Painswick. Advance Correspondence. Mrs. Charles Wice is very ill `at- present. ' ' ' _-- 9 c.-. - _ _ __ Mr. Aoe Warnice received veerst prizes" for cattle and one first for a oar-_ riage horse at the Barrie Fair. . Miss Jane Richardson, of Torontd, was visiting at`. her mothsr s, Mrs. Richardson, last week. [ _ - Oolwell.` 3 Advance" Correspondence. ` Mr. Albert Ferguson, of Toronto, was in town on the 26th. - Not invisible but nearly so. T ` The? can be made up with either solid 11.) I gggg A$`AA `Q IQQQVA Id : Th :01 (rely either solid , old lled (warranted to years), or ni el trimmings. 7 They are not expensive. We ad'ust them s) that they are perf y adapted to the features. Are Fashionable 1uuI.SUll....u.u.. Veal perlb. "neat. Wnlleunoooooo 'IllO|Q Wheat,redW..... 9 cuouoou g008e....n--....... Spnng........ ...... .. Ran-Inv _ _ . . . _ Uat!........ Rye pl _ _ . A 4 . V A` number of the farmers in this `vicinity attended that sale of Mr. J. Rix, Medonte. \ D. H. MacLABEN, -:-__4s1-2- t\__4g ulvu 1103!, SBIBCIIOIII 170 I0 OOQ. -- n N ` 0 u 0 u_o 0': 0 - TCl'1.ickens'.......v..... e lbOI5IIC-UIIIOOCIICCQI..... Tnrkesirnnp ll-u, , ` HIDB8. &wHidwICICUCCCCl..CCOU Il_IIOl O Calfskinsperlb....... Tallow perlb....................... Horse HairperlbT.................. Sheepskins...... .... Lambskins and pelts. .............. HnmeHiden,.,. __ Q IlI\\Jl` IE whiteIlIIU... '..`..I...UOCC whnaf rad`: Rimless Glasses Wllatocoano-noun-6-uocooaooo0009;. 0838, new cuncocnuonuonouuc .3500: cu Runkwhoat Ii2lV2l|l$E I'I\QIIU\I1I Ba,treqummI.lICIOIOCC-IIIIIOO BBf.hindq|l8l't0I'8. ....u.......n.o Mutt0n.. oonauououoauoaiOlouooo-an L8I!lb..........a. uuoono-ooauoscooo Live Hogs, selections x7oto2oq.... II n Qht or hnnvvs. _ , . , Butter, , et air........."b.....u:......... B T b. Ibo:-cnuunoouu-nu-c L;rde:1 erl`:n_-!.,_e_r_,.,, , Eggsper d,oz...............T ...... Appie soooon IIICOOIJOIII Plunlsper baskt............... .. Apples perbarrel................... Potatoe. Hnv ....'..E .t .'_'T`._?__. - Mr. Wm. Grant has rented .'the old % Wiggins farm, known as the V-Thomp Ion farm. . * _ rocatoemper HEY u o ~ u n IIluOI||`O QIIIOUOI Woo,wa.shedperlb................ Wool. unwashed. per lb...A` ...... Wood.aft.. percord. ..`............ Wood, git" percord............... Anthra.c1te`coal.oer ton............ DIRECT, I D. per [Doc -cauunoon Lardperlb.................. Eggsper doz............... A nnlna , 'nA|- nnnlp `laIIIlDUIKIlIs and peluololloholnuoogg moon: I H0r86HideS........_....-.. can sun. -3.. 25 Toronto Farmers Markets. Tonowro. Ocr. 1, tool. wknab u:k:6n ' ` " ` PO8.IO.....u.... Ill.ACOOO`OO0OIIIlQO P088u13333.........i........a... o Ba:-lav . , _ , . , ,, ,, - `UBl:8,lI8W oalcoanuoluonl Buckwhea ............. ` D-an` Sientific Optici$r;,* V Maol.AREN'S D-RUG STORE. o-`now OIIOIIIJ. Ali Ill-AU ECITIU 31 'i`o;~onto Markets During the Wee . Oro Stamon. Advapco, Cbrresoondencg. umu: o'n_An nmxxn-. Crown H111. Advance Correspondence. . _ Mr.`George Rix was in Barrie last week as one of Simcoe e Old Boys. `II 1'11 ru -- GENERAL PRODUCL nAnaI[ nouoooooaoauusouoi tions :70 to 0|` h98Vy`.. uou_oo'nno r-OCOOO0lO0lIl'b-Chili {b'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'I.'I.'.'IIIII lbOllIIlIlI.IIIllIC rlbonnooo-can-coco: nrd_ _` . _ . . . . ,. Basalt. 2. mo! 00.... `OIOCO 59. . . . 65}._. . Ea . _ The harvest festival under the aus-. pioes of St. John's Ladies Aid Society Aid Society held on last Wednesday was a grand ' success. The entertain- ment was very much appreciated, those taking part were Miss Bineham, of Barrie; Miss K. Morrison. Miss K. McLean" as vocalists and Miss M. Swan as accompanist also the Keenan orchestra, of Barrie, rendered several pleasing` selections.. These gentlemen are favorites wherever they go. The speaker of the evening. was the Rev. H. V. Thompson, of Shantv Bay, and he gave an addressto the young people on the subject of doing somethingand doing it well. We doubt whether the young people` of this village ever heard __more pointed advice for their course through life. _ l 47.00! on}. ._ `Juan: Q5...- I ($11..-. vuuuv ,3soaou Zwnuao qlulnooa 65.... l._.- X 8 5o| 70 SEQ n 25 75 At`! 50 47 I (I1 Mr. Geo. McLean and daughter, Mina Kate, were summoned by tele- graph to Toronto on Saturday, where Mr. G. B. McLean has been ill for some time with typhoid fever. His many friends here are very anxious in regard, to his condition. In -an vuv vuulvll D U|.IUUUIUo "i`hore are times when words fail to Impress what the heart feels, and on 15`! Vefeel that words W? -- nvqcv vv -1 On this the eve of your departure I from our midst. we, the members and | friends of .the Holly Methodist Church, feel ,we could not let the occasion pass by without showing our appreciation of ' your services, as you have always been strivingsfaithfully to do your part as a `Sabbath schoolteacher and a member of. th'eLeagu'e. N or dove forget with `what whole heartedness you have been *:'fk 9f h`h`?'" ` We-6-i V to do your part tomake the ' ' 'IIl.5.L'.__, ' , W preached, and the Rev. Mr. Churchill, of Allsndale, occupied the pulpit in the evening. On Monday evening, after the harvest home supper, the concert was much enjoyed by all. Financially, the affair was a- success. -- ...y.._,. ya-nu` uuo ovuulug Anni. A. -Dyer and Mrs. T. Campbell pre- aentcd Mrs.` Young with two handsome ` rocking chairs, accompanied by an nd- ` dress which was readby Mr. T. L-nnon, I as folloyfc : _A _ T , PRESENTATION TO mas GEO. YOUNG,` rs I-uvnqo-non- GRENFEL. On Tuesday evening of last week a } number of people spent very enj.oy-V able timeat the home 0 Mr. L. Jago, 1 of Holly. During the evening Mrs. A -nan: anal ma 7"` IV-_.._L-|| - -- Kid Gloves, Cashmere Gloves, Ladies Underwear and eHosiery,;Men s and Boys Clothing, Men s and Boys Underwear. ' ` __-_._'- -wMr. and Mrs. Wm. May, of Midland, were the guests of Mr. Wm. Hodeon last week. [CURTAINS FRAWLEY & DEVLIN! ICARPETS "MILLINERY We direct your particular attention to the fox} . 4`-0Wlng Departments, in each one of which special qualities a11(i'w,,~;c V d _ es` obtain, DRESS GOODS} New Fall % Goods rnnwm & u svni jsulfs $500 to $20.00 Overcoats $5.00 to $I5.00 A Mr. L. D. {Robinson was made the happy father of an eleven pbund son on Friday. - - ls.-n. Ans`- clothing for Gentlemen HUNTER BROS, FRONT STREET. BARRIE. Opposite G.T.R. Station and Post Oice. THE DOUBLE STORES `IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF OUR 2 WELL FILLED STORES Each one A Big Store In Itself. The Clothiers, Barrie. .. vvvnlvnl v U116 1.10 U]. U'|lF8i|.1'l1.|b'11b-`S W111 found to _be perfection. In the tenth case our own tailors will alter the garment so as to give perfect satisfaction. Our prices are about one third to one half the charges for made to- order garments. ' We don t claim that our clothing is better than the merchant tailor s `high priced produc- tions, but we do claim [and our goods will back the claim] that no tailor can use ner fabrics, trimminge and linings than are put into our garments. That no tailor employs higher priced workmen than those who make our garments. That no tailor can give you more correct style -thaniis shown in our garments As to t in nine cases out of ten the t of our garments will `)9 - *`(\I1"I'\t` kn hnncnnlcnm T_ AL - L- L`, _ . N- and everyform of Floor covering. Migs Mary Creighton, of`C'oburg, is u the guest of her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) J. H. Teney. In Tapestry and Lace of Various a Makes. 7 and? Mlllinery Materials. and Dress: Accessories. I ---_ .. .. `av... -___ were joined last Friday by Mr. James R3); land, who greatly strengthened the C`}}P Uncle Josh" and Char1ey 8 AW` fY1u,. excellent shows for the money Th :18,` troted songs were the best ever 93. , ho 'Mr.jBob Rice has n ne strong _V :1. UR, ten times on Sundev evenl-on W {looted concert was a success: Wind M5,`. give two` dramatic 1' ..7'$IQZ:II_ Rice and Harvey : repertoire` 0mPV abliitiful `longs Mrs. Dreyfus mac: , may left Barrie with II '``. . l JIIUU BIIII I-IBWVUJ IUIU ll. dug-yvanted` imp:-euuion. one another. b H and Signed on behalf of the meal`: 5 T. |fr1enda, Mrs. A. Dver and * " l` Csmpbell. gu-vvnunav Ill LVVU Ell-IIII-I500 U50 Therefore we ask you and your huso band. to accept these chairs as a token . 0`. 011!` esteem for you as a friend and! worker no the service of the Master, and in the future when sitting in 91199 -ehaire may it bring to your mem0*'Y. l- the happy hours and the loving friend of Holly who will ever think kindly 0` you. ' . TIT- .1 . nn :0 - l -_A. ldnoug JUIIO c : We Pray that God`s richest bleilng mpy follow you and YOU!` _ hm May through your journeV Of Me I. -* that which You undertake to do P3055; in your hand, and may the Lord W` _ from between us when we are RN89` another. __ _ _ ,L.\.-.1 and ifail toexpreas our gratitude for YOU 1 labomof love amongst us. 2 , ._1.. _A._ .._J I-:r\I1l' hnl` Ge-o. smiih, of Uhto`, visited friends here on Monday. g _ of every` description. LEFT A GOOD IMPRESSION- ,,_-:..... nnml Ooronzn 3 w- gr-.q-.-- -wu Advance Correspondence. A Mr. A. Baker is home from Algoma. Miss M. Boulton is visiting friends at Wyebfidge. A-Ivvu.1uu cu. gain I Frawley & Nloore LADIES` DEPT. FOR MEN, woM_:N AND TCHILDRIEN UPBIKDIITSB. A8h-ML-99rs- for selected stock, warranted all solid` leather soles, insoles, made with heavv and medium sole extension, V very dressy style, strictly up-to-date, sizes 6 to 11 - " `Men's Strong Lace Boots, bellows tongue; No. #1 cow hide, stock warranted, solid and waterproof extra. wide soles. sizes I 6 to 11, special value.`.. . . Men's Strong Lace Boot, bellows tongue: ` solid so1es;'go0d plow boot, sizes` 6 to ll-,s cial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 :Men s ong Boots, sqnareto , warranted. solid counters and sales. 0; 1 zra(_l_le: of stock, sizes (Ho 11, special price. .7 . . `We are showing a complete variety of _ `Boys, and Gi1jls,."s'nited for every day - wear that discounts` any vslueyon have I ever seen`even hore:_. " _com9 and for` yourself--you'lLbe ji1t"l weleorne-as; thnliall van nl-n_"n1vii\n~ , Mrs. H. Shaw, of Tdf1'~);1"t:),'wi"eI `be- guest of her mother, Mrs. A.'T_raoey. Ladies Choice Dongola Kid 'Bu'tbon and Lace Boots. kid tip, heavy exten- I sion sole, natty shape, sizes 2} to 7, good value at $1.75, special . . . . . . . .. $1 35- Ladies Choice Box Calf `Balmoral toe _ cap. extra heavy sole, warranted solid, suitable walking style, serviceable, A _. very stylish, sizes 2; to 7. special value 1 65 Ladies ,Vici Kid Lace Boot. tde` cap, extra `heavy extension sole, with all `i ' the style or a $4 shoe, dressy. street- walking boot, special . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 50 `Ladies Kid Slip " rs, hand turned , sole, very eomtortab e dressy istyle, sizes 2} L 7,,:wo:~;;_:Ah $1.25, speci . . . . . ,. V.` Al` 09 ' 'V_MaEVN_`S-'DEPT.> A 1. i` `r, it: worth $2. 75-'4-Men's` V L `,..`/ ivr raiser 9 `nu vnnavqn Advance Correspondence. Herb Juhnson spent Sunday in T01- lends]. Miss Minnie Holniea has gone to Muakoka. . D. Dongherty intends moving to] 1 Miqhigan shortly. A {umber tram here attended tlie Barrie Exhibition on Thursday last. . '|f___ T1` ('1! 45 Jun - . ~ Mrs. Viokers who had been lying seriously ill at, the residence` of -Mrs. Wm. Wilson, was well enough to be removed to her home lnsb`Fz-iday. Miss Amanda Ca(roon.,. of 'i`oronto, took advantage of the Old Boys Excur- sion last week to spend with ber_ parents here. ' Anton Mine. .' - S.Henry Lafrenie is home on a visit. Mr. Thomas Muir, of Batavia, N. Y_., visited his home here last week. Miss. Lottie Wood`, of Elmvale, is visiting with her cousin, Miss Violet Gardiner. ' ' ' A Miss P-srlrfew of Toronto, and Miss M. LeLung, of Waverley, culled % on friends bore last week. - T Mr. J. H. Mcmuuen and Mastr Roy Williamsnre visiting relatives in Lindsay. . - V ' The reputation our shoe stock has establisliedfor selling only the better.gra'3e of shoes, with better variety of up-to-date styles to choose` from, is well known to every store purchaser. Our long experience, our thorough knowledge of the; shoe business gives to us every advantage pas-, sible. We know who are the shoddy boot makers, which is equally as important as the reliable makers, and for this reason you find, and have always found, a big scarcity of the shoddy low priced boots and shoes here Only the better qualities are here for youand" no e prevails in our prices. That is why we can can solicit buy your footwear "here. Here are a. few examples of -values. . . V xtravajzance your patronage and you can afford to__ I Rev. W.- R. and Mrs. Johnsion, of Penetanguishene, called on friends in the village last week, _ ' Miss. Jessie Kenn'ed y s;pfe`t;;'last week in Midland with her sister, Mrs. A. I Moses. Mrs. John and Mr. Fred Richardson spent a few days with Mrs. John Camp- bell, Guthrie, last week. Miss, Mi::'a Richardson, Miss Edith and Mr. J as. Horse, ofAWyevale, call ed on friends here cbe other day. Wyebrldge. Advance Correspondence. _ Mrs. V A. McRae has returned from her trip to the` Pan-American. ` Mrs. J. P. McBride, 5: Chicago, is spending a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. T. Brazziel. Ferqusonvale. A _ Advance correspondence. * ` Miss `Cassie Cumming V is visiting friends in Buffalo. e Mrgarry O'Neil has returnedefter spending a. short time in Winnipeg, MIIUI Mr. Fred and the Misses Agnes and Jennie Richardson attended Midland fair last week. . V , L vuu:cu'-'_yUu IL UV JIIHUV holugh you are buying; ht`. M. "Woods, iof Hillagie, spent Sunday with Mr. Will Thurlow. Mr..Jas. Sinchir, of Osprey, is visit- ing his sister, Mrs. Geo. Smith, left leg and broke several of thelemali bones. He is doing` nicely, and we hope soon to see Bert around again.- 110 Mia; Louise Dejardino, of Toronto, 'is spending 9. week at her home. rs. Oinsrles Warnerj is spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Towers, Ssrnis. ` Bur Bay Point. Advance Correspondence." Mr. `George Reid received `second prize at the Barrie Fair for ex team of three your old -horses in tvhe..dI-ought elesa. ~Mr. John Fennel! received a {or -e eerie: 0010- V e second prize for ..e'_mere .-end a second I Mrs, Jbe 4Soott,"who has been visit I in; her sister, Mrs. Corbett, Graven- burst, has returned home.- . A - k_i;I.,I._` "` I: Mr. Frank Tran had a narrow escape from being seriously hurt last Thurs- day. ._He was driving thrqugh 'Ban.-ie `when . his `horse became frightened at _some".oattle, f. .'.l_`h. horse ran ,a`yay`,` breaking t.he.b9ggh -bus F_n_\`nk- fortn- ` ' "*b We are sorryhto hear of the accident that occurrred at Mr. W. H. Psrtridge's last week. His son Bert was driving the horses and threshing machine out of the barn, when they became fright ened ; one of the 111168 broke, and he jumped from the machine and the `re- sult was that one wheel passed over his - an v-vw- -. Miss K_;hleeh Skelly has returned o her h3_me_ in Oftalva. - Mr.` CV!-'ii']3`t;;ti;;:'e-ri's-;;;;iug friends in Penetsnz. - (`II II I There is a report current that General Superintendent_McGuigan will join an- other company in a prominent capacity. This is strengthened by the fact that Third Vice-President Morse, as acting general manager, hasgone on an inspec- tion trip,` unaccompanied by any of the oicials as is usually the rule. ` if -61:l:k"-8`l;&"a';)l`g6 Turloy nreT visiting `friends in Berkley. The sympathy of the community is with Mr. Oliver Walton in. the death of his wife on Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Walton had lived in Al laudale for ten years, having come from Port Hope. She was "born in Cobourg 40 years ago. She had been recovering _ from typhoid fever when - shewas sud denly taken away. She was a member of the English Church, and the funeral service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Westney on Thursday. The pal!- bearers were Messrs. M. Brown." Chas. Tickell, T.. Bradford, W. Looker, Ed. Shear and W. B. Webb. Mr. T. Wal- ton came from Lindsay on Tuesday. The remains of the deceased were met at Toronto by`M r. and Mrs. -_ A. Scott and at Port Hope by various friends, where the interment took -place. A memorial service was held in St. George's Church on Sunday evening, conducted by Rev. Mr. Westney. McGUIGAN TO LEAVE GRAND TRUNK. " The `Duke of `York and Guy Bros. will both be in Allandale nexc_Thura- `day. The former goes on to Toronto ; nhe'lat.ter sing new songs and smug Anewejokea at the Barrie Opera House `that night. A son of Mr._ T. Donn `had his left arm broken on Monday by falling OH a cancer. The fractured limb was set by Dr. Arnall, and the little "fellow is pre- gtessing favorably. ' V Laet .,Sunda.y was `to have been Children's Day in the Presbyterian Church, but owing` to the inclement weather it was postponed until next Sunday. - ' Mr. Alex. Clark has purchased the Sohrieber homestead and moved thereto on Monday. Welcome to the sixth ward, Mr. Clark. - ' FALL. @0973 & SHOES. vjvv vn nvavprnnv Mrs. L. Webb and son, Louis. have gone to Bay City to visit Mrs. Webb's daughter-in-law, Mrs. Edgar Webb, for a few weeks. T Subscribe for THE" ADVANCE, the beat weekly paper in the County of` S1mcoe.*and receive 3 copy each month of its excellent sheet music. V ieasia. Leslie and 0ochren.e ahi;-Jped two oerloads of ne young cattle to Lundon on Wednesday of loan week. Mrs. A. MoNabb has gone to King and Toronto on her way home to Seer!- ing, spending a few days in each place. ` For Choice Family Flour and all kind: of Feed 30 to Wulnnlonh. All orders delivered promptly In any IIIIIIIIIIY. Please learn vnnr nrdnrn :1 vnusvnuu ugvnnvvtuil. yruunpuy III II uunll . Please leave your oxdero I e M olco or Telephone No. 23. Mr. Joseph Yo:ng_,. jun,` of Bradford, was renewing old acquaintances in the sixth ward this week. ' ` Mrs. Joseph Bebbiand Mrs. Henry Robinson have the thanks of your car- respondent for handsome bonqnets._ o ALLINIMLE Wm @nmsKxi | Mr. Fred. Hamlin loft 1536 week for Varaiov. T . H T Mr. . Dunn has uioved to Camber-I land street. ' I J ` Anniversary services will be held in I the Methodist church next Sunday. Rev. Mr. Churchill, of Allandale, will preach in the morning and" evening. The Sunday school will be withdrawn. l I Mr. add Mrs . G. Ltiwrenoe were Vient- Iing triends in Bradford last week. Muss Pnuline 0nmm'in:; e!' ed from an extended visit with friends in Toronto. ` ` ` V T - Q ' T ` L - W." "T" , i:fev3:::8- Gfreepeld 1a.a1k vmh` typhon`dV Mr. J ams Pirie, sr., will move to Toronto` shortly.A ` ` n1isa"J:. Heelet haegone to Toronto General Hospital, where she willtake .3 ooureein nursing. _ ` It -1- u go - - -- -- Mr. Overs many frihhda are glad to see that he has returned home from the hqapitsl. , ` `M1-.8. P1.-eat has 1(1:c;v;i`t':o'-t;:`e_-l'1onae yaoated by Mr. Josh Terry, Essa Road. ...nA'1Lw4Y_`cngN'1:3r_; or mrmam crrr. uruvxu Iuulvvrull. promptly III III] . at I olce or Ialenhona No. 23. ._ --cu cuvvuv-' VBIIIIGEI IJIVIBIUIM .VVAlJ 1te Pleeeent Streets. its Taetv Dwell- ings. its Pretty-Churches, and its Go` ahead People wall Entioe settlement -3. Weeklv Record of its Doings. Several of the Crown Hill people took in the Oro Fair. The weather being all that could be deeired, wane large crowd there. Advance Correspondence. ..I1\ .I .. 0 0 0.- Brentwood. Mr. and, Mrs. Wray MoKinley, of Toronto, were the guests of vMr.e D. Ferguson 011. Friday. ' - On Monday evening, Sept. 30, the Oro Station Methodist congregation held their harvest "home festival. The- chnrch _ was Vprettily decorated, and much credit is due` the committee hav- ing charge ofit. on Sunday afternoon 1R..'-T !'__ i1t '!?rP!9??ref. the rvhnmlh Messrs. J. Fellows and TW. Tiin took a wheel trip to Elmvale last Sun- day week. - V I `H. ' am} Miss Bertha Marsha}! and Miss Elsie Cook spent Sunday in Cookatown. ' I wMiss nZf'g};T1%1i,"`6E"1}}ie, visited other home on Sunday. ` - rs. Geo. Richsrdson and Mrs; J os. Richsrdson have returned from Calling- Hwood, where, they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J as. Harrison. Mr. Garnet. Ferguson, of _Feeserton+ spent a few days at his home here lash week. - A petty was held at Mr. Wm. An.-f derson s last week. before leaving for his new home in.-Midhu rst-.