Take a solution of gum arabic and stir in enough plaster of paris to make :1 soft paste. This is quite colorless andlholds china. excellently. . For very delicate china. some people tie the pieces carefully`tog'ether in place with tapes, stand in a. `sauce- pan of cold milk and very slowly `heat to. boiling pointand then re-c move the saucepan back from the tire and let the china stuy'in for: about ve minutes, after which it is `care- fully lifted out and placed on ea.-_ shelf un dry? You coana `Tau into the future and see the condition to" which your con )1, if neglected, hip vnu. vnu won`! seek relief at 9? aiN;AD#A EC l.`3o`in$ and maskats of all kinds in stock or made- to order. Rabes. Urape and all Funeral Requisites ftlrnishzad. Orders by l`el.egrapl1 or otherwise promptly attended to. V G. O. DOLMAGE, Manager, Stroud. [Steam Works and shownoom; Gbllier-sI.. Barrio SCOTT S BOOKSTORE U N.Q_E '_"?._T_\_K__E R ,merits of PUL~MO. we will gladly mail a i- We know positively that it does all we claim, and to demonstrate our implicit faith in the sample bottle free of charge, directto your post- oice,_ address, securely sealed in a. patent mail- ing tube or box; but as We have gone to con- siderable. expense in securing these mailing tubes for the convenience of our patrons, we ask , . you to send 10 cents to cover the cost of mailing. 1 Only one sample of PUL-M0 will be sent to any one person. Give PUL-MO a trial and convince yourself that it cures. All we ask is, that you take it as directed. Remember, we pay the expense of the trial, it will cost you nothing. V PULLMO is inexpensive,` being sold by drug- { gista at $1.00 per large bottle, or you may pro- cure a sample bottle from your druggist at 15 1Il\'\`Q . I V - u --5 \-\.I uolu |Il'y-tvl nuwuaun. V ` I`he statement that the carriage` will be "lined with pink" is not likely to prove accurate, although that question has not yet been reach- ed. The King husseen and approv- ed a sketch of what the carriage `will be like, but for the rest/it ie only in the making. The chances are, however, that it will be lined with durk'crim.~;on tomatch the old state coach. Claret and ver- milion are the royal colors for car- riage decoration, and this one will he [so painted, with bands and ,de- vices of gold in relief. Some, at least, of the metal work will `be gold phtted, but even so the landau will not cost u.n,vthing like the $40,- ' 000 which the historic state coach is believedlto hftVe cost. 7 PUL-NEO the only absolute cure where there is Consumption," Throat and Lung trouble; Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Bronchitis, Night Sweats, Chi1ls,_Fevers, or any other symptoms which may indicate a tendency toward consumption. PUL-MO has cured thousands of cases which had been treated _by physicians without success, and nally pronounced by them as hopeless. air and out-door exercise,_and use PUL-MO as ~ PUL-MO stands alone---the use of any other medicine as an assistant is not necessary. Eat good plain `nourishing food, get plenty of fresh directed. that is al1-Nature will do the rest. GREATER THAN EVERN A cure that "cures Consu_mption'an'd its many kindredail- ' ments is now within the reach of every sufferer. PUL-M0 was perfected after many years of study and `experimenting by a well-known German scientist, and has effected more cures` than any other preparation which has been offered to the public. PUL-MO, while somewhat new in Canada, haebeen and is curing thousands of cases, and we have `on fyle many testimonials and kindly letters written us by grateful people who have been returned to perfect health._ Consumptioa '15iJ'L-Mo COMPANY. G-. G. SM ] T :I:':l:'1:-I, WALTER SCOTT, Photo Frames in endless variety . ' Dolls boautifullv dressed from 25c. to $2.00. - Calendars and Xmas Cards Prettier and More Artistic than FREE we ;'Somc` P:lJ.l`tl.CVll]ll.l8;:ll:V'i;|`l _(be .intAe1'e$'>t'~,7_ ` ing as `to. the nexvstate \c`arringeg which King Edward is`l1avingLb'u4ilte for the coronation. It will be -what is known as a state landa.u,'.' but` :1. state landau on a grand scale. lt will bekunusually high, very man- sive in build, withlcurved decora- tions, and altogether ;a uniquely handsome carriage. The King : idea, as is understood, ls. to` -use it when he drives through. `London the day after the coronation. _In' g.;oing to \Vestminster Abbey he will use the old state coach, but for the parade through London it would be unsuitable in that it cannot be open- ed. The new carriage will be open. ztlthoup;h it can on occasion be clos-. ed, and so the crowds in the streets will see the King and Queen well. "It will be drawn by eight . of the faunous creanl colored horses Which` belong` to the royal stables. VI`l\n. "I-.-.J....... L`-AA AL- -7-----'- -4- BARRIE AN D STROU D. Bil)1(e9,Vl ('rayorla:nd Hymn Books for all Oh llrches. Special lines of English Church and Roman Catholic Prayers in all Bindings. , In Leather Goods we have an elegant line of Ladies and Gents Purses, -Chatelaines, Card Cases. Dressing Cases, Music Rolls, and e_tc. The Assortment of Books for the Holidiay Trade. Gift Books, Prize Books. S. 8. Libraries and Picture Books `Cheaper than ever. 17-: Us a .. q....., . .. .4 3'. West Adela; St., Torbnto, Can. Q -wt I35` VVUVCIII VV law is the only reliable fence for holding stock oin o. to the continuous coil or spiral sprin . B` ge"w11-ewillwithatundaatrainota. pounds: _ ordinary No. 7 wire will stand astrain r 1 7(1) pounds Comm ' coiled bent gvllfstralghten out m:'%n`Z`3' and ggmain .90.` Pagefenceearenowv chess .and onknow L been thfgest. 611063620.` 1'3_w373- F , :_', Page Woven Wire Fence `in {aha nnlv I-nlinhin fence for holdinz Btock Owing | Handsome Ca}rrivm_o_- Deuigm-cl for Ills Mn- ,I8u"s (.`m-ou:.v.Imn. ' Loy an vuuu Page Wire F3 Fgnco I chlldun from (1 to 19 yurn_o{ 55` About 1 taupaonghl boloro nah maul. zuocvu nu mun. uvwu cc Uwuunuu. . i I In-uuovont OI! IV THE PUL-MO .GOMPA_N"!,% I `HIEONTO. _ ~ _ InCvIl'v"ou_I: u_u_ot ' _ 'l'htou..heu C Lung Troubles 31 CI_lVXOOII%I. QIIAYIIIY IOU VX OOIBIS Colu Stnncllll Lqcuoagi LI Grirn. ruznnnn L1 ax-int. Putnam: 4 -.)sf.Dl0Nl3? 'DIS3.S23`("- Chnulc Ccurrh. !L`t.t muss Tun-_3lood umumuuons uwuuaz _: R7110:-nus. `mm. mum at E Sguixuuu an whole Bum: sywen -Q . V . - I-Willi: CNJI. tllll Ltitlqg `in mi lboh; aim noun In no wow and In In ciman of My aunt mnmlon. ' b,_,__,_,T_ , kw I Inusvl lldliuo -- Tsio 5' donates alnl than an mlnnlu btfnm on meal and In uvgro fun so can: dose 5: bcduuao; lILlI;-__. n_,__ n A- .. ____. _. 4-.. [PULIMOI thuuntronnnaa % % at me: _ m runways. . I00. Limited-. Warkervlllmont. 4 PRIc$__,$a.oo _et}7Hsum`PfIon ;?:i+iY.3`;l'`9* Barrio. r hplding s_tock sprxzai No. _ sstraino!3.d gcgnds. raw enooiled or ratatrain remain K3?` "ri .`.&" :`A .. ( `p Imuwa 0` lo IIIBIIT SWEAII BIIOIOIIITII BVGI`. THE KING'S STATE LANDAU. Wi1o\\"s ()fI'-rs of Marriao. Fishes Live '-to :1 Great Age. Telegvrapli .~ A Call Down for` Mr. J. ` Mr."ZMarmadu1e .Ienkyng._`.we11_ 515. `boys will be old boys, Mrs, 'Jenkyns"_" `Iva Ilfnrrnuuabn ,TnnI:-y..a.7t\l. ..'. Rivera Uder the Ocean. How to Cement China. E(:(5BlItl'i(! Matches. surely. .-. A hlu'eviationL A Fair suppoultion. - . Who `Is that man who keeps saying It is always the unexpected that hap- pens?" - _ ~ ` . I'm not <`.ure-pt-obably an attache of the Weather bureau. . not lo `ll:-ave. Blobbs-He says he would rather-_" ght than eat. . A s_lobs-Pugnacl4ous.T eh?` _ ' - Blobbn-+No:~dyspe`pt1c. j A bachelor says that id;3`ls avcombl` nation-or dIseases-an- affection of the heart `gnd inpmmaon or the,` 1.... 1.`.- . _sianey; 15 it a ood mu't.ch_?. = Rodney: 011. ~ 68!. .-Shejs ,p;:.e,t.ty : and ~h s'e1stnIaid* ' .,.,,,, .4 . - - - - V - v . u - u Inmo vuu vuuvs wag- Yes. he continued. we use them again. We don't like to lose custom- ers; but. it wemust lose them. why, we don't mind it they leave" their cups; etc.. behind. It's surprising how many do; but. then, barbers do mostly a `shifting trade. _ It's no secret that we urge customers to have their own cup. Most 0; them are satised it they have a private cup, brushland sponge. We supply them with the man's name on the cup for $1.50. and our prot on the transaction is 50 cents. When a man has a razor and comb and brush be- sides the other tools. he generally takes the whole lot away when he s.leavlng, but countless cups, brushes and sponges are left behind in every barber shop. (fI'1I-_ ---_._ -_,_ __I_____, ,, C no A. The Last Execution at Tyburn. Therlast execution on a permanent gallows in London took place at Ty- burn on No\'7. 7, 1783. the malefactor being one John Austin. condemned for highway robbery with violence. For centuries Tyburn had been thescene of executions for criminals condemned in Middlesex. and before the erection of the `permanent `gibbet occasional hangings had taken place, record exist- ing of the hanging of Judge'Tressllian and Nicholas Brembre. at thatplace as far back as 1388. ' ' The gallows consistedof three posts. and around it were open galleries, re- sembling race stands; in which seats were let. On account of the disgrace-A ful scenes on the road. executions, were transferred in 1783 to the area in front of Newgate, despite the objecti ..s of ' residents, and_ on Dec. 3' of that year the first hanging took place there. when no less than ten were executed.- London Chronicle. ' . .e Not Durable. 1 Marriage: may be made in heaven." ; he said thoughtfully. but It` so. they're dealing` in a. cheaper grade of goods up y there every year.- They don't last any : thing like _the way they used to." ' I ' T There 1-1_<')VtVi1ing so bad for the health and well being of poultry as conning them "in close quarters and preventing them from taking needed exercise. When necessary to administer medl- cine by placing it in the drinking wa- ter, keep the birds from drink for sev- eral -hours. They are then thirsty and more apt to get a"good swallow. An Interesting Relic. In the matter of V diminutive bank ' notes a correspondent sends an ac- ' count of a curious note which he has in his possession. it is a. card measur- , ing 2 by 2% inches. on one side off which is twiceprinted the word '1`wo- i pence, _ while on the other the sum is j . printed in words, and gures round the ! border. In the middle is the following: is I D\I`t\UUI.lI1\ 6.; an-. Al... I.. . _ _ . ._ ... .1- I -.-v-w -- -on.` an--u-nan`. u-.7 \-nan. Ivnuvvv Inna I promise to pay the bearer. on de- mand. twopence. By order of the Gor- poration of the City of New York, Feb. 20, 1790. D. `Phoenix. City Treasurer." --London Graphic. ' ` scratch it out. When the loose grain fed to towls should be scattered among litter of some kind. so that they can One of [thV7 iT:stZTiVm(f)o1'tan't It;>;s to insure success In the hatching of chick- . ens in winter is to get the eggs from a ock of healthy and vigorous fqwls. In ixxvestigetiimg `the cause of sin- juries to ocean telegraph cables, it, -has been discovered, accotjding to La Nature, that there are" in. the depths of the ocean fresh '. water" rivers, which have sunk out of sight on land to come to*the surface again [only under the ocean. There is better health among roving towls because they get the food-thatis best for digestion and get thenecessary grit to help the-gizzard do its work. Ducks and geese need no grain when they have plenty otgrass. ` % t1,!,I - - A - Chicken Eattex; rasEe}c5ii cooked `food than on raw because it is more easily digested. . - them contain such common names as John Smith. William Jones, etc.. and when some other John Smithor Wil- liam Jones orders a cup we simply sup- ply him with the cast of! one. Some- times they need n llttlle touching up with gliding; but. on the whole, it's very protable. - y[1'__ |________A__ ___; __,,,n An Wfhe cups are always good. Many of Vhen` soft feed is given to `either young or old towls. it should never be thrown on the ground. 9u`u ._ Ur wvu-an vv n-nwyvso. Now, 1'11 `tell .you, but I don't want It shouted from the housetops. We use the mugs again. - . ` ` rv- -xanuulituta .._.I ..l..I.-_I ..'_--u,, n_._;,, 1 any show -- - He pause?!` ggaugighed as" he tossed the questioner s head the other way; - uvnn 97 kn .u.n6In.....I u _ . . . ..- 4..-... `.J`; 5 \rn4`v --cw Neither side seemed disposed tonn- swer the query, and there was; an awk- ward sllence.` ` The barber slapped` his razor on th9~ 8t!0D. smeared som_e"e'xtra lather on the victim's mouth so he wouldn't be inclined. to Interrupt and said in 9, stage whisper: V" u\Y.\..- `NI 64\`I _--- I.-_A. I _i___u;_ __-_- .--., r-v---u-.7-vs . The brushes and sponges? Oh, we` use them on the transients." tlclb ll\I ' What becomes of th ownvers'?" wage the response. ' z ' -LL-.. ..l.1- ..--._._,| .1: q _ av \I`V no vv u \)J\A uvau, ;u.nn. uc11x\`y,ug.; _ Mrs. urmaduke J enkyns--_0h, no. You mean that old boys will kee" Eon trying` tq be young -boys. . _ V -_~,,,,., nu-nuhs m;d` lV1V:oi'|e`If'IIai `List: In David: shops. L --what becomes own the old ualiaiv- mg mugs?" was the qwilnstlon 'asked7the bu1'bel'- ' .1--cl AL I._-_..___. A no -`- -rmcxs or 'rHI::1`R'M3a; POULTRY POINTERS. o:','.%'Re`v.` `at `a ` recon. t .j7*meeting of the Toronto Ministerial` 3 Association. read a carefully-prepay 1 ed paper on Anarchy, Moral _ and Economical." .~. The treatise. ` which covered the -subject thoroughly, al- though briey,.`was greatly appre- a. deliberate-disregard of human Gov- ` ernment, " and the typical anarchist I as a. malcontent against the present 5 state or things. whose ideal was ` the abolition of Government and of private property. The abolition of tural ' teaching and to experience. I divine ordinance. ciated by the members. In `opening-' Dr. Workman described anarchy ,aa T Government was contrary to Scrip-, ; The form of any Government was a .11-vumvvnng any gnnuuuuy; V131`, gu,gg`c. The cunekwere to be_ found- in education, in] teaching men to obey and respect, the laws. They should maet *a.lI' "evils. cq_r_1__ti ' ` zcii : WM; I W vvvn In-mun yvwlulvllu . Dr. Workman devoted some time to a consideration of. the cause and cure of anarchy. He _said ` that there were several, causes, but that the fundamental one was selshness, man's selsh love of power. Position and wealth. There was still some savageryi in the human disposition, ,e. tendency for one -to go as ` . he pleased`. no matter, Who. si1ere_d`.._ V " nu... u...'.....'.. an... 4.- 1.- n-_'-;_'.n .l In concluding his description of ` anarchy the speaker said: We are living at a time when widespread anarchy is abroad. There seems to be an epidemic of not only crim- ; inal anarchy, but of moral. and eco- ? nomic also. , The two latter are on the. increase, and the outlook is i alarming. A characteristic 1ea.- ' ture is the unscrupulo s means em- ployed by the so-called law -abiding citizens. to gain money or to obtain power and `position. ` IIf_..I-...-.; A-___A--9 ' -- usnv vvuunax U1 'Utl.llUla'UU1.U5o 1 WEE) Industrial where the workers were treated as mere machines, and were improperly inuenced in many directions. The Aformation of i trusts, monopolies and combines of `a11.kinds was a feature of this sort of anarchy; laborwas cheated of its fair share oflprots. Anarchy was occasionally connected with organiz- edlabor; when non-union men were compelled to join a. union, or were prevented; from working; where there was any . interference with ~ personal liberty.` there was tyranny, which I wan an an-.l1v_ - -. -rv~ V; 9 vuva was anarchy. "Inn. A. `A child detests soap. T How it would amuse a child to behold a number of matches rushing" away from soap! Place some matches .ii_i_ a basin of w-.1101` in the shape of -.1 star. Take a. piece of soap, cut into a point, inse1't.,it in the Wa- ter in the middle of _the matches, and, 10!" they will fly from it in every direction if in horror. 11 you wish to bring the matches all [together again, _vou will treat them as you would chil(l1'en--with a lump- of sugar. Dip the sugar in water and little bits uf wood will . come swimming to it aslthough they yearned for a sip of its sweet- ROSS. .,........v V. aaawusolul nauuxuzlualulln, UB0. 7 - _ (3) Municipal, where the ten commandments were set at naught. vThe traic in franchises in Phila- delphia, the protection of gambling _. and vice in New York, and the" cor- ruption in Chicago were mentioned. IA.` DI\`I.lI:\1 annual. -_ 41.- .L-I--.. JV~"*"B' ` (2) Commercial, as shown inthe unscrupulous means -employed by many business men to make money rapidly, such as the adulteration of gold, the employment of false weights and measures, the accept- ance of illegal commissions, etc. IR\ 'I'I1n3nnn'I ' CC7L)u.. LL- ). -'-. ...yu.vu Lu. uuu.a.5u wcu: xucuuuneu. (4.-) Pqlitical, such as the taking of "money in the Pacic and Mc- Greevy scandals, the buying. of `votes, the use of the gerryman- der, tampering with voter's lists, and the stuing of -ballot-boxes. Nrvsfiuunl-`A34-ml --L--- I-_ ed. :1 (3)' Ignoring justice, in -dealing with either 0. citizen or a. commun- ity. -` 7'1]..- ..AL1.~._- -3 AL- 'r1__,_, .I_ 4-: 4; , `van , _The actions of the French Govern- ment'in the Dreyfus can and of the British Government in the Venezue-. la. matter savored of Anzu'chy. Great Britain's _treatment, `of Ireland, too. had been anarchistic. - l I \ITI- A II Inna. - "Ireland has its Anarchists, too, I will. admit,' , said Dr. Workman, Vbut. that does not justify the mea- sures adopted in the government of the-island. Let justice be done, though the heavens fall; if justice'be done, the heavens-,will not fall." .l)I\ FIWL- _.__-_I_:_- uuL;0p lousy JLVKNVUIID 1 `VIII. ILUII Ian. `(4) The wreaking .of vengeance in any form. Lynching, torturing and burning. at the stake were examples of it in our own time. From the large number of people who suggest- ed that, Czolgosz should have been lynched for his crime at Buffalo it was apparent that this sentiment had a rm hold on a great` portion. of public opinion. IK\ PH- -.-.4. -._ 4.1.--.....:__..:__-u ;|_ . .,. ,........, .,,.......... (5) To act on the `principal that might was right. Examples. of this were to behfound in the `Jameson raid.` Britain's threat to coerce Venezuela, the reportedconduct of the French and German troops in China eighteen months ago, . the smashing of Spain and the taking of the Philippines- * lQ\ Au4.:.... 1..-..- __`|!--- 5 " ya u .L llLlL.J'lAll\IJI- ' (6) Acting from policy or expedi-3 ency when a. _moral principal was involved. The only law in such cases was the golden rule. Economic Anarchy. __Under the heading of Economic Anarchy" the speaker grouped: (1 \ I;`;nunnI'u1 CIIIIIL an J-Inn ;I-n..3_- In a. mining centre some eighty miles from (Joolgau-die, in Western Australia, a carpenter died, and his widow had oers of marriage from the doctor who attended the deceas- ed, the undemuker, the clergyman, who read the burial service, the -local apothecary who made up the medicines and prescribed for the departed, and the custodian of the cemetery whem he was interred. Likewise from about a score of mine nianagers and miners. She did not accept one of the .suit,ers, and` de- parted for her home in Melbourne. sganypu nu. nut; Dycchncx 51 uupcu. (1) Financial, such as the deceiv- ing of an assessor by a property owner,` the practice of extortion by money-lenders and others, the smug- gling of merchandise, and in stock jobbing. T ` l0\ t`1...........-....:-I __ -1- _ - -- vuvquvuvvu, nu wan au. u.uu.u.;u1a'b- ' (2) Doing evil that good might result. ` Many practised the doc- trine that the end justified the means; rather should they say that the means justified the end. Mrs. Carrie Nation, the Kansas agitator, was a type of the downright, wilful, absolute Anarchist. All those tem- perarfce fanatics who wished to abolish saloons without regard to the rights of saloon-keepers were Anarchists. Revolutions should V be accomplished by the process of evo- lution. ' With regartiuto the moral appiiica-_ tion of the term the speaker said that conscious or deliberate [disre- gard, of human or divine law, was moral anarchy. This was particu- larly true of violations of divine law; no matter howwobedient a man mignt be to the laws of man, he was an anarchist; 'I7,_. ' ` - ` IIl\l&LhFI J. 151-1511) W Cl Go (1) The determination to have one s own way; "if a man undertook to do as he liked, regardless of con- _sequences, he was an` anarchist. I0\ hninm A-.21 A.l....A. ..-_.a _.-.I..'I.L `Av vi now (lull GULLIAM valluo Dr. Workman proceeded to outline the various kinds of anarchy which presented themselves to his_ observe.- tions. - These were: l1\ fI'1I.- .!-A_____-._- ,1: . - L :\yn:_uu'up_' spoons; c`o no ':isnnuml - -'As_ulu!,on at Toronto of [hay Pruont buy Evils. ` '- ` vvn usnquun vos;w :v w`.W7ha..t. of 1rela11:1: i.tsL\lf?" was. ask- A . DES,GR9l,_B_|_i_ANAHC__}HY.' " "'U ' The Outlook Alarming. Crows are comnioiily said to live for a hundred yours, and turtles are reported to have even longer life,= but if the laLte- Professor Baird _be right the greatest ainountof longe- vity ispossessed byifishes, Profes- sor" Baird once said that as a. fish has no maturit},' {here is nothing to prevent it from living indenitely and growing continually, _He cited in proof aipike in Russia whoseage is known to date back to the fth- teenth century. In the 7 Royal aquarium at St. Petersburg there are hundreds of sh that were put _in over 150 years ago, `V uuyc. 7 liters: Aljarchy. % The long Distance Telephone is the Ideal Rapid Transit Along Distance Equipment. The Contract Depaxrtment . willkfumvhnmwhwse 'rHm'rowN or BARBIE. Barrie is '64 miles North North-west of Toronto.` on the Northern & Northwestern division of the Grand Trunk Railway. the County seat of the County of Simcoe. is beautifully situated on a picturesque slope. overlooking Kempenfeldt Bay. an _ arm of Lake Simcoe,= nine miles long and from one to three miles broad. and one of the prettiest bays in Canada. In summer boats ply daily to and from neighboring summer resorts and parks. The population of Barrie is 7.000. Streets and sidewalks are rst class; hand- some restdences are numerous. ' Streets, county and public buildings and dwellings are lighted with gas or electricitv. The waterworks and sewerage systems are very efficient and provide spring water. good drainage and reliable fire protection in every part of the town. Barrie is a railwav centre for Central and Northern Ontario. Thirteen passenger trains arrive and depart daily. The postal service is all that can be desired ; thirteen mails arrive daily; there is prompt postal collection and delivery throughout the T town. Branches of the Bank of Toronto and Cana dian Bank of Commerce. one Private Bank and two chartered Loan Companies. There are eight schools (one Separate). employing thirty-one teach- ers; twelve churches, Tm: Non-menu ADVANCE. the leading weekly newspaper, and two other weekly newspapers, one commercial college. Every day is market day, machine shops of the Grand` Trunk Railway with head oices of the Superinten- dent and despatchers for N. N. W. Division; engine and boiler works, machine shops. planing mills, grist mills. saw mills. woollen mills, wickerwork factory. cigar factory. marble cutters, bicycle works. boat builders, tannery, breweries. ten butcher shops. sever- al first-class hotelswith reasonable rates. threeliveries. three laundries. one creamery and all other modern u conveniences. Stores are numerous and carry full lines of all kinds of first-class goods. competition is keen and prices are `as low as in a city. Telegraph and and night telephone systems connect the town with all places near and distant. Barrie is fast becoming a favorite resort with summer tourists. Exports--Live stock. farm and dairy produce. large quantities of grain. flour, machinery and leather. _...v_.. ._ ..-_.-- `run u-1v--3 2 Rooms for offices. in Ross Block. No. 97. Dunlop Street.` Fire proof vault; lately occupied bv Dr. Wells. Also two rooms with vault, lately occupied bv -Hood, Jacks 8; Fraser. Barristers; immediate possession. Apply to C. H. ROSS. _ Barrie. lanuarv x. 190:. 1-tf. "rown LOTS` % FOR SALE- mxzmma mAs_n.Y'oURmp. Merrill s System Tonic has cured more cases of blood and skin diseases such as Ex- zema, Sorofula. Piinples and S3 pbilitio Sores, than all other remedies combined. Besides being a most powerful blood pnriher it is an excellent tonie and cures by assisting nature to throw off the disease; A Fifty Cent Bottle lasts three weeks. Sold at Robert- son's Pharmacy. Abbreviations inztke up one of the most, import-.u1t elements in the car- eer of the telegraph operator . Ab- breviated desputehes are often sent in five minutes that would require half an hour s work `if transmitted in full. But there is an operator in Pittsburg whose originality in inventing substitutes for goodVEng- iish surprises even his wo_rkmx1tes.'_ When the death of young .Ja.xnes S. Ayres was Iirst sent T-over the wires and the mime of Mrs. Bonine was first mentioned, one of the 10+- cul operators received at query from the Pittsburg man, What -sort of {L lookingvwoinnn is Mrs. B09? The Washington operu-tors thought stead- ily for it moment and then sent back, "Who do you mean? Mrs. B-0- 9." When the signicance of the phrase burst upon him, the ` local- operator z1nn()1m('c(l the abbreviation to his associates, and the name has been sent all over the country as ."B-O~)'. ever s_ince.---Washington 'D,.a4 2 _ Iihilgg.fWii|t0xrL :nilliner is" ..m s `pressing theme and little diminution is to be~noted_ in tlie output pf new head-' gear for cold -weather. the attention `of the msnafaoturers is already fooussed upon the models for Spring and early Summer. The February Delineavor presents a number of original c'e.cts in straw thatwill hold high place among :be`heat products of the year. Many styles. and shapes are illustrated, and some are .-presented in colors. Mlle. Mira hell, a prominent milliner. of New York and Paris, presents the first of s aerxea of twelve illustrated lessons in but making and shows a fashionable afternoon but from the very first stage to the nished article. ALLANDALE. Lots 2, 3 and 4, West Baldwin Street. North Cumberland Street. Lots :7 `and 18. Jacob's Terrace, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7. - OFI-"ICESTO RENT OR LEAS; shnolrs Consumption % Guaranteed to cure . Con- 7 u sumtion, Bron c hxtis, _ Ast ma, and all Lung Troubles. Cures Coughs and Colds in a day. 25 cents. Write to S. C. WELLS & Co., Toronto, Cam; fox` free trial bottle. 51-50 51:`. nuyunu uuu 955 9:: `V \lll:l\ll-I `neg-`lccted, will brixig Kan. you woul seek relief at once--an t at` naturally would be through :44 rif Karl : Clover Root Tea purifies the Blood 'increaa the and . -V cu-_ts d6w_n_ 'o'er time _oha.1`ges. spams nn.Lmn3YmNra' P;stv.