Ye GCEEN When as]?-inno is extolled by such artists as FREIDHEIM, PLANCON,ALBANI, I LI' I\'KF.T , BURMEISTER, EDWARD LLOYD, LIEU'I`.- DAN. GODFREY, tht-re >111`:-1}` can be nollnestioni as to its merits. When they go farther, as in this case, and agm that fat power, b lancy of tone and touch and artistic construction, the H eintzman 6; Co. Pi:I.n0.< me unexcelled, 1t places this instrument in an enviable position in the muslc world. `Tend nvr-lnaivnlv I-up Hun DB;'f\lIA o.-`A D............. -4 117-1,- -_' -1. _--_ n 1- . , -3. :0 `Univ nuuuuuwu uuu uuv LIVUI Wu: UKDW IIIHUU from good settlement to the north and east. We hope the C.P.R.. station gang will be the next. - mas momma: CAnu>3xu., Correspondent. Mr. ` H. Knowles spent Sunday with friends near Oookstown. ' Alex. Gibson. of Toronto, was '- visiting friends here recently. t Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bloxhsn) visited friends at G;-enfel on Sunday. ' I-I'-__..- Tr `li\-__.__._-_- , 1 -up - `The anniversary services of the Metho- dist Church here will be held next Sun- day. ' Rey. Jon. Yonng.of Bradford, will preach afternoon and evening. On Mon- day evening: a fowl tea will be _given. Mulic will be furnished by the Strand choir. ` the marshes and` the river will draw trade- I...... ..-_J _-A.:.`I-...-_L 1- AL- _ ...... uuu. ;.unuuuu auu unrue onuaren. iof Oherryhreek, were visitors hem over Sundu`y. _--.._-- cuvu-n.vIlv IJUU Mr.` Mu-kn` Wujpgnt lat gunday in gun. ' ` Thgs. Pat: has gone to work in H1113- `dalo, ' 1. Lonpox, "of Ivy" spent Sundnjr at" lgome; ' VEd Lohox in upending 1' few day: in v .1; f w._---`. __ .._.__ Mr. John Armutroll. 3 retired .1_mnnn- factnrer from Scotland, who has been visiting the some friends as Mn. Gardner` and daughter, left. here to accompany ` them to their home, Mr. Armstrong in tondu unending two `year: in making a tour through Canada and United States. Messrs. it-*1-g`uVs:>n~s:;-iI.ervyn Dyer -wheeled to Grenfel on Sunday. Mrs. J. McPherson, of Terra Goths. is visiting her sister, Mrs. Joe Ferguson. A number from here attended the gleshodistqhurch st Allsndsle on Sun- tu - ' Mr. Geo. I eaoook and three children. F $1;-A uu:.-:L:.-- `---- ---A- ~-- -v`-v_--w-g Rolund Or: has ret;-nod froin the Soo. `|l..- 'Il'___n___ ,,_- -, enmnrnu HOLLY. Heinlzman & Bo. at Jan. Cook : Coluell on Wednesday lug. spa. -_ -_- A'.iDennelly andher daughters, Mu. Lemon and Mrs, A. Welker, hsve returned to their home in Markdele after spending a. few weeks with their- friendn. u-rs. J. M. Bell is visiting friends in Elmvala. Min L. Wilson, Meaford, spent 59` day at Mr. M. Bell s. , o A----. - - ' .A.nn A Sam McGaw, of Innial was the 119;- of Geo. Hurt on Sunday. 15711:. A V:-Ii3-wJ:O-!-1`l'1i'evs-;;;I;4:)-I-l:.0f New Lowell, was the guest, of Miss Flora Horton, last 141:`: day. It. Ill-IIIGJILCIY Eu JJUII. ICUULIIIIUVI L frieljdl :1 Midland last week. _---we-sou nun An.-Iialwn-II-A I vv Mr. and Mn. B. '(;r`x'u;}.1-;ra, T0t011*! are visiting friends here at present. ,3 L- `llarri a~n-<; Money are on 3 Nlllneaa trip to Toronto. "Ill, , 1- `v T #_H nu: us`-`nuns ulvuul uuru nu P`"'"' Mil! F. Curuthera returned to B9? after Ipendingvaometime with her P* _e Rev`. Mr. McKinley, Barrie, occulligw the puipie of the Methodist church - Sunday. _ MrI.~. Onmeron and Miss J. St3"g3`l -Barrie. 1 `nt Sunday with Mr. T- * fHi1ll`dO farm, ' from In June, 1900. 1 The Timon lays there is 3 bis!` 1?` h,9nIe| in North Bay. .239 now would be e.ke_n in s , 3:; 2;,- * works of the 0.P.R,-s `y , ' qtion of. the T. & N.0. Rink; : 1. x . `I _ I \ .""'1'lI0 IOIIOWID BDPOBYOO In uuu U*"." t SIl'on!'d.I!'I Cane aGezetta :--35th B-emwn. ~ Simone Foreetere.-E. 1.. Knih G`,,; lien`. hbvinz been dincharged from 915 IVOr.VVi'ee:in South Africa, is reinstated ,ro`m_m `June, tam -rank and seniority an a Lieutenln` 9,, - Lin -;.-}'I.iaQ has been the gueaf} o Ming Ethel Wonch for the last four wegkg, IQRIQE GMUSLG PSIQRE UTOPIA. B0x_;a5 Utopia. Mn. Scanloh returned home 53" ':M` ;`l'y'I..E3o-:1-I-1:eturned fromviaiti ~:....!.. 1.. lt:.n-...1 1--.. ._....1. :?:':.%2':2:*9.a::*g:t::._i;.:2:22275? "A WEALTH OF SOUND" PIANO IS WNTAINBD IN THE i-Miu Susan drnefoidihu zone to Oistn we to spend the winter withfher "sister, Mu. Beatty. . V V *Mu.~ L. Warnica has gone on a trip to eat Virzinia and intends to stop several weeks in Uncle Sam : lend. - The Mines Mason, St. Oetharinee, who hue been visiting with their aunt. Mm John Mays, for the last three weeks.` re- turned home on? the 26th 111:. .Mr|.`Gerdner and her dnughter Elle, have returned to their home in West Virginia, efter spending six weeks w'1th' their cousins. Mu. Galloway, Mrs. G. Sharpe and Wm. Scott. _L___. ._ - ._AL2._-_I ,___, _ ._ R. VI:I;I;!.E 7C"6rreapondent. . . Miss Cora Grey 18 visting with her aunt. Myra. Wm.'Shsrpe.- ` T |I-||IIIlIIlIl ITU KUCUIIIUQJ III LUIUIIUUO VMr. Norman Auaph. who has been IILLY]..EAGH. THORNTON. Vluluslvl on own`: var nu -- - --`_- Mu. Richav.-daon1;n_d Mr. (3w.w;:vie, of Rugby. spent last Sunday with Mrs. A. Riohurdupn. - n.- I n `D II ,,,,,_jj__ The fu heral of the late Mr. Oarlcadden, of Warm inster, took place here yesterday Oct. 5th and was attended by 3 y large ,,,,,.,u.__ -3 2..:-_.1_ _ U000 VIII} Hula "win I .m;r_nber of friend l OIDVV VI-III lnniaoocr Born on Satgrday Sept. 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Oockburn, 8 non. - `-` ID 7 3 _ CI-I\L OV&IUI Vi, V We aroaorry to hear `Mr. J. On- vanugh is laid up with a sore hand. ,_.a 1:- n 1:r-__:.. ..: The population of this burg is steadily increasing. On Wedneadsylut Mrs. J an. Coleman. of a son and on Thursday Mu. Geo."1`hompaon, of_ I daughter. ' Lest Thursday evening a load of young people drove down to the Menu. Knowles, where they put in an enjoyable evening and arrived home late in the morning. ' . Mrs; R. D. Henrv was in Toronto last week seeing her brother Mr. Lorne Gilpin, who is very ill at present in the General` Hospital. He may have to go under an operation yet, but we hope that he may noon be well again._.' A . Mrs; Laidluw, of Barrio. visited her son, Dr. Laidlaw. V V ' ' its 0 -IQ!-|vu- Quite a. ::1;mbe rT of the` school ohildreh have the mumps. In on _ __ L nl-ILL A. `ll . working over the river forhtlxo put fdur months, is back with Mr. Wm. Hicks aggin. ` up An ..iI'lI , 9, ,` ',. ,,_;',`,1` - . _ Geo. "Thompson 'etuted to build a. new"house south of Mt. Dening : -and has the atone-work`ne_e1-lye completed, Mr. P..W. Scott herbought the farm worked by Mr. Fred Wice end has rented it to Mr. Delt Soythea, who takes posses- sion next March. _ Serge. Ooolodge and Corp. Blnokatook, of the 36thRegimont. returned` home on Saturday evening from camp and report having it good time. ,3 ALS,, L____.. 2_ _L_-.II_ EDGAR. m`r:.wl'3vr.idgen, of Toronto, .11 bieen visiting her sister, Mrs. Wagner. - MissPsuline Cummings has returned from s pleasant visit in Toronto. ' 20 I An I mn~mnn ml '.Bi ei'rle'el South-Western Dlvlelon. . with use Pleasant Streets. lte Tasty Dwell- lnce. its Pretty Ohm-chee. ana its Go e-heed People will Entioe settlement -4 Weeklv Record of its Doincsl 7 nuuun; . .Mr. d.MrI. J. Rnnell and ddnghtr, ;of_Minaiis wage renewing old` acquain- A `an; _ a-....I.a.._' I.-..`~..:...`- ;-.- .'.I-4.`I-.`. . Hllleurei. Cameron, J. T. (Vila:-k and J. Little are the member: of the Griev- ance Committee who have gone to Mon- treal to confer with the Grand Trunk of- ficials in regard to the schedule of wages for the railway employee for the next term. A `I I'll -I T T` The marriage took place on September 25th, in Toronto, of Miss Ethel Page, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Page, of the Temperance House. to Mr. William Holmes, of the 48th Highlanders Band, who was a former resident of. *Allan'iale. The nuptial knot was tied V by Rev. Mr. Ryerson. Mr. Holmes has left for. the Coast with the Kilties. and Mrs. Holmes will reside in Toronto during his absence. H I?!-9. Geo,,Lnwrenco it visiting-friends } in Toronto-` ` Young: of Bradford,` will. deliver the sermon in the Burton Avenue Methodist Church on Sunday morning next. He will also take charge of the Holly anniversary services in the after: noon and evening. It -I\` an 1 run an n 0}; Wednesday afternoon last the teach- ers of the South Ward School sprang a surprise on the Principal and pupils, A whom they treatedto candies in the way of celebrating Mr. Shear a tenth anniver- sary as Principal of the Allandale Public School. After the pupils had fully re- galed themselves a half hour was pleas- antly spent in recitation and song I , '01 ,,L_,,I____ An unfortunate accident and one at- tended by extraordinary circumstances occurred early Saturday morning at New- market,' when Edward O'Hara, an Allan- dale brakeman, had his right hand crush- ed while coupling. When his one hand `was canght,- with the other he plucklly picked up a lantern and aignaled to go on orably; _ no that his injured hand might be releas- ed. He came up to the Royal Victoria Hospital where threengera were ampu- tated,.and heibecan to progress very fa .y- - . .s.. ,_ ;m.`se;.;;;.;, J {o;1.a.;;.:;,% ii visiting ! her brother, Mr. J amen Stimson. 4 >e},7; ,"aIIeIiu.1y an, much to the regret ofvher many friends, \ I.` ' I`! I I` U I I ` Mrs. (Rey.)0hu1-ohillie in Toronto at- tending a meeting of the Toronto Gon- ferenoe Branch of the W.M.S. of the Methodist Church. The meeting in being held in Wesley Ohuroh. THE, STOVE j THAT LEADS them an 'Wo__'rk' nsaxismpf, Beauty of Design, as a well as being. the most econoini`c9.l.T _` Every Housewif atised , an djliappy when using a. ` HAPPY 'I'iEIO'U'GI-E'I` BANG-IE: W ......SOL1) .0NLY * u u t\4.4 ..g. as Q... -FI,VE....-- Messrs. A. Marshall and Lorne Page have been transferred to Lindsay, `out of which town they are now running as re- man and brakesman, respectively. They have been transferred during the grain rush, as has Mr. Charlie Spring, brake- man. ` ' I J S, 'I'I,,1_, I Rev.'l:lector preached inBurton Ave. `Methodist Church both morning and evening on Sunday, to large congregations, by whom the sermons were much- appre- ciated. On Monday night he delivered a lecture on` Thrilling Experiences of My Life, in a most interesting manner. I` E? D A I nl s I Tho following is the repbrt of the Sixth Ward public school for month of Septem- ber':--Senlor Fourth Olaas--I.. Moore. A. Haines, G. Heels, R. McMillin, E. Mc-_ Donald. Jr. Fourth Olass-D. Burns, E. Hooper, I. Johnson, L. Dixon, L. Young. Senior Third Class--Eva Storey, Sylvia McMorran, Dalton Moore, Emma` McFadden. (D. -Wilkinson," Edie Thurs- ton). Junior Third 0lass- May Watt, Rose Wilimot, Edna Cannon, Stanley `Mc- Oausland,(Ambrose Murray,Olivo Storey). `Senior Second Class-1`. Ball, A. Mc- Donald, A. Brunton, R. Pixie, W. Bell. Junior _Secon'd Olass-E. Thurston, E. O?Donnell,- F. `Hamlin. O. Archer, H. ;'G_artner.: `Senior Part II.-B. Storey. R. 1McAteer. Glassford, 0. Peters, Y. ~n....|_` -FUEL V uuuuu In an: Min A. Frnnoll, ofmgiayner, villtgd `Mrs. E. Soluny last week. 11-. -..' 1:... m.rn..--.:-u.. .3 :r..`....1.". ..*x.` T t`-.`VOh;1?li'?3;;n;i;:l;a;;l;1;;o;;1:;;ciYto Montreal to resume his studies at McGnl Univeraity. `II . -_.1 II__ `II l\I'I\_v____I'I In "___L_ vuavvuuvyn Mr. and Mn. M. O Donnell. 62 Hunts- ville, have been visiting the latter s broth- er, Mr. J. Flanigan. * `M - AIL--. D:A.I-II 1.-- -..--.'.--..n.. "Rev. Mr. B.A., of; Toronto, preached very impressive sermons in'St. George : Church on Sunday. . 'I\ an an: n .u IIVITYU . -It the census takers had waited until Thursday to cell qt Mr. Jamieaon e resi- dence on the tcwuline, the population of the town would have been increased by one. It is a neboy O ' `Il,, \ III. I III - I III ` JIJURUVI Rusk; ` (UUUUI I-IUIUQ ' _ A lito daughter hu ooma to" gladden `:the_;;liomo.'of- Mr. .| ndT Mrl. G. Miller. Vi ;Ia_In:e"s- i.e;i;e;n antfchild, of this American Sault, who have been visiting` Mu. John Page, haveroturnod home. T Mr. Andrew" 6Qi&}1I'3E":iS;.?.{,'h.. started braking on the road, and went out on the Toronto way freight on Saturday. "._. I IQ" _ J T? I I R X: If Mr. Alfred Veneblen, of Stouville, who has been employed recently in Oril- lia, hen eeeured 3 position on baker with Mr. W. P. Soulae. ' 'Me'n-'- get your tickets for the Lacrosse Smoker, in the Music Hall, Barrie,` on Tuesday Oct. 14th from Postmaster M. J .' Hamlin or Mr. Hurry Ridiell. `III! (MI s A ' T1iifi:7a.e shr7.}I'pJ;Ee one of the dwelling house: on Burton Avenue belonging to the Harrison estate. He in busy making improvements to his new home. IA .1, A . I u 1 , mm E;;Jn.:?onaoudenc. Mimi L. aid M. Oitgipboll spent 5 Jvek 5:10 Sunday at home. 111.. I 1'1I.....A.. .8 nun... .6.-.4 llllilo Jun Riva-Wu aunt wvvnn > . . Mr. .nd.Mrn. '1`.`Teudnle, of J ohephonb, ivere-the uncut: of` Mr. A-. Oampbell on vb, dial-It ll: urllilalslillo Mr. Albert Riddell has auooufully passed his examination as conductor and wentout on Tuesday. 1*. `IE 71- um . Q- Congratulation are to be extended to Monte. W. P. Trevelyan, J. Sttneop. T. Goatiok and D. J ohnoton, in passing their examination: as drivers. V - '-1-an namwnr cums or was II `III white. Wadsworth, of Toronto, is visiting ' {Mrs Jae. Coleman. , ' `I- A..A.L.-.. IV____ `E! lV_-!....`.I- _.._..L' /Mr. and Mrs. John Clnrk are in Mon- EomNvAg.m. *":_``*-*1,`*3'l=%? Lambskins and Pelts, fresh mwIUIl.OI.C.QCOlII O I I O I OD TrimmedHlde8....._..... ----o- 0-- Calfskinsperlb....... .............. TallowperlblIOlIIOCI.OIOCIl|I I-IorseHa.irpcrlh............ `Va A` as`:- Wheat.l10W....-..~u-uuuuo... nalvn ngu1___ __________ ___.... 1Pease,new......................... 1 Barley . . . . ......................... IRVC. newouooo--noun:oocoooauuoaoos iFlollfunun.u..............._..., IIIJKC V7 IUCI IIQJVKKWI Mr. Jsrry Hicks, our famous" hunter, on Friday last shot 2 foxes. 2 portridgea, rabbit and a blue bird. ` Mr. Barry Oallezhan and Min Minnie 1 Stewart were united in bond: of holy i [matrimony lost Saturdgy in Toronto. A-Ivunn A A-ah Al` `ngn "l43Jl'lDIIl.l!3 anu Itltap lIUDlloIuouoou `Woo} Picks...-............... ..... u......u:.1... VVOOI rlcil...-.-.uu........ HorseHides.........;..... ...... .. 2. Torontgo Farmers Markets Toinom-o. OCT. 7. ado: ____ - 3. ~ Q I. L. Q . ;nd thronliixig buds. fire re- ported very scarce and as high as $250 5 day is offered. , - ` ' VA daughter to,,_Mr. and Mrs, Jimbu," last week, ` Q20 11 l'.L._-,L-_. A.-iI ..Q _ _.____ '|__; W. Polson sold his home to J.. TRo_one_y,- and will move to his homestead as soon us `he can get mother home built. Another our load of lumbar arrived on `Monday and ya nearly all told. of the car no gratmsny sublet andmtnariog are being built. ' % - V - I` - ' nu . -. in` am vicinity. `Tum has-been `gal '?F'P1F '9 ` WU UV VY2! Min V. Johnston toll o' I pony last week and disabled one of her arms. " 5:1 :Ar;o;1-v;i~li_ii1t*xi7ci(loVoonl this season, and is building 0. oolnmodiouu Ihed for the purpose. . 1 .L,~,*I_-s_!_ L_._j__ --___ ___ Creighton shipped 5 on on No. 1. `End on Snturdsy hat. the ns cu` uhipped on the Soolino this `canon. . ' . _-Box V25 A number from here attended Cooks? t0Wn`fDi!'o I ' `l .._ `1"'_.I_.__-_1l. , II! _.,__A.- S... _..|..!AS_, -, as welcome as any that heve arrived yet are the 11185 of men who or- -rived the other day toeoonetrnot`b1-idges` f fioinity. _ These` v ' 5`-:A'a`'A.n"A`h"lI::'.Ca*: .u'.... ..I.L.} .C`|A. 8512-. 8. . . YELLOW GRASS, ASSA. A girl to Mr. and Mrs. J. Taylor .....I. 16 Prices Ruling in the Barrie_ and Toronto Marketa During the Week. THE MARKETS. anmuux. Pxontxcng RIDES. BARIUB, bot. 8, mos WW {OR BAGAINS Tq~.._ 300..., Tmiflrt `X;'t\l;:`rma:-:'en,- Bf 0:-ai 9v'ale,'aQent Sunday with f;-ends. Q u-n:-U :unI'- `A$Qa\|I-- `nncmbnn