Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 5 Dec 1901, p. 2

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B ..n.'.-:. KW *.=Ccn.v oy_t.q:ce`t. etc. ~ ~~ T - ."`PL.A X_ION,'Bnni|tu-,;5olicitor,` Nona onovto Loan; at lowest y Block, aouth side Dunlap Dice-HcCanh a 21-51 ~. 13 0li_:u._ Ron`- Block. Batnc. colaecuux Mom-.v to Loan. ! iliiuuucu, 135 ..____-:._: 'r.l:NA1'.L, M.D.C.M., oice in Bothwelfs B . Allanchle, 911 the premises at night. 03' y DFLR. P. VIVIAN Eomoeovathist. :56 Dunlop St. 1 ADVERTISE IN MONEY TO LOAN. I______ _,,-.. _; -I II_'_,_- ._. Iunnlu crmuzs. _ Mlscnnumnovs. ~ i7i~?c7f MONEY TO LOAN. PHI SIUIANS. FINANCIAL. om_ucI.n.. DENTAL. ` snub`! 45"! - rResiden':e and Ofce. ` 8-IV u; "0. Steirhena froth I,tiv bn_!inou. li,f9._1|0_h98,l'0%Iidgg_i in Ttvw-L -%'59 'h ftni!-,%fa*h*A \`.#i-;.VA-1: IL`. _',,, f MONTREAL J. C. Bxoxovsxx. G. H. ESTER. IUI s-ly Solicitor, n-_Rnva-in U'I3I`I I8 ------ ;_Pgi;n& in an no t nt. onfrm P." C.'tY.::,TCff- ] :: utigahorros No eonnecttglyl `m. company- #991! P*'"`"" ' BARBIE, ONTARIO. V uuuuuooo ._. 7 Mr. Stephens was born in Gloueea-` tbilg England, in 1820. `When -thirteen or fourteen yea'ra,of age he came to Canada with his parente, and ?or some years lived at St-reeteville, near Toronto. In" 1867' he came to Collingwood and openeda grocery store on theoorner where the liargevetorea of 0. Stephen: & Go. now stand. He continued this bueineee which [rapidly axwatnt imwrm 191%--2--inn-rt-`~;. the -manage_men_t Ina my I ._ t_ I6ne,and .11 1*. ,u..;'_-.n_`_'__. A; 1-1,` . Ramon and scissors tlronndlnd set on short notice. _. -_ _ v.-v- cu _-v--run -.-v-uv-- The only medicine in the world that will stop Heaves in three days. But for a permanent cure it requires from one half to one bottle used according to directions. $1.00." Kidne and Acute Cough Powd- `en 50, Dr. McGahey's ndition Powders destroys worms, puries the blood, putting horses. cattle an calves in condition; 25c. Take no other. Sold b G. Monkman. Barrie, and Cook & Co.. Orillia. 49-1 % V I J. (JUL VER WELL S Halrcutting and Shav|ng% Parlor opposrrn mumm ndrnw. BARBIE- OFF ICE.-Next door to Bank of Toronto. Owen Street. Barrie. V u-Iv nn. McGAHEY 8 HEAVE CURE For Broken-winded Horses. Agent `Standard Life. `London Gun :1- tee and Accident 00., Provincial Building and Loan Association. etc. Privaac funds to loan on fst thortgages. Ac | counts collected. &c. nm... nu-.. LI....A-....... Q IJ-.-4In.a-- Qbn-n R-|rr:l Rnrxzsnur -ms, Fou.ow_mG I"nu; Ixsuuxcx Couumns: The Mercantile, now ailiated wi'.i~. The Lon- _don 8; Lancashire of England. Secur- nty, $15,000,000. - The Waterloo Mutual, of Waterloo, Ont. Tothl assets. 9334.083. , The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. out Total assets. $303,078. Also Lloyd's Plate Glass Insurance Com- pany, of New York. Cash capital, $250, Angze Sun Loan and bavings Company of Ontario. CUUHC3 XIICCIUCL QC. oO'icc over Hendersonp Hardware Store, Barn: nt. rm: LATE nonmwr ermpnnxs, an. The death occurred on Monday "of lee . week of on old and honored rebi- denl: of Oollingwood, `Mr. Robert Stephens, Sr. The Bulletin -speaking of his death said :- ' ` ' PROVINCIAL BUILDING AND [DAN ASSUCIATIUN. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $5.ooo.ooo. Condensed advertisements on first page such as wants of all kinds; lost and found. property for sale or to rent, svecic articles, etc.. etc,, must be accompanied with the cash, and will be inserted-hrst insertion 2 cents per word, each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (names, addresses and gures counted as words); but a reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the same matter exceed four. Cute for advertisements must in every case be mounted on solid metal hues. %Scn%oGc.u-: &. SMITH, W111 UV UIIIIISUUU . Advertisers will _not be allowed to use their space for advertismq anything outside their own regular business. Should they do so transient rates will be charged for such ad. vertisements. T LUVVLII 0 12 changes of Advemaements allowed per year. It more are required, composition rates will 1~.n"n`\nv-non!` 'v?vc'1.l`lbe`::.11a:;:a` A A-`tint-4; any-u I111. _' Preferred positions for local advertise- ments in the` paper will be sold at an advance of one-third on above rates, on no other ac- count will special positions be given. This rule will be strictly earned out. CONTRACT CHAN GE8. Advertisers will please bear in mind that notice of intention to change advertisement; must be handed into the oice not later than Satm day at 10 o clock, and the copy for such change must be in Tm`. ADVANCE oice not later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday in any week, otherwise the advertiser s announcement may not be made public until the week fol. lowing. `I0 aha-unna nf Arhrnrhnovnanru ollnmm-I ..-_ _ run nor,-pl so_lid_aga.te,1)nake 1 inch. ` spam` .wvnn`-rxsnnnnrs. mm `V "on 10 cents per line. each sub... u-i,,,=,i,.,&;iop 4 cents per line. . _- injdjug notices,` 10 cents per lxne for am msertion ; bieents per lune for each sebseqgen. itrtion of the sa_me matter. All mama un. an `5'.~1ingg, of thus character, charged 9,3 5 lilies A _ ' 1 nd Government ad ca... meI1`I :-?v ill0l;`ecl:`ll1araged at above rates. ve CONTRACT ADVERTISING. ti .1; advertisenlents will be taken. at h-O?:n,`,:;'ing rates, wlnch are drqlted on cor. :8:t commercial-principles and w111 be strictly 3-dhewd 1;o,_ There will be only one price for all. I Inc IIOOOIIOOIIOIOOI 21$ inches ..... . . . . . .. 5 Inches, % eolumn.... no inches, )4 column.. aoinches. : column.. .. Next we hear that Ald. Jory has resigned his position as Chairman of the Finance Committee.` If so, why? Does Ald. Jory `think that because he V cannot, or will not, work with his col- leagues on that most important com- mittee, is of so little consequence that an explanation of his conduct is un- necessary? I venture to say that the public are anxious, and `have a right to know the reasons for his action. .Z.__...._ 7' `L. For one month-- the three e with 15 per cent. added. For two monTths-the three monthly me with 10 per cent. added. w 1- ,gLg___ p John Rogerson, Fire and Life Assurance. 1:` pm t4:;,a:t1.:end the E. B. C. 0 Circular free for a post card. rw` *' *-'-"`--'*~-- - A complete equipment, a tborouRh- 1? up-t9-date.establishment, in_ every .-linqthorouqb, practical. satisfactory- -- us I` l'1-L `J1-`ll-IULIJIV IJIJIJLLV 1200 \/U14` LEGE had such an attendance. or given so much satisfaction to its pa- trons as during the present session. Three times has it been necessary to extend its seating accommodation, and as fast as tbev can be got ready, out the pupils go to situations. EXCE LSIOR Business college. [EVER in its history-has the (TIP! QTDD DITQTXTDQQ (VIII- INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, &.C. CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. V 13]-U Ill IOU IJIBUUKJ [IOU UIIC .L'J4L' nCI:3l3 SIOR' BUSINESS COL- A On another occasion we hear of Ald. McLean opposing the employment V of an engineer on sewers, for the reason, as given by him, that Wm. Armstrong. was as. good as any engineer, and at the next meeting we nd that, having come to his senses, he was in tavor of- employing Mr. Ch-ipman. Was the .trne reasonnot to be found in the fact that. Wm. Armstrong had a vote," and the outside engineer had now -.1 4 SCROGGIE 5. SMITH. MGNEY TO LOAN. den Contrast the workingsof .-the present Council with that of two `and three years ago; Then we had prompt vigi- orous and `decisive action, N ow we have vsoillsting, ineeotive sndr shor- tive logislstion,.bordering on imboo:ility.`_ As witness the proceedings in connec- tion with the suspension and re-engege- ment of employees at the Electric Light Station. T It is not enough to be able `to stand on the pohlio plmfarin, and, with some geetioulation innounoe that We are the people" and other pleasant:-iea, `(us some of our repreaentutivee have been doing ennuallv for some time, and ex- pect the ratepayers who pay the piper Let us see who our mpresentstives ere`. Are they as a whole `such men ss would be chosen by any of the leading business institutions of the town to do business for them? . V ` ;:9 be ntised.;)' r--qlll L V A`-71',.7I3 Io" iiule you .1av_.`ea `the. neoeeiiw of look"-` for *lne_n of? ability to hit -at the Ooouoil end adminieteif the if- feire of the town, in e eyetemetio, and bulinep like ineoueg. And in approa- ching this _ mutter, let me `any that in looking for "suitable men, political, and personal opinions should be eat aside and the interests of the town alone eon- New Sir in selecting I Meyer and A ldermen,[(ell else beini; equal) expe- rience should count for 'eomet.hing and if the present members of the Council, or any of them, desire} re-eleotiontheir peat reoqrd must` ooneideied. ' With: undonlgngd, do" ho`:-eby to refund` the wmonay on 3 50-cent bottle at Green : 'Warr'simd Byin `of--Tu`, if it fails; -t_o`ou-0 your 0611' hf of col (We gl u:`gua.r- 'Iu,t_00`;_I 26-bent` , {tile to pmwinulhlsouory . ' _V .'I;`_"_-_ iuuz.-.4-` . n-u_~_ 1.5, -V Cohnoil adjourned '60 meet at` Lgudleyit, Oookgtpvn, on Monday, the l6 th .d_s_)j_. `afi 1901} i -` That the tenqlera 6f J amen Bleak J on. Reid and Herb Wallace be accepted re the drainiege work known use the Hewitt : er Oreigeale ereek for eeotion No. one.-.-Earried. ` ' A ` ruin! sotmn gun man.` A cgdntiuged :1: :..Mr. Parson, whoiwaa accused of the site!` In ilh ' < (3) That the wider orwm. Intimer be aoqaptgd for SeotionavNo. 2 np'd.3v re Hewitt : or` Oraigvnle Creek.-(_3u- .Suthc:lnnd-Grose-(l) mm the tender of Wm. Copeland and Jen. Torpy be accepted in connection with A the drlsinage york "A of Tollendel or Big Icreek_.-0ai'ried. ' " Sutherlund-G~roee-That the sum of $19 be placed in the `hands of Conn- oillor Coleman to be paid to Geo.eDules end Then. Pollock. pg-oviding those parties give a receipt in full for all work `done by them forthia Oouncll `on let eideroed in '3rd Gen. of this town ehip in Elbe `auntie: of 1901. Oamfied. |o'UIDIVUo " Sutherland:-V-I ni`IT- That A, W. War-nice be eppointed Overseer in place of Charles Wice who has resigned that poeition.-Cerried. A_ `, INNISEIL COUNCIL. 5 ` All members present. The following eooounts were ordered to be paid :- J.W. Perks, 156.10 ;R. B. Boddy, 500.; John Cattle, -81 ; W. J. Luoss, $9.52 5 John Moir,` 83.52 ; Robt. Polbrook, $6 3 Miokle, Dymeut dz Son, $7.67 ; '1`. E. Davis. $1.50; Fred. Rsiney, $45 ; ditto, $18.39 ; Thomas Heweon, $38.24 ; John Soules, 32.31; D. n,- lor, $4.50; D. Sutherland, 869.755 "Peter Spring, $10; John Fennel], $4.43; John Bestty. $7.28 ; ditto, $20; _ _S. Marshall, $1 3 Dyment 65 00., 50c ; J. H. McQusrry,' $3; Issac Spring 810; H Nesbitt, $3 ; R. Watson, $26 50; Thos. Jaolr, 8.3.-31;` Isaac Morton, $1.61 ; Jss. Ferguson, $1.50, -Constable; C. Pulling, 812.22; ditto, $12 ;"end thst the Clerk` be instructed to write M.` Gnviller, Esq., C.-LS , ststingl to himithnt the Council think his charges to this body are very ex- OOSBIVO. `. T _It is sometimes aionderful conv'eni once to" -own a"r'e_ lati ve who .is_ so I. one that evenone's parents cannottell which is `which. At least M.-. _.lfr'ed Partridge` found it so when ying from t a writ-server and arriving in a hungry I and penniless plight at a country in, where his cousin `Arthur-ship double-`- is staying and , courting the innkeeper s_ kisses Arthur's girl, gets ducked by Arthur's {rustic rival and is` carried off to town by Arthur's parents, who fond- ly believe they areeaving their son from a designing country girl. Arrivedin town, ; Alfred has to interview the American heiress, whom Arthur is sup- posed to be eled to. ' By the terms of her `father's will she must marry a Wallerton Partridge, or lose her fortune. The situation is somewhat diicult for Alfred, who is expected to make love to a. girl whose name he does not even know, much less the fact that the girl believes him to be her -ance. Gradual- lv, however, the situation dawns` upon him, and a very desirable situation, that of the heiress` future husband, would seem to him to-be, just, however, - as he is in the act of signing his cou- sin s name to. the marriage settlement, a letter arrives from , the real Arthur, announcing his final determination to wed none but the Vinnkeeper- s daugh- ter. The impostor takes ight, with the heiress, the writ server and Arthur s parents close on his heels, at the country inn, where his unsuspected presence `keeps everybody in a whirl of bewilder. ment to the fall of the curtain. _ That's the story of A Brace of Partridges." daughter. >He eats Arthur s breakfast`. `<"'i`'v-1%-3-*- A fully aoqnmuea with" to the town, in` when - I:_.I_' l_--__`_;_;' ' * `?:f.naocn;ea non-;5ooh.r1g.`1::., Rom. T, nd`Alfred 12., who compose tlie rm of ' O. Stephan ` 00;, "uni! one `daoghj tor, Mihnio,V1iifo of W,*A,. cag. land," Manager of `ii1e`Bonk of Toronto. mun wmnnmqs .A'1`.AI-J`JALA._ _ There were four weddings that took place at St. James, Adialalaat week. The rau was the marriage of Mr. John Doyle to Mina Catharine` Atkinaon_ The aecond was the, wedding of Mr. Beroulphnaton, of Hamilton, to Miss Kate Gallon, ot Tostenham. On..Tnea- "day Mr. Joaeph McGovern, of. Adjala, val married to Miss M. Daley, of; To- ?*I'en`o.': `V The "'fonrth' wedding waa that of Totcenharn. id! MI".. Joseph` Hanley *and_ Mina Liar-A. "rho by-low for, Imminition` Qusgdnly 0tIA1_:r;:_s Pause, ` Tbwnnhip Clerk, , g V Physical Culture. `A An Oblservant indIvidua_l_'ha_s discov- ered that `eyeiy` moement Iyfthe` Del: ; T_yst_g(n of physical cult1nefla' ..to * ,bio tonnd Lin thq exerclu or overyd/ay \. , For nigrenqy skin nothlnt is better than the combination or an ounce of dried` rose leaves, halt a pint or. white wine vinegar and hair at pint of rose- wtter. Let the vinegar stand" on the rose leaveotor a week.` then add the -; rosew nt;e`r; `Use n"t`abieIpoon tnl `in n 3 cup 01? distilled water. V A writer upon the complexion guy: the best way to treat freckles, a sure cure in oil but very obstinate cases, in to touch them night and morningrwith a camel -I hair brush otter dipping it in l,ernonf;iuice_. "~- .--` -'_?.r A writer states that oily hands may be made comfortable and touchahle by ` wetting them once or twice a day while ` clean with cologne. alcohol or toilet vinegar. t ; A good circulation is essential to the growth of the hair as well as to its col- or and neness. A frequent. vigorous brushing with a sti brush is the best ` method of obtaining this. _ . .`___ __A_ n . _,._ ,' _ --__ _. _-` wcvvnpu Atter the heiui-has lwzeivfshampooed. whenever_ possible. give the head 1 sun } bath. Try lemon juice for whitening th neck, Apply it with a linen cloth. most to And, Mr. Editor, there are some other things the public would like to know. . For instance : _ Is it true that some of our aldermen have not paid their taxes for two years`! Is it true 5, that some aldermen have licenses from the town which are not paid for? Why -is Ald. Tyrer so anxi- ous to spend two or three thousand dollars on the tire hall? Is it solely in the interests of the town? Let there be a shaking up, and rele- gate the older members of the Council to private citizenship, which they should never have left, and let us have an in- fusion of new blood, which will not be a diioult thing _to do, if the citizens are made aware of `the way" town in- terests are being. neglected, by means of the press, and a public meeting, which should be held for the purpose of been in force "from the time of their appointment, and had they received -each year after the second year the annual increase provided for by Sub- lootion b of Clause 3, shall be entitled to -increases of salary only when they `shall -have been continuously in the .elnpl_oyment of this Board for such length of time that they would be en- titled to receive a larger salary than they are now receiving, had. they re. _ ncsived each year up to this year the annual increase provided for by Sub. section b of `Clause .3, and hereafter the annual increase to which the reports of the Inspector and Principal would have entitled them under this schedule. (7) That with all teachers in the employ of the Board at the present time, any part of a year which they have taught shall be counted as a -full year, but that with any future engagements all appoint- ments for the purpose of this schedule shall date from the first day of the fol: lowing year in the case of any teacher who does not commence from the be; -ainningof a year. (8) That the maxi-. mum salary of female teachers employ- ed by this Board shall - be 84-00. ' Provided that this schedule shall not he considered as forming part of the `contract with any teacher engaged, nor `shall it be binding "as between , thg , _Board and any teacher. ' telling us, if they can, why they are entitled to a `renewal of. our condence. . ` ` '. Rarnr.'una`._ Nov. 26, 1901; * H l Lawn nionnnrpernpnme. SR. giving our alderman an opportunity, of V ' ---J ---n vi-unsung an nlvlull The moment the am is touched it teigns death and lets itself drop. show- in; no. sign of life until again placed upon a leaf or on the ground. Many a one has lain in the palm of the writer's hand inert. all its legs drawn close to f its body. while it was examined at a leisure. even being picked up in the lingers without its manifesting any i "176; sky may be blue and cloudless i when suddenly the am commencesptaln ing in its sails,` or, rather. gathering in its net, with `ueatness and dispatch, cramming the whole of the material into its diminutive body entirely out of sight. A few minutes completes the job. and the spider takes up its posi- tion on the under surface or one or the great leaves to be lulled by the gentle ' swaying and sheltered while the storm rages. It is for this that the am has prepared, and never is it mistaken. When the web is taken` in, rain will certainly fall within an hour. XII..- _-__.- -- This spider, is shaped like a crab, minus the claws, and is of a bright yel- low color, with brown spots; the big- gest could be accommodated upon a silver dime. Its favorite abode is among the leaves of the banana shrub, commonly, but erroneously, called tree. There it spins with extreme rapidity, its web, which is prodigiously large, considering the size of its architect, and proceeds to devour the dies that are unlucky enough to _get entangled in the meshes or this astonishing little glutton, that is not satised with less than a dozen a day-that is to say, it consumes a good deal more than its 1. own bulk. Its progeny is numerous and appears at iirst like more black 1 ; specks, smaller than the smallest pin s i head. s H! ,. V, 4. - = :._;.: ;L? lehrae~t number _.Bsby.'.B`ehindV the curt-iu.. .l?!_-Elie?-_" beth McCra'_cken ;, Christmas Eve on`, Lonesome, by John Fox, _Jr., the Kentucky author; How the First Let` ter was written, by Rudyard Kipling` and therst port of an amusing story of Western ways called Theussels in Chicago. _ The People who Help Santa Claus are told about; the Rev. David ` M. Steele relites some pathetic storiesiof the New York poor, and Elliott Flower delightfully. des- cribes The Linelds Christmas Din her. The second room of the Bradley House, the library, is shown in detail. Mr. Bol: s editorial is headed Personal, and that it is. There `is a charming Christmas play for children, and a double page of culle`ge girls pictures, which shows groups of students from almost every well-known girls school in the country. This is the first install- ment of The Journal's great picture story of "What a Girl Does at College. The regular departments aie most ably presented by their respective editors, sue the holiday cover is the work of Thomas Mitchell Peirce. no cu-ubn`ke_' Spider That Poses as Yucatan : Weather Sharp. In `Yucatan. a land of many curiosi- ties, there is a living barometer in the form of a small spider. called am" on account` of the effect produced by its poison. As far as its own conduct goes, the insect is inoirensive and can -be ; handled with impunity, but if anybody \ has the misfortune to get one mysteri- \ ously mixed with his food he is certain 1 to die after a few hours and meanwhile t for some unexplained reason will fre- quently ejaculate Am. am, am! hence the name of the spider. Throughout the peninsula this is aillrmed to be a tact. and it an am tails into fodder of horses or mules the animal that swal- lows it surely dies. II'II..I.. -_l.1-.. 1- _I.-..-.9 IlI_. - ,,--, AND `mm nuagzmn ` A LIVING BAROMETI.-.R. BEAUTY SPOTS. |"1'~H.E ADvANc:."J --' -v4 _A.I.lAI:_R ` I.blOl_-IT O0.-. Incas. V -psiiiIi*i!int?Lo-b~11*ho? 3270- i `rt-tkin ml! 76-rl`:'v-idrfowthe` months - d theBoard~-at whi_ch=teacher'eare,tobe _ appointed rorkhjqen-ting year, the. 1'. eppeotor and Principal each be re- qclred to make_a' report to the Board. . 0. gheeciency efeach female teacher" the sta`, classifying each in` accor- dance with her ecieocy as a teacher, item 1 to 5. (3) Provided the Board lssetised - withthe reports hf the In- spector and Principal, annual increases a of salary shall be granted as follows, -after two years service on the ste` until the maximum salary hereinafter provid- ed for is reached. (a) To those tea- . chars whom both Inspector and-Prin- elpai class as ``I, ' an annual increase 1 of 815. (b) To those whom both In- * specter and Principal class as .2, an annual increase of 810. (c) To those who are classed as 3, 4 or 5 by either or both Inspector and Principal, no increase of salary shall be granted. (4) Jhat in the event of both Inspector and Principal classing any teacher as 3, V tor two successive years, or in the event ofeither Inspector and Principal clas- ing any teacher 4 or 5 in any year, such teacher shall be asked to resign. (5) That such of the female teachers at pre- sent on the staff as have been continu- ously in the employment of this Board tier so-long that they would havencw been receiving as great or a greater salary than their present salary had they been granted each year since their appointment, after the second year, the '--ggnng ---_:.`__` 1-, 1 unnunluunn aA1uauL;u'."1'Y UFBARRIE 1 have for ado tion. in good Homes. at number of bright young Indian children, boys and girls Parties desiring them are asked to communicate with the Secretary._ |REV. .D. B. HARKNESS. Barrie. `-- uoorl, oaun. nnuua. ulouuunfl. etc. rlamn on all kinds done promptly and satisfactorily. ot Blast Dtying Kiln. District agency for 'nedlum- ber `Factory-BayGeld Stteet. Barrie. ODGERS & GALLIE successors to Geo. Ball. JAS. EDWARD s cNVEYA_NcER. Tm: `BALL_ PLAi:xyo MILL COMPANY-- I-`A Earg:n_1`t`eng .._AB_unldm and manufacturing of_ Il....I.I:.._. -5- n|-_.2,__ _ At his oiee until 5'p.m.; at `his ivate residence, 68 Mary gtnet. after that hour. u-lv T. BANTING. Clerk Cofmty of Simcoe, will be at his oioe. at the Court House. Barrie, everv Saturdav. Residence and P.O. Cookatown. Ivilijd I 1I'II`I We have a large amount of Private Funds to lead at 4 and 5 per cent. on the security of good farm Mortgages. McCART.HY. BUYS & MURCHL SUN. Dunlo Street` Barrie. FOR INVESTMENT on good $ , 0 freehold security at lowest rate of interest. No if ' cipal money required until end of the term. _ H- STRA 1'}-IV. Snliz-itnr, Ron , V. on nuns nsxaw at xowes: rates. rarmers Notes Diuounted. Collections made in any of the County. Real estate bought and sold. nvey- nncing in all its branches. Marriage Licenses issued. 0ioe-Ross Block. Dunlop street Barrie. _ I A n.Iv_ __._ ----' :1`! increase provided for by:Sub-section h of-clause 3 hereof, shall be -entitled to the ,annual increases of salary above provided for on re-appointment hereaf- ter in the same way as if they were now receiving the salary they would have been receiving, had this schedule been in to`:-ce from the time of their appoint- ment. (6) That such female teachers at present on the staff, as are now receiving more salary than they would `have been receiving had this schedule R. E. L. BRERETON, Dental Surgeon. Oce over Ha.mbly's hardware. Entrance, Owen Street. Out of town rs: and 2rd Mondays of each month. 5:-ly R s.` BROAD. M. D. C.M., F.`T. M. c_., L. c-. P. 5., 0., late resident Physician and Surgeon 01 Toronto General Hospital. with special attention m Dnnnnann nf Wnmnn, nun Nnnn and DI LOTOIIKO IJCIICTKI ITIUEPIWM WIUI special HI-KCDIIOII to Dnseases of Women, and Nose and Throat Work, also 101- some time sur you in charge of Emergencv Hospital. Tomato. 0 cc and night residenoe- upstairs in McCarthy Block. an Dunlop St., Barrie, second door east of Dougall Bros. furmture wa_u'erooms-near Five Points. Phone X05. :9-ly Hours-ix to 1. -uni?" R. J. ARTHUR ROSS, L.'R.C.P. & 8.. Edin- bur h; M.F.P. -8: S., Glasgow, member of British pthalmological Society. 8peclull.V.- Diseases or By 0, Bar, Throat and None. 0FFlCE.--78 Dunlap Street-, Sanders Block, Bar- rie. oppouite Post Olce and Railway Station. Phone 54. P. 0. Boxq6. 7-ly ' R. J. F. Pallin ; Graduate of Trinity University ~ Toronto, F w of Trinity Medical College,- Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Oiee and Residence, 18 Owen street. M. M. UAIVIKDILLI... narnster, 0uuw_r. Notary, etc. Money to loan. Oicea-Ban1e and Stayner. Barns Oee-Bank , of Toronto Rniltlina (`wan gt`:-not _ ' (JV R. J. C. SMITH, L.C.P.S., Ont.. (late of Drs. Harvie & Smi Orillia.) Omce and residence -corner of Owen an Colhe; streets, Barrie. :3-ly _ R. w. A. ROSS, Pb ' ' . Surgeon, etc., L.I R.C.S. Edin L.R .P., London. Oicesand ninnklr -.33;-nag", c-nnun'- nlnnk nnlnlnn ntrnot I 18. W. A. nun-3, In Susan. ourgcuu, :59`, 1.4. | R.C.S. 1:43.... c .P.,1.on n. night; residenoe-t$rown's Block, Dunlop stteet, Barns. Texephone-11. ` ll] lbw III! Iohodglo of-ulcriui ho dz-swig .up A anus G A. RADENHURST, Barrister, Attorney. . Solicitor_ in Chancery, Conveyance: etc. 0itioo-1"irst door Owen street. over Bank of' Com- _.-...- n1.....:- An-A8. '6."E.'ri,}{sB. _ IQ _ _ uarnstcrs, _ Sohoxton in High Court of Justice, Notaties Pubhc, gonvyyanoers. uioes pveg the of Toronto, arne. A . _ Money in sums of $2,000 and upwards, to loan at 5 Ilf t!QlIf_ "7 V 'KUI..'i`-B c'rri:tu-. Prctor. Notary.` , ;;_-L. - Cohveygnccr, etc. Special attention up ,&a`vgi_q up` pixdbating .IvilInh,ip,)bt:`|iuin_g mm: `:1 ` C0 5&3!!! 3%!!! .u-_ ' mica. ll:nn - Block. Barns. Mom: to EWSON & CRESWICKE, barristers, Solici- tors of the Sn reme_ Court of Judicature of Ontario. Procton. otancs. Conveyancers, etc. money to loan. Oiees--Ross Block, Barrie. A is vc,,,____,_ A E L! I`..---gunman and away: | Building, 4 ocanmv. boys ,3 muucmsom. Barris- ters. Solicitors, Conveyanoers. "etc. Success- ors to McCarthy, Pepler & McCarthy. Oide--McCarfhy Block, Dunlap Stieet. Bartic. J. A. McCV.uu-av, - W. A, Boys, I\ f` ll.-. `nuns-.- water; "Money to Loan. Donna Ross. 1.1.3. . ENNOX, ARDAGH. COWAN & BRUWls._ - for obtaining probate 0! mm. guardianship `and administtatwn. tang General Solicitors. Notarici. Conveyanccru, etc. . 1-hwam-on LENNQ8, Aux.` Cownc, B. Houono Anmxca, G. E. Lnowx, L.L.B _ Oces 5 Hindu` Blotk, No. 6. Dunlap stteet, Bar- ne \ Branch Oces-Lennox & Ardagh, Gravenhurst; Lennox. Ardagh, Uowan & Brown, Crecmore "and A .II_. A -_lur .ZmuI.'. ' apnoiil odntniita j pifigiihfpi : ; School `Board-ropo`rted ue ooilnpsi-i sou hldzbon. male with other ~t_>w'nI- The result of _ their consideration wig Ibo pteoentotion of the following ache`-"T dole which in sdoptod:- A i OSS 8: BROKOVSKI Barristers, aoucuor--_ N ' .onvcyancr :, etc. Oiees Bank of `lo;-onzo.B' 'g.Ba.rne. Bra.nchOiu, Cold suntan. Mllhll lab Lnan- MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUEH. QTRATHY & ESTEN. I a '11-IE CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY OF BARRIE have for ndnntinn. {n anntl Hm... .. ...._x.... vv- v--vu H. H. Sruruv, K.C. H. LYON. PRlV:A7Z'I`ZI;FUNDS TO LOAN . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers nine '33: snnnog (`all-no-in..- ......I.. Z. .._-. ...._. -1` an Danna runntnu MILL UUMk'ANY-- terin .8 ildin d fa ` ..`. ..3;.`;2:.. aim" m..E.3;:... 2?.`f 3:15.`.-';.` 3? kinds dong nrmvnntlv and ant:-4'gn...:I.. El.` 3 loss 8: BROKOVSKI. Barristers, Solicitor!- . M.{.--:.n A uni.-vnnnneI'l_ etc. Ofun zxtas. no nnupal money tequlrea unw em: or germ. . H. STRAIJHY. Solicitor, Etc.. `PIE. rm. M. CAMPBELL. Banister tuba-u gin Mnngu tn Innn (I A

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