EVERm // / // / "rmLn;1>HoN 1:: 53. "`9xyge na_tor ' I]_i}I1tmiant TJs_-f_ ~ AI... -... .. -._L...... -.. LL- .4-.. wu.-ran scorn CAW BBEAK THEM THE cKi7xI5TZiI Tiiaazn Co. rm-ty in that he is in young inan.` He looks to be fty years old, but cannot be` much more thanthirty-ve. He has a heavily lined face, piercing black eyes and jet black hair and beard. Outwardly he is one or the most quiet,-mild and inof- fensive ot men. His voice is soft and pJe:'.s`u11t.' He is extremely reticent; pre- suxnubly because he believes that In real" nnawlnist is one who acts insteadot talks. nu.- -, _-__._ I! ____ _;_ -1-en I"I'!_L THE LUGAL PAPER WITH THE LARGEST GIRUULLTIDN. Ao`v:I=ms:A m l ""_"`I "V" ' ~-' I . _ " . * ' A O`_O C C Photo Frames in endless variety ~ . ' Dollstbeautifullv dressed fro1R.25c. to $2.00. ' T Calendars and Xmas [Cards Prettier and - More Artistic . than ever. BARRIE AND STROU D. lenize comparison. OF A SHO\V IS` VVHAT is to your store, but your advertising must back it up closely to secure the best results. 1-0313 Kavbons. y Chemists. Barrie. BY ADVERTISING ...{ L Y -A. social club` tsch-Am:ikgni9hgr+VI91`kt:Bre 4' . . V."1'1 1`.;f,"i>[3;7::rva;;a%'Hyai1jBopkprgn- a11 t:huches.~ Specfnl 1inesof English` Chrzrch and Roman V Catholic Prayers in all- n:nt`:n an `J-`III T inuaxgs. . 1:} Leather Goods we l;1a*v..eah.;el;gaxi`t'1ine.bE'1Lo.dies"and Gents Purses, Chatelaiues, Card Cases. Dressing Gases, Music Rolls, and etc. ` `Books, Priie Books; Libxfaries and Picture Bqoki The Aaaortmeiit __of-> [Books; 1% 1. . _d .7` " `7 `.`:"`I; the-f Holi jr ` Trade . Cheaper than e'ver.._ `I1-1 I `I\_.4_.___ ___ .1 TI'__.... 13-2`!-- `um .11 IVL.._..L-.. "` Qn.:...1 SABOOKST TOWN LOTS ALLANDALE. . Jacob : Terrace. Lots 1. (39:39 49; !-`Aid? A 1 V ` `:ARR13"f_`. * ` APP1jat _ ...-.. 5mutea, ;_ne can I titlg of r-`on SALE. me ADVANCE Barrie. Illlll IIIBL I UIIC VVI-III RULE JIIDLCCIIVI Iv?`-I330 This singular man lives at 112 High street. Where his domicile is located the street narrows down into a dismal, dirty` little lane. with unpleasant looking shop: and slutternly homes on either side. Ma-T` latesta does not find it necessary to pose as a householder. He lodges overa little Wln(`. kept by a man named Detendi. also dccl:.1red to be a revolutionary exile twin Italy; Whether he is or no his -son, aboy of seventeen, ha: been informally adopted by Mnlatesta and is tho.anarch- lat king's closest companion. A 10 l--."1.l 4-..; ...'...~. I: Ifnlnfnufnhl = supreme ,Acog,1.rt;-;:;11 .98 g1'ante_d, h .'l'In tuna.-. -Us nuI}_.' D L'lUBL'b|. cusuyuuauue A 12 by"14 toot room is Malatesta s castle. It is at the rear of the second .iloor. A bed, a bookcase. .a stable and some cheap chairs that have seen much service are the only furniture. It is the bookcase alone that reveals the ten-_ Icy of a man out of the common run at - Illligton. It contains something like I hundred books, and. besides the works of Bakunine, the apostle of anarchy, and` other revolutionary books in French, Ger: "1811. Italian and Russian. there are vol- '"`~ 8 by Huxley, Herbert Spencer, Mat- lile Halatesta lives. Those who ought, to know assert that he does not get a penny of salary from anarchists; He certainly thew Arnold, John Stuart Mill and Car-. Itis rather a diicuit thing to say how i cannot earn much at his trade. can-.an til! a `lad jobs of mending bicycles, plumbing Ild so forth he gets lIre.h"om,!oreln or8. Igholrnow him or are in the condence"-ht . friends. The neighbors will have noth-7' "13 to -do with him. and he will. have nothing to do with strangers. "It ls said. that he has inherited some money. ' Thil XDianation at his source ot.rvenneis_-_ mgbably the correct one. ' n.....-__-_, ,. 41.`- A-.A. ....unnAI-u- ` r-vualuly U19 COITBCI On . I ` Howsoever he lives. the, 2actrem8_i!l| that he does live, considered` by me? and toes alike a menace to 3_9S5t7 A `What might have been 'iI 3361! `W9 F . In case. If Malatesta had,onlY*m'?` his genius, which is -no meuntonw 10' `Gad ortspending his` time ptoxnotinll W _ Why. there is more than a_ `l'`ll|0t9.tP."."f' Wits that today he wouldgb 8! 110.392 -.`~`. {nd respected as his -ttelloijv c0|1.|1t.Wm,`f;7 i2r_Narconi, instead. of .beiIii 39 1'9 33.5 e: /I vvt |'1"-Ml ://M/A: . 1` `MMz/////W 4 /WW/K I11 . 1 "V c _ '. Y x:~- . 1- Oihgter. his 5 Qhriatmda fair n1: t of sdijd olsri ice 'on the' ha} ind teams were crossing it. A ` % `At n gneetingef the united 9o'mI'e`gI- sciene of ~'.Wnubeufnhene. Feegerten em`! Doldwatfer, held et Fenserton on Mon- day morning last week it was unani- muely agreed to extend a cell to the Rev. C`. Mercer, of Oiven Sound. `}A re... op... `andquiet wedding was is.-lemnized at the home -of Mr. and Mrs. A. Ahhott, on Monday, Dec- emher 931:, when Annie, their eldest daughter, was married to H. Barn- hardt, of Mitchell Square. The Rev. A. MoD. Hang, Presbyterian minister of J arratt, s Corners, ooiated. A Miss- Jennie Abbott, sister of the bride acted .as`bridesmaid ; Miss M. Steer, of Star` goon Bay, cousin of the bride, acted as maid of honor andMr. Joseph Lawson supported the groom. . oounmowoob. A proposition has been made to Colliugwocd Council for the establish- ment of a grist mill by: Mr. Stewart, of Strathroy. At the last meeting o the Council Mr. Stewart was present and_ addressed `them, stating he proposed erecting a mill of one hundred and twenty-ve barrels capacity, the build- ing to be adapted to be enlarged to a two hundred barrel mill per day. The building would be brick. ' He would expend between ten and twelve thous- and dollarswithout interest to be repaid in twenty annual instalments. He was willing to pay taxes as other people, and was prepared" to make a deposit to cover the `expenditure necessary for sub- mitting a by.-law, as a guarantee that he would full his partof the agreement.- The Council have not decided what they will do. ` i l `"331 ; I-3;y`d,"e`f`ih'e_ G.T.R.,ehad a. fall on the. ice recently which severely in- jured him ` --. n .I L`_'- ._-_.I A`, fl`..- llanlrug The nomination for the township of Essa willtakeplaoe at Jehh e Hall in the village of Coohetown on Monday Dec. 30th. e l On Tuesday -lent while Mr. .8. Campbell wee engaged in `throwing `straw from a scaffold, `he had the mie- fortnne to elip `and fall. to the ,oor,-_. `come A . twelve feet below-_--lIe'_I'lou9lty win- iurinz hie` bsckg Dr, 1; MaoKay` `VIII : jmnnedlately annn]Inoned_ ._.and ` ~ ; V 1- .:;...> .._- A petition has been received by the Public School` Board frcmthe lady tea-. chers agaainst the recently adopted gra- ded scale of salaries. Mrs. Brotherson, widow of the late David Brctherson, who was killed by the Midland train in June last, died on c'he'izEi(;s;n<`ixK'e;iin'in J une oi: Friday from the "effects. of a paralytic atroke.g _ ` - - T ' Edith, the fteen fear old daughter of Mr. W. H. Allems, died on Tuesday after a weeks illness of blood poison- ing. A slight scratch on the foot re- sulted in inammation,followed by blood "poisoning, and eventually death. The removal by death of this bright, pro- mising young lady is a very severe shocks-to her parents and friends. V ` oooxsm-own. L_ A Mrs. Sum ! Manning ne; with 3 piin-' fulaocident last week by falling down stairs. ' - ` " A ~---L2.. -0 onmmmonm L There have been a number of business changes here `lemelv. 1.1- !1llI1) L-.I-f..II - lI\lI-wvvv v - out of. dang`VaIA'.-_-_-+AAd_\Vvocute. ' E \ia-~vu- - ` We the undersigned, do hbreby-. agree to Vrefundgthe money ' on 3 \50-cant bottle at Groonf|'V`Wrrgntod~ Syrup of 'J.`sr~, If jit_fsilu_ . .. . J > , 319 9%:#, Jurea nun , . While! skating tin the pond, Alf. Tur- ner had his noae cut_a1moat in gwo as 3 result ofioolliaion. - " The Star says :---Mrs. M. A. Milleep left town on Wednesday morning last week for Copper Cli'. but _reports says she` had her name changed before reach iug there. At Beeton ehe wulmet by; `T-~----`- j mlid II-Ia vu-V-wt --7 __-- , , Mr. Thou. Honnoh,-who was returnio from Toronto, and otv `Barrio - the happy couple werounitesi in the holy bonds of matrimony. ycumm. A ORILLIA `Aggro; *1i]l%l , vsanu,`Ie mains mm! gniblio tneetihg` in the .Tewn Hell; " `All the eherohee oleeed their `regular prefer eervieeeend united in the meeting with -the result. that jtlie large` eudieuee room of the Town Hall was lled. _ Tho apoikera of the , gve;:ing wore Mr. J. J. Kelso, the Provincial Super- inuendant of work fox-"poor and neglect-` ed children, and Rev. E. (2. Dixon, of Toronto. % Mr..Kelso outlined in an illustrated address the ideals and actual viork of the " societies under his supervision; His earnest` and svmpathetic plea in behalf of the children themselves was ably enforced by an argument. showing the actual nancial saving resulting to `the country from all such efforts to says the `young from lives of vice and crime. . Mr. Dixon s lecture Wops the Waif was thoroughly appreciated by all. The "story of Wops one full of- the intense human feeling and from the lips of Mr. Dixon comes with telling pathoe. It was illustrated bygga superb set of views. Mics McKee .and Miss Irving lgreatlyadded to the enjoyment of the evening by the musical numbers rendered by them.~ At the close of the meetingamr. H. H. Strathy the preei'_ dent or the local` society gave a few facts of the work done in this vicinity duringthe past year. His statement showed that during the past twelve months 9 children had been made "wards of the society. 7 had been placed in foster homes while 2 we still in the temporary shelter 6 other children were arranged tor with trustworthy relations. Il'EI'U Bl ID mung, 1.9 u wguI!;Q pm of London` kniqwn :gg`:'-1gnpQn `j;:h.x_j incarnation of _ oriarty -in~thn; Vpergn_g_i V the dreaded` alatgsta, .ax.-eh anarchism about whom so much has beenwrltte xt, but about whom so little}! realliknowh. Now more_than ever is 7a knowledge of Malatesta unportant to Americanlon ac- i count or the whisperings. that he could` tell much it he wouldnbout `the murder of President McKinley. % ' T nu... Qnnflnntl vnr nininln nan-III-.. III- ` fstsnt support of those interested in the _The society` did not sslrfor tion but Mr. . Stnthy stated the ' membership fee was 50 cents a your (1 that the society was in need of the con- work of rescuing children. i The annual 1 business meeting of the society will beheld on Jan. 14th, 1902 when oioers will be elected` for the en` suing yesr. All desirous of siding in the work will have opportunity of mem- bership st that timeor st. shy time by sending the name and. membership fee} to Mrs. M.,Burton, Treasurer, or D. _B. 1 Hsrkness, Secretary. V Anton Mills. Advance Cormpondenoe. - `_Mra. Lsfrenio is visiting his dough- ter, in Toronto. Miss Essie Wilson, of Gronfel, visited relatives here last week. ` 7 The anneal 8.8. `cancer; and tea will be held here on Friday evening, Dec. . I ' Mr. and Mrs. Logic Carson nrejej-I joicing ovr the arrival of '0. daughter Dec. 7611. ~ 1 V 3 Geo. Muir left. last week for Tneronto 1 where he intends spending some time. A Geo. Megan, son of Mr. Joe. Magan, of this place died in the hospital in Ool'lingwood' on Sunday - last after a vervahort illneah. It was a great shock to hie family who did not know that he was seriously` ill nntil he was dying. Their many friends sympathize with them in their hereatiement. THE GBAVENHUBBT FRI ECISPITAL ' FOB UONBUMPTIVES. `Editor of the Nongnnu Anvmon : `James and J.ohn. Mollenahlin, of Hunteville, are spending a few weeks withreletlzione here. or l_ [U,3|lJC&lI- LVJVJ-LIIIICJO ' ` ` i The Scotland Yard oiclals conndldor` Er.-_: rico Malatesta to bethe realieader of tho- anarchists 01! England it note! the world. He jg known to be in close touch with the anarchistic movements throughout Europe and America and as a. conse- quence is watched day and night. But clever as the Scotland. Yard men are they can never identity him with any crlmeor. the reds, and with a serene condence ` he works at his trade ot..plum_bor while the shadows pursue him in vain.` It he - lived in France or Italy. he would be quickly locked up on thetheory that ho was safer behind bars, but in Englandit is another matter. In England the law requires facts, and (acts are the one thing about Malatestn `phrtlcularly hard "ieu}, -'rhei g...i..` building of the 'Grsvenhurst Free Hospital for Con- sumptives is nearly oompleted and only ssmsll smonnt of money his been re eeived for` furnishings. _ By the rate Appesls srs `coming `in we must in- oresse the number of beds without d_e- _ lsy. "Certainly this free hospital is thei oonntr_y?s most` pressing need. .- Nest-)Iy.| evry'.mil~ brings distre-its 'requestai ,forIi_ielp tram olsrgymen, mission york- srs"snd_t`rom the oommpgm poor. . A poor V widow wants. to be cared for the sake of her lietie boy ;` a le_borer e wife pleads for her" young _dunghter, her boy and her two-year-old lieby ; no father with .3 `large family; of little children -went`: to otzredlbot-.l_1ie fegni_ly I' Ieke; :1 nieohangonnd hipyife` ere to-dey eon-' :ajj1nipiyf ggid ;l1!)Iu;u_.IIl[); rognpeeeoou `f -:xcnu1te.nsm --a;:-oe- e gm "l.\"".. ` `r - "4 (Too latcfor last week's issue). `W arm | A [U uuuu There seems to be no doubt that he is an Italian nobleman. He was intended` by his father to be a. `scientist and woe given a splendid education at Milan unl- versity, but he was arrested as the leader of a revolutionary movement even before he was a graduate. Only by the inuence .01 his family was he kept out or jail.` After that he was diiowned by his par ents, and be promptly plunged into all sorts ot plots against the government ot ` Italy. D-. TQOQ kn kiln` `unnnnvunn -AnAQ-pi-mu A 1&.;;,,a;1 Scorer y,_' i _ ' '157',*Bfny `St, 'Toronto.'_ _. V-` _ `N .B..r--S1_nhporipriono, . moneyordera, cheques," eto., for this urgent chority may be sent to t.he'Nationn'l Trust Company, Limited, Treasurer, 22-King St. East, Toronto; to Mr. W". Jan. Brown or to the Bank of Toronto, Barrie, Qnt. M * 9. Assoc` intion; HARPER MEMORIAL FUND. At a public meeting in the Ottawa City Hall, a committee was formed to receive subscriptions to erect a monu- lmeutlto the late_WHenry Albertarper, who plunged into the icy waters of the Ottawa River and was drowned in an effort to save the life of Miss Blair} A subscription list has been "opened in Ottawa and subscriptions will be gladly received from any friends else- where of the late Mr. Harper, who may wish to aid. Subscriptions. may be sent to the Treasurer of the committee, Mr. George Burn, Manager of the Bank of Toronto. V ` A _ A UNIQUE NUMBER. . The Mail and Empire has favored us with an advance copy of the supplement that will accompanv' the regular issue on Christmas morning. It is " not "a special pretentious Christmas number, but is a unique idea. The story of Canada is told in eleven languages and there is an address of greeting directed to the various provinces. in rotation, the other pages being devoted to general `hristmas matter. UANADIAN STARS OF THE STAGE. Canada has been the home of more than one stage star, and it is pleasing to know that our people have shown such ability in the arts of drama and opera. _ The most re- cent successful debut has been that of Mrs. Gilman, of Hamilton, who has joined the Princess Chic company, Hamilton is also the home of Miss J ul_ia Arthur one of_Canada s foremost actresses. Mr. Reuban Fax re- ceived an ovation at Woodstock his old home the other day when he appeared with Stoddart in The Bonnie Brier Bush. To return to actresses there is Miss Margaret Angliu and Miss May Irwin and in Opera, Miss Ida Hawloy and Miss Gertrude Mac- Kenzie and perhaps a score of others. Miss Margaret Robinson, leading lady in Mr. Reeves- Smith Co ,which was to have appeared here is ad Canadiangirl. She was born in this province, though her early life was spent in Montreal, her relatives numbering several olergymsn. An opportunity` presenting it- self, after going abroad to completesher edu_ cation, she returned to New York and be. came a- member of Mr. Frohman s Com pony, playing a small part. Her talent soon mani- fested itself, and ere long she was playina prominent parts. V Her rise in the profession has been rapid. Of late years she has been associated with some of the best attractions ' in America, and for the past three seasons she has been playing leading roles. ,E PLP"S"`SL I:?000A1 Ilidlige in"THE invauce, Ef|5% |53S 0 OQQAJ One in a. dcug. of cooree : the other a ,chemical"; and there are etill other-e-SPICES of all kinds. cream of letter, etc. The best Em to ct drugs i. u 9. "Dime STOR . The run: ' knows moreabout them than `other peop . We keep a. good drug etor: Come aoduk us. about Kitchen Drugs. 9 Drugs and Chemicals MUNKMAWS % BBIJG STORE o5 D_UNLOP-ST. BARRIE. ;"1`393 he had become recognized as a daring anarchist. There were some'un- usually violent riots in Klni Humbert ! domain that year, and as one result Ma- latesta was clapped into jail; After his release be honored America with his pres- ence, picking his intimates _tx-om such congenial spirits as Johann ` Most and Emma Goldman. Four years ago he went to London and has remained there ever since save for occasional mysterious. trips to the continent, which. singularly. enough, have been followed by attempts -on the lives of rulers. - e __. A!-._ -,I L- I - II-,I,__ In the Kitchen. 0 A person may have wealth and `wisdom, yet feel most dejected be- cause of Anemia or general debility. Health and happiness are assured by using Olimax" Iron Tonic Pills, which make new, rich blood, cleanse the system and tone up the nerves, Each box contains ten days treat- ment. Price 25 cents, at all drug- gists, or mailed on receipt of price. Address: '- The De. Hall Medicine A 00., Kingston, Ont. WEALTH. HAPPINESS. HEALTH. ;Prep`a.red frezziihe neet Selected Cocos, - and distinguished every- where for Delicecy of flavour, Superior quality, and highly Nutri- tive properties. ` so 1a;1n quarter: pbund. tine, mbened.-mums E993 fi53?'F.`1'?"1`-,`3.11rn`1-"'h 8: U9; .I..td.~,h ,Homo_e.o_path1c chem-j 9.`).- 'nn3.AK`1us'i`1- 4- .p.{; ' V. SUPPER. `THE MOST NUTRITIOUS VANIIJA, for crun. for instance; BAKING Powmnz. for cakes. _ ARE NEEDED EVERY DAY 'V|.| ll V\-W UL II-llvls A`sca-l.1'eady mentigned, he is a living Professor Moris_u~ty. He dilferl from Mo- |Sleam Worksgnd Shoilloom; Gbllior-st., Barrio r Gofflnbrandncaskats of alljkinds in `stock or made to order. Robes, Grape and all Funeral Requisites furnished. Orders by Telegraph or otherwise promptly attended to. G. O. DOLMAGE, Mwnager, Stroud. THE STREET PARADE TEE DISPLAY wzmnow szcuna THE BEST RESULTS-- U Nl5EBIA KER, _; .__.:_:- -nj Psrhanrs th'e `gnly ointmeutin the world timthas pissed through an Oxyiezing rocess in order to fur.- snish it with a profperty altoget er antagonistic to the buysrs growth 0 old sores. ulcers. canoe:-cus tumors ~ used with success on scalds, bums, cuts. itch (of any kisd) sxzems. gscper box: Sofd bv `l\I;I`9 `II3t\I\t n-Gee Circular. my ZLONDON nous}: wanna IIALATESTA mvns.