- v- cw --.'- Buddha on one occasion- . while preaching to his disciples happened to sneeze. The priests gave vent to the excla mation. and_'Buddha lectured them .for interrupting his discourse. It?` A - __....-_ .._-__-... I) L. _-1_...I ._ It Men Only Would. I A sf the young men who are measuring tape and laces would surrender their i work to the young girls who are seek- _ ing employment and turn their atten- tlon to the pursuits of agriculture. there .would be less misery and more con- tentment in the land; there would be \ more independence and l`e s9 servility; more men" and ' fewer" creatures; more . happy wives-l with comfortable `homes. ` healthful children: and cheerful r tema r -v. .--.`...u.`.._-..-. an... Vnnlurvpwrionlvvvu -It when-a" person sneezes, he asked. -and you say, `May he live! will he live the longer? _ Certainly not! cried the priests. And if you do not say it "will he die any the sooner?". ` V ' Certainly not!" was the reply. '1`hen} _ said Buddha, from thls time , forth if any one `sneeze and a priest says. `May you live! he-`shall be guilty of a transgression._ ' BARRIE W STEAM LAUNDRY. cement, culvert Pipe, Field Tile, Make no mistake! (mm isthe GREAT Scott in theabove lines. Office--91|Jun|op Street, Barrie |A%i|venise% in " THE ABVANcE." I mew TELEPHONE } mnc1onv.. W`.St<>;;.A' Bz;1;pl.. We must look fo this. -I ,,*I urn , w Hughes Bros. ctfr FLOWERS-Roses, Carnations, Violets, etc, fresh every day, Bouquets-Buttom hole, Hand or Corsage. Funeral Tokens in gnu (Inching. an"'d2T's." "'""" ' '"" """"' VEG TABEIE , Crisp and Tender: Lettuce. Cabbage. annipe, Beets. Carrots. - tc. SEEeDS--Flower Seeds,.Vegetable seeds, Plants and Bulbs. WM. TAYLOR I` LUIS] Telephone :5. SEED STORE cause we give our wdrkiextra care, it lasts twice as long before need- ing to be lgunfired again. The Bell Telephone company ' nu! I1Ax1'A1\A In the domestic art of Laurdering, ` once well done is twice done. Be- - was :1 tall, soldierly gure, clad in army blue, with a pale. Worn faceand an abundance of curling chestnut hair. Colonel Moreton s daughter looked down upon the senseless soldier with all her woman's . divine compassion stirring Within herbosom. A\,II, III ..I_ _ __ __..__A___.-'.'I I__n_ .. or OLNADA. will issue is new subscribers directory tor the District of Eastern Ontario, in- cluding the Town of BARBIE within 3 fewdeys. - - nnnnnn `An uuAI- ....n..-..L8....- AL. .....-.. I " QITFO Onnnns for new connections, changes of rm names, &c., should be placed at , nnee to insure appenrnnoe in _this book. "II A 'f\--,.___._ 1` III . `ii XI I333{ii.X;. `1\.oVc:.ai "B J`unIa:r. SQpt-9 ' l"%iifct%ious Diseases DEOLARED BY `THE `MOST. EMINENT sIEN'rIs1's or THE DAY TO BE A_POWERFUL DISINFECTANT AND EXTER- MINATOR or THE VARIOUS MIGROBES or-`_ DISEASE. FLORIST AND SEEDSMAN, mung u - u up nuun`nn.Q6 All the best qua.lityAa.nd guaranteed. nui<."" ' and Repairs, go to Dapple stopped. and Miss Irene leaped lightly from her saddle, and, throwing the. silken reins over the ponyjs neck. `she went tripping across the grounds to the spot where the gurelay. T A` _,_Ijl___I_ ..-___ JJ 1.. asnspames. ; mnnassss, J pumps, ! Q-Anni; I W. H._Bjl_NKER, . acp. Wholepale and Retail Manufacturers. BRADFORD STREET. 08-1)! -BARRIE. GO TO THE NEW Pnornmrons. ARE WARDED FROM THE HOME BY `USVIIHIG, I annuoxunn , :55 Dunlop~St.. Barrie :Ott1 '"??13}Ior :ii5{:7;'mE&Fhurea, laying her soft hand upon his brow. I wish Ivcould help him. ,.1u A-.. , _.._-| L`_- '_-A;.-_ .|_-_--I_ The Ontario Permanem Building and Loan Association ;91(:ial Facilities 0'e red to Investors and B01-rqwers. T NANT-Why pay rent. when, on such can man I payments. you can become your own lotd ? '01: have the cheice of repayin at a monthly rateegf $1.20, $1.50, or $1.90 for cac $xoo.oo bot- row . \ THE PUBLlC-Why spend augogr gecko! 1 monev? nc. :1 mnnth alarm! with tho --1 ; HE PUBLIC-Why all our ockct i money? 6oc. a month placed with the . P. . and Loan Association will vinld vnn in glvmuo R u.... A money r ooc. a montn placed mm the U. P. B. and } Loan Association will yield you in about 8 yearIA PRESENT of $100.00, or a prot of $41.40 over [ your monthlv oavments. -_. ...'..-.--v vu-suave THE _INVESTOR-Why not place your $100.00 with the 0. P. B. & L. Ass n, and have it doubled in :2 years, beside receiving during the in- terval 6 2 per annum paid to you every six monthl 7 In other words, for your $xoo.oo you will receive an interest $66 and a lump sum of $2oo, making a. grand total of $266. .- -- ._. -_ Y_'-. An investment safe as _govcrnrqent securities and much more protable, realizing the mvegtor an equiva- lent to 15 per cent. per annum. snmple Interest. For printed matter and further information call on $1 --\4\-__.i __ xnuonxw J. 0! $100.00, ` your pavments. -I-IA: |nIll1an2:` o uvuuu aunt: .......- The soft voice and the softer touch called back the veteran s wandering senses. He opened his eyes and looked up in the young lady's face. Great, luminous, handsome eyes they were, that somehow reminded Ireneof her .brother Tom s- eyes, and (Tom was down. in the trenches in front of Rich- mond. The compassion in her heart stii-red afresh. She smoothed back the tangled curls from the soldier s brow. 1411,, `95 Dunlop-St., Ross Block, Bdrrie. Blank `Will Forms can be [bad at Make Your Will. lrnendvance Office O.H.LYON, Will pay for Will Form and postage to any part of Canada. Has purchased the premxses occupied bv Chan. Mc- Guire, just can of 3130 Victoria Ho); and has -1119 `business in all kindlof Black- mithing. orsuboem . etc. All work will be clean ptomptlv at the lowest ure. Remembe; NEWBUWKSMI Near Market Square. *Wrn. Mc:Lar-ty, wooosrocx, ormmso, _ __r,._.... .......a .v..-.- u... ouoovo no -u-vv My poor fellowl, she said. Can I do anything for you? ' He struggled up to his elbow, with a stied groan. u\r, I .. .. . u u .u ' SECTREAS. BARRIE LOCAL BOARD. we Evenings at residence, 67 Owen-St. Tana: Mums DESIGNS copvmours &c. Anyone sending a. sketch and degcri tion may or uncertain our opinion free wether an vent is probo.b1y`patentabie. communica- tions strl condent 31. Handbook on Patents lent free. ldost may for securing enta. Patents taken t ran 11 Mann & receive rpoeialuottco. without 0 at-go, in the Q A! A LAM! A AAA AAA: AAA; 7TC7-VV--CV 3 -'--v--vvv-v *..'*-"...;....:.:'.=" '5' , an ourn . , hear: our mogths. 31. 80 d byall newunggalera. "'5" ..a:;::*::-.2; New 12" Branch lnlton. uuurgu. in nu Htiggrican. |.-_.I...- 1.. nI...a..a...-I --.. .n|InnnQ- ah E. DONNELL, l\II'I'III|t\ 1` w.-. -u __ _. ___ 6 C128. Calls attention to the LATE or onto, 7`.\Iy threw me," he explained, and they left me behind. I think I` must have fainted from the pain. I thank you very much, but -I can't `see how you can help me. I suppose I must lie here till -they take me prisoner. and. I'd almostas. soon be shot. L -0F--- w. 1!lo'l.AlI'l'!.' -4:vg.JIp ILL). QIJIIIJ LI`: LJ\JIvO _ irglle smiled-a smile that lighted her dark. bright face into positive beauty. I am in the enemy's country, she said. but if you will trust me I think I- can help you. at least I will, see that you are refreshed and made comfort- able. She put hex-` hand to her bosom,sand' drawing forth a tiny `whistle she put it to her lips and blew a sharp little blast. Dapple pricked up his gray ears and came cantering to her side, followed instantly by a colored manservant. VA- -._-n _ 1 up. _ a-..|. ""J UJ (Ia UUIUICU Illallcl Will-`In- You see," "smiled Miss Irene. ash-. {:8 a beaming glance on the soldier. |~.nl}1 .___ ,,, , , , vn-,,_-_ _.L - -. -~ ..... uub_ gauupc vu van; uvauayag `'1 hold my reserve `forces at a_ moment's warning. Here, James. help W8 gentleman to the `horse and then rule for Dr. W erter _to dress his limb. Viv.` S.t_0I.)' D3~DDle. We In ` Ni look Irene : cum ':".p, treion. mndovuwuc. _ % iautic wins`. 808813! "193; V . V .11.. gliding d_'wn;toj.mIIvvuItg ` V 1,' , laughtet. Ind desires. su:[s'y":]eay, June day. lucid sides, `,1 ,-eckless things that love inspires. The gladdest bird that sings and all. ueadowg, orchards, bending spliyn, Rushes. lilies, billowy wheat, gong and frolic ll his duyg, A feathered rondeau allcomplete. ., Pink bloom, `gold bloom. neabuneo whitg. Dewdrop, raindrop, cooling shade, Bubbng throat and hoveringjiight ma iubilant heart as e er was made.~ FQPOIL uuu uuvcnnug .|l{.|5 , And jubxlant -John Burroughs in McClure : lhguing, {--:--:----------- aoaptiii` ac, to '_~;-.3-. 2 `- _--~~-':. . r531; m`k:srsaw.xair-hiiaxp) -c_A"x~w-"Av . . *coI:nrudeue*`tof"diIi?nsr`~E_Ii`ri' V!I_:,1)9.tlmetoloie!?? V L ,. ' The"-soldier `leaned qpqn "the, brave. helpful "young," arm and `succeeded In reachlngthe lawn below.,_` uf\-.._I- 9: 4|. - nuoiiurg 555171 . `HULU3, 7`L'0lIl8 uerel" I l In ahreath Dapple was at her side. % The girl stood and looked at the gen- tle creature end then threw `her arms around his neck. , e ' V Oh,.Dapple, pretty Dapple. she sob- bed, .It bregks my heart to part from you! G9odby;*=DappleV!" Tn Glyn; -...-A.-'I...--A`L ~'-- A` ` _.-vv---5 vuv suvgur IJlV.VYo_. _ _ "`Dapple."L the young `girl called In her clear.` silver notes. come `hex-_e!_ In-.' .. I.....;`..;.I. vs .... I- --..- .. 1 Come. 311-," she said, Va1low me to } help you to mount. Dapple; take this 3 gentleman` downthe river road and at ; your utmost speed." . 1 " ` 4 Th.-...1.. --A.J.-.._.1 A ` ` ` ., `V.-.- uuauvwu uyccuo Dapple uttered a sagacious whlnny. but the soldier hesitated. NTI7L._ S--I1 ` ` ' w- -r The war was over, and once more over the blasted and desolate homes of Virginia peace and freedom reigned. nnnfnln Duuhnnfnna ......a- u. 1.1- L--~l ' they "I;;ela'1`3:'she- stood erect, " her eyes ushing through 9.. mat of tears. - ` ~ ` - .... ac.-v wvaulvl. ucauuncu. 'Why don't you mount. sir? (fried the girl impatiently. Will you remain here and ruin both yourself and me? f ` an vvn-n'lJ-kn! I..4._ LL- , , -V-w as-Iu I-Mill UULIJ J'Uul'Uel[ I" He vaulted into the saddle without a word. ' . . vv urn`.- Away, Dabple, Hk the wind! cried Irene, and the little mountain pony shot on? like an arrow. w tlpl-IVI V1.5 VCIJUI-II Lvclsueuu -__,-_-.. ,,-..._ Captain Rutherford made it his busi- ness to go back to the Potomac hills and to Colonel Moreton s farmhouse thesmomenthe was discharged from service. But where the stately old homestead stood he found nothing but a mass of ruins, and of Dapp1e s mis- tress not the slightest tidings could he obtain. . ` _ - T Three years went by , and the ex-cap-9 tain found himself the wealthy heir of an old uncle and took himself 01! on a tour amid the Swiss mountains. _Dap- - ple went with him; as he always did since that eventful night when the brave little pony bore him safely be- yond reach of, the enemy. He had been the captain's inseparable companion in" all his wanderings. He was with him now, ambling over the green Tyrol val- leys and climbing the Switzer steeps. n..- c4.;..4.-_.I.-_ -m.-..----- ---- H-- --`~ ..--- w--.....-u--.5 yo.-up -vvv nvuavs uuuvtrvu One September afternoon, when the captain's tour was drawing` toa close, somewhere in the vicinity of Mont Blanc he fell in with a traveling party from ` New Orleans. It consisted of Madam Lenoir, her son and two.daugh- ters and 8 young American lady who was her companion and interpreter. - r1-_;_1_ 7-n-_4_1._._n__..1 A-__...1 ._.-.1'__.. - v- u... --v- wv-.-tpu----v- `nun... --yv-`a-wvvo-. Captain Rutherford found madam charming woman. and while theyoung persons of the party busied themselves in spreading out a collation under the trees he lay amid the long, rustling grasses listening- to" madam s pretty feminine chatter and in his turn relat- ing incidents and reminiscences of his` own war experience for her edica- tion. A: can u A I,` 1 _-, ,3 lvlvlno Among other things he told her of Dapple and of his midnight ride among the blue hills of old Vizjginia. V ;' A Madam was intensely interested. . . And the gallant little pony carried you safely through?" she cried, with beaming eyes. ll(V--1- .LI..._.-.uIa >1-v.`-'1 Ali II\rlAA-Inlllula It Safely Eaaugh, madamgwith the enemy at my very heels.~replid_ the captain. us:-1..-. |t-..-1.-.. I! 4-3-3 unnanmn 4411111` luilylllo M1ss*Moreton, cried madam, will you have the kindness. to pass the _claret cup? And, pray, Captain Ruther- ford, whatever became of Dapple? ~ _ --_.;-1_ _-n._-.: I..:.......Ia 1.4 .. ..iL I-III-VI, VV I-Jsavvvwg new -any _t- --w-`-`.-. - The captain raised himself to a sit- : ting posture. Dapple, Dapp_le', he called. Come , here! .. _ . ' ; From the forest hadowsi near at ; hand a small gray mountain pony , came amhling forth. Madam Lenoir s companion, advancing; with the claret.-_ lg cup_ in her slim white hand. uttered a sharp little cry and wasted. all the luscious liquor on the rustling leaves at her feet. a _ -Oh, Dapple, Dapplei she cried. Dapple heard the sweet voice and knew it in an instant. He broke into a joyous neigh and shot like an arrow for the young lady's side. She "caught his shaggy head and held it close to 1 her bosom, sobbing like the silly child 1 she was. a Who. _-_. __..-u._ -n.......1.. L--- g Elm Lesved Goldenrod. 7 It is well known that when a plant grows in shady places it is likely to have a greater leaf area than when it grows in the open sunshine. It must. have a larger surface to collect the light when the latter is comparatively dim. Now. most of the goidenrods live in the open elds. having rather nar- row leaves. but the exquisite elm ieaved goidenrod lives in woods and copses. where the shadows are thick and di- rect sunshine is a eeting thing; And so we find that this species has the broad, thin leaves of a shade pi_ant- ` leaves with well developed stems, but otherwise similargto those of the eim tree as to. -give this, gol_`d_enrod.i1_:s ` distinctive n`a1ne._ . Buti itgivs V a `touch , tivot-.,celor:wp.to`p.--Ethe somber-`.vv;she4;les ~zo9s1vvvt,evt:sv-_=1!91 ILIU W CID- Oh, Dapple, my pretty Dapple, have I found you at last? ` up- .1__.. 1' -...-l.. ;\4\uv|v\I|o\`\`tIIIl"I`Il'I flan In KULU-I\L JUL] III! nu-any Madam, -Lenoir, compreliendlxig the denouement, looked on with glistening eyes. . M 21.41:": `nlvnn `HA l'\`AIII`II`.' I\I`+`f CB0 Two weeks later theipleasant party was breaking up. Madam and her party.were going back to France. ' uA....1 ..-.... Tntinn n ..,g,q 4.1,, ,.,n1.,'gn__ HID - VVUIC EUIH5 uuyn uv o~ 55-aavwu _ And now, Irene. said the captain.- how is it to be? You will not listen to my suit or accept my love? Then you will be torcedto part from Dapple t again. She is mine by the right of poo- session. I cannot give her up. Come. now, give you nal decision-are you willing to part from me _and Dapple forever? o A 1- -1__-J --_. __lJ.L Inna 1\`:1 mg smue. I could bear to part from` you," she said wickedly. -"but never again from Dapple. If you take ` Dapple, you will have to [take her mistress, too,:Captaln Rutherford) . ' 5- T V And the captain made no objection. A month later saw papple s mistress his wife. _ - , Ting smile. ` IU1'b' V U1` I Irene looked up with her old. glorify`- ur --..I.l I-u-nun in nor! fnnm`vt'.|11A h I|\rL V93 1.] uuuuuu Ion. an-no --..u.--., u... Clementine was going home in the morning. and the had been trying in vain -for several days to get the feeble courage of his ardent convictions up to the declarative point._ She was such awlively, tun loving'girl,e and love, you know, is such intensely serious busi- ness. _Several times Randall fancied he had found her in a sober an_d prop- ; erly receptive frame of mind, when ' with a triing jest he would defeat _* ight. his intention and put the little god to \v-.__ I___-_-_ :1.-- LL- ...`l.._A. Auuul I That night, in his room under the eaves, he constructed an eloquent let- ! ter to Clementine and in the early morning sneaked into the parlor and ` deposited it in the robust bosom of the old blue mandarin. ' g int no one M Qgnb 1; AK. ._-_' 9 .WUIcu$U`T!lXIl 0lII -' ._ -. _` ' *_ Iv-av puns`: v-vu--..`__'- ;nL" "T I`-""-`-'1 can help v:6.%dWn Am V011 shall ride Dapple. Ho,kno;_, / Lrlver road. and`, 3911 .;_- , Xx . _* _ .v-_--._gu--gygno` {I ywI;UuI>lll U3 IICIIUI III . hitli m':1,~a'ni`a` {na'upen t, V` In pride of heart-end jubillnce of blood, Suchvncesgbcthcycsmnted bad orsood. Ai Time, the old teskmaster. was moved to pay. "And hevihg win-ed 'end'su1!ered and penned on Thou gift: the arbiter; preterred and (en. ` Al-`are, inteful `and content. Down the dim way, Whereby races innumerable have gone Into the Iilent uniyeue of the grave. Grateful for what hath been. For what my hand hath done. mine eyes have _ lly heart beef: privileged to know; `VH4: 4: van Hun {on `Aug `snug in-nun: uc-u. uccu puvucgeu I-0 Know; th all my lips in love have brought ~ To lips that yearned in love, to them and wrought In the" way "of wrath and pity and sport and song- Content, this miracle of being`-alive - Dwindling, that I, thrice weary at worst and boat, May shed my dude and go From right: and wrong And, ceasing to regret and long and strive, ` Accept the past and be forever at rest; _m In n....1.... a.. -n....u. n......:...... n-..1..... 3ooVooooo.'ooo ooo<.>ooooo0oooo8 OLD. 3 % BLUE JAR3 socoooooooo oooopooo oooooog Before Clementine went `down to Milltownfor the summer she made up her mind that she would bend all her. energies to wheedle Aunt -Phoebe out of the old blue ginger jar that Uncle Julius `had brought home from China, little thinking that the old slant eyed, `fat sided mandarin would take such a jocular interest in her joys and sor- rows. ` ' ` The old blue jar had perched for , 1 many years on the corner of the high mantelpleceln the old fashioned coun-e ; try parlor, and Aunt Phoebe knew that . ' if she gave It to Clementine she would i have a dreadfully lonesome feeling 1 every time she stood on a chair to dust ~ the old clock, the shells, the peddler. j vases, the leather tan and other com- . panions of its lofty abode. But Clem- ` entine was an accomplished wheedler, 4 and the fond old aunt nally said she might have her wish. `T91. __ A __..A_ '\L .4-_ ._..g L- When Aunt Phoebe gave over to Clementine her right and title to the old blue Jar, Randall was leaning in the window and idly sifting rose leaves from the old climbing vine through the meshes of his tennis racket, He sympa- thized with her lively admiration for the antique and `unique in china and was..glad that shehad attained her heart s desire. but a more absorbing in- terest possessed his manly breast. rq1-_._-_.1_2_.- ._..'_ .....I_.. 1.-...- In $1.4 Now. however, when the slant eyed mandarin one the blue jar winked at him through the vines. Randall said to - himself enthusiastically: 1.1 I___ A_l.-A!.. LL- ...._.._. J.L!.;_.I a, U1 um v- ---'- ' old Vi_rg1hia,-t11e queexvl mother 31. the { Sunny south, was overrun with soldiers. ; devastated by fire and sword, shaken f .._ A.\..n.1n4-{nun kw flan fl-nun- ` China? Lacaaawvon wnnuoc tn-Iwaviano. Wel1, old Ky, that s fthe very thing! Thankyou for the bright idea! Are they all as clever as you are over in vow we us It she.t.i'I.1..1;i.tt.>'c:t'ore she goes home. it is all right, said thetimorous. ador- ing fellow, .and if she doesn't find it ' until afterward it will be all right too. __A_ L`, . ______ J_...!_. 3.1; - I9LLI_ A_---__._. But the mandarin felt a little funny that day, so when Clementine packed her trunk he inspired her. to stulf the ginger jar full of her silken hose, that the precious article might take no risks of-breakage in .its voyage. So when Randall parted; from her at the station` she made no sign of `knowing anything in particular, and his hopeful heart de- cided that she would surely nd the letter when she reached home. and he would then hear from her. \LJIol\IlL \II- $95 I\I IL?`-`E3530 _ nd Clementine was hfeeling tbeVsitu- ation with all the sobriety that was de- sirable. She` had suspected all um- mer that Randall had a tender feeling for her which`he felt Qualied to re- ciprocate, but she was a proud girl and could not by a feathe'r's weight inu- ence the balance ot his attentions..- Therefore behind her smiles she had been not a little wounded that he had . allowed her to comehome without hav- i ing `given ek pression:to -his sentiments. CC. `-1-. LA- -and-0 `nk an n nnignn I-ll av` \rOI\-nncvv-nu-v v- M `juqt beroge chr?ntTziKs"i27z'aau one . day Experienced 1n,hls breast 3., sort at -vv---x. --...-. --vs-u- --v.-. ..--r-- Now, Clemintine was a girl who. al-- ways had a greatemany things on her mind. and when she had unpacked the treasured jar and placed it on a dainty table in.h'er pretty .parlor-with a self congratulatory thought that it was so respectable to have things that one s relative had brought from China-she wholly forgot the curious load that the mandarin hadon his breast. She missed her silken hose, of eourse._ and pestered Aunt Phoebe with messages about them. ` 0 5- v \u- --~~-v .80 she. :03. now; $801: on- a sober countenance and banished thought and regret by; joining several new clubs and faking membership in two _o_r three mo;-e.charitable organizations. , ' . I, -'AA;_m lII_..l._L;..__ 1'|.__3-II __.~`. But the "fun loving mandarin knew what he was about. He was not with- out experience `in these matters. and he. wanted to punish Clementine a trie and bring her to the proper con- dition of seriousness. ' - V - 4.. A in `o o. In Milltown, as you may imagine. Randall waited for the answerlto his letter. Awhile he waited patiently, then impatiently awhile. and then dived into his ' law books with that Vcomposu.re or settled disti-es's" which lovers have known in every age and clime. He did not dream that .the slant eyed. mardarin would be guilty of the ungentiemanly trick of intercepting a love letter., 15 vs tn-av v-.- Colonel Moreton was `far away from " his pleasant home in the front ranks of death and danger; but Irene, his only child, still braved the terrorsof invasion and remained at the farm. house with her invalid motherland a few faithful old servants. Cuntering across the grounds an hour after the retreat of the invading troops. something attracted the young lady s notice-a prostrate gure under the, shade of the great cottonwood tree. I"! ._---_,A, I__-|_ L- hwy! Iauli llulllv auu III: IUIUVCL ll: lclvf 7-W._ E. Henley in North American Review. v .1----- - unv -vvwv- ----.-w-- .--._v-- He was graciously received by Clem- ;"entlne-that ls, graciously enough for : young man who had played the trier_ with her" lnylslble at_tectlons-- and be seated himself in a cozy chair near the pretty table which held `his old frlend-the blue jar. A ._ I__ A__`I__ 3 _.!AI_ l`II-..--__l_.I_._ _ `IL f4l`\N_*` *-\Q`.'WosI.~:Q`7I-'511r( IH;:12`I`,3Y!a'.\-'u~?f 1'. X'd`4 r'W.3szIh !~I`~`I".'4F`1iv`='-'~'r47?*"&',"-'" tuiipxiittve-~;`*tx1umst16xi= -11erhsps' `7It.h~3`;iII* "l?}iirzaixds'il.n3 Who k"nesw31'-tat `he mxgnst near anoma- thing tohls advantage If he should go down to the city and call upon Clemen- tine; so after some futile resistance to the message he betook himself thither. 77- *__ ____ _l--__`__ _.--_l_._.I I__ l\I___ Under some occult but imperative pressure Randall removed the lid and` touched with his nger the silken tex- itnre of somenaysterious contents. rI--..z-_.u.._ n__._.;.I_-.. .._._g._... ;_..1 L3... ---.-_ --- u-vs:--V Turning to `Clementine tor explana- u 3 tion of: these unforeseen apparitions. he found her speechless with wild eyed as- ` tonishment, and without a word 'or 5 gesture she seized the old blue jar end ihurried from the room.- _As he Ialked "tn-s"itvh'P("3l'ementine. a lit- tle constraint being. apparent on both sides, he toyed with the lid :2: the jar, and the slant eyed. mandarin appeared wvanav nan`, uvwscvuu I.v_AA1.\.a-on-up uanriosity further constrained` `him, iand he pulled from the `bosom of the 3 now jubilant mandarin a pale blue ar- g ticleof singular description for a parlor E cated a palepink strip of similar shape 3 and structure. ' Eornament, and, following it, he extri-_ thge scene wasvalgreen stretch. of summer 1awn in front of a line old Virginia farmhouse: the speaker a slight, bright faced girl. gracefplly mounted on a small. Em) P0113 - The sun was dropping out of sight; behind the green hills. and far away 4 down the silver bend of the Accoceek I came the tramp or retrea_-tlng troops, with now and then the muted roll of . a drum or the shrill bray of a bugle. ._,._n.Lx.. 4.1. nI1nnn vnni-hon nf I'M; -'- ..- j ..--y - vv.... Randall smiled the rst real, soul felt, ,retreshing smile that he had indulged In for several months and vowed by ! the plgtail of the old slant eyed that he gwould stay rooted to the spot until i Clementine returned. } What she said tgthe genius of the jar as she ew up stairs with it only 3 the mandarin can reveal. . i As Randall paced the parlor, pulling his mustache and wondering if Clemen- tine s keen sense of humor would carry her safely through the trying hour, she _ came` shamefacedly into the room, bear- ing in one hand thevblinking old man- darin and in the other the pleading let- I ter he had borne so long hid in his clever old" bosom. v'n'e}i the;-iivere married, if you believe me, that ridiculous old ginger jar accompanied them on their wedding. trip, and Randall packed the bosom of thegrotesque mandarin full of Clemen- tine s bridal roses, there to fade and there forever to remain, v-vv v- V... -.v... Randall met the dear girl more than half way, and as she whimpered gently on his shoulder he promised never. never, never to tell. ` --....-v -v-v. V- ' --.:-.-- Now, as Randall never told and Clementine never told, the _ entire responsibility 6! this revelation lies be- tween you and me and the ginger jar. The Big Ship: of the Past. Gigantic as` arethe sea monsters de- wlsed by the modern shipwright, we have not reached the dlmensibns of the M/annigafual cot Frisian legend, whose masts were so high that-awboy sent aloft to bear a hand came down a gray headed man, whose deck was so spacious that the captain had to gallop about on horseback to give his orders and whose length waseo great that when swinging in the channel her stern scraped the cliffs of Albion white, while her bowsprit Vsxt;-z_)t the forts at Calais. T\_._4. _- I___ .__--j_,1 1-- _ --- -av u~r.-- .. . to v-gv -v--~ cw- wr---..~ But` we have exceeded in some re- spects `the diimnsions of Ptolemy s great ship, which was 420 feet long, 57 feet broad and 72 feet in depth or hold and which `carried 4,000 rowers and 3,000 mariners, besides unnumbered soldiers and passengers. Ofthe great ship of Hiero, king of Syracuse. the di? mensions have not been recorded, but she was at least as large as Ptolemy s, ` considering that -her freighatage -was 1 60.000 measures of corn, 10.000 jars of salt sh. 20,000 talents weight of wool ` andot other cargo 20,000 talents, in ad- dition to the provisions required by the crew, and that she was so large no harbor in Sicily could contain her. ll1I.2_ ....-I.I-... -A I_-__I._._ _____.-...-.`l_ ___._ ..v_ -- ---., - V - - w ` -- _ - - - V -. This broglem of harbor accommoda- ` tion is one that is already troubling the owners of modern `steam monsters and is placing a. limit on their growth. --Monthly Review. ~ About Sneeninz. ` ' We. frequently, hear the expression. ; God bless you! uttered after some` one has `sneezed. The expression, if we can believe Clodd in his Childhood of the World, dates back to the time of Jacob. We are told in Jewish llt-_ erature that previous to his time men sneezed but once in a lifetime and that wa the end of them, for the shock slew them. Jacob prevailed in prayer and had the fatality set aside on the condition that among all the nations :1 sneeze should be e hallowed by the words, God bless you!. In the Jata- ka," one ofthe books of the Buddhist Scriptures. we read that the expres- sion was, May the blessed Lord al- low you to llve! - __JJi._ - -_.- _---_.I-__ :_I_!I._ ucvagguuyu - to her very Eoundations by the thun- ders of the civil war. I ur_._._L.\-. cw-vnti `I!!! nvrvnco II:-gov`