Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 10 Oct 1901, p. 2

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J. A. MCCARTHY, ` `l'\ G A. RADISNHURST, Bartistcr, Attorney, . Solicitor in Chancery. Conveyancer, etc. Oico--First door Owen street. over Bank of Com- U Harvie & Smith, Orillia.) Olhce -comer of Owen and Comer streets, 1 ;DR.kW. A; ROSS, Physician, Surgeon, etc., L. | C.S.`Edin,, L.R C.P;. London. Ofces and ..:...t.. p-aid-nnn...Hrnwn'n Block- Dunlon street. ` R. J. F. Pallin , Graduate 0f`Tl"iI1it`y Umversity Toronto, F w of Trini_ty Medical College, Mamlnp nf t>I-In (`Allegra nf PI-wmcians and Surzeons Hours-u to 1. _on\2 '1\f1--O-~'-Qj-I:1 `o wirii1g,.or pi in ElCtf;P;f'._ (`.1v..?.... 4|` ` -1.7""! . ` y y PERF_ECT|ON ' '* "ME OR STORE ma: grmrny & ESTEN. Iiulijl I3 1&l'II`l -5 and 5% per cent. od Mortgage. LOUNT & LOUNT Barristers, Barrie. 32-ti. A Opposite R-. R. Station` MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUER. T .;;.;;:;o;;;e,.gx. swan, Solicitor:-. . u.....:.. 1`_nnvo,vancern.'eIc. Oiees Bank 0` R9 Jo co L..C._P.S.. opt`! 0? Drs' Harvie Onllna.) Olhce and resxdence --_..-_ AL` nnnnn and (`,nlIuu- cf:-not: Harrie- 21-[V _.._,.._._________.________.__.____... ICCARTHY. BOYS It MURCI-IISON.'. Barris- ...... c..n..:o...-. Fnnunvancers. etc. Success- T15. LVU*fI'Ill|Ipal muncy TCCIIIITX untu C term . H . STRAJIHY. Solicitor, o `PIE. [Mn Mo Kfnor.-on non . Manna tn Inna. T. BANTING. Clerk County of Simcoe, will be If his ailing. at "In (`.nu't-Q `Janna Ra-via f S0 `A }'o_P'ctru NM V, `I95-nnunnnnp nu-_ `mum `n ' ELECTION unrrnons. P:emier Rose in going to hold olaaaee V to! inltrnotion for his campaign workers. Thin probably means that he wishes to juduate some expert maohiniata. The "machine" this time cannot oarryt them over unless manned by experts '30 Mr. Ron proposes to make all his men experts. We thought at the lat elect- Ion he had a good many experts, but . thin time he wants no f`unkilled men. '1`. 'ARNALL,' M.15.c.M., came in Bothwelf Block, Allandale. On the premises at night. p2-Iv 135' DR. n._ P. VIVIAN MONEY TO LOAN. I _-_ _-_A -4 ll ,,,- MONEY TO LQAN; ADVERTISE IN MANUFAUIUBES. gKiln'. Dhtct ag..;f.;;" -;a.n:;1Jd-131;) : y-Bayeld Streeagarrie. SIODGERS L successors` to . Ball. msbnnmnnovs. [MONEY T0 LOAN. That man at Midland who recently lhot an Indinn in 9. canoe minteking - `him for a duck should have had to poi {or his foolherdioeu. A man tlnt cannot -tell the ilibrenoe between on V Indian and 1' waterfowl ehohld not be ;nllow9d' to entry I gun or in fact go out without a guardian. % ' ~ D. C. Muncmsoxv. FOR INVESTMENT on good freehold nacuhr at Inwpnt ran: nf .-._. PHY SIOIAN S. FINAN CIAL. GFFIGIAL. DENTAL. Homoeopauhist. _ :56 Dunlop St. Residence and Oice. 8-lv I.nau.." UIUUII 45-1!- The enemy's recent defeat at Forts Prospect and Itela is said to have been the worst smash they ever received. This may be the last desperate effort the Boers will meke ; itxis to be hoped thut it is. What a matter of rejoicing It would be it the war should be sud-. L denly ended ! `co \III 43-ly LV . . Barnstets, 54.6` In-Irina 1 u `til TIIIWIQ U" _`_ STORE use. et beats as and Hyan nil ME.-- .---A 311., UIIIE-Dasrnnc -`Bank of Totonto 5-Iv "JG." IB8s, I159! . IVW p _ attention m ....o lgtbnoq at V35-Iv 1-ly SIICI OK OR IUULICC 23-1 I`Dn`e:-in County intends to preve its 'onterprise in the Good Roads A move- ment. 866,000 will _be` spent on the improvement of it: tends, one-third of twhioh will be paid by the Ontnrio - Government. For Broken-wlndiedv Horses. . The only medicine - in the world that will 5Sl_P Heaves in three days. But for a permanent c_u;e It requires from one half to one bottle used accordmg to directions. `$x.oo. Kidne and Acute Cough Powd- er: 5oc. Dr. McGa.hey's ondition Powders destroys worms, puries the blood, putting horses. cattle and calves in condition; 25. Take no other. . Sold b . G. Monkman. Barrie. and Cook & Co.. Orillza. 40-1 MONEY TD LU OF.FICE.--Next door to Bank of Toronto. CV90 Street, Barrie. T V u-Iv % .1. CUL VER WELL S T Hanrcutting and Shaving T Parlor OVPPOSITEV BARBIE HOTEL. BARBIE- Razor: Ind Scissors ground and set on 51:01 ! notion. _ Agent Standard Life. London Gum n- tee and Accident Co.. Provincial Building and Loan Association, ietc. Pumers Attention- on. McGAHEY S HEAVE CURE . `PYF3T13ING ANS! _ J i ms 40.... " Hllllnn 'Anvmmsn:ns snoum mm,-_ TH` 13 lines solid agate make 1 ::c"1:0r. fr1uLNs1`nN'r ADVERTISEMENTS First insertion 10 cents er 1' I qnent ipsertioti 4 cents perplim:,n6' eachnboo. Reqdzng nonces, 10 cents per ne 0 - . - r 5 `_"f`.i3`."_` 1.5 .`.".:?`E`.`_P`_" sf . `' each subm... ! [REPRESENT -ms Fonnowuva Fun: I.~'suu.~'c| Commmns : The Mercantile, now ailiated wiih '1 Lu Lon- don & Lancashire of England. Secur- ity, $15,000,000. The Waterloo Mutual, of Water1oo.Ont. Tothl assets. $334.os3. The Economical Mutual, of Berlin. Ont. Total assets. $303,078. ' Also Lloyd's Plate Glass Insurance Com- pany, Of New York. Cash capital, $250. ` EDITORLAL NOTES. We wonder whether Mr. Leighton cou-thy, M.P., took advantage ofhia recent visit here to talk to the Mayor" about the long looked-for wharf. And the Sun Loan and Savings Company of Ontario. . I VVLLI. UV uualscus - - Advertisers will not be allowed to use thei; space, for advertismg anything outside their own regular business. Should they do so transient rates will bscharged for such ad. vertisements. Condensed advertisements on first page such as wants of all kinds, lost and found. pmpem for sale or to rent, snecific articles, etc.. etc., must be accompanied with the cash, and will be inserted-11rst'insertion 2 cents per word, each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (names, addresses and gures counted as. words); but a reduction of one cent per word "will be made when the number of insertions of the same matter exceed four. Cuts for advertlsements must In every case be mounted on solid metal bases. Private funds to loan on first mortgages. Ac ' counts collected, &c. nmnn nuns I-In-`Ann-ann Q I-`an-Anya:-n Qrnrn R:f| ;P counts oouectea. ac. oOfce over Henderson,s Hardware Store. Barn: nt. I1IIUIuII' nova: 1 vcuta Per ne. VW . Readmg nouces, 10 cents line fa, insenion ; 5 cents per line subseqm insertion of the sa_me matter. All itemslont der 5 lines, of thus character, charged En. lines. ` _ 5 Legal, Oiclal and Govern _ ment (1 - "manta mll be charged at above rates.a mun` CONTRACT ADVERTISING. . Contract advertisements will . . be taken at the f0ll0W1I1g_l`8.te8,_ whlch are drafted on W rect commerc1alpr1nc_1p1es and will be gt-cu' adhered to. There wxll be only one price {oi all. {SCRQGGIE & SMITH, Preferred positions for local advertise, ments in the paper will be sold at an advance of one-third on above rates, on no other ac. count will special positions be given. This rule will be strictly carried out. CONTRACT CHAN GE8. Advertisers will please bear in mind that notice of intention to change advertisement. must be handed into the office not later than Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy forsuch change must be in THE ADVANCE oice not later tl1an.l2`o'c1ock noon on Monday in any week, otherwise the advertiser's announcement may not be made public until the week 01. lowing. - T 10 nkonunc nf Arivnrflnamnnto nllnnnu-3 ..__ LUW 11150 ~ V 12 changes of Adverjzlsements allowed pa year. If more are reqmred, composition rates will be charged. Ataunwl-`bare 111:1` nnf Ln o1]n\rar` fn ncm LL-:_ The Chronicle says it learns from a very high authority that a complete and sudden collapse of the Boer resistance and the consequent speedy termination of the war are anticipated. It implies - that this is the view entertained by the War Ofce, It adds that Gen. Botha s and Gen. Delarv s coups are regarded as 6 last desperate effort of men who have at last grown weary of the strug- gleand are tired being hunted. It is condently felt that the Boers are ght- ing-their last ght and that the end, which will come with startling aud- denness, is near. For this reason it is not `intended to despatoh further rein- tenements. PROVINCIAL BU|lD|NG AND ll]AN ASSURIATIUN. ' [Incl] ICIOIIIIIIOIOOOO a 2% inches...... ..... ` 5 inches, 51 column...... no inches, 56 oolumn.... aoinches, 1 column.. *For one month-the with 15 per cent. added. `For two months-the with 10 per cent. added. A 0 _:._ _ $0501 I2! IIVOIlIOOO0tIIOOoIu nu ;lIl`}IQI . . . . . . . . . . . . -- John Rogerson, % Fife and Life Assurance. Number of `inches guano AUTHORIZET APITAL. $5.ooo:ooo INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, &.C. CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. SCROGGIE 6:. SMITH. That stone crusher that has been ex- posed to the weather in e eld on the Allnndale Road, end which several Councils in succession have neglected still remains in a state of disnse. V ` -----u---- Mom-:v TO LOAN. oamu 10,1901. ,__._--_----* Hmav MA three monthly rate The surveyors of the Canada "National. Railway have been at work in.Eaea and many of the farmers through whose farlnl the survey runs are not well plotted with the prospects ot thoeefer-L `tile terms being broken up. After'the recent losses sustained in South Aft-ion~ the following deapntch tron: London comes as a relief, to the poqple of the Empire. T ARHIL- l`L..__:-I, __*__ SA 1, , A Oollingwood paper uya4Ori}lin is _'.'_too for book, and that wan why !'Word of tha Governor-General : pro- to'obuorve Thursday lat, the _ President MoKinley g2 fuuenl, "7| (l_Iy `(If mmrnjng did n'oIm-`each calling upon the -people of #59 . ,;- ; . . `BI. VIIIIU LIV WDIIUD IIU IIIIIBIIIUII II-IUIIQ The Government's ionlry hope thil time in in the machine, and those who land for political purity must see to it that trickery must be guarded against. CW9 have had enough political corrup- tion to atainp0ntario _s name, and today the Government holds the reins of ,` power as a result of _bribery and cor- rnption. :6" THE mun or" THE WAR ATV BAND 9 @%&A';"%'ii."..' e..m.`:%.;.....; ..m....u...1. Castle! in that _no .mttor which side - the 193: (will be insuined by "_t|I'a pooploof Simooe County. _ ' ll- ;.-___I- -.I.- l`___a._ ._:II I_.. _. r."-r` ` - "he.peop1_e of `the County viill heye to opend just so much money; it is` "only: question of the ivieion of ohoree `which each township ivill pay. ` piling up of costs w.ill's'sot both` -Oonnty end Township end. the sooner` the suit is stopped the better. It is to bslhoped the N ottuwssege Council will not hesitate to meet the County Coun- cil, when we trust an amicable settle- ment will be reached. V , bf slag: `use ;1ib; y` the 0oun&y'iI mung ma . jidernblo unbunt of mdney; _ PUBLIC OWNERSHIP.- Mr. Albert Watkins, in The Forum for October, deals `in a comprehensive way with the outlook for public owner- ship. The Christian Guardian sums up the article thus :-England, Mr. Wat- kins affords the best example of the in- tensied public control of railways under private ownership and operation. Belgium, on the other hand, stands as the best example of the public owner ship system, the state there having be` gun to build railways as early as 1834-. Mr. Watkins thinks that Belgian sys tem is operated more equitably as re- gards the whole public, and with less at _public corruption than the railways of any country in the world where private ownership prevails. Prussia-zhas made a_ thirty-years . trial of complete public ownership of railways, and the system is pronounced an unqualied success. Experiments in Australia extend back over such` short space of time that not much can be said as to results there but the Government of the recently formed commonwealth is sure to con- tinue and develorr the public ownership system. In Germany the railways are, with few exceptions, owned by the several states comprising the federated Empire. In Russia the Government; operates about sixty per cent. `of the railways. In general it maybe said that public ownership` prevails in con- tental Europe, Australia, and India," and the tendency seems to -be toward complete public ownership. The coun4 tries, therefore, which stand alocfftrom the public .ownership of railways are . Great Britain, the United States, and Canada. {In these three, however, the movement toward municipal ownership has been very pronounced and rapid in recent years. f ' ` ` V - AN ORILLIAN 8~ OPINION. The Orillia Times manattended Bar- rie Fair, on Old Boys Day, and was dilap" pointed that it was not as good as the Eat Simone Ex'hibi`tion--as if any other town-than Olrilliatoould have such an exhibition aethe world-famous East 8imooe. ? Evidently home Oi-illiane are not need to a big oroird, for the writer in the Times `wan algie to see inuoh of our Fain on account of the` crowd, nu will he aeen,froIn,the.follo5ring :- e The M: itielf was no gresteshuoksr There was s big crowd of people, heaps of dustend noise, but not much to see, sn_d little chance to see it. The Barrie merohspts take up the greater pertot the .hoilding. with displsysg. of goods. The `next biggest d_lsplsy being the newer: the of ivhioh vvvufno dognht;,s.|srge.snd beset!- W9=*~=v- ,-mi. V9%!!9-o ~'.l`hese gures, speak for themselves. Canadians can raise better live stock than the Americans, and there is no reason why Canada should not have the markets for nearly all the export trade, _ In hogs there was even eh better record for Canadian live stock men. In the breeds in which the Oanediena entered, the record stood $481.50 for Canadians and $95 for Americans. . The proportion against 0nnndinne' in I the sheep exhibits won 17 to 1,o: the total number of eheep in United States is 42,000,000, against` Cenqda'e 2,500,-' 000. Still we broke almost even, Canadians securing $1,258.50 and Am~ ericane only $1,321.25. In Lincoln: and Leiceetexe, Canadians had unclean sweep. 0 0 ` lines the Americana were simply not in it,`all the prizes being" won by Cana- dians; in other; two-thirds or more of the/prize money we won by breeders from Canada; in no single cane did our shook fail to denote a respectable place. The A_merioans have 44;000,000 head of cattle as oompared mu 4,500,000 in Canada, and. yet Canada took $3,~ 111.10 in prizes against 83,813.40 secured by the United Statesers. `In shorthornsl Canada doubled United States` prize money, and also in two or three others. The sweepstakes won by Canadianoattle were also remark able. `They were `in shorthorns, aged bull and cow ; in Ayrahires on `aged bull and two-year old heifer; in Herefords on aged" bull ; in Holsteins on now; in Gnernseys on coir; in French-Canadians on aged bull and cow.` `lpt. A.I.n r'eqfu1t,o ihinaoioityot good { , piidel mg. nu-up to87.5.0 The scarcity of hog: in `the United State: in etpphuizadr in a circular of `Eu-iok Brothers, osnuntao, dated the 25th.` On dtlc'y, .` Iccordjingytc Eir- ioks, there not givrc ve. lgnndred rt`-M7; pi! th.%"i!I=iii`f* "'4 _1 .h'c_ro;,.;Ivhcgl in the M A ` widow, `two ache and one daughter em-vive him, all of whom -wetfe home with `the exception of Charlie, who re- eidos in Clnoego. HOW ABOUT noes 9_ And now, how about hogs? An 0t` tawa" dealer, in an interview `with the Journal, expresses the opinion that hogs will be higher rather than lower. He bases this statement `on the fact` that there is a general scarcity of marketable hogs in this country, while the demand for bacon in England continues active. This opinion is further sustained by a cablegram to Monday's Globe, where says that gures recently publishedit show that not only huge but cattle and sheep as well have declined in England during the past" year. This .decline in huge in "England follows adecline the year preyious. Hogs, it_ be noticed too, remain at a very high price in the United sum-, the record price of 37.37 112 been at far `west as `0hica_golast`-week.` I It may does look like a continuance-`.for' `some; time to ,come`ot"h_lgh 1 prlcesfcr the :bacoupro- .- . J - A ` Tan: LATE cnannms LAWRENCE. Mr. Charles Lawrence, whose death in a runaway accident at the Calling- wood Fair was recorded last week, was born, says the Messenger, in- Vaughan Township, 66 years ago, and settled in Nottawasaga with his step-father, Mr- McMurohy, about 1847. and was, there. fore, probably, at the time of his death, the oldest settler in the township. A He was one of. the most energetic and en- terprising farmers and stock breeders in this section. He was the founder and inspiration of the Great Northern AExhibiti.on-, the West Simone Farmers Institute and the Georgian Bay Fruit Growers Association,and was President of all three almost since their inception. At the time of his death he was Presi dent of the` Great Northern, and Fruit Growers Association, and Secretary of the W.S.F.I. His intense love and loyalty to the Exhibition and Golng- wood was a marked characteristic of his life. That his last hours were spent in witnessing -the triumphant success of his last effort is a matter of congratu-_ lation 1.3 those so. long connected with him in the work. ` -_-Stayner Brass Band attended the` Cookstown Fair last week and were in Barrie over Wednesday night. They favored those citizens of Barrie who -happened to be down town Thursday` morning with some selections. ; Hamibmxaa %;o!f _&17vnnx1i;Tm - T-Public School Board next '_M0l.IdIY .ni:ht- j ~ -On account the Gtiy Bros. Min- strels not going to Midland as first in- tended theldate cf the Barrie perform- ance woe changed to last night, Wed- 'nenday,- Oct. 9th. -The foot` that sparrows frequent the station in search of rice proves that there in good to be found in everything --,-even in that feminine relic of barb nriarn, .rioe-throwing after `a wedding. `--The Ladies Auxiliary of Allendale have arranged for the first dance of the season. All `ehonld patronize it for it will notponlv be a good dence but the proceeds are for the hospital. . The date die Oct. 23rd. a A-Some of nut year ; hookey_ on- thnaiosto are talking of `re-organizing. This should be done at once, for the chances are good or a successful hockepo ` -Mr. John -Co'ey a King Edward won first prize in the saddle horse race` at Ssaynor last week. A Bruce Thompson `rode him to victory. V \ -Two good things Vair & Sanggan have i)ooked`tor the end of thqmonch are The American Girl said Edourd D'0ize in _1'_he Montbhank ? ' . .F"ThU_ 'Co't1nty coma "inset `nex t- Mondny to gabuaa the uaeaamant up- 1.` ---_'1`he: gate receipt: at the Orillin Exhibition this year were in the neighborhood of $900. +'1`hin` it-.ha` day one junta}; Lillian Ferrier, sworn, said she was a daughter of Mrs. Strickland, and 17 years oi: age. She was convicted and sent to the Mercer on this charge. She -recognized Mr. and Mrs. Jennett. She went out with Donaldson sometimes at night in Mr. Handy s buggy--twice- -they started out about 10 o clock one night about Aug. 25th. About a mile south of Ivy they stopped at a house, He asked her to go with him to steal. He went in the house and brought out the articles and took them to Hand y s house. He also got fruit, butter and other things from other houses. They went out a few "nights `later to Holly and Donaldson went into `a house and brought out _ some things. She swore her former evidence was correct. ' When arrested she remembered some of the stolen things were in the buggy. s'roLn- FROM JAMES / smrsox. , Innisl, swore that on the night of A ug. 29, _l898 he missed some "property, three ieoesof,meat out of the root house, and bread, butter and preserves out of the cellar`. The door had been fastened with a string which was out. They had gone to bed about '10, o'clock that night, `and these things stolen. after-, wards. ' ' Mr. James Simpson, of 10th con-, GEORGIAN BAY HAS APPLES. Dominion Fruit Inspector Alex. Mo- Neil, efterviewlng the Province, re- ports that the beat apple crop 18 in the Georgian Boy district, though even there it in `much helow the average. Some badly peaked apples `were caught being shipped from the district, but no the fruit was `packed for storage, nnd_owing to ignorance of the new` regiintionu,-tha_-1/o engiero were let o` .MNi.1 ill- foonningon 'to;'1`omnto llliltkai _ff$t1te}y_d!1!i_f_.- ` i - `am: aw swamp. last Wedneldfcy `against John` Donslde T..., ,.,,_._n. , uh. 1.;-igd.-..hy. jug, ind evidence` ~ 'w|fs tnken unioient to commie mm for arm. The ne charge was thug of burgh:-izing the house of Mr. Robt. Jennett. ' ` . Ann-ohy uetwin evils, Mrs. -Simpson with her hus- vbsnd's evidence. She had identied some things got by Deteetive Beardsley sndonstsble Reid. _ i V A g nonnnnr AT srnwmr M QUAY8. Mr. Stewart MeQuay was sworn and he remembered his house being entered through s oellsr door about Aug. 26th, 1898. Two baskets of plums and some meat were stolen s few nights before the girl was arrested. up A- . Mrs. Strickland (formely Mrs. Ma Anley) said that in August. 1898 she was living irith her uncle James Handy in Essa. John Donaldson had come to their place early in August. He bor- rowed ]:Iandy s horse and brought a number of_ things to their place, some of them at night-. To the prisoner, she said her husband Mr. Ferrier had been in labourer; he had beenarrested for stealing, she believed he died in the in- curable hospital. Mrs. McQusy swore likewise, slso that she afterwsrds identied the stolen Doinldlon was convicted `on each 0hIrg6 and now awaits his trial. The girl; Lillian Femer, is `also in jail here being held as a witlieaa; _ 1 Robt. Jennett, of the 9th Con.,VEIss,' swore that on ;the night of Aug, 26th, 1898, a number of jars of fruit, butter and other small stuff were taken from `the cellar under the house in which they slept. A screen which was taken out of the window he had seen a few days afterwards at Constable Reid s, Ivy. This and other things stolen he identied. _ - M:-.1 A. W. Beardsley,` sworn, said he had gone with `Mr. Reid to search the premises of Mr. Handy where they found- some of the stolen property. Mrs. Jennett identied some of the fruit in jars as belonging to her.` `Wm. Constable, constable of lvy, remembered _. at. number of robberies toommittednbout Sept. `Int; 1898.` He was routed out one night by Mr. Davis` and Mr. Holt who said their premises had been robbed. They followed two parties in a buggy. When they caught up only a girl was in the rig. The rig belonged to `Handy, zit whose house a lot of etu` was found. The girl was Mrs. Jennett corroborated her hus- band : statements. ' JAS. EDVVARDS` -CQNVEYANCER. [Blast Drying Kxln. HE BALL LLANING MILL COMPANY-- nterin Building (1 f t ' f DoorE."ah. B `lads, Mou1d`i:g:;$' "f>1::?ng%3 all had: donc_ pmggtlx and satxsfactorily. 01: t t ' - . her Fa.ctorv-Baveld Snctreft-Fe 1:33.-{gr $%\erd:ll:uI')ne be at his oice. at the Court House, Barrie, everv Saturdav. Residence and P. O. Cookntown. At his oice until 5 p.m.; at his private residenc, Mary street, after that hour, A n-lv racwry | 3"GALL1n ' ms: ApvANcE.'%l , O Burnout. ' 350 Goivoyuncat. etc. Alonov to at lowest aide `Dunlap - '5 `Oic6-'-McGa.nhy--Block, south Qw -: `y"lV`?'$IIIIlnUIQ hlilluvuvw-y - -w----. - y Specs!` tte tion hi pIf0:tti ngc_t:il1I: obt.a.inin`K law ` ....L nm... :1... Black. Ban-no. Monev to Loan- ip, colnectingacoounts, ` um vuunty. nan estate Dougnt am: 5010. I.onvey- ancing in all its branches. Marriage Licenses issued. Office-Ross Block, Dunlop street Barrie. 4:-Iv- I"&I`ZI I3 W""`I We have a largeamount of Private Funds to lead [at 4; and 5 per cent. on the security of ood farm Mortgages. McCARTHY. BOYS 8: URCHI- Shh? nnunln gtragt Ra-in _____._.....___..___.__.___..________ THE CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY OF BARRIE have for adogtion. in good Hou_1ea. a n_urqher AC kph-Lo .......... ___.I!-- J-" I 1 inn unxhuxnm 3 AIUSUCIETY OFBARRIE a tion. Homes. number of bright young nadian children, boys and girls Parties deeinng them are asked to communicate with the Secretary. |REV. D. B. HARKNESS. Barrie. '-` I run 111 Vnoxxun J. on 3000 3 I freehold security qt lowest rate of interest. Nod) cipal money requnred until end of the term. - H- STRA l`"v_ Snl;r;tnr_ Fin , LVIUITKBZCS. LVICUAK 1 I1 I . I SON. Dunlo Street Barrie. Y l.\\JI\\lVgwl\_ag .a-------, --_~_,.k, conveyanccn; etc. Oices Ban "'1`nron:o-uuaaigg. am-ac. Branch omee. Cold`- `water. Money to Loan. / V Doznw Ross. u..a. J. C. Bnoxovsxx. D _ . _ 7 V Barristets, _ _ ` hcntors In High Court of J ustice, Notaries Pubhc, gonvpyaneers. Oiees ovex the Bank of T oronto, an-re. - ` Money in sums of $2,000 and upward}, to loan at 5 per cent. . H. H. Sriuruv. K.C. G. H. Es-mu. DR. J. ARTHUR ROSS,` L.R.C.P. & S., Edin- ' burgh; M.F.P. & S., Glasgow, member of British Upthalmological Society. spec1alw.- Disease of Eye, Ear, '.l`1u'oal. and N one. OFF lCE.--78 Dunlop Street, Sanders Block, Bar- rie. opposite Post Olce and Railway Station. Phone 54. P. (0. Box 96. 7-ly R. S. BROAD, M. D. C. M., F. T. M. C., L. C. P. S., 0., late resident Physician and Surgeon ot Toronto General hospital, with special attention to Diseases of Women, ano. Nose and '1'h.t'Oat Work, also tor some time sur eon tn charge of Emergencv Hospital. Toronto. 0 ce and night residence- upstairs in McCart.hv Block. ax Dunlap St., Barrie, second door east of Dougall Bros. furniture warerooms-near Five Points. Phone 105. - 29-ly ' R. E. L. BRERETON, Dental Surgeon. Oic over Harnbly's Hardware. Entrance, Owen Street, Out of town xst and 1rd Mondays of each month. ' ' T 5:-lv H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Dis::ounted. Collections made in any .rt of the County. Real estate bought and sold. nvey- ancinsr in Its hrancheg- Man-inure Jjrnncnc .?9a9.,.,. .... m..u5,.ur pxpmg, yet beats gas and Ele<;tricity._ Cheaper than oil. Never out of order. Gives a. delightfully soft light which does not strain the eyes. Free _d.escr3p'tive.catalog'ue., Write for it. AUER LIGHT co.. M$:ns..MONTREAI.. LENNOX; ARDAGI-I,` COWAN & BROWN.` . Solicitors for obtaining probate ot wish. tun:-dinnshiv and administration. and General Solicitors, Notaries. Conveyaneers, etc. I-laumrrou Lxxmox, Aux. Comm , "B. _l_-lounonn Amman, A G. E. l.Bxowxv, L.L.B _ Oices :- Hinds Block. No. 6. Dunlop street. Bar- B- - n Branch Oces-Lcnnox & Ardagh, Gravenhurst; Lennox, At-dagh, Cowan & Brown, Creemore and A 110-. , Q :-1` MCCARTHY. BOYS It Multuruauu. . narna ten. Solicitors, Conveyancers. etc. Success on to McCarthy, Pepler & McCarthy. Oice-McCarthy Block, Dunlap Street, Barrie. -. .. III A Rnvc EWSON & CRESWICKE, barristers; Solici- tors of the Sn tame; Court of Judicature of Ontatio, `Procton. otanes, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. Oces-Ross Block, Barrie. -'C. E. Hnwsox. ' I _T A. E. H. Canswxcxn. `UV Notary, etc. Mon and Stayncr. Barrie Building, Owen stree R. W. A. Kubb, rnysxcnan, aurgeon, cu;., 1.. I R.C.S.`Edin,, night residence---Brown : Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone 77. ` .IJ Toronto, reuow or Lnnuy Luecucau uuuege, Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Oce and Residence, 18 Owen street. Alliston. I

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