Makers, who iarane theh-.gy_:__n,price on- The Slater Shoe COFFEE KIIERCHANTS, A BARRIE. Every piece of dress fabrics in stock reduced in price during sale. Table No. ,l. . I 200 yards of New Snitings, Tweedsv and Cloths, worth 30c, 35c, to cleaxj at 22c. hOur{o`bject is t0.Reduee our Immense Stock, and to do this eectively we oer these Bargains early inthe season, while the demand % is the greatest. Table No. 3. Table No. 2. ...ADVERT|SE IN... , A ' ' V And TRY THEM. ,factor of modern-life."" , . :1 was '2rszx-r-`noes: PROBLEM. With the exposure of the existence. of a hook ring and the attacks onthe ancient Geographies being used in the schools under the authorization of the Ontario Government, the Department of Education is certainly in an unenvi- able position. The situation -has per- haps, not been better set forth by a non-political yet. oneducaticn, authors- tive, person or paper than by t he~Cana-e Ila Educational Monthly. It says in the November number that unfortuna- tely Ontario is now reaping the bitter fruits of I a-uthorization of books -for -her schools; dead slavish vunitortnity pre- vails; teachers in her schools working - i'era`piece of bread," so completely is the spirit of inspiration gone from the 1 schools that the teacher -has sunk to the killing degradation of patronising -the dishoncring `school-helps in his ordin- ary daily labor in the school~rcom- - The capable and experienced teacher is A leaving the school, the neophyte takes his place; the salary year" by year, is becoming less; the profession per. se'is' ` losing its hold on the respect of the community, and "cheap and hasty is deemed suicient excuse :for.disrespect- iul treatment of the most` important I TEA 4-U pieces of Fancy Dress Goods, Cheviots, Suit- ings, and fine` French fabrics. Regular prices were 50 to -900, tc clear at 42c. . A 17 pieces of Homespunsi Amazon, Cheviots and Venetian Suitings, hewest; shades. Regular poes $1.00, $1.25 and $1.40 per yd., to` at 79c Dress Goods and Mantles. Dress Goods This is a great opportunity to save money--do not let it pass unnoticed. Genuine Bargains await you here NEXT THURSDAY. ' {%W ,21%_.JL%,`aL &~;c% `9L%%%% `)L%a<`3)_@a .@L% .-If 9. mambgr of any municipal Conn- dil in yvonyictod of having knowingly A ttod 9uy._on.oe under this act hail i-in L,-iuldition L to any _othqr V W5"'59 .1h*lh;'bi1i!519`A"9 qoliib!o..&o1ho' Va-Iv BlIl\l\I till. V11 . _ Pea; Jackets. Hunting Clothing. Mackinaws, Mitts, Caps, Shirts and Drawers` Top Shirts, Sox, ebc., at cut prices. & ladie s Jackets and Capes Prudent buyers who pay cashbrine their Fall Clothing problems to us We are ready to solve anybody s Clothing Problem. We have the right kind of Clothing. The most stvlish, correct, reliable clothing money can buy. Our prices are a quarter and a third less than is regularly charged elsewhere. Recent business troubles of two large manufacturers, and large clearing lots tor cash in other quarters, nlace us in a position to save from $1.00 to $5.00 on a suit of clothes and from $2 00 to $8.0Q on High Made Overcoats. Calder s best $10 double breasted suits at $10 ; we sell for $7.50- Euglish Ulav Worsted Suits in black or blue atg$l2 50 ; we sell for $10. $10 black navy Worsted Suits for $7 75. 0 Good Tweed Suits at $3. $4 and $5, worth $1.50 to $2 more. $ -. High Grade Semi Ready Suits, $10 grades $7.50, $12 grades $8 50, $15 grade. 10. - ' V _ OvERc0A'r8--$8 fall weight Fawn Venatiau Overcoat for $5 00. Best $10 Whipcord Overcoats for $8.00. . Young men s stylish grey Vicuna Overcoats at $5 and $6 50. Men's Navy Beaver Uverooats worth $6 for $3 90. The best:$l3 pure wool Beaver Overcoats in blue and black for $10. High grade Semi-Ready Overcoats, $15.00 grade for $11, $18 grade for 513, $20 grade for $14. - ` Don Tnnsoga- `Z.-._a:....t1I_A.L3.__. `II__l_3, Il'l.. ya u: - . 1 l\ ,h_._.. in Barrie. ...c]1i|d}en s _BluthingA at Gregtly Reduced Prices... A Direct Importers. bIl|ll E%@ J". C. I.B.VVI].VI' mm. Tnvolloru should secure a. Rand-McNaT.Tliy iiuilwnf: Guide and, Hand Book-issuod monthlv. - x.l\ , n,,, A u _.1. -_ ;...:.... l\-:l ..... ....o Q.-gal-u sale. Special Lot No. I. Your choice of 15 Mantles in Black, N avy and ' Green, sizes are 2/3?, 6/34-, 5/36, 2/38., regular prices were $4.00 to $6.00, ` to clear during sale at each $2.00 ' Special Lot` No. 2? Speclal Lot No. 3. on -up "Every Mantle in stock reduced in price during Your choice of 13 uiantles in Black, Blue, and Fawn, sizes are 2/32, 4/34, 5/36. 2/38. regular prices were`$5.00 to $8.00, to cleahduring sale iat each $4.00. Your choice of 16 Mantles in Black, Fawn, Blue, Green and Cardinal sizes are 3/32, 4/34, ,4/36, 4/38, 1/40, regular prices were 566.00 to $10.00, to clear during sale at each $5.00. E1`: IQ` \ Mantles .'No new name will be addeci to the Subscription Mlt unt the money is `paid. V ' _ T Lur Way u if Hg e k Men s Ladies; UL UHF IIIUBY PUTUIINUU. All styles, all colors and all materials from $3 75 to $25 00 cut- to these two prices. $3 75 J ackfts $2.-50, $5 Jackets $3.50. 610 Jackets $7.50. $12 Jackets $850. $20 Jackets $12. Q.`......_I._ n-_I:_ ........a.. (`anus n.t uere , Ladies Underwear, H09`_9'77 Gloves,` Cloths for Skirts, Mlm etc. at out ricea. I p.nnnnnnLn?n thn hilt Il Of `Ill. 1. I IUUII of the list. A1` One-Third Off. We bought one entire manufac- turers stock at a great reducuou. and as usual give you the benet of our lucky purchase. arming nl` nnlnl-II and 3 '6-V UDUIUBB `PIE. Sample Berlin made (}ape_81 25 per cent. 06' cost prices. T3959 are new awlish winter Capes. _ in. 1.... .u_. L:..........a- nnmlz 01 are DEW ILVIIBD Wmwr uuycm We have the biggest stock 01 Jackets outside the cities, and our prices cannot be equalled MW` wllerp I vv 1 , __ una:nl`V_ vuvo, GU VIII. llllvvuu Remember the big sale of 3": bet; and Boots and Shoes 18 11 - on. `Brice: run 25 to 40 P " . JLL , In oAuug:L wssuv. PR~OPR~|"I'-OAR Gash and one Pric E 310. grade and 1)rawers. 188 rd 3. lots to cut 33 Jackets zckets $8.50, nde Capes M rices. 31' gest stock of ities, walled anv- r, Hosiery, kirts, Mitts. of Rub Wi- is now ( -I1 Amman A-dxva/rwe, Iublcribeu now in a-nears for three months and. our will be charged $!.:o per annum THE Nonizan Aowmce? AL 8'Pue -48 Column Newehaper, In Publiehed from the Oicc, :23 Dunlop Street Bun-ie. in" the .Countv of Simcoe. the Pro- vince of Ontario. Canada. every Thursday Morning, by P *Atinntic The evening Expreu leaves Toronto at 5; Tuuuunu Ex res: 7: pom- I. `cm! 8: Pacic Ex. (.00 pan. cu A IIII Illt\\'r A `I m _ HHWIILVI U1`: '._'1 `cm ~ 0 O9 P-mu `83 .lI`|_o `il. - , GRAVENHURSn"r`t 'NORTH BAY. 4100 p.m.'*Aaancic & Pacic 3:. 11.55 pm. .f1` .. " 7031 IJII. Gravenhunt mixed (uouth only) 9.81 " COLLINGWOOD & MEAFORD. 11.15 mm. Mail. . 538 pan. `on pm). EXWUO ` 7! `pm: 'nnunmAua 11.38 nan.` BARBIE 1'0 Al-I.tNDAI.8. 1.3: n..m., 1.56 a..m., 9.37 1.111.. u.:5 am .13., 5.21 p.m.. 8.90 pan. A I . ALLANDALI no muuua. 1.508.!!!" l!o'5 Q--I'll" ILI5 `mo, SI.` 055 Penn 9-35 F). . i Tninsluve Barrie for and strive from i udarmentioucd places an followrz` ` -;u'nt\|vIlIl\ jnl IEIHU IIIU lluuu Iul\IVX" IIIv- "{Dailv. All other man 15;ii}:x. Supdcy. ` ECVIB I FIAVFI 1.15 (.31. Accommodation. 5.38 p.31 [00 p.:n. Accommodation. " 7.85 mm ALLANDALE 8: BARRIE SECTION. '- .' liliiiyf Portraits. _______,,T BARBIE RAILWAY GUIDE. pf - -"" .- (`P 1;: ,.v.. ' _;.g`.., -V,. . -- _:_-S3, . > , .. i'i";? . A ' Our M193 0! ` npveltiel 110.: `iI;.lI.e.h..r,i`-" dc! season in complete. Cull and no 3 iupluy of portraits tint email: any herevioiore gxhibited. "W; sell pic- llvrwlvlv Va sure iname. Tanks our Sunscnlrrxo. Ru`-`h`u\\`.\wIn - ' iXxiiiL%rToTi~z. V rfondnro bun-Ann `Villa , PENETANG. A `.4--.4Jn6:4|-I 5.53 p.lll-gii I-lug `"55 I Ftifwgaun " innfmif V H if~-x`r'%`I~-s* A` ~ =;*h%Tfrf9i`9t *"' \ .\ ____A`| I `i -' ~` *1 . . A, .`\'~.L . . * .;ws; V,,=s_&.-17 xnu ' 0!;',`,_E'Q,* _;;T any \ up . %vulxu-av-149-V---u--V . ~.7`=~.\i," .4 = 4., -3 Z *`$W1 L ,' (1?-_y ,-t:.;a;::sm:d;dddmnnn:ms4o for every duy`_h'e,;Iq_`qiu and voted." .. - 'J.`ho_Msyor lV1on:t.l|:a_t;`efore resigned. Mayqn should be oil-'eful drinkers. ' WINNING AA`1"-1'EN'.L4ION. T As `soon on any. buninfeln mun - retire! from the bnsinou of winning attention he mull: retreat from the front ranks. ,Why is }:ot`vour litle (wore a great one? -" ' soaooz. TEACHERS `SALARIES; At. 1 recent meeting of the Peter boro High School Board, a table Of teachers salaries was loid before the trustees for`ohe. purposes of comparison. It in is follow; :- '. Why ieit that a man of your skill with the pen or pencil receives no high- er salary? Hamilton... 14 400 0 6300 Kingoton...,. 10 278 10,000 Be|le_vi|le..... 5 143 4,400 Sc.Thomae.... 7. 233 7,070 Stratfol-d.... 7 .168 ~ 7,450 Gm ...... .. 6 0 151 -7,200 Oubourg..... 5 92. _`4850 LindaI.y.;...- 6 142% 6,500 B1-o0kville..... 76 6 220 "5030 winaao:..... 6 07 W 01.07% 6.950 st. Oatbarinea v7_ 166 7.100 .Peterhpro.,... * 6 0 130 A 6.960 Hamilton [any their ptfinolpiylh $1,300` KingI'ton_. 81,800; Belleiille, 81.200"; 80. Thomag. 81.900 ;` Scrstford.V.3-l='50_();- Gilt, $1.750; Oobonrg. 8l,%00;]Liin_d ; 0.0s1.64o0: Br9ok.Vi||9. 6313.500 56 V ,._ 600 0' ,r. . .0: N. . . ~. `__z.,'J.,". 6wt-saoor060o01.soo3se+0..n..uiuei; Hamilton . Kingston . ; . Be|le_ville..`. . . So. Thomas... S_tratfordj. . . . Gall; . . . . . . . . Jr: |_t'ud ~of 165. `. A - _ Whjv is not ; your. inuence greater than it is ! ` % Beouuao you do not make yourself known in your true light. Why is it that a. man of your indus- try to not geoeiving large oi-derov end anvintlorge some of money 8 Because you do not advertise. _ People must know of you to he in. tereated in you. ' You must win .abtention inl this 1 world. We must do is `with boldness," : `openness and frenkifess.` You might; do this by outlandish advertieinq ; by die- ; gusting people, but you do not wish `to '-drive custom away from your store, but-do it; therefore, remember A, T. AStewert a maxim, Win favorable ut- ~tenc-ion." --A'.Ml'.`he Ad. World. Mr. A`. E. Ames, of Toronto, has ac-. cepted a. nomination `for Township Council of York. ' -His action has cans. ed considerahle comment,.:for a nancier of Mr. Ames reputation would. be ex- pected to aspire to some more important position." His example is one we be- lieve might well'be followed. e'Csnnct some of Barrie's lesdingmen suicientl-y interest themselves in municipal politics to stand for election to the_ Mayorslty, Council or Water and Light Commis- eion. Mayor Howland.of Toronto,` proposes some sweeping legislative changes. The zrst is that the -City Conncil shall be elected by` the city at large, without re gard to ward divisions. The next. is -that the School Board shall -be chosen in the same way. The third is that the school estimates shall be -subject. to the revision of "Council, and the other is that the festabirshment of a business or industry. in any section or district shall be subject to the approval" of Council. " - . EDITORIAL NOTES The Legislature is to be called for -despatoh of business January -8th. Why ~dosen't someone announce their candidacy for the Mayoralitv '9 -Why do the ratepayers not think about whom they want to represent them '1 It is an unwise thing to do to leave these mat tera `until within a week of the elections. There is not much more than a month noweo ratepayer,` think ! O The -ratepayers of Bowmanyille on Friday voted-to grant as bonus of $10,- 000 toga ioundry and machine shop, The vote was .421 for and .20 against. Parties going north to -Gravenhnrss might take their lunches with them. Hunters bring back stories that they come high when bought there. ' Because you do not advertise prpe- Because you do not advriis 'prper- "A; far so Stntfprd ll oonooriio,}, 4tihoreV~* ..-`..'-'_. Kn .....-..-`XI- I- -LL`..J--..._-- 3.. Teachers. _ Attendn.ucc. `Salaries. 5 300 0 - 7,200 0 4 350 ' 45 030 T 0 6.900; " .( F .,~l?ov?ari-ie,V.,Nov.. 18eh,519o1. To ciao Editor arm: Anuxcs.V 1. nanf1ac:son, the f A _ _ Inst_itute;_holds in the tnatt_er._ `I may say that. at ameeting of the Directors helu- in Elmvale, Friday. Oct. llth. the was brought before the meeting by Vice President William Taylor, of Bar- rie, when it was moved by William Taylor, seconded by B; Graham,` that the Secretary of the Institute corres- pond with the managers of the Barrie Fall Poultry Show and offer, to get the services of an expert in poultry feeding, try and give a practical demonstration how the poultry business should be con- ducted to make it a success, the-motion was carried, and the Secretarywas _in- structed to attend to the matter. At a meeting of the executive oicers of` the Institute it was suggested by Vice- _President Taylor that `a prize be given to be knowu- as the Centre Simcoe Farmers Institute prize for the best fed and dressed poultry, but it was de- cided to wait` until we hear from the management of the show as to whether they would be agreeable art no to our proposition. The Directors feel this g would be a good way of introducing` the working of the Farmers Institute in the Town of Barrie. hamlets-Reltrvza5119!e,`9lbe,hl<!,isi Bar-i uiiind, um j16ik' bf. `=11! 06dIit&o~.%B6i: am the show` in`f='hai:d ;thei-e'i' `ins to? 1'-hef'ws_'ome" mis`understandtng~`aa ;. pusitiuuthe Centre Simcoe Earjn'er s. of the Centre Simcoe ,Farmer s Institute: matter or the Barrie Fall Poultry Show dressing and packing, to judge the poul-e ......... .. ..... ..-,,.... --.-- --...... ,. . Report No. 1 of stranding Committee pneFinance presented and read recom- mending peyment of `the following sums :- ` Alexander Speere, for 27 -loads of gravel, $2.15; -John Flynn, for 191 louduof gruiel $15.25.`; Thomas Mo Own,` putting in culvert on 7th` line, $3.210 ; F. A. Arnold,ruvelling,repair- "ingnnd lling washout, $31.4-7 ; The Bell `Telephone .00., account, `coo. ; H. Leedlay, re. court of appeal, 81.00; .'l`hom`e_e McKnight, eppeel 50c. ` - The report read weudopted. or The Council. adjourned to meet n.t.._ -Oookletoivn on_ 16th Dec. next at, 11 o clookea..m- ' l e " The Reeve presented several docu- ments and accounts done for work on roads and bridges yvich were read and referred to the standing Committee on F nance. "V ' - an , n - Z ._ u-(3.1;-'ivi"1ot.ion` of. Ooxworth and Doll` leave was granted to introduce a by-lav} for the nppointmeneeof the time and place of annual meeting for nomination of Reeve and Councillors for 1902; and the -polling places and Deputy` Return- ing Ocere therefore. By-low read 1, V2, 3 times and nally adopted. 'n_m 1.1_...;_ `A .._-__ _tnnl:nn _Q_ " 13aCh?$In:Z'rZB2}'i5.oowas `made to the Angus public ltbra.rvf 'I.)__-..A \'I . `I .1.` ....._.IS_..' f`-_.,_.2LL-_ ,---r v---- - The C011!-I<')i1' met to-day 18th Nov. at Angus. Dominion` Hotel. The Reeve in the chair. All members pre- sent.` ` The minutes of last meesing were read and conrmed. The following is` the minutes of the 11th pension for 190], ct .Es_aa Town- ship Council :- fI`\L- I`C---..-:l- ...-L L- _I-_ `OLL `Y, snoormen ACCIDENT NEAR PARRY - i SOUND. Last Saturday is distressing shooting accident happened near Broadbent, in thiadistrict. A number of gentlemen were hunting, among them being Rich ard H. Olmstead, of Walter- s Falls, near Owen Sound, and a companion named Morrison. They were still hun- ting and some distance apart and Mor- rison a-a'w a stir among some bushes and, without waiting to see the cause of a movement of y the bushes red at the place. It proved to have been Mr. Olmsteadwho had moved in the bushes and the bullet from Morrison's rid struck him on the left forearm smashing the bone. The injured man was re- moved to-the Parry Sound Hospital and h` e arm amputated. It is a singu- lar coincidence that a year ago a bro-' ther of the injured man was shot in the hand within four rods of the place where he was shot this year. That young man "returned home after his injury and subsequently died of lock- jaw. The injured` man is 27 years of age and is married. He is a nephew of Mrs. Henry Armstrong, of this place`, and has a number of friends and rela. tions in this town and vicinity. Mr. Olmstead, sr., came over as soon as he got word of the injury of his son and the wife is expected this week. It is a sad accident and greatly to be deplored. It seems that when some people get in the woods they must shoot at every- thing they see stirring no matter what it may be. `Such people ought never to go hunting.-Star' 'I`he 0.E.M. deals my fully with the matter and it is easy to see what a failure the present system has been. * Besides the injurious effect it has had on the schools it has been a source of politi- vworitism. __Sinoe the appointment at the Minister of Education now nearly -30 years ago, this unjust and injurious method hue been followed. Is it neces- Jory to assign any -treason? To j_ustit'y- such a course so detrimental to the literary interests of the country, `what reasons can be given 1" ' ESSA TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. AD\bIEILT.I'|$Ef m - I am. yohra truly, `V A DIRECTOR. `R. T. Bnmne, . y ' " ` lrrawloyso Hoora%.%8o1oLuual`WAmt. a Roouaa for oliicemin oclr: l*lo. 97. Dunlop ` Street. `Fire proof vault; lately occupied by Dr. Wells. Also two rooms with vault, lately occupied bv Hood. Jacks & Fraser. Barristers: immediate % possession. Apply toC. H. ROSS. Barrie. lanuarv 1. not. 1-tf. . THE "ADVANCE." Q] BA H H I I.'. . . 1' Thursdaynext. Nov. 21st, sums we `These results we have -in -Ontario '-to day, we have had authorization of lohool-books" for `fty-ve years; and Annifformity insisted upon night and day for?" more than 20 years. Itxseems tons that the results noted above are the logical sequence of our system of hand- ling our school-books. 1:13 at A I'I .1 4 OFFICES TO RENT on LEASE UWANTA Hobley Bros., for vour behet, and our prot. These are the blends we are struck on. 25 _:f_s. ; SARJEANT & SMITH, .A quarter of a. centurv we have been blending %`.It snot lost that a-` friend gets. ` V Rather) give Q value 15 A safe r?=v 'fr SHOULD BE CAREFUL DRINKERS. The Uity of Ottawa has a civic sen- `ution. Mayor Morris ,has pleaded guilty to purolneing intoxicating liquor `during prohibited hours pod has been ned 85 and ooste. By thin he for-(cite: poiition of Mayor, the provision of heototnte, beering on the eubjeot rend- ol4l:o1'`V;"