L) VV 4.`; -5` W1 Commrcial P .or collected. aper and F`'`| | notes diounted sAv1Nqs_BANK nmummm ` `I---.4] ___ _ 16 lo" ; BARBIE, COUNTY or ~sIMoojE, ,oN`iAR1o, AUGUST 14,..19o2. 1'3 qoadngnon. man mm` aaunonms. i : - A ' R_`6fej1\n ob` wuv nude in most 7'of tho` ,ohuro_hqI on Sands? to the oox_-outing of the KingVundVQuoon and in some mm spoon! mum-wu'rcndcrod. - V At the Baptist Church, at the V ovening urvloo, Rev. D; B Hsrknoll preached in Ipeoioi qormon from 11 Kings 11:12 :1 "And he brought forth tho King : Ion, Ind put ` the oroin upon him. `and guys him the` bioti- mony; Ind -they mud; him King, and an- IIl|:lI.QI. `I`KIO ant` blunt! nlnnnn lunin Rang`-v WKII Hull ECU`. -II] 1HII ; an e - a. e r sn ' a'3'i'ld"i`u{"""a'u'ia y`o1` dthi 1?` ail sndesid God sue the xm.?3- He mn'cie"the nppllostion to the `present coronstion-s_nd gesked the con egation to ioin in concluding the service wit the nstionel Anthem`. Misc Msisie Booth, s tslented member oi ;-the' Jervis Street Bo tist Church. song a. solo thst was well rece'i ved`bv the congregation, References were made at both services the Collier Street Methodist Church to the coronntion. the ennouncement .bein mode" of the successful performnnce of t e cere- mony. Lerge congregations were present among whom were noticed s. number of sum- mer visitors who were delighted` with the I exoelienoeof the singing us well esthst of 1 the sermon by Rev. -J.- J. Redditt. The 1 pastor : subject in the evening wee. The de- ` stroying angel in E t," the second of s series o the moment lo night scenes of the scriptnreo. Next Sunday evening the third of this eeries will be given. f'.l'he choir sang an Qrrnnu gunning-up Va Lkgf. stunt` in ink: VI VIII. IUIVIUU WIII U KIVUIII ` LIIU UIIVII III! on.-Sundey evening. `_`Ye that etend in the house of the Lord.-. and a. beautiful solo wee rendered bv Mrs. Leidmen, My Redeemer \ and My Lord. V . A . - ; The St.`Geo'rge s Society, Sons` of Eng- land and Orange Order attended a s ial service at Qirist Church in -honor o the Coronation of King Edward VII., on Sun- da morning. -The rector, Rev. Walter W tten, before preaching his sermon wel- comed his brother Englishmen and 0ranPe- men to-whom he paid tribute for their loyalty. It was an especial privilege to welcome to the church a body of men whose principles were so closely allied to their own and whose obiect was to maintain the "Protestant Faith and the British Con- nection throughout the world. - "I welcome you said Mr.'Witten my brethren who carry with you to the remotest corners of the earth, those sturdy truths and lofty ideals, which have made Britain great and now are making all countries better and' happier where the British race bears sway- aud are the foundation of that Empire. 1 which. under God's Hand, shall one day rule the world for its own advantage, and for the honor and glory of God. a The sermon was based on I Samuel 1:: 24: "See ye him who the Lord hath chosen. that there is none like him among all the -nu..--`In ! an-ul n" ALA canon-u -Ivanul-nr` ant` - W v `Two doors East of Barrio Hpol, Dunlap: -L 4.. sai , God save the King . IIIIDI. IIIIUIIU ID uvuv luau uasu canvass nu vssv peo led? and all the people shoutod. and I 'l Three thousand years ago the Jewish people had chosen "them a King and when the prophet Samuel brought Saul forth and presented to them their first monarch. that shout went up,` which gave expression to their loyaltvand allegiance and which we still use to express our loyalty and devotion to our reigning monarch. Mr. Witten described the sim~ plicity of this first ceremony as compared` with the gorgeous tunptions and barbaric s lendour which attended the coronation of ' ins: Solomogadd the la ter Kings of Judah and Israel. `-`Very different is the position and condition `of the monarch who reigns over us and whose corontation has just taken place,--he represents a limited monarchy and is virtually the head of a `great repub- lic.-the greatest and the truest republic in the whole world.-the British Empire. 'I"LnL' .........xA.s-..o -an :-Innislr rhinhs `sun `quill-. THE EIBEMAN FINISHED FIRST.` ' On Civic Holiday a woll-known" reman watohallengod by a Commercial Travfellor toa half- mile foot. race. * The but was one of Simmono but hub. The toman won in a oloafniall and'_tho travolie:-_ thought it was up to him to pay that dollar: humank- ilvho lound a hat to tho reman : satisfac- tion tor $1.50. It happen: this week Mr. Simmonl In making big reductions `anti everyone-in gutting snap: in who moIt~aoyli_ah `aqlin ll VII II`! I luuvslu nsunu Lvuyvuuv vu;;- oooole, or form of anatomical dluplaom menu, In den ding whgn and where to take troutmont. do not for I: thanho record: of J. Y. Ban, 0 acid b` of _1`o1-onto. 311017 the Ioonor 91' tel nine-conch!`-.01 I11 can mm go as him for I care." Hahn been visiting our gqorlodloolly tor, our 1 03.3 IntP.:Ind- `vim; 5 f:d`_.',yj.: mm IIIIU WIIUIU VVUl'Il.*I|I.IU Ullsllaa azulyaavn That magnicent naqeant which has juet taken place in London, with its maieetie pomp Ind mediaval aoceeeoriea, does not indicate any return to Arnediaeval darkness and cuetome nor is it in any aenee out of keeping with` the ideas and inltitutione which prevail in this enlightened twentieth century. But, on the contrary, it has been a wonderful object lesson teaching ue. and ehowing to the world, in every detail of that elaborately ritnalietic ceremony, the original foundation and the sublime ideae upon which our monarchy in built. lI\L_IV-..-_..L8-.. a-A-~ gal... .' 4-an-In -atla---1 Wllluu VIII Illvuulvlly II yunlv. The Coronation was also a. great national demonstration and mark the [accession of a eoverei n, rich in experience. endowed with -greets" ility and equipped with all Kingly virtues and above all with a. great and ten- der heart, which he: endeared him to his `subjects and bespoke rtheir unewerving loyalty and "devotion. D- Mn lirtnnh nnrmnn was an nvnnllnnl-. 7' lIIUUUlUD\I.' LIED J.` uunuvlu. A baseball matclrwas played, on one side were six members of the` old "Ractlera'_ . W. New p.. Frank Thompson 0.. (Ottawa), 0. `T. Lyon lat b., G. Caldwell 2nd b., R. H. Thomas 3rd b. ,` and`Reld I. V s. The eldere were 8. Malay, W. Jones, and. J. Clark. Thin team won from a picked team from Al- laudale by 91:0 6. " ' ` ML- Kn: (Yunnan dunn. Anson anti `mink nu The Firemen did not have a very .bri he day for their exounion, but a coneldera le number went down with them up the Point and found enjoyment in picnic parties. The water was too rough for water sports but the following `races were run, with there r_eIulte;--Boon,Re_ce, have under 15, Arthur Stone, Stenle Meeking; All Fours, Harry Morren, Alf evigny; Apple race, boys 14 and under, Arthur King, L`-eoil Jory; ;Girl e 'D'..ng 10 none` angling lmunlun (lamina `D411-nit Iuuuuw may 0 no u. - The War Canoe {vent down and back on Monday, lbtndlll the weuther well. IUYDIIIJ Hllll IIUVUUIUIID Rev. Mr. Winch : sermon was an excellent deliverance, concluding with 3 grand percu- tion.; A IIIIVJUI" Rl'|Il:I|l| LlIll`g \.n'U|3lI Ulllyj ', Race, 12 and under, Evelyn Gazley. Carson; Needle Threading Contest, Miss M. Whitebread. ~ Mina Trunkeld. A I...-glnnil mn-LnL>unn- -slang; ' nun Ann -In-`A IE/cihu c ati ..`.*.:'.:`*...":IiF.*." l"*::.'::g:t*`:.:.:::25 A guys autumn -nu C --u---cv- Itvon an 5 from Rupture --.I- 4.- gnu CAI-In nf Annmlnnl lnnlnnn- ' nuriunm isrnuuusr comma. , _"..n._-; n_-_ 15------ 1-7- mmmmn AT ran Ponrr. -z 813' HIIIIIIIU -LIIUIIUK U ' Tottenhsm this; 1 week. Mr. Jack Hunt; of Mexico acity, spent Sunday with friend; in town. _ - 2 11$ 1\ `:i_,,- N -1 A1___`-' ..:_:--.1 I113 IIIIIIUIU, U1 ..D|uT|u, II v_sIIUuI home, Beaumont Farm, lnnul. Sunday wm; uj1qna_n Ill wwn. . ,_ [Ra W. D. Gannon. of Algoma, visited M1: T. Metcalf while in town. ' aAI=3"I E"1\'NCH A nun`-J "E."'n_'.'fc2.I.};Z"o}"E.Z..}I.g:}.};;}.. the guest of Min Beanie Om-sin,` last week. ___: -_.._ -I.:I.I..-_ [H712 Funk _Ghham. of Chicago.` "in vicis- [hi-9-rent- ,. % 'Miub O. M. Barr left on Ti1ouds_y fo: If-nlganng 'Il8..|. = -' : u:`u'i7iE'e,"iiio'nI" C-!,, `IO .1.owenn|m l}ll|8_IWOBIc _ , _ . Min Kate Siindernon, of Orillia, had been vllltlng here for a week. ` * -I I In 1 'll_#!_. l`I2;__ -.___.; in. Wl;|.?:I.3ultGPl1d-`IV!-la children, no yilniting at her home in Orlio. ' II!__ 11.1.; '.n21__ _- '1.-- L... ..:.:.x.... i.. IHlTaaThi;i:-'V;;1;>:h;:wl;$;n visiting in lNqwton Robinson for the past week. - ; .. L-..` "13. . 12Ll'EZ.'.i.":' u.'J'.Ie}e of her :IiIter'Mro. A-. M. Gibson. Toropto. ` -- -- `no `Ir:-vvu an a on: our vu-w-v__` _.v-v_--- .' Mrs. .1-JcKgrno,n, And daughter, Minn Minnie , are visiting friends in Orillia. . , ___ AL- -uwv- -'y-.--_fr, - _--~ _...'_ _._ - __ . Mr. Frank Housman what :6 Cobonrg thin weekto bring his wife and family here. Mr. and Mrs. H. Robinson and children, menu a few days in Collinawood Inst week. 0.1 I , , _ __:_:; L2-v Ibrivlixli iII'IIvl1I \Vanted for S9. No. V15 Tiny, a teacher holding Second Cla certicate. Duties to commence Oct.` `t. A- l'cat'ons received up to Sept. 15th. Apply ti; I*`RA`J ll{ G`U EST, Sec.! Wyevale. 33-31' --C-w vs --u-- cwv-ow-v wu--v--' --.- V- . Mn. Egbert Thomplon and two ooildren of Toronto; ore viaiting firiondoin town. --__L-__ I__.__ u "have been spending a. few days in Couingwood. __-_.A_ L- fV_n._..__ l|llllo D uzw unyll III vvllnuqwuvu oral: vvvvinl Mute!` Laurie Smith-has one :56 visit his` brother George Smith, Bay eld, for a few weeks. - - ' . Mrs: S M.`Mackay.`and daughter, Miss Evelyn Mackay, of Gals, are at Mrs. F. E. King's. _ -~-r '- 11 , ,n__, 'I;__l.-__ll-_ - Il-..a.-.._ TY u Mrs. H`:'Mesoelfe, of Niagara Falls, 1\I.Y. is _viaipin her mother, Mrs. J. Nelleg, San} ford street. ' ` . u -. . tnc mfa:.m(:ha;r1es Laahaplle, of Montana. U.s. A..`is the guest at Mr. and Mrs. P. Dxinn. Mill Road. _- - __. ' - .. `pew IIII\I nnvnvvuu Mine Carpenter left for Chioege la.et._ Wednesday to resume her course at the Los- pitel there. 11:, ,,_ (1 _________ _-.I L-...`... Inndu u-an`; PI UTI IIIJVD `I! Miss Clara. Spry returned home last week after visiting friends in `Toronto, Detroit and London. Mien Ella. Coleman hue returned home after spending her holidays at Beaumont Farm, Inniel. - Mr. W. H. Hinds has returned to Toron- todunction after spending a. few days with Mr. J- M. N03`: 3 n. l1-_L_..:__.. 2- Ness. . V .. On Sstnrdey evening as ag walk. and {dance was given at ,the Peninsulsr Park Hotel when`; number of Barrie people and residents of the Point, nlnng with the hotel gnestsspent-n pleessnt time. . _ revised Assessment R01 u: Jun I5 nereoy veu, ma: 1 nave tranuuuuau or delivered tot e ereone mentibned in ne- tions 8 and 9 of THE N'fABl0 VOTERS LISTS AC1` the copies required by said Iectione to be so transmitted or delivered at the list. made pur- suant to said Act of all ersons appearingjay the last rof the sand vMun_Ictpa.lit{ to be entitled to vote in the said Municipnlity at lec- tions for members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal E`ections; and that the aid list Wu first posted up atimv office. at Rugb , on Wedueev day_. the 6th dav of August, 1002. an remains there for inspection. 1 ` ' Eli-.Mnr: an-A r-allnzl u-An on ....m:... OH: 1:31` "If ldiss S. M. Ghmhie, of St. Cetherines, is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. 0. Coleman. Berrie.. Miss Maud Parker, of Urillie, Miss"Avon '. Payne, of Guelph, spent Monday with Beatrice Metenlf. `. T City Editor Ruhbra. of the Torontoworld, with his wife were guests as the Robinson House last week. ' ` Miss Pe gie Parker has returned to `her home in riilie sitar spending 5 week with Miss Beatrice Metoelt, Ah : I` , 1 VII Ullll VIC UV V-u Dr. and Mrs. ieu;ei:, of Taviuock, with children, spent a. few days this week with Mrs. Stephens,` Peel street. T " -are , ,, r1I-.__ __.! 1)-_;.I._ V-n=on`u an` nnnnb CHIC: LUV! w Mines mm and Be'n:c'h:a-`Knight, of Brock Ave, Toronto. are spending 9. few ' weeks `with Miss Beat.ricVe.Metcglf. ` . -, - III n, __ ` "nun. -I---any a-aw-u -V- -_--v_.__ Mu . Alex. `I-Iiohordaoh, ' of Toronto; lie- turned home Monday, from a. visit; with her; aister, Mrs. B. W. Rhinehart. an. ,nn-I____-- _---....' Mrs. Harry Smith and her daughter. Mrs. Shaw, of Lafayette, Ind., visited Mr. Eu- %;ne Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Francis, orsley street, over Sunday. ' Miss Margaretta and Lyda Dunn have re- turned to Toronto and Mr. J. Dunn to Wye. bridge atter spending a few days with their parents, Mr; and Mrs. P. Dunn,'Mill` Road- . Miss Webster and Miss Vio, of Detroit, Mrs. Gibson and Mr. Bill, Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Broone, Toronto and Miss Van- derwater, Parkdale, are guests of Mr. J. M. \T....- At Edgar on July 22nd the hand of death took Dr. W. H. Clutton from our midst. Heart failure was the chief trouble though he had been physically weak tor some time. The funeral took place from the residence of Mr. Thomae Gray, of Edgar, and waeyvery largely attended. Rev. N. Currie, M. Kelly "and N.` Campbell wok t in the service at the home and at E gar Congre- tional church and the members of the ~ourt Evening, Star, I.O._F. took part in the proceeaion and at the grave in their nenal way. The all bearers were Robert Thomplon, B F. ` ldwell, R.-H. -Barker. Benj._ Bertraln, J. W. Caldwell and '1`. 1`. Young`. allot whom were For-eaters clad in I recalia. The chief mourners` were Mra. Clutton and her young daugvhvter; Mr. and llre.` Thoa.~Gray. of Edgar. in. Gray and wile. oi-Barrie .- John Olutten`, at Hamilton; Alexander._ y tton, of Goderioh; Gavin Clinton, of 8trato7rd,- and Min Clnttcnl -alao cl 8tl'atf'ord., '.l.`hedootor a moth wan nhable to .b_e_ preaent. died acme. 4...; .'. ..`~..m `ans --Int;-: I...-|.|`.m.-4 Mru.A. Wright arntisughter. of Richmond Hill, spent a short time in town this week on their way to Mumford. I up ,,, _2__ _l "`-..2_n-n`- -n36`. Mr. Sutherland-Steele, of7'.lioronto, accom- panied by his friend Mr. Jack Finlay in spending a few days. at hiehome in town. n3_-____1_ I.-.'_' .1-....I.L.... IA}.- Mine Viola Cole. who is numbering `at the Robinson House. has been requested by her friends toqive a. piano recital in Barrie be- fore she returns to Chicago. I I, -_ J,_'_'_.LA_._ `II..- IIUIIIIUIIIID VI IIIIU I. IIIlJV' I-lya-la l guest; spent. 5 __________,._____ J .THE > BANK 0[_I_00NT['1 17 Urvllulnula It nvvv cu-cl-. raw -- ------ Mrs. Geo. Edmundo, her daughter, Mica Edna Edmundl. Miss Smartmnd Mr._ Geo. Briggs, of New York City, areviaitxng at Mr. J. R. Hambly a- 0, , ,_..-__`_ -._!.._. L>|_- IDIB T It! pruluuv. gnu ulvuva uavu lvluv IIII time ago, and one deter, Mn. Lurklater, died about one year age. The death of the doctor le universally ret-et.ted an be wae only 41 vean, 9 months 9 d, and wae of ue Inental calibre eeneulve. of .eym_pa_thy, of geg_erou`e_ dlepoeltion. _of good courage and was `a_leo'a very faithful 7 ,nooeeIfnl 'phyeIclaII._ , n he . f0l'.ll|-. I at. V-no ya` mom: ' _ I m.` E. A.-Little, u..L. A.. in mi a.._.:;.g* I-0- Mn; Hunt, `of Tofono, in ? viiiting in fliiwslid-it'1'x)i_o_:1"t_|;-nor was visiting Irichd in 'AObnn`uncun 6|u:a 14:-L -vs u-- gwv--u--w: -v- -__ ..-- | Liiu Gamble. of _Bsrrie,riu .:.m}..g at her am-u-4. `CODA-..-n-A-L l'..-.... Inn:-GI I DEATH OF DR. H. OLUTTON seem um pmsnuu. w -.----1;: -ug Mrs. Wm. Anatey who has heen visiting. her daughter, Mrs. Herbert G. Robertson, Woreley St. has returned to her home, Hamilton. ` hllliriil Strayed on to the farm of Fred. M. Warnic. T61- lendnl, on or about the First of luly, a Red Steer,_ two years old. O_wner can have same'by prosing mpcrty and pavmgexpenses. . 33-3; .C3oooo):OoI1-ooillor Thorpe was in towo on Saturday in connection with some Roads and Bridges Committee work. . Z (lrl V'I;er.ve your other an, i'obartaon s ivh_en in need of City Dairy Ice Cream, for picnics, par-tier, em, 0811 and get our prices. A1_..__.__._ a___-In_.. 1u-_I_-.I --_. u-_-_ 0. Canton, Crgighurat, of the Farmers Inauiufte Staff was in town on Saturday. He[ says the grain crops were nevgr better, There- will be : garden party given on the Deanerv `Lawn under 'the auspices of the ladies of St. Mary : Congregation on Tuesday evening,August. 19th Citizens Band in attendance. - _ i_o7vi&'Ann'i" v'{c:n31-r~i.' MoDoneld"e Livery, beet. ' "];'he` quality of our ice cream cannot be eurpueed..(_2hurchill e. _ _ i ' . MieeMae Groe_e,.of Owen Sound, was in town `on Coronation Day, on her way to - N orth Bay. , HW. C._f1'. U; moo nlight excursion on Friday evening, 15th inet., at 8 o'clock. Tickets 25`cente. V ' _ on Saturday and the Poll: Otca doors were closed at one o'clock on Coronation Day. I _ 1'; I 1 -Tho Childrens Aid Society, of Barrie, are always glad to learn of foster homes for children, especially of those willing to adopt little boys, Write D. B. Harkneae, Sec y. U.A.S., Barrie. ` *' cg... '....;.`.'g.;" ;.;.."c;.;.;... {.{..... ..,.. served mesa. nut and Vegetables, AT no I'llWEl.l.9s. -l-'Lettere patent will be applied for at- once - for the proposed Midland-Peetsng Hospital, upon receipt of which the trustees- will have plans and estimates necesssrv pre- pared for a. building to cost `at least $6,000. n\'r\1~u II I -Alex. Cowan, D.D.G.M., Georgian Dia- trict No. 9 , has appointed Bro. Rev. Walter Witten, J. W., Kerr Lodge, Barrie, District Chaplain, and W. Bro. F. N. War- ren, of Corinthian Lodge, Barrie, District Secretary V V is 1 c__ I,_; TR`AYED---Strayed onto the premium of the un- dersigned, east half lot 10. in the at Concession` ' of Om. on July 26, 1902. a dark brown mlre, Ilid from three to four years old. The owner can} -have the above animal on proving prc erty and paying ax- pc -nses, otherwise the animal wi I be sold. IOSKPI-I R INRHART. 777i Ahrnost enjoyable dance was given last Wednesday evening by Mia: Helen Cald- well in honor of her guest. Mies Idde Roder- ick. Before returning to Burlington, Mine Roderick is spending this week with friends in Penetanguiahene. ` -On Friday morning last there was a runaway that resulted rather seriously. Miss Speers. of Ivy; with a friend from To- ronto, was driving into town and when about Toronto Street on Elizabeth street they met a herd of cattle crossing the road. One of the cows came in contact with the shaft of the buggv and Miss Speers horse became frightened. Both-ladies pulled on the lines and the horse which had started on a gallop did not keep in the middle of the road; at the corner of John street it ran Into a telephone poet and the? occupants of the rig were thrown out. Miss Spears was rendered unconcious and carried into Mr. Warren Johnston's store buther friend re- ceived but aabad shaking up. Drs. Ross and Cam bell examined the young woman and foun no bones broken, but a contusion on on the back of the head. She was takento her home in` the` afternoon. progressing xfavorably. " ` ` l r ` V nA1_=1=1_nN1Nes OF A WEEK 1 -Mr. R Smith.town engineer, ot Midland, hnd hisright hand out one day last week by a pieceof g1a'as.andbloodpoiaoning ensued. The hand and arm became. badly swollen and verv painful. The hand was lanced sever 31 times, but has giyen much trouble. Mr. Smith has been attending to his duties, but under great diiculty. I. IT? IT lI-__ ___ _ [__ 'n___ `|]g_'_ -Braoebridge won from Huntsville, in a C L. A. district match at Bracebridge Thurs- day by default. `The Huntsville team was on the grounds, but refused to play without Charlie MoKinnon, the. `Varsity-Toronto `player, whose certicate was cancelled by the C.-L.A.. last-week.` -There was a big crowd present from Braoebridge and Hunts- `lville; ' Braoebridge offered` to play eleven men to even up matters, and also 'o'et-ed to play an exhibition game and let Moliinnon lay; and also pay all the expenses of the . untsville team, but the visitors refused to play as kind of a same except a league -n-`nu . '- 4.1.` J henna an bland: Opnn-n `Insole ,-On!Wednesday morning Aug., 6th, St. Mark's church, Midland, was the scene of a very pretty weddin , when Mr. Jae. La- Verne Ferrier and iss Lulu Patterson were married. The church was crowded, as both young people are well known and respected by hosts of friends. The rector of the church Rev. J. M. Hanna, oiciated. The bride looked charming` in 'a` dress of white organdie trimmed with valenciennes lace, and wearing a white veil. She carried in her hand a white ivory prayer book as she walked into the church and up the aisle leaning on her father's arm. The bride was assisted by Miss Ferrier, who also wore white organdie. and carried a bouquet of white roses. ` The Misses Gracie Ricalton and Scvnthia Byrne were ower girls, and carried a basket of owers. The groom was supported by Mr. T. J. Campbell. -Mr. W.W. Ross. son of 1?! rs. Ross, Elize~ beth street. received last week from Ottawa through Capt. Cowen, 3 beautiful silver medal in recognitition of his services as constable in the Mounted Police during the Northwest Rebellion in 1885. The model is handsomely engraved with his name, num- ber, date sud plsce of service. , 24],; , ; , III II --On Thursday night a travelling medi- cine showman , opened shop on Bayeld St. south of the front street. His platform was tted up. as a stage and he had an artist with `him who did a vaudeville turn to amuse the crowd. He drew large audiences for several nights and did considerable patent ~xnedlcine business His` comedian was good. He was seen here in the winter with That Dainty. Widow. vI.' 3 1III\I V` T `CIIIW WLUU U C I9,C`III7 me 17 th Moliinnon on their tzam. Much vtielstiefeotion wu manifested by the spec- tetore who had gone there to see the match. Spdeking of the incident, the Telegram says: -Huntsville : notion in refusing to plav at Breoebndge yesterday unleu MuKinnon was nlloVeid to pley re heby`-like in the extreme. MoKinnnn in e enepended man, and it Brace- brid e " had nhyed eg1inIt.h;m the club you d heve beenenppended. And ea Brace- hee the dim`-lot` won tthetvbnld` have b.9Pd '.h".1d.b 3 j jj_ tliio:c!i_zb,_nughs. thet. it mm = `bhid,o"Iir>gh V" 94L-4W" AAAnuunn sums. mr mspecllou. Electors are called upon to examine the Ilid HI! and. if any omissions or any other errors artfoun ' -therein. to take immediate proceeding! to htve 010 said errors corrected according to law. ` ' ' It I mvrnunnn v --.. ._., -- -..- -A special meeting of the School Board was held on Tuesday night Out of 34 ap- plications that of Mr. D. D. McDonald, Bow- manville, was accepted to ll Mr. Howe s place as teacher of the Entrance Class in the Central School Miss Dickson : resignation was accepted. A. cl .n n.n run in -Al: a special meeting of the Town Coun- cil held on Tuesday night Engineer Gavil ler s report on Sophia 8:. creek drainag repairs was presented. It w as decided 0 go on with certain work by day labor. A motion was also put through recommending a new census of the town for license pur- poses. Full minutes will be published next: week. --Chiei Constable Halleran, of Midland. has resigned hie position which he has held in that town for live years, the resignation to take effect Sept. 1. The Council at their lut meeting accepted the resignation, and appointed Mr. Robt. Wright to the vacancy. A ___,S, V Mr. Dyment e Bellcourt won its first race of the eeuon last week at Detroit. It In: ridden by one of the stable boys and the bookmakers odds were 30 to l. `-'-'1`hMarke`t.hzia beeh very am; prices a little lower. See page 8. ` I `.1 n9A,,.,,, , ID '7 E s:;..;,;;;.. '{.`;E.?E.'b..g.an. in Men ! Straw Hat; this week. ' l3`Churhill a for "best Bon Boris, Choco- lates, etc. Candie: made fresh daily. - . -II ml.` .l-`Il-_-n-_. AA4I._ ..--..-_ n__ 4..., ,_-1_-, v--- vv .-q--v ----- ----'. '"" .... . %`I`-.'i`.';`;:.`ii`...`:1i .' ii`.-.."h.. A1? "132 -_nEWe ;1seCitv.Da_siry ice Crozn in our crushed fruit Sundaes, Robe'rson`I"Drug Store. T NOTICE is hereby 'ven, that I have transmitted to t ttnnc R ant` n AF "`IIIF. WVTIIIIII `7I"I-`Q ujnj 6APITAL - $2.5o0.oO0 *3]-ZSERVE FUND$2.600.000 nnAr\ nI.`R`l{`.'F. TORONTO. -Thc first new when of the yea:-"was re- ceived at Wilkinson : mill on Mondsy- about 150 bushels. `aLittle Lske-Touriat e P5 :-a`die e-Boet,I Lunch and Soft Drinkecambe procured all all times. Mina Lawrence. -Huntsville lacrosse team_ were to play hereeyeetex-day but word was received that !:he L. A. had ruled them out of the let'- 3 H :-The following is the program for to- night : band concert : March. The Emerald Isle...D. Wiegand Waltz. ...Italian Nights. . . .T. M. Tobanl Polka . . . . . ...Ping Pong" . . . . . . Allen Irish Overture. The Humora of Donnybrook Carl Volti Duet..From Vienna : Past. J. F. Wagner Lancers. . . . The Beat: of All. .R. De Lacy Two Step. . On 9. Saturdav Night. .Loe ` Orean Smith (nDI_,_, (\,,, ,_,I_j 11,,,,,_ 2 JUNIOR ' LEAVING EXAMINATIONS RESULTS or PART 1. The following are the names of the suc- ceseful candidates for Part I Junior Leava iiig Examination, who wrote at Barrie;- Atkineon E. A., Anlt Edna, Ball Pearl, Cavanagh Nellie (Honors), Cris in Florence, Croaeland N. C., Grav_Lorna, neat Myrt- le, Hart'0. M., Johnston G. G., Kiel U. M.. Monkman Howard, Morten Geo. A., Mor- riaon May E.. Plaxton G. G., Richardson L. W., R0 are Norman, Smith Edith. Smith G. S , `lgracy F. F.. Tamer Tina, Watt Cora T. , Wilson J. R., Young E. T. Ada Smith passed the Examination for Part` 11` Commercial Diploma.- LII U019 .l3\IIIsIII VI LL13 RIJVJILVI/1'4, Illllwj Dear Sir,-In the Toronto papers of Mon- day's issue, a summary of the Driving Clubs Races for August 9th was published. In the 2.30 pace there were eight horses started. Re-Elected, a Barrie horse, being one of the eight. The Toronto papers say In the 2 30 race the judges took Mr. Gray down from behind Re~Elected and put up Hume. as they considered the horse did not have a fair chance. The result was that Re-Elected driven by Hume was last horse to finish in that heat and barely saved his distance. In the rat heat Re-Elected collided with Red Pat who is a bad actor and finished in eighth position. In the second heat which was the fastest heat of the race 222; Re-Elected went from eighth position to second and was only beaten a head by Cooksville Boy, the winner oi the race. This gave Re- Elected a chance to win the race as he was in `2nd place and would have an even start with the pole horse. But now is the time for the persons who are mis-called judges to get in their work. Notwithstanding they were informed by the owner and other horsemen and drivers who were near the stand that Re-Elected was a hard horse to manage or drive in araee by anyone except his owner and even after Mr. Hume whom they called on to drive the horse, had told told them he could not drive him as well as This owner and that he considered that Re~ Elected hadheen well driven, in spite of everything that could be said by men who were competent to judge, these pumpkin- show judges insisted on exercising the power which the N/1`. A. invests them with and instead of giving the horse a chance they took away his only chanceby substitutin Mr. Hume in the place of his owner an driver. Mr. Gray. Given a chance he would have at least retained second position if he had not won therace. Re-Elected starts in the Race at Penetang Aug. 21st in the 33 pace, at Duerin Park - Aug. 26th, and at the Toronto Exhibition on Sept. 1st, and if given a chance will be in the money. ONE-wnoqmows MORE-ABOUT-A-HORSlb THAN-A-PUMPKIN. ----- -- v-._-__- --..- ___..,-W__ The Rama 3: Pt. 1 Junie} Matriculation will be published at noon as received. V vs - vvfvcvvuoo . Jsmei n::'d`.'IV.:-l`1:"hiuir left for the north. -shore lat week. ' 11.. I1!) V..-_... :._4.-..j_ __._.-__2,,_. A- I U11-I KIIIIIUII 3 Star Spangled Banne God Bless the Prince of Wales 0 God Save the King On Thursday, 21st August, the band will play in Allandale. ._ __,-_,__.. _L_ Mn. Willie Stephenson. of Toronto, in visiting-friend; here. . Min Amanda Carson spent Civic Holiday with lurpsronu hero. ' ' - up ' 11.? I10` Apuudn q To the Editor of Tm: ADVANCE, Barrie,--- `D-.- , Tn cl... maa-`GA I\n'\4\n- A` an- "IIUIU IfU WUUIO 1' Mr. Ed. Knapp` intends removing to Allandde this week. 1n__ II1n|I:- _1.___|_-_-__. _n'n\,_, . 1- ....v-.-- :1 o-nu us: no": "H. J. 'rUDHoPE.v ; `33-34 Clerk of the Municipality of Oro Dated at Rugbynhis 6th day of August. 1902. L. " "13." n&.ic.sin{ s;;;;.y. of rsmnrg, 1... spending aoonple of week: with :-clntivu Tior parties, picnics, etc. Any quantity, prices right. at Churchill a. _-.. _.-_ .___ __ " Mr. Joh1anilV;:I;n;:ghlih. of Colllngwood, wuhomo over Sundsy. . Inn, ` Il`_l:',I , s:. n `n... a -. uuzv. Mu. Tom `Johnson, of Penotong. said Mr. and Mrs. MoCormoo_k,'~of Toronto, spent a couple of day; loot week with M11. Cook. TORONTO DRIVING CLUB RACES. 3-. tan. ANnuuA_miiTTAbvANcI uxeu corms mm cunt MWIIND BARBIE. MILLS We haven. fine line of ries. guuI...,!- volvers and all sporting goods.` ' Come in land ne\V annr`n' Diving: Inlnk " 13 ; '+?r1 ,..__._.,_.:__._ API LES-I am prepared V to handle up Ian. at market ,va.1uc. Parties having orchnr s will kindly communicate with me as each variety ripenu. 33-33 . ' R. A. THOMAS. MUNICIPALITY or TH: 1`owN- sn-uporono, IN THE COUNTY v or suvlcpl: ~--wua gzuu nu 8p0.l" see the new goods. * ts val-1) VOTERS LIST I902 must have your iuuuu, hecENTRAL --~ --... -_ ""=nN'ro. will 1: ..`_P1lin.f ' Ehnt `33-35-n A GENERAL ixiiictlia nvmnss counvcum. _ 1.-ly , JOHN R. LAMB, Manon. SENTINEL Siumsuat LL NO. Slmulu. snwmc MACHINES N E W :1 DVERTI 8E1VIEN'I`So HEAD OFFICE 'ro"Roi'ro. TEACHER WANTED. K` 1` \v A 4_A-L_- Sporting Goods muiiinav TO LOAN. ,._- __`..-....A. '..l D-2..-.L- Du ?1heCENl Vr`l run. .3, __ V 1!`) (3, . ' I ` -.""" `Iv~`.,.- * 1":2..::::'::: :':;..I~{ e-....:'....;.."". Davin`; .{d6n the best w h \V y Ollr is t It tells you _ d Wnte for it, "to atten . TERM Opgus SEP Tana but V . ., I .'FALL start at once if you wish N u, 0 Vgc`n.` we have uTeacher_s and .00 T `place at your disposal. Gogxewting Mug TBIIIHI cg.-min n.- `O . % - Aa- J.n|e ._j----j-- ,7 W ,1. No- 13 _ WI-{OLE No. Wnsnn lopngggg, _T W. H. SHAW Pixucman. FLE B. REWARD. MARRIED. ESTRAY. .1 ISA.) [I18 Rlmal Will 00 EDIE]: IOSEPH RINEHART. Crown Hill. Ont. CASH; TRY..." I'I\ll`I-I It I-trust: We have a large ainount "of Priva_te Funds to land nd 5 per cent. on the security of cod farm `iinifpiges. McCARTl-IY. BOYS & mzcux. HIIUI-IUD \l` Prices 1' ght. whenyou waht some bwycle iuudriel or expert repairing. A Adovrn an ` uoureion. . The in Or llie e.Olvio Hoiidey and the Cricket Club 0 thstfpieoe brought friendly game with the Borrle cricketers end defeated them in I alone contest The club played I " match wen witneuedhv egood, {number of interelted peroo'ne.'_ the nine `being yell- pleved sndboth aides do a some eeotive work. The Oriiiiene won by one run and two wickets. the more at the nish being- 85 to 84. The results were so on -ioilowe :- _ The King iaiued the foiio{e;f;e;1'Buck- mgham Palace on Friday evening 5- . _ T0 my People : `nn`rhn'nuv- AC on... ......-....a.:-_ -_ 1....--` .a.v us pvuplu 3 r `On theeve of my coronation. an hvent which I look upon as one of the most solemn and most- important in my life. 1 am anxious to`express to my people, at home and in` the colonies and India, my heartfelt appreciation of the deep sympathy they have manifested towards me during the time myvlife was in such imminent danger.. Th nnntnnnnsnnn!-. h nnnnnnhnn nus:-an `ioigiis? "1{cE?iiu`~ i`xs`r'f1'sc'r'" a";5`; ;;``.`,",': `SON. Dunlo Street Barrie. nay lull? WED Ill IHUII Il_lIll|Il.lUI.ID UHll`Ul'e - The postponement of the ceremony owing to my illneee caused. I fear, much inconven- ience and trouble to all thoeeiwhc intended to celebrate it : but their dieeapointment was borne by them with admirable patience and temper. The prayers - of my people for my recovery were heard; `and I now o'er up my deepest gratitude to Divine Providence for having preserved my life and given ' me strength to full the important ntm which devolve upon me an Sovereign oi thin great Empire. ATHRIII A l\'\ T\ A \?I\ Y a'Citv Dairy Ice Cream And our crnihed_ fruit: mske David Hanna : just right, try.- tham. Roboruon s Drug Store. opp. Pout` nm... . bu the_hrat__.pnmi A msunmu Tl-It sun ur mu_uu.a.mm.aon`-nly to; V ' Beauu thi Sun Lsfe Assurance Company` um income of. any Cnnndhn Company for I90]. vim. 8: 577.187: gI.i::nocI:mtr k: :1? i:l`q'46)'|'..`.$:x_o.8,34.a`9.8`: uxt Compnnv to us. .079. b \ ` A ultrlocooovovn . Q 1 - nlamin Force. "J33.3533.3'o - `1`otalIucouu\.....$ 3,o95,666o1 -9 -A.I"I'.',_ BEST QUALIFY" Jar Rubbers Fly Poison Fly Paper V Citrate of Magnesia Bathing Caps {ALWAYS PROSPEROUS and pnocnnsszvn ` J W37 `7 _ J; ` ....AT.... JOHNSTON `In a-wnws CHOCOLATE8 :?.2;:.r;u~:,;:t"e'.'::;.;L*;7:1'.?'m.`.;:*;;*r,4 nwfn. uggt _P`.0. og ch; "'v ""': zswnwA3T%%]V&Asr1twgxr.._ A 5 U your attention. The. Raw `T1-n.-NTRAL BUS|NES`S'COLLII' Dr. pgm..,.... -... "H. Jo:-y.T..... ouwo - Godtroy.......... G. Strathy..;,..;. W. Parka-.,...[.. H. B. Joynor.'.... A. Vaughan...... (3-- 'D_n.-_ V1. rnmngu :H. l\ Sb0WOl`9.n`.. 3.0090 _ Godtroy......... Strathy..`.,....'.. Parker.,....[..... Joynor.'....'. .. Geo. Rslku. . . . . . 0IIO W. Penanone........` n IL.-.-A Q` I `Vt Ldllllllloouooooo O. Horleeld. . . . O O I I 'C,IOOI..II J. N.' Han-vlo._.. S. B. Lescock. . . D. Roper ..... . . Pieroy ....\;. (3. A l`.l\`Q LIUIU coo-Hooouioooo Ga` Ac 0oIoouoooEnoI J. Boyle...-...L... B Eaton .... T. Roper.. . . . . . . . D. Thomppon... ' V. Owe|l.:.......... F Toogood . . . . EX| al'VII....o...r.-... % 01.992: o:n.1oxix1'oowr1i.s1-L OPPOSITE Postr OFFICE mm KING To me Pmogw. ..v'HEN IN NEED om. ...OF... U-L_LI.n.--w--. ._____V_` It tth'ht `. of .`. 32.?a 01%.? `""` ' `"d on `depoiits FOR can -'--COME T0-T-- PV0._...'...._ :ock........ I..'."..... u\o oooo ooooo bOIOOOO>IiIII rooouoovlooa NOD...-o-no COIDIIOOUII !IlCOcCIOO - :2-2-an -nun, _ .2 Dhtdct Agent. Thotntpn P.O.` _ ._r-- .. `EDWARD R. AND.-I. LOn1u.uV. __.v v-v BARBIE. * ` ALWAYS ON BAND an inning`: MARTYN-CC)OI_{E'-On August 5th, at t.heresi- 'dence of the brude s uncle. Capt. G. H. Corie '. - Midland, by the Rev. D. Brown, Ella. Mall ,~ rest daughtcr of Mr. J. B. Cooke Big Bhy (`)?:t`, to William J. Martyn. of Midlan' . - `ARJ any 3';n::..:11i.'r.kn3s'rs 99 353313;" `rm: coum`v voii swoon Axn~ ran po3i(m1ox or clumpa our 4__ $1.00 reward will be given to the pt_I.rty giving in- formation as to who took the collaf with name. pltte, of? hound. Appl_\1THI_S OFFICE. 33-