I : S. BROAD. M. D. C. M., F. T. M. C., L. C. P. 5., 0., late resxdent Physician and Surgeon 01 Toronto General hospital. with special attention to Dlseases of Women. vana Nose and Throat Work, also tor some time surgeon tn charge of Emergencv Hospital, Toronto. Office and night residence-upstairs in McCarthy Block, 2: Dunlop Sn, Barrie, second door east of Dougall Bros.- furmture ware:-ooms-near Five Points. Phone 10 . . . zo-lv __----ur1II&&II- At his private residence, 68 Mary street. all day. .IJ arvte dz auutn, Unuraq vunyv -corner of Owen and Comer streets, I `I R0939: Hausa" a-on. night residenoe-Brow: Barrie. Telephone 77. - R. J. F. Pulling, Graduate of Trinity University Toronto, Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons ..c n......:.. - nmm and Rmidencc. :8 Owen street. Member at the Uouege ox rnysluaus anu .au.5w.. of Ontario.` Oice and Residence, 18 DR. 8. L. BRERETON. Dental Surgeon. Oce over Hn.mbly'I Hardware. Entrance, Owen Street. 0ut_ot' townxstand zrd Monday: of each month. 5:-Iv- (VI; AVA: Utlunn. ca.- Notary, etc. Mon and Stayner. Barrie nlll `tract: and atayner. unu n as Building, Owen street, ..-.-._._.:__-_.._._.._... 300OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQO6000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOE Hours--u to 1. _oAul OFFICES-Lane Block. Cor. Dunlap and Mul- caster Sta. -._In 1"-|--|--4~ Fred J. Hart, M.D., M.R.C.S., Eng., L.R.C.P., London. aPECIALTY-Diseases Of Chest, Stomach, and Nerves; Consulting Physician. VlCl0l' ll. l'l3.I'li. NI: I1" In-lK.\a-I . 3110` D. ILQIIIDOTO2 I L.F.P. and S., Glasgow. SPEClALTY-Su|-gery Midwifery, Diseases of Skin ; Consulting Surgeon. ..uua..n unh Lots 2, 3 and 4, Wm Bald}: North Cumberland Street, L Jacob: Terrace, Lots 1, 2, 3, vs.-.____ CI East Mary Street, Apply at IIVIVII MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUER. ____._.._______________ ENNOX, ARDAGH, COWAN A Barris_t_ers,LSolicitors for obtain 9A _ _..| _.n...:..:.o.-grinn __________________. toss 3: BROKOVSKI. Barristers, 1u......:.., umvevancers. etc. Oicg ....?.___.___.._:.__._.__ lTRATI-IY 8: ES'l`ENo Ba 2000OO0OOOOOOO00OOOOOOOOOO0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOg ' _ R. W. A. ROSS, Physician. Surgeon, etc., L. I R.C.S. Edin,, L.R.C.P.. London. Otces and zht_ residenoe-Brown's Block, Dunlop street, | A Tglnmhnnn an, > C0117: M. M. CAMPBELL, Barrister; N.-mu-u am-_ Monev toloa.n. 05 H. LYON.- PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN on Real Baum` in [name .-.2- n-.....-..- T. ARNALL lllnnlo A Hana. BR. R._ P. VI_\(|AN or A. Hart. M.D., L.R.C.P. and~S. Edinboro, . and S, lnncrnnr, DRS. HART & HART MONEY TO LOAN. | Q Iguana. -_--....L -1 l'.I-3---A - 3oooooooo5'o36o'o'ooooodooooooooooooooo6o6oo35o36boooooE - I`.`- Barrister. Solicitoro] ..-.... .....- an Snacna I=oI3_:AT.'a.' IIIANUFAOT [IRES - MONEY TO LOAN. L--. . .... - NALL, M.D.C.M,, oice in Bothwell's . Allandalc. (1):: the premises at night. 43` Y -------z-.--__-_:._._.._.____._ D. C. Muxcmson. .RDAGH, CI Solicitors fc L}- ant` n(.I'|'I;l wuvmrons; ALLANDALE. PHYSICIANS. Mr. LitZt1e s .eleotion'in ;Co.rdv:vel'l and South Siincee _is a fare gone g conclusion --and it is no more than he deserves. . He has been a. faith- ful servant,` especielly en the_'farmers be1iaIf and -deserves to be _honor~ so` Block. Barrie. Monev to Loan. 1 FINAH CIA]:- Ltreet, hot ` "THE Anvmcm" 0FFl0lAIa. DENTAL. LEGAL; i;Ziiizi'E'.' Homdeonathist. 1 :56 Dunlop St. Residence and Oice. 8-Iv cinch! to nov-any It: 1:. Q ' jdfovdlilhl , V1 836 %III_IC\l$I Mr. l)u"s recordvin the Legislature will no doubt be euicient to warrant his return in West Snimcoey Then he isvone of` Mr. Whit- ney s best supporters and is out for good and clean governt_nent., ,'l_.`he "electors of West Simcoe will have little diiculty in choosing between him and Mr. Currie, an Independent liberal who is ready to support is corrupt government, that has violated all principles of . responsible government. _.________________ r. Solicitor, Proctor, N_ota.ry. etc. Special attention an wills, obtaining letters at rlianship, collectmg accounts, D`--h Nlnnav to Inll. aavvnll W III 3 Lilli. Erect, Low 17 and 18. 4, 5. "and 7. . 'I"l3 _..... \unuI.nIIlned In lg. S E. Cor. Richmond ephone, Main I335. lu- iz Eaten, Solicitors,Bank a. will be promptly at- Klh STEN, Ontario Land Etc. (Established in f. Cor. Ribknnn-/` boucntor nous: , 'to Loan. at lowest , aou_th side Dunlap 37'53 . am -Bank of Tomato s-ly ' Telephone :24, ng probate ox . and General Sohcntc UEMENT FOR BUILDING. Notafy` .. o lament Solicitog, Ra noun Barrie. .17 5 urns , `mm AiIvA1!I'cn' nus A orncnum op;11`0UB'1`EBN nvmmnn an * ` xrolrrr OOPIES. ow. b';pvmu'1snns snoqm NOTE THIS no.1... 13 lines solid agate make 1 inch. TRANSIENT ADVER'l'ISEMEN l`B. First insertion 10 cents per line, each sub qnent insertion 4 cents per line. `Rnadim: notices. 10 cents per line {m 4.. 11611! IIIHCICLIULI 1 vvuuu P V . . . V. Reading notices, 10 cents per for am insertion ; 5 cents par line for each subseq `H1 insertion of the same matter. All um (19! 5 lines, of this character, charged `nun. 5 Hindu. ATDVANCE `L95 Ir lines. lthe following rates, which are drafted on 111188. _ Legal, Oclal and Government adv, manta will be charged at above rates. CONTRACT ADVERTISING. Contract advertisements will be taken ` not commercial pringles and will be mm` aillliered to. There he only one price ,0! a _ ' _- , ........ on , cl charges lowe-`L -'"' Mortgages. \\"n`ll:eet`c..u|`)rc red on shortest no::'i_ 3..Y9ln`doinit business in imcoe. Farmer!` 95 No gllv Invited to call and see us. Glad to see V"~ ch: fon-consultation or advice. Orig`! - d CB-- _ `t B ' Hotel. Barne. .3 `cm Street, _ mm 7 L1 --__--. -..u aunwunuuvv A-I-'- Get-your Pmpefty on our list; costs nothi8' .7M'" to Loan-Don't borrow a dollar until Y0 3 Inc: terms but, rat 4 1 _` _ 1)ee_ds. otttltu. Wills, :z`c::u-cchuges Eifrst nouceg _ ,3 YCUII doing hunnmn 3- %a:.r..eE....on It- .....m- 95953` J. 0 UL VER WELL S Halrcutting and Shaving Parlor OPPOSITE BAR!-LIE HOTEL. BARBIE- Baron and Soieaota ground and set on short notice. - I0 incnm X cunuunn... o aoincheo. x column...... ------------_--__.. Dgont Suuddrd Lift; London Gun a- tee and Accident C0,, Provinohl Building and Loan Association. etc.- OFFfCE.-Next door to Bank of Toronto, Owen `Street. Barrie. . n-IV . `For one month--the three monthly? with 15 per cent. added. `For two months-the three monthly nu with 10 per cent. added. `G Preferred positions for local advenm ments in the paper will be sold at an adv _ __,_ ; mu 2 1 .1. .3 .-m nhnvn rates. on no othn ,, I ments in line purges Wu: v-. uv... .. .... .Nuuu iof one-third on above 1`8t68, on no other ac, count will special positions be given. Tm rule will be strictly carried out. ' CONTRACT caucus. Advertisers will please bear in mind um notice of intention to change advertisement, must be handed into the oce notlatcr than Saturday at 10 o clock, and the copy for such change must be in THE ADVANCE oice no; later than 12 o'clock noon _on Monday in my week, otherwise the advert1ser s announcement may not be made public until the week fol. lowing. 12 changes of Advertisements allowed pg; year. It more are required, composition me, will be charged. A,:......+:.....-.. mm nnt Ln allowed'to use their W111 be cnargeu. Advertisers will not be a11owed to use their space for advertising anything outside they own regular business. Should they de . [transient rates will be charged for such ad. ,_.- __ 1.- `ELECTIONS, THURSDAY, MAY 29m. vsuuaawn unnv - u---. vertisemeuts. I Private l'unds to loan on first mortgages. Ac | counts collected. &c. Man Ann Ilnuulgoann - `Jan-thug-n Cu-nu: Rarrlo vvru-vw-rv-v- -.. l Condensed advertisements on first page such as wants of all kinds, lost and found. property for sale or to rent, specic articles, etc., -etc" must be accompanied with the cash, and will be inserted-hrst insertion 2 cents per word, each subsequent insertion 1 " cent per word (names, addresses and gures . counted 1: words); but a reduction of one cent per word, will be/made when the number of insertions 1 of the samematter exceed four. vvv . And the Sun Loan and savings Company of Ontario. Cuts for advertisements must In every case be mounted on solid metal bases. Rzrnnsznr rm: Fouowmc Fuzz lssumua r Conu>A2_m:.s: The Mercantile, now afliated with The Lon- don & Lancashlre of England. Secur- ity, $15,000,000. The Waterloo Mutual, of Waterloo, Ont. Tothl assets, $334,083. The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. on A Total assets. $303,078. Also Llovd e Plate Glass Insurance Com- pany, of New York. Cash capital, 3254:. nnn, counts COHCCICQ. ac. _ Oice over Henderson; Hardware Store, Barn: Ont. SCROGGIE 6. SMITH . `Pnnvmcm aunnmc AND wan Assncmum. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $5-o6o.ooo. SCROGGIE & SMITE, L P. SECORD9 n 303130 and Insurance A509" an}. Inn... .-_.__-_.__ .. ,.L:..a. ELECTIONS, THURSDAY, MAY 291*:-I; aaaaaaaaa John Rogerson, Fire and Life Assurance. Number of inches on, 1,3,. 1 ` spweo Inser- tions - ` tion. 3mos.lf INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, &.C. CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS, ADVERTSE IN `` fan I, 19021 MR. E. A. LITTLE. Ex- Voung lmi 5110011 ru L.;i' uscice. E0885 wu; Lhearty H gecretury s hey 'uue=,. HE ANN THE DAY Ernme-rn iry insl agj ltakeu by the Company. I_ Ottawa press`. edifor an answer, andMr. Deering re- plied that in was really nocnthe Deering Campany, but the Mann Manufactur- ing Com pany, in which they had a con trolling iote`rea*3, which was seeking a site, andthe beginning `would not be N very large. 0VE`fD,llH1 Ed hm` empir O_ longs foacb. young {ion whee than Fee with! they *4 A V _ _ mnrromax; NOTES. . The Orillia Packet chinks that it is going to be as hard to agree upon peace terms in South Atria; as it is to reach | an understanding with Pacriarch. A vas Ihtr [ise Sv: eunber ef FL). eeted said, ttiu is bad I r you ere a_l Mr. TH The ck est in ` VMAY" `_`Co11ingwo_nd want a rst-china sum- me: hotel. Visitors who hava. express- ed a preference for Orilliah say Calling- wood is Vblenk_. fV That is` an adjective which would kill any` budding tour- ista paradise. Oallingwood had better ' not build the ho:el.--Orillia Packet. V 1' :5 fexi City Engineer Rust, of Toronto, re- cently said that in 1894 the production of the 24 cement works in the States had. been 708,000 barrels. while in 1900 50 works had produced eight and one half million barrels, which` was valued at over 89 000,000, The imports for 1900 were . over 2,1-`$000,000 barrels, while the totalvoonsntnption of Portland cement in 1900 was over 1o.f7oo,ooo burtel.-. V " neat example : 005% -812.000 un_d.waa built in four month ; time. ` x-M.L.A., Ca;-dwell,- 'Domi:iig`; ~ of th`ia4 V504({),() `bhrzfela. were produced at hbine. ' ' Gemexit concrete, Mr. Rui . says, makes better work and" cheoperl work. He also expressed the opinion `that econe`maeoua.'ry would soon be a thing ofthu past, and thnt it would be eim- plV- _u matter of time when Portlend cement concrete would be used` in the construction of_ buildings not only for , fonlndatnons, but for the outside wall: sad partitions. He gave the informe- `tion that oenorete had reduced the coat of permanent work from $12 a yard. to 85.25 a` yard. At Barrie Council Eh` `fact wall brought out that Hamilton secured its o~ment for $1.60 per barrel. We might- add here that it was deli_vered in Hein- ilzon at that price, duty paid from the United States. The explanation of the Bell Tele `phone Companv in that It costs less to run .3 small exchange than a _large' one. This atatennent is an insult to the com- mon sense of the `community. _ Smith's Fua ihu_eVl85` subscribers, `Ottawa has 2,060.` The [individual cost at putting ininntrunnents and the met `at the mega-t .:ment_ig thmlelyfj ; 3" n!t!9t='1v:fnthte '_l`he'O.1tizen, continuing` on the nub- jot of this monopoly any: :- ' mu- -.__I-- . ` ` If Smith's Fella can have 9. service at the above rates, Barrie and other towns should too, The only way the tele- phone mououuly can be converted into n_ service that the public may take ed- ventuge of at fair rates is to nationalize the system. On the contrary, however, matters at Ottawa seem to be tending towards giving the Bell\_ Telephone 00. more power then it has now. The oth- erdey the. prinoipleof governing rates was voted down so theoempnny on do ee they please. n V I A The industry is bound to progress amd_it_ may be dicult at the present moment toiascertain what the minimum price will be. It may be advisable for the Government to appoint en inspector so that quality may be guaranteed by having every barrel stamped. The Winds of Cnthrigf, Christabel Coleridge. ' S __ Jarvis of Harvard, R.W. Kau'man., The Princess Cynthia, Marguerite Brvent. ' T H A Losing Game. Home Nesbit. ` The House with Green Shutters,Geo. -Douglas. ` '1`rezs.rt-hen s vife, Fred. M. White. The First Men in the Moon, H. G. Wells. . A Matter of Sentiment. J .S. Winter. The `Mystery of e Shipyard, . S. Winter. a - . v Lopidus. the Centurion, E.L. Arnold. In the House of his Friend, R. H. Savage. ' V " The Benefsctress A Man of Millions, S. K. Ksightley. The Curse of the Snake,Gny Boothbv. in The Strength of the Weak, C. O. Hozchkiss. _ , -Marietta, J . M. Crawford. The Methods of Lady Walderhurst, V `R 7?` I5 Nomi Overland with Ff-anklin,0xley Held to Renaom, F. Forester. Untrne to his Trust, Henry Johnson. Wei` N otes, Col. De Vellebois Maseuil. V A 7 Wales, History, Owen M. Edwards. T Lord Roberts, Violet Brooke Hunt. `Principles of Western Civilization, Benjamin Kidd. ` ` CID I7 I91: Arms and The Woman, Harold Macf Grath. - PHE TELEPHONE MONOPOLY. "It will be news cos. greet many people that in towns like Smich a Fall's the Bell Teleplnone Company furnishes 9. service to subscribers at $10 for s `house service and $l5rfor_sn oioe ser- vice, vrhile in large cities like Qctsws, the rate is exactly three times as much. - -Oshawa Oinizen. ` NEWBOOKS AT [HE "PUBLIC LIB- rs;-I-nun '. H. Burnett-. T . Blennorhsaaet, C. F. Pidgin. Angel, .8. M. Oroker. ' The Hound of Basket-villes, A. Con- nd Doyle. llzlelomsnisos, James Huneker. .' Aliens, Mary '1`. Wright`... Sons of the Sword, M. L. Woods. The lLeopsrd s Spocs,'l.`hos. Dixon j r. Bv Bread Alone, Friedman. Audrey, Mary Johnston. Mrs. 0lyde,_ J nlien Gordon. . Ac L-urge, E. W. Hornnng. ' Msdsmsoourt, H. M." Poyntor. The Tory Lover, S. O. Jewett. The Man .ILoved, J. S. Winters. Wolfville Days. A. Leiris. God Wills It, Wm. S. Davis. _ The Widow Len uge,EmliaGsbox-int. In Spite of `All, Edna Lyell.` ) SHEET It is interesting in this connection to note that, according to the statement tarnished the Hamilton City Council by Oscar W. Rodgers, of New York, 810 and $15 per cunum for houses and bnnineu phonea are exactly the guree at which n he demonstrated phonee could- be_ fnroiehed et a h_an_dao'me, prot after etcg" ~ .ppomdiugarqr.mgiuten.ne,,imngntuna,i ` But not content with that handsome prot, it is ennuslly wringing $34,250 from the pockets of the subscribers in Ottawa over and above what the sauna system could be operated for here at a handsome prot. A TL 3... I_a.-..--.:_ :4 is o I- }2 Iron` 25 c1's. only [me Lost, T } . ' _ .By W. G`. Parker Thou Art Like a Flower. T F } In q-n.nvz Linzf. the assertions of the Bell Telephone Company's agents to the contrary not- withstanding. We do not suppose for one moment that the Bell Monopoly is - a` purely philanthropic institution doing- business in Smith s Falls fol.` its health and the exclusive benet of subscribers. We believe the Bell monopoly is doing business in Smith a Falls at a handsome prot. Also that it could do business in Ottawa on the same terms at at hand- some proty _ A ' A T ' { It ifsnzfliraami MUSIC -a _.-.. V.Vith`English and German Wotan. Take Har Back. Damn Wall Calm Weird [amid atrikving. My Love Has Some. IWunde17 If.i1'e iij9:1ii;%-Isa'i5:1ql Agaiq I Tv's'_E:iI:J3E.-*u;1""\7'i~:T b1;N'i'si. creole Love Song; We have a few copies left of our Easter supplement, 8 new edition of that far" famed baritone solo, `T ~ ' The Palms" i A German oluaio. The%Picture in My Hag-p, .Words and Music 315:; iking. ' Waltz song. - With011tVTll0B, (SANS T01) I).. I7..." 1') my Two Mari nettas n ` 0 \ By Edith Cooke _ An English ballad which quaintly tells" " one of those sweet; stories so dear -to the heart; of both young and old. sv;;at11;aa;;'L;.;1g`1g9, V BY FAURE ` A A . Regularly sold at 50 cents a. copy. T6 non-subscribers of THE ADVANCE 25 cta Subscribers (paid up) received it FREE. t WERE DEERINGS IN EARNEST ? I The Deering Harvesting oo., with whom Barrie was negotiating as well as numerous other towns. in Canada. for the establishment of a Canadian branch of the industry,it seems now, is seriously thinking ot going to Hsmilton. The Collingwood Bulletin tninke the com- pany have been after on big `advertise- ment for nothing. ~ ' same. The cost of the head oice build; ing is not ten times greater in Ottawa, than in Smith's Falls. The operations `expense in Ottawa is more than ten times greater than in a small oice like Smith s` F.ns. As a matter cum the day and night sta` here "numbers 20 and in Smith's Falls, 2. It has been stated by an oicial of the company that the calls are more frequent in a large city than in a small exchange, but the above gures prove that theyare not more than ten times-as numerous. Tuking the proportion ss two-thirds oioe and. one third house phones lor the purposes of comparison, the lever.- ue of..the Bell Company at. Senich s Falls is $2,450. The revenue in.0t.ts- ms is, roughly, $61,730. If Ottaws were paying on the same basis as Smith's Falls, she compa.nv s revenue from lo- cal phones here would be 827,480. In- stead of that it is $61,730, or over 100 per cent higher. We believe thnstbe cost of operstion of a larger system is less in proportion than in small system, `L. .._....z__,_ -4 .1 Tu -- - l23Dun1opStroat, - `Barrie, llnt. - -- nu Marqjmrd Anv of the above sent, poatpaid, Two for u-o -nu----o cu . c-on: rm l1\7rI1tI A song which tells a. 35;; '&'l1&.i:V;1l-! that ' story well. V III! 1101 Hauling nun, By Walter Coleman One of ghose songs which tell 3 story. A splendid edition or-zhilzxuisice French ballad. ' Ufll IIBI-{Ills DI luvuuuq --'.r--__`-, to Tm: Nonrnmm ADVANCE. Thevl are printed on the finest glazed paper. colored covers, and cell regularly at 25 and 50 cents. Until our supply is exhausted` we will send poatpaid any I Wshnvson hand the following pieces of Sheet Mnsio,th_o some aswe have been issuing as monthly supplements " ~ - ----- -4- A I-uu-O I `V1111 ` says: Mr. Charles eDeex-ing, of . the Deering Harveerer Cumpauv, ` which, it isrepnrted some time ago, was to es- tablish a plant in Csneda, says cm the reports of what they intended to do have been greatly exaggerated by the newspapers.` It will be remember- ed that representatives of the Cnmpeny visited London, Bramford and other Ontario cities, in search of a site. A Woodstock delegation interviewed them in London. Nofurther etepe has been The` Woodstock Sentinel -Review` i J This in B 1iI0f whst we will send yoga at the above price :- ' . T ll uww vuuuq By Marzials A great concert success. can. 1!! A ,II'_ II. _1_ | __`__l__ mly Guy lD IVIa2-delot , n .1. 2- -.......:..:L.. J. Gayle Nelson . ,II_ ;L-L By Mrs. Moncriegf By W. 0. Parker 4_II_!__. . "By Franz Liszt By E. Lassen F ` `The United States Government hag di- . `reeted proceedings to _teken ngeimt ~the alleged beef trust, considering ,=qpgrgpg in-tom-;ip*.i;1ee;ntete;r9de. : ' OOOOO0OOOO00000OOOOOOOOOO00OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC A .'a.\ d , * .` . _ 7 ' % M5, JAMES s. DUFF. :5-M.L.A. :LVV_`et `S_i~:1;co_g.A I\._`)_ _,---__J 3.. 4|__ 1` __._ __`I- ,,.,, ,,,!Il ', AUL`1`- Solicitor .,, Conveyance:-, etc. Spa E,*'awing and ,probating oh administtation and guardianship, c etc. Oiccs. Ross` Barristers, boncnrag; Btanch Ofce, Bat Cold` vvunuuu u -._-_-` _ DONALD bss. u..n. '.IJ Barristers, aoucnwra xur u............ ,---,e wins._guardin.nship and administration, General Soiicntors. N otarie. Conveyancers, etc. HAUaa'rou.Ln:mox, . Aux. Coww, ' M 3. Homes Axnmn, G. E. I.BxowN, L.L.B _! Hindu` Block, No; 6, Duhlop street, Bar- .... m,..,':\*r.m::::*:.::'::?'i$Xfo~i'n Alston. '35. unnnnv vrn I DAN, Subscribe for IHE ADVANCE. CCARTHY. BOYS & MURCHISON. ,Barria- ten; Solicitors; Conveyancets, etc. Success- ors to McCarthy, Pepler & McCarthy. Oa..~ -McCa:-thy Block, Dunlop Street, Barrie. ` ` " "A----- ` A W- A. Boys, Irnaurv ---v--- --- J. A. MCCARTHY, ` D, FOR INVESTMENT on good ` , frqehold security :5: loves; rate of mtereut. No money requxred uutxl end of the term. . . STRATHY. Solicitor. Etc., Barns. *~ The discussion at present going on in Barrie on the question of spending con- siderable money on cementgeidewalka is an interesting one. The point was well _ taken by some members ct the Council that as last year 82.7 5 per barrel was i paid ior cement and this year it on be A bought for $1.60 per barrel, it might possibly further decline in prices and that it would be well to enquire into the` mstter. _ uses to which portlsnd cement is being ppplied is the construction of `the `outer i.';.._Ts`v r_Aslls of buildings. We-notice in the acirijgdtsnsrehiaeot end` `euude-what Among the many new- _ b lworth. s tsehioneble, bf .00'I.||`!9.':P:f.' ii_iiA`iu i,Q_s_neds",:`j smell. built in four month's time. 1894 production. works in hed.be_en 708,0()0 produced one; barrels, was imnorts ` over hsrrels, `$50 Whlvooninmption` of Portland cement in 1900 1o.f7oo,oool ' ` A'.'l`h`e miprgpnrticndte ineresse in c_.a5* who-5 ..*.*"*e'W>1e' -a she evroii: the Mdosr; . . Tn } -1*89l= ` 100,000" in 0 ,A;. LE- -, - JAS. EDWARD s . CONVEYAIHVCER. j________________________ . NWIN. MURPHY & ESTBN, Surveyors. En%'.n_ee|_'s, (Establish: 1853. Oioe. Medical unldmg. Rich: and av bts, Tpronto. Telephone, structiona left wxth Strathy Soliclt ' of '1oronto Building, Barne. progxrgll tondedto. Kc Uoon. Sash. Blinds. MoE1&iE}sTZE I'"i>'1ZIa'i'n` 3? all kinds done promptly_ and satisfactorily. ot Blast Drying Kiln. Dutnct agency for rained lum- e be Fa.ctory-B ldstree B ' . ODGERS &_rGALLIE sufora to "mu" T Ban-isters, Solicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries Public, gonvpyancen. Oees over the Bank of Toronto, Money in sums of $2,000 and upwards, to loan at 5 ` per cont. . , . u u e..- ........ .I(,(`._ G. H. Esrnn. I n. uxun.-rxuvnus FUNDS TO LOAN T . on Real Estate` at lowest rates. Farmers NotuDisaountod. Collectionsmaduimany of thqCounty. Real estate bought and gold. _ veyo an ' all `u b ch . 1. mm gaaeee-'1zo..'`{'ock';'Dun':':r'e:Ba: n".f' uuvuvs I I \I LUHIV. We have 8 large amount of Private Funds to land at 4} and 5 per cent. on the security of ood farm Mortgages. McCARTl-IY. BDYS 3: . npnun at 4' sum cent. the security Mon es. McCARTHY. BOYS 8: A URCHI- .SON. unlo Stteet Barrie. nlt:ri;.Bunlding and manufacturing of I done satisfac rily. Plfstmrging Ki_l_n. _l)_1_stpct agency Rraim-d In--- ds. Mouldmgs, etc. Planinof Ontario. V Procton. Notanes, uonvcyuuw--a ---- Money to loan. Oces--Ron Block. Barric- C. E. Hnwsox. A. E. H. Cxnswxcxn. I DR. J. ARTHUR ROSS, L.R.C.P. 8: 5.. Edin- burgh; M.F.P. & S., Glasgow, member of British Upthalmological Society. specialty.- Dueaees of Eye, Eur, Throat and None. OFF lCE.--78 Dunlap Street, Sanders Block, Bar- rie. opposite Post Olce and Railway Station. Phone 54. P. 0.30: 96. 7-ly gOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO _ V >