A PEN ETAN G WEDDIN G. A1_.1ct1on Sales ; Frawley as loan. Sale Local taunt. I A%corn-:E:KnEncHA'N1's, 7 i ` ` BARBIE. L vvvvvvvvv v` " CHOICE FARM for sale. being of the north half of lot :4. con. 4. Inninl, containing zoo acres more or less. acres cleared and under good cultivation. Good bui dings and well watered. For further par- ticular: annlv tn MISQ M- R. TOHNSTON, nn tl-an AAA.`AAAAAA .1! - Tourist Hotel "Norto|k -BAYHSVIVLLE, MUSKOKA, ONT. U00 Dlullllllllg Ell WBII WEKCIUCL l'0I' IIIITIICT pan ticulars ap ly to MISS M. B. JOHNSTON, (3-1 the nrnminnn .h|n-1-,IIIp_ 0. Boating, Canoeing. Speckled Trout Fishing.` &c. Rates: 83.50 to per day. A , -mi V F`. G. HOGAN. Proprietor. ' ` Nomonm CEMENT WALKS. The Municipal World warns muni- cipalities against laying concrete walks from now on. In an editorial speaking of,ths numerous towns that have wisely. laid concrete walks, it says :- 1 for your benet, and our rot. Thee I are the blends we are struck on. _ ', Hobley Br9_s., 25 gig. A quarter of a. centurv we have been blending the}J1,' #21:"? C ponsibility` for what is under the finish in- 7T4he$ later Shoe Shoe finish comqlp_ `shoe value, and thx-tlzws A11 is not goid tint glitters. T I IYCO N113) 1'1 hurchill P. O. 35 eta. 40 etc. % " And One of the most common errors` arising at this season of the year is the laying of concrete sidewalks in frosty weather. `There appear to" be certain qualities of cement with which this can he done, while expedients may be adopted to overcome the injurious effect -of frost. Municipalities, however, will he on the safe side if all cement con crete sidewalk construction _ is ~ now -, ended for the present year, as defects which arise through the action of frost `on concrete. which has notlbecome set are more easily avoided than remedied! FARM FOR SALE. TEA TRY. THE M. If. is not giving complete satis- faction. Pumps put in on 30 days trial to responsible parties. Our Spray Pum s do perfect work and 'a ch d can operate it. For particu- lars address Aylmer Double cylinder Wall Pump of it single case where the INFORMATIOF WANTED Stuinley Spillen, H Nantyr, 34- 1 General Agent. COMMITTEE BY OAN VA.-88. `T Monday night was not the first time that trouble arose over the chairmen of e oommittee canvassing the members Ind droning a report from his conclu- done from that oennas. The proper only business-like mnnnerin"-which transact committee rbueineeejie `by `in the regular. wny. m..ac~2JL@4n.z...aL@.z9sL2_:..;@c a...<-)L,._a,as% V.Soft fluffy nished WhitesBlaf1kets of good Weight with fancy borders. }lv_4x".`1:1I` $2.75 Blankets` for `$2.25. The best 33 grade and extra large size for Q2 50. Up` $3.50 grade will be sold this week only at $2 90. $4 00 Blankets for $3.25. V` v [have the nicest blankets made in Canada and our prices are lower by 20 per vcpt. than regular. good Union` "Grey Flanncls for l2c. Regular `-300 "1" VT \ r 15c. Extra heavy, plain or twill, in light or dark. `Lbs for 20c. Extra he Chamblay -Flannels worth 30c_: for 250. IJIUIVII U1 ".'`','f' .","""" IvBrin1'; ya$;iT"",i`caXf"fi3m at 75c. `s1T};;?:1 Tweed S|11t1ng8, 58 Inch. in all colors and patterns. $1 line out toA75c,' $1.25 grmiv for $1 3 vd. Black Silk and Woo1CIepons. rich designs of raised silk gures. High W133 233059. no two alik. Cut prices. $1 grade for 75c, $1.25 grade for 90c. $1.75 quality f1" $1.25 Black and Colored all wool Homespun Cbevoits and Serges of m-W and fancv weaves. Shrunk onnc rue rinlnrn All .1... ....... -n:,. "Ana. am am .. \-.1 3nd fa nvo gap.-v nunvxx a materials of all kinds: and _10 to 30 per` cent. than you` ncy weaves. Shrunk goods fast colors. All` wool Serges 1n all colors, uu uuuntu uu wuu1 nomespun Unevoxts anu oerw -3' U` 1" All the new 750. goods tor _60L` 3* ."'1- heavier and better than-regular 25c; All styhsh t1I':`>>. verything in limngs and trimmings are (heaper lwrv b.` ; gen erally pay. J. 0. IRVVIN hib1'romAL sums. . Ognnoil in to meet %:==i1% "tf`w-I-. % amue inch heavy Frieze in Grey, Brown or Black. Pfh o`1vn-I-J qi\nn:n` `I:v1n .6 7:0 Qnnh-h H0E-We are without a doubt the cheapest house In the trade for Hosiery. Cashmere hose at 18c ' , ' n-mm` .;:;.`....`;:*;3":::::`;::;5:s5:s:.`a'as: _ best `4oc grades for 34. extra English hose in hi,',' bud. always sold at 50c, we cut to 43- Vl Ifopclade hose, extra strong. at 10 3" 35` 3?! oc worsted stockings for 37c. Best ' Wanted stoc `lags made. strongest hose for bovs. 75 for 45- `ne I`l9 `ad lowest In \oana(1I1- oII.Ir-' soodoof latest styles no two alike and , Price I. 5: to below retail rices. _$3-75 Jack $2.143- Sag Ennlzeen Sq_vn-.P$-:.:o rackets 55v 3) ans! :0 $9 pelow retau prices. .-3.9-Ia J""$ $1 7 $9.06 jackets $3.5c. $7.50 Jackets J . N 57 59- $15 ilcicts $10. $20 Jackets $' KID GLOVES-Perrius & ]aunt's celebrated gloves, new atvles and shades in warranted goods. S: glove; often sold at $1.25. 500d gloves at5oc, Soc and 75 worth 25 a pair more 25; Cashmere gloves at soc. LADIES JACKE'DS-Biggcst stock outside the cities mm c ' Ca d . sample rnadnof InI>ngfY::sIngp:fsesM`::nn aha: gnd Prices SAMPLE CAPES-Beautifully Bm.dduf;;,`f Beaded and fur trimmed `mg 25 per cent _d;:iCt see. You throw moncv away nf you bu) W" inc thus Jacket; and Capes. .dA 8.;m as at 30 per cent. discounts. . Mt-'9' ` ' . Iox. shirts and ties; 135* shawl, cl do. fascinators. hose. "9" all 3.".n.e.. ' L v-Mr. McLean attainedi hi"e;i<`iTa;'z:d ital __g._9}.1Id have made 99 di`9;9n99 $9 the Lsyor if he had lei`. the reportj be pre- gated and the division taken on; it. An instance of this nonsensical pro- ceeding occurred Monday night in con- ` motion with the report of the Electric Light and Waterworks Committee.` A `J--r . This personal canvass from one mem- - `of `the .. committee to another}: 3 fair not satisfactory manner.-in iAoht_o do,buaix_:eu and ahooldbe din-_ M -`No new name will be added to the Subuctiption C until the money in paid. ' Cubutlbon now in strain for three months and In!` will be charged $l.o per annum 4 - BUSINESS vs. STUBBORNNESS. ' T `The affairs of this town might be more advantageously administered. if . the Council" would even have its regular proceedings proceed in a more bueineem like manner. At nearly every meeting of the Town Council there are numer- ous delays and the business of fteen minutes` takes an hour. v ' IAHUEL WESLEY, PFIOPRIETOR 81 per Ammm m Adva/r'we . T should secure a Rand-McNa.lly I0! and Hand Book-isauad monthly. If\.!I-- All -.I.__ 4...--- I\_.I-. _..-...L .....I-.. [5 Published from the Office, :33 Dunlop` Stu`-eoit Barrio. in the Countv of Simcoe. the Pro- vince `of Ontario. Canada. every ' Thundav Morning. by THE: NORTHERN Anvnncz J. Frank Jackson, V Bluuun 1'0 ALLANDAL3. 1.3; 9.411.. 1.56 3.111.. 9.37 a.m.. 23.15 a..m.. 1.26` .||., 5.27 p.m.. 8.00 13.111. ALLANDALI 1'0 BARBIE. $598.01., u.Ioa.m.. 11.95 3.111., 5.38 p.m., 7.55 13.01.. 9.99 p.m.` -It-1'1--)'t;e'r't:-rai1'1: Sunday. `kl. `owl Wine -3. call. 0.00 pan. Express. 7.55 mm. 7 PENETANG. 5 11.15 mm. Accommodation. 5.38 `pm. `[55 pan. Accommodation. 7.55 mm. ALLANDALE & BARRIE SECTION. GRAVENHURST & NORTH BAY. 81.88 mun. Mail. ~ 5.87 pan. g. pan. `Atlantic 8: Pacific Ex. 1.88 pan. ' .09 " North Bay Mind. I 7.81 can. Gnvauhurst mixed (south only) 9.81 COLLINGWOOD G5 MEAFORD 11.15 mm. Mail. 5.3! p.m.. U. nan. I Tninl loIve Bu-tie for and arrive from` the * Iloruontionod plans: as follows: ' . -4-uunpsnvanp` 4_ _,_ A '8 Page 48 Column Nowupipor.` Ion. . 1-29 2-2 WTXI CIT-IQ: tuiti- 7. Ian `'3: ran L 7.58Jp.n:. `ow Fame , L - II.p.nx `Atlantic & Pacic Ex. 8.03 -pan.` he evening Express leaves Toronto at 5.90 HAMILTON. iAnnI: RAILWAY Gums`. L ten`; :.1e;t` ixeli gh`t~ ipg and posing, -of care in retouching. of excellence nishing-'-l?T irst clean in every respect.` ' ` ` ` %% DutLPhotds.Sphkfdt%iis.. Tums or Suascaumox. pm; 'i'onoN'ro E9333 CIIVIIJ Ex 9.09 pan. 11.88 mm. UKU- .333` Commander Which deserves com- mendation for his energy and public spirit. Last winter he did much to assist the hospital and now he has built an ambulance for hospital and other purposes that will be appreciated by the people of Barrie and vicinity. This ambulance cost $200, partsof which has already been collected from persons, who like Commander Whish, are pub- lic spirited. The thanks of the com- munity are due the Captain for the interest and pains he has taken to get [the best possible for the sick and wound. , _ . . . . The following appeared in Friday a London Free Press:--Mr. W, R. Tif- n, formerly superintendent here, will take charge of_ _the Grand Trunk train upon which the royal party will ride from North Bay to Toronto, Hamil-l ton, Niagara, Brantford, Woodstock, Kingston, Montreal and Sherbrooke._ At Chaudiere Junotion'Mr. W..R. Tit- n, of the Grand Trunk, will resign his charge to his brother, Mr. Tnin, general traic manager of the Interco- lonial Railwav, who will see that the Duke and Duchess have a good time in their passage through Eastern Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Both the brothers Tiin are jolly good fellows, as well as careful and experi? enced railway men. Miss n.;ii;'i&i.a}fi;"J;';L'e";ack list; . Many thanks for the new song ; it is charming. - ` V {no 1-1 TIP.` . '__ . - Au .- Mina Bertha Carson returned t9 Toronto last Saturday. - TQu_.1i.te`u"nun\.ber are going to Toronto on Thursday to try to get o_ glimpgepf their future Kiug. - _ " ` I notice invloot weeks iuene of AB} VLNCE the following from vour Cree- more correedondent :--That Mr.` Mo -. Arthur cold 5 hogs that were 6 month: 1 week` oldeend evereqed 218 lbs. etch; Maseru. Eogheon, of Golwell have gone. one . better, having fuck! 6 on Monday V lost whi`oh_we1-9.5 months, "20 dnyef old; "and, oveuged_ 219 lbs eoohythtee of `:the_`- ovet|gingfj2:2`~ my Mr. Ewd. Wilaoh, attended TColdwat.pr Fairlaal. week. , A _ Mu. Herring has gone to Edenvle, for a_ week or two. MEG. Cain left 6:: Eliueaday to Ipond a couple of weeks in Barrie. Annie cLean, of. i-l-l0OinQo_ is spending 3 few days with Miss Mry_ K::p_;_. I _ _ 4 I --% kilo Vthlovu nnmrouc ind .; so the mu Emil: Willon, of Youngstown; N.Y., in visiting relatives hetje. A good name is rather to be chosen than great" riches. `This text should never be lost sight of by an advertiser who has permanent good of hisstorein, view. . Largesales to day and disappoin- ted. patrons` next week prove a short- sighted policy which will not be a permanent benet. When it is gured what every new customer costs it will be seen that you cannot abrd to die appoint or diepleaee your patron. It is better to lose 'a little yourseelf than have the customer lose and you lose the customer. Mr. Chas. Calder, of Brool:lin,'haaJ been again tendered the `nomination by the Conservatives of South Ontario. '.l`he.chancee-are that. leaving. the ques- tion to the electors of that constituency, without any bribery or corruption al lowed, the Conservatives -vvill in all probability win this election. Mr. Calder is opposed to Hon. John Dryden and how the lMinieter of Agriculture is goingtc make his constituents believe he in doing right in Dakota ranching is more than we can see. _ _ At the next meeting of the Public School Board, which is Monday night, the question of teeohere `salaries will oomeup. Dr. Polling will move that the Board x the -minimum hosiery at which 8 teacher may enter "and the maximumto which he or she may at-L tain, and that a V schedule be drawn up 1 by the Board. 531-0` I _ -. ~'x ` T * ii: in... virhih- if 53: igt1.a%mun.uyA%n1 A cm ..s a:.;`...... the: `jail: foome tn henil uoonteining an open letter Mr. `Rohlij nG"9l',!_ i0,_t0f_ Winnipeg, in 7 which he eeverelypcriti. cites the Crown Lends` Department with violating Btitieh justice. , .Fnrt.her mention of this will bemede next week; rein in amt LI : II` o Anton Mine. 4 , Advincq Correspondence. Mr. W. W. Stumbles, of the Marine and Fisheries `Department. Ottawa, has just re- turned from Midland. and as a resultof his visit new `range lights and a new buoy ser- vice -will be put into the harbor there. Similar improvements will be bestowed upon `the harbor: at Penetanguishene and Wauba.- shene. ' ~ On Saturday night the slternstina ma- chine. threw its bell; 0E and ass coincidence the condenser on the Brown engine got out of order. The result. was that the stores and `residences `in town were in darkness for sbouluhslf an hour. The are light: were out from about 7.30 pm. to 9 o'clock. __ AA- ' } V The Reeve of Nottawasaiga says the feeling `of the Township Council is to ght the mat- ter of assessment to a nish. 1`he Council met, and though they practically came to that decision, they agreed to grant the re- quest of the Uounty Council and will meet the latter `as a matter of courtesy. o _-"A quiet wedding took piece at the resi- dence of the bride's parents on Monday, Sept. 30th. by the Rev. W. R. Johnston, when Mr. George Crane, of Toronto, wep united in marriage to Florence Edith, third daughter of Mr. S. Stephenson, of Peneteng. Monday, October 14., 1-901-0n lot 13, con. 2, Ora; horses, cattle, sheep, imple- ments, etc. Sale at 1 o'clock. Bell Bros. proprietors. G. R. Ford, auctioneer. Wednesday, October 1-6, ` l90l,-Onlot 5, con; 11, Vesprn; horses, cattle, sheeg, pigs, implements, etc. Sale no 1-o'clock. nmuel Plowright. proprietor. G. R. Ford,` `nun-, tloneer. -,...._.. -., .. ...,....... ..-... .,...... ..,....__ On Monday morning, `Sept. 30th, there were rumors of 3 wedding in town which an the tiny wore on soon developed into a reality`. hMr. Thos._A. Ends. `of this village tool: unto himnelf a. partner in lite in the person of Miss 'l`hurendBurton, of Barrie, daughter of Mr. Thou. :Bn1-`ton; of that place. The young oouplehave -th_'e.very_ best wishes of all for [their future prosperityv and happiness; and we hope that many years , of gddad hlioe they `be ` theire.g Rev. ` W. I 1W. ` Wallace} of `Baotou, _ tied tho dnnvtilinof-A `.1 vuv uvuuz UL A-I-Ila vv uh V1 uuv, JJOIHIIUII, [Ur the marriage of his dsu hter Wilhelmina. to Mr. Ed. Me.oBeth, of ewmerket. ' Miss Nettie _White` was to act as bridesmaid and the ceremony was to be performed by the minister of the Dalston Methodist Church. The tumors thots` the Newtop-Rob1n- son oorreapondent to Boston World speaks of, he `follows were; quit righc;`_. I :0- lA".-.'I-..' _.'--..:...x. '5--. on.a_ 3 Rooms fotolcet. iokoulock. No. 97. Dunlop Smut. Firoproof vnult;_ lately occupxed hr Dr. 1 Wells. Alpotwo rooms mth vault, lately occu iod ` bv Hood. Ja ch=&~Frucr Bu-mtcn; iuuuem` Apply_t_oC. Iinoss... V ._ Bun-hnlnnunnr :_.mo1. . _ `- L ntf. MIDLAND AND PEHETANG HARBUBS Eerything was in readiness yeaterdiy at the home of Mr. Wm. White, Dalston, for` yfhn Inn:-I-Inna nf Rh: clnnnl-uhun \X7:Il...I....:.... vs-a ---|.IIwvu U. V Jllvltllllyo It was decided to hold a united meeting of the dierent congregations on Thanksgiving Day at the Presbyterian Church. The col- lection will be in aid of the Hospital. The first .maeting of the fall season of the Ministerial Association was held on` Monday afternoon. The retiring president was Rev. Dr. McLeod and oicors weroelecned as fol- lows :--`President--Rev. W. Witten, Secre-. tary--.Rev. G.rMoKinley. ' `It: was dnnidml on s...I.: .. ....:.-.1 ...--r2.... -: .-ram SEASONS MUSICAL EVENT. A Next Thursday, if the subscription list lls up as the management-expect, a cele- brated trio of musicians will appear at the Opera House--`the Ernest Gamble Concert "Company. Associated with the great basso, Mr. Ernest Gamble, are the Australian pianist, Mr. Frederick B. `Marley , and Miss Grace Jenkins. violinist. The patrons of the Grand and other lovers of music should not fail to read the press condensations in the fine circular the management are putting out. i i s The many friends of Mr. T. H.` Gowman, who left Barrie a few years ago graduating from the Frank Jackson studio, will be emd to hear of his success in the west. a recent issue of the Rossland Miner we notice the following paragraph :- The photograph of Miss Grace Evelyn Bye executed by '1`. H. Gowman of this city was the winner of the $100 prize o`ered by the New York Sundav.Journal. a fact which speaks well for the ability ofthis local artist. The picture which is displayed in the case at the studio entrance, has deservedly called forth much. commendation from those who have seen it. The excellence of Mr. Gow-` man s work had on previous occasion gained recognition. A.t the last Canadian Photo- gra hic i`Oonvention he was awarded the hig est premium for his exhibit, which was a attering triumph for hisskill. wc: eves likewise instrumental in recuaci- tasting the Knights Templar body in Chat- hem; and his departure from the city will be regretted by the Masonic fraternity as e whgle. _ - ' . T ,__.OI I I n n -- U7 uvnvo We heartily wish Mai :11. the success `he veo richly deserved: uuu a-tun nouglillnlio ' _ It is doing no injustice, to the Colonel gird other" oicen of the Regimenoto say that a very great deal of the practice in which the Regimen: is held can be attributed to the thoroughness of thoowork of the hdjutant. After that rnnnnr innnnnnn Dal Dabnnn vuvlvllallllv UI bun WUIK (ll ([13 IUJUUKBU. _ After the recent inspection Col. Peters said he was more than pleased with the work` of this very useful? member of the city BOIDI. ' In 'loeing_the eervieee of one who has con- tributed` largely . to the enooeu of the Bennet- Newe we acknowledge a lose that will be felt by the City of Chnthem and the Western Peninsula. ` Mr. Spry he: been tireless in his eforte to improve whatever condition he faced." Hie` `iourneliutio talent is on a. par with the enthueiesIn_demon`etrated inimore recent years in the part he lled in further- ing the interests of the Knight Templvr and the 24th Regiment: Tn :. 2-2--.-- -.---~--9 - ` -` ` ' ` 1: . t in.I.i!=:t9.:zrI="v-I x-F of the; paper 30` `r_eoe`n'tr etehuoome to our notieelwhiehbontelned chetollowinn ::~ .. ._ T ' f "Denial W.-B.e8pry, who hue been con- neeteq with the _Benner and the Banner- Newl for I period` of over five yesu. has no- oepted I lucrative poeltion with the Toronto Globe and assumes his new duties on Monday next. A zggaj ' ' 4, . 0 . 1;: v sunny uvw So dowe. WILL No'r1`5A wAsA,GA FIGHT 2 MR. '1'. H. eowmmxrs stmcmss. 11' was A. qmnf:-r wmnome. MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION. MARRIAGE AT DALSTON. !1`H_E LIGHTS WENT OUT. a On the other hand it did not serve" ' l Mr. McLean any put T as by refusing )9 mend his repoii ea" to sell htnhborn _V'I,sI childish. Any desire to assure Mr. Hines` appointment would have been crstied just as easily by doing as the Mayor requested. The Mayor op-. poled it on principle and was perhaps right, though in the end lmadehno dif- ference.. Mr. McLean was stubborn -nndhis ultimate, victory was no credit ' to himself.