Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 21 Aug 1902, p. 5

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|:l"a.Ines `V'a.ir {BUTTER--There is more "damand for 1 lb. prints and rolls of good butter. We Willgfe `same prices for prints and rolls. lc lb. less for crocks and pails. 4EGGS-Eggs are easier i-n price, but we still pay same price for fresh Eggs. CHICKENS-l-Chickens should be marketed now. There is a good demand now, and this will lastuntil the end of the tourist season, which will be onlv two or three weeks long~ er, and the price will drop. Bring them in now. Although small, you will nd a ready sale. ` ` ' Fruit Specials for the Week ooo Extra ne CALIFORNIA BARTLETT PEARS, per doze 3 CALIFORNIA PEACHES, per-doz . - ' CALIFORNIA YELLOW `EGG PLUMS, per doz. WATERMELONS, weighing 35 and 40 lbs., only / West half otLot number 3: in the 6:01: concession of Vee l'I containing too acres. 80 acres cf which are cl . These are upon said lot 1 Dwelling Henge, V 1 Frame Barn and Frame.Stab1e attached thereto. A.lso`a Orchank upon said lol: and ring creek "um am through ? Land is chv loam. or terms ly to Anne awn-1'. 1.-faizhuret P.O. or the u ' nhmnd Mu: Jdhn W. Fleming, of Viotdria, Awhileggmantod, killed her 21-year-old fdsngh TP`o[q`rl`witli.u'u _sxe_'.- ` 7 Rear Admits! muglu, jyith 3Ie'vten British `warships, has "mind `at St. jiohnf- 29" Bring in your Prp_d_u_ce on%Wednesday and Thursday in PW" `" "'.""-" ' `.'*";-..l en carriages and were everywhere. loudly cheered" `by the crowds Semmed, `A number of Bo_ers who; served during the war formed a.`gua.rd. of honor for the Generals. ' T Down in: `touched; _' The genemls also a,tt.en-ded the pro- 2 Boer exhibition, which is b0ing'hel'd` here. Responding to the We. c9me.i` they received at the exhibition build- ;.... ram. hmvnf in a vninn hrnluwi ` , ` ThBoprGm:.1.,1;oth..%Dmt ma `Delnrey, were` reuivad by the King on the royal` ,y"u_:lgt gt _Cow.eI._ _ ` Tho:iei},]3ih6p 0! Kevatin, Rev. J60. Lofthouuo. D;'D..~" Iroonoeorstod in Holy Trinity 0l;urch,._ innipog. ' JAMESVAIR, I0 IAM signed = =~V;&IIQ,' VICKERS & CO. =.- OOCOOOOOC0000OOCOOOOCOOOOOOQOOOOCOOCOO I _ in aIiles'a"I1d`I.:onera1`enl9n.:_ement of out wondertnlly grdwitig business are now. undot? V way, `and ivhz`_1t`\isi,e: 6fa,1_l`snh1por1gdqda-`going at a sacrice. Onr purchases for the fall trade are dailv arriving and placed on F` b the mment .xey.entai~ theIut0t8- . .S"l`EWA RT`&"STEWA:R.'l`. 28-35 V 9 Splicitors, :3 Owen Street. CLEARING GOODS TO BE DELIVERED AT STOREEWEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY. Nnwnxusss eqons INBLACK AND conons \ V4 `NEW!-`ALL wusrmes IN sruc AND FLANNEL EFFECTS ` ' NEW HOSIERY. NECKWEAR; ETC : : : : : Inuy lCUL7JV\/\A_ puv vauv y....-~.v.-.. .,\....u- | mg, Gen. Dewet, in 9. voice broken; with emotion. said: All those w-h oor- I ganizcd this exhibition of art and-in-ii dustry have contributed Atoi the growth of the nations. We South Africans were on the road to.devl- opment of art and industry, but gur` legs were cut from under us; consen- Vguntly we need {help and support to rise again. It is for that very=pur- pose that we have come to Europe, and we are gu1hei'ed for the honiorsi shown and the help given us by the Dutch. 1 . SPECIALA IN COLORED SUITINGS The first instalment` of our fall purchase just arrived." Fine Cravenette in fawns and greys is all the rage, We guarantee every garment to be absolutely shower- proof, and. the cuts are the latest New York fashions. Beautiful designs in ne French, Flannels that are de- cidedly new; stylish and attractive, selected person- ally from -the finest of imported novelties. The colorinqs are charming and are much admired and sought after by women of taste. A specially inter- esting design is in plain colors with border of beauti- fully combined shades for trimming; 2} yards makes theblouse; at peryard...'. .,.. .. 60c Many others in spots, fancy stripes. and oral designs, at 40c, 50c`, and 60c. ; 20 patterns in beautiful cotton goods with artistic pat- terns in the most becoming shades, all good washing materials, same width as annels. . . . . .1250 and 15c Fan gnu: new FALL/VIAISTINGS Y a war tr 74T.TTTTTT'TTT RS 8.` co. \ LADIES RAIIIGOATS . NEW BLACK SUITINGS Gives Highest Prices for Produce only One` Man Out of One Hundred" and`! Thirty Escaped. I Washington, 1).C., `Aug . 720.e- The 8 Navy Departxnent has received., in- formation cmlcerning the explosion which completely Wrecked the Chinese ' cruiser Kui-L`l1ih on June _22 last, while the ship was lying at her Sta.- tion of N-.u1~King. The explosion o'c,- cuxwed at 12.3;'; p.111. The Vvesel was ' `blown to pieces and all of the officers. and men, about 130, were lost, With the t-xrrcptioxx of :1 Seaman, Wno was piclml up sI.ig'h11y wounded. The czuIso,- of the explosion could not be asm,-1'taine(l' definitely, `but it was helien-fl` that either .the careless hand- ling` of ammlmitinn or the _want of care in using lights in or near the mag-uzixac was zicc0unta.b1e for it,` And our prices `for Groceries arethe lowest, quality considered. % OOOOOQOOOOOOOOO 44 INCH FINE ALL WO0.L AMAZON COSTUME CLOTH that is thoroughly shrunk \ 5 ' and unspotable, and warranted to retain its ebcutivehniah `no matter what the wear, in shades of_ light grey, Amid-grey, dark grey; vieux rose bxowhunavy, royal, and ' ` green; v_e_ry,-spcial value at_; . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750 " |_|_i g];-[1333 1 X h V MAGNIFIGENT SILKS FINE OKNVASAWVEAVE VSUITING, 45 igches wide,'all pm wdol, good weight, regular 950. sell `at. -. .. ...... . . . .... ..75c FINIIALL WOOL HO MESPUN. 51 inches wlde, wear guaran- _ teed, worth 31.00, yell at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .; . . . . . . . . . . . .75c FINE ALL VENETIAN, 45 inches wide, lovely soft` .nish,af>ecml v`a1ue.A.....:......' . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ..75c mm v1cUNA_st_{1T1NG;52 inghes wide, gopd weight. to . make; up witl1onl;lining...... . . . . . . .$l.00 FINE QHEVIOTASUITING, 44 inches, shrunk and ppspotable 1.00 Largest Melons ever brotgght to town. IMUNICIPALITY or 'rH:1'owN- ; ' SHIP or (mo, in THE c_:ouN1'v ` - or smncoz D . ' None: is hereby 33., a... 1 have transmitted }' or delivered to none mentioned in sec`- .a.... n ...a .. .. -nun N'l`A`llIo vnvrnnxs 1.1 or ueuverea no ma non menmonea m sec- tions 8 and of Tnlf NTAIIIO V0'l'EB8 LISTS _ the _ tequited by n_aidTuectionsto {solo transnutted or vexed ol the hat. mad: ur- . `-5 J4 oqznllnl-`nfall naannn nnnnnII:na'I-nu QB. nab -nouq gt rdam, A8- ry nd Botlm, the} Boeri,TQg;{qrg1,;: 1 d th.,i,- party landed, here 3" ning. Wre *8!` ` day moxiielcome by the municifb flfgffies and representative: - o! L4 Bony associations. Many ladies hips in the harbor d1played_ glass. The party p'dd"*"'9I'~th9[ Hague ' % n--- Shin 1:! tin: II. '~ ets to the Generals wivea..'1`he}.` t ' -: 1 I 3 .y."'.a Assessment R of ?the ' to bcentitled to vote in the said Municiptlity at | oh-um G-u-mmnhnrrnf than 1'49-inlhtive Anaanhlv and I ' neenuueu to vote In In: luau uunlupnty at nuan- tiono for mennherrof the ' `ve Assembly and at Municipal `EIQCIIOQI; an that the said list was rstpoqtedup at nwoce, at Ru . on Wedges- day. the 6th dav of August, 1009,31: remains there for impaction. . ' _ Electon are called uppn to examine the said list and. if any omisgbnn cg" any othet_cnvots are foun thenino Ilka inntnpdnte ` up to have the aid arroncoriagted ` gieohw. _ " 1; _.. ' ; `.1-`i_ A ' . . ) - 3333!? Cs; 1 .. ;;;.;;_D_uto;q1pRuxby of}u__znst. 1903... I , a_.g.pc."`;\pp1y, Dr.-gens, 322'." versus LIST I902 `ManyVoth'srs of `equal value All lines of Summer Hose, Muslins, and Dimities at Clear-out price, regardless of their cost or worth. ' ' A This offer is good for 4 days only. ' Our This Corset is deservedly popnlar. Tlie quality of the. material, the individual style and durability of this favored corset have gained for this store increased condence of the ladies for selling the best corset ever placed on sale at the price. 17 dozen in double woven net. worth 75c at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50c This season ' noted for the sntity of Neck Ribbons worn. ' re abreast of t times i bowing h a complete range of" nattv effects for men's ck- wear as to please the varied fancies." Prices 12b0, 150, up to 50c. new HEALTH coassrs "Prince of Wales Bearl vBim' 'OouIpIAl'IT!'- jinjoyecl tho Balls-t.'. . . Lrmdon, Aug. 20.-The Shah "-01; .Persiz1, who reached London,M'ondi;y as the g`UL`St. of King Edward, was. entt.-rtainod last night at the'Empire Music Hall. He went to the hall in a curri-age, uccoxupanied by the Prince Of Wales, and escorted by a. detach- ment of the Household Cavalry. The Shah was rt-coivdd with loud cheers when he (4x1te1'(l the building and he a ppzu'c-nt.ly enjoyed [the ballet, the anilnututl pictures and the other at- tractions 0fTer`cd. M \7......_..),, .- 1-1: . collectton of Blouse Silks surpasses anything ever shown in town. The popular designs, exceptional qualities, and the values all show the result of care- lul selection. The variety is matchless, no two blouse patterns alike. The lengths are 35, 3%. and 4 yards. and the prices range from 400 to $1.45 per yard. NEW NECK RIBBONS THEkGROCER. I ' A.`_-mIoo.oo:onV.nV-- `III .-1731032407 L . Business an Force. 2.4oo.ooo.oo Total Income . . . .' .3 3,095,666.07 TNSURE IN `THE SUN LIFE For Ratpland Infotmation applyto gt Bouldc:-fol" immediately west of the Cdllegiato `Institute. xo. moms, Peas; hot air, furnace and nllmodcm conveniences; rent verv low" to a satisfact- & THAT commo'd'nous brick residence known H9gy.tega:4c. _Agp1y.tg_s'1fxA'r1_iY as nsrnxgigoga. ALWAYS pnosprsnous and PROGRESSIVE - Beans`: the Sun Lnfe Assurance Company has the large premium income of any Canadinn Company for xgoz, viz., 32,57-M87; t next Comnanir to us Sa.4':6.au: Canadian Company $2,577. 8-}; Compact` $3,476,251; also any business taken and 1d for. $10,834,298; next Compauv to 03. 7-o78.3s6- . A...A. CA- -_-4 r- ` nmsnus on TO BE tn. . gullv "" . : ' `h. l.`uQ--6."; DOW.` .`" M, gmouon In uuklugju ` P'o_BgQ|' I-ixhlbvltiol. . 7.. erdam, 19-"'1.)..`f'.`.'v_v. ggttand ' Boer _ Ggngrp,lg,_54i ad landed hr AYGGWI`-`. morning. They ~8i_.'_;I9z_<.vA.-A-._;;,; s`~`-_.; 9?3 ,,v welcome municifaal` 811$-it-4 39.59 '7 BI- 'J".4LL, `A Agent. Thornton P.0..- 15 cents and 20 cents - 10 cents - 50 each 20 cents -- uxnnulln UIIUK U(l, ' \ the Shah gave a.- rec`eP* tinn to the ]l1t`I11b0I`S of the Cabinet and the forvign cliplonlats in London and during the afternoon he to0k a.1 long drive, ` n.` 11-`! cal` , _ __-- L1-.. no-at lrlnllfnd 80 say III '0' Ila stntbcncnjt-lop:-tL;_j ; . Acoordod tho Boar" Gdho_qh`j . }'(3St(-`_r :aIUVVI|UU Ill MIUCB .5'vl'I'o V f H-gcrsville, was drowned 01! Hume ilton Point in Luke EI`ie`Monda.y. I103: ,- "We a horse in to drink, e.r`i'(l'_eLb0\1F7 hundred yards out both disa.iJp ea;r'-"? [ Before help could be given was drowned. The horse :lW_,O!!_|;.`;_' 'S .`1`e. Dec-cased was `a popular young man, and a memberLo1j`0pq_`O1'-`r the Canadian contingents. '. L I o----. as ." .A.."|1' a`,Y,'*, Hamilton. Aug. 20.-I-Ienry?KVeen9o` ~.~-.. uu\J\lL \hJ UK` ~lU years ()1 USU, found (loud in his room in the" ..usl'uy. House. It is clearly `a case f}`_"10 by gaS- as there w.a's no oc-. "~-8'01} tg use the gas, there beingian ".""" light in the room. which was Q]0!ng ul1`night.. The man` is 5 tpafva-L but 11 is not as yet knoWnVWh a,3t.; It _ `*1? Fevresuntazd. In ve_ ;or six l"~*1F'3-`V _In a book and on the inside of-_ m'(`f::`VSl)}_Iwr. he `wrote 121 Stuart 8} [\l11: Ston 1s_my home.- :; `which `d that he had premedita.ted;t.ha "1511 act. ., GI uxperor am rince Frede members of _ troops of W} --vruu urullI'u to ao 1Inu`_. 'QU`bc, A 2 ..a F . Anamed Rousggu,` oi!) y " ..~S instantly. killed i)!1_A`: , , I. W .0bacco Con1pe_u;y s_ `V5 1 ,- -...awv pail, L . Vgas instantly killd 1` Botha at No Dlstifb. WARSHIP isLuw.\' `!`0 91808:. "In es a,uu Icy: vavuvavqvvn V; 1 Ltions. pmehtedw zts Generags wivee._.'1`he;Ij in dlspl-ayede ,_thelr,1 proceeded ~.~tq..t,h`g 3; ., sum .41 3IUIC_.HALL_. ~ Ho.-ud Cl`llMI.Pd I0: --v -,. w .\.` emory ut Kaiser : . _ .1 our side of tho. VII. Drowned in Luke izrlg vs l\4l'\ Iv 1.111585-Ll, 'uuu rU9"'V` ' the royal 'fau_1ify?. which she W:1s*~co1`oi_l3:1.`{:` " J_ V. no \-|ll $4.1] jelly'. ._ "employee, Vivho -dug holes` in which they immersed themselves in water .up to their necks), `while they handl- `ed. the hose-. in short shifts. .The buildings or the Wilcox and Bla._ckv `Bock mines were obliterated. C1 1 .Q00- `I-`ire iwiluanvu-. . Ottawa, Aug. 20.-At 11 o'clock yest,en'de.y morning re broke out in the works of the Sills. Eddy Mica. Company. and spread to the adjoin- premiees of Romain Poulin. tin- `emith, and Brady 8: I-Is.rris,~ under- tB.kBl`_ The hlnnl} -nL:..l.. .l_ ----~J Renewal of touting" the `Two is I .".=9`-T ` V ' Washington. Aug. 20.-It is admit-`c ted at the State Department` that there is "a renewal oi. tension between the United States and Turkey, but i the officials do not deem it prudent" L to disclose the present "condition, of ; aairs. I They say; however, that the _ condition is `in no way grave, but is at that strained character which has occurred from time to time with Tur- key in recent years`. It is gathered 1 _ that the present tension grows out \ ' of the longspending claims of the Am- I ericans who sufiered loss during: the T `Armenian outbreak. To some ex- ` tent the Stone abduction added cause ;for irritation. The American Minis: ter, Mr. Lieshmnn, has been given wide latitude to deal with the situa- Ition as circumstances may demand. I There is thefullest condence on the ;part of the authorities here in the {course being pursued by the Minis.- 4' an i .U1u Ida: Dnim_ Rucnod by I Bravo. ` Phllndolphlnu. ' 3 ` Atlantic City, N.J., Aug. 20.-One ' of the most exciting rescues of "the l season was made, yesterday by Jas. ` A. Tisdale. a prominent young man `at Philadelphia. Mr. Tisdale was walking along` the beach in the morn- 3 ing between _,theLhours of 12 and 1 _ o'clock when he heard a faint cry, and. looking out on the water, saw ' `aryoung lady `in distress. The fair . .one was Miss Edna. Dunn of ~I`oron-' ' , A to, Can. . ` "l`}1-qr`.-nln Inngtlvnnnt-` I-A Inn!` nirin nv\.. willlvllg Cull takers. The block. which is owned by Messrs. ,\W. D. Morris and Macla.r.- en' wan {damaged to the extent of 86,000; About $5,000'da.mages was- 'sus_to.ine'd, by the tenants. JCLDU llasanu Lav .uII-Vancvinuw, ..V.... .......I Royal Muskoka Hotel, saying` that ` J a.ne Shaw, a. nurse"girl in his fam-. ily, was drowned there yesterday. She and her Vparents live in Hamil-.' ton, and Mi`. Carscallen will leave: this .morning to bring` the `remains ` home. ` T ' UV, vat: . V Tisdale hastened to her side. ar- riving in time to save her -going down the second time. Although the undertow was very strong. Mr. Tis- dale succeeded in bringing the fair damsel: to shore. On` reaching land he was applaudedxfor hisebra.v.e_ act., . Juno Shaw, a Nurse in Family of lion:-y 1 ` Caucallen, the Vintlxn. 4 4 Toronto, Aug. 20.-'-Henry .Carsca.l-3` len, M.-P.P., who is staying at the `; ; Queen's Hotel, geceived a telegram" ; last night from Morivus; - near the j `n,.....1 1ur....1...1... 1.I..+nI 4.1,... Toronto, Aug. 20,-The. doctors at ' St. Michael's Hospital were summo'n- ` ed at 10 o'clock` last night. to the ` basement of No. 2 Bond streenwheref they found Mrs. Ellen Clarke, wifeof . Thomas Clarke, contractor, suffering! ` from carbolic acid poisoning. The I stomach pump Was. used and emetics ' administered, but the woman failed. to rally under the treatment-. T She . died about 11 o'clock. Deceased was 57 years of age. - All the circum-, stances .01 the case point to suicide. '_ Mrs. Clarke, it is understood, had. been drinking heavily for the "past A __ _ -.--luu IJUUII up clan... ` two weeks. ~ Athens, Aug. , 20. and McMachens, near ied bdlic acid. _ She ha. a. to she 4--Je-r;x:ie Baillie, English girl, Lyndhurst. commit- day .b_v.,taking ca.r- ' d told some friends W. days before ending her we tifat "was-tii-ed `of living;_ . f ' v. 1 , Y_ vsuicide ,on Sun Vienna, Aug. 20.-A newspaper at . Cracow, G-alicia, publishes a.'report% that the Czar of Russia `found on his ' `dealt a missive from a revolutionary i committee threatening him with 1 death unless he * conceded constitu- utional government. to Russia. The g Czar, according to the;Cracow news- paper. was greatly; alarmed. v Goroddihidy I Bnll. I Athena, Aug. 20.-'.1`he' death of J nines Donnell) . 9. prominent farmer. at Seely's Ba-Y. occurred Monday as the result of injuries received` by be- `ing attacked by a. bull on his farm Friday. His back was badly injur- ed and limbs pamalyz/`ed. He would have. been killednoutright at the time, , bllt for the arrival of a, `neighbor. : Drownm} nu n-gogr .3........... Saline. Karin, or-rep'h 'An % . 3 .19.;-mgr! 'drowneg1' his tour A\ . R6xgr,1'rooupuq_u, ; . I New 'IY<:>'rk, Aug. 20.-L-"I`h`e M.tho- d {s*"Mfss{on I3 oa.`t`Hhas' receivd` by 5 mail a. number of reports from _,its 4 agents in China. concerningxhe re- cent local uprisings ( there. ` X77 }'*~' " 7 .v Iiohthn In `xornadg. F GanaFr1n..iNIVbx."Aux; 2 :sersp%s~:wvera::-kn:~ it-`.3 ..__.___.7.----- 1-m`nnen_. = 'l'0B0!l:!`0 axuL.1~umnLt `LOST. na.un'.'ros' Gnu. Dnowxiusn. vxoup nag a.xn`-ruuxxx. orgy;-ova` `ink ,, The Claw Threatened. V A Toronto suicida- aha: 7 mixgr '1':-onblqq. an in-II. L i-s 3- qhigdron. Q. A\;L'2Q.--1"our ;_.ill 9.} _.-torngglo `_ in _ n I ll Ion at charged with Altos!- - In: Legs and `timber. . _ Qttawa, _Aug. 29.-Detective Robil-i _1&!'d"of the Ottawa`. police force i made, ` important "arrest yesterday, and,` ,. if he proves the chargehe has laid, `the lumbermen will be" ridof a. source q_t_ loss. . The man arrested was J ean' - Baptiste Giroux of Lefebre,,-a. hamlet =on,the Ontario shore of the -Ottawa. 9 Rlxer. 9PP.0sit.egM_onte. Bello. .,He-is ;, charged with `defacing, a,ppropria.t_ing',; ' gt concealing a.nd`stea.ling saw-logs. For 3 years saw-108,3. have been stolen be-- : longing to - the Hawkesbury Lumber I Company, the Gilmour Lumber Com-.-.. gpany and from a smaller rm ._a.t- :Monte Belle. Besides, the freight ' sheds and stlorehouses at MonterBello Ihave been entered, -and the loss in 1 goods hassttotaglled many hundreds of 4 dollars.. Suspicious rested on par- ties in Lefebre, and at the request o'f., I the Attorney-General of 0ntario,_,Ro- ;billard was sent to investigate. He secreted himself in the village, and; a his investigations led to the arrest ,' of, Giroux. The alleged thief was not . in the village, but returned on Sat- . urday. `Ila nbnvv (Ivan `\i\{n` an `In London, Aug`. 20,-A bye-election ' , for a, successor to William Johnston, ; formerly Conservative- _ member of Parliament for the south division of Belfast, who died Ju1y.17,. has` re- sulted in the `selection of Mr. l`_hom- us Sloan, the [nominee of the Pro- ` 3 testant .Association. with 9, me,j`orit_y W.- of 826 votes over Mr, Charles Dun'bf1r.Buller, the unionist candi- da.t-e._ ` `Ll - Tnln unfnn In: H On`-7; oh: utnnnilrcu-I ;Amn;xamJwn11mm %"c;,..r.`. sous; gnu` a.wei to - ? Fight For-Posmon. Violence the .'I'nnuul will 1 l 1 Iain. om t_lie.IelnI|IdtIe Residue { E`."...o'. an Funds-Ir. wanna-an. jun ` . ` Boorjlologutd. will Endeavor so Dh- nr. Loyd: of the stove: or Slush: cheques.` _ 9 ` London, ,* Aug, 20.-lI`he correspon- ` dentzo'f<'1`he Daily-Mail at The Hague 1 telegraphs. he is informed that at the F approaching meeting betweeii General ; Bethe. and his colleagues and former ; President` Kruger, the latter will for- mally abdicate his position as Atri- ` kander chief, a.n.d,he.nd over the reins i and the residue of minds to Gen. Bo- ? the and Gen. Dewet and Messrs. 7 Fischer and Wolmarans, who were i formerly Boer delegates. Mr Wnlmnrnnu nnnnndxnn 4. 4|... \rInnl\4ll`y aauvn uvncau. `Mr. Wolmarans, according 1-.vo. the Vcorrespon'_ient's information, will Len- decgvor to_ dispossess Dr. Leyds, the European a.gen't of the Boers, of t power of signing cheques, ,. r Thnuvn nun nl-3.. 4.-n...... .._-._ `Li... ;-v"v- Us Slllllla yucquca, There are also lrumdrs, says "the correspondent of The Daily Mail, of` an impending struggle for supremacy sbetween Gen. Botha. and Gen. Dewet. 1uu.,y. . His` stay was brief, as he skipped to the Quebec shore and took the .0. P_.R.o for Ottawa. Robil1ar d_did like- wise, and got, urace of his man yes- ter'da.y,p placing him under arrest, to `await the arrival of the sheri and % officers from L Original. Joseph Bel-` anger, owner of a small mill at Le- febre, was also arrested in connec- __:;n, ;t._ .'1.--._.,.. 1_..4. ........ ....In.-.n -I \Jb-Jirrnn Gov- Uul-\-Una u. uses .n.a v: :5...- owner smail also tion With the charge, but was_re1eas- ed on his own recognizance to appear for trial. . `He is alleged to `have shared the `prots of the thefts, and to have sewn the stolen logs in his 1 I 7: Fr Ottawa, Aug. 20.-James Booth 0!. `Bell street, cousin `of Mr. J .' R. Booth, was seriously and probably fatally injured yesterday. .He_ is a foreman. for J .. R. Booth and was " overseeing the carrying of wheel-ban rows of small stone used in concrete work `when a. big derrick struck him : and . hurled him-over the edge of the I g-scaolding. He fell 35 feet_intO a. 1 i concrete paved hole below.` pun: uuu. The selection of Mr. Sloan has no bearing on . the question of home rule. It rather indicates a serious split in the Orange rank`s and dis- satisfaction with the Government's policy. Mr. Dunbar Buller was the omcial unionist candidate. Mr. Sloan was the independent unionist candi- date, representing the tenants inter- ests, and his election proves that the ` Government's policy in regard to the Irish landiquestion is driving a. large Section of `the Ulster iinionists into ` _ _..-u. y urvvv-van revolt. . -Vienna, Aug. 20.--Emperor Franz .vJoseph yesterday celebrated his 72nd ebirthday. Festivities in celebration of the So.veI;eigu's natal day are be-r ing held throughout Austria. and I-Iunga.ry,. _The program` includes the review of 30,000 troops `at Vienna. .All persons. in the Empire imprison- '.ed for.1ese4mujeste, numbering, 210 iin all. have been epardoned. , Au 6` the Well -xxuwf. `-I-hn"K'Stn1` _ Commercial I&'ot&e!-`:'AIoI1)`t1\`.`t(),A. of ,tt1e .here early 3'este'x-a{ 5,,. 15: MML. died Iborn at Str `ti `.m1ng. He was `there ab " an 0m "1 1338. `leavin [. _`_l_t'-"O Fears ago.; `g ggwinqjpeg, Aug. '20,.---An Enp;li_sh-._ named `W; H. Newman _a.1;11c3st." 4 ceded in comllliif-ti`118' Suicigl on 50 V -`the {arm of `Richard Rudd,` near : Qra.ud.l1, Man., by hanging to a\ba.rn Imuth Belfast Election Tukon an Blow to Balfour Government; ! ,Lond__or\1, Aug. 20. - R. W. Bro. : Lindsay Mackersyr of Edinburgh. re ; gxfesbiitative jromv jthe _ Masonic '_Gr_fand - uIla\`V-- Mr- Johnston had twice reeived pluralities of 2,600 andupward in the South division of Belfast, and he was three times returned without op-. ' position. VIVHA nn`nn`:nv\ I\` Inna t` u.L11r ni Lmnusn. 391.11` uw '-bur, ozuxmc PARTY. Alma 3. ,B`uIifad:llli`;'~aIf; lflnpormf 7`? _'.Yoan old. him! `at: II8;!'I7S. Man. Fall 85 Inc. ` H9, ue, Aug. 20.-'1\"p'v."II5li't"`_.7" :"i'n_ {-`j ceglyn was accorded the [Boer mls on their arrive) here yesterday, from Rotterdam. Gen. eE.Vt9l' `i!Alg_`b9a.:' speech, paid a tribute to their heroic`. deeds, Gen. Bethe replied, e;;pr_ j__ sing the appl'eclati0l`l of the Boer: o ue`,-5 at the $varmth_ of their Arecep-;q; tion, and referr1n`g.to-the `console;-_f: tion hich it had been ttrthem to; kno that while they fought _theip;. and children were being sup-`-E ported by Dutch generosity. The V time, added Gen. Bothan had notoyet arrived to make public all they knxyf V1 but probably at no _dist}`ntvdate,vV-}i they would publish their account 01* the war. The visitors were escorted` in procession through the town in op--_ % -_ ...m-inm-s and were evervwhax-e`

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