Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 9 Oct 1902, p. 3

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ned at CUT THIS OUT JAN. 1, I903 Music These Next Snl>scribe Now You , .s7~::~'. .v.4;.t - ,, `av . . Twelve AUG. 6,1903 NOV. 6, I902 MAY 7. I903 FEB. 5. 190: Free Get Are The Militia Department at Ottawa has learned that sixteen commissions in the 6th Royal Garrison Artillery, vyhich takes the place of the disbanded Royal Canadians, have been offered to officers of the latter regiment. Hon. J. Israel Torte opened the great N orth-Western Exhibition at Goderich, end Mr. Whitney opened the North Middlesex Fair at Ailan Craig. C. Meaden, of Hamilton, probably the oldest Oddfellow in the country died in the Hamilton Hospital on Wednesday. , The population of Hamilton , `accord- ingto the assessment, is 54,035. The assessed value is lower than last year. The Winnipeg `poet oice is so rushed with work that it has been found necessary to add 14 new hands to the new ata'. Beith and Bud. the two four 5,34 year old eons of Mr. Robert Mtchedesh streets, were .l||'1Y d . e 94 in a well down at Robin! 014. rd Monday efternoen. boys, along with Oeoil : Bcnw 79??` nailing boats in the well`, _ `i.3`i.`l,|[',"-{.957 ' 809 one of the H` ` * lied out on e `plank.-, _el'I_d "' Mince fell in. The wli `e feet deep and-.bvo!0l|"1.. -i 0 clung to the eiile ' " my in trying lie. 4 SOME MISCELLANEOUS NEWS. Ed ward Marks, a lifelong resident of Hamilton, died Wednesday, aged 69. `the four o olook treinon a honeymoon trip, which will include the following places, Lindsey, Port Hope, Monti-eel, Portland, Ottawa, Belleville and To- ronto. It will be a week or two before they return to Allendele, where they will reside. We join in Mngretnleo tione and best wishes; -An early October V edding was celebrated on Thursda last at St. ' George's Church, Allandale, when Miss . Mercy Church became the wife of Mr. 0. Walton, of the Grand Trunk Rail- way.` The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. S, Weetney, at 12.30 p.m., the wedding march being played by Miss Stella Westney. The church was beautifully decorated and quite a large number of the friends of the eontracto ing parties` were present. The bride was charmingly attired in grey crepe de chine with white satin trimmings, and the bridesmaids, Miss Ethel Lloyd and Miss Violet Westney,"w_ore gowns of ,white orgendie. Mr. T. D. Bell was groomsman. The wedding break-' . feet was eeryed at the home of Mr. Walton, where also the happy couple received congratulations of many friends. There were many handsome gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Walton left on _. .vy_ toast or Erna Mm evc%4.;.n;;,..:, 1;}- Grand Master and the Grand Lodge of Canada. ` Brethren from Elmvale, Bteyner and Midland were present and many hIPPY after-dinner apeeoheewero made. One of themoat enjoyable even- ings in the history of the lodge val brought to a close byeingiug "Auld Lang Syne. Reikee, I.r.15.ifa".'n'cf.' J1}; ehereeterietio speeches` and A D.D.'G.'Il.' Coven replied in his able my to the .%.x....4 ga.1i.;.`eV `....;%,.,*.%.. Am; Iw. Bro. L. E; L-me, w.M., in] clair- . SEPT. 3, I903 JUNE 4. I903 MAR. 5. I903 ORILLIA The Collegiate Institute has now 199 Pupils on the roll. This is the l,Il'g0{|5 number ever attained by the school _ since its existence and there is not so-' oommodetion for them all.` In` form .2 room there are only 35 seats end;467 PP8. and more seats and debklj Wm be added here at once. More pl1,pi1,I, are coming in oevetv week evnxd it.*Wi11- PV88 the 200 mark shortly. Three '9 Ito the attendance just hevered_ Iround ]()O_ A { _ DEC. 4, I902 Times With Sheet The 3 \IO .lI\ JJJ-(Li-all All-VUIUIUVUU" IUVTIITVUU Steam vim: and Show Room, ennui-sL,nmio4 Oofflns and Ollkift of all kinds in stdck of made Telegraph or qtherwise promptly atyended to. G. o. DOLMAGE, llfamagor, `Robes, Grape and all Fungaral Rquisites fumished. 9 Sewing Mackines ' Ag]; :0, cu 5 E w. J! ogue E $2890 P' 07- Sporting Goods oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooog ooooooooooooooooooooooooooodoooodooboboooocoooooooooc JIIIKYE BIUHI f HIE _.. '(1~fEx_'F 'r'o'wELI'15(31`(')15 11-0513: ' 3 ELIZABETH sq:-:a:mm-2:-. - Ououuuouuuou "Made in Qanada la ulugc urccuu Iuaunug. alugw Ulftl unut uuua. 5.00 up. , . * :2 Giuge Breech loading Double barrel shot Guns, xo.oo up. . _ Some snaps in second hand guns and ries. Guns ' to rent by dav or week. 'Ammunition.. Cartridge Bags. Compasses. Rie Sx%hts. Gun 011, Duck ails, Gun Cases. etc. nnnirn nf All Irhnrhl nn nhnrf unt-A 'Nnw 3- Han clams. uun uu, yucx vans, uun u_I!I!I. etc. ` epairs of all kinds on short nqtlce. ' Now 1 time to buy a wheel at your own once. :2 Gauge Breech loading`. single T nnn un. %ci;':as`.'mj.15s; i:"i*6.' any .n.:.Lau uuus UL` l`JVl`J.l\al. IIIILVU '11` I115 IJ1l`l5'.' Our prices suit the people and the people - ` ' . appreciate them by givin us their patronage. _ ` . REMEMBER-When ynu want anything 11 the a'bov,e.l1nes the place to get it at is II 1 Q -31 - 1a-: Repeating RifleS of all kinds. _ _ _ _ - V V _ vv"w-w`ucwcTC7T 'T7@-- ` II ea. a. :r1 vs \J|lllUlllIlVU I BEST FRUIT EH12 BARRIE AND - s'rR%oup.% heats, W ` mJ:7:I:' G-Roo:E::3'::1ns, BEST CANNED GOODS, AND THE BEST or EVERYTHING IN HIS LINE-.-' nnrnv-1'nan nn Hun nunnh. ....A LI... ...--..1- I-1' E A "s IX DVVII! fll I`l1l'.II'.1 1' I\'III\\I 1-ups:-u-an . Continues to be the beading p1a.ce for the IE?.'U'I'I`- ' ' barrel shot Guns. The Chris. Moore 00., Limited, made ' a shipment of butter .to the old coun- try inst week amounting to ninety thousand pounds, or forty-ve tone. This is the largest shipment of butter ever sent out of Orillia. It repreaented ~ upwards of $15,000 distributed among . the farmers of this district. As this butter haa eooumulated "in noid storage since the rat of June, and the comi- pany A has" besides got enough . to nupply its large northern trade, it will he realised what a great thing for this din} M i|~",9'b`.`9!.`!F`9PW.'; ' i -- 4 J ` 1, The loot mnoy as, Jane ; I SW"! e!!!`T-Tiid-! ~ Thtu " core-no_n.r by new 2 I i`-ll 5 ..,... 4`. g "4 04 , Vi`: ,, up pulled them out. - Bud had gone down twice before he was reloued-. - The boya_ ere ell tightagein and V none the _woree for their experienoe.-New'a-Letter. DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO000000008 I:. uv . on : allow foreign or-inferior makes to be pslmed o' on you`; T USE EDDY S. 5 .. . _ ~ -~-- '- --~-----.1 --a-' ` '1'he policy on Mrs.-_ Brown : life was taken out by her son on the 15th o,f;Dooember, 1897. So" for as" I am inure, .. Brown was V yollf `sgqnciutad He _ __.---.. -nan--asuA1Ao_ I Mr. ;T:_Paok, Torbnto manager of the Union/Mutual Life `Insurance Com- pany, can that the inatn-Inca` on Mrs. B1-owp q _life in now in fo1fog,_nnd upder the -trnin of the" po1{oy;`will'not lupus mu _2ndL`ot Mr. -I_ ,, 1 , r--`7U unan- nlfade} he i$1i;v;ip' Ihtblall if'ga':din g,the use Wpdnqhdny nig1it:- " n!l|I.- ..-u-/._ -_ -It I` Brown `declared positively that the `policy on his nether- s life hsd lapsed in June, 1901, end. that he wonld hsve ne object in seeking her murder, as stated . by his accuser, John Rose, an .in snranoe agent residing st 41-1 Yonge Street, this city. v` The kind words provoked.` a fresh outburst of grief, and the prisoner tumbled `into the seat, bnried" his face in his hands, meaning and trembling. u'I' -... 2.. L L-`- ---- , ____.= -----u v- van. V513"! . - I am iI; ;l;c;x and can't get out, he` oouqtsntly mumbled. . `V -- u vu-nvvn vv UIJU IJIIUBC , aood-bye, Billv," aotrewfully re-V "me:-ked General Superintendent Bee- eetc.` of the water plants, (`you have worked for no 12 years, and . we like 1!! ' 1 After a moment's silence he con- tinued, while tears began to. trickle slowly through the grime on his face. Where is that man Rose? He has got me into this. My God, what shall I do ! `I am in 3 hole. He was forced to sit down; from weakness. Then he reached into the V coal` bin, picked up his lunch basket and follow- ed the oieer to the heck. . -_ * .- --___ r-w- Billy, I have come tgsrmat you, laoonioally remarked the oicer. V ` My God. has it come to this? he. wuiled. ` '.l.`hene a my men]; observed the of- oer, as the vehiolep stopped. Brown apparently divined the situation. He stepped back trembling and stuck his ebovelinto the ashes of the boiler pit. AHIIEIIA T I - gray-haired man, covered with coal dust, stood in the door `as the hook drove up. _ He leaned on a shovel. I ._ _ - agent vrinofmadei out y_;on Mrs. Brown s.._ life. ;to""`the; afoot that about 3 996 q&bnen*`.ga,B;{m came to hiln` and . pmpdsgda tlibemurder of the old p is suggested to gtakehsr overto`}th;`Nottawssaga`I{iver and drdwn he;-ire resenting -her death ' as alggiaezlm; who olaims; that n he simply"-.V' Brown de -:_ 'mui'i"ed at this `lplfan, so the son brought rorifiud another spheme, that of poison_-: .ingI`:her. Detroit`; was hit upon the plans for the Rose was re- ` | $500 for his "share in the murder. [ gave Rose $20, $10 at onetime , and V810 subseq.u_ently`,_to defray ex- and one day started _'_ont with the old lady on what ilfis stated, the son believed would - be her last journey on earth. came to`To- rontowith'M:rs. Brown during Enhibi. , tion week, and secured lodgment for f her with Joseph` Levi, .39 Edward ` street, a former resident of Oollingwood, who knew` the `old "lady. During her stay in Toronto Mrs. Brown did not say anything regarding _the alleged plot. Rose. `declares that while in Coiling- wood he soqnainted several friends with Brown's proposal. It was Mr. W. J- Peok who- induced Rose to make the statement to Crown Attorney Curry, which the agent, after consulting the lawyer, subsequently refused to sign. _ A snows was nnsrncrnn. T The accused is a man of family quite well o`,,and stands well in Calling- wood.` He has resided there 15 years, and is chief remen for the local elec- tric light plant`. Acting upon the copy of a statement furnished him. by Crown Attorney Curry, of Torontd, Crown Attorney Cotter, of Barrie, tele- phoned Chief of Police Fred. Maiden Wednesday to arrestBrown. The officer drove to the waterworks. A little Q IE6" Ooiliuiood mun whb it was :1- leged plotted the life of his aged moth- er, who William Henry Brown, fore} msn of tha Intel-worka of shut plgoe. Thin as Brown was arrested 011 night. It was the A532. - _A.__,_' K-1. I-.I|`. - `.- s'_`-Volvo-vt1'!'wr'-49'S:-vvwp.-s.: AVSEISIIIONK J. nmuann maa" srumlixr. QgA:ruea.y%nighu_eKirke11a, Mani- _.tobs', :V;;.Ttwo~w Italiona-.got into us quarrel; .y1{e9 Vo_n]e dxfqw 1 3-evolve: pnd shot his` 494 We have not advanced the price or our tobneooe. X Amber nnoklnf tobneeo. Bobs. (Janene: and Felt 1' e7..ehew;- inc Iolneeoenrethe eeme else and 13100 to Illa Oonenmerhnefonnnrlv- urge ni- -u-u uxuallllou-I-I10 Iunolor mo radon?)-, [_ P9131; ot snowuhoo tag; to Jnnjury us. nu: nun-Inn !I'0lIA000 co. . .u..." ` lno oxuondod- 0 I MOOALL -MODONA'I;D-.-At Orillia, on Wed- neudny. October 130, l902,Will1am Mo: ` Call,-of Orillia, to Elizabeth McDonald. of Sebrlght. ' ' . T Bnnso-.-M'oDoNALn-Ab Orilliu, on WedneI- duy. October lut.__l902,_ Manuel Bruo,'to Elimhnnh.~-a.nah+......I M. An. 11., Thevpriaoner (denied `having taken ' either whiskey or patio green to the house or of giving it to Mrs. Nichole, though he admitted giving her soda to bring her `around. Bail was con- eented to, one aurety `$800 and his own for $1,600. This he was i unable Jo raise and he wee brought to the county jail here to await the Spring 'MoCARTHY-At 85 Prihce Arthur ovenoe, Toronto, on Wednesday. the lot of Oe- tober, the wife of Leighton McCarthy of } a. daughter. ' - A email crowd of neighbors iyere gathered in front; of the Nichole house shortly after McDonald had been put "out and he remarked, according to the testimony of Frank Brooklea I gave it to her, either to kill her or to cure her. ' The story as brought out by the . Crown was thaton Sunday `McDonald had dinner at N ichol s place, there being present also, Eliza Emsley, a general servant who had been living in Toronto and a boarder, Bert Dunn. Mrs. Nichols swore that she had. gone into another room and when she re- turned McDonald had a bottle of whis- key in _his hand." This was after the husband had left the house to go to the Salvation Army. They were all drink- ing most of the afternoon, but near ve o clock Mrs. Nichols and _McDon- ald were alone in the house. V Then he handed to her a glass of whiskey and she found in the bottom of the glass some paris green} which she did not know she had been drinking. She went into a neighbor's. house and ingthe mean- time the husband returned and Mc- Donald told him his wife hadtaken ' poison. The husband put `McDonald out of the house and when his wife came" back he gave her some milk. She grew worse, however, and they sent for medical aid ` none A too soon. Dr. Harvie arrived between 7 and -8 and used the stomach pump with effect. The woman was dangerously ill for several days. ' B. Tndope. DY. \IVU"Uu" l.IU._1l7UZ, W Elizsbethyzdauchtdr 50'! Mr. _ Alex. Mo-I unllan Uulallg I-_!J`IllRll Donsld`, of Mary.` ' ' charged attempting` 3% " Nichole, a g`ardener a wife, by giving her paria green in a glass of whiekeyon Sunday, Sept. 2lat. The prisoner was committed for trial at the Spring Aaaizea.' The arrest V of Mc Donald was the outcome of the trial on Monday of last week of Mrs.` Nich- ole on a charge of attempting to ani- cide. At the first trial it was evident the accnaed did not know she had been drinking poison, but the Vanepicion of the authorities was awakened and the arrest of `McDonald followed and _on Wedneeday he was charged before Ma- gistrate G. J. Booth with the attempt to murder. He was defended by M. -vane-n` V GREEN IN wmsxm o Crown ' Attorney Cotter was in Orillin lost woek condnoting the_ prose- cution of John A. McDonald, who was. smmotjs cmsem Aauusw AN oam 1;.IATMAN-'WOMAN-DRANK PARIS JThe period specied was two years, so that thepolioy will notlxpire ' until Dec. 2nd, 1902. The terms of the said larv have to do only "with cases where claim is made after the expira- tion of the non-forfeiture` period, the company waiving all rights to premiums and interests ivhen the policy bears olaim byudeath. In other words, in the `event of the `death of Mrs. Brown, the in]! insurance` of 81,500. would have been paid over." o' This prcia, after three run `ayf. .ments;ih'.."ouh;_v-thepolioy go entigzlefl to of the "Htilie hoe foi5feture law, securing insurance from the (late of this policy for the periodbpeoied in the following table, subject to the terms of the skid law. ~ - :ee~ma.mn. in} jforcelor two yjfl after the t_h'i`rd pro?` Ininm hed been peid. The `chase in question reads :-- , . . "-v tug: AnmP11u Munncn; BORN. v __ I. -..__-- by District Secretory Fred Warren, paid an oioisl visitto Georgian Lodge, Penetsng, on Thursday evening, 2nd inst. The oicers worked the third degree to his entire satisfaction. Then those. present to the number of about fty adjourned to the Ounsda House, -Mr. N. M. Squire has disposed of `hismilling business to Walter Knowles, late head miller for the Oakville Mill- ing Co. It is over ten years ago since Mr. Squire located at New Lowell, and as a result of his efforts a successful business has been built up._ In all ma? ters of public interest he was very ac-~ hive. Mr. _Kuowles took over the husiness last week. With the mill he has much ssed Mr. Squire's house in the village. -The death took place on Monday nighteof last week of Mrs. Lucy Oolley, wife of Mr. A. Oolley, of the British Arms Hotel, Goldwater, at the age of 44' years. Although not unexpected the news came suddenly. The deceased had been at St. John's Hospital, To- ronto, for a few weeks where she had undergone an operation. The remains were taken to Goldwater Tuesday night- and were interred in the Goldwater cemetery Thursday afternoon. I _M.. L. c,'miT, `.;...; .;;. of the proprietors -of The Holy City"` 0o`mponv,' which played here" in the epriogghwaa in own lest iveek. They hove 3 new` company and new play The Pilgrim: Dream,pleying at Pena. tang, Midland and other ot the smaller towns.` --A party of 22 men from Meaford, Thbrnbnfysnd ` Collingwood, bound for the_ ahanties` of the Hollhnd Graves Lumber 00.", were in town on Thurs- dsy waiting for the _9-p.m. train. The man in charge Hui " his hands full as men were having afgood time. if 3 GfiTMITH,$ T IUNDERTAKEE , ,r_____ 1.-- ; -_-`Chairman Cowan and. Trustee M.il.ne,e of the Public School Board, presented the certificates at the Central School on: Friday afternoon. Besides short addresses by the Board repreaer-d tatives, a musical program was rendered by the pupils. A d ' -4-The engines `pt the Electric Light Works were overhauled last weekhy Mr.'A1lsn, of te_Polson Iron Works, end I number of repairs made. I`! ' -4-A eonvention of East Simcoe Pro- hibitioniete was held on Tuesday at Orillie to mange a plan` of campeign in the matter of the referendum. _._-,....-...., 7- no vvapuunoav ` 37 of the Home of Refuge, -in enjoying 3 visit in the Nor_th western provinces. V -ivwlll. Boxteriand Martin Moore, of Barrie, were committed to the 'Ho`nee Mo! Refuge last week by Mayor Boys; M --D.D.G.M. vCowan, accompanied ._ 'I'\:..L_:_L DI 0 C-" APRIL 2.1903 JULY- 2. 1903 OCT. 2, I902

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