En. R._ P. V|_V_IAN DRS. HART 6:. HART 7|`-v -_.- A_ FARMERS TRUST. MANUFAUIURES. D. C. MURCHISON. _ ' PHYSICIANS. , BOYS 8: MURCHISON. Barris- .:...... nmvavancers. etc. Success- SUBVEYORS. FINANCIAL. - iMr. VWhitney expressed the belief: that the bye elections would be over before December 1st. He said he was in receipt of scores of letters from men in every district of the` province con toining cheering news of the lovslty nod enthusiasm of the rank and file of the Conservative party and the bright jrospects of success. `I Cfv 0:. u `DUI A DENTAL. umug V Homoeopathist. I .160 Dunlop St. Residence and'0ice. .1 .8-lv ` ` 4 ' Locupns n.:n:.. \ nim-_ and resxdence unuun. 1 4545'- ______________________ COWAN & BROWN._ 5.... nI1tn;lIin2 nrobate OI . said, you can 1-. Thereara poor W` W [zuln'..t V9 ;p sheium. .V-->`.\~ . A V-Bank of Toronto 5-!!! FIDO. -.- VW. A. }3&s, W The bye-etlectioua, Mr. Whitney de- clued, will not result an they did in T 1898, when ballot robbery `was rampant JTHENORTHERN AovANE ..~;x .'fiz1AnnlE - -- ircnlation of any ]a1'9t - ` ganty Twn' . en to have $33 far I I , won 15 Prqv -rnr A paper 1n the harged accord . en are C are makeo Adyeftm `gate Incas ..18.11"" space . --j}' ing to ue inch. TRANSIENT ADVERTISING M .Lea1 lqotolceg, guctlon Sales, Amlrsemem tc.--Firs1; maert_1'on 10 cents per hm, mil gnbge uent insertxon 5 cents per hne. R33 ` g notices, 10105311138 Der line for gm insertion ; 5 cents per lme for each sgbgeqlen` insertion of the sarne matter. All ltemg um der 5 lines, of the character, eharged E 5 `nes, Obituary Poetry 50. per lme. u. U uuua, un unto uuunauuzl, cu`;- \ 1:393. Obitnalfy Poetry per T 'Preferred positions for local advertise. ments in the paper will be sold at an advang. of one~third on abo_ve_r?-tes. 011 no other ac. count will special pompous be given. This mlewill bestrictly earned out. coN'rn.Ac'r cmmcns. Advertisers w_i11 please bear in mind um notice of intentlon to change advertisemem must be handed Into the oice not later than Saturday at 10 o'clock. and the Copy for such change must be m Tm: Anvucn oice not later than 12 o'clock noon _on Monday in my week, otherwise the adyertxsefs announcemem may not be made pubhc untxl the week fol. lowing. n `I0 nhanum: nf Arlvnrtlnemorxrsx annum ... W111 De Uuul gcu. , Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space foreadvertispzg anything outside their own regular busmess. Should they do so transient rates will be charged for such ad. vertisements. gwwwg. - V 12 changes of Adver_t1sements a1_1o_wed pg, year. It more are requlred, composltlon rates will be charged. Ar`nn1vIr;nAI`o will unit LA annwml fr. nan +1...:- Condensed advertisements on first page such as wants of all kinds, lost and found, pmpeny for sale orto rent, specic articles, etc.. etc, must be accompanied with the cash, and m be inserted-hrat insertion 2 cents per word` each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (names, addresses and gures counted as words); but a reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertions .of the same matter exceed four. RBPRBSBN1` `ms Fonnowma Fm: Incusn Commxmsz The Mercantile, now afliaced with The Lon- don 8: Lancashire of England. Secur- ity, $15,000,000. The Waterloo Mutual, of Waterloo, 022:. Tothl assets. $334,083. The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. Our. Total assets, $303,078. Also L1ovd's Plate Glass Insurance Com- pany, of New York. Cash capital. $1_Ic, Cuts for advertisements must In every case be mounted on solid metal hues. M}. J. W. Sc. John, M.L.A., held this Government. was tottering to its: fell,v and had to go. T Bone and his fol- lowers had received fair `notice from the people that they had to quit. ScRoc.G.IE & SW1 ?-1, ' Ancvivne Sun Loan and Savings Company of Ontario. Private funds to ldan on first mortgages. Ac counts collected. &c. nm..- An--p I-Xpnrhu-ann Q `lnrrhunrn qlnrn Rani`! counts oouectea. ac. . . Oice over Henderson,s Hardware Store. Barn: Ont. `The Sydenham Mutual and U1- tawa Fire Insurance Cumuauies. Cognmgnicatxons addressed to the undcr-ig.::d at Barne wul recexvelgrompt attention. l Rate: nn Fawn u-nu-anon; Cram an tn -: rent: (`Cr I DRITIC Wul TXCIVC TOITIDI RUCHLIOU. Rates on Farm roperty from 60 to 75 cen:< per $xo0--1 years. Schools and Churches same Rate. F IIVI1r\(\ /`Ir I11`? HUB. L1lLal\!\ I 9 _ ` , . 7 General Agent for Sxmcoe taunt)`- At Webb`: Hotel. Barrie. everv Saturday. 17-10-9- I II`f&I`& I'` III& ~13` /For Rates and Information apply to 3 )BARRlE, onumo. OUR NATIONAL GAME. Why is Lacrosse our national game ! So few people know the true reason, which liee in the fact that the game we! made by Canadians. In a crude form it was played by the Indiana, but a few whiten, among whom wee the late Dr.- W. George Beers, of - Montreal, adapted the game so that it wan made Inltable for white players. The story of it: rise and growth and the men who havemade it a popular game II told by` two water: in the Segtember'O_anadia_n Magazine. One of the meet interesting v- of the most interesting of the_ many photographs,` in` that of the Dunedin? frame whloh`tonr_ed ,Gr,ea`t name . , ' A lo:l8_83."`t : ~h;~1Ili@3:`.intm# , so , , .`nYIIIVitad to call and see us. Glad ' 5`wu """` II-xuv -uu nu-----'Sts owing. ,'G0t"our yopgu l'st:C .. st` Lo`u n--Do1'?;or:-)c`alvln.r aldollar U9! ygtd M0: tgma bet: `ate: and chars`-` 'w:t,',:no6`: 7._"'.*lI8 Wills. etc. pm` KC 5 ;`:,',,e,,esP*" pun doing business in 1mcO- for consulfation or advice. Barrie. `V; RICE te B 'e Hotel. 45" ENDOWMENT iA%4A'a&'~$U}RANcE POLICIES C 1C 3.711%? 3 ROI] Estate and lnnurance . nncf ALWAYS PRoi>iRoAUs and PROGRESSIVE The" Largest Farmers Insurance-_ Company In the Province. Because the Sun Life Assurance C0mp.`1.".\' has the latgeat premium income of 1?.` Canadian Company for 190:. \iz.. S.._;7-,'.xb.'1 . next Company to us $2.4-,-0.25:: also new business taken and aid for. S1o,S_;4.J~x`i b next Companv to us, 7.078.356. A---A_ Q _A ___ __ Lulcllubuluc 0 . . . .9 ;\`LRlj\'*" A msuna IN THE _spN LIFE trons as during the present session. EVER in its history has the`1`\' ` CELSIOR BUSINE:~S COL-i LEGE had such an attendance. or! given so much satisfaction to ita_P3' 1 4 l Three times has it been necessary ' n ext'ond_ita seating accommodation. Md ' as fast as they can be got ready . ` : the pupils go to situations. 1 . - _ , I _....S.. j pfA:."9?_:l) VV'El`-"(TlVsING RATE3 Among the delegated present were : Dr. J. J. Williams, Pres,` S.v Simone, Lisle; A. Jerry, Crnighuret ; John MoOosh, Orillin ; Thou. Gilrny, `Barrie; W. Kiel. Oreighnret; W. B. Sendeie, Stnyner; Dr. Pulling, T Barrie; Jameq Duff, `M.L.A., Oookatewn. ~ `ICU IIIIPIII `U UV uuunuuun. A complete equipment, a th_0r0b' 1? up-to date-establishment, In "7 . line thorough, practical. satisfact0TY' (lat - 1, - . rt 1\ IV 1? PSVI to attenti (the E. B. C. Circular free for a post card. EXCELSIOR Business college. 33'39 COMMERCIAL CONTB.AC'I` BATES. - ham RIE INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, ac. CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. SCROGGIE &. SMITH. 1 Fear.bf disolosu'ree,`_ AAuc;rev_v Mia; oampbell argued, led the Government to hold on so desperately to oioe. V Wslmmlnlnn 18, } 7 STOCK on MUTUAL, Asae_t.s..._... . . . . . .$u:77';3.o32.o7 Bustnessm Force.$62.4co.ooo.m TotalIncome .$ _';,005.60).o7 - I x_-lvw THOS. GILEXY. fZ.._......I A ....n. f_. n- .D.::..1_..:_., District Agent. Thornton P0. . . 11 abnnno, uoi ONT. 3000 50N 5ooo 900o Get '--Barri6_Fai`r, So!pt. 24-+26. -V -The `b;lId pfnyed C `prbgram ex- cellent %_saleot.iop s_ any _Thuraday night__ hit. Thai dtbiv 's_ larqe crowd :6 "Gore Park ? ` ' .% ' English church. V VLL iuie mini will beheld at ma hunt` to-morn-Vow night under the nuns pics: of .the Woman : Auxiligry of the __"\r_-_ . -.. -J'_._- a.-- -:-Tho cm: of Mr. 'Patriohe'. ouim sgninat the town of Orillu for 8220- 000 will come upibefore Judge Britten at Barrie, 9n Ootober 27. A -The `Barrie Orchestra in making rapid" etridem in popnlnrlty. They have kindly consented to givea few eeleotlona at the Increase olnb emeker,- which will be held early in Ootnbez-.'._. `~ ' '-Mr. E. V A. Boon worked for Mr. Patterson, the druggiat from July 26th to Aug. I'6th,.fcro which the latter had agreed `to pay him $1.50 per -day. There was a dispute as to how much was paid to the plsinti`, who was suing for 816.25 in the Police Court; The Magistrate decided in favor _ of the `plaintiff. ' -A irrit he been isened by M3; Wm. Hevereon, er., egeinet the Town- `mp oi Sunnidele for alleged diverting of water onto his land. Uneteted damages Jere claimed. A. J. F. Sulli- van in noting for the pleinti` ; Lennox, Ardegh,`Cowen &Brown for the town- ship. The case will be tried at the next sitting of the High Court. _ -We received last week an ounce hag of_ Manitoba -No. 1 hard wheat. It was sent with the compliments of the ManitobaTFree Press along with a card advertising not only this enter- prising _Winnipeg paper but also West- ern Canada. The card contains illus- trations of the great growth of the wheat and one of the 50,000 Western" Can- ada farms on which the wheat is grown There are some interesting statistics about the City -of Winnipeg and the West. ' , . -Mrl Roy Thomas recently received. a letter from his uncle, Mr. T. M, Thomas whois out in Dawson Y. T. In it he tells of having unearthed the horns of some mammoth animal. They were found at a depthof 22 feet; they were 4 inches in diameter, measured 3 feet 2 inches in length and were 2 feet 10 inches between the tips. The rings w`ot'J'ld indicate the animalwas 10 or 11 years old, but what the animal was,` or -how long the horns had been there,- -they could not tell. -A damage suit for alleged slander is the outcome of a police court trial at Alliston last week. ` As the result of a practical joke in the hiding of a auger kettle John L. Leech was charged by W. J. Gauley with assault. Mr. H. Lennox. was acting for the defendant and `Mr. Fisher for the plaintil The magistrate ned the defendant $2.00,-and `costs but refused-to bind Leech over to `keep the peace. It is said that this fact and also the question hf witnesses -fees caused some hot words in Court. Leeohiarnow` suing Mr. Gauley and his wife for slander alleaedsto have taken place at the time of theaasanlt. ` ---Mr. Walter Scott has on View in his windowfour excellent pitures.of the Usnsdisn arch at the Coronation oeremonies at London. They` belong to Mr. Scott s sister, Mrs._ H. Rosen- thsl; who returned from the Old Coun- try a few weeks ago. Among other interesting things brought u back is a dinner gong which Mr. Scott has had at his store. The gong is made of e fteen pound shell, supported on `e wooden base by smaller pom-pom shells. It ' was inede, in South Afrios by a soldier and presented to Mrs. Rosenthsl by Major Boss, .D.S.O., who is from the Oensdien Northweetg ` -In the Police Court on Thursday morning Mr. A. E. McLean was the complainant against Mr. Wm; Arm-5 strong, neighbors of each ,other, for damage done to the former : garden `by the latter : "cow. " The former was only in the box as -few min? nteu, '.haai n ora. that the damage alnohnted` about lQ3.50,`_ when trate Roan asked iflhe wonldhe toftsko-.90. , Mr; and no-dill-Mr. _A.rmatrong. ;..The Image ganionntedv m;;.1,mi "2 \ n-- -1' ,'~ `-5 -` .- 2;." 3 \.`;1n'., ereport off` the `Tue-d-y nishtjf Tororiio o i:-'.|!he Farmers AuoHtioi7;" Afterv their organization they " showed that they were eturtinq-V 'o' an e" truly git-eee_i've' body. .On Wedieidey "morn-_ ing at the V adjourned session of the eeeooiution resolutions were adopted pmteeting pgainet the bonus eyetem, end` the preeent `alieeement laws, land taking `for other meaeuree which will secure to the farming community greater protection of its interests. The resolu- tion: referred` to are as follows: "'ReI'olved,' that `tho-granting of pub- lic money _to private . nnd ooypprnte interests in the form of ` banana and bonntieo is nnjuat to the masses of7the people, and nhonld be forthwith discon- tinned.- (2) That owing to the present con ditionof the aeeeaement lave. agricnl ture has been made to_ beer an unequal burden of taxation. We hereby de- clare that our lure ahouldbe so amend- ed that the property of railroads and other public service corporation ehculd be assessed for the same proportion of value. as the property of private pro- perty ownere and taxation thus placed upon a jueter and more equal basis, (3) Resolved. that the association believes it is in the interests of an agricultural country like Canada that there should be the strictest of public regulation of transportation," and that a commission with power to x rates,` with right of speedy appeal to one court, on questions of law'_ only, and not to any political tribunal, should be established without further delay. (4) That this meeting instructs the Exeontiveof the association to help by every available means the passage at the next session at Ottawa of legisla- tion in accordance with the Cowan drainage bill and the original Lancaster cattle-guard bill. a (5) That this meeting enters its most emphatic protest against any in- crease in the tariff. ' (6) Moved by Mr.Haycock, second- ed by Mr. T. F. Henderson, that a committee of the Executive of the Farmers Association be appointed to confer with the committee appointed by the Dominion Grange, with ,a view of securingconcerted action lgtween the two organizations. (7) Moved by G, F. Msrsh,'second- ed by W; K. MscLeod, that a local as- eocnstion or electoral districts be formed in each county ; that the members of the committee of 15 be responsible for the organization of such associations. l'\ ..|- up 99- The Public Lib:-gry In 17 started. at Lefroy has 1~eooived"a:1i`Br1 guns from they lzoyrhnhip oohncil. . `Giant intereialg i-;t-ken3n7~h1- A r-e olw om-e~nm=% Y ' % - yid- V (8) Moved by Mr. I-Iunt, seconded by Mr. Beam, that the meeting of this Association shall be held annually for the election" of officers and the trans- action of other business, and the basis of representation to said t_neeting'ahal1 be determined by the General Com- mittee. That the Executive have power to nuke full arrangement-a_ for the exten- Iion of the organization even to the ex- nt of employing 5' 1-egjnlnr organizer if fo"und_naoesbnrv.'-` ' ` The following members, comprising the Executive Committee, held 9. ses- sion :-William " MoCrimmon, James Sangater, Angus McDonald, J .- L. Wil- son, I). D. Rogers, 0. A. Mallory, L. H; Ann_es,J. Goodfellow, J. W. Hyatt, F. `E. Webster, F. Hunt-, Major Hood, J. F. Beam, A. H. "V on Loon, W. H, .McLeod. `The following resolutions Vwere adopted :- "That meeting: of the Central Ae- eooiation shall be open for attendance by all mexnbere of the "farmer-`e eseooia tions, at vihioh qnph county or riding association shall be` entitled to two rep- resentatives for the transaction of busi- ness, and with authority` to vote and upeek. -4 ' 1 ` A ' .n ca ' .- '1': - '1`hat the president and secretary be authorized to prepare for publication a statement of the origin of the organiza- tion and embodying the resolutions in which its policy is formulated, copies of. the same to be sent to members of the association for dist:-ibntion. ' That the invitetioiz of Messrs. Web- eter, Gqodfellow end Somerville to hold 3 meeting at Stayner at a time to be xed ly the gentlemen Jnlt nsmed, be eooepted. _ j ' m mom when Mr. Borden `announced 30' . _ 37.1.5 I Iulilvali 3.`; c ._ immigration. He_;'sa_id_:`Sir Ialllrier hid i.Bri't_ilh - Columbia, that the views of the Liber- als of _the `West would? prevail with . the Government. Why then had those . views, hostile to Oriental immigration, ~ not been given effect. He knew mauv _ '_iu_ the East did not symphthizs with the . western ideas regarding this question.` ._H'e'_,ventured the opinion that there was no Imperial` consideration which should \ prevail with British Columbia more . than Australia, Tasmania, Natal, etc. The V Natal Act was not disallowed; whv was the British Columbia Act? . The Chinese immigrants in ,British'Ool. nmbia.he believed, were not a permanent _ immigrant because they did not bring _ their families here. The rates at which the Chinese "worked, too, did not a`ord I a fair living wage to the whites in com- petition on the same lines. He thought _ on this question the views of the people of the West should prevail, and, as far as he was able, he would give effect to the views of the provinces as a whole on that question. SILVER WEDDING AT BEETON. _-~Mr.' and Mrs. T. Strangways, Centre street, celebrated the 25th anni- versary of their marriage on Wednesday of this week. Fora quarter of a cen-_ tury Mr. and Mrs. Strangwavs have together faced life s stern realities and can now look back and review the past with pleasure. They have been blessed `with four boysand one girl to brighten life's pathway and lighten their labors. The many handsome and costly gifts received are beautiful expressions of the strong affection which has ever existed between parents and children and be- tween friend and friend. The following members of the family and relatives were present :-D-Mrs. Rogers, Phila- delphia ; Mrs. ,(Dr.) and Miss Gaviller, Grand Valley; Dr. and Mrs. Walter Strangways, Erie, Pa. ; Mrs. and `Miss McMahon, Palgrave; Rev. and. Mrs. B. R. Strangways,.and` Mrs. Strang- ways,.sr., Parry` Sound ; Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Strangwavs, town ; Mrs. Shields, Mono Road; Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson, Palgrave Dr. and Mrs. Phelps, Arthur ; Dr. B. H. Strangways, James- tow a, N.Y., and Mr. F. H. Strsngways, Tottenham. We , join with their many friends in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Strang- wavs not only the pleasure of celebra- ting` the golden anniversary but many added years of usefulness.--World. `Another by-law which in urredu further indebtedness of 85,2 0, was that providing funds for the public school board for. buildings purposes. s".l`his by-luv; provides for the repayment of the emountsnd interest in twenty equal instsflments while that relating to the" W. ind E. L_._ depsrtments`- _ repsynble in thirty unnunl install. ` aims. The debantur_es*`in_ b_oth.osses' , hn_w\eAver,`, been ` pen, `oentt i_nterest.~. The exhibit of miin mid ,vega_t_abloa grown; .in`.9h9_%A.Y!=kn .5119-5 V-trim, -Fe 1' COLLINGWOOD TU SPEND MORE. At the meeting of the Council on Monday evening the zzecessary by-law" authorizing the issuing of debentures to the extent of $10,000 for the ex- tension and improvement of the water and light systems was presented and passed. Before it comes into effect, however, the sanction of the Lieuten- ant-Governor-in-Oonncil has ` to be ob- tained. With the view of appearing before the Government at an early date, the committee have had Superintendent Baseett of the waterworks and electric light departments, prepare a statement of the prospective requirements of V the systems. In this statement, which was scarcely complete on Monday evening, ,Mr. Bassett enumerates a number of extensions to the waterworks mains, which he estimates will coet$6,125,_ while .-he `contemplates expending the `balance of the $10,000, which it is in- tended. to ask for, in improving and extending the electric light system The latter estimate `includes a much needed extension. of -the waterworks station. i When the facts and gures are all in shape and on appointment is ar- ranged, a deputation composed of the Mayor; Mr. Birnie and 'Mr. Gniltoyle, Twill present the documents end the petitions for the required` amount. 9 Ooneervntive lender, for the Rose Gov-V M.L.A.. Wedneid-ref w6k.;bofd%r9i pfthe Ontario Liherni-Conservative An- Joeintion. Mr. J. J. Foy presided. It _ ,, _, gaging. win the =tIi" f"o'T:7o;f_ "A delivered by Mr.?1J.P. t 1 irould be impossible, deelnred the eminent to hold out six inonthe longer. Some three hundred enthusiastic dele-e gntee applauded Mr. Whitney iii ' his ulertion that the Conservative party in ready for the isene. III !IIl' ITTISA. _,- 1 ` LAULI-M-Barristct. Solicitor, Proctor, Notary`. 9[ I . . ;G9nvoyancer, etc.` . Special attention in um probating `walls, obtaining letters or administration and guardaanship, collecting accounts, etc. ` Oices, Ross Block. Barns. Monev to Loan. } McCARTliY._BOYs 8: mum,n.w.., ......_ ten. Sollcatora, Cpnveyancem, Success on to McCarthy,`Pepler & `McCarthy. Oie-McCanhy Block, Dun1op.Stn-eet, Barrie. ` "` - W. A. BOYS B1. In. vnua. -- Notary, etc. Mon Ind Stayner. Bame Building, Owen street, .___________._____., R. J. c". smrru, L.C.P.S., Ont ... (late of Drs. I-larvie 8; Smith, Orillia.) Oice and residence -corner of Owen and Connor streets, Barrie. 23-ly R. W. A. ROSS,_ Phyeiciain. Surgeon, etc., L. R.C.S. Edin,, L.R.C.P., London. Otces and night residenoe-Brown`s . Block, Dunlop street, Barrie? Telephone 71. l.-""11, oonvinoed,"'eaid.Mr. Whitney, that the ` trend of movements and events in so etrongin our iavour that `I was going to say, we can hardly stop it ouraelvee. Of course` I would not go ` to that extreme, but I mean to say that as far at human wisdom and judgment `on go to a reasonable opinion, I believe that our position to-day in practically certain. I tell you to day there never wan Va Britieh Government anywhere no preottoally certain ot dissolution an the prolent Ontario Government, and if" you polled the Miniutere to-day, under oath I believe a majority of them would lay that I told the truth." 11111., _ ,.-3 .L,. 41, 1-11__ Member of the College or rnystclans anu ouqgw... of Ontario. Office and Residence, 18 Owen street. DR. J. ARTHUR ROSS, L.R.C.P. 8: 5.. Edin- burgh; M.F.P. & S., Glasgow, member.of Btitish Upthalmological Society. Specia1w.- Disease: of Eye, Ear, Throat and Note. OFF.lCE.-18 Dunlop Street, Sanders Block, Bar- .:. mmngim Post Oice and Railway Station. R. J. F. Palling. Graduate of Trinity Umversity Toronto, Fellow of Trinity Medical college, Member _of the Cpllege of Physicians and Surgeons _A`l\_oo-un (VH1:-an and Residence. I OF1".lCE.-_18 Uunlop atreet, aanucra mu... ._....- rie, opposite Post Oice Railway Statnon. Phqne 54. P. 0. Box Q6. 7-ly 2-:1-j- R S. BROAD, M. D. C. M., F. T. M. C., L. C. P. 5., 0., late resident Physician and burgeon of '1` oronto General hospital. with special attention to Diseases of Women, and Nose and Throat Work, also for some time surgeon in charge of Emcrgencv Hospital. Toronto. Office and night residence- upstairs in McCarthv Block. 21 Dunlop St., Barrie. second door east of Dougall Bros. furniture warerooms--near F in Points. Phone to . . -zq-iv Hours-u to 1. V -94.9 1...:-.r. ann o., unasgow. SPEClALTY-b`urgery `Midwifery, Diseases of` Skin; Consulting Surgeon. ' OFFICES-La.ne Block. Cor. Dunlop and Mul- caster Sts. _ 5a~ly ' . Telephone :24 London. V bPECIALTY-Disease Of Chest, Stomach, and Nerves; Consulting Physwian. ' Victor A. Hat-t..M.D.. L.R.C.P. and S, Edinboro, L.F.P. and S., Glasgow. SPR(".lAI'.'I`V--Snraerv 'Midwiferv_ Diseases of` '.l.`he position we are in now, hnving tardy justice done no in Lennox, in the Government has a majority of one end one seat vacant. It is a matter of life and death with the Government to oorry North Renfrew. If they do not our? North Renfrew the jig is up with them. But it does not follow that if we lose that constituency we shall be in the same position. ' ' l CTTI In V. on meal nsnate at Lowest rates. Farmers Notes Discounted. Collections made in any rt of the County. Real estate bought and sold. onvey- nncinz in all its branches. Marriage Licenses issued. 0oe-Ross Block. Dunlap street Barrie. A(~l\'- 0 FOR 7 INVESTMENT on good $7 , freehold security at lowest rate of interest. No`-iarincipal money required until end of gej term. . H. STRATHY. Solicitor. Etc.. an-ac. - `J ourvuyurs. _nnnpe1_'s, ntc. usstabhshed in 1852.) Office. Medxcal unldxng. S. E. Cor. Richmond and Bay Sts., Toronto. Telephone, Main 1336. in- struction: left w_itl Strathy Esten, Solicitors.Ban'k of 1oronto Bunldmg, Bame. will be promptly at- tended to. L so-49 rreu J. London. \ D HF! R. E.-L. BRER1i"oN,r5em1 Surgeon. ioifiice over Hambly's Hardware. Entrance, Owen Street. Out of town 1st and 1rd Mondays of each month. . 51-Iva l HE BALL PLANING MILL COMPANY-- nterin . Building and manufacturing of ham-. -..I.. I2:_A.. 1u-..u:__- ,. -~- - - 1 jun nnnu runnluu MILL COMPANY" ntering. Doors, _ h. Blinds. Mouldings, etc. Planin of III kinds done promptly and satisfactorily. ot Blast Drying Kiln. District agency for grained lum- bet Factorv-Baveld Street. Barr-In, pnnnnoe I113 I611 Bax-ne. Ds7tin"ict;-;Een`<:-3;:iv2;`:'-g:$;1 e.d 13:: Factory-Ba.yeld Street, Barne. RODGERS &'GALLlE successors to Geo. Ball I NWIN. MURPHY 3; ESTEN, Ontario Laud .a.. \a`2a`Xi?u.:.:.f`'..:;"3L. Eetan `, `31`P. .?d "1 `Mt. Whitney etuted that the Obn- Iervativee 11878 at least equal ehsnoeu for North Renfrew, and their channels will grow before the bye-election. ' I` The Toronto Evenin/vNewe on Mon- day aaid:-`-Farmeru are moving to pro- tect their interests. A meeting will be held in the Temple Building to-morrow evening to discuss how a farmer : organ- ization can beat -be set on foot. The question has been talked of in the farm- ing community for some time, many pro- minent ruraliata having expressed their opinion that practical steps were neces- aary looking to. the better protection of all interest: affecting the agricultural claesea. ., . -_.......- nu. uupyq uuu uuma 110.. Another rather radical idea of the pro- poned trust is indicated by the foilowing remark of A. Markham. a inner this morning who had` been approached to favor the-scheme. ~ ` V * ' p ._ .Ite .impouihle, he. your never get ghem `together, There are poo e " "'!?|`1,;*'?h.eifIi'm0ri.`-`wa the max I". . .>.V y,.,:,. ? It proposed that the organizetlon shall be `independent of both political par-tieu,'end promote and guard the in- tereete of former: in legislation and otherwise. than the Patron: 01 Industry or Gran- ger: ever were. It is proposed to tight reilwsf? and other big -corporations. Among other branches of work suggested in to control as for as possible the sup- nln nf `ADI-M --- 3-` -` Fred J. um, M.D!. M.R.C.S., Eng.. L.R.C.P., .nndnn. .n.ALYoN. PR1vATE;UNDs TO L051 . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers ntn: ninannunted, (`.nIh-ntinna rnarh. ;n -nu. an. -6` 5x1L*'I:`I:\= -Rdss L.I_..B. Ba ank" of Toronto` 1;". I ...... rrister, Building, B Slicitqi, arrlco --- --------+.a_. ~_-_`._ . '1`. ARNAL M.D.C.M,, oioc in Bothwelfa Block. Allandale. :31: the prqmises at night. 43' Y ,, I II' do not believe, and some `may thiulsthat I am rash, but a prophet is always rash, unless, of course, he is an. inspired one, which I am pct, I do not believe they will unseat one of our men who have been elected. I am bound to p say that if they do not succeed at all it V will be to the `extent of only one. On the other hand, I believe we will unseat one or two 0! their men.` I am prepared to say, and Mr. Bristol is here to con-` rm what I say, I believe that in every case we take to the courts we will succeed in. `I do not belief that we will bring a petition to court that will fail. Very well, now, with the public `opinion in the condition it is--if it is in the condition it seems `to`me,= and I am 11111 of condence on this point-we c can go to the country and carry all the bye-elections, We need only to carry one or two to turn this Government` out.