Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 26 Sep 1901, p. 2

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$70,000 1':`.f`_-_ Nu" R S. BROAD, M. D. C. M., F. _T. M. C., L. C. . P. S., 0., late resident Physicnan and Surgeon of Toronto General Hospital. with special attention to Diseases of Women, and Nose and Throat. Work, also for some time sur eon in charge of Emergencv Hospital. Toronto. 0 ceand night rcsidence- upstairs in McCarthv Block. 21 Dunlop St., Barrie, second door east of Dougall Bros. furniture warerooms--near Five Points.- Phone 105.` 29-ly \ . g I-!ours-n to x. _L..O R. J. ARTHUR ROSS, L.R.C.P. 8; S., Edin- burgh; M.F.P. 8; 5., Glasgow, member of British Opthalmological Society. Specially.- Dlneaseu of Eye, Ear, Throat and N one. OFF1CE.--78 Dunlop Street, Sanders Block, Bar- rie. nnnnnihs, Pngt Ofce and Railwav Station. \_Jl.`l'lbl`4.--70 uumop oueet, Danucrf DIUUI, unn- ne. opposite Post Office and Railway Station. Phone 54. P. O. Box 96. My Ll Toronto, reuow or Lnnuy memcax uouege, Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Oice and Residence, 18 Owen street. RI JO 0 Harvi -corner of . SMITH, L.C.P.S., 0nt., (late of Drs. e & Smith Urillia.) Oice and residence Owen and Colher streets, Barrie. 23-ly R. w. A. ROSS, Physician, Surgeon, etc., L. I R.C.S. Edin,. L.R.C.P., London. Oices and night residence--Brown's Block, Dunlop _street, Barrie. Telephone 77. ' R. J. F. Palling, Graduate of Trinity Umversity Toronto, Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Nlnrnhnr nf the Callenre of Phvsicians Surzeons o""'"" " am.-.m., _ Solicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries Pnbhc, Convpyancers. Uioes over the Bank of Toronto, Barne. Money in sums of $2,000 and upwards. to loan at 5 per cent. I! I1 c_......nu- I! 1"`, G. H. ESTER. Urillia is now troubled with-a labor dispute at the carriage factory. It name that a United States labor agi- tator made himself` busy, with -the re- Iult that a union was -formed, and the nianutaoturera objected. It would be ' better for Canadian laboring men of all kinds if they would leave unions alone II long as American trouble-seekers are allowed to engineer the union maohin. ery. M.. M. CAMPBELL, Banister, Solicitor, vNotary, etc. Money toloan. Oices-Ba.rrie and Stayner. Barne 0fee-Bank of Toronto Building, Owen street, 5-ly II 3. convoyunccr, etc. apecuu IlIBlIIT'."II|_ Eavgnng nn_d plobatmg _willn,. obtaining lotto:-n at ndnunutnnon nnd gunrdnnn collecting accounts, etc. Oicen. Roan Block. B Monev to Loan. G I '.!;.;'..,....'*""`:.-.."f?.:.*:'+'.:"*"-;:*...."-'~'. ona-uc'cuu:y Block, south suit Dunlap Cbnnno `.9535 ' IT'S` meme. 1 HEWSON & CRESWICKE, barristers, Solici- tors of the Supreme Court of Judi_ca.ture of Ontario. Proctots, Notaries," Conveyanoers, etc. Money to loan. Oiees-Ross Block, Barrie. A in II ____ -_.. A R ", CRRSWICKE. E'?.'1iLi{sBI. OSS & BROKOVSKI, Barristers, Solicitor!-. "N ` iUonveyancers,eec. OicesBanko* Toronto Bu ' g. Barrie. Branch Oice, Cold` water. Money to Loan. - , Donny Ross. u..B. J ; C. Bxoxovsxr. F LENNOX, ARDAGH, COWAN 8:, BROWN. Barristers. Solicitors for obtaining probate of wills. guardianship and administration. and General Solicitors. Notaries. Conveyaneera, etc. I-IAUGH1-on `Lmmox, Aux. Cownz. B. Homoru) Axumeu, G. E. I. Bnowu, L.L.B _ Oioes: Hindu Block. No. 6, Dunlop street, Bar- J. A. McCARfrH, ` `I1 G A. TRADENI-lURS'1`,. Barrister, Attorney. .- Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyancer etc. 0teo-Eits door Owen street, over Bank of C`m- '1Q-$C QPXC . MUNIOIPA.|.a OWNERSHIP. Mount Forest is one of the `latest towns to purchase on electric light plea Itself. T ` rie. Branch Ooes-Leanox & Ardagh, Gravenhunt; Lennox, Ardagh, Cowan & Brown, Creemote and -1 3.!!! CCARTHY, BOYS & MURCHISON. ,Barris- ters. Solicitors, Conveyaucers, etc. Success- ors to McCarthy, Pepler & McCarthy. 0ice-McCa.rthy Block, Dunlap Street, Barrie. -- .-. [U A `Rave --uvju It 1l'II`I 5 and 55'per cent. on Mortgage. LOUNT 82 LOUNT Barristers, Barrie, . 32-tf. ' - Opposite R. R. Station` MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUEFI. Ivl tunic- H. `H. Snurnv, K.C. QTRATHY & ESTENFEA H. LYON, PRIVATE T0 LOIN on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers an `Win-nnnh:rI Cnllmwlnnn mad- 3.. A-.. _-..n. -1` __ , w. - rusxrou. Bnniutot, senator, 1o&:T f`;uuununnnao_ Q90. Mnnlv tn Lmn. II The Department of Pnhlio Works `promised Orillia that the N arrows would be dredged as soon as a dredge was. available. A new dredge has been launched at Beaverton, and is at liber- by to be hired by the `Government for the balance of the navigation season - this `year. The Orillia Council are now alter the Government to let them know about its ' , l 135 1`. ARNALi;, MDLc.M,, oice E; Botbwelfs Block, Allandale. 1011.. the premises at night. 43- Y DR; Fl. P. VIVIAN Homoeopathist. :56 Dunlop St. 3-11 1 Residence and Oice. 7 to 8 8-Iv mo AUEB GASUMP i % ronmrz noun. MONEY TO LOAN. / ___ _-_. -,_ \A-_-_, , Makes`Aa`tid burns its own gas, % --gives a soft white light equal to that of mo candles- :n ooaatfnl 1.. LL. - ` MONEY TO l;9A_N_: ADVERTISE IN lI[ANUFAO'l`UBE8o SPENDING MONEY. Mayor Radcnhurst, at the last meet- ing of the" 0ouncil,..re'proved members at the Council with spending money `Individually without the consent of the Council or even the Committees. 4We were pleased to hear him so outspoken in his words. The Mayor did his duty in calling attention to this habit, which, "II he pointed out, was growing consider- ebly. 1`he trouble is that the cost of nearly all works is under- estimated and when the work is about half completed L It is found the V money voted is inade- quote. msciinnannous. MONEY TO LOAN. FOR INVESTMENT on good framhnld nanuritu at Innnlaf rain nf .. nu. un nuu ua.uu1es-- is restful to the eyes and splendid for reading or sew- ing. Cheaper than oil and as easy to run. Your money returned if lamp does not come u? to your expect- ations. rite for free cata- logue to AU!!! Lion-rr 00.,-Morrrnut. I Ion Ilnun In cAuAoA-. D. C. Muncmsox. PHYSICIANS. `FINANCIAL. onrmcnn. DENTA Ia. IIGLL. _ . Canadian faunera; er.e to be oongretu-. V liked for theirlsucceaa at the Pan-Ameri-' Gen. - The bulk of the prizes for live ltoek, dairy produce and fruzt hav been carried away by Canadians. ' nuuvn, I 45-15 - V A. E. H. Cnnswncxn. I -u wv-, --- - -v. W. A. Bovs, 1-ly - For Broken-wounded Horses. The only medicine in the world that will stop Heaves in three days. But for a permanent cprc It requires from one half to one bottle used 3CCOt'dlng to directions. $r.oo. Kidney and Acute Cong?` "0Wd' er: 50c, Dr. MCGahey's Condition Powders destro," worn-.s,.puries the blood, putting horses. C3111? 3 calves in condition: 25c. Take no other. Sold by G- Mnnkman. rag...-:.. and amt. & Cn.. Orillia. My J. OUL VER WELEE Halrcutting and Shaving Parlor ; OPPOSITE BARBIE HOTEL. - BARBIE- Razors and Scissors ground and set on 81101" notice. {________ .-.-- MONEY TO LoAN- 1 9,, Private funds to loan at 5 per "`r': o::;nedW` pqrtv. _TetmI. to suit borrowers. With any loan company. Apply P- Jdtu-tn aura? `Agent Standard Life. London Gum u- too and Accident Co.. Provincial Building and Loan Association, etc. mnrrofti. :N0'1`ES. Newmurket entertained their Old` Boys as if they were 1500 Dukes of OFFICE.--'Next door to Bank of Toronto. 0" Street. Barrie. Ix-l\ ' \____________/ Farmers .AttentiO11- ircfm-'ThTE cunt Rxpansxmr THE Fouowmo Fuzz Ixsvruxcn COMPANIES: The Meroantile, now ailiated with The Lon- don & Lancashire of England. Secur- ity, $15,000,000. The Waterloo Mutual. of Waterloo. Ont. Tothl assets, $334,083. The Economical Mutual. of Bt:r..;.. unt. Total assets, $303,078. Also Llovd s Plate Glass Insurance Com- -pany, of New York. Cash Capital, 5250, And the Sun Loan and savings Company . of Ontario. I Private funds to loan on first mortgages. Ac counts collected. &c. _ (M32..- nun- `J-uuzlnnnnn 1- `J-an/Iurnnn Corn-a Ran`: \JI1'l Ont. PBDVINCIM BU|lD|NG AND ll]AN ASSOCIATION. Condensed advertisements on first page such as wants of all kinds, lost and found, property for sale or to rent, specic articles, etc.. etc,, must be accompanied with the cash, andww-i11 be inserted- hrst insertion 2 cents per word, each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (names, addresses and gures counted as words); but a reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the same matter exceed four. Cuts for advertisements must In every case be mounted on solid metal bases. in Tl; World Friday morning said that I prominent Liberal and `a greetfriend .0! Hon..G. W. Roea _ said that there would not be anotherveeeaion before the elections weie held. In the face of these Itatemente the Premier should give the people an idea as to when the elections are to be held, and if a session will precede them on not. SCROGGIE & SMITH, l V7511 II`) \.ILlQI5\4\-II Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advertismg anything outside their own regular business. Should they do so transient rates will be charged for such ad. vertisements. CONTRACT CHAN GE8. Advertisers will please bear in mind that notice of intention to change advertisement` must be handed into the office not later than Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy for such change must be in Tm`. ADVANCE office not later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday in my week, otherwise the ad_vertis9r s announcement; may not be made public until the week fol. lowing. I0 nhonnno nf Arlvorhnornaul-n .~.11.u......l , LUVVLIJ I 12 changes of Advertlaements allowed per year. "It more are required, composition rates will be charged. Atlwnnzanrn nnf 1.n o11n\-rnr} On .1... LL,- WT18ING.m UNI) . , ' Comsor `Rn Almoat, If not quite. double that of Paper published in Bum Y 0111.; 'u>vn1_msn3s snoum Non; T ' 13 lines solid agate make laitclh-`r.'UI TRANSIIENT ADVERT1sm,ENTa . First insertion 10 cents per line ' qnent i1_1sez-tiox} 4 cents per line, Y `h Bub, Readmg nonces, 10 cents per ne f insertion ; 5 cents per line for each 8 first :.......4-San .-.6` LI... .........- _, bnnh. `9"Pr:ferred positions for local advertise ments in the paper will be sold at an advanc; of, one~third on above rates, on no other ac count will snecial nositions he nium. rm,- UL VILUPULLIIIL VIA auvvw Ll[I.7, uu U ac- count w1l1 speclal posmons be given. This rule w11l be stnctly carried out. ._j_. ` xinch $ 2% inches...... ...... .. 22:: sinches, X column......v 3 oo no inches. M column..._ a no 5 u1_cnes, 23 cxnumu. . .. . . no `Inches, 34 column. . . . so mches, x column. . .. . . `For one month--the with 15 per cent. added. `For two months-the with 10 per cent. added. D -Mr. Thompson, was seen by Tm: Anvaxcs on Friday, and he was asked his -opinion. He said that Mr. Ross gave his word that there would be another session, but seeing. how the matter was being taken up, he thought a denite statement should .be given by the Premier so as to allay any doubts. It was not sight to keep peo-V ple in the dark about the matter_,and at present it seemed to be a `general suspicion that an election would be brought on in "a short time. gunu usual mun JV UULIBS qnent insertion li notices, per insertion of the same matter der 5 lines,` of this character, 1;v\nu per `me. each I18, V ,/ . ..--.;nuLV`U. .t 9,dvertisem_ents will be t C?:1`l::: ing rates, whlch are drgfted on cor. that commercial principles and W111 rec be strictly adhered to_ Therewill be only one price to; all. aken at ""EZ'ga1, Official and Governmen W U ment_s will be charged at above rat; admtise. l'II'\\`lII\II A l\rlI A vsu-__ :a.l.ves in condition: Take other. now or 3. Monkman, Barrie, and Cook & Co.. 0rii3- _j___j- John Rogerson, Fire and Life Assurance. IOUIIES COHCCICKL &C. `Oice over Henderson,s Hardware Store, Barn: in` Number of inches `-4. an AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $5.0oo,ooo. INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, &.C. CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. SCROGGIE 6: SMITH. - -u-I-LC CONTRA}; ADVERTISING. J___._A._'--*` .4. - u-I,`-.1 ' "|Annv M ARR -""` three monthly rate three monthly rate . .4 ` 4: : . `I ' 4 .- `_ . .1: 0 ~ .. , . .._ .. .. 1. or orpntheti few month" Vthe.eleotioni.wlll upon or. Doeethnt mean that enother of the Legislature will not be held" before the elections take place! Mr. Rose, as we ell know, etretohed e oohetitutionel point in arranging to prolong their power, and now there in I doubt whether he intends to porene that course or whether he has merely led it on e blul v" ~\: ., . TO BRIDGE mm smvmnrr. Simooe County and Mnekolre dietriot went the Ontario Government to assist them in erecting a. bridge over i the Severn River near Sparrow Lake. The depntetion, which was introduced by E. A. Little, M.VP.P., for'Cei-dwell, eon- eieted of Daniel Quinlan and H. Her- vey, of Simone County Council, and Reeve Young, of "Moon-rieon Townehip, Muukoko. "The bridge in q'neet_ion. would be 200-, feet long. non. R. elmhohford litteoed..to.t"'he a _p9tet_ion:giid "Considerable surprise was expressed around town when it was learned that somebody was trying to secure the services of the Barrie band for the fall fair days here. The Barrie band will just cos` them about three times as much as the Cookstown band and it is decidedly wrong to go past a home institution of the kind. This is therst time any- thing ot the sort has been attempted and the directors would do well to look lnto the matter. -` . Rev.. J .'H. Hector, the well-known Black Knight, was _a` visitor in Barrie on Thursday` last. He drove in from Hillsdele, where he lectured the night before onthe American Civil War. The-lecture was given at the Methodist church and was well n attended. Mr. Hector in onhia way to-the coast. A BUT BARRIBPS BAND Is GOOD! The Oookatqwn correspondent of the Beebon World says :7--A _` A resolution was adopted, ebhorring the dastardly crime in which President McKinley fell by the hand of an as-V sustain, and expressing svmpathy with Mrs. McKinley and the people of the United States. Copies of the resolu- tion 'will be forwarded to President Roosevelt and. Mrs. McKinley. . Mr. I:-Iarr; MoNabb wae bitten in `the hand by a vicious litte terrier one night last week. Unfortunately it came unexpectedly and in, the dark the dog got away ; otherwise it would have been ltilledor should have been. OLD BOYS LAST MEETING. The Simone Old Boys Association held 5 meeting lit the Temple Building last Thursday night. `Dr. Beettie Nea- bitt presided. The `plane were com- pleted foritheir visit to Barrie, Sept.` 26 27. ` One good .improvement to the front street, which is very timely on account of the Old Boy's excursion is that Mr. Charles` H. Ross is responsible for-.. He has had the steps and railings in front of the Ross block nicely` painted- Mr; F; MacKay; of Creemore, was charged with drinking liquor in an un- lioensedplaoe. He admicted doing so, but proved that it had not been pur- chased and paid for by anybody,~ao was" honorably acquitted._ The postroice lawn has been kept in a nice condition this summer and with the owers around it, the place is one of_ Barrie_'s beauty spots. The station grass plot also presents a creditable ap- pearance. ` ' in` 1': -I-v no In `C31-illia and Allistoh have their `turn next week. We- are indebted for tie- kets for both. . Orillia s fair starts Mon- day and closes Wednesday; ` Alliston s is Thursday aed Friday, Oct. 3rd and 4th. I -Last Thursday was observed as n dsy of mourning in Barrie as well no other places. The banks were closed most of the day and all public buildings ew sgsjat half-mast. T . The work on the Court House is progressing elowl ` The shingles are being laid` in mort 1- which is bhevreuon the work is not already nished. viduals who thrpw sppl_ea*.V A1; an E. Socials; (Phornton re- cently, the Ivy Orchestra refused to pla`.y,,on'acoount of some rowdy indi- The market at Barrie is taking ` on a most busy appearance. A busy mar- ket makes a busy Saturday for the store: keepers. " ' * T Independent candidate J ohneton is- in the eld fen . next Provincial -eleo- tiona, so he says. He seems condent, too, of beating Mr. Duff. 1 l Hay is worth 85.00 to 3 ton` near Alliaton _to hay-preuora. ' - V [11 n Arpnn1u"7s[:`p[r A wnm m ' Boston ; bx rgte in 21 Ibill. ` ' Ooohtown bu" non-oiy of good beef cattle. This is hit wreck in . Uollingwood" as well as Barrie.` Typhoicf` fever is prevalent around. Alliaton. L nauuun%xnm:. NEW.M.ARKEI."S RE-UNION. The third and nal day of the New- market Fall Fairopened Wednesday un- `iler most auspicious conditions. The day was an ideal one as far as weather was concerned, and the vast crowds that visited the town was strong evidence of the growing popularity of the `North York annual fair. The drawing card, however, was the first annual reunion of the North York Old Boys Assooiaw tion, which was wisely arranged for the closing and great day of the fair. The speoidl train which reached New- market. from` Toronto at 11.15 a.m.. took over 500 Old Boys to the town. They were accompanied by the Royal Grenajdiers Band,and were met at the station by an enthusiastic crowd of oi- tiaens. At the station atprooession was formed, headed by thebandof the 12th .York_'- Rangers and Companies. 2 and-` 4 `ofi;that:regirnent; The gmceaaion was the largest evjal?` in the town; and W9 `*e'i`m- s`?h59hv"'l"} 014%? 3?! 1'9- Vceived was inoat ordial` and .enthuaias. 1?! N tic; -sea. *`ltre0fi_Vere_.-;gaily-geogratedi end `."Mrs. Chas. zlsqfftsy, of Washington. D. 0., on a pleasure trip this way, registered at the Barrie House last week. The Orillis attendants at the Model School ~ here are `Misses Steele and Marion Strstton and Messrs. Alex. Pose and A. J. MoAnley.` ' ' ' Mrs. S. P. Lantz and Miss Florence -Luntz, of Lansing, Mioh., who have been aummering at Hillside left last Thursday for home. `Mr. Fred Williamson, formerly of. the Gazette sts; who went to his brother's place in Wisconsin some months ago, has returned to town and we are glad to say he looks very much improved in health. 1: 11:9 in the Ma;ke_t Square % am` {he uiout interesting tgatnre of the` 3:7 : - "Miss Bertha Cunninam who haul been visiting relatives here returned to her home in Qrillia leek week. U Mrs. J..K. Ross has rertrrned from Scranton, Pa., where she has been visit- ing her niece, Mrs. Dr. Baylor. Frank`S;nish lefe on Wednesday for ` a trip to the Pan-American and other points.-A-Goldwater Planet. ` TMiss Birdie Rhineheart, of .Ba_rrie,l is the quest` of Miss Murray.-N ew- market Express-Herald. V I Mia; Fannive Fieeli has 1-eturned from_a visit. in Toronto and Hamilton. T Mi-. E. P. omwiey, of 'Tro;:;,:;o:s` visiting his friends in town and vicinity last week." M ias EuV1ma.A Payne haabeen visiting in Oookstown. A T V Mrs,- Ross `and Mrs.` Perkins have been visiting in Beeton. _ _ Mr. Walt'er Wismer he been visiting] his parents in N ewmarket. ra. D. C. :Murchison,and children are vibiting in Woodstock. -l\ no-II an ---- Mrs. D.-'W. S'tedp8r,' 6EMinneapolia, has ben viaitingin town. ~ T Oz-illia s Mayor is awav in Halifax. `Miss Mary Willmol: visited in Shroud last week. A Miss Lsidlav: is home from Clifton Springs, N.Y., on aphort visit. SOC|Al AND PERSNAl. \ '1 v` .1. ~ . . > I. I ` _ , . . ~- ` ' Immortal Dead ! -Illoet,rioue deed `was thine; Thy large heart beat with sympathy divine; Thy` viiorda and wisdom e'er shall tly grace, In brain and page, the brotherhood of race. Peterborough. Ont. Sept.T:6. xon. Thy greet, strong, tender aonl has passed heyond.- To bind the nations hearts in rmer bond ; Humnnityis weeping by thy bier And feels no shame at tdnch of falling tear. T iwcKmLi:v h Imperiel Peident I" -Majestic Sm-I _ 4 Who ejnke `like Christ. when summoned to the `bar! By right divine of mind and motel worth, A King among the rulers of the earth ! While envious Death a J ndae gneeting gave `Andi emote with fatal aim ere friend could save, No thought of aelmy visage writ with care, Thy ioved wife and thy slayer weuldal: thou epare. A Prince of God, another Israel thou, With noblest diodem upon thy brow, , Who wrestled not inyain the crown to wing- Endnring. victory o or self and sin. --JoHN WILLIAM GARVIN. The fair this year has proved an un- qualied suocess. The attendance in the groundsyesterday. was unusually large and the receipts will enable the direc- tors to make a great number of `im- provements for next year. WEDDING AT Tmcunsmra. At the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Agnew, Tecumseth, on Wednesday morning, Mr. R. H. Cristie, of Psrkdsle, was married to Miss Jen-V nie Agnew,` daughter of the late John Agnew, Rev. Mr. Nicol, pastor of the Tottenham Presbyterian church oci ting. The bride, was supported by Miss Dixon, of Toronto, while Mr, J. A; Agnew was best =man., h After _ 3 short `honeymoon the happy couple will_ The visitors took in the fair in the afternoon, and in the evening a grand banquet was held in the skating rink; Flags and hunting were to be seen everywhere, and the long rows of tables with a profusion ' of electric lights pre- ` sented a beautiful scene. Rev. Mr. McGillivray offered prayer, after which the monument of Pte. Haines ' was unveiled by Corp. Mills, Pte. Brunton, and Bugler Williams. The monument in an excellent piece of workmanship, and the bust gives a very accurate outline of the hero. The `inscription reads, In memory of Pte. W. Haines, member of the` 2nd Bat- tallion of R.C.R.e, who died for his Queen and Country, 6th June 1900, South Africa." A ' I - `T Municipal ownership is to be seen, n Indy respects, at its best in Brook- f'ilVlo. -A Vyery general `interest .. in by rm Wren! inf smnnioip-1 train at 11.20 p.m.T The Toronto crowd lefo by special h ' A number of Barr-ietee joined `in the re-union, among whom were :-Meeers.' George Monkmen,McL Stevenson, Geo. Tegert, Dr. Patterson, B. W. Rhine- hurt, W. Barrie, J. Bailey, 8. Dymenc, W., 0. Hunter, R. Moore, '1`. Morton, W. A. Boys, D. Leoy, M. ' Cronen, D. Wood and J an. Barrie. '~ - An address was read by Mayor Cane, and was replied to by Aemilius Irving. The latterspoke at some length. After thanking the authorities and citizens for their hearty welcome, he gave voice to the pleasure which it gave the Old Boys to visit the place where they had received their early. instruction. -He `also referred to the noble part North York boys had taken in Canadian life. N ot only were they among the fore. most in valor on the battleeld, but in the higher and quieter walks of life they had been equally successful. Mr. Irving incidentally referred to a num- ber of men born in North York who had made themselves famous. Aemiliua Irving, of Toronto, presi- dent of the North York Old Boys` As- lsociation, acted as chairman, and on the platform with him were :-Mayor, Cane, Sheriif Widdield, Hon. E. J. Davis, Elias Rogers, R. Sutherland, M.P., E. A. Soadding, E. A. Macdonald Mayor Deville, of Aurora, 0. AG. Rose H. C. Hague, and the Rev. `Mr. Mo Gillivray. A I ' proceedings took place. This was the unveiling of the, monument erected by the citizens of Newmsrket to the mem- ory of the late Pte. Wslsley Haines. who died in South Africa while serving with the R.C.R. Here sn immense crowd had assembled. I JAS. EDWARD s CQNVEYANCER. ~ T~. BANTING. Clerk County of Simcoe, will be at his oce, at the Court House. Barrie, everv Saturdnv. Residence and P.O. Cookstown. mas: urymg nun. uxstnct agency for gkraied lum- ber Factory-Bayeld Strect,'Barrie. ODGERS & GALLIE successors to Geo. Ball. At his office until 5 p.m.; at his private residence, 68 Mary street, after that hour. u-lv ______..__...__...___.____.__.___ I THE--BALL_ PLAl\{IIfJG MILL COMPANY- nm Cargentenn , Bmldmg am? ma.pufa o ..-|. D:...I.. `|l___|_1s,. , Paris, Ont.,_. presents an exceptional one in the matter of municipal cwne :- Ihlp; The people there are protecting. against the rates charged by the manif- V clpality for electric light. It ieclaimed the town : new schedule of ratee is `3"tviee aei high as the _old private com- !`_p`azA_i'y a which made twenty per` cent- V}! I ' In "~\~lr_._:-2__| ,,, , Io , 11.11: unuu ruruVlLVu' H1114]-I UUMPANY-- C enterin and manufacturing of Doors. h. B `ads, Mouldings, etc. Planin of all kinds done promptly and satisfactorily. ot Blast Drying Kiln. Dxstrict agency for rained Factorv-Baveld Street, Ra.-.:. nntzt-`De THE CHILDREN_'S A_ID SOCIETY OFBARRIE . . !*.Y.:r_:':`12E'93';.m 899.4. Hn2s- 3 -umber ( mu: un1LUKn1V'b' All) SOCIETY OFBARRIE have for ado tion. in good Homes. number of bright young nadian children, boys and girls Parties desiring them are asked to communicate with gm _SecI-etarv. |REV. D. B. HARKNESS. arne. - me vuunty. neal estate pougnt and sold. Lonvey- ancing in all its branches. Marriage Licenses issued. 0ice-Ross Block, Dunlop street Barrie. A z.lu. ' I` \ll.\ ll` V L AUDI` In On goon $1 reehold security at lowest rate of interest. No rincipal money required unitil end of the term. . H. STRA JJHY. Sdlicitor, Etee, Barrie. at Q; Ed'5"Ei-6eEi'.' 'o_n- IE8 c}ir_iE} _of"g7Jod'f'a'r":; Mortgages. MCCARTHY. BOYS 8; MURCHL SON. Dunlo Street Barrie; 'r|-u-: ADVANCE." IIII`EI I3 &\I"|I`n We have a. large amount of Private Funds to lend 4} and 5 per cent. on the security of good farm Nlorurasres- Mc'CAR'l`l-IV, RUVR Rx MITl2("_l-H- ` R.` E. L. BRERETON, Dental Surgeon. Oice over Hambly's hardware. Entrance, Owen Street. Out of town xst and 1rd Mondays of each month. t 5:-lv U. 'Estate lovI}e'st';ales._ 'Fa.-rmers' Notes Diszounted. Collections made in any art of the County. Real estate bought `and sold. nvey- ancinz branches. Man-iasre La.-......... Our account published two weeks` -330 of the new equipment of the regis- try oice has been taken by _a number of our county contemporaries who, we are sure.` will agree with us, when we say` that Simcoe County Council de- lerves great credit for going into the matter so thoroughly. The registry oce is nowas good as any in the province with a capacity for a number of years yet and theles arranged com- pactly and systematically. The County Council of Simcoe is a municipal organ`- llation that deserves credit for all its _ business-like proceedings.

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