scientific Optician, _MccI.Am.=:N-s onus. sronz. BARBIE, wm keep them aboolltay moisture and sold proof. Pun Banned antnnouulao useful! 3 dozen other ways abounho house. all directions In not paoku. 7 Bold ovorywhoro. - run: Iiffinsn mmlue curves 9.1.1:! ploklol, apt} N. a t.h1n coqtlngr of . '3$}'ii:' '1i~$'r isErkezs'." ,._-r_ V -_' .--- Inn-tnnlu. onico. " #'!`TRN94 Some at those from Idiatumce who attended tha"funer1_of the late Mrs. Wilson. were Mrs. McPherson. oi Orangeville _:v Mr. and Miss Martian of Liatowll; and the `Rev a. Fitzpatrick and Rix, of Toronto. - . ' HIDBS. * . 7Q t`\ g.` 70` . . Dac. 3, 190'? 0... 8co... v-our 4 z5..`.. I fU1___. 9 0u.___ 5So..__ 8 St) St: 5 We are sorry to hear of Mr, Ed. Lnok s illness. But we hope A for. apeedy recuvery. DRESS GOODS, SILKS, MANTLE " . CL_OTHS, CURTAINS,_DRAPERS,_ CARPETS, * GLOVES, HOSIERY; CORSETS and SMALLWARES. A complete stock of all popular cloths. -A special line of travellers samples con- taining a good variety of cloths and sizes. - The lot is put for sale at two prices $5.00 and $7 50. 60 pairs of, heavy, all wool Men s Pants, well made. just the `the thing for coming cold weather, extra value, $1.25. ' About 30 pairs of Men's Heavy Winter Pants, of the quality usually sold at. $1.25, for $1 00.` ' Boys Suits and Overcoats This house gives more than ordinary attention to Boys Clothing. We are do- ing a line now very much in demand at a very low szure. It is a Boys Reefer Coat, in sizes 22 to 28. double breasted, high color with tab, in frieze and beaver cloth, at $2. 75. Men s Suits . V The almost unlimited resources of this, the blgggagf, store in Bm,m_ en 9 uejtp cexitirine si1pp1y"ing.the' greatest possible values in Men s and Boys, Weiirables, in Ae an ilillstration of these all powerful resources, we wmld Bk you to examine for your own satisfaction a few of the posit/we btI,1'(/mug shomAby"us this week. They have the desired quality, style, cut, nieh -19:1 Vweaieliility` v` j)esc!'ipt.ion`-fails to do them full justice. See them, and if not .13 etated, you will not be pressed to buy, , Men s D1-aim /g Coats -QR nn - Men's Fine Winter Overcoats, in colors black, blue-black, and Oxford gray Eng- lish Beaver Cloths, eleeantlv lined and trimmed, Chestereld style. with either s-box back or semi-close tting, work- manship guaranteed A full range of prices, $5.00. $6 50, $7.50, and $10 00 If Made of Fine Quality Frieze, lined with i a warm tweed lining. double breasted, 1 -high storm collar, slash side pockets, 52 1 to 54 inches" long, all sizes, 35 to 46. at 1 Men s Overcoats V!ior Thanksgiving. ; `Mr-.4 Ezra`, I;arkhote_was in Toronto eS IelgII Bells, Robes, I-Ieree Blankets. e VLleferr-proef Knee end I-Ierse ' covers. skates and and FllO|(;' Skate Straps, WOODMAN cow 0`I|a|ns,_ Lanterns and Leather L{9?-;%%.: E A J T % better qualies at $6 50 and $8.00. PRAWLEY J8: DBVLIN, I-I UNTEIR BROS. FOR %MOTHERS " on-'--i Our New Stores, Opposite G.T.R. Station `and Post Oice. l\ ._IAIlY' STREET. BARBIE. { M35. john oo.ts,ama;ahex1sqa.;, was the guest of Mr. Parkhouae; on Sunday. ' |V%'B|-V BARRIE; THE MEN FOR BOYS Office. WASTE not your time and strength with an old worn out ax and saw, when you can pm` chase `a good how one from a large assortment, with foxy little cash at the Popular Hardware Store. ..We_ have 9. lafge stock of BAoys j2` piece Suits $1.25 to $500 0 Boys 3 piece S1u't$$2.75 to $8.00 Small Buys Reafers, 22 to 28.02.00 to $5.00. * Boys 0B.eafers, 28 to 33. $2.75 1200500. Our name you can depend upon it, means the correct thing: in boys attire-Good taste, smartn-ass, the` suit of_clothea to make a mother express her pride in her boy. No on blames a- boy for being badly d1'es.smI They criticise his` mother, and it 1s Often hard for her to knowor nd the right thing for him. Dress Making Dept. Millinery yladies Winter Coats Youths -~siz`s in same goods, aims `29 to 34, for.$`3 5!). Men s Un derwemi .Au Vopportnuiry came our way U, p.,,_ , chasea .'m; of Men's Fancy Sn-ipc A Wool ghirts and Drawers at iesz-)_ than re u'ar'price. We took the lot, and are 0 ering them at 50 per garment. See our extra. heavy Fleece-Lined Shirts nd Drawers, $1.00 per suit. BOYS. II 1 Under the able management of MISE Murphy, this department of our busi- ness has gained almost a provincial re- putation. Prompt attention given to all orders received. II A description oi.our always handsome Millinery being out of the question, we T will merely state ouriackuowledged sup- .remacy in this department is fully maintained.` Our large exclusive Mil- linery Rooms contain an elegant array from which to make your selection. In addition, our Miss Wright is a. designer of styles and can suit you in a style all vour own. 220` Ladies Winter Coats, highest; class tailoring, preaenu seaaon s make and proper lengths. They come from our -regular makers and are Rmmx We are selling them at bare cos: of material, the ne work of making thrown in. In other. words, half price. -Tv|$&i; L';zie is: and her brother . THer\b, apns Thanksgiving in Torontp. f3 ]5i:i.; 3irna`x:`n 5; I Never before cou'l< 1e we boast of heviog Suoh big variety of warm comfortable footwear as now. Ever.-y Vpvair made by makers whose re- putation for the Best Felt Goods has never been in. doubt. The {prices .a;;e ;not2 anyV more thgm youpay for inferior qualities. We cife `you '3. "few items : Ladies Finest Felt Lace Boots, leathei foxing, wide comfortable _ ` shape, sizes 4 to 6, Special . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1 25 lLadies' Finest English Felt Lace Boots, ne Kid foxed exible sewed solejvery dressy style, sizes 3_ to a, Special.'. . . . .' L50 La Felt House Slippers, best grade, felt leather solid , -elastic, front sizes 4 to 8, Special... . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ 1'00 `_ Ladies German Felt Slippers, extra quality, Special. . . . . V. . . . .j. .' 40, Men s Felt Boots, Qlbuokle, leather foxed, peg sole, sizes 7 tell, ,., 4:. Hz cv._-._:-1 _ 1 9:; _ Our reputation for selling only the `best grade of Rubbers and gccepting the full responsibility for the wear'is`bringing_v mere people "here every season. Here are a few values that are: deserving" of atten- tien-. . T V Ladies Finest Croquet Rubbers, all sizes, neat `shape, sold re- V gulerly at 400 and 45c,ASpecialV. . .- . . . _. . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . VM.isses Plain Rubbers, Spring' Heel, alljsizes. regular `list price` _40c,S,pecia.l . . . . . . . . 'e, e.`:I lai'nv ABubhbe`rs,i heavy eours_ `sole, ' 1.0 to" vl3,`reguilar 0' 6" o o"o'i.a`:`u- '9 6 n u it 0 _o'_o:o` 0' oTJ`}ef;iy'a?i77", sV{a}i"al1.':`f'.'I'.%.'.'f . :1)`; Men s Felt Boots, 4 buckle Boots, _leather ?fo:'ted, Special.` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HIUTWEAR Frawley &M00I'e _ Crown H111. Advugce Correspondence. Tuesday, December 10, l90l-Onelot: 20, con. 6. Oro; horses, ca.t.tle._ sheep, pigs. im- plements, hav, turnips, household furniture. etc , pale at 12 o clock. Ralph M. Connell, proprietor. G. R Ford. auctioneer. I ," ;'.a;;i' Jno. Maiey had family,` of Barrie, spent Sunday with Mr. and I Mrs. A. Dyrer. . A _-_...I.-_ -1112. _-__1- `It..- :1 run. .....-~. -. .-J..-.-- A number of Mr. and` Mre. S. Gib- son's friends spent -a pleasant` evening at their home on Thuradai evening" last. ".1\&;.va't'1;if"1'!7[.t:'s. B`:-o%wn,` spent 8 few. days recently, with Mr. and Mrs. Reid, ofyew .L_ov`v.-ll. __ " --r.. `Wm. Biggar and `Mr; Mason. and son have gone to work in the camps. for_Ehe wipe_r._ ' - V One` day last week Mrs. Lemuel` Srigley _ fell on the ice and broke her wrism . `It- I17... `D:...._.. ._.I `:1. 11---- `Mrs. 1`. Bishop, of Grenfel, ifisited her mother Mrs. H11bbrt_ reqently. M:-.T nd Mrs. Nesn, bf Barbie, \;iai_ted friends here on Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. Simon: Gilurson fapent Sunday with friends at Uookatown. with three small _'children to mourn the 11058 of 9. kind ht_1sbaud- and fatheif.-' ' . aony. . Advjnce _Con-upongleneve. Mr. and Mrs. Jun. Brown, visited in in Barria, on Sunday . .' ` . 1 Mr. Herb,LouBeed and Aaiater_Mary, visited in Midhnrst last week. ' V hi Thevs. S. scholars` are preparing -for their Xmas; enterpainment, ` % Mr. Iioward Lielle; 6fGlenonim,via- visiting Mr. Ed. Biqgat.` ' ` Auction Sales sizes 9 to T1 1, 125 135% 250 %35 Rev. Dr. Grant, 0t- Orillia, preach- ed in the Presbyterian church on Sun- day, morning and evening. He presch- ed two very` acceptable sermons. In. the evening he took his text from I. Timothy, lst chapter and 17th verse :- "Now unto the King `eternal, mortal, invisible,'the only wise God, be honour ; and glory for. everand ever." The ` church was lled "on both occasions. ` The Burton Ave. Methodist church ` choir qgartette, consisting of Misses Charlton and F. AWioe and Messrs. Watson and Keloey, took part in the musical program at the Thanksgiving entertainment at Hawkestone last Thursday evening. "They furnished solos, duets, tries and quartettes. They report having had an excellent time. i Much sympathy is felt for Mr. Geo. 8. Lawrence, Burton avenue, in the death of his mother. After a lingering illness, lasting. eleven weeks, Mrs. [George Lawrence. beloved wife of Mr. George Lawrence. sr., of the- O.P.R., died at 14 Euclid avenue, Toronto, on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Law- rence was an old resident of the west end of the city, having lived there for over seventy, years. She was a_ staunch Methodistln religion, having attended the Queen street Methodist church for . "oyer _t_'or"ty- years.` and was an .-active . menIb_pt"of Lsdiel ind, u =aiodiry. Icibfi `Tho la-vest we son-.%=-id: dmkhter.-. Game 8;. ..o.?:hiia. 1 Alfred. 0` .. 1'0.-..* .=..If!idE>`;' , 5 i ;.Ji@qsoticn.. f union Thanksgiving servlcemvvvas held in the Methodist church last Thurs- day morning. Rev. H. D. Cameron gave an excellent and" nppropriate aer- mon; The attendance was not very large. ' ' W; LOhutoh1';?p:-each . ` On Sun:17,mming,, in the Burton Avenu Methodist church; the Rev. J. Complaints have been made that the snow plow man had not visited Main street this winter as yet. The real- dente of that street would like to know why he did not plow the snow aside; Mr. Harvey Snid:ari,l;to' of ques_te,o Miah., and for six years previ- ous `assistant with Mr. G. _D. Patterson in Aurora, is now in Mr. Patten-son s .em- ployogain. _ Mr. Robt. Pulford had the misfortune to let 9. steel fail fall on his foot, crush- ing his toe, on Thanksgiving Day, con- sequentlv he is laidnp` for in short while. ll` 11' HI -The -m onthlv fellowship meeting of the Burton Avenue Menhodiag church was held at the clone -of the `morning service on Sucday. ` I Mr-. Clarence Srigleyhaa purchased" the Glen Allen Daify Vhusinese of Mr. . S. Dyment. The change took place on Monday._ '"&.'.E"L'.Ja;;"AE5"ZZZ,7"3E"}ha Methodist church held their monthly meeting yesterday (Wednesday) after- noon. . -b-Miss s..n.. Pul1ford,_ of Buffalo, who has been on a month a visit to her parents here, returned home on Wed- ueaday. ' Missy Bessie xouhgv, bf Bradford, spent Thanksgiving holidays 1' with `friends in the sixth ward. V V Your correspondent ea `pleased to npte that Miss May Tyndall is able to be out again after a. severe illness. `In... l~|I.-n_- --V For Ol:olee Flotir and all klndl of Feed (to to WllklnIon9e. All orders delivered -promptly In any quanut . Please leave your orders at the (Juice or Telephone No. 23. n Mr. Aubrey Hnggerd left on Thurs- day for Moon River, where he_ intends working for the winter. Mr: Wgldon Lawr has been re- engaged as teacher of Ferndale school do an inoregse of salary. Mr; J oim Rmherford, of Penetang, spent : few days in the sixth ward dur- ing the past. week. We were shocked to beer of the death on Monday morning: of Mr. William Anderson who was taken sick in Barrie only ,1 few` days before. He was lltbronght home `and medical aid was oal- l lied and everything possible was done 9 `for him but he gradually, grew worse until death dame. Our heartfelt Sympathy goes to all his friends but especially to Mrs. Anderson who is left | `.Mr;1. -Hens, _of Torontb, had been. the gueatof Mr. abd Mrs. R. Thompson during the past week. . l 1 ' its ;P1eo._iInnt sweoyagxu new V 11133, itsl?rettyOhI,1rch`ed.anultd.Go- `a-hqad Pogople wan Enub Settlement , -A Wabklv Record of iktsqnolnn. . Mlra. M . Brain in` improying very. nicely: from her long illness. - V .` Tie W.F;`M.S. 11:01: as the "Mesh'odiat plrtmnagdon Tuesday afternoon. ._ V The J dn4iorA Leauge :ill .. moo; on Satutduy afternoon from 3 to 4 o'clock. Mr. OrvalvBoo'ne, of `Toronto, visited `his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Boone, over Sunday. Mr N. i3vsbcook waVa in Hamilton last week attending the funeralof his brother-in = -_ Miss -A ggie. .PTatt'n-hon. of Ton`-onto,` wag home tin-. Thanksgiving holidays . Mina Small, feaohr, in on 150. aicli list. Mien Hunter has charge of her room. ' . . r . Mr. James Walker returned ty Mid- I land on Monday, utter a week's visit at home, ' Mrs. John Wilson passed away on Sunday morning after a lingering ill- " mess. Deceased was sixty nine years -0111. Her sickness was borne with `Christian patience. The family have the iympathy of the entire neighborhood Tin their sad bereavement. The funeral "-took place on Tuesday afternoon to the "English Church burying ground. ' " Mr. L. Webb, of Ooliingwod, was visiting friends in the 6th ward last- week. ' Rev. 'Mr. Weatnay ociated mV'St. Geojrge'a church on Thanksgiving Day afternoon. ` 1 BU. .B" `!,fQ oath .'`....7.`.'. 3" .B::f.'l|i;%llI_I'C83fI.u.`. ` . 0: k0 :1: er [ La:-dperlb..e..... gt. P a. sit `I:(quo__q['o`onoio IQ. ..`......... IIOIIOOQ -`Livo ags, selection: :70 to_a3o.... m ' no u. light orheavy... Chickens `'........ III .IoQIlIIIIlloIiOIDOIO Ducks, er Butter, Butter. cu-count- ol,perlb.'. Tub.perlb...........,..... Eggsper doz...... ....... .. Apples.pe1-peck................... Applesperbarx-el................... otatoemperbag ....... ..... .. Hay erton. ...... Woo.washedpet-lb................ Wool. unwashed, per lb...... ..... .. Wood,_2ft.. percord. `Wood.4ft..percord............... Anthracite CO8`; Per ! 35 55 \ 7... 65... 16... . 0a.ou:;o'ou; mi!!! '0 IIIIIIVIIOU 600-...-O% 500.... oob 600.... ooo mucus ooo.... 500 V0 oo 5 65 50 65 -can can: 0 2 3% oo 00.... :2} 23.... 25 x5.... 25 350-unv 40.... 5o 8co... 850 13.... 8lIII 25.... 450 400 650 that they may see your good worl:a,,and glorify your father which -is in heaven. In the evening his subject was Joseph. He gave `atrikingleasona from his life, especially from the early part of it. Deer Sir,--Be' kind ezlough to pub- lish this statement as it would be in the interest of the public to know. The work being done under my supervision. ---I will--`o;:l;l-1-`l30 say thatthe Wellington street sewer has been completed. It. has been said that the winter season was a bad time to build a sewer but I nd that the labor work of this sewer has been done cheaper than any other sewer in the town of Barrie. The work has been done well and the grades has been carried out to the letter. The people on the street have been well satised with the work that has. been done. The sewer itself was from 8 to 9 {feet deep or solid clay and the labor work has not __oost any more than a little `over 26' cents a foot. The Rose . `street -sewer has cost a little-more '_in `labor enfaooount _ of having so many ,stones~andispringe`to contend vnthfbnt 1-has_ not the sum _0f_'IbDl13` 3} `If00II,f,0`l"~lb9r.l It ~l1II,Id~I i new; To the "Editor? of THE: Anbvaxcx,--` . - mvu rgugu, selections I70 0130. - - 'CI'I.ickena `en-pair.'....... lightorheavy... accentuat- "l`urkeyq.per1> ' l'....... - o n n o_uu-3-yuan ol,perlb.'................ Tub. perlb...........,...-. Potatoemperbag Wan _ nraalugpl an... H. I" 1% (A)v erahoes jeavy . umbrmnfs ~Rubbers a`tspoial&pri9e7:- wejy9%%go\IVse;Vmryqurgelg A_-.Ym-"lAl }>e.hsk .buy:`:, 1 Not invisible but nearly so. i The? can be made up with either solid 211-) I--.`-nA:`A` `Q Ind h The can Mth solit gol , old lled (warranted to years). or ni el trimmings. They are not expensive. . We ad 'ust them so that they are perfec y adapted to the features. Are Fashionable ----csaoa I -IVIIVUIII `Bet,tt_1I"eq1art`rs.................. Bf|h`ndqB"rtm`oaauouoluooo/IIICOIO Mutton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - ~ 4 ~- Hay ...o.-.-..o.un--Io---- Woo.washedperl Wool. unwashed,perlb...... Anthra-Citcaly9Cf Toaonro. 1 Wheat. whiteatooco-I syncing:-nous: mnni 1-Apluu - - ':'.-,A!`.".-f*%:'-...3E"`~ \oOWl1ICCS..-coo...--a-o ... Calfskin`: perlb. Tallow perlb................. Horse Hair per lb . .. ...... .. Lambskins and" peltsa. . .. Horseliides . . . . . . . ..`........ Rimless Glasses ` The. pupil; of Mthddiat s.s..$ have commenced practice for their Christmas -entertainment.