Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 28 Nov 1901, p. 1

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A CATTLE Lqsr. CATTLE ESTRAY. NOTE LOST. V Lowesi Prices. I-I. E.AQUAN'1`Z. Sectv.. - P0000 j ...FOR... ..f)'5'1A`i.`D Ross. _'ran `ryrnknsrs or ~nAanm." ' 1-an sung. Soltcttor, 46.1-4' , IJLIEJLIU - ' WHITEBREAD--In Barrie. on Eriday; November 32nd, tqol, George Whitebread, aged 9; years. MO0RE-In Toronto. on Saturday. 16th Novem-`' ber, mm, Mr. Edward Moore. aged `8z years. 9 months and 17 days. t ` POWERS--At Oroville. California. on Sunday-{Nov- ember x7th, 19:21. Rihhard Powers. in his 75th vear. _ ., GIBSON--In Toronto. on Supday. November 24th, xgox, Gertrude Estelle Gxbson. daughter of the late Rev. J. R. Gxbson, aged :3 years and 1 'month. - , `~.TFPHENS--A Collingwood, on November 24th, Robert Stephens, a native of Gloucestershire, Eng`and, In the 81St Year of his age. WIIKL 38-tf `Simeon Tenn BOYS ss'_sbcm; - `non pass RESOLUTIONS us - _ THANKS -A BANQUET TO. ` _ _ V as HELD. _ op The regular meeting of Simcoe County Old Boys was held in the Temple Cafe par- lors Thursday evening 'la_st-Presiden*,, Dr. was presented by Treasurer D Arcy Hinds, standing with a considerable amount to their credit. The report was received and handed to the auditors, Dr. Todd and G. Gilchrist. A resolution was passed--That some token given; Secretary Percy W. Rogers and Treasurer D'Arcy Hinds. in reply these gentlemen declined to accept the kindness of the members feeling the work they had glone was forthe go`od of the association and done_willing and voluntarily. It was also decided that some remuneration be given Mr. Robert Cuthbertv for the kindness be had done the association in arranging for the meetings to be held in the comfortable parlors of the Temple Cafe. ~ A unanimous ` vote of thanks was passed and Secretary Rogers instructed to convey the same byletter to the Mayor. Council and citizens of the town of Barrie, expressa ing the great appreciation felt by the As- ......:...:.... 5.... elm whrk and exnense that Beattie Nesbitt in the chair. A full report` showing the association in a good nancial ` of recognition for theservices V rendered be ing the great "appreciation Luau uy ....... ..... sooiation for the work and expense ` thev went to in order" to make our reunion at Barrie a success. It was more than was ever anticipated by the "association. The day will always be remembered and has roused that feeling ot love of citizenship and shows that the old `-town and county are proud of the sons who have gone from her fold and will always welcome them back with open arms whenever they should re- turn. A vote of thanks was passed. thank- ing the County Council and Warden also Mr. J. 0. Morgan and Chiet Rogers for the kind manner in which they had aided the association in making the day a success. The association also expressed a general feeling of gratitude to His Honor Senator Gowan for being present with them in Barrie. 1-.. ...... '.1.....a.A to hold an annual dinner for being present with menu In unasuz. It was decided to hold an annual some time towards the end of January to which special arrangements will be made to have as many members as possible of the County and Town Councils, the Mayors of the different towns and citizens present. A nu, , .__--:...:-.. ...:II mulnnvnr in axgnd the different towns ano omzeua pliuluuuo _A The Association will endeavor to extend its membership to outside towns as London, `Hamilton, Chatham, Detroit, Buffalo, Chi- V oago, _etc., and arrangements have been made to communicate with Old Boys in these places. ` \ . u.....:..... mm ha ham regular. monthly. these places`. Meetings will be held regular. monthly, st which interesting papers will be read by -- - -~ 2-- __L ......tIn-nan Ill! Wllluu Illtvlvcvlua .... prominent-.4 gentlemen. '7 `LI-`Id-V & TLC jj The Princess Theatre which is Toronto s leading theatre this season, opened with A Brace of Partridges, the play that is booked for Barrie s "Grand . next week and played to bigger business than anything yeteexcept Willard. They are playing a return date through Canada. This is what the Mail and Empire critic said on Tuesday. Sept; 17th, 1nnI . .,.____..-.- _._____...--jV_-__ -_____ ..._._____ sK7xfrI:s FOR SAL. ~0ne pair A. D. Fisher Tube Skates and Boots 910, 7), in good order. $3.00. Apply at this Osglgge. . - 4 7 - `WHEN PLAYED A"I'- T-ram PRINCESS. 1901 : Robert Ganthony s sprightly and whole- some comedy A Brace of Partridges, opened a week's engagement at the Princess last night. The plot of A Brace of Part- ridges is a hackneyed one--a man with a double-but it is deftly worked out. with an abundance of amusing complications and bright dialogue. It is written in a vein of light but pure and exhilarating fun, and the whole atmosphere of the play is refreshing. Interpreted by a very excellent company. as it was last night, it proved a delightful offering to a large and appreciative audience. Such productions willbuild up the prestige of the Princess. and the management is to be congratulated on beginning the regular season under circumstances so favorable. Mr. Reeves-Smith reappeared in the dual role of Arthur. and Alfred Partridge, and sustained the two widely different persona- tions with his usual versatility. Mr. George Holland as Stubbs, the landlord, also proved his sterling . merit. The Peggy Stubbs of Miss Margaret Robinson was a finished performance, sweet and entirely satisfying. Miss Robinson adds lustre to the shining circle of Canadian actresses. Mr. Wm. Eville as -Spiins, theiwaiter. sup- plied a very creditable share of the comedy element. ,Miss'.Ramson as Evangeline, Miss Brainard as Lady Wallerton, Mr. Henry` Rich asLord Wallerton. Mr. Elton as Snap, the bali, Mr. Wilson as Colonel Racket,. and Mr. Tomkins as Rushton completed a very competent `cast. A Brace of Part- ridges should enjoy a highly successful run. ......,... `I901: It will interest the hockeyists of the North to know that Bobby`Gray may accompany the -Wellingtons of Toronto on their propos- ed trip to Winnipeg to play the Victoria Hockey team. - .'1`i_:e Toronto News said on -Saturday :- Northern hockey clubs are beginning to get in `line, and. everything looks bright for a good season in the Northern District of LI... n `H A V ,. the U. n. A. `Midland, Barrie. Orillia. Penetang. Allis- ton and Newmarket have already organized. and like! before the season starts other towns wil fall in line. The northern clubs have decided to run a representative for the "Executive of the 0. H. A. Mr. George R. Simpsonglaet year : captain of the Newmar- ket team',~ has been the -man chosen and their choice could not be improvedwnpon. Mr. SimpIo_n~ has had a great deal of practi- cal experience having played the game for over ve years. In -1897 he was a member oh the Upper Canada College. junior cham- pions. of` which college he is_ `a graduate. Since then, he has played with Newmarket Hockeyrlnb, which town is his home. Be- ei`des'bein a player. his executive ability in "the mana'einent of. club`, aairs has `won for him` the nnanimons support of. the whole town of Newmarket. who`-are sparing neither ._ timVe`yor.pnioney in making` hie success aunt-ed. . ` We mentiofned last week that two broth- ers named Volliek were in the County Gsol uniting` triel for stealing cattle nenr.Mid- `land. man` named ` French was `ulna brought before` the M. treteein the nor- thern tofovinsirbeiog imp tested in the e`e|r;`o :'1`h_e !el`me1rihothId`loIt` the 1 cattle hpd. : not '- t-5". 1'.'e':- "i'3RfP 9`9"E "h.A pmon_e_r, Mu. (lllc_n_urguu . tootlve*Baurd:ley had him re-.arrested,, and: pronrtriql-wu held:ao= Elmvale last e`. ,and7u`s.ros,ulu qf il'i_fIfx3n_oh`_ 'iIj1o1V at um Burs BBATEHIL |-I-~Jsa\vuv-- --- -.._.,, Mas. <`HARx.w.s Loss. holding a rst-class diploma ior the French language and French literature. is prepared to give lessons in French. . Address. 48-49-p. Queen's Hotel. Barrie. - . I .I&::--nnj 'ooNv1drrmn AT mnuvgm. HOCKEY IN THE Noz_c"rH. coum-Y stucon Arm 1-an Dominion` or cA1unA.ouR 'c31Tn1oN; ;BARRI_l!l- /hnacamrs suiascmns: I "LIBEBALLY FOR THE WINTER ` FAIR-FARMER.8 INTERESTED. ' Over 8200 has been subscribed by the Barrie merchants for the Winter Dressed Poultry Show, and the prize list which is now readv amounts to; $180. This, it must b be remembered, is cash, and being divided among a large number of classes. with first. second and third prizes. the monev will go among a large number of exhibitors, rm... ............:o-.1-A.-. hnvn hnnn mn.kinu'n.rranI:!e. ll_!IDl!g II [Inigo uuuxuva In vauuuuuv-u.. . The committee have been makingarrange. menta to make the Fair better than last year and have arranged the prizes so as to attract more exhibitors. nu. _'__ 2. _. --......... ...l.n.nu.:nnn fuuornnr 8lil5l'8c_G more exnluwurn. There is no reason why` every farmer within driving distance of Barrie. should not enter something. It should be remembered that the Fair is not onlv a contest but an 1 educative matter. It is something that will do much to interest the. farmers in the pro- per dressing ofpoultry for the export mar- ket which is alarge one. - I m|_- 'm.........:..... l`;..-.-n:I-{man Imnun nu-rnnanr` Keli wnlcn I8 ulurgu uuu. , The Executive Committee have arranged I with the Grand Trunk for epecial_ra.cea. ` Parties may buy return tickets for Barrie ` from Stayner.-Elmvale, Beeton. Orilliannd Bradford and all intermediate etatienseat single fare. I . A m|........ :. fill mmlna-. nnw that-. the rnwns-` single late. 4 There is no doubt. now that the towns-` people are backing the Fair nancially, that the Fair will be a success ` and will eclipse any similar fair in the Province. `The prize lists are ready and the Secretary, `Mr J. H. Bennett, will receive entries at any time. It will facilitate mattereto have en- triescin early. ; l The Presbyterians of Allandale are to be congratulated on having had erected and completed in so short atime a church as substantial and pretty as their new one is. ` The buildingywhich` is situated on Essa 1 street, opposite Burton - Avenue, is a com- ? modious red brick structure with a basement for Sunday School purposes under the body of the church. - ~ ------- ----=-- -um IMIA .a....a.... . Two Cows. 4 and 6 years 01 a. both milking; Pony. ; vears old ; Harness. Cutter and Buggv. 1 Cutting 22. West Bradford street. Eex. Mm Lot 2: and with comfortable House, Stable and.Dn-iving Shed. 48-48-p T A, LONGHURST. M or me cnnrcn. The opening service was held Sunday morning and the church impressed one as bright and inviting.` The closing of the Methodist church showed 3 good spirit.. The church was crowded not only in the ` morning but at the meetinzin the afternoon 1 and at the service at night. `fr--- ll- `|A..T..a.....1. `Amman -noel-Ar nf f`\n- 6110. Bali W18 service an ulgus. Rev. Mr. McIntosh, former pastor of the church and now of Elora, `preached morning and evening. At the openinse service he preached from the text Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. His sermon on the ministerial life was attentively listened` to- bv all. Few people could have built that temple if thev had not made spiritual progress. The peo- 1 ' le of Allandale had made spiritual progress. uccess, he said, in one church meant success in another church and therefore all Allandale ; could rejoice with them in the opening of i this new edice the Corner Stone of which Christ Himself. He asked them to resolve to live a ministerial life: for the glory of the church was its ministerial life. , _kA_-.___--_ ...IJ-au--an -onion nnniin `\fI cnurun Will! Iw Illlumucsuu Iu.vo In the afternoon addresses_ were made by. Rev. Dr. McLeod, Rev. J.'W Churchill, Rev. `W. R. McIntosh and Rev. E. D. Cameron and in theevening Mr. McIntosh. again preached to a large and appreciative \ congregation. A Dual aunt-mp wan halt` nn Mnnnv nioht 1 cungruguuuu. - A fowl supper was held on Monday night that was a credit to the ladies of the church as` well as a gratifying success nancially. rA special train of Barrie people were in at-_ tendance and without these the place was crowded The ladies were not taken by surprise. however, and in the basement the tables were laden and re-laden with a ne supper. The body of the church was so crowded that it was diicult to keep order. Rev. E. D. Cameron acted as Chairman in his excellent manner. Miss Philips sang andsolos were also given by Mr. Edwards, Mr._ D. Stewart; Dr. Arnall, Mr. Harples I and Mr. Ralph Johnston. Rev. Dr. Mc- Leod was the tirst to address them and Rev. `Mr. Westney oifered a few words `of con- gratulation and well -wishing. Rev. Mr Churchill spoke of Hits and Misses and addresses were also given bv Revs. Mc- Intosh and Campbell. Mr. Shear presented in a concise manner the treasurer s report. The estimates he said were for $4320 and he did not think the cost would vary $25 from this. Among the receipts mentioned the collection on Sunday amounted to $147.` The present debt was $866 but since the re port was made out some subscriptions.had been received besides $140 taken in that - night. . The report on the whole showed the prosperous condition the church was in. \T4avl-. Qllilli tin: I'\I1`l\`f. hf th HEW PPQQ roaperouu UUIIU/IIIUII uuu vuuum won an Next Sunday the pulpit of the new `Pres byteztian church will beoecupied. by_ Dr. Grant, of Orillia. ' Mr. George Whitebread a resident of Barrie for over 60 years died on Friday at the residence of his son, John. He had reached the advanced age of 91 years and was one of the oldest persoue in the - town. He was born in England where he married in 1833 Harriet: Moyoe. They had two children; George W., for many years Prin- cipal of the West Ward School now deceased, and Anne, wife of Major Joe , Rogers. Il'../ I`l1L:4.-I.........l - um. hul in mhalnnl anu Anne, Wins In a.uaJur uuu. nuguuu. Mr. Whitebread e wife died in England and he brought his two children to Canada, -settling in Toronto After a year there he was joined by his brother. Richard. They came to Barrie and -for many years carried on in the east end of the town a carriage and wagon factory. A few years after his arrival in Barrie,- he married Anne Ball, sister` of. the late George Ball, who died some years ago. The following from his second marriage survive him` :-Mrs. John `Coulter, Bnalog John Whitenread here and Joseph and William both in tlie'States. - ML- .I..'....---3 nan . I'lnnInrvl:i\1n_. `Hg { - . ------v9--: i DEATH OF MR. GEORGE WHITEBREAD doeepu nun vv uuuun uuuu In uuu uuuwa. The deceased was a Conservative. He belonged to the, Church of England and was [buried on Tuesday in the Unioti cemetery, the ceremony being performed by Rev. W. Wieten. ' V -on-L _ __-n|_ --`_`-.... --..Q:-'a...l' .6 oh. l'nnnA'nAl"l men. . L ` "The pallbearers ooneleted of the deceased : four grendveone. E. Whitebreed. `P. White breed; J. E. Bogermend R R. Rogere._and his two great grand cone. George Roget-e_ e.ndRo_ger Wells; ` .. T , . . Flu -V" . _ V` V. n Practical Education us-the natpelin ":f:i?'idi 1hi3mass .%uuLLnm:, TORONTO. V ,_ A _- -.-....... ..-....I- `nun Q-Inn Hun? V -Um"ng I0 I58!) `VIEW ulyp uuu umyuu train has been on exhibition in the City of Ottawa. and was visited by a great number hf people. A13":-gelv signed. faetition has "been `sent. Mn; W .R, Tiinnto haveLthia train` mpgbt to Barriojnd e_xhibited... bu1;- LL.-nu u v ;.au'.v.t-.1`. n..aa 'u`nl~.'va1` naht`:M1-..` ` T038137 "0 UaTl'lU,~lull vauuuuvu, uuu _tha'C.P.R. officials have not vet aetIb`Mr. -Tiu s `denite rp]v- Barrio.:lI:`no1;-in- nluded in thq published ;list_of hoop to` ex hibit itho trai_u':luH,tz II" ' Q16 my~poA {3 . u , ._ -. '_ _I.L.'LX .L>-33. `llllllu uu Ililnnu --..- ._. ??r.sht`5ov!tm- ALLANADALE CHURCH OPENING. THE Pnumiv snow. -During the last ,:i'nw 7dj:y _I the Royal` _ 1.-- s....... ._ ..ms.m.... In the Cizvnfv Mr. Geo; Philips, of Bs.rne.Ji'a.s been visi- ting at his home in Elmvale. ' I II (1 , ,,. J L-...2I_. L_--- ..... IJ\lIvII.-ya: -vw _----- - 7. Girls for general housework. Good` homes and nest wages. References Home Science Bureau, Room 111. n`, Dearborn Street. Chicago, Ill. Chi- cago references :--E. W. Gillett. F. W. Peck. H. H. Porter. - * _ 48-51-p B-1". .' S;);;;;;)Jen:S11I;day a}; his home I in town. He is now located in Brockville. Ont,` ` ` Detective J. E. Rogers was in town atten- ding the funeral of his grandfather on Tues- day. - 11 1- 1-1191:-, _, _g' A|__ cqA___g___1, u---J. Mr. L. Williams, of: the Standard: Bank. Picton, is spending some h_olida.ya.at hishome. ., Mr Vand Mrs. Swasey an(iVta.mily have re- turned. to oovy-n for the winter. Er. D. A. `Shaw a.nd"s-t:|;.- Stanley. of To- ronto spent Saturdayjand Sunday in town. 1\ 1\ 1- n' . ,,._A__ G___.`I_-- .4. L}. L._.. _Among' the visitors to town this week were P. 0.. Marshall an(_i Detective Sleeman of Toronto. ` Mrs. Bobn boulcer, of Bu'aJO, was in town I this week attending the funeral of her father; [Mn Geo. Whitebread. Y.-h di;s_e-av ;z.x1_ uhiiriam Whitebreadv. of `Toronto. are home this week attending the "funeral of their grandfather. `I 11- `I II`, N133 James Plummet and Miss Mollie` Plummet have returned to town, leaving Mrs. "Plummet and the younger members of her family to spend ,the winter in Jersey.- ` Toronto Globe. V ' Mr. Hluqli iiulheiron, of Muskoka, Canada, : proprietor of the Star Lake Hotel, visited "Mr. Thomas Robinson and femilv, Lake Avenue, on Friday. Mr. Mulheron has not been in Lancaster in thirty yeara.-Lan- icaster, N.Y., Enterprise. . FIB-II :-I1 I-lllio Strayed from the premises of Isaac Speers. Lot :4. Cnn.,Q, E=sa. on or about the First of August. a Yearling Heifer. red. marked with a wire in the left ear. Anvnne giving any information of the above animal will be rewarded, and any i person `detaining same after this notice will be prosecuted. - -0 -~--- ISAAC SPEERS. Ivy. Rev. A. Findlay gave an interesting ad- ; dress to those who attended prayer meeting ` at we Presbytprian Church last Wednesday. ` Rev; Mr. Dreyer was to have commenced ` his duties as rector of St. Paul s Church Bee- ton, and Christ Church, fobtenbam last Sun- ` } The Quarterly Board of the Maple Street Methodist Church, Collingwood, has invited 1 Rev. M. L Pearson to remain for afourth term. The anniversary services of the Elizabeth Street Methodist Church will be held on ` Sunday next, Dec. 131;. Rev. Mr. Locke, \ of 0rillia.,' will preach both morning andj evening. Rev..A. T. Ingram, of Coldwater, 1 will take Mt. Locke's work at Orillia. Last Sunday was Temperance Sunday with the churches. Among the remedies advocated was the public ownership of the liquor traic; by Rev. W. Witten. The question of temperance was informally dis- cussed by the Ministerial Association at Mondav a meeting. v'l`he Epworth League of the Collier street ` Church had an interesting and instructive debate at their Monday night meeting, the 1 subject of which was Resolved that a col- ` lege education is `necessary to success in business life. The airmative was ably supported by Messrs. Chester McBride and Wilmot Davidson, but Messrs. Harold Park- er and Roy Tvrer presented so many weigh- --- -..............a... 6.... oh. no-hon girls that. than 4-In- 8!` an IVUY .I.Y|'CL' lJl.UUlI\.Uu DU uauul vvvnu' ty arguments for the other side that the de- % ciaion of the judges was in favor of the nega- L- ___ vlillvu tive. A v a...-.....-. ..__- a - | Next Sunday, the first Sunday in Advent, being the anniversary of the Separate and independent organization of the Reformed Episcopal church, there will bea special service and sermon on Sunday morning, setting forth the history` of the church, and the reasons for.its existence. ; LII _L- -..... .... n-`Iv unnn Sn!-nrnnfna Sn tl-an UB8 TEBBODB Jul` nu c.\Lm..uuuu. All who are in any way interested in the i movement. or desire to obtain information upon the subject, are very heartily invited ` to be present. _ ` I rm... ........:n. will nnnninr. of the celebration f 'I II to O6 preaeuu. __ _ ` ` k The service will cnnslat of the celebratxon ` of he Holy Communion and sermon. 5 'n,___:_.. .1... 6...... Q-..-Innu in Adunnl-. i-horn ~ OI CH8 DUIY \JUuuuuuu.n. uuu nunuauu. During the four Sundays in Advent, there will be special gospel ser mous, every Sunday night, appropriate to this solemn season. Watch therefore :`for ya know not what. hour your Lord-doth come. One of Om Township's oldest residents passed away on Sunday morning in the per- son of Mrs.-Elizabeth Wreqgett. She was 78 years-of age. The funeral took place on Tuesday at Dslston. ANNIVERSARY `SERVICE IN CHRIST CHURCH. I A 1 Mrs. John Partridge died at her home on McDonald street on Sunday morning. Her husband and four children survive her. The deceased was in her 55th year. L Thefuneral tookuplace on Mondav. A bright young life passed away on Sun- day at the Toronto General Hospital when Miss Gertrude Gibson died of typhoid fever in her 24th year. She had been living in Toronto for the past few years where she had many. friends Previous to that she had lived in Barrie, where her mother still resides. She attended the Collegiate Insti- tute here and was a member of the Method- ist church. The remains were brought to Barrie on Monday and taken to the residence of her grandfather, Mr. James Cross, Peel street. The numerous friends of thede- ceased paid tribute to -her and many were the beautiful owers sent The funeral t ook `place on Tuesday to Stroud cemetery. Edward Moore, a former resident of Bar- rie, well known, and respected for his strict integrity. -and conscientious adherence to what he believed tobe the truth, passed eacefully away tohis rest. on Saturday, ov. -16, l90l. ` He was born in the village of Ellesmere. Shropshire County, England. May 30th. 1818; He came to Canada in 1870, and after passing through and laboring -- nu.-._-_a-..--o'. nf {int-twin- nallv made and 3150! pllllg tnruugu uuu unuvn Lu` in" different parts of Ontario, finally made Barrie his home, and where the life he lived gained him `universal xeapect. Hi: wife Ezeoededihim by about:23 years. He leaves _ hind him, two sons and one daughter in England and two daughtetr end one son this |ide~,qf_.the Atlantic. He has for some - fare put resided w" tlz hie` eon. George.` of - j Orohtdg wlio'_.o.u-editor him..in-,hiI~de,olining, -;f,9w=;.Io do- liilavshtar. Mrs. `J. M. Todd, 0! uetrow. mwnqiwu preaguu ` fat the funanl, whichtook plnoe;Monday, NW. 18th. :9 l1;lcnnt%Ploa-ant cstnmry. - . Slhl AND PERSONAL. OTICE is hereby given pursuant to me L_\I:VIns;u Statutes of Ontario, 1897. chapter :29. section 38, that all creditors and other persons having any claims or demands whatsoever against, the said `Thomas E. Johnson, deceased. late of the Town of Barrie. in the County of Simcoe. gentleman. Who (lied on or about the Fifth day of November.'A.D.. . 190:. are required to send bv post. prepaid. or deliver to James Scroggie, Owen Street. `Barrie. Insurance Agent. the executor of the said. estate. on or before Saturdav. the 28th day of December. 'r9ox. full par- -riculars and proof of all claims. if any. which they may have against the estate and effects of the said ae.:e1sed, together with their names and addresses. and the nature of the security, if any. held by them.-_ And further take notice that on and after the said `.:",th day of December, 1901. the said Executor will proceed tn distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard uzalv to the claims of which notice has been received. :45 nhnve required. And the said Executor WI not no liable for the assets so distributed, or any part tin-reof, to any person or persons whose name shall ngt have been receivedeprior to the time of such dis- l."Ii\llli0T\. ' - t ` Dated this 27th day of November. 190:. IAMES SCROGGIE, I Executor of Thomas E. Johnson. - ~`i5l By Stewart & Stewart, his Solicitors. CHURCH CHIMES. OBITUARY. _ Last Saturday was another googl mg;-kgg day in Barrie. Probably the fact that -it was the first market day before '[`hgnkg8[. ving accounted for the lgrge sunply of tur- kgv that-_ was oered. The demand wgg good. h0W`W_91`. nd 9 Cents was obtained by ma.nV- 7 `md 3 '33 paid by the buvers. Geese. too. were Ientiful 50 to 65cenfs etch being paid by customers. Buyers bought them at from 5 to 65 cents per pound. Chl- kens were worth 35.to 50 cents per pair and ducks 65 to 70 cents per mil`. L._:_._ ._ .1_--_..J ..-.-h..... --- 11810 011 El!!! 1ouu_ ul uczu. Iuuuun, Butter was brought in in good quantities and the demand was good for it at 16.17 and 18 cents a. pound. 'E2gs were still scarce 21 to 23 cents being asked for them. _,_ _'u_ an an __._ L-.. -...1 .__L-A.--- ULIUIIB U0 U0 JV \zI7u'Ia pct pun- Thoae who brim: in dressed phultry are anticipating the Wintei' Fair, which is to be heki on the 18th of next month. -- __V _ 1_.'_-__..I.A. 2.. 2.. ..'..-J ~...._LIL!n BUFITUU bl. LU 0 UVIIIII IIGIIJ` wanvu. I I I n v u v n : u~ Hay was worth $8.55 per ton and potatoqa 40 to 41 cents per pack. Neither was plenti- ful. ' W ---- _.___L..: _...A.....:.... 4.- 1.- 1...:..... nu. _ Hogs were reported yesterdav to be bring- ing better prices, both live and dressed. "TL- .u....I_ -..\.-ml9nl- cnnu I\IIanf=nnI1 fh Il Ill! Uclalaul` PIIUUB, uuuu uvu cnuu unvwnvuu The grain market was practically the same as `the previnua week but oats are again up this week, 45 cents being oaid In Barrie, the best pricc yet. In llxe Matter of the Estate of the late THOMAS E. JOHNSON. THE HAPPENINGS OF A WEEK IN TOWN AND VICINITY. ---You can feel the smile of the coal men and the plumber this morning. -Next week is music week with THE ADVANCE See our `ad. on page 8. __ --n, -_j_ --._, Qlllllily "II ulna.-as: may -.-v -._ -- _.-- .. -1300 live turkevs were shipped ' from Orillia. for the British market, about a week ago. -- 1-` cu . I'ITI I. E 17 _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ llvblguslna -.-- .._._ oysters. iscomu. lIn;ld`Iarnnl c... con- qtantlv on hand at BOTIIWELIHS. CW! -Tax Collector Whife, of Vespra. was in town on Saturday and found money coming in verv well. ` _ ._ - -- . ,5 .. -;:I..z'1st'5';s:;e'ek the Barrie Tanning Co. ship- ned as carloud of 10 ton of leather to Liver- pool, England. .._.\A nl m _n 1172-1.-- `l'.V.-_..:L...... L'........ gnu} rv-yo, ---..._ _. G20 `X, off an Wicker Furniture from now until Xmas.` The Barrie Wickerwork Mfg. Co. (Limited).' 1.: ,1-n'r1rn1"r ._.2lI \JVo `AJII.ll|Io\l\n'v -The regular meeting of theW C.T U. will be held on Monday next in their parlors in their parlors at 3 o'clock .o 1 1 A 1'\,,_-_ _[ UIIQII `II-IIIIJDII I-Ia 1) . a'Thnrsday, De<.:`.'"-5th-` A Brace of Partridgea at the Opera Hpuse. Other County papers please copy. 5I-- ---- LA _'-.._.I -4. LL` """"""J t""l"" l" "" "rd ` l --The Holy City may be plaved at the Barrie Opera. House in the near future. It is a costly spectacular production and is a decidedly unique entertainment. The local I managers hope to be able to book it. ,,I,:-|_ _.__. L-_I--.1 L- -._ lllnuunsvnv Ilvrv U`: V. _.v --The Deemster which was booked to ap- near at the Opera House on Dec. 16th, has been cancelled, as the company has proved to be very poor. The play would have been a. drawing card if the cast had been good. gas. _n-- `l'l--..II-r Illnhnn Gilt` Executors Notiuitu creditors. G UKOW lug Hutu ll Univ `aw-.. .-..... ..--__ D--." For Choice Family Flour and all kinds of Feed 20 to Wllk|nson n. All orders delivered promptly In any quantity. Please leave your orders at the Mill olce or Telephone No. 23. -Buttere1d, Dyment & Co. have been making some heavy shipments latelv. Among those last week were a. car of machi- nery to Little Current for McArthur &: 00., the lumbermen of Chebovqan, Mich., and a car to Marksville. on St. J oseph s Island. .,1,L- Ulll UV Lvdunnuvgg-V, v.. -\_,-. -_- --Last night (Wednesday) was tberdate of "Said Pasha at the Opera House and the After-'1`hr tre Dance at the Town Hall; Tbev " lncrowded house in Mea- ford Tuesday and Owen Sound Monday. Both places report the production first-class. __ .. c. :11. I ,_ `I'3_,.__2L.-._- ..-... nnoou IJIJIIII pluvvv -urv.- --_- rr , , 3320 `Z, offal! Wicker Fufniture from now until Xmas. The Barrie Wickerwork Mfg. Co. (Limited). ,__. 2.. _:.a .: u..:1.::..... wand UU. \1JIu|u.uu,. Q Entertainment in aid of Building Fund by Woman's Auxiliarv R.V.H. Town Hall, Tuesdav, December 10th, from 3 o clock to 10 o'clock p.m. Sale of worlr. candies. ice cream Em. High Tea 5.30 to 7 30. Price 25 cents Music and speeches afterwards} Entrance to hall 10 cents. -' L., 2.. AL- luuvluuuv uv us-n. .v ..-..-_ -There are only seven patients in the Hosnital at present. Sickness is not nearly so prevalent as it was this time last year. `Bhe Woman s Auxiliary of the Hoepitalis progressing favorably. Thev are recetvinct good encouragement for their sale of work and their membership is increasing. III!`-I llIl&-LI I--up-..-..'__-__r - -The following militia changes were gs- zetted Saturday in the Canadian Gumt- te :-35th Regiment "Simcoe Foresters.-- To be Lieutenant: 2nd Lieutenant F` L. Burton, vice A. B. Thompson. promoted. m. u.. u .... ...+.-..- with lnnnnrsu-v rank of Iliurton, vice A. D. Luumpuuu. pnunuuuuu. To be Pavmaster with honomrv rank of Captain: W. Scott vice C. J. Smith. de- _ceased. r V - --I- _- n_ A___..._ `A L-:1 ` UCGBDLM y El The cheapest place In town to buy hard and son wood is A. W. Wilkin- son -. Delivered` promptly In an uantlty to any part of the town an llandule. heave orders at mill olce or phone. 23. --I - ,, I__1_--_ .._..n ........l........... DI` Pllulluo one --The following ladies and gentlemen have kindly consented to take part in the concert in connection with the entertain- ment for the R. V. Hospital :--Miases Bing- ham, Whiteley, Campbell, McDonald. Law- rence. Scott and Graham. Messrs. Boys, Dr. Arnall, Watson. W. R. king and Rev. B. D. Cameron. _,_ 4...- I`C`I'IU U ` III] WEEDS. and the ot the security, 11' any. -\ irther agdw: 4 11 '\-\h' tn H10 4~`:I:rnQ nf l1(`tiCe has \lu--awn v-u _ -Mr. Richard Powell has shown us two New Zealand Xmas numbers he has just received. One is the Auckland Weekly News and a` the other the New Zealsnd Graphic. Not only is the matter most in- teressing but the illustrations and designing `is first-class. The tvpographical work is very creditable and they are both superior to most Canadian Christmas numbers. tel.--` -._.I E--n_ BU IIIUII. \1I~u-vunw- \r----v------- _._.V_---___ Monsoon Tenn and Chase and Sun- Imrnu oeeu. Two leaders at B01`!!- 'IlrEI.I .9- ' ~ The Court Room was crowded on Mon- dav morning The first case was adjourned and in the next case the complainant was Mr.\Ernie Kin who made his way through the crowd. fo lowed bv a little black dog. The men he had summoned was Mr. George `Cooper. The name was read Richard but the said hisname wasn't Dick. N `W. E. King was sworn. He described the adven- tures of his dog, and sold Cooper had stolen it. The dog was found chained in the lat- ter s house. The defendant did not deny having. it` but claimed` he could prove his ownership. A: woman, whom, he aid he wintod `for witness in thsfeonntry and -' fi"3!1.:hf1c?%l1!?f :thBI**`?-9 ri!*P%-%>?Tb s..oo PER ANNUM IN ADVANCI . SINGLE COPIES FIVE CINTS - the wxunengnere ma nnea mm .1 uuu W... or 30. days 1!: d the mount $8.70 .. a-`git-.. which he :91: he. N _V V-ppe-L ........... KEPT A DOG ; FINED $8.70. BARBIE MARKET. ARIIUND BARBIE. In tlu-zmuter or the Estate or the late EPHRAIIYI Ginuoomr. V NOTICE is hereby givenpursuaht to the Revised Statutes of Ontario x897. chapter :29,` sectnon 555. that all creditors and oth` r persons havnnganv `danms or demands whatsoever against the said Ephraim Gilhoolv. deceased. late of the Towynship of Oro. County of Simcoe. gentleman, who died on or about the 26th day of October. A.D.. tool. are re- cdired to send bv post. prepaid. or deliver to V Messrs. Stewart & Stewart. 13 Owen Street. Barrie. Schm- 'tors for the Administratrix of the said estate, on or before Saturdav. the 28th day of December, 190:. full particulars and proof of all claims. if any. wh-chthev mav have against the estate and effects of the said deceased. together with their names and addresses. and the nature of the security. if any. held bv them. ' Ant` furl!-mr talrn nnm-, that nn and apr H-id szsd aministr& A and me nature or me security. It any. new UV tncm. And further take notice, that on and after the said 23th day of December. mm. the said Administratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said de- ceased among the persons entitled thereto. having regard only to the cla:_ms of which notice has been received as above required. And the said Adminis- tratrix will not be liable for the assets so distributed, or any partthereof. to any per_snn or persons whose names shall not have been received pnor to the time -of cuch diqtribution. . Dated this'27th day of November, I901. STEWART & STEWART. _,_ _ __ I3L_-_L I). .._S'. VOL A43-51 Thursday,Dec.5th] MR. nzzvas SMITI-I. ,-_-_'-_L-J Ln +ia :5v=*" %a'.e.L.:.:*.:....,. an-.:% v~ h-t!s;3`* ouse. stow?" 9.n".`!'fk 91:11 0: the Iilrio fl". "_"'I T supported by . % % MISS MARGARET; HOBINSOH` MR. GEORGE H_O|."l..AND . -.and a Comvanv `of A iinautpas-L `sad exqtlenogvin ` A? 'Brno__e _ of fI _srt_1igi_ggg4,f the,1o`.ughIn'g,; . . =_sucoes's .otr_:iw9 ' . .r H. \, {Ill |\., --------. IOTICE is hereby given pixrsuant to the Reged u........m ,.c nnrg.-zn 18:-1. chanter :29. section C111 LC! I. 48-so-P ) W .... ~.'.`."`.3 'n`a';.`.>'.""".'...;..\.a *P*Et:TAL Evem .Barrio Opera llouso. .1 ADVERTl8E1;lEN'l"S. (Management _V.un & 'SANAe41{.)` W o '1 0 3 rl l'| Vi ~ . ---------- -- Y onge and Gerrard Sta}. Toronto. At Belleville. Ont., on the and M , tg Mr. and Mfs. Ernest H, Bird. : MARRIED. ` ' ' \7--.-...I..... -..cL .__.___________._____.__.__ LESSONS IN FRENCH . L. No. 48 * 3406:); SAMUEL W'3sL-In _Propnetor. _ , s. -D-O.lVIl'-.'.STlC$ WANTED. ` IUHUIV I \Iu gm). prepafe young people fqr the busi- f life by our completecourses an --..-.-no -I-I!-I E123 A EIJV _~ HE|FER'ESTRAY. A _-_ -1. 1....-.;. n: idEueeu Td7Kt'now*i z::..mestedm' 4Pr.3c_t_ica.l Education isvth name `of?! FOR SALE. I3lIlVI |J\n up `:--nu.----. 13 Owen Street. Barrie. Solicitors for_Marg`aret Bertram. the Administratnx of the estate of the late Ephraim Gilhooly. Lump. `(Iii I , anda n n -in "I LUL` 3 , the and November.` u_....; 11 Rh-rl, 2 nnn. be prosecuted. ISAAC SPEERS, xv v u-uvu ,3B0!). 5 \l UICC 48-If ' Ratopaorn will plan; rmemlpr Ihncjthe last `Installment of tfxes will "no not leave of payment till last day 01' `W0. } . Mr. Hi Patriarche, the ,contracting` engineer in charge of the work of obtaining power from the Ragged Rapids was in town V one day last week and THE ADVANCE inter- viewed him. -He said that Oril|ia s.new power scheme would be completed by Feb`- ruary. The. contract rioewas for 371.000.` This had been. excee ed by Nov. 5thrby $6.596, and $10,000 _more has been re- .queet'ed by Mr. Peter Ryan This was re- fused but the, Orillia Council passed the motion offering $6000 on condition no more would be asked until the completion of the work, which was accepted. MI - `D..o-mi.-aha unit! that 1-Isa rntnn wnlllli pess d\1,"5 ` as worx, Wnluu was uuuupwu. .- . - . Mr. Patriarche said that the rates would have tobe higher than at first estimated but` would then be remarkably low. Orillia would have more than enough current to supply the townand he thought it would pay Barrie to get the surplus `supplv. It would coat $16,000` to $20,000 to bring a cable from Orillia here but it would pay thetown to get it and distribute it. In case he should have totake over the plant on account of_ the cost exceeding the estimates, he would make an offer to the town. Mr. Patriarclie saw the Mayor and some power users while here and looked over the plant at the elec- tric light station. ` ` POU N DKEEPLH ' 5 aAI.I'.-ut stray animal. There will be sold at the Township of 01-9 Pound. _ Shanty Ba.y.on `Friday. Dec. 13th. 190:, at :0 o'clock. am. A two fear old cow. with calf at her side, color red, smal turned up horns. alsoa private mark. The animal will be sold unless Clanmr `ed by the owner before the date of sale. _ DANIEL BROWN. 48-5o-p b _ I ' `Poundkeeper. Mortgages. W1_us_, etc., pre%a_.ren on snorwm; uuuw_. 2o years doing business in nmcoe. Farmers especi- allv invited to call and see us. Glad to see vou. No char e for consultation or advice. ` O F ICE-0pposite Barrie Hotel. Barrie, and Peter Street. Onllia. ` 48-ly IIUIII IHDIIIUI7 gnu allwunnu--var --_-__-~ Get your property on our list; costs nothing. Monev to Loan--Don't borrow a dollar until you see ; me; terms best. rates and charges lowest. Deeds, `| Mortgages. Wi_lls_, etc., pre ia_red on shortest notioq. an vnnrg dnhm business in nmcoe. espech Ur r .|\.allo"-\lpP0sll.I Peter Street, Onllia. Johnstciuinerolfa-Sarieanl WAN'.l`lSU '1'U KIsN1`-bmau nouse or cums 01. rooms for'fa.mily of two. N. E. PUNCH, American Hotel. V 45- Best Qualliy ` V ANTED TO RENT-Sma.ll House or Suite of } Lona:-L-can "nfnl Ag. 00M. and W000 o-IV LOST-0n NcV>vV'.v9.-'1-Note for $100. Will Finder please return to payee. . ` ` ` . . `ROBT. FAGAN. 46-47-p. ` A T Elliott's Corners. BVUK_ALlS UK '1[U Kan 1-13 acres or Iauu .1 male frommarket; good soil, well- watered; as well adapted for root crops. Apply to EDWARD RVDN . num. ch-pet. _18.tf I'\ll'I \il'II-I- V: I un-uu - u Modern Brick House on` Louisa. Street. formerly occupied by R. 1. Fraser. Apply to nnm 4n '11 one: U 1 y 7... :-V: j:___ Real Estate and insurance `Agent. - --;_ _-AL!_.. Lost from Ea.st Lot ax,_c}Q. Io, Essa, on or about the 17th of October, Scattle as follows`:--4 `steers, coming 1 years (g red. 1 speckled) : 3 steers, coming 2 years (1 red an `white x spotted); 1 heifer. red. here was a bell on the heifer and on one steer. liberal reward for return of above to the -owner. 46-48-p. . _ - P. ELLIOTT. . Dated Nov. nth; xgox. I&lI rtu--v :uu -- --_-__ [One hundred acres--Abo1`:t eighty acres cleared ` South half of Lot 40. Northwest corner Township of 11. an Hun pnnnfnna Rnad-n'nnd buildimzs. 13120 orchard and well watered. A uanury or mu pmugn- ing done, in a. good state 0 cultivation.` close to dmrch.and school. A ply to MRS. R. A. LlTH- GOW. Weston P.0.. nt. . - T 47-49-p. aoutn nun U] nut 46:. IV u: u 0:0, on the Penetang Roa orchard and well watered; 3-... J--an in a nigh wen aC|%PI-U0 [UT FOUL I. I BYRN Owen street. duties 0! me Dy DUI ~uuuynm.u..y-,.u.w... ... ACCOUNTING, `TELEGRAPHY, 5|-|oRTHAND.`TYPEWRlTNG, m~c_. we provide a dozen Capable Teachers, and. Em-1-vjTvpe\Vl'iling machines. __ and. prqduce good It - . V ilersany Time, - - Circulars free. W. H. `SHAW PRINCIPAL. - -- , _ - .. A llncnna M 9'.d "l"nI-nn fl`. Strayed on to the premiees of the undersigned, Lot 19, Con. 2. F103, about the end of August, two Heifer. Calves, one red and` one grev. about six months old. Owner can have same b(p|-oving pm- ......Lu and nauina nvnpnnpn. ALE - A. Mc- 4.310-p TCIVCU up Elli Jan. and 190:. A seeond class professional teacher for the Pains- wiek Public l!School for the year t9oa. - Applications received up till Nov. 30th. 1901. Duties to commence Inn. and Inna. ` . . P6U!.W=':5.'.3;s SM-` ..:....I `have w at the Township 01-0 IubarIsson s Uompound Syrup of Whito Pine, a certain cure for noughs. Price 259. Bromide of l1umin'a_ La.xatif Tablets for coughs and oold_s_,eto.. Price; Witch Hazel Dream for chaired hands` ...|-on :v:nvHouis:HoLb... --1-_-:-::.;... - - -,..__ W BORN. BIRD--At ti 1 mat. to E:-nee `OR SALE OR TO RENT-x3 acresbf land x | mil F:-nn1'n1nrIr n:f! wand soil- well- watered: il 1 __Hpu; ron S_AL ORRENT. '1 _____ -._ I -.....- CL....-I- CA-nan. Teacher 'W'a n.ted..% mes nus om. znu, FOR SALE OR TO `RENT. eovsrvinh -1i:Ro14:on1LL1A. NEVW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1x.Lanu.v; 1.2 an o HAL h, Toronto, by the Rev. ]. `M. dbv the Rev. John Langtt:l\_v. third dau hter of . hat-1esPen L--On November 19th. 1931. at '

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