1\J`WlIBW nnoaoI'o|uoouoof paste: to LvBuckwheat..'............... ... D_ex. nlnuquarwru. . . . `MERGE-u ouoonoIntu'o- `gun-L - IAIVC TIUKU, HEIXIEIUIIU I1`) [U CW): 1 u u or lightox-hea.vy........... erpaifIIIICIIIIICClOIOIO `Gangs can _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 33333 cacao`-coupon cocoon a-nooononvo Turkeys. perlb............ Ducks, r ' Butter. 01 .per 1b.. Butter, Tub. per lb.. . lbs :oooooauonoooounououlonl Eggsper doz..... .. . ...... Apples. per peck. . Applespet-barrel.. ... Potatoes. per bag.. . . I-lav nnr Inn. _ _, COW Hide8.`...........`.... OIII Calfskinsperlb. Tallowperlb....,.............. Horseairperlb Lambskins and pelts. ........_. Horse Hides . . . . . . . . . . . . ... wheat. WhiI.e......u-nu.-.%.....u Wu..- oooontuvnutlofoou Wheat,goose...................... Sarina _ _ _ . . . _ . . . . . . . _ . _ . . _ . . . . . . . - _ UOBBC.-..... aouououotucoouonounuoo Eggs perdozen..`................... Potatoes, perbag.................' Beef. Hindquarters per cw: .. . . . . .. . Beef, forequarters per cwt . .. .. . . . . . l7-..I_-..l|.. IVIUIIUD 0 . u o Veal per lb. at present. At noon on Sunday a doubleheader came in from Toronso with 60 cars, and but the same hour a` doubleheader came ii: from Calling wood, while the North Bay train went. south with is heavy load of Northwest harvests excursioniabs mourning home. T Crown hill. Advance Correspondence. _Mrs. Brownlee iivisiting her daugh- ter, Mrs. Charles Drury. " _ ___ __ |___.__...:..-.`l -1. `II . 131;... V a n;l"Miss` Bertha Mar- shall spent Saturday and Sunday in Stnyner. . Rimless Glasses Not invisible but nearly so. % The can be made up. with either solid _go1 , old lled (warranted to years), V or iii el trimmings. e i 3 They are not expensive. - 1 We adjust them is: that they are % perfectly adapted to the features. Are Fashionable LIJIOO \I|n|Ina\a u-run-n W A bouncing bay arriaad at Mr. Ezra . Pu-khouae a on Friday last. . ; Mr. and Mrs, Chm-'l`e'a Drury intend i making a trip to Buhlo this week. k - ., T Mia; Guseie and Josie and_Erneat. Partridge were over to see Buffalo ex- hibition last week. A Mr. John Partridge and his daugh- ter, Mqud, from `Edenvale, visited .frjonda ip Crown Hillon Sunday. I K Mg. and Mrs. Levi Dunn returned home on" Saturday afoot an extended visit with friends in "Southern and To- IOEEO-. A` }'{m:gsm..1 Lloyd spent sunaay with i. Mrs. Tindall. We, are glad no see` that i Mien Lloyd is able go be out again. 5 us: buy ' . Newly `everyiperaon iabusj har_veat- ing their turnips. ``_The farmers Jay then`-e has not been, 3 gbgtter crop for years. m|_- n.;`. '1m_.rI'!.._..'L. _;:n .....;-..1. u.:.. NC, 38050 Those who attended the Harvest Home at Angus on Monday, Oct. 2191;, report a. good time. . ' Iuvvu u `Pi I I 1`. _ fl`! 'w'.'E"e Rev; Mr. Teney will preach, his hreweli ad !-mon gnd ~ also the. funeral sermon of~Mr., Wiifred Dmry next" zsqnday` evening in the_ Eoglioh:0bu`rcha ' I`I"I'I I .-___..-,J _ -._, , The many Etzrieuda of in Wilfred Drury were sbpokd no heanxof his and- Idn death in the \'1`or<')ntd`Hoapital last week`. ,VWe_`I_l `extend oar .hegrv.felt, gyp)'pnliyl;o Mr.` sud Mrs. `Diary . u_1d_ i9i1.;i`? .~`L1'Ai`*`v'll*. 0- '1'-. M.9e'-A.REN- Scientific Optician, MaeLAn:N's- DRUG STORE. Toronto Farmers Markets. Toxox-ro. OCT. 29, alixunar. ndnucx. auxin: nmjajnju-: . .FeIV'guso:) a 'ploughing`bee on Wednesday last was a aoqd success. 'I'\ .I If 35---j ;. 1901. to S E xqo: ` Mr; ?V; hit.eld Hinds left on Thurs- day last for Omeliu, where he intends starting a large dairy business. IT? 77 3; 75 III A number of Men s Suits in wool, I tweeds, and- serges, dark and light colors. solid tacings, Italian linings, and all well 9ail'ored and good wear __ing qualities, worth from $6.00 to `$8.00, now only $5.00. ` =To make the lot more interesting we will offer a number of regular $10.00` Suits at $7.50. Some exceptionally keen clothing sna: shave fallexfinto the hands of our clothing buyers. _ These are being placed in stock ibis week at prices which are certain to satisfy the fancy of the closest bargainer. These . gmds, while being bargains in price, are fully up to our usual standard of excelence in QUALITY , Wonxmnsnrp, AND STYLE. _ Mony saved is money made.' There is no reason why you should nut save and makea little money here as others do. ` ABOYS AND YOUTH'S 2 -and 3-piece Suits, a very special lot, every size represented, a saving of from 25 per cent. to 35 per cent. guara11tor=l,V prices range from $1.25 to $53.75. Men s and Boys Fall and Winter Underwear, White and Colored Shirts, :ml N eckwear includes the very newest and best obtainable. '16 only Men's Suits, made of a A for $2.95. pure wool tweed, `cutaway 3-button coat, farmers satin lining, well nish- ed throughout, regnlar price $5.00-, All Departrnents Now Cornplette FRAWLEY & DEVLIN, Messrs. Hunter and Hstnbly, mer- chants, ' of Barrie, passed through here has week leavingpheir trademark on buildings, stumps and fences every- where. A, sun '9'! 1 1 `___ ` Mr. and Miss J eniaett, of Ivy,` spent Sunday with friends here. H. Smith, of Brentwood, has the! cbntrucb of bricking our sohoolhouiei and is expected to commence work at W. 1 Mien Minnie Holmes returned home! last Saturday after an extended visit with friends in Brnoebridge. and Ems- '.1-`I_ Wedding balls are expected in eeveral places in this vicinity. an ad... 1- .. -- .` _ T John Shird ianon the sick list. Miss Bone spent Sundav in Barrie. `Mr. E. Tracey is rapidly improving. `Mr; W. Hinds has moved to Lindsay. - A 0019. of Angus, spent: Sunday at home. V `Mr. and Mrs". J. Johnson visited in Vine] . . . ' I .1ut_wpei:.v A , his parents, , Geo..Money,` of Nvar, apantjSunda.y with re all busy at thc:i14 root crop in `this vicinity. . - _ - . in`: -; `-9 nu.-. A. ..v- _ I `T VNo:l'!"i Mason. bf Bathe, spent Sum ` (_1ay>with iriudg` in Grenfel. 43.`ybung?d$n@h;t-:c;;xxe to stalv at the home of .-Mr. and :Mn.. _Wm. Parr. Oongratb .9`!ti9n-- V A , 3 % 3lt lain g A Bargains W HVIVQ Mr; Alf. Herran, who has been 'spendmg a few davs in Muskokain search of his horse which was stolen ` some time ago, returned home without - any result. HUNTER BROS NT STREET, BARRIE. MEN'S SU|TS- West L Grenfel. . Advance Correspondence. v- - vcuovnv Advance Correspondnnce. surrs $1 "25 TO $5.00 _REEFERS $1.75 TO $4.50 OVERCOATS $2.50 TO $5.00 ODD KNICKERS 25c. TO F $1.00 PAIR. Store open on Saturday Nov. 9th, but closed on Moudav the 11th. GPGIIIOI. Your Bay is at School Again A Advance--a>;;e;|;c;dehce.- . T Mrs. R. Liable spent. a few days last. week visiting frienddin Alliscon. - rm .1: The Boy s Clothiers, BARRIE. Opposite G.T.R. Station and Post Oice. `D_ress him right and don t say be careful of your clothes. .If he is a lively boy, he will forget your instructions ; If he is is inclined to be quiet, or if he is not well, he'-wiIl be in constant fear of soiling` ortearing his lcithes and he will lose the beue-.t 0' helallzhfuls exercise. If you want to know how to dress him right, bring him to us and we will show you clothing that will not show the dirt. Clothing that is stronger in the seams than the boy, clothing that will wear "like iron, and' every garment, handsome and styhsh. DRESS HIM RIGHT `AND GIVE HIM HIS FREEDOM. ov;RcoA'r SPECIALS Meu s and Youths Overcoats mmle. from ne. imported black beaver cloths and gray cheviots, all thelead. ing styles of box back and Chester- e1ds,good tweed or Italian linings, all sizes from 34 to 44, prices range at $500, $6 25, $7.50, and `$10.00. Those who wish to-dress in good fashion , should `see our new style of Rag- lanette Over coats at $9 00, $l`0.:'v0, 1 . or $12.50. _ ` All grades of Ulsters and Pea-jackets in stock. . V _ V Shanty Bay. i Advance Correspondence. E Miss Mary Campbell is visiting '1`hornt0n `friends. ` - Mr. J. W`. Martin was home a few days last. week. . - 9 ',_..J:\ Iii! WUVln .Mr. and Mrs. G50. Shaw called on friends J near Mineaing recentlv. O` can mu. 1 _ _ __ ....A u:a;'- Mr. Jame; Wrighz, of Springeld, Mam, went a fewdavs last week visit:-V ing friends in this vicinitv. 'll'..` '1) T T_T.'lI L-.- ............I l_LA L:n anion-A Ursa-Ivan:-Q 5 vvuna as y - Rev. E. V. Thompson and sons are visit- ing relatives in Meaford. -.. 1 1 ,_ _kA...... nnnnalu l Ills KUIDIIIVUH III Lucuxunu. Mine 1%. Arthur returned home-after spend` in some time in Dalston. | Mrs. Brownlee is visiting her daughter Mrs. Chan. Drurv. Crown Hill. Miss Muriel Arthur returned. home after jponding some time in Midland; . _ ' i Min Muriel Hirron, of Grenfel. is `'"g [with Mr. and Mrs. James Wright. -1. .. pencil` ` IIIIIII JILL . DI-Ill .l.l.D. uluuou -v--D--w I `Miss V A. Wilson, of Barrie, was the 81199` of Brooks vHawt-horn Villa. F A"Miu Eva Sibbald and Miss `Elder, Of `Barrie, visited friends In our village 1 `week. I _ -Mm, H. Packard spent one day last. Week in Hswkeqtone visiting her consm, MW . _' . ' - D111 uaIuI_u|vvnu Lauvv suv... . - I -1 It 0:43; - = `'9' `M9 or Mr. H. -A. Davy. Elnz J.oh,g streets.` He started calling a person in .th.9, IOIIIO nambo and Mr. Davy ordered him %l'.. :`*-"iT"'w'0l`.t3&'foll't>Vwed and Drury struck the . ,.=,_Is|=.oopet ms the month. On Tuesday A ..t9`V3!| {tho:sPolice Court he answered 8 01%-Il'qb[I : It'gand pleaded guilty._ H19 -W7&'I),tl'ooots or 30 days ll) #0 ~ and mounted to 87-95- On Fridav Mr. Richard Drury went, into, .O_ onizni 31, . I $795 A SLAP. l, 1901. last.- C.-V""|" ".- "C"`0 '-I1"FI`V]I `Mr; R. J. Hill has moved into his new residence and. it reects. great MNPAY-.`TNi>V- 11%-%`*-A Va;g;I%;Edvi!dtgn:thq . . _ - COIWGII. Advance Correspondence. Miss M. A. Campbell is on h sick A Frawley & Moore Every pair new this season; strictlyi correct in style and shape and made from the nest jet black Vici .Kid leather. With such well known makers`as J. & '1`; Bell contributing to the assortment, g`ua.rantees the quality and gives condence to the values in this list. _Here arethe details : _We do not guarantee to replacea single pair in this list and if you want to be sure of gettingyour sizee .jyou cannot come any too early, as they are ysureyto go 2 made is-genuine. {A visit ysttyore iskall we `_jq ui:ck1y. V We give you our word that the fdisvcolunt we 20 Pairs Ladies Finest Vici Kid Button Boots, kid tip, style correct in V ! every detail, Goodyear welt, oak soles, J. & T. Bell makers, sizes 2}. _ A to 7. B., 0., D , widths, regular price $3.50. Special, pair. . . . -. . .$i2_65 - 15 Pairs Ladies $2 75 Vioi Kid Button Booes,"l:id "tip," Mucksy sewed , , 1, ' sole, sizes 2; to 7,` D._ and E. widths. J. &. T. Bellmoks. Special...-.31 _"9oi This week s oerings will` easily discount any values you have seen yet in - 40 Pairs Ladies Fine Dongola Kid, `Button and Lane Bootyaeiarecil sole, ' single or extension ; natty shape, sizes` 2 to 6. regular price $1.15 - a.nd$1.25. Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A R $|.l5 andsI.25 Ladlos aootuqr1sc. * w`B ag;~i:e?s%1.argesc Shoe s15.ore_.4 $3.50 Ladies Bobts now $2.65. K111ylea.gn. 8pecial%Boot ` Bargains for ladies; Ladies High lass Boots. oidii. on the oontrnocor, Mr. Merrick, J of _ gewton Robinson. _ T _ l,I,,,_ VI _ uh` \I V! Ova: auvvvun-unto: Quite a few of the `young people from Bethesda attended anniversary services in A.lliscon.on_ Sunday, 20th inst. mn_, l.--..;:..`I _--A.I.-._ Lg... `_....`I. 1....) 3-` '\'`UVI& 1 5"` Rev. Mr,lDingm;n. :1? `Toronto, who a few years ago` was Baptist Minister at Stroud and Belle E'warI:,_. and Mrs. Dingman,_ were the guests of Mr. W. F. Grey and Mr. J. Sharpe on the 22nd inst, ' Ill bbllllivv can all-nnviuuyg _:vu- nu:-uvu be beautiful weather last week had V the effect of reducing the attendance at ` the school. owing to the children being engaged in potato digging. \ i D__ I`... :_-nn..- 4.` 'IV4.......L.. `Big Bay Point. Advance Correspondence. `Mr. Silas Smith and his siatexfwere tbeguesta of Mr._ Benjamin Smith on Sunday last. A rl1L__._ ._ ,_ L:... :..__._.._-_.-...L L..."._.. .;f"`-i} Bay `Point people attended the funeral of Mr. Peacock at Shroud on Suhday. ~'E;e:'e"i-s"ox improvement being made in levelling the lawn at the Ro_b_inae_n l_:Io_use. \ _ Mn Cook has made a. great improve-' 1 went to his house to `make it comtorc-% uble forhia old days. --'___L-__ -2 D:_. I)... D-:_L _--..1.. Hon}. V Advance Correspondence. Miss F. Gocdchild, `of Toronto is th [guest of Mrs. A. Dyer. ` ' ' `East: In n-:1: Dnnnnnlr 11:3; hov- i 'M:s;` y1 Je:<;ock visited her sisner, Mra. Chas. Dyer oti Monday. , A* r.:_,-_1.. -1.` 1]`... F1]... DIDUUI, d.I.l.l.uo \JLl'D\). :1 yvu you an--.v-- The many friends of - Mrs Chas. Dyer extend their sympathy to her in her recent bereavement of her two brothers, Messrs. John and Christopher Peacock, whoae funerals tpok place on Sunday afternoon` to the Strand ceme- L-.,._ I t8l`y_ vD.t`1fiilop Bdrtii % : 750 Bu-rl` .9; sJnch-westem` 1tePlee'a`ent Streets. its Dwell- ings. its Pretty `Churches. and its Go-` ahead People ynll Enuoe Settlement * -A Weeklv Record of its Dolnts. Mr. Cf MalLlo1_-yin onlthe eiolrlist. ` Mr. W. Guite has gone on a visit to S'.__Peu_l_. L ` - C --at Q": -A V 'hir`.wI'."s1ik Ward. has ret'm'ne_d`from the Pan-American. L ~ . - _ 5 Mrs. A. Paschal! spent sunday ivith ? friends in Peuecang. T ' 5 ` `Next Tuesday, 3th November; will` be Guy Fawkes -Day. 3 Mr.'Wm.b Little `is suffering from a severe attaokof quinay. ' Mrs. Smith in `visiti7n`her daughter, Mrs.wWillers, i_n Urillia. V . Miss Florne Brn_nun has gone on a visit to friends in Chicago. 1 N \ . mg. . Cape. Whisli conducted the euioel in St. George's church on Sunday morn- 1n.._ 1);;__-_ .1 A_'___._ _:_:.-JL__ Mr. Athaniel Smith ;pent Sunday with Mr. and Willem at. Orillig. - Mrs. Binnan, of Anlgua, visited her daughter, Mrs. John Blevins, on Samr~ day`. - - ....,. Mr, Jauiea Pirie, 8,15, and family left on Thursday -`ot last week to reside in Toronto. T -ram 'BI_LWAY ~o1m-1933" ;A1r` % 5 F Mr. David Soulea, of Big`Bay Point, is the guest of Mr. Isaac Boon for: `few days. L - - ' ' At Mr. BoI:hwell's store will be seen a large crown squash, weighing nearly 100 muna . V` ` mg: Mr. cum. King hos left the G.'1`.R. and has secured} position on the 0.1 . R. at Toronto. , - ' s Miss Nolan-, of Toronto, is visiting her cousins, the Misses Furlong, Cum- berland street; _ Mr. C. Tickell has" returned from Bualo and -Toronto, where he has been for "a few weeks. Mrs. Geo. Ounimings returned on 'Thuraday from an extended Visit with friends in.'[`oronto. For Choice `Family Flour elul all kinds of Feed no lo Wuklneon9e. All orders delivered promptly in any . uantlt . Pleaee `leave your orders at t e Mu olllce or Ielenhone No. 23. ` of $300. '"1si'.'.I}I:.I.Ti}};eI.E1&IfL31}1"{J}L1u. able team to the Horse `King" on Saturday, realizing the handsome sum Mr. Frank Morris, formerly 9. brake- man here, but now of -Windermere, Muekoke, spent a few days in the sixth werd last week. ~ Mr. Frank Soules took part in the concert in . the Presbyterian church. Angus, Monday night. His pieces were well received. Mi`. and 'Mra. Edward Whiebread and Mrs. John Clark returned from Midland on Fcidny. .V The hunter ezzcursions cemmenced on the 25th inst-.. and are good to re- , turn up to Dec. 14th. SUI`. IIIIU Igvuau uawvn nvvv Mr. A. W. Mm-day, of Crown Hill, .VIIi_ed Mr. A. Hughaon last week.. . vs vwvvu The town council is carrying out a much needed improvement by grading andgravelling shenpper part of the ownllne. . Ltev. `Mr. Jones, of Roaemont, oc- cupied the pulpit of the Burton Avenue Methodist chnrohon Sunday and gave two excellent sermons. Rev. J. W. . Churchill took Mt. J onee work on the Roaemont circuit. Tonight (Thuoaday) Tia Hallowe en Look out fort-he mischievous acamps Parents, keep your boy: at home. Mr. B`. {Webb Has put in a new Taylor safe in his jewelry store. It weighs 1980 lbs., and is a. good one. - At the Epiworch` League meeting on Monday evening the subject was Sun- day School Wot-k-'1`he Intermediate Teacher and his Work. Misc `G. White was the leader. The topic was taken by Mr. Joseph Watson. . I Miss Nellie Dixon returned home on `Saturday after a two weeks" visit with I C ` friends In Gravenhurst. ; we are glad notice fiat Mr. W: B. Taylor has recovered from his recent i illness and is able to be about again. T Mr. McLennen, of Angus, `occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian church on Sunday and delivered two eloquent addresses. . Hiemorninz -eutqiect being Christian Life, and Christian Growth, `ea exempltecfby the oek` tre e,"_"tekH1_t.:g he his text II Peter, . Mr. `Charles Hamlin is relieving par- lar car conductor Mot-ice on the Toronto and Gravenhura: run. Mrs. MdFurlnd left on Tuesday on a week's visit to her sister, Mrs. Hat per, Falkenburg, Muskolm. T wAndre:v Ruraeell, of Vancouver, 3.0., has returned home after spending a few weeks with friends here. ' Mr. Joserxh vBryan, waiter of the Normandy Hotel, Port Huron, Micb., is visiting friends in Allandale. Mr. Iiicchen ie sinking `an arteeian well for Mr. `George Poacher. He has [ nowjreached a depth of 190 feet. Rev, w. R. momoau, 3.1)., of Elora, has been invited to conduct the opening. afa`i-'v_io`ea (if the new Preabyterianf church.`-whiph," it ia_ expected, will be P_eI_dy. for ._0_cou.pation-tho` latti part` of >b'vember.: _ Throjnrpenterq are push- ing. the_ wt):-k along rapidly, ; ' `ext Sunday will qurtey meet: ing at `the Burton Avenu_e_ Methodist churoh`._ Love fedutj will be held at that: oloae of the .m qlrning aervipe, and the '. aaornm_Iu_ qf fthe Lord a;Su`p`per will be W ,.. 99-T??? i!V?err?4h*v!-w| i:r ne{ ,Bu11h;"tAh'q and Toronto Markets Du:-lug"1>:he Weak. ' "'vhe8t..; .'.....a...'..i.....Q'{`;on-Q5 (hut. ngno reuse. Iurgc...... `Ban-lay...,....... `RYQIOOIIII OIIQOI l;`lour............ Mr. Herb J Bhnaon left on Saturday for. the VA_laomaT district. .__._ _- - on wrong