Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 5 Sep 1901, p. 7

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Pnopnmrons. ARE WARDED FROM THE HOME BY USING _w. 1ucI.A_n'nr.T ' EDILIJDLVIIIKV , `:55 Dunlop-St., Barrie :Ott-I vu-. xu av. tau 5 n3|.uA,I.\.uI F-'V! ""5 up others on th road. 1 did notfhowever. and gradually I lost my - -depression, though it was a lonely ride without any one to speak to. for. 111111159 most people who patronized theiine. `he. man showed no disposition to talk` or to question the driver. so after one or two attempts to draw him out I let my gentleman alone. HAL-,, I A e a pecialty,-a. d pan-ti ' t ding` to hsvo Ialez, will consu1t_ Vthei: own intc:I-enselily placing their sales in his hands. ` E'Orden left at Tun ADVANCE oiee or his resi- dence". Spruce Cottage. will be promutly attended to. Ina: om RELIABLE Aucrluutm ; G. :3. FORD wmnnns ALL KINDS or aucvno . 8ALE$. TENANT-\Vhy pay rent, when, on such can monthl payments, you can become your own Ian - lord ? nu have the choice of repayin at a monthly rate of $1.20, $1.50, or $1.90 for eac $100.00 bor- rowed. THE PUBLIC--Why spend all gout ockol money? 60. a. month placed with the . P. . and Loan Association will yield you in about 8 yarn A PRESENT of $100.00, or a. prot of $41.40 over your monthlv pavments. up; 1 put 'nnnin:g:4 ._` ___. -- _.._ _- 7....- V An investment safe as government securities and much more protable, realizing the investor an equiva- lent to 15 per cent. per annum, simple interest. For printed matter and further information call on Special Facilities oered to Investors amlBorrowers. TH E lNVESTOR-Why not place your $100.00 with the O. P. B. 8: L. Ass'n, and have it doubled in :2 years, beside receiving during the in- ` terval 6% per annum paid to you every six monthl? i In other words, for your $100.00 you will receive an 1 interest $66 and a lump sum of $200, making a. grand ; total of $266. Blank Will Forms can be `had at T }rneAdvance0ffice "' U""`\-51-ll] i1lUlJCc - . After awhile, however, he began to mDlain aloud._ though to himself. at my manageme-nt of the horses, but 1 took no notice of his growling. We had by that time reached the mountains W entered on a narrow strip of road Ont? fho In-A... An .. -_.___.. `.1. 4.1.- |.-. "Will pay for Will Form and postage to any part of Canada. ;The Ontario _% Permanent 95 Dunlop-St., Ross Block, Barrie. Make Your Will. O.H.LYON, vjw SEQTREAS. BARRIE LOCAL BOARD. 1.4: , Y WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO, FA R M STOCK SALES Tana: Mums Dzsnaus copvmm-rrs &c. Anyone sending asketch and decor! tlon may quickly ascertain our opinion free 1! ether an invent on is probably atentable. Communica- tions strictly condent al. Handbook on Patents sent tree. Oldest agency for securing atenta. Patents taken t rough Munn & . receive cpecial notice. without c urge. in the - 4-2 A AAA! A. AAA AAA: AAA; ".` `-I-1|-Clt.`U uu DIIPTOW Strip OI T0110 510118 the brow of 21 canyongat the bot- `111 of which gleameda tinythread gf silver, which i knew to be theirfver. I` Was a sheer descent of 700 feet. and Wt of the journey. , I had done.` this. me my passenger stuck hi head out Of fhn rnn.J-_ -, usually checked `the horses at that. Eveninge at residence, 67 Owen-St. v-v-vv---V ----y--wvv- A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest: :31!- cnlatlon of any scientic ournal. Terms. 83 1 year: four months, 81.. 80 d byall newadealers. IIIIIIII - ---.. - II-_-- Il-..l.'. Ullllllllllll U nuuuv guano V moi'xth;, $1. 8o'l`< 1l;";"ll n3wadea.le1-s. MIINN & cugsggg-$1-_v1;Newj_grR Branch Omce. Inzton. pecuu names, Wuznoun cuurge, III we Scientific Hmcrican. n I__...I....._ -I_ xII..-A-.4...) -....I.I- I ..--4-4 Al- -E. DONNELL, P PhDAc lA`l\I'|1v1vp-\;u.- _____ 6 C118. Calls attention to the ._.op.__. (1 out 3 ms H98 ___v__ my passenger stuc `clasped - I` nded if the Window and dema , 8, but , M , tuner 9 meant to keep up that did not nd I answerv a give me me to thrust IVE, out D15 band W in it: no on... . --.......------ 'l'oiler,- cmst u-outydreuni ' 4' At the calm, at the ploum aigher heritage tlml king: that thou. ` i ' Cunt thou readnin "near or weed, Answer to_ thy heart`: deep cry! ` Gold nor gem. not love`: own crown So satisfy. Toiler, canst thou whit, . Through the storm buck hour. oht, Ruler of thy recreaint will,- Dominant -0! `Into? vrouer, canst 'thou_trust? - From the dust-stand and tell, Though the tears come streaming`, Ill-- All is well! ; \ -Lu1u w. Mitchell_in "`N-I CV65 Ill-IUCTIUUK Ueguu, . I I '8ta8e spun blob; !1ko_ a a%z;__ IJJCII-cl; bill-lvivuip In wuwgwuu an. no my. --- eases, since it is the inability to `take ` adequate nourishment, caused by such 1 diseases. which makes the nails de- 1 fectlve. He also maintains that a series 1 of grooves will be found in the nails ot those persons who are mentally unbal- anced and especially bf those _.who are periodically amicted by a some tom`: `of mental disturbance and that V from vain simple `examination , oi ) the nails any` skilled physician-`can tell how trequent and how, xioient. the gnental` attack: f-'5'"? ` V " Y #9.: _ `rules at the Finger Nana. That, the mental condition or a per- son who is suffering from some phys- ical ailment may be judged from the" condition of. the linger nails was. re- cently shown by Dr. Marco. an Italian physician. who has for some time been making investigations in this direction. 3 _-_._Jl_.. L- LI... 4 -|QAI\` ll-Ialbll-la nhlwvuuaauunva-w Inn y--- --- According to him. a "patient. nails are not quite smooth. `but contain many furrows. is subject to acute dis- -__-_ .;a..-- u. a- u.-.-.....mIu-n 4-.-.1-`nlig This large, round watch. a master- piece, has a silver case. which is so artistically chased that it resembles a. ne spider web. On the lid is the bust i picture of the king in laurel wreaths. 1 held below and in the middle by two cuplds. The dial, with.Latin notations. 3 has no hands. It is pivoted. and while. 5 turning the numerals come opposite a lily chased on the edge. The interior of j the watch is of the same tine workman- j ship and the mechanism a marvel of} precision. The watch is still attached -1 to the same now faded cordwith which I 200`years ago Louis XIV took it from 3 his pocket to present it to-the terryman of Ragnonnas. -Jewelers Circular- `TY__.I_I_. ' An Interesting Old Watch. A curious treasure, a watch which belonged to Louis XIV. is preserved in the presbytery of Ragnonnas. in Avi- gnon. The king gave away the watch under the following interesting circum- stances: Before the building of the sus- pension bridge from Avignon to Rag- nonnas a_ ferry was made use of, which from time immemorial belonged to. a- family by the name of Arnoux. A mem- ber of this family one evening 200 years ago took over a company of great noblemen and in so doing showed ex- p traordinary skill`. One of the gentle- men presented him in recognition there- of with a handful of louls d or and also x`.'. with a watch. This man was Louis I ' -n ,4-u, A ..-_._L-__ vuwu When I came to, I heard a voice say: `Give the chap - nothe`r swallow o the stuff. Jim. He's comin to. Some ery" liquor trickled down mythroat, and. opening my eyes, gasping, I found- myself surrounded by a crowd of roughly dressed men, but they. to my eyes. had the appearance of angels.` They were miners. who. judging from the driver s actions. had guessed ome- 3 thing of the truth and. hearing my cry t for help, had stopped the stage. This was accomplished by_ two of them catching hold of and climbing up over "the boot behind and over the top and thus reaching the seat.. from which they knocked the madman and secured the lines. On examination the lunatic was found to be only stunned. when we bound` him securely and took him back to Virginia City. where he was identi- ed as a prosperous `merchant from Carson City who had recently lost his mind through grief over the death of his wife. I joined my rescuers in their search for gold. and in six months we had struck it rich.` when, selling out my share for $50,000, I returned to Phila-t delphia, having had enough of the west i and its adventures. - is ` * biiclt . terror;-ill` e V strength;-_eto iedp:'_`in th`e_`roa d,a's"Id ` made up _m'yAn x;ind.to'do tim_ea ndagainf.` I would undoubtedly` have been`;-_-kiiled ' } at the rate at which we were going, end it was; the bare-, shred _ otf hope, i which they: say never wholly leaves 1 us, that kept, me from springing` out. i Part of the time I crouched on the , oor, hiding my face, in the cushions: ` `but, fascinated by the. terrible scene out-side, I-could not refrain from look- ing out upon it again and again. ' On -one side rose a perpendicular Wall (St rock as bare as my hand. ' On the oth- er and barely ve feet from where I looked out were the -`canyon and cer- tain death. ' V The stage swayed feartully, and every time the whip cut -into the horses they would swing it'to the very verge of the precipice. when I` could_ -look `down the" wall and see the `river s. gleam, when I would thr`o'w myself`: -against the opposite side of the vehicle. Once the :hind Wheels. literally hung over the edge for `the thousandth part or a second. though it seemed an eter- nity to me, but were jerked on to the road again Just as I felt the, stage drag back into the chasm. . ' ' ll? -.-,_, tuvuaz -Xv? `CO3 %GlC$|JIIuIQ "I remember screaming like a fright-' ened- child and standing up in the stage laughing horribly when ,1. saw the wheels back in the road. `I doubt if the madman on the box wasfurther off his balance, than I at that moment. He was standing up. though how he could have retained his footing was a marvel to me, and yelling with delight. occasionally breaking ?out into a screaming song,i_ varied by bursts of . laughter. nnII`1_ I- _ .1 `_\ - - `- -.vo-5--sv_oo "We had covered nearly five mile when the road widened several feet. and all at once I saw as we tore by the races of a group of men drawn to one side to let us pass. `I shrieked to them in a wild cry for help, but as our speed wasundlminished made. up my mind the noisewe made had kept them from hearing me or- that it-was impossible forthem to overtake us. But even` as I despaired I heard a hoarse cry and, looking out, saw my lunatic s body hurled from his sent `into the road and. the next minute felt the horses check- ed and finally stopped. - The door of the stage` was ung open and a. bearded face thrust in; when I threw myself` into apair of strong arms -and knew no more. ~ -1..` vv--V Cur- Cyrus Stackpole drove home in a blind rage. He was one of those old Amen who are as set as the everlasting hills, and the fact that everything seemed to be arrayed against his will in this instance only served to make his resolve the stronger. He was bound` and determined that the new railroad shouldvnot pass through his orchard. There was no particular reason why it should be denied this right of way ex- cept that Cyrus had taken a notion not to allow it. The trees in the orchard had been set out by his father's father. and theirknotted and wrinkled trunks and limbs had long since passed the age of fruit bearing. They only served to cumber the ground, but Cyrus would not cutthem down and plant new ones. They were a part of the old order of things, and `Cyrus was a conservative. `of the conservatives. A peck of bitter, worm eaten windfalls from the old trees was more to his liking than a bushel orsound and toothsome -fruit from younger and more vigorous stock. That the pert `modern railroad should desecrate his venerable orchard was not to be endured. It went against the old man's grain, and that grain was exceedingly tough. I.-_.____- I_-___.__-__ I\_____- vs vwvoi Upon this Cyrus bestirred -himself. though physical exertion still sent ex- cruciating pains through his joints. The regular passenger train schedule had been in operation just a day. when he began -to do for himelt what the law could not or would not do for him. `At 3 o'clock on a Tuesday afternoon. 4 his wife having driven to the village. Cyrus hitched up a yoke of oxen and began to drag stumps tram the stump fence on the north side or the orchard to the railroad bed. He chose the lar- gest and soundest and toughest stumps he could and and by 6 o'clock had a formidable fence buiitacross the rail- road on the exact boundary of his orchard. The roots or the stumps bris- tled in the direction from which the '_n`ex't train . would approach, the train -from 'Wilm'i_ng tou. due to pass at 8 `ofciocit in tbeevening. Should a loco- motive,` strike `those formidable roots the butt of th`e~stu`n_ip would only be driven. rmer'_- into the ground. ' isome- _:th1nwouI`at,iiaw.atto stop -.or1masu. and , Onnttelt .*o0t_ldeht_ it~would`=`notif` r V .. ~'u.;=.._-..'-..- .-.-;.._ 5.`. . '74 ......i T "-1.~...'.: :` VIIU wvunnnru "It was .._u-veral ` minutes past 6 when blgyi for `supper. was -V- ---v -__- u nusvlwwu -__ --v- .- vvwuu. I got done with the law, I tell ye! shouted the old man ercely. I m de- pendin on myself now. I said ef the h law couldn t help me I _d help myself. I ll see er they kin run their consarned trains through my orchard without my permission. A man s proputty s his own. The ain't no law that kin knock that fact out o the Ten Command- ments. 3i3'ne1 Bowker accompanied his irate client to the door. Better be cau- tious, Cyrus," he said as the old man plunged down the steps. Don t doany- thing in a hurry. Take time to think it over. And remember that I am always ready to advise you on any point that may come up." I`I-___ , (1A.__I___I_ 5---..- 1_-_-_ 2.. _ ~- yo v----$_V` vv -=- As it happened. however; Cyrus Stackpole fell into the clutches of a se- vere attackvof inammatory rheuma- tism soon after his visit to Colonel Bowkeri law oice and about the time when the railroad men came to grade and prepare the groadbed `across his orchard. The "work was all done while the old man was groaning and fuming in bed. and by the time he got about again the ties and rails were laid through his orchard. Then the first train came along. roaring triumphant- I_. __3 _-.__l.Ll__. LI- -I_ .....-I_- -_-_. uuuoa wen:-w --at-3' -v-nu-3 w--u---:p-wu-w ii and vomiting \.black smoke over `what remained of the ancient apple trees. `.`I hope you won't do anything rash, Cyrus," said the colonel blandly. ```It s 8. case where the welfare of the many overrides the welfare of the individual. you see. The [law provides no recourse for the individual in such a case. 'I don t see but what you will just haye to submit, Cyrus, said Colonel Bowlier. "The lawseems to be pretty clear on` the subject. When the state grants a railroad a charter and a town 2 grants it the right of way, the railroad company` can take at a fair appraised value any property lying. in the, line 01' itssurvey, provided the owner refuses to sell at an agreed price. `That covers _the facts `in this case. You refuse to sell the` companyia strip on the south A side of your orchard. The state says to y the company, `We give you the right to appropriate that land at our appraisal. It's no use for the owner to protest. The law can do nothing for him. If there was a ghost of a chance _to tight, Cyrus. I'drbe glad to do what I could for you. But a lawyer can't do any- -thing when 'there s no law on his side. l'1_I-_._I 'I\___I___, .1 "3To{.1*13o?v?I;;}1113I)E'i1:;'"c13';Er"i;".Zk and threw one leg over the corner of his littered table. An old man, trem- bling with impotent rage, sat in a rick-, -ety armchair on the other side of the table. Hls chin quivetfed and his thin lips kept opening and shutting as` the senior village lawyer spoke. - I"I'\L-- -5 LL- I-_._ ..._IL A. ___L`l-__.. *'5'i:'1{ez3"?:{n'e" iZv3' Jan'T1o anything for me I'll do it for myself," riednthe old man, bringing 2 his withered stv `down on the arm of the chair. I l1 see net 3. man kin be robbed of what s be n hlsfn for 50 yearnand be n in the family V for more n a hundred! ] Stakpole s %- Stump Fence I Old Cyru's' Lucky Escape From L '- the R_ecoil_of His Own IA-late. BY Jams BUCKEAM. O-O-O5-O--9--o- -:--%.`..--- vo ` they;:ouV:e"w`enfoi:. of henj V. ` who" takes us to her brent end laugh: gbodby; One, chute n ice, in her white room doth lie, But_ hlnnhe loves the never lets depart! --Arthur Rf!-{noon in AInn`|nA - `llama-lung Ino'IIIw,lVV'_ Iuv ucvcr lull llcplrlvl -Arthur in Annalee : llncuine. 'sI`;E -73: au~iu~`u:A`TH.` railroad company did not enter a complaint against Cyrus Stackpole. His big. black bearded, healthy son may have had something` to do with that and he may not. Very likely the unrestricted and undisputed right of way through the` old man's orchard was an inducement. At any rate. the matter was dropped. and Cyrus Stack- pole proved to be so subdued in spirit that only two days after his stump fence disappeared from the track `he rode` through his own orchard on one of ,.the detested fonehis way to 1X r> ..withi`L,h1`r:- ion r em. but at V .-bra_`nd_ newt-suit_.'9t_A clothes and the ulna; Luuu u.v..-.. -.._.--. The co1npan_y insisted on the story. It was given, as follows: , As most of you know. my father's death followed close on the heels of his. failure in business, leaving me, his son and only surviving member of his fan)- lly. without a penny. I left college; but. wholly unritted foriany work, I found myself on the verge of starvation, so I left Philadelphia and started` West, turned up nally. in Virginia City. 1 was pretty desperate by this time and glad enough to accept an otfer made me to drive the stage to Sacramento. It was not a long drive nor an unpleas- ant one. though in parts rather danger- ous or at leas_t requiring careful driv-~ ing and steady horses. .-v -- -_ vv ---- -_ The train was almost upon her be- forethe engineer saw the faint red signal. But the airbrakes did their magic work, and the engine stopped within 20 feet of the last huge, bris- % tling stump of Cyrus Stackpole s fence i across the railroad. Frank Stackpole 1 was one of the rst passengers to leap from the intercepted train. ' i llTf7I._A. l._ J.l.___J_._ __I.__ L_LI.__.I.. `I2 `ed away. --V1. -- -.uv- `up w-no-on-- Wha_ l-n thun3e'r:-why, father's old orchard! he exclaimed. And here's-- motherl" "He caught a tottering, gray haired figure in his strong arms. Mrs. . Stackpole. like all heroines. had first accomplished -her deed anq then ta1nt- 1 She turnea first t: `the signature. It was from Frank, their own dear boy, * from Whom they had not heard for two years and Whom they had aboutegivin E up for dead, since he disappeared in the 5 Alaskan goldelds. He wrote: Dear Father and 'Mother-I am coming home at` I last--a rich man! Have been out of the world, [ practically, since I wrote you last-living in a . hut 200 miles beyond, civilization. Will tell you 5 all when I see you. Look for me next Tuesday { evening. I learn that you have a new 'railroad i now, and I can reach you by train the same even- ing 1- get to Wilmington. God bless you both! I Lovlngly, FRANK.` `What was there in that blessed letter that could have caused her husband such -distress? Mrs. Stackpole wiped E the tears of joy from her eyes and sped ! out to the barn. ' `v-- -- _-v -u..-.- Cyrus, she` cried, what on airth [ air ye doing-'2 ' I`1__ ____ ,. __ _,, 0, as _ u .--- v` -v E "Cyrus -Q35`: hurrieciiyv replacing the ' yoke on the necks of the weary `oxen- His hands trembled. His face was over- spread with an ashen gray pallor. (`1:A.. ...-:. ..)~.u..- _.__'_n9 1.- _,s__,_4,_-u _,. ..`._V..- .v--.. -.. `qua.-V.- AVA: _ D"""J Git out o"tJ1e Way! he shouted as he lashed the oxen from the barn, the long chain that dangled from the yoke clattering behind. He caught a lantern from a nail and hurried aftervthe star- tled and bewildered beasts. 411-I-vs --- A ' tllall A Cyrus disgorged the contents of all his pockets atone sweep. Among them` was an old fashioned red bandanna handkerchief. His wife seized it, with a cry of Joy. and. catching up the lan- tern, hastened down the track toward the approaching train. She turned up the wick or the lantern until it smoked furiously. Then she wrapped the red handkerchief around the globe. held the lantern up in both hands and slow- ` ly swayed it to and fro. _ \ rnI__ 1.4-1.. ._-.. _|..._..;. .._-_ |.-; L- ` u-uwuro - u can: In DUI? `I, laws. as _L\o\.ln An - Cyrus `tackpoleiate his supper `delib-A erately and then sank into the old pad- ded rocker by the window and opened his letter. Hardly had he commenced to read it when, with a startling cry, he sprang to his feet again-and. ran stum- bling to the barn. `Her husband s cry and sudden leap caused Mrs. Stackpole to drop a lot of plates she was carrying `to the sink, but not even the terric crash or broken crockery elicited the 3 slightest attention from Cyrus. The letter had uttered from the old man's hand to the oor as he ran, and Mrs. E Stackpole stooped and picked it up with ` shaking ngers. Something in that let- ter, she knew, had caused `her hus- t band's sudden dismay. GI..- J.--__...: 11....` L- 1.1.- _.n.___-;___,, 9. Where air ye going, Cyrus? de- manded his `wife. following the dis- tracted old man as he led the oxen over the crest of the hill to the orchard bars. Cyrus made no reply, and his wife fol- lowed him. Then she saw the bristling stump fence across the railroad, and the whole dreadful truth ashed upon her. Cyrus had built a fence to stop or wreck the _next train, and that was the very train that Frank had written he 1 should take from Wilmington! . nu..- _zn-..- _.--:__. __-- - _-s-A :7 ut-5\_';;l;\,n\/us Don t. my dear sir, said tliisgentle- man, who is a power in the nancial circles of Philadelphia. -Your reminis- cence is very pretty. but your mention of the antebellum stagecoach revived a memory which is even yet a horror to me, though it is over 35 years old. I had an experience in one of your laud- ed veliicleslonce that aftervvard made me wall; nearly 100 miles to keep from -entering another. and -to this day When- ever 1 an] unwell or troubled in any way 1 am sure to dream of theoccur-. rence. and my wife, hearing me groan- ing, will awaken me, with the cold per- spiration owing from my body. and say, `Dreun/iing again of your stage- coach fright, aren't you? And yet 1 atter inysell that lam not more cow- ardly than most men." ' "nu- 3:-xninl-Ar` Av` kn ml-Anus ------ `.~__.' .~-..-..c .-.- Jug-av coca uvuno Cyrus Stackpole never looked at his 1 wife, but worked with feverish haste, and she did not interrupt him, for she. knew that every n.-nznent was precious. The oxen strained mightily at the great stumps, but they were so crowded to4 gether and interlocked that it was hard to get them off the track. Cyrus had performed his deant task unfortu- nately well. Light the lantern! cried the pant- * ing old man at last. His wife took the match he ung her and kindled the slight ame in the dusty _globe. Cyrus 1 bent and adjusted the chainanew by 3 the candle s feeble light. Then the oxen strained together once more, but the biggest stump of all would not move. The long, tough roots were wedged between and under the rails. ` llI`-JI9I .__.__.__J `L. _I.1 ._n__ `'1. _._._ .'A-`:C'y'x'us, -":exclaimed-t-th'e' woman, red ' light '1] stop `em. I've hgard so. Hain t we got anything to make a red light % with? Quick! ` . `T 1 l*_._._-__ J! _ A _ _ _ .__S LI_- __._A__L_ -J -II 1 ht:--e_ld"ot `operations hidden` from the house by -a` rlseot land. When he came slowly up from the orchard with the tired oxen, his wife met him at the back door. ' V ext:-a_ o I '~'~oZ' J b'y}'&Z,`iE';3:.t, the barn with the oxen. It ll keep until utter I've had a cup 0 tea, I reckon. f1......'... cu.....I._-I--_;.- 1.1.. ...__._-__ .1_uI_ __.v.._- ---.v --v-.- -n...--aeyvuu The village station was a mile be- yond the Stackpole farm. The train would not" have even begun to slow down -when it passed through the or- chard. It was already getting dusk. It would be pitch dark by the time the -train` came along in just an hour. I`I.__.-... C1A.._..I-__l_ ---_-._ I__I-_1 -1. I 0 Here's a letter for ye." she said. Suppers a leetle mite late, but the old i mare llmps so I couldn t glthome as j soon : I planned. Better read the letter 3 `fore ye et down to, eat, hadn t ye? ' xv- n ....__....._-.1 n___. I.l.l.....l.... 1.- LL- av`. uuu-vv vvon `nuns: \aQa we saw uncanny: :`E`rodl" groaned the 013 man. It was the shortest of prayers, but it was a prayer and not an imprecation. IKI"f_._I_I ) -._2A2 LL- A__.*___.I.I!_._ _I3 :13- r-.. -- --_ .--- ..- - Hark!" cried the trembling old wife. From far off through the darkness came a faint rumbling sound. It was the evening train` from Wilmington! lllN__.__.. 9! --_I-.I_.-J LL- __.-...-._ ll_-3 `trips very suc- cessfully. when one morning I left Vir- ginia City with a single passenger. This was a man of slight. `delicate build, rather undersized, too; dressed `in heavy clothes, which struck me at once as peculiar. for the day was a lovely'June one. Another thing im- pressed me disagreealiliy in my'passen- ger--his eyes were a bright. unnatural" blue, with something in their furtive glance that spoke ill for his conscience or his wits. though I did not` think of the latter then.` ' . Ilnithin K9 Has purchased the premises occupxed bv Chas. Mc- Guire, just east of the _VlctorIa Hotel, and has oened no business m all kinds of Black- orseshoein . etc. All work will be done promptly at the lowest gure. _Remember the place. ITHE "ADVA'NCE-" Near Market Square. NIcLa rty,. cement, culvert Pipe, Field Tile, BARRIE 1 SFEAM LAUNDRY. Make no mistake! This is the` GREAT Scott in theabove lines. ffice}-91Du%n|op Street, samej CUT F;LOWERS---Roses, Carnations, Violets, etc, fresh every day, Bouquets-Button- hole, Hand or Corsage. `Funeral Tokens in A any desi ns. VRGRTAR .ws_r`...I...-u C.-z... ant` 'r.....I...-- any ones: as. VE'GETABEES-Cel , Crisp and Tender; Lettuce, Cabbage, arsnips, Beets, Carrots. tc. _SEEeDS--Flower Seeds. Vegetable seeds, Plants and Bulbs. WM. TAYLOR .4 It wzis a nery unusual thing for the V" stage to carry soiight :1 load, and I tound myself lingering a few minutes behind time to see ifmoreiwere not coming. for 1 had a vague dislike which must have been a presentiment against setting off alone with my queer Dassenger. There was nothing forgit. though, but to go. so I started. `hoping in nini. .._. _-u.-_._ - ;u__ ____.a I .11: Hughes Bros. I` LUIS] Telephone :5. SEED STORE Hnfectious Diseases _ In `the domestic art of Laundering, onvce `well done is twiceidone. Be cause we give our work extra care, it lasts twice as long before need- ing te be laundred again. .44: % DECLARED BY THE MOST EMINENT S.ClENT|STS OF THE DAY TO BE A POWERFUL DISINFECTANT AND EXTER- MINATOR OF'THE VARIOUS MICROBES OF DISEASE. FLORIST` AND SEEDSMAN, t\lIA up `up! nu|n`nn_Q A payty of gentlemen composed of halfa dozen prominent citizens were assembled recently in the smoking room of the Art club when the coniversation drifted to -modern traveling "conven- iences, and one of the number observed that while we had gained most marvel- ously in point of rapidity andfluxury' we had lost the poetry of travel asex- emplied by the old fashioned coach. with its belled-and capurisoned horses. a_....:..h AF 4-naenln .mhIn and tho TAnkf' ' and Repairs, go to; Allith best quality and guaranteed. aco. Wholgsale and Retail Manufacturers. w. H._B_l[N|(ER, BEDSPRINGS. ` MATRESSES, PUMPS, * 1 TAQIIIE 1 ADVERTISE IN :8-ly GO TO THE NEW BRADFOHRD STREET. LATE OF ORO. 1111 no m....\... ...-.. ....,...- -..-..- its ourish of tasseled -whip -agtvi-~t;1~c; merry winding born. The speaker was stopped by another of the party. whose face had signied his uneasiness at the description. ` ..n_..u rr\I'Y Annu ah cni fhlulannl-In,

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