Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 21 Nov 1901, p. 2

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_T. BANTINU, uerx vounty ox auncoc, mu be at his oice, at the Court House, Barrie, everv Saturdav. Resndence and P.O. Cookstown. JAS. ' EDVVARDS F ACON_VEY_Ail`_lCER. __.:_________..__.________. lTRATH_Y 8: ESTEN. ' Ba At his oice hntil 5 .p.m.; t his private residence, 68 Mary stteet, after4hat hour.~ . u-lv 1 1111: Dana ......:-..... ..--_- -.,..-----._ Ca. enterin, Bmldmg a_nd manufacturing of Doors. h. B ads, Mouldnngs. gtc. Planin of all kinds_done. promptly: and satxsfactorily. at Blast Drying Knln. Dnstnct agency for rained lum- ber Factor-y-Bayeld Street, Barrie. ODGERS & GALLIE successors to Geo.` Ball. I 1118'. Lnlhunnn aanupuuxn; 1 ur nruuun have for ado tion, in good Homes. a number of bright young nadian children. boys and girls ' Parties desiring them are asked to communicate with the Sectetarv. \REV. D.,B. HARKNESS. Harris. ~ . 1.1V ..MARR|AGE LICENSE ISSUER. `II-IE CHILDREN'S A1D_soc1E'rY OFBARRIE hag. Fm grin:-inn. in o-nnd Hnmm- 2 number aovvv.,_ -._- -..'.v - - In politic: wu was` pointed out shut them noeliied` robe a dosrth of the right` kind of young men` In the politics of the oountry.. Old -~~2__ -m. ...... ..c a..- T. BANTING, Clerk County of Simcoe, w: ` L- -4 |.:.. ..a:.-. at the Cnurt House. Barri BR, R. P. VIVIAN . Homoeopathist. :56 Dunlop St. 5-1: to 1. Residence and Ofce. 7 to 8. 8-lv M. CAMPBELL.` B `cei- '-'4-----'-on Nlnnavtoloazfrucc V . . F. Palling, Graduate of Trinity Umvcrsity ----on Pnllnur nf Trinitv .__._._____________ _ RADENHURST, _.:...- :.a Chnnmn BALL PLANINGTWILL COMPANY- te ' B ildin and manufacturin "3331. S .23: MnId3n9n- ate. Plzlnngtr nf . .RTl'lUR ROSS, L.R.C.P. 8: S., Edin- |; M.F.P. 8:. 5., Glasgow, member of ............u....:...n Sn:-ietv. snoc1anv._ MONEY TO LOAN. ,, -__.-_. ".2 n..:....... 12.. MONEY TO LOAN. W - WHY rvruuvv-- -- - non aware dropping :3 id inst; of in- uence snd power _in the House of. Oolnlnons were no longer hesrd 3 end the question was; was it. not desirsble thst younger men should be- trsined to Oske their plsoes Above all, should not so e'ort' be msde-V be interest our best young men in the politics of the s\___J__ .._:.I :1. _.-;.`I.I NALL, M.D.C.M,, oce in Bothwelfs , On the premises at night. A GJV D. C. Muxcmsos. _- RIANUFAOTURES. _ , . BOYS .& MURCHISON. Barris- -:-.--. n..m-mmcan. etc. Success- 1u1s}:,Eu.ANnoUs. ____.-._--.-_-_.--4 rnxsnunms. ADVERTISE IN The overthrow of Tammany is a good elgn. For years Tammany ' with _ Rloherd Croker as boas has. ruled New York. _ Corruption has thrived to an actually terrible extent in New `york and private as well as public life` he! been tainted by the rampant oer- ruptlon. The election of Seth` Low who promises reforms will likely have good results. It may take time. to undo some of the "mischief already done bntthe overthrow of Tammany is yonowhioh will be welcomed by all lovereof. good government. e FINANCIAL. DENTAL. OFFICIAL. Q, COWAN & `BROWN. ... far nhnininz probate of Uu 43-ly DIUUI. 45-1) - _:{._.-----<--"'-`j*j Barrister, Attorncyo Fnn unvn I1 Chi`- em: EDITORIAL NOTES. The Queen's University journal for this month has been received and in on exoeptionnlly oreditablenumber. There udtofo .. Ila:-I-3': 35-Iv {HEDGE 23-ly "&@nr1snm snbum norm Tn ` 13 lines sdlid agate make 1 inch TRANSIENT A nv*n-nrmm...__, 1- ncrrn. ` "_' ` `U511. TRANSIENT Anvnnwtsnunm, - insertion 10 cents per n qnent insertion 4 cents per line, e' each 8ub` Rnndina lIOf.i(`.FR_ :Inn1-n n..- 1:. . V-vvr--v---'--, In In excellent historical sketch of Qneenla, besides articles on the Royal visit and other timely matters. . Iilluur Luau. Iosvu. `x vouto PC!` une. Reading notices . insertion ; 5 cm, I}: `i; ;1:3t_Der line :0, gm insertion of the same matteor each subgeq: ders linos,Tof this chara '- All items a` nes. > _ cter, dmged ha coxrur wvnnns1z<;." Contract advertisements will be taken I the following}-ates! wlxich are drafted on co, rect commerclal ]II'l_nclp1e8 and will be atn'ctl' aglxered to. Th0!`8'Wlll be only one price fox; II. 111- 9.11. ._.__ * or one month--the three monthly mg. with 15 per cent. added. I I'D..- I:-A vnnnfhn--1 }\lI. H11-an mnnklu .-a._ I Wlin IU ['31 uuuu. unuuvuo ,,`,,J ._-..:A..`.._.. 1'-.. !.___1 7 . Iva.-an -v ;-v- -v---_ H'_Preferi'ed positions .for local advertise. mentsein the paper will be sold at an advance of one-third on_ above_rp.tes, on no other ac. count will specxal posmons be given. This rule will be strictly carrxed out. V CONTRACT cmmczs. -Advertisers will please bear in mind that notice of `intention to change advertisement; must be handed into the oice not later than Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy for such change must be in Tm: ADVANCE oice not later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday in any week, otherwise the advertiser s announcement may not be made public until the week fol. `AvIr:v|ll i`.`.::i,.1;.t'"""" . 12 changes of Advertxsements a1_1qwed per year. It more are required, composmon rates will be charged. ' A .:......4.:....... mm not he allowed to use their W111 De cnargcu. A Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advertismq anything outside their own regular business. Should they do so trangient rates will be charged for such ad. --_A.- Ulnuolvuu nuuuvu vertisements. The Government is very ready: to join with the citvin an appeal tram .. the last jndicial nding under-the scrap- iron assessment law. `This seems like another manoeuver to gain time for Mr; Ross friends, the franchise corpora- tions. If, when the House meets, the Government can show itself to be en `aged in an attempt to get` from the Oonrt of Appeal a decision pronounc- lag the appeal of the scrap-iron a law, Mr. Ross will . have an excuse for not trying again` to legislate this inequitable law on` the statute book.-Mail and Empire. T ` vv.---_~..___ ,, Condensed advertisements on first page such as wants of all kinds, lost and found. property for sale or to rent, specic articles, etc., etc" ' must be accompanied with the cash, and will be inserted-hrst insertion 2 cents per word, each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word I --~-- La .... M. ...-.A Gan:-an nnnnfnd an eacn sunsequenu mum uuu ; W... 1... ...,... (names, addresses and gures counted as words); but 9. reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the same-matter exceed four. . Cuts for advertisements must In every one be mounted on solid metal bases. Rnpxasnnr -rm: Fouowmc Fuzz, Insmuxcn Comwmmsz The Mercantile. now afliated with The Lon- don & Lancashire of England. Secur- Zbn (up Ann Ann UH III uuuuuuu--v -- __.u___,, ity, $15,000,000. The Waterloo Mutual, of Water1oo.Ouc. Tothl assets, $334,083. The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. Out. Total assets. $303,078. V Also Llovd s Plate Glass Insurance Com- pany, of New York. Cash Capital, 3150, 000. . And the Sun Loan and Savings Compaby of Ontario. Private funds to loan on first mortgages. `Ac counts collected. &c. _ nut-.. ........ I-Inndprnnn 9: Hardware Store. Barne SCROGGIE &. SMITH, CCU I5 CSHUCI-C Ofce over Ont. PIIIIVINIJIAI BUILDING AND IIIAII ASSOCIATION. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $5.oc,o.ooo. Agent Standard Life. London Gum n- tee and Accident 00.. Provincial Building and Loan Association. etc. OFFICE.-Next door to Bank of Toronto. ll` Street. Barrie. . For Broken-w;lnded Horses. The only medicine in the world that \\ ill snot? M Heaves in three days. But for a permanent cure It requires from one~half to one bottle used accnrding to directions. $1.00. Kidne and Acute Cough l 0'~" er: 50c. Dr. McGa.hey's ondition Powders destroys worn-.s,_puries the blood, putting horses. cattle and calves in condition; 25c. Take no other. Sold 'q G. Monkman. Barrie. and Cook & Co.. Orillia. 4r~ `Aoo1nmNfr'ro A my manna. 1 On Thursday morning last Mr. Geo. lookmer, _ of Toy, living on the south llde of Mud Like, drove into town with seven barrels of apples in hit; un. McGAHEY S% !iE_A_V_EwCURE J. OUL VER W1ziL?s Halrcutting and Shaving Parlor OPPOSITE BARBIE HOTEL. BARBIE- Razors sud Scissors ground and set on show -numbing BBIUU notice. John Rogerson, . Fire and Life Assurance. ` 8' I'I\II`b I B-*iV:3t0 funds to loan at 5 per ceht 9"`?-._'TfmI to suit borrowers- ? loan company. I V HARRY M g conn 611 Apply farm P` INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, ac. vs _ _ '____ CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. SCROGGIE G. SMITH . _ `wagon. For a seat he occupied one of the barrels, at the front of the wagon. When driving down King street about opposite the Western Bank, a Jolt of the wegoncaneed the barrel the driver who sitting on to tip forward. throwing ' hint to the ground in front of the wagon i both wheels or . which peered` over Mr. 3leckmer'e face on the left side. The Injuries indicted were very severe, the gm. just `being broken, the noeebroken, , ,--_ AL- __"_ '- -4.` -_ `LL:-I~ =BARRIE, ONTARIO. , IIuuouocuo:L::` ed. &c. Henderson_s Hardware Barrie u------C-0-- MoN:v T0 |-0" , -__ .-int. C! -\ 3 Attention. uto. Owen n`-Iv ;w?:;lV1V.o`11vto:rer the 'eye,J 3 on}: on `ch; _-- hand, spd the right shoulder dialogated. -"L;I'."jl`uol:m;r win picked up and fqukon to the Qnben | hotel",-fwh`ere p for-.ut__tended to his injuries. _ He it yell}; poqiblo. ;u:-Iii,` }}i..&;a}'wre stopped. Tu; _;-yggon wu slightly injured. The qpplu bedollvered -onathe (look for wv uuesutwrm "'i3h tenth jrinv do"!!!-I onto the rs'iIwny- "F : '*L._""`r'`.'331 , " .3`?%*?A%TVJl.. '% ` __.___..__g_ lltotteweugl" A. yere ii: ntto the junta: of the claim end . secondly do to the ilrledomt or otherwise of the towi:ehip e'refueel to settle. Mr. John S. Davie hen fevox`-`ed no with the ret reply and this gentle- men defends the'tow"ne'hip. He eeye:- Editor of `Ian .ADVANC'I : L . Dear `Sir,-In reply to your ref lqneet neking for an opinion lee, eonoerniing Nolstnwnenge contention re equalization ; 2nd; the wiedom of rein-. sing the o'er of the County Council re Iettlement. - 7 .u -re In never to the first question I be- lieve Notteweeege was fully iuetied in their appeal. I consider its assessment: far to high. ` ' II on! I- --.__ !lI-_.....`..-4.l. ` Take West Gwillimbury, Teontnseth,` Em and Innisl nearly ell nice _level lend, good roads do not require very heavy sex to keep up reeds or bridges; in general nearly all square forms, good -buildings : in general roads Inosoly `ell opened giving good commurnioetion in neighborhoods, besides having large amount of village property within their boundaries. A ' ' Take Nottawassga a very stony V township full, 2/5 two fths a mountain range, hills and rocks with a large` `ex- tent along the Georgian Bay almost worthless. Rough `hilly roads 9. great number of bridges to keep in repair requiring high taxes. Only every other road opened except in some placesiwhere owners gave the land which means the amount given less in the farms mostly string farms, that is, sixty `rods wide running across the concession. I claim that n inqnere hundred sore mm is worth 5 five dollars `per core more than n string hundred acre farm everything -else being eqnel; and in n rongh township there in even more dif- ference. h T;l:e the equalized aeeeaunent per acre of the townships as Va whole. _4I, CVO`: vu uu-- -- .. .__._,`, Em. $34.45, per acre, Teoumaeth, 838.52 per acre, West Gwillimbury, 835.82 per core. Innial, $35.34 per acre. Nottawasago, $35.68 per core.` \T_;A___A____. -m1vW'o:F"I- 2- "that ilottswuogs` should in justice be assessed eight to ten dollars per acre less than any of the `other four townships mentioned. 1 nnnn III, __A_.|_ f':l:k.of-1;h`e' ie-vVy-. J 1899- Teoumaeth paid $493.24 - more than Nottawaoaga, (report Jany. 1900.) A A 4n.A.I (0 nl __ ._____ __ _ l iovy 1961 Nottldvaaaga `pays. on a far less county levy $1,000.10 one thousand dollars more than Teonmaeth. | v-v cu----- ._ Now 1 J1: is"-there any justice or fairness in makingvauch a dierenoe in the two townships in the last equaliza- tion. Now as to question No. 2._i Nottawaaaga acted right in refining the settlements o'ered; they were get- ting nothing. `i I` All __-_A.; L-` g If the Colmty Oounoil wnnto. to do them justice let them" meet. like. `men and reduce Nohtawaaago.-'8 asseaeulent by one million dollars; it would be no more thun right; 5 1 I 1# .II _1_I l:--- -_.._ -_.__ Notlmvuauga paid hundreds of dol- lars more last` year than they should have had to of county levy` and `it should be made up to them. kw--vv--- -_- ___.___ Nottawassga is an old township and always paid their share and always helped with a free hand the newer municipalities in anything that was-nee- ded and were entitled to benet by the increase in value of the newer" munici- palities in enal `share or proportion with the others. '. _ J _ Besides I do not see why the town: and Villages should have been left o` at about 80 to 90 per oeot. it seems to be the aim to luv" it unuothe farms, ' ` Hoping you will give tuis full scope in your valuuble puper. ` I remsiu yours, T V ' Jame DAVIS,` ' ` ` Nottuvuugo. I arm. % zmn:N-e'rnvmNsoN. A very pretty and quiet wedding took place in Toronto on Wednesday ` evening, Novfember 6th, when Miss Minnie Stevenson, daughter of J emee r Steneon, of Teonmeeth, welmnrried to Thomas. W. Kee . _ The bride looked` very pretty in 1 Ken Oxford 3 grey gait with brooeded silk weiet end large picture 1., The brideemuid an Min eLR.StevenI1- The, mom was "f|PPW ;o'djb1`,'V;hi'I_i brother, Mr. w. Lia, -Keene, ,3" T Bundh, my. 12, 1901.} ' A` `ccnt3eI_t._cf breed tgninnt '.|?he'_ " : ' hntter fut tent, ' but in the it Guernsey hrcederncn` both` nlden `cf the line, and not alone those of the United Stntee from whence the Guernsey: came, which will he benetted, Likewise the Holeteine, which won the totnl cclidn prize. The Hcleteine, it is true ' were Onnndinne, "but American Hol- stein men no well on Canadians will oioiio honors for their breed. i The Canadian had the `moat prot- able oowe; it is true, taking them nea whole, but the beatdairy , breeds were not rep:-e eented by the United States, They "brought out. some breed: which i Canada could not produce, viz. - Pulled Jereeye, Red Polls, Dutch,- Belted and Brown Swine. The Red Polls and Brown Sirius do not claim to be epeoialodairy breede while the other two did not distinguish themselves in that line. . Canada, on the other hand, sent` three distinctly dairy breeds, J ereeyd, Holstein and_ Ayrehires, which, with the-Gnernseys formed` the only strong competitors for the prizes o'ered. All the other breeds have more or less merit as dairy cattle. The French Canadians are a distinctly dairy breed, not large producers, but very economi- cal and as family cows would make a" particularly good showing. - , , . _ . _ L _ _L The Shot-thorns msde the greatest grains, 803 lbs., which at 30. per lb. gives them $24.09` to add to `their Total Solids " prot. Several of the breeds made substantial gains but none of them anything Iikejss much as the Shorthorns. V One of the valuable lessons learned I in this contest is the necessity of giv- p iug the "cows the great comfort possible. This is a point frequently touched upon by write of dairy literature but we do ` not see the force of it on paper as we do whenwe see the results right be- fore us.` The o:-'ect of extreme heat are among the most diicult to cope with in the summer season and which hare a great influence on the milk pro- -duction, decreasing the quantity and also the quality of the milk. It has also been clearly shown that the special dairy breeds are the most persistent milkers, which in a dairy cow is a very important point. The fact has also been brought out that ordinary farm products with the addition of bran and oil cake furnish a first-class `nation for producing milk, while for roughage there is nothing equal to silage as a portion of the coarse feed_ "when cows are conned in the stable. It was always --eaten with greater relish than even the green feed which. was furnished during part of hot weather. . A FOOL AND A GUN V. Another of those cases of didn't I know it `was loaded, occurred at I Byng Inlet on Saturday evening, by. which a sawyer narrowly escaped in- stant death. The unfortunate man was passing a door when he looked in and a friendvplayfully picked up a re- volver and pointed it at his -head say- ing P11 shoot you. - He had no sooner uttered the words than the. re- volver was discharged, the bullet striking the man in the head and pass- ing across his face, inflicting a -painful wound besides breaking his iaw. Un- `fortunately Dr. Crosby had left a few hours before" for Parry Sound on the Str. Atlantic, hence only `temporary re- elief could be rendered. `The injured man 1758 tlken `on- board the'_ Saucy Jim which left immediately. for Point Aux Barltwhere connection was made with the _Str..' Atlantic. Dr. Crosby &{;.e}T tIV:'amin};zn~iiV; `Ana rmooig uh; patienton to Pat-13y Sound, He will roo6ver.:- Oollingwood Bulletin. MIDLAND` nocxmr CLUB. The Midland Hockey Club has been 'roo:?gInized for the unison with the .folloiving,ol!io`eros: . ~ 7 Hon,:Preaiden-t-Mr.iD. L. White. iPr'euiden,tf-`-Mr. Fred Cameron. A Byaoyii-'.|3roI`a.-i-Mlf. W. A . Bell. i , W.;,N."Eai-la. i . x Qoi!I!M6+11iPit9n9q ; sv . 1.` 1.1-". `n - 1-, _ n V " ; t6Lent:e 13sA mm in both the .Junior In't,ernnIedlnteV P:v;."5`|.: 065%`? I ih new 'hojplh'l. one of the moth mo.-tun .1-f.""','?"'.!' =:l2oF-hcr..t.h9.::lI9::ipitsl are indebted for 119 f1l!rincs9itribn9ni= . Lord,sg;_-sghq:snu (Sir Donald Smith).8l0o oo Hihildt ll. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 Lodge II , . . . . . . . . . .;. 100 u`uh h`.` askonr/1hiioh;`ihiotiuu.i}nI`tli w`o}k. W. 0. `Henry, ']_.`hornton . . . . . . . . . . .`. 5 00' H. com. Cookuow;1'... H. Coleman n H C. H. Willoughby :1 Daniel Fiaher 1. ~ JOI. n .g;'.`.1.;sa;:;;. 35} A; Kidd .. J u. Msyhew n` D. Tromley II` . Clare Smith, Thornton . . . The Board have also received the follow-` in; `contributions to: the Building Fund not previously jacknowledged :- Thoe. McCullough, Barrie . . . . . 100 00 no Iran 11. 1131` An if `n E-'00 Jcinn 'w&o}1Q Iddieionan .. ..... .. J. C. Irwin N . . . . . . . Robert J ack, (Allandale) partial pay- ment........ . . . . . . . . . . . 1000 _Mr._ Stone, Hawkestone.....-~ . . . . .. 1 00 'Laughlin Campbell, Eawkestone. . . . i 1 00 Ladies Auxiliary of the Brotherhood _ of Railway Trainmen; . . . . . . . 40 00 The Board also beg to acknowledge the receipt of the following amounts not pre- viously acknowledged, subscribed to _the general expenses of the Hospital. All eon- -tributors to either the general expense fund. or to the building fund to the extent of $3 or over are enrolled as members of the Hos-- pital corporation for the current year. The Hospital velar begins on the 3rd Tuesday in October of each year. Received from : . _ Mr. Justice...` . . . . . . . . . . .. John Rogerdon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H. H. Strathy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rev. D19. McLeod . . . . . . . . . . . J as. Cheaman . . . . . . . . . . . . . .; Dr. Pulling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Robertson (druggiat) .... . . Pall: _& Barkneu . . . . . . . '. .' :1 Boys: ..... . . ii:-yeon Bron. . . . . Rev. J. Redditt. . . . H.Gruett . . . . . . . . . J. W. Leonard. .. . . C. A. Perkine...... R. J. Fleming"... Geo. Viokere. . . . . Thoe.VHobley.... . George Monkmam. . George H. Eaten . .. ` QIIAAA ___- ;Geo.Viokers...".........y . . . . . . . . . 300 Thos. Hobley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .' 3 00 Esten.. . . .~ . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. 3 00 There is $6000 more wanted before the, building can he completed. As we intimat- ed last week the building has been roofed in and satisfactory sewers and `drains have all been laid and connected with the town system. Very little worklwill be done dur- ing the cold weather and the Board hope during this time to collect `most of the $6000 needed. connmewoon TURNED DOWN His Worship, Mayor Silver, `re- ceived a letter from Hon. Jas. Suther- land, Minister of Marine and Fisheries datedthe 6th of November in reply to a telegram regarding the settlement of the [water front-. * In this letter the Minister states his duties are too pressing to receive a deputation ' just now to take up the matter, but that as soon as it is convenient for him to: make such an arrangement he will do His Worship replied, saying i in part. The settlement in this matter means much to as as a town `and not only as a town but much to Canada. The Cramp Steel. Company are going ahead rapidly with their buildings and they are being erected on extensive lines. The expenditure means millions of dollars, so you can see how anxious we are as citizens for the rapid settle- ment of the water front matter. The Company require it to erect ' their docks, which._ they f are prepared to do now. -'-BnlietIn.` V ' FOUND DEAD AT TOTTENEAM Totuenham, Ont., Nov. 14--Pun-ick McGovern, a highly respected farmer of Adiala, let`; his home on business yesterday morning, and not returning by evening his friends became alarmed, and-`after searching for him. he was founddead in a=iieldoi' `a neighboring farm. The night being very dark, in is thought he must have lost his way, and aooidental_ly_,f,allen, stunning him-. self and not regaining consciousness. Deceased, who was 56 years of age,` leavesa wife and... nine" children. -Mr. McGovern s brother 1`hoinss was kill- " `by a train in Toronto about two y`eart`ao., ' ' ut7JJa"$e":'2'5"S3' .""5 E' b3'EfL Iii Green : ~Wam.ntod Syrup of Tor, if it fails toooro your cough` or cold. We also gour- sqtoo :25`-cent bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded.` . v _. V A Joint Woons, mo. 'Moxxn.u, . H- 47-20 We the nnd`o1-Iigned. 30 hereby `agree to n`ncu|1I fblug gunman an A Kn'.Anl|I! `vhf-.075`: A} mono 44 71 Notaries. ` I-uuouroni Lmmox, B." Houroun Ammo _omees: Hinds 31 ngranch Oces-L Lennox. Ardagh, LR Alliiton. MON CCARTHY. BO tern. Solgciton on to McCarthy. Pa Ofce-McCuthy J. A. MCCARTHY, G A. RADENI Q S0liit0I i 0ttioo-Fint door C meme, Barrie. ' EWSON 8: Cl tors of the S Ontario, Proctors. Money to loan. O 31503 up; an Q % N ` uuilfortho bouquet lat. woek,.~g1yggby thy ? - Insurers Auooiolion _in the fENOX,` ARDAGH. COWAINI _& 'BRUWN._ A Barristers, Solicitors for obunmng probate on eh_ia* and administration. and General NOKIIIB`. Conveyanceu, etc. Hmeurou Aux. Comm. 8; Houroun Amman, G. E. I. Brown`, L.L.B _ Oeee: Block. No. 6, Dunlop street. Barb ne. _ Branch 0ces-Lennox & Ardagh. Gravenhuret; Cowan & Brown, Creemore and 4 g-Iv ----__ MCCARTHY. Barris- Solgciton, Conveyagcen, Peplcr & Mcbarthy. V - T` 1` `Inn 1-uIcn\`L Barrister, Attorney. ` licitor id Chancery, Conveyancer, etc. Owen street. over Bank of - ~ 49-48- --..a- I-Iarrin. .__________________________ EWSON CRESWICKE..ba_rristers. ~ ton Supreme Court of Judimtt Procton. Notaries, Conveyance:-a Money 0ices-Ross Block. Baxtie. " " " ---- --- - A. E. H. Cram runny & Esnm. _ . ' ` Bamsters, Sohcitors in High Court of J ustico, Notaries Public, Convyyancen. Oieuovex the Bank of Toronto, Barns. > .Money in sums of $3,000 and upwards, to loan at 5 Q6! 3011? > I-1.`!-I. STRATHY, K.C. G. H. Es`:-ax. W "*i~:.,`.';'.y,`.`.:..""1a.:. and Stayner, Barrie Building, Owen street.- R. w. A. ROSS, Physician. Surgeon, Tetc., IL; I R.C.S. Edin,, L.R C.P., London. Otees and ,night_ residence`--Brown : Block, Dunlop street, Batne. Telephone 77. DR. J. Toronto, Fellow of Trini_ty Medncal College, Member of the College of Physxcians and Surgeons of Ontario. Oice and Residence, 18 Owen street. In a.uho:s_ xut sthe. Wins? .9, otol, thy udbjoct of the. young mun -,,L.!_'_-.I TL .'-.4-` It. _|. l'Il\I.llUl\ nvuu, -.--.-.-. .. _., D burgh; 8: British opthalmological Society. spec1anv.- Diseases of Eye. Bar, Throat and N one. OFFlCE.--78 Dunlap Street, Sanders Block, Bar- ..:- .........;u-T Post Oice and Railway Station. OFFlCE.--78 Dunlap street, aanucra am... y..- rie. opposite Post Oice Railway hone 54. P. O. Box q6.' 7-ly R S. BROAD, M. D. C. M., F. _T. M. C., L. C. P. S., 0., late resident Physician and Surgeon of Toronto General hospital, with special attention to Diseases of Women, ano. Nose and Throat Work, also tor some time sur eon in charge of Emergencv _ospi_tal. Toronto. 0 `cc and night residence- upstairs in McCarthy Block. 21 Dunlop St., Barrie, second door east of Dougall Bros. furniture warerooms--near Five Points. Phone xo5. T . no-ly A DR. E. L. BRERETON, Dental Surgeon. Ofce over HaLn_\bly's Hardware. Entrance, Owen Street. Out ottown 1st and 1rd Mondays ot each month. 5:-lv O H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Diszounted. Collections, madein any art of the County. Real estat bought and sold. nvey- ....~:.... in all its branches. Marriage Licenses the _Coun}y. l.(e_a.1 estate oougnt anu sum. wave,- ancmg 1:: all Its branches. Marriage issued. 0iee-Ross Block. Dunlop street Barrie. ! .1 :-Iv. $70, interest. the term. 000 No rincipal money +1 . :1 FOR INVESTMENT on good `freehold security at lowest rate of required until end of . STRATHY, Solicitor, _Etc., 37 -IVIUIVE I I \_a bun- We have a large amount of `Privafe Funds to lend at 4 and 5 per cent. on the secunty of good farm Mortgages. McCARTHY. BOYS 8:` MURCl-lI- gnu. nm-no Street. Barrie." Mortgages. Mcbn .1 n 1 . SON. Dunlo Stxeet Barrie. '1 VIII: yv--. ----- -- -- country? Mr. Borden said it would certainly be a lamentable thing our ; A young men did not - take an interest in the questions of the day. The-House. of `Commons was returned _by repre- sentatives of the people. Thathouee would reeot the opinions and senti-T manta "of the men who exerted their political powers and privileges at the hallot.- _It was quite true that the ; house had lostvaluable members--`men of large experience, who were always heard with the greatest respect; on the other hand, he thought (speaking for his own part of the country) that the young men were not indibrent to . the claims of public questions. Of course there was the question of a pro- -fession for the young man; the ques- tion of `a commercial career 3 and it was not always possible to give time and at- caution to other matters which had no relation to the life work. At the same time, he did not take a pessimistic view of this matter, and rather thought that our young men, as a `whole, took con.- siderable interest in public affairs. The valuable men of experience would be replaced in time by younger men who - would render worthy accounts of themselves.` .

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