Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 21 Aug 1902, p. 2

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._.._____________________`________..._} G. A. RADENHURST, Barrister, Attorney. 0 Solicitor in Chancery. Conveyance:-, etc. Umco-Fint door Owen street, over Bank ot Com- .s. O A K . `9`& -`-na Rarrin. U us: I us - u Solicitors in High Court of` Juc.i Nata Convgyancen. Uces over the Bank_ 01 Bame. . Money in sums of $2,000 and upwards, t "'-- -- .. ,,,__ urn ` G H M. M. CAMPBELL, Barri N tary tc. M t loan. and Sta:'ner.' e Barnen3i::e-Bu Building, Owen street, R. W. A. ROSS, Physician, Surgeon, etc., L. _ R.C.S. Eding. L.R.C.P., London. Otees and mght residence--Brown ; Block, Dunlap stxeet, Barrie. Te1ephonc77.., Toronto, Fellow or Innnty meaxcal wucgc, Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Oioe and Residence, 18 Owen street. DR. J. ARTHUR ROSS, L.R.C.P. & 5.. Edin- burgh; M.F.P. & S., Glasgow, member of British Opthalmological Society. specialty.- Duoasen `of Eye, Ear, Throat and Note. OF FICE.-`q8 Dunlopstreet, Sanders Block, Bar- :-iA_ nnnnnite Pnt Olce RCHWBV Station. UE1'1L:1s.-q5 Uunlopbtreet, cancers nnocx, nu- rie. opposite Post Oloe and Railway Phone 54. P. O. Box 96. My Hours-n to r. 7 to 8; pas. HART 4 HART Fred I. Hart, M.D...M.R.C.S., Eng., L.R.C.P., London. SPECIALTY--Diseases Of Chest, Stomach, and Nerves; Consulting Physician. ~ K01` .1 . am: Do, KHBSEOWQ . l SPECIALTY-Surgery Mndwifery, Diseases of I Skin; Cqnsulting Surgeon. - .:."::?_'i;i:'?.v-Stephen: Burma, who has ill in the RV. Hojptal, gg. A B!*4'%L"=;*!['evY!*=se;w 1.4).,"-l"_.`._`;;`AI_`-L , g -Q . '.\ ' f` WWI) `I -I -UGIUI, stumps; , _ .- Conveyance:-, etc. Special attention in ..&'a_.vzI.Iea .=s9,cL.n-rcbatinz. obtaieiat .1ttI' 0* Vadmnmtnnonand-gnu-dnnuhnp, oohectuig acounts, " "3--- D.--' Illnnb Ran-no. MOIICV 30 L033. > I1 __.n.-1-mu ' R. J. F. Palling, Graduate of Trinity Umversity Toronto, Fellow of Trinity Medical College, M....1-....- nf the (`nllenvn of Phvsicians Surgeons l Victor A. Hart. M. D., L. R.C.P. and S, Edinboro, L.F.P. and S., Glasgow.` SPECIA LTY --Snraerv Mw:prv. Diana GAR nl-' RTRATHY & ESTENl.3 3 52-ly Rjdss` L.L.B. Banister, sotiJx7,i Bank-,of l`oronio Building, Ban-ie, - BR. R`. P. VIVIAN Homoeonathist. ---, V--- , [ wson & cRzsw1cxE`.ubma.:m, Solid; 0 ton of the Sn rem: Court of Judicature atario. Procton, `ovaries, Conveyance:-s, etc. may loan. Offices--Rosa Block, Barrie. ` 9 ll Pnnaunl. am RICHARD. PAST AND Pxmsinnr. During the dark day or opposition Sir Richard Cartwright said: i:`w.'s. puxfron, Banister, bolicitor Nouiiy -n............`.-.._ arc. Monav to Loan. atjowpst i`W3%-.~_PL_Ax:1fON, Barrister, aoucuor noun; 4;Conv`oyIn'eeI`. etc. Monev at lowest. x. " qai9o=Mccanhy Block, south side Dunlap It, Barrio. _ A 27-53 uv 4...... .. . T. ARNALL, M.D.C.M,, oiee in Bothwelfa Block, Allandale. On the premises at night. 43-Iv (`an Irann on-or etc. SDCCII 135' run m4vna1mu;N1` on good freehold security at lowest rate of Nolfrincipal money required until`cnd of I. ' . H. STRA'1`HY. Solicitor, Em, MANUFAOTUBES. K 3 no J. an. _ . B? `:"'o . . of J ustxce, Notanes Pubhc, I. of Toronto, "i-'c>a"'s'A'i.'i:." _-Buniu_m. S nag: nag. AFB For-my own part I do not hesitate to tell.him7that I consider an expendi- ture of forty million dollars or thirty Ilght million dollars, altogether too large for the present resources of Cana- da. I say that it is a disgrace and shame to the government that have been trusted with our affairs that they come down to us and ask for an ex. penditure of $38,300,000 a year for `federai purposes. Sir, the thing is utterly .unjustiable. IMO -\n C SUBVEYOIIS. D. C. Muncmson. FOR INVESTMENT ire:-hnld ant-In-itu at l.u-..L _. 1-v _.._... . FINANCIAL. DENTAL. usx, I 4s-ly- , Bu-n'e. Monev - :60 Duhlop St. Residence and Oic. 8-lv . - The Times announces a. large and Important induetriel` exhibition to be held at Johannesburg. The Committee of Arrangements for. the exhibition in- cludes Lord Strathoonn, Sir Robert Herbert, Albert Hollit, Alfred Jones Ind many other prominent men. There T will else be representative: of. India on the oommittee. The exhibition into elnbrnoe mining and ngrioultunl Ineohinemnll motive powere,tremw_eye, `end industrial of even description, Ail! nndloienneewill the be lented. It" will be the lei-gent-_'ofd' exhibition the world huf~ever,peen. T I311. UWCCI-D'arIIv -Bank of Toronto 5-ly Telephone :24 stoloan 3&5 |%'?GwN LOTS . % "V; ;.-':`_'.r.' v . A - iiibptn `J. 0 UL VER WELDS Hanrcutting and Shavlng Parlor OPPOSITE BARBIE HOTEL. BARBIE- A and Scissors ground and set on ahorl notloo. . 21155 7 _, 30!! Rotate and Insurance A80 G'?T7r I-robe-ty on our list; costs oatm- ..M9ncv to La... - ' - st` ;u6`:` mm but. .323 ta:?1":i::r:}S:Il1:rv:::.d 333$ t no > W `cc. 1: tes . ""k:.'a.a.;.r..:;...;::::;.=:o.? :1. .10?` II:lt,`I&c l see us. _ Glad to see Y0- Eo _ `Mill! . nora _v:ce. .' 3,3 12.'e..{:'.?2.."& .?!` 3" "`~" B"".w , . to have '5 ! I , ' 1)rOV3_n Paper In the vA1.zOE `gen 01 an) 4 01113513 I ed accordi 3';.....ty :`;::%e on , ,_ . ' Mm te 111 4; ~ A(1}7 lines 953 ng to e inch. An&1':i1e Sun Loan and Savings Company of Ontario. and Mn, 'Rbt. Cunning`-lmn, Wufminuer, vioitgd friends here Private funds to loan on first mortgages. Ac counts collected. &c. nl-F. nunr `lg-`A--can as I-'n....I...-._- Cu`-.. 12.-.`- v -* -4 W" 17r'i6s'."5f}xv. ` General Agent for Simcoe County. At Webb's Hotel. Barrie. every Saturday. 27-30-p. "T 'Preferred- positions for local advertise. ments in the pa.per_ will be sold at an advance of one-third on V above rates, on no other ac. count will special positions be given, This rule will be strictly carried out. CONTRACT CHANGES. ` Adverticers will please bear in mind than `notice of intention to change advertisement; must be handed into the oice not later than Satuzdaynt 10 o'clock, and the copy for such change must be in T11]: ADVANCE office not later yhan 12 o'clock noon on Monday in any week, otherwise the advertiser s announcemeng may not be made public until the week fol. lowing. I0 nhonuna nf Ativnrhnnrnanv-n ..H.....,.1 lUWlI.I6o 12 changes of Adverttsements allowed per year. It more are required compositi t will be charged. " A:`11nr;ani-n 1|-1:1` nnf `.1: n`1nvrm1 L . ....- u . WLIL UV ULIGI gcuo Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advertismq anything outside thei, own regular business. Should they do 3. transient rates will be charged for such ad. vertisements. l Condensed advertisements on tirst page such as wants of all kinds, lost and found, property for sale or to rent, specic articles, etc.. etc, must be accompanied with the cash, and wi be inserted--hrst insertion 2 cents per word, each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (names, addresses and gures counted as words); but a. reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of A the same matter exceed four. Cuts for advertisements must in every case be mounted on solid metal bases. REPRESENT `ma Fouowma Fm; Issvmxa n Commmss: The Mercantile. now afliated with The Lon- _don 8: Lancashire of England. Secur- ity, $15,000,000. The Waterloo Mutual, of Water1oo.Ont. Tothl assets, $334,083. '1`heVEconomica.1 Mutual. of Berlin, Ont. Total assets, $303,078. Also Lloyd's Plate Glass Insurance Com- pany, Of NOW York. Cash Capital, 5250, 000. UUIIDIS collected. dc. Oice over Hendex-son,s Hardware Store, Barn: Ont. SCHOGGIE & SMITH. ya I \I\Il\ \lrI IIIU I \.Il"||., 'The Sydeniham Mutuai and [It- tawa Fire |l_IS'.d|108 Bomnames. EDITORIAL NOTES. The decision of the Ontario Depart- ment of Education to take Latln out of the curriculum meets withgboth ap- proval and disapproval. It in to he hoped now this move has been made that the Intern of teaching French and German will be revised. Under the present eye- ternapupil wastes time in attempting the ltudy of Modern Languages. If a bettereyatem cannot be found the best thing to do would be to let these lan- guage: go out with Latin. Darn: wul receive romp: attention. .i Rates on Farm roperty from 60 to 75 cent: per v$x'oo-1 years. Schools and Churches same Rate. n X|D.o\1n .-.-- _ .-- -_-_-~.__.._ - _._ . --nil Al)1*` Lgil Notices,_ {suction Sales, Amusem. etc`.-_-First ..insert_1on 10 cents per ne subsequent msemon 5 cents per line, ' `Dna.-Hun nnnnn I non!-u um. I:_ , Gems per nne. 1.10 0 1160 we guns! `,5 per line for rs! V -. foes 10 ? hsub lent We g.,:wr hzstiztwzu ii19.:.g:: :)f the 9;-luswcligracterp Ch ina V . Vof t 1111939 der 5 rged Is_6 line. . Poem 59 per , - -ob1tll1'Y 11n68- . The Largest Farmers Insurance Company in the Province. Communications addressed to the undersigned at Barrie will receive rompt attention. .Rates on Farm nnnnrh: F-nm An In -p nan: FF? S-39sa Wont Baldwin Stree 8' Lots 17 'd7l 1 LOII 19 2; 3; 49 5' `nd ' ...l:.`- `u. ~.`.nrn-pun J. T P.- mg` 1...`. 4 - _ I all % column . ' 56 ;olumn.. x column. .. .c9'nMnncn1.. cbmmcr 11A'1`gs_ A short` time ago," Sir Richard, with a vision -of his expected occupancy of Government House, Toronto, clouding his recollections of the past, `and J. Israei '.l.`arte s axe suspended above his head, excused the Government thus; I ask the hon. gentleman, does he consider that the people of Canada, are any poorer with the addition of this $5,000,000 for the purposes I have en- umerated, or, do anyeot the hon. gentle- |nen's friends contend that the people of Canada are any poorer on that account, or that it should be fairly counted-ale a part of the taxation to be held against III, in stating as he did the fact that we" Ipent $50,000,00 a year as against.$40,- 000,000 spent by our predecessors 'l- INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, dv.C. BARRIE CONDENSED ADVIIRTISEMENTS. STO\CK OR MUTUAL, 'f 21, 1902 L ,_,mstENT ADVERTISING F33? SALE. ALLAN DALE. ONT. It iiffrely ndjimstilg % iroughout thg 6on'iity Ihseiijshq 'will lose North Gzoy. , i vh6`n'avei,: ' ih bye-election to ll the vndnoy- created by Dr. Harley : death, is hold. ' V T % .Mr.` Wil,lium JohnIl O.n'1i,Ia.juot ro- :9\_I_lfl|Qd' iron; I ghroe weeks? visit" iuqnfa Ajat`*Pihbnrs%%. R-V; ;I-%vms:1v-so%oa:~i-nu. "' ':""`I "D..'n....,,m;e:.;;.a;.;.;`...o .1. hnnda, who the Vetrongeetv men in: th., riding and oi: the general elections of 1900 he was only elected by 5 small. majority over Olm. Gordon; who type not the etrongeet men by any means that the .()oneervativ_ee oould_.- put up. At that it cost; the party 5 lob of money and innutnberoble promises to hold the Now-`that Horsey is dead, -the Liberals do not "know ,where_ they are going to get a candidate as popular and table enough man to vanquish` one of the strong men that the "Tories have at hand to 'plaoe in the `eld. ."A. G, MaoKay; always considered the big man in the Liberal party, is` not 'avail- able, as his attention will be kept pivot- ed on the Proivnoial seat for some time to come, andeven were he to run for the Dominion House he would prove weaker than many of the men who have never been eonsidered as strong loan- didates in the past. mun Eithu Ford hold hep.-V 16:11` burgh. duy prey on Moudny, v_hen"ll_ the ions peobldvf thoTv`llI-i9T5nd%A Lvi-. oiwrwerepre-ent- V % % ] m53'Rev. H. v. Th_onipuo`n,Vof sum. ty Buy, conducted the ponies at St. Johns lu Sunday. _ N!)-. Joagph snitch. of Unsung; and daughter, `visited his sinner, Ou- truudgr.-"Ou smrdof. ' L - - ` A survey lot. the political situation in North Grey at `the present moment leads an unbiased person A to _ conclude that the Liberals will lose both the Provincial and Dominion Beats. `The Tories are condent that M_6:6Kay will be unseated and are already betting that Boyd will defeat theformerl Coun- ty -Crown Attorney. in a bye-election by a hundred majority. A "W. S. Middleboro, barrIster,- and a former mayor `of .Owen`Sound, G. I. Thomson, hardware merohantand also a former mayor and Chas Gordon, the candidate in 1900,` stand to the front amongst the Conservatives mentioned in connection with the Dominion nom: ination. .1. iluterj Miy, Aof Middleto, it. iho guest of his grandfather`-, Mr. W. Hod- `Mini L. Williams visited her aunt, Mu. Geo. Goddardmn the 2nd`lina of Moi, last week. ' Tu}, June: Odes, of malua, was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. D. ` E. Very few of either party entioipete (nearly bye-election, and many factors may enter the campaign for the -party `nomination in the meantime that would change the entire complexion of ahlre. --From the Toronto Telegram. , e ORAIGHURST. Cot.m.M. Kxnn. Correspondent. The Rev; W. Archbold held anniver- aary services at Warsaw last Sunday. Benjamin Allen,Division Court clerk here, wants to be the Liberal standard bearer. back in the eighties he was the leader of the party in this riding. He represented the riding in the House of Oommonsfrom 1883 to 1887. He was defeated by ttv, majority in the lat- ter vear by J as. Masson, now judge at Goderich. Mr. Allen isavleading Meth odist and a strong advocate of .temper- ance, and has a big. following in the "town and county. Hewould have lots of nancial backing were he to contest theeeeat. It is conceded that the strong-_ est man the party possesses in North Grey is W. P.` Telford, private banker but he is not likely to break up his extensive business]:-elations for political life. a ~ ` I"! Some Liberale dwell with much con- dence on the name of John Macdonald, of Chataworth, prominent in county affairs for years, onoe active in military oirolee, and a wealthy man, as well, but Mr. Maodonald, who in in poor health, is now inEngland, and is not likely to allow himself to be a candidate for the nomination. ' l l 1 J. Hutton, an Irish-Catholic, barrister, is said to be willing to enter ght. He is a partner of A..G. ,Mac- Kay, and is weli-known in the riding. ]~11;T *1!-*} 5 t:t,%.No *'!i'mmd= ._'ocl'A; , . '.A. .*. .". .~`, '. .; .3700 00 Emuiac at -.B}ouutteet`incl1idI all Initti. T'! .I A in HtiW'WF Aindoaie-uasJ Jo`: A A LA.-"*9'*9'~ f=*hiv; -w%b~ %4iu-ed:thw-t` ---Bsyold gg:oe.,onlver`t;.f ,.. I0 00 V of n o rlo 0:0`: 0 I o :0 o nun`; Foot bridge in pnk. . .*. - 25 oo p|.pp3nii`?strgg VI5 foo I_t-0:6 at:-,Hb_apitql;. ..; 5 ',00 Cloning ohsnnola ... l.".; ; 75 00 hgviug been ma n`nd__ oohrmed, the `following oommmxiqniomf. raid`. and refgirred to rqnpodtivg oom- mitteeu. ` - ' The Board: of Health reported.l_;evihg their etteotion qalled to'_antI overow of water ihto the Poet Oioe cellar, "said to `due toithe breakage, of, the drain through the Poet Oioe gran: plot.` It is not a desirable condition of thingetbut there appears to be a di- yided authority in the trnatter be tw.ee'n the town and Federal Government. L ? At th"o=Ipeoi'sl mbe6tin:3?;{iI:f4fI\l'Ie' Uopunoiyheld on Tu6Idoy_,A-nigllivt` of la; all mbmbers were . James Dougal, Sr., wrote as folio rs`: --If- the walls of the culvert on Thomp- son St. are not rebuilt ofsuicient strength to hold the street back from a cave-in and should_th`e_said culvert at any time be washed into my, place, I shall certainly enter suit for damages. P.S. Before placing this on record have the chairman of the Pnhlicwcrks Department place his" signature as I understand the Department are pro- fessed culvert builders; Mrs. Anna Hinds, through her solici- tors, Lennox, Ardagh, , Oowan and Brown; complained `that the town ser- vants and workmen had `excavated and undermined her property and [besides destroying "the fences surrounding it, had otherwise seriously `damaged the property and the roadwav leading to and surrounding it. The complainant` asked that the excavating be discon- tinued and the fence and property re- stored. ' A I G. _A. Radenhurt, Eaq., adfieed the Council in the matter of whetherthe town was liable for damages by the ood to the post oice plOt.' He thought it was not liable. T A t and of [QTueen4 u__A County "Clerk Fletcher enoloaed a copy of the"By-law to designate High- ways asking if the Council favored a Oountyi Road System and approved of the road` within the township, an des- ignated. 4 Among the accounts passed were that of J. G. Scott $197.82, chiey for sewer pipe; livery hire $7 .50 and Tele- phone 00. $2;l5. ` ENGINEER GAvILLER s Rnrorrr. - The report of Engineer Gaviller was presented in which he recommended the cleaning out of the channel of the Sophia street creek drainage and the building of new culverts and bridges. As to the advisability of placing the work under the Drainage Act, I cannot nd _says Mr. Gaviller that the origi-_- nal work was so done. In this case greatdelay would be caused by prellmi-, nary proceedure ;-MI conaiderthat from this delay and the comparatively small proportion of assessment that would be received from private parties, it would- not at the preaenttime be `advisable to so carry on the repairs.` If after the present repairs, the whole work was placed under theDraIuage~ Act, future maintenance; would `he better provided for byan` assessment dividing the cost amongst private owneradand the Oct-- nor-`ions ? A ~ *.n.u` - --. Bridge gt - Rouv _ gnb '1_\.`oro;;t,o: Secretary Marr, of the Public School Board, wrote saying that he had written to the `Board ofomgnissiouers asking that the water main be extended to the `East Ward School. The Department had repliedthatthey had no funds for extensions but would extend the main to the - East Ward School, provided payment for the same was secured. The School Board asked the Council to consider this matter and at as early 9. date as possible make -sorne provision whereby the main would be extended and when done the school was prepared to. pay for water `consumed for school pllrpoe. r . . j Th} %m1me.`o:~eheT .;.;;:,;.;:A%;ma.g. A The eutimateb bf Vth\e_ cost are as fol`- mamas fgnvmon. (1 . 3.` ~~ '_*' - .00 ` V . nun. 8I'1.`UA;'.l'!QN., '5 Bynnnder" write: in the `Week-3'f. mm 3 nap--- --.. L- Ian. I.....; -4 ............l_ .`.;`.s14oo oo I _V 'akull.pf I dozen Iddiinn have been due anon Andmr. MoAdun q . tum. um. A:-kon. Lsmbton-T~Gounty,: ind im some ot: _tlmh~ stove holuzthut .1;-moa evidsnelyvu npouure~ono`nu;-., - : A ` .~ ` J? '5. `-\,; I, , % 5". 1.` .. _,,..,, m.-9, ` ca%"% ; gamitgeot1ho addi:3;ex;cp( the pbnionqilI:5|`8i?9 312- f v, `privnib `pmpbrty 6761* which le` OonI{oi1- have no`oontrol. nu . .1 _ c1-_L:- ` mg --`:1, ` `:-32.. ` -, . I , 0 ' 1: V. -`E if? `. -". :".;,`, _, ~-an ~ The beginning of 3 new serial by J. M. Barrie ie an event in . the world of letters. Tll0'LiWl9 Wh_ite`_Bix.-d. in '5 moot deliglitly 1encifnl_ tale of an. old olnb'Abeol_1elorf,.yyoung married couple and goharmiagilieele boy. e L Alt of the pnthoi and oaaaemuoy whioly choreo- terize, Barrie .`*.hi-g`ht,.3wiu ab ffonnd .`.;'l`1',i:`l,.9," .')T-"`."`l`.4i"5 rm mlewde eii:7ft:lii$?J!`o,|l ImtIiibp`:-'-an Wh_nt5she mam. ig;;_,'9fl`e ,_Litle Swhfulianiz .2; ;ni1{_,bag `__- __.`.,-..- _.-_..- 2.:-can oc-ug`-.Is_c:o' f':.l1oi' 1ov} 9: A e`. THE AUGUST SCRIBNER S. The Fiction Number of Scribner s Magazine isa remarkable issuein the eminence of its authors, the absorbing interest of their contributions andvthe richness of the illustrations; To have Rudyard Kipling, J. M. Barrie. F. Hopkinson Smith, Richard` Harding Davis, Edith Wharton and qQuiller-T Conch contributors to a single ooy "of a magizine is unprecedented. `In addi- tion some of the cleverest _. among the younger writers are represented-.-Miss Josephine Dodge Daskham, Mrs.` An- drfe.is,iSiewell Ford and Arthur `Rubi. IIUVC III! KIIIUIUIO Vair--Powell -- That the Sophia ,oIgtqI_Ii1_j.hg'iJe._boilir'.gndf yea dona u provided b;fReper`e -m.;`1;a:`ne.eaderd Works ind that the. work` be[..done. uodexf tlie guppviaion of ..tho road` over-4 seats by doy labor also tha a oorponter be engaged to eeeieu -in building the bridges. O .I . Q Q , `. L]__ `?9 TE9l"?9Vn'iP?0P* 3?91'P`* SUMMER HOTEL FOR ORILLIA. ` 'l`he Times. says: ~ The prospects of the erection of -a large up-to-date hotel in Orillia before next season are very bright, although the project has not yet taken denite shape. Local capitalists are considering its possibilities as a protable invest- ment, -and it is probable a joint stock company will be formed. The propo- sition .is to erect a tourist and com- mercial hotel, with accommodation for at least two hundred guests. An avail- able site in the North Ward can be secured, and the building would be so constructed that the larger `part of it would be closed during the winter, when the commercial trade only would require attention.- It is undoubtedlv true that Without additional accommo- dation, Orillia has about reached its limit as a resort for tourists. Nature has done much for the town, the citi- zens must do the rest, and they evident ly will belargely the `gainers. Resolved, that in on-rvink out the regisirs to th Sqphis St. drain spplica-. tion he n_:s`de byths Clerk to "private owners to carry` out the suggestions of the Engiheer as to removal of V bbstruc. tions sud improvsmn of gtiis jdrsin running throhgh private property. .[5rinr...:vG""!Pv-t e of shim deem thst, its s'dvhntsgA'e'{ lies. .- in ghting out the bottle in thselecticn enurtsfsnd` in such `bye-`elections us may -. `IOIIIIIO. But general policy seems to - point _-the other way. Strong as con-` in the judiciary is, itwill be severely strained when the judges vir- thslly have to decide not only on the vnlidity of the elections, but on the fate `nlithe Government. `The strongest ' temptations will obviouslybe held out tointrigue snd corruption ; and after .sll, not the legitimste vote, but the long purse and legal technicalities "may prevail. The best course surely, so far ssgeneral policy is concerned, and the most obvious. would be an immediste . Ineeting of the Legislature for the special purpose of taking a decisive vote, sitter which the House might be sdjourned. Upon the vote the Gov- ernment would decide whether it should continue to hold office with the present support of the House, or resign and nppesl sgsin to the country. , Another election without a meeting of the Legis- lature can hardly be seriously proposed. It would be forbidden not only by policy, but by procedure. A Parlia- ment must be organized before it_ can be dissolved. "MISCELLANEOUS 1w1`.1fJ3ss._ V. - -A bny-law. was authorizing a new oensus to be taken. This wae_done in compliance with a request of John Wright, of Allaudale, who believes that the` census will show the town is entit- to_ twelve hotel licenses. '\Mr. Wright is to pay the expense of taking the cen-. sus. Resol_ved,that' the Board of Works be authorized to make an? repairs to the fence and property belonging to Mrs. Anna Hinds on Eooles street rendered ` necessary! by the rexuoval of IVIIIIUIX IIUIEDUDKV U] IIIJU IUIIIUVUI U1 I earth from that street end that the Inspector be diiected to place the usual notice 61-bidding the removal of any gravel, and or clay from that street. T MoLean--Vair-'l`hn`t the communi- cdtion from G. A. Radenhm-at re re- pairato drain in Post Ofce plot be left with the Mayor and Clerk to deal with.--Carried V" Resolved, that in dangerous defects in -sidewalks and streets be repaired without delay and that the Board of Works Committee be authorized to in- crease the staff of workmen and labor- ers for that purpose if necessary. ' Molleen--'Brennan -That the Fire Hall in Word No. 6. begraneed to the organized bend et`A1landale, it satis- factory apjrengemencs with the Firemen min be made'.-Oan-ied. ' I The Contiil than adjomjned. _~_.__ ',__, , V -- wvww vV"'I.I -.(5;rr;then_,hu . triod: \fr6m~: 13?! .`~`l",%h.?" %-"`'=`11"';'%; Q"`*.-u A 1? NWIN. MURPH_Y 8: ESTEN, Ontario Land Surveyors. _En pegs, Etc. (Established in 185:. Oice. Medical mldxng, S. E. Cog. Richmond and av bts., '.l:oronbo. Telephone, Ma:_n 1336. In- structions left w_1th_'Stt`athy Est_en, Solxcitors.Bank of '1oronto Bunldxng, -Barrie. wxll be promptly at- tended to. 50-49 A Dominion Piano. nearly new, and R: - mood Sewing Machine. nearly new. Apply at Tl-I `ADVANCE OFFICE. ' :6-ft r Serge. George Armstrong. whose next of kin um dust. Mu-y'o, Ont., died of enter-i`c in sooth Africa. AA`?! .v 0 At Har.b:or, Arthur Duboy, St:-out. Ban-10., 1 HE BALL PLANIN . Buildin II- -"S`.`.`."`.` . G. MILL CQMPANY-- f_!| of [ ynn nnuu rLANlNUr MILL .l. Cargenterin Building` and manufacturing Doori, huh. B Mouldingh. etc. Planin of All kinds clone promptly and natisfactorily. ot Blast Drying Kiln. Dutrict agency for ' edlum- ber Factory-Bayeld Streeaelzarrie. EODGERS & GALLIE successors to . Ball. _, _,_ , ....- LENHOX, `_A.RDA_G1'_!_,_C,OWA. & BRUWN._ - ~ " ` _Iel'8, bolnciton for ' obtaining probate of gynardignshin and administration. and General bolncatom; Not arie8.*Convoyuncen, etc. H.Auan'rogI Lumox, .. Aux. Oowm, B_..H9LmI;p Amman, = G. E. I.Bxov_vN, L.'L.B :' Hinds Black. No. 6. Dunlap street, Bar- ranch Oices--Lennox & Ardagh, Gravenhizrst; Lenndx, Ardagh, Cowan & Brown, Creemore and .,Ai`F-' '. % -. 35-lv. QIONEY T0 LOANAT 4% AND 5 PER CENT. be little hopa ,ot pyeranad;-4 In a political party `or gAovern__ment' to -lo:-ago an apparent advantage, and the -1 f\,a___- ...-_. H S. BROAD, M. D. C. M., F. T. M. C., L.` C. P. S., 0., late resident Physician and Surgeon or Toronto General Hospital, with special attention to Diseases of Women, ana. Nose and Throat. Work, also tor some time surgeon xn charge of Emergencv Hospital. Toronto ' Olce and night residence- upstairs in McCarthy Block, 21 Dunlop St., Barrie. second` door east of Dougall Bros. furmture wa.rerooms-near Five Points. Phone Io . so-ly O H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers' Notes Diszounted. Collections madein any of the County. "Real estate bought `and sold. _ nvey- ancing "in all its branches. Marriage License: issued. Oce-.-Ross` Bloclk. Dunlop street Barrie. AK` V. ~ mun Aun l Eb. Qnn :- mow-vi v- -v..._. C. E. Hnwsou R. J. c. SMITH, L.c.P.s., Ont... (late of Drs. Harvie 8; Smith, Orillia.) Oice and residence -corner of ' Owen and Colher streets, Barrie. 23-ly 0F.FICES-La:;e Block. Cor. Dunlop and Mul- castcr Sts. , -.._lu "|`-J--|---- ~ ~ - DR. E. L. BRERETON. Dental` Surgeon. Ofce 7 over Ha.mbly's Hardware. - Entrance, Owen Street. Out of town 1st and 1rd Mondays of each month. . 51-Iv. _. ' ' GCARTHY, BOYS 8: MURCI-IISON. Ban-is ten. Solicitors, Conveyancens. etc. Succegs on to McCarthy, Pepler & McCarthy. Oioe-McCn:-thy Block, Dumop Street. Barrie. ` '*-`- - W. A. Bovs V---v --._-_._V J. A. MCCAR-nnr,. , n Mr. R. A. LJJQJQ, of mania, 1. . vllitlug hi: sister, Mrs. Ju, Leunox. ..-.eMcuu. J . -Mclonnon und-.:.T.+ Ban-V S_up qj-V vitlV1`_-friends In

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