_ ANTED Good General Servant. $0 3 mohili, no washing. ironing or house cleaning. No. L. Iarv .qh'BPI _ A2` [IIDUIIIS IVU UIJ IIIIU HIILIUCDIIVL lJIh Vl4ID$L\ 5 In comparing the boat accommoda- "tion available at the two locations for the same length of wharf. and taking six feet of water as the minimum "depth of water for boat landing, the gures fatand nearly two to one in favor of Muleaeter. 1:1" 1. ___- -___A. - I_._.._' _.._.....L _.l A:-__- Mrs. Iiuagsrd, of Toronto is spending a. few days here. Mi. vlieid, of Orillia, was in Bhrrie on Friday lass. - ` - .. nu. - - Misti Ma1:gVore`bit-'e-e'k is visiting friends in Toronto and Hamiltop. V Mn{ i)k$ Bureau. of Collingwood, was in town on Fiiday j ` a II .. II`! A I! ,_ 1 - `Is: Mr. `South. of Elmval, was in 3 town on. Saturday. 1 ,` _ ,-.. q. lnruanin . counwi Cbuniilor Jupp, bf Orillia, was in Town on Saturday. - ' In It n_I A A o GI=?IxND OPERA HOUSE Mrs M: 3.t_l;i?n;;<;n. Sarnia. is the guest of Mrs. G H. Eaten. Mica Min;ie`IeQQx, Mary sum, is visiting Vtriends in Cookatown. . Perr-y. of Creemofe, was in town on business during the yvoek. `II, .- I run I -- -. --_---~ ---_- '.- .. V-.. `Archie Thomson, but-in supt. ab`t.he` Aavlum, 0rilli_a.,- was in town last week. In can :\puI\- -1-. C T` ia}f2i.& Iifci.'13e;}13;1ii;g&ooa. were in gown on Friday visiting friends. - It 'I' I 1x , out I V Mrs. ho];-l()ymen-t.v,' }'.ia1*;;,.:.,;;;{;.; W 9n the first and third Friday : of each month. `no 11 9 1'. I ' K (LZ1(1';."l3Vit"1(:'h;-::1-,';)'f"t`-).wn, has been vieitin Mrs. P. W. Scott. in Thornton. - *m.. r;..ai;g.;{{;:%`1;;;.i; :.;*.i..; guess of Miss Clair Eby, Bloor SI:.--Mail and Em- ` users I pin . I,` r.71Ni!Vr. Fred Grazhv. of Teronto, has been engaged by Mr. James Vair `in his grocery business. Mr. George Dawson, of Newmarket, has secured a` position with the firm of James Vai; & Sons. nature or the securmtes. 1: any. nelcl nv tncm. .' And take notice that after such last ngestxoned date the executors will proceed to d1s_tnbute'the assets of the deceased-among the attics entutled thereto having regard only to the c ims of which they shall then have notice, and the said Executors will not be liable for the said assets or any gar: thereof to any person or persons of whose claxms notice shall not rave been received by them at the _time ofsuch distribution-. Dated the 4th day of October. 1902. his A nv no A nmnvvn Ilt\\H'l"l.'!'IIJ Mr.` Hezeisish Edwards, librarian of the Mechanics Institute, is conned to his resi- dence with illness. ' "iEra."E"h}:-xz;;.$_LL'd the Emieses Thomp- aon have left for Torontozefter spending a pleasant summer in Barrie. - ` ` I-uni . I I - 'E`-h:e`-ir1`a11'y irieiavoivav V J. Moore will be pieaaed to_know she` is recovering from the eecba of her serious fa]-I. Mr. E. de B. Smithy, who was recently thrown from his horse, is suffering from an injury to his spine and to the optic nerve of % the left eye. L V " A- ` . 1.. _-cw 919 no A (VI. 1 I; _ Mre".".-I-.`J. Redditt and_Mre. Stephens ; have returned from the convention of the ` W.F.M.S. in Toronto. I.""""" """" " Mr. John Dickenson, Qua has been-in a V critical condition for some weeks is now regarded as almost outvof danger. I I 1 2 It..- I1 `I 11---- Mr. A. W. Young, of Woodstock, N. B., who is now convalescent after a long illness is spending a few weeks at his home in Guthrie`. . ' ...v .v-. w, v- Mrs (Rev.) G. vv. Webb; of Stroud, rs J suffering fronube eifecta of a. purely sic stroke. `Her many friends will greatly regret to hear % ok her illness. T nae `T use us I'M 9 I I ,, _.___,_1 -1 .-v- -- www- Miss Nellie R. Grant, who has been spend- ing a month with her parents, has returned` to Montreal and on her way ,will visit in Toronto and Cobourg. % 15 5% un Irv. is 1'\ 1 _l._ 11: v--V- --_ V- "I-Eev. George bdnfi-ianley. B.D.. of the Eli- zabeth street Methodist church. conducted anniversary aevice at the New Lowell Methodist church on Sunday last. Mortgages. Mcunnxnx. 4 `SON. Dunlo Street Barrie. .Mr. J upp is President. County Councillor Jupp and Mrs. J upp.- I were presented" with a handsome china cabi- ' net on the 20th anniversary of their wedding by the Orillia Agricultural Society, of which _ The sad news has been received in town of the death at Caimito del Guayabal, Cuba, on Oct._'2nd. of` Olive Cranston, youngest daugh- ter of Mr. F. Y. Checkley, formerly `ac- countant in the Barrie branch of the Bank of Commerce. , _ d -e ! `in November. Mr.` Halton has recently been _Mr. J. E. Hnlton, of Toronto, has arriv- I ed in town for the purpose of making the special scenery and stageeettinge incidental to the production of the Mikado in Barrie, employed on `the work in connection with the`Kiralfy production, I Mr._ Fred Embury, teller of the Merchant: 1 Bank, Elora, who has been spending the last few days with his brother, Mr. J. F. L Em- ' bury, barrister, of town, returned home on ~ Tuesday. ' ' 1 I 1 nu`! . Q 1' If __ __ 1 An excellent photogravure of Mrs. (Rem) McKee, of Barrie, appeared` in Tuesday's! issue of the London Free Press. Mrs. Mc- I Kee was in London addressing the W.C.'1`. 3 U. branch of that city. jn her oicial capa- ` city as President of the Provincial organiza- Q tiono . I I" "21; most creditable shosvw ing in the golf championship competitions at Toronto, last week, winning her way into the semi nals of the consolation event be- fore she was beaten. She was one of the players chosen to represent Ontario in the inter rovinoial match against Quebec, and won y four holes. II,, I 1'. (`I _ '. C- Mr. Claude R. Sanagan was given a very pleasing send off on Wednesday evening `at the rssidece of Mr. James Vair, where a large `number of his friends assembled by invitation to _ bid him farewell. A most daintily appointed supper was served during the evening, at the conclusion of which an informal toast list was run off and Mr. Sana- gan was resented with a very handsome suit case y Mr. Will VaIr,' on behalf..ot his friends. a 1 ` " "` " ~ I Mr. William Hunt, of Invermay, returned to his home last week after having spent a short time in Barrie with hisniece, Mrs. F. E. Willmot, and his sisters, Mrs. Wilkinson and Mrs. Thompson, both of Stroud. Mr. Hunt is one of the pioneers of this county.- having come from England some seventy years ago at the age of ten` years and settling with his parents in Shanty Bay. Fifty years ago he moved-to Bruce County. where he-still resides. He `met many old friends while visiting in Barrie; his memory for faces being something remarkable.` .Mr. Roy. H. Thomas leaves on Thanks-i giving Day to take up residence at Sault Ste. Marie and about sixty of the young people of the town assembled. in the Dnnlop street hall on Tuesday evening for the pnrposeof hldding.hlm:..adien. Daneln was indulged in and during the evening r. Thomas was presented with a lsndid hu' lest er suit lease byllr. Gran ldwell, on babe to! his friends. Mr. H.,E. Jory.rnr.ie afew oom- _ "llmentsry{`remarks in reference` to Mr. l`h.o.n.1_-A . .o-not in e and. voiced the` wishes. 01. than .,oon9rnins his Tttm` _iIi.,..-W29. WM-;. _ r.3Th!5!1?3l.0!PP]d- or .I..IlU IIJDIIIUVIH U5 UIIU ELI] I.IUIll.IUHIl VVIII .1101: their annual shoot at. bhe Springbonk ;Lx_a.ne_I oI} Thanksgiving Dav, . ' ` -,-The mdnierl oi 35th Regiment wl all Celina: annual nknadr -In LI- g Qiungilak-nu`) Slllll MID PEHSUNM. CAPITAL "T" $2,500,000 RESERVE FUND$2.600.000 ..n.n nnntnn vrnnnvwrn ' _ jw - -- --c-u- -yr : '-L-eave orders for tranefr of bagvage or I icanipg at J. .G. Scott : oice, Phone 86.` Name: Scott. . T -We were fsvored last week with a.` pretty bouquet of sweet pass from Mrs. :Evsns. These we presume will be the last: i of the season. - ' --Rev. J. J. Rerlditt, on Sunday evening ; gave 9. most interesting resume of the events {which jranspired at the recent meeting of `t the general Conference. ..-nn,_ (1_-;_; !__-`_-A:__. d-I- -4. 1-...-- {'1-ms HAPPENINGS on` A WEEK IN ; ' TOWN AND vromrry. I = oysters. nausea.` Ollcoeu. ace. AT *B0'l`BWEIal.98. E QThe Great Dissolution Sale at James ;Vair & Sons is going with a great. rush. ;Reductiona in every department. Read gadvertisement on page 5. 11 ll IIO 91,, I 41.- I_A__ 'l'.I_-.._:._ }"""""""`-' "' l"""' " ` i Mn. Mullin, widow of the late Francis i ,Mullin. died an thehge of 90 years as the 4 gresidenoe of her son-in-law ` Mr. Micheal Covle. lot 2,Vcon. 6, Sunnidale on Tuesday, goes. 7th. T - --Rev. W. '1`. Allison. D.D.,'B.A., of To- fronto, has accepted a call to the pastorate of the Presbyterian congregations of Stavner gand Sunnidale and "his induction will take place on Oct. 28th. I: II! `vs I . 0,,__ I___A_ I_A___ |_A___ g__ E v Awoun at the Central Simcoa :ExhibiVtion held here will be mid on and ; after Oct. 18th inst. --G. T. R. detectives have been here for the past week eudeavoring to locate the Fparty or parties who stole the Bramleyl {switch lamps. but as yet; we believe they J E have failed to nda. clue 1 --Laat Saturday afuernoon while Mrmi 5Joa, Higgs, of Flat: was driving past the * w 'oIen factory. Stayner. her horse took ffright. Mrs Higgs was thrown out and `one of her arms was broken. v ' $1 vy _,_i_.__ w '`'----.___:I Comme ' IP A orcollcctcrcicfa ape M Farmer: notes discountaq` VIM. BANKWDEPARTMENT --Robert Bain paid $11.01 over to the Police Court clerkglast week. as the pen- !alty for assaulting George Longheed._ the :Ivy ,hotelk eeper, last week. Bain entered a. plea of guilty through his lawyer Mr. D. C."Murchison and in view of It being 1 la ' ret offence with other extenuating cir ` cumstances the ne was made acomparative- lly light one. gun no . '1 I n. -All Saints church. Stayner, was the scene of a very prettv wedding on Oct. 4th, when Rev. Mr. McDonald, of King, assisted by Rev. Mr `Diamond, of Port Hope, per- formed the ceremony uniting Mr. Wm. J. Perkin, son ofAMr. S. L. Perkin, of Stayner. and Miss Annie Gillhan, only daughter of Mrs. S. Gillhan. The bride was becomingly attired in white silk organdie trimmed with applitine, and carried cream rosee. Her tra- velling gown was navy blue ladv s cloth trim- med with white satin and applique. The bridesmaid, Miss Florence Perkin, wore a gown of cream crepe de chene with chion trimmings. and carried pink roses.- Mr. E. Masonyof Richmond Hill, was groomeman. sun. c\ a nu --n -It is said that on account of the short [age in the potato crop, a supply of tubers I will be brought from the Northwest. Quot- ations have been received setting a. price of fty cents a. ba.g';ie1ivered_ in Ontario. 3 n 2 .|,. L! ____ n. __._-:..._I 4---`- -...._ , `..v------. . ,,. ` --At '5. meeting ;f time `Board of G rover- I non of the Canadian Humane Association, -it was decided to award a medal to little Jimmie Larmand, of Penetang, for his brav- ery in saving Charlie Devlin from drowning `on Sunday, June lab, at New Keene mills. E AI`l_.,,, _,,,I,__._ L`_- -At a meeti g of Alliston curlers, the following ocess were elected:-President T. M. Brown; Vice-president, Robt. Scott; Secretary, Hugh Maculla Wright; Trea- -surer, 0. Norton Messrs. W. A J. Bell land Robt Scott were appointed representa- [ tives to the_Ontario Curling Association. I -Mr. '1`. M. Brown, of Alliston is pre- ' sting to sink a shaft in search of oil on the I goundry property near the G. 1`. R. station. The drill is now beinu constructed and when nished will be operated by-a. shalt from the power house of the foundrv. Mr. Brown is l condent that oil will be found and will l` begin drilling assoon as possible. 1-I ,-nnuann .'.u, to be congratulated on the excellence of the general run of the plays which have been presented this season, "The Pride of Jen- nico which occupied the boards on Thurs- day evening. even taking. precedence `over all previous productions of the year. The play is a clever dramatization of Agnes and Egerton Castle s novel of the same name and partakee largely of the character of Rupert of Hentzau1and others of Anthony Hope's `works, In the caste of characters Edward = R. Mawson made a strong leading man as lBori el Jennico the role being one which -The Barrie Opera House management is I suits his style to perfection. Miss Kather- nie Erle took the part ot the wilful Princess of Dornheim with such passion and tender- ness intermixed with periods of charming- rebellion that she practically had her audi- `ence at her feet. The cast was in no point weak and the scenery and costumes were i rich and taatefulxin the highest degree. -Ono day last week two colts, got into a [eld-of roots on the farm of John Moran, ; near Loretta, In a t of anger Moran took - his rie and shot both colts dead. He subse- i auently paid for the animals. ` -1 .1 . ,,, _______. -2 -L- _l_-_A. i --One of the higgeat ninsichl treats ever ;offered to the people of Barrie will be the [concert bv the celebrated Coronation choir ! nof Westminster Abbey, which wiil be given ` `Nov 4th under the auspices of the Presby- I I teriau choir. 1 _ -_ .- r- --Rev. C. Balfouryof Avening, occu-V piedjhe pulpit of the Elizabeth Street ; Methodist: Church last Sunday morning and IRev. A. J. Paul, B.A., of Hawkestone, in '- the evening. Both sermons were much up- 'preciated by` the congregation. a . I 2 .1 , n,__.1 ,1 n___.. -4John Dolan.alias John Connell, of Toron- to, who states that he is an employee of the Ontario Lumber Companv, at Trout Creek, was sentenced to six months in the Central Prison,-` by Magistrate Ross, on Monday, being convicted of the theft of some "pines, knives. soap and other -merchandise from G. D. Pattereon s store in Allandale. Dol- 'an was arrested on Friday night by High County Constable Beardsley, a complaint being received from Rev, Dean Egan to the effect that the man was trying to effect an entrance through his front `door. A lot of miscellaneous merchandise was found on the &`isoner a_p`erson _, which was identified by 1'. Baftterson on being his property. The , `priaonerjwae, unable to explain how the goods e'i_ntoAhia.poaIeIeion`and as he had been ;aronn`d' Patterson's Itore during the I the . "!-..JI..ts-4 Interestat hrh :7 W W M`, M ' of $1 oo and olverfs currgnt rate an.wed on dp'i Allll BARBIE. VIII! I3 IIVIII` CUETNI Green vegetables are hringinc about the same prices as a week ago Cabbage is worth from 3 to 10 cents a head and cauli- owers run-from 5 1:015 cents according to size. Celery, beets. carrots. turnips and parsley sell at five cents a bunch Sixteen cents apound is asked for butter and tbs- same price per dozen for eggs. Ducks bring from 70 to 75 cents a pair and chickens from 45 to 70. A POTATOES .-ARE NOT EXCESSIVELY HIGH IN PRIOE-APPLEs PLENTIFUL. `Last Saturday s market was one of the best of the year. An enormous amount of mutton "was brought in by the farmers. some of whom were lucky enough to get 9 cents for binds and 7 cents for fore quarters, the prevailing price, however. was 8 for hinds and 6 for forea. The ore? ~` i of the county must have yielded a very 1448 crop of apples this _fall,as the fruit was very plentiful on the market Fine hand picked snows and the bestcooking apples brought $1.25 per bbl. and the farmers are selling Northern Spies on the trees in the orchard to the buy- ers at from $1.10 to $1.25 per barrel. Crabs bring 20 cents a basket. 1L.....- --_- _-s. ......_-. ..-L-4.-_.. .5...) ._ IIIII-I` &V UWIIIDG T IIIIBIIUIIC There were not many potatoes oered on Saturday at the market, only two loads [being noticed. The price. under the cir- cumstances, cannot be regarded as excessive, only 70 cents a has: being asked. The two loads did not have to go begging for buyers, it might be added. Although the wet sum- mer haa played havoc with the potatoes it has agreed marvelously with the carrots and farmers report the biggest crop in years. nu! union and an w\`nn:`n' an Qua`.--Jan-o `- Barri_e s importance as a grain market is be- coming more accentuated each week and the deliveries are becoming correspondinglv'in- creased : Dnrino the week about 8.000 bushels of wheat was delivered in town, at from 64 to 65 cents : 10,000 bush. of peas at 68c. ; 9.500 bush. of cats "at from 27 to 29 cents; 7.000 bush. of barley at from 35 to 38 cents and about 1,000 bush. of rye at 4 cents. - ICI IIIUI3 ITIVUI Io IIIU Wlxcll VIUP II-I Jew`: Hay was not as plntiful on Saturdav M during the `previous week. Eight: dollars I ton in being asked (V-4-.. _.-..-L-I..I-.. -_- I._3.._:.... -L---A. Ll... Peachen. Pear: and Qnlnces for Pre- serving--bo-t week. BOTHIVELUS. I'II`iI IT 1&l'II`I ' we have a large amount of Private Funds. to loud at 4; and 5 per cent. on the security ofoodfarm `Mongages. MCCARTHY. BOYS & URCHL -emu. nunlo Street Barrie. ` -Mr. Fred Smith has received a letter from his son. Mr. Bright Smith, who is travelling with the Kilties Band, which in now in the Pennsylvania strike region. Bright has some interesting things to say of the strike. -`-`Parry Sound` wan in some danger of losing the new smelter. as Sault Ste Marie * made vine company a offer of free site, power and building. Strained relations were re- lieved by the Parrv Sound Council consent- ing to supplying power for a month : tent of the smelter. -Little Willie England, who was re- manded for sentence until Monday on I charge of breaking into Mr. Jan. Van : boat house has been liberated on suspended sentence. He is only eleven years old and it was evident what he had merely been the tool of older persons. V;lIiockey enthusiasts are beginning t6 cast V about them to see what: material there is -in the town for a. team this season. Tne -absence of Roy Thomas. Ed. Gallie. Cecil -Irvine and O. T. Lyon will weaken Be.rrie e chances as good deal. but heavy pressure is being brought to bear on Pro Boys to persuade him to help the town out._ on - - '_-, --Mr. James Carley placed a couple of decoy divers in the bay on Tuesday for the purpose of enticing some of the birds in where he could get a shot at them. The usefulnees of the decoys, however, was- nearly destroyed by an amateur sportsman. who put a couple of charges of shot into them before he discovered that they were I articial. _ --The Lacrosse Club gave a smokimz eon- cert Tuesday evening in the Music Hall, the contributors to the programme being the members of the Barrie orchestra and Messrs. H. E, Jory. Gordon Keenan, Dr. Arnall, Will Vair, George Ling, Jimmy Reid, J, M. Martin. Geo. Vain`. R. Powell and Stephen Vair. What co ld be seen of the perfor- mance through -he clouds of _smoke proved very enjoyable and it is to be regretted that the attendance was not larger. The chair was occupied )bv Alderman James Vair. ll,,,.__. Ijjo, II-.." . A The next attraction at the Grand Open House Will be the New York success When we were Twenty-one on Thursdav, Oct. 23rd, which was one of the most popular plays at the Princess Theatre in Toronto 199% season. See posters -..;u a u no. no A` . ` --'-A Bankers Hockey club has been organ- ized in townwith the following ofcers Pat- rons;-T Beeoroft,S. Dvment. H.J. Gruett and`J R. Lamb Hon. Pree.. L. D. Benny Pres` , G. C. T. Pemberton; Vice Presidents, J. B. Edwards and T. W. R. Black; Mana- ger, J. E. `_ H. Leidlaw; See.-Tree. R. P. Findlay; Capt, J. Graaett; Com., H. Laid- law, F. 0. Elliott. W. Ness. H. B. Smith, and C. M. Stewart. -v v--_.r-- ____-- .--..- qavwu-IQ`! v u-an --Master Eddie Ferguson, the seven veal` old son of Mrs. L. Ferguson. Mulcaster s_t., had his left leg broken on Monday. at noon while on the way to school after dinner. It seems that he had had been wrestling with George Livingston, a plavmate, just in front of Dr. Smith s oice and in the play young Fergusolywas taken at a disadvantage an fell heavily twisting his left leg beneath him. The bone snapned and thelirtle fel-. low was carried into Dr. 'Smith s oioe and afterwards removed to his home, where he is now. resting comfortably; ` Ajllml, , C`, TU, 13 . 5` an n Z 7 Esvpecial dffer. i:']`he Northern Advancd andweekiv Mail and Empire to Jan. 130 1903 for35 cents. This includes the Ad- vance to the end of the year. the Weekly Mail and Empire to the end of the year and three peices of sheet music rm 1 A 4 l8"`Wh_en We Were Twenty One. is a love story pure and simple and is told in a straightforward, homely way.' It is a story of how Dick Carewe and his comrades rear and guide the only son of a deceased chum : ' how they guard and save him from the pic- falls and snares that lie'in the path of like at twenty-one. It is a story of hearts bound together by ties of friendship that nothing `can break, and of how the comrades save their wgid froghtgie ]res:ts"xi>f gin ~ fools`: imp-2 : ' ._ :9 9! 1.! on , ~.. :i:=mod9rn.r!:lw9- '!d~.1til1 t ~ 6' 3:`;Y':s\;:` 5;. 8n.oo,.PER1ANNUM IN Anvimcn `INCL: X7138 "VI? C`NTS SATUBDWS MARKET. . AROUND BARBIE. GRAIN DELIVERIES. J3AI=i"5IifIE""Bi=fA"NcH OWEN. S'I'IE?.2E3IE3'I` " - 1 I Evervthing marked aw-Y d" ' ' Hand Lamps, fancv and plain from 253 EP- Bel r) Sets, worth $a.'o. 301553. 3' `L30. H II, II 355 7'." s! `d ind Cups and Sauc rlo 5?` `l.""' B n sprig. worth $1.20. selling 3* 98 per doze` .. Bowls. fancy and plain. all sizes. from 0 "9'! Jardinlereu--A great varietv and and 3 'mP e T line of granitewaye. 07311 uy twelve 1 """\ewri /__,_,___..__ THE BANKllF_I__0RONTO Regular me Music selling Saturday for 5'0 P9?` 7 copy. - T Guitars, Mandolins, -Mandolin BQIIJOI. 3anjos..VloIlnI and BowI,Auu_III!l'P|'~ E10-V, all selling at reduced prices. A B-.uiGAIN V l _ Good Second Hand ve active organ. in ntAc'u_I 'ndition.on1y$39.oo Cash. ` . Call and see fo} yourself; No troublcj to sliovf. 3d8 or quote prices. A V 454V _ ` 1 Quality and Prick 3 ' `i (it at... V _ A5` Elllm ICHDUI u..- . , Bemral Business college .4 ..,:n hrmz it bv return ma- ll and g. A GENERAL nA'1\-KING nuslnnss T ommnucwnn. . T...1y JOHN R. LAMB. MANIk- j-?"" ~ D Carriages can be ordered for 10 40. o'lV THURSDAY. ucr. 23m IVIOIKRIS AND -liAl.l.9S-COMPANY IN 1!. V. P S1Vl_0NI)9_S Great Love Romance in four acts OF JOHN MONTEITH. umcmasmn. Miss u ..s ...u..- A(`|InnI':nn gnu` munoivn b" t r ducnfion and seaecthva If ::,di?re)lr on::e the New Cgulogue of the ... ri_|I-..- .5 waoLn'-o ' ' VOL LI'sP1:a'uIzaL Wizsun Proprietor. _ . } { Notice to Creditors. J. A. McLean! 4'2-45 ' -as produced at. the Kn'ickerboc_:k,er Thegtreg New York City. : Prices. 25, 35, 50 amt 75c. mike. `oi. ; Reserved Seats on sale as Robert'.son's ~ Drug Store. ` - ' 1 III IAAA anv--~ Enter any time. Write for catalogue. Address W . H -.A SH AW Pntscllfap, ' N E W A DVWRTISEMENT8 u nu. qua Mu nu slutuuun. nip:-o _ CHARLES ARTHUR MONTEITH _ g2-45 ' Rosaeau. Ont. Hl:`.A.D OFFICE Tokoiwo. Tnonsv TO LOAN. _ ___- ._...._..A. .E I)_!-.__ 9.. 3` Doors east of Queen's Hotel Q ALWAYS ON-L A HAND FonsALE: Bazaar} STRICTLY U P-TO-DATE AN 1 HI} y ZUUI lVOVW'|D3I""l\ DUI! .I'|lIU|C Cook. also Housemaid. Apply to MRS. LR. COTTER, Owen street. 7 V 43- UK _ Toronto . SCIENTIFIC OPTICIAN _, OPPOSITE _ POST OFFICE .o1.~T'::'.% 1 FASHIONABLE % . % sPEc1`AcL1:wAnE% .- ..i___ ._.j..__.__-.._..--.-----: a---Q- ; BESTYIYKLITY 0ST-A Brown l eather Pocket-Book, on Wed- nesday, October 8th. on the road between Glen Allen l)aiu_v Farm. Allandale. and Mulcanter street. Cnnmned seventy cents in change. a. return ticketfo T JIO. a tpenknife and two re-ceipts having Mus Moore's name. Finder will please return to Robt. Moore. Allandale, or to THE ADVANCE Oice. 42-42-p Hg . . . aonusrou Ks.` _ Falzisgakle ~'\-*.- 4-.-\ ' -.~.\\-\ \'\.'\.-\ `R, We carefully 7-ig;}$;duiee something called style. Patrons of our T , . - oI_=_IL After nearly twelve years of what I believe satisfactory service to the public in: the one store, during: three of which I was. a member of the firm of Vair; Vickers 8 Co.. I beg to announce my withdrawal fro_m_the_firm. ._ _ as will IIIIV Ill Ills . I thank thy friends and i patrons. most cordially J for V the confidence re- posed in me and the many favors I have received at their l_xnds.A_ ' ` And I further desire to express my` "thanks to all my brother `merchants for the cordial manner in which I have always been treated by then}. I AI Announcemem -.-- -v,_ :--w im val" have purclx-ased the stock of Messrs. Frawley 57 Devlin and will be" pleased to meet all my friends at the double" stores; where our busi- ness will he conducted on t the highest plane of honesty and integrity, and` I trust for a continuance of favors which will re- ceive our very best atten- tion, Further announce- ment will appear in the next issue of this paper. "Yours faithfully, _.-. .-`_: -_._:-.-j:- Herbert Rob(t_s_pn ...OF... When we were Twenty-one" D Glasses GEORGE vlbxnns. warmer IN _ FIT AND mmsa- Ann gssunnn hr OATS Simmons sells RnccoonConts ~chenpe;' than anyone` in Canada T __________*, D-.-_vFor immediate um;--no Cotdu ~ Soft Wood for Qcnml Schpol. )3: < PALLINQ` - ..`1'*'.`.-..`.".#.`lQl- :_ .- ., -`F. :9 . `gqggl ruuug of ~.1-\-IETFD hy 26th N ovember-A goodreliablc I \ {'n'l"I` R R Owen street. 42- Simmons & co. south Side 1 % Dunlap Straet 5:50.00 $35.00 `FIX E $40?0O $45.d0 ~ See the Immense stock % at SARJEANT ITIIE INTERESTS OF BARBIE. THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE AND THE DOKINION OF CANADA OUR CRITERION. . BARRIE,COENTY OF SIMCOE, ONTARIO. OCTOBER 16, 1902. AN 1 cu _uuu| . washing. ` 54 Mary Street. Lsriwma raom Luzon row Mcu'Aa'raY, M.1=., IN nmu-mnmqorr TO THE MATTER. or the Property Oucht to be Handed Over to the Governmentr-'I'own A Council Should Move. The suhjoined letter has been received `from Leighton McCarthy, M.P:,A by THE ADVANCE, end is published with pleasure. It throws elerge amount of light on e ques- tion in which Tm: ADVANCE has been great- ly interested, and goes to show where the responsibility should be placed for the delay in constructing the new Government wharf : t\ . qA_n -AAA * " ' 7foi}$i:uX. TOc`u5ba{1ii,` idf F i `To the Editor of Tm: Nomrnnnx Anvmcn. ' (Sii'_,---EiV1`-vy'>`ni'_exViii;ritVLlV tioiulilii ciitii; sic]; ' inst.. you aeeminglv criticise me for delay in theoonatructiou of a what! at Barrie. 1),____!L _ A L- ___ ___ ____ -____ ll-I UII7lU\'IIIvI$E`I\'UI `ID 1 llfll TU IJTIII7 _ Permit me tovencloae you copy of as letter addreued by.me to.theVMayor ten days he- `-`nnn `nun; an-I:I-a'un=n` nnnnnunta Ian uuk`n|| ni- I a'dIiii*iift: t61hVIvIsLyi:r"en aaya Z56`- lfore your editorial sippeared, to whlch, at Olin 5:-can 1.` Inngbinlu Hana nnhnannl` nn Inn `VIC JVUI I"|IIU"II$I K U5 VVIIIVII, CU {have the time of writing, received no re- nlv whatever. ` :auL Tan`: avg 64; `ca in mm`; IICUUYUI o IHV '7 Might Iaek you to be kind enough to pub- lieh this letter and enclosure. 1 have the honor to be, Sir, ` ' i ' _ Your obedient servant, l ' u ` Lmorrrox Mccnrrnv. . The letter to the Mayor referred to by Mr. McCarthy is appended herewith. '.l`oronto',*_ Sept. 30th, 1902. His Worship. Biyif T I - Barrie. Re Barrie Wharf- Sir,-I desire to bring the matter of the construction of a wharf at Barrie to your attention now in. order that if anything is to be done the preliminaries may be arrang- ed, so that the construction can be proceed- ed with in the winter when the work of con- structionuis said to be so much cheaper. A ..L{_-. `L LL- npuuuunnlv must: uuuan-`nu than :I\ Dl.l'llUvIUu_|l lulu vv uv nu Iuuvu vuvuyv-.. Acting at the request, and under the in- struction, of the Barrie Boerd of Trade, and the Town Council. in July, 1900, I succeed- ed in having the Acting Minister of Public Works pass through the House of Commons in his estimates the following items : - Barrie Wharf-reconstruotion and repairs u on nm N . IJDIIIV UV IIBI l:'|IivV|uIwvt uvvnvu wuu ovrwlnw u__$3,000' . V V ()_n the 22nd October, 1900,,1 advised both the Boardof Trade and -the Town Council, `through theirrespective heads. as follows : `f * * * *. In view of the fact that no specic designation has been made as to what wharf. or where. or how, the work of reconstruction and repair is to he proceeded with, it will be neces- sary that the place where the work of repair and reconstruction is to be done- should be decided upon and the method - and manner in which it is to be carried out should likewise be determined. For that purpose the Government have decided, as Mr Mulock s letter stated, to have Mr. A. G. Cavana, C E ,` of "0rillia, act an Engineer -to prepare plans and specications for the work. 1t will therefore, I assume, he neces- sarv for a committee of vour Honour- ` "able Body and a cmmittee of the Bar- rie Board of Trade, both of whom re- quested me to apply for this -grant, to meet and oonsu t with Mr. Oavana, the Engineer representing the Govern- ment, who wiil then report to the Su- "perintendent of Public Works. Mr. Gavana was immediately appointed,` went to Barrie. looked over the ground, rook soundings, consulted with the Corpora- tion s oicers and made a report on the 10th of January, 1901, in which he stated as fol- lows: s -' - Pursuant to R.S.0. Chap. 129, all creditors and others having claims against the estate of olm Munteith. late of Bart-we (and Rosseau) eHotel- cep- er, who died on or abaut the net day of September. xqoz, arerequired to send by post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned. one of the executor: or the last Will of the said deceased. on or before the 20!]! day of November. 1902. their names and ad- dresses, thc lull particulars of their claims. and the nature of the securities. if any. held by them. . A..A ml: .mo:.~n H-Int -.Ftm- um-In Inst mantmned