Thore will be ered for . the ueen s_ Hotel. Barrie. mu RF]! nth`. max. at x UU V.-"U I I ! North-west half of L0 cleared .l I " b1In`a }si$a.ndi_i1 t 3, C_on. '8, V./. -=.~s_ra; 66 acres umber:-so . heavy clay House. rame barn and log thev romisolor _ '1 ~'s': are necessary at` . ::s'Wf. `"3311 y lb um. . I 00 I nders for ed and coal. 36.37 JGRISTIEEI />.'IV~fE> CHOP THE CANOE BABES. 34-36 Now is the time to secure your coal. Present cash price $6.50 per ton. Best quality. Well screened. Careful delivery. Your orders respectfully solicited. ' ,_.-r\l1 'J9'a`- ~ _ joo ACRE FARM ron SALE. . 19- rf-A._ (`Ann -9 vf! ._.________._____ NEW A DVERTISEIVIENTS. _ Wally u BAG. or GOOD noun - . T call at the Collier Street Mill. fl 'lA -lI I' `I ' - - - +;oF- VALUABLE _ FARM IN THE '10WNSHIP OF VESPRA. --..'._._. are bffered sale "by Ptublic A.uctio`n at- `-----\--'n hf. Bfen CONTESTS . A\g Ava V an. no - , Chairman Co. Property Committee, n... ..:c n......:. n..'.. I-\IJL'dLV an ac --- . - . Ve.ndorn ;S6licitot, ] o-1v by Pubnc Aucnuu as on SATURDAY. SEP- .JnInnI9 nnnn. 1!`? G. R. THE INTERESTS OF BARBIE. THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE lvyunui wv -------- ww- Box 366 Barrie. Out. 4 ' wants. When you : vvw uuuuu u D. McMILLAN. also chop lmesln TORONTO MANAGER. .A moreurepresenbative gathering of the business men of Barrie could not have as- aembled than that which set down to a ban- quet at the Queen e Hotel on Friday night to `do honor to Mr. Mortimer Atkinson, who i8 ., leaving for Sarnia. in In a 'l' ,.4 ____ _I__2_..-_._ `l_ 1......- Mr. F. A. Lest was chairman, Mr. J ames Vair, v_iee~cha_irmen,'_a.nd Mr. Alfred Wilkes, secretary. V 0`tbe Chairman : right eat the gueatof the e nine and (wound the board were the following gentlemen :- -- Q: g_ _V_ ________ _ -I-`_ .PENT(-)N--S]I.V'E Aug zqth. mm, ] on ms: lcnnie vvv iirffamie, -v -v -..v_--_ . n --= F.-.- Mr; Atkinson : successor ; Dr. Raikes, Midland; Messrs. Geo. Raikes, Geo. V_iokers,'Ball, Edwards, A. W. Which, H. J. Grassett. H. B. Joyner, Neelands,Dr.' McCarthy, E. S Meeking, Brownlee, G. B. Strathv, Jno. Dickinson, Hugh Dickinson, Eaton, W. L Vair. J. C. Morgan, Blain, Milne, H. Laidlaw, J. C. Irwin, R. R.` Rogers, 0. I1. Plummer, A. MaoLaren, H. Dyment, Jos Anderton, sr.. J. W. Ander- ron, Martin Burton, Frank Burton, T. Bee- croft, L D. Beattv, J. M. Bothwell, Jno. Clayton. D. Davidson. Penetang, Harry Ellis, Wm. Gallie, J._B. Hamblv, G. J. Lovering, A. J. MacLaren, J. C. McKeggie, Toronto. Dr.` W. A. Ross, J. D. Rodgers, Donald Ross, A. E. Stapleton, Dr. Smith, Fred Warren W. A-. Wilkinson. 9 `l`__ _______ .....I ...:a.l. I-Inn nvnnvunnuna fn 1-he rreu VV arreu, VV. 1:. vv unuuauu. Interspersed with the responses to. the toasts were songs admirably rendered to every one s satisfaction by Commander Whish, Mr. Edwards `and Mr. E. S. Meek-V mg. . _ T The toasts began with The-King_. This was followedbvthe Dominion of Canada with which the chairman coupled the names s of Mr.-J. A. Blain, Guilford and Mr. J. C. Irwin, Both gentlemen paid tribute to Mr. Atkinson. The latter thought the census had not been disappointing but that Canada was making wonderful progress. mu- `I ..u- 91...... nnn'I'.hu nminmnnnvina ad making Wonueruu lJl.'Ugl I?uu. - -Mr. Lett then readthe accompanying ad dress, and presented a beautiful diamond ring and the guest of the evening was duly 1 toasted. "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow was more heartily sung than has been heard for manv a day in Barrie. V nnuuun nay. mmsuu. COPY ow ADbRESS._ To Mortimer Atkinson,- Esq. .L V |.v.Lv|. yin-up ....u- Dear Sir :--We beg to congratulate you heartily on your being chosen to il the highlv responsible position of manager of a. new Branch of the`BanK of Toronto in the important town of Sarnia. v...... ..........m.I fmm Rm-rie- sooner or later. Important `UOWII UI. nnruna. Your removal from Barrie, sooner or later, i to awider sphere of usefulness, is no matter of surprise to us. The rapid promotion which has hithertodistinquished your career I is suicient evidence that the management 1 of the Bank of Toronto recognize your ability to perform valuable services for them where ` ever theyappoint you, and that you are * `ultimately `destined to reach and occupy the highest oiees in the institution- W. Ansnm nn vnnr denarture to testifv how PRESENTATION -ro}-rim BANK or Dlglleli ODJUUB lu uuc suuuuuuvu- t We desire on our de arture to testify Y P `thoroughly and cordiallly we appreciate your sterling qualities as a business `man- being at all times courteous, patient and obliging, and to your social qualities as a citizen. During your term in barrie-now extending over 5 years-the interest and progress of the town andits inhabitants have ever been your constant care. and notwith- standing the onerous duties of youroice you invariably when called on, were ready with your advice and assistance in promoting the success of any. undertaking, whether of Va 3 public or social nature. V `Tn nnnnlninn we l'.l`llBTa thli the Small public 01` 800131 uuburc. .`In conclusion we trust that the_ gift that accompanies this address, will ever re- mind you that you leave in Barrie many warm friends and well` wishes who .will al- ways follow with great interest your future \ career, and that it may be a bright, happy ` and prosperous one is their earnest hopeeand ` A nn:IIn EIJ\A `II V 1 desire. desire. . Barrie. 36th August, 1901. " `On behalf of your many friends. F. A. LEM`, JAMES VAIR, ! Chairmpn; `Vice-Chairman. Uuuuuuuu. ' . Ivv .......- .-..._. ALFRED WILKES, Secretarv. ` Mr. Atkinson made a brief reply thanking his friends for their kindness. He said that he was set a hard task,'in the first place be- cause he was to reply to praise for himself and secondly because it was a diicult -task for him to leave Barrie. For over six years he had been here and had always been in- terested in the towns affairs. He had con- scientiously done his best for the Bank and the town, as it was a pleasure to see the peo- le. progress. Bank oicials, however, were i requently told to move on and he thought it unwise to decline to go where sent. . Bar- rie was one of the prettiest spots in the Dominion of Canada and one really needed to go away to nd out its beauties. ` He al- ways `noticed it more when he came back. and he thought more could be maje of our natural advantages. It- was impossible for him, he `said to fully express his appreciation and thanks and he would ever be pleased to hear of the progress of Barrie and its people. ` rm... '|:z...1,:.m am-I ( inmmercial Interests D08!` 0! tne progress In Duruu uuu nun yvvrnv. The Banking and Commercial Interests were responded to by Messrs. James Vair and R. R. _ Rogers. The former referred to the importanceof the commercial interests. Mr. Atkinson had done everything possible tofurther commerce. He had been ener- getic as bank manager in nding out that aid should be given to small rms for mak- ing it ossible to make` the most money ob- tainab e out of the products of the country." This led to a reference to Barrie market which Mr. Vair claimed was one of the very best in Canada. As an illustration of what Barrie could do he pointed out that within thelast three months over 50 tons of butter had been shipped. :to` the British market. rm... ........... .n ...m+. inm the nockets of the had been smppea W we unmu ............. The money all went into the pockets farmers near here to the advantage of mer- lchsnts, bankers, hotel keepers and every- one. Mr. Atkinson helped in this by his. genial manner and the speaker trusted his successor would follow in his footsteps. He wished Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson God speed. Mr. R. R. Rogers dealt with the banking institutions, which he said we should be . proud of. He referred to the discussion in the Toronto World raised by the man from Sleepy Eye. The -American banker, he claimed, could not have been conversant with "the Canadian s stem. Branch banks were not injurious. ' ow many towns would be without banking facilities, if no branches .w,sresllowed` 13 I'.I3her1-therei was the question; 1 "6 9bcurivy.f9t~.d.P99itI- K small to`wn.nev`.' ' sul.f_e,rd.,_ from `.l_.5lf| ch pbsnks. ' Customers` "0Q!!l1{;I,1Wl)?..,!'. lI5l5 ;redit=on.I99` .. i 1- I s':1n,f.hs Rd .I4 LL, Chairman. A-..- lin the east. In Canada it was different. The man from Sleepy `Eye-didn t know any- thing about the . Canadian - system besides which the American took second place. Mr. Rogers` had met Mr. Atkinson years ago, _'both associates in the bank. He had found him keen for business, always with the in- terest of the bank at heart and_ also the in- terest of his customers at heart. They were losing a valuable citizen but he hoped Mr. Atkinson would some day reach the coveted position of General Manager of the Bank of Toronto. Drs. McCarthy and Raiks did honor to the toast of the Army and N avv. The for- mer said he was sorry to say Mr. Atkinson had had little to do with the medical profes- sion. " He referred to the leaving out of the Review list the 35th Regiment, and `Dr. Raikes took up the Navy, speaking of the shipping on Georgian Bay. He referred to the advancement of men who have left Bar- rie, and trusted Mr. Atkinson would also y advance. . 11., 1' 1,, 1\:_I_:_.___. _...J 1!. IV `El W-pn.. HQ VBDUU Mr. John Dickinson and Mr. G. H. Esteu were called upon as representatives of the professions. They both were lawyers and they both made humorous speeches ap- propriate to the occasion. I: ~ 9, ,1 ___.'I `I`.Il..--4.2-_..`I T..L.......-I-.. I\\'UIu.v ... ._r DlCKINSON~At Lot 27, Con. 9. Uollxngwooa township. on Friday morning, Aug. 30th, Ellen. relict of thulztte Edwin Dickinson. C.E;, aged 77 years and 6 months. CA\'E.N.\-AtBatavia. N.Y.. Aug. 7. 1901, Elizabeth Cavcna. n lict of the late Willia'.m Cav ena.`form- ,erl\' of Beeton. Ont.. and mother of T. C__avena. n....:n nrrru` S4 vears. _ rnvrnuvivv -v u..- v--....___. The Municipal and Educational Interest were spoken to by Messrs. H. B. Joyner and J. C. Morgan. The former. said he had never meta better bank ' manager than Mr. Atkinson. and paid tribute to his municipal qualities. .Mr. Morgan who kindly acted as accompanist, dealt with the, `question of education. He first remarked that perhaps the right thing to say was that we were admirably governed. Education be consid- _ered was `the. most important feature of I government. ' 1 an ,,1,,--.:___ |___________ |_;,1 v u -----v--. The realm of education, however, laid outside politics. He would therefore speak of the needs of education. A note of warn- ing should be sounded. We never expected to be a nation of" professions. Canadians would be agriculturists, mechanics and busi- ness men and to those ends our educational system should -tend. We were not giving enough support to primary schools. Every child ' had alright to demand an absolutely free education, books and everything. The system was adorned with a hundred useless. frills. As to the High Schools they should be sell supporting. There was a cry tuat a poor boy could go right -through for a Uni- versity course. That looked so only on the surface. Laboring men s children never took advantage of the secondary education for which laboring men were taxed, Those wanting secondary education should pay for it. If the small number of poor men s children wanted the education it could easily be. arranged by scholarships. It would be worth what we spend to have one Edison in a century, but we should be just before we be generous. Let us equip our boys witha sound business, English and commercial education ; those who wanted to specialize let them pay for it. Mr..Morgan concluded 1 with kindly references to the guest of the \ evening, but. then it was always easy for a : millionaire to get along well with a bank manager. mkn anus-9 vvsnnnnoh In fill`. l1l'\EI'I I`P.- UIHUDSUI} The new manager was putvdown to re- spond to the toast of the ladies. From what. he had heard that evening his predecessor must have got along well, and he hoped he would get along nearlyas well. He had thought of Barrie before and was pleased he was to come to Barrie. Messrs. O. H. Plnmmer and George Vickers speaking to the same toast added to the praises to the guest but evaded the Ladies question, the former saying he had great admiration for them but knew nothing about them while the latter professed to know less. -- 1 .I _ l`|L_S_.____.. up--v --u--u- r--.----v- -- __ Mr. Atkinson then proposed the Chairman ` and Mr. Lett responded referring to their 3 relations personally. The Host and Hostess health was drunk and "Auld Lang Syne brought the evening to a close. - Tne organ recital. at the Presbyterian Church last `Wednesday was a. great success, nancially and musically. ' Were you ever at a public bridal supper? 1 `Well, there is one to be held in Barrie on ` Tuesday Sept. lO:h. an the Music Hall. ; Adjutant Burrows is being married this week i and a public reception will be held on the 1 above date.` The bridal supper will take; place at 5.30 p.m , and the bride wiil make 1 her maiden speech to Barrie Citizens at.` the 1 evening entertainment. THE DOMINION OF CANADA OUR CRITERION. Rev. `H. D. Cameron, of Allandale. preach.- ed at Angus and New Lowell last Sabbath and dispensed the Communion at both places Last vieek s Presbyterian Revivr contain- ed the V following references to Barrie` dis triot :- _ - - n. u.u u 1 ___,_1- next. - Rev. Dr. J. Frazer Smith has been spend- ing a brief vacation at Dornoch with his- perente. He returned to Bradford on Mon- day` last andwill resume work r, ' f)-rA G .1 vnt or Nurse Girl to W :35,H~0,,.,t.f"eX}p1,55 BERC-ZY STREET mm M m:xrlu`t. ' Q-no-n-r Rev. W. A. Wyllie. a. former pastor at Waubaushene, now of Hyde park and Kam- oka. Presbytery of London, spent a. few days in his old charge last week. Mr. Wvllie has to a. -large extent: recoveredvfrom his severe illness of last winter and looks strong and hearty again. Fitz & Webster present `to the theatre- going public of this town their newest version of the big Farce Comedy success.` A Breezy Time. A surfeit of merry ideas and hilari- ous situations. incorporated into a. plot of =_--..:-.-- ....:..:.....m... ....-I in!-pnnn interests. 0113 Blliwllilona, uwurpuruwu Vauuu a V... .. ingenious originalitv and intense interest. An entertainment of absolute superiority, well to the front in the ..race for popularity. The name Fitz & Webster for past season has been a trade mark for good, clean comedy and those who attend a performance of A Breezy Time can assure themselves of an evening's enjoyment served up in the very latest style. Their specialty artists are a decided feature, having on chosen from among the leading vaudevil we--performers of the d_a'y,and_ with their longsxner_ience they could` not do otherwise than" choose. .P1068inR. and catchy +sets.l ~-In all a production of vast.` amusing possibiliuesand recognized `upon its merits as the best Farcellomedy on the road. Jpnnbinuiann` ` ` J-l.\Q\avnwr- --.-- _ V- Monday, -Sept..166h, 1901.-.-_0.n Lot 29.--1 Con 3, Veapra; hdraa, cgt.t_1e, Implements. I rigs, hay, etc. Sale at one o'clock, ahafg. ; GeorgeTAbkinson, proprieb9r.t G. R. For ,1 guvtsw sauna guchioneern T0-NIGHT AT Tam GRAND. cuuncn cmmes. Auctign -`sales eta?i;'.' ' W "V" " "" " ' `Mr. Bob Freek, of Toronto, was home for Labor Day. 7 u -.I r,s, 3., 2., -u--u- ---J - `T `Miss LeRoy Has been visiting friends in Collingvyood. nu. 1 - 0 - 1! -, , -__ -nu.` .. ._ _v-'..--. Mr. Cumming Scott was home ftom Allia- ton over Sunday, -- rs `Ir .0 ' 1 11I.__ (1-1 L-.. vvu uvv- w-_-J_. Mrs. Cimpman, National City, Cal., has been visiting Mts_ Pass. up. en la .1 1' I _ L _ ___ __:_:__:____ `.u----_. V - ~-- Mrs. ""R. A. Stephens is spending a. few days in Toronto. rs n .;_#__L__-~- 1.... AIR. E1.-isvsw-I'4].i.-1:2. has ben visiting fxfiends in Uollingwood. `U ' 2 "\,,, .;_-_ Mrs. J ermyn and daughter Flosaiev, of To` _ronto, are visiting in town. --. ..u .- 1 , ._4_,._.__Jl__-_._ _ ---we--- -- vv.--_F.. -7... I Miss Olive,ahdFrancia Manning, of Bramp- ton. are visiting in town. -.. o in I\ I 1 ,, ,_,4,___A___'| f_____ VH1.-' Iain`: vuw----= -- V- .. _. . Miss Annie McDonagh has returned from Orillia and Gravenhurst. -v--v, --- --.---_c __ _- .. _.. Miss Beattio Curtis has returned from a visit with friends in Toronto. Mrs. and Miss Neelands returned on Tueadav from a. visit: to Toro_nto. -ru ` ;i1:1\'/'e:Sczi.1_1-l_c~Vu;Vof~ is , are visiting Mrs. Lewis at the Barrie Hotel. Mrs. B. LawrenceWh:;a _ been visiting her. mother, Mrs. Jno. Symons, London. c :1 `I\ 1- r 1__ _____ --.--..--, -~-..-. ..-v. -.a -v-__~ Mr. and Mrs. Baker <;f London, were guess 9; Rowanhurst over Sunday. no -I\ u an I : `L? X7` ___j g___ n`i&;'8T-B!`.(.>;'.)'k"B::)-f` Br<;ok_l'y;, Y.', yand her two sons have left Mrs. Ford : for home. Mr. 15. "nE.;i>}.}I.J.i{,' 3'dr{1i:,}g visiting his sister, Mrs. S. Pennv, Charles street. ,-<:frC-l`i>rV(>'iit:o, was visiting his `brother, Mr. Harry Rickard, Ecclea street. A - ___ __ _. . . '7 g. nd Mrs T. R. Parker and Harold, are visiting this week in Hamilton and Bulylo. nan..--vs Miss Kateusanderson returned to her home in Orillia on Tuesday after spending a. week in town. ' - -- -- - .- an 1 II 11 1'1_______ Mr. Morley Duff and Mr. Alex. Brown left for Toronto and the Pan-American on Tuesday. - i 0 - . 3!._,, _lL`L- ` gum; Bay. .n. suvuu-v-J a Mr. .H. A. Harper, assistany editor of the Labour Gazette, Ottawa, is visiting at his home here. ' . Mien Tessie Hearn has returned home from a visit with her uncle, Mr. T. Morley, an Brantford. IJI nu UIUI \l- Mrs. Rowland. Chicago, has been `visiting relatives and friends in town during the past week. `' - 1'N___-I_ f\lI..__..- A` Dart-:n Inna `I'D- PBSIU vvvv II: Master Frank O'Connor, of Barrie, has re- turned home after -a. week s holidays at I Thornton. A - > I lavuwvn gun a Mr. Palmer Wardman, of Chicago. is visit- ing his mother, Mrs. Wm. Wardman, Charles street-. '..:`'-uv-~--~- l Mr. Frank Millar, of Toronto, was the guest of the Advance editor on Sunday and |_Labor Day. It? 1 PIWI !____A :_ __:_:`_ \llJIuu .v-o u.-- --v. Miss Gardner returned to her home in To- ronto on Monday, accompanied by her friend Miss Greenwood. vuuun gwvvv .-..- Vi w--. Mrs. M cDonough has returned to her home in Orillia. after a. visit with her daugh- ter, Mrs; S. Penny. 1 -In I E fI1,_,-__L_ _____ Miss Pearl O Connor has returned home after a. month's visit at Stayner. Ureemore and New Lowell. Mr. Fred McKee `is in town. A Miss Allie Lane is visiting in the city. T0-N|GH_I__i `E5 32., uw.-, ..-_..- -..- _ -____g. . Mr. and Mrs. John Lee, of Toronto. were visiting Mrs. Lee a sister. Mrs. E. C. 0 Con- nor, Bradford street. `I. I`1I __ `_ ] :_L -vn, -o--1----.. v._--_. I T Mrs. Robinson, of Mt. Clemeds, Mich . n and Mrs. Cummer, of Toronto, have been 1 visiting friends in town. up. rw - ; , I ; I -.....-n ...v_..._ _._ -7 ..__, Miss Gertie Cunningham returned to her home in Orillia last Friday after spending a month with friends here. Miss _i3;ss`sie is spending her holidays with Miss Amy Cavill, Ste. Marie I Street. --Co1lingwood Bulletin 1- `T ,,I_ `KT Y. 5.`: Miss Margaretta and Master Berte Dunn of Gravenhursh, who has been the guest: of their cousins. the Misses Dunn, for two weeks, returned home on Saturday. Q .... .. ------,,.._--, _T_______- Mr. James Blackmore. of Newark, N. Y., was renewing old acquaintances in town last week.` In is 22 vears agojince he left; Bar- rie __- as . -\ A ROW ON THE ISLAY THAT THE POLICE um` NOT SEE. The Str. -1slay s crew had a late breakfast on Sunday morning. The cook thought they wouldn t need any dinner. or, at any rate, until late in the afternoon. Contrary to his expectations, they got up a good appetite, and the reman started to make things live- ly. It was after three o clock and no din- ner. An altercation followed, in which the reman and thecook started ghting. Capt. -McKay was absent, and the mate interfered. He separated them, and each went to dif- ferent parts of the boat. A dialogue con- sisting of calling of names and oaths fol- lowed. The mate and the reman then quarreled as to who was boss of the boat. Each swore at the other, and the mate at last couldnot restrain his feelings and run at the reman. In a minute the latter was on his back, with the other shaking and striking him. The reman swore venge- ance `and other things, but next day he got his release. hwdr/. Haight, an ight-Cay `clock; Judgel and`Mrs. Ardagb, 525- ` D-.. I....:IA:..... Fund" 2-nnnivm-I I-AI-nvnnah Can. I anu Mrs. nruugu, qpau. For building fund,`,received through Cap- tain Whiah. Allandale dance, $20 ; Barrie (dance, $17 03; Allandale dance, $6.30; two subscriptions, $2 ; Captain Whish, $25; Crown Hill Public School Pupillil. $7.55; Chriutian Endeavorsociotv Guthrie Church. 5; Manuel & Baker, 820; George Cole, .325 ; Mrs C. H. Ross, $5 Dr. W. A. Ross, $250;!"]`3nBllk of Toronto, $100; Mrs. Pear- VHUV , uwu eon, $100. I ' Jack Burrid% who was shot some days ago by Mr. M-. . Gray was brought up for trial on Fridav. He changed his plea. of Not Guilw to Guilty and was taken before J udge Ardagh whofnentenced him to snout ANIJ ransom. DONATIONS TO R. HOSPITAL. oonauv -aw-nv aw I-.--u.-a --V ---- - . Una Luck is visitimr friends in Pen: THE FIBEMAN FIRED. so DAYS FOR BUBRI` Dem. Grain is beginning no move in, and price! areean advance over last week. Wheat 63 to 65. Pease 65 to 70. New Oats are lower 30 to 33. also buckwheat at 40 to 45. 01,3 _.. uv uv uu. uuuv uuv-u Alvvuv .~.. .. -- .._. The usual producematjket prevailed, no changes in prices at all. THE HAPPENINGS OF A WEEK IN _ TOWN AND YICINITY. -A Breezy Time to-night. -In the Police Court on Tuesday 5 man named Glidden was ned $10 and costs for assault. - A , _ . . -, 4..- I\l\ 1I`.lI-J nu un- _ , ' must be Vchcap an giving full particulars. ' Rn- ` Monsoon, the first packet tea Intro- duced and still the` best at B01`!!- WELl.9s. 8'Use -"Lo'rina the newest in perfumel. Call and sample at Robertson : Drug Store, opp. Post. Qice. ` 11 In `I1 A.2..--1.._-._-.. -n. A.`--_ vyrn .. v-on v-..v-- ` --Mr. Lewis G. T. R. timekeeper at Antl- dale was successfully operated on for appen- dicitis at the hospital on Tuesday. ._ __.l_-... - unvnunu Iav Una`-I oowruurnwwuu __ _..-._..-_' . Ki Hmfe vvou tried the new perfume Lorina call and sample it at Robertson's Drug Store, opp. Post Office. _..1 AL- -A.-..- gr-w-D -v-v--, -r,.. ._ __- -,,,, , -`The masons have` commenced the stone- work of the new hospital. and the walls will be started in a. week or two. Messrs. Staple- ton have this contract. Iuvna nun v w u.---- \1\1-n-- --7. H Extenaion Tab1ea;'we have them in elm. ash, birch and oak. Thev are going fast, so call earlv. at the Five Point Furni- ture Store, Ford & Palk. --,_._-u... ~rnI-_._. ___j _]]' III-III-I KJI-\II\J .I.`\I|IA \.v Luciano For Choice Family Flour and all kinds of Feed go to Wilklnson s. All orders delivered promptly in any. qgantlty. Please leave your orders at t e Mill (mice or Telephone No. 23. T ' --Mr. Bull will sing two solos at the band concert next Thursday. I've a. longingain my heart for you, Louise is one, and the . other is My Mary Dear. -u --r 1\ II 9:11 . I5 ,,, _.,__!._-.I ` VUIJVA nu gr- auavwu v--. -Mr. F. H. Bell, of Shanty Bay. received word recently that his brother Joseph who is railroading on a. new hue in Arizona had his foot cgught between two rails and right hand cut 0 . - ._- g 1- .0 , `vuu vs..- -The Assizes opened Tuesdav, Justice Ferguson presiding. There are only three cases on the docket, one for arson, and two of theft, in the latter the prisoners being committed for trial. None were local cases. The cheapest place in town to buy hard and soft Wood is A. W. Wilkin- son :-. Delivered gpromptlv In an uantlty to any pan or the town an llandale. - `40816 orojers at mill omce nil nhnnn- 2. Auanuuw. no or phone. 23. &~Asamv -um i The Buffalo Enquirer severely criticizes the Barrie jockey, Lorne Thompson, but we '_ trust its allegations are not true. The article referred to reads thus:--A bit of ad- vice to one Jockey Thompson, now riding at Fort Erie: Some time in the dim, distant past a man with more sense than money said that people may be fools once in a while, but they are not fools all the time. Your recnt races at F ort Erie, nearly everyone of them, bear earmarks of suspicion, if not more. ,There are -many good boys to-day valeting other jockeys not one-half so good as thev were, and there are others tramps about the country who could be earning hundreds of dollars weekly, if they had in the past been honest and not listened to the temptcr. But theydid listen and fell and and the result is they are suffering for their past indiscretions. Your race on Flintlock on Tuesday was a disgraceful exhibition, pulling in. after getting off last behind a bunch, and never trying to get through until the stretch and not riding until the last eighth. This might not be so bad had not a well-known bookmaker at Fort Erie tried to purchase Flintlock from Mr. Mackessey be- fore the race The bookie did not succeed in buying. Enough said about that. Yes- terday s race which you put up on Pharaoh was a disgrace to the name of the riding. Either you are incompetent or there is some- thing else the matter. The horse may have lost on the square, but if he did his race was a most disapointinq one for a horse which has put up so many good races in the past. Closer attention to your duties would.not`d9 you any harm and would suit the public which may back your mounts much better. They are talking of hockey already in Urillia.._ The papers there any the Orillia. club will have the servlces of Nicbolaton. the fast, centre. player who played with Goldwater last year. A & 8 Commodore Boys of the B.B.C. was un- : avoidably absent from the canoe races on Monday. This week he is in Toronto at the Ontario tennis tournament. On Monday he beat '1`. G. McMnster 6-3, 6-3 ; McCarthy 6-1 6-1 ; Macdonell 6-2, 5-7, 6-2. The Mail sa.ys-Boye was in fine form ac- counting for no less than three opponents, and either he or Patterson seem likely to _win the right to challenge the holder of the cup." Tom Marks'ie here, and he has a great Company with him, about twice as big as last vear e. `He has a rst-class leading man, Mr. Harold Baldwin. and the repertoire in- cludes a number of new plays. Vair 85 Sanagan made arrangements with the Com- pany to have them rehearse here, which meansiconsiderable money being left in town by the Company. They appear before the public on Saturday night. probably in Paradise Regained," which is a most pleas- ing -comedy drama. On Monday The Rose of Kerry will be presented. The House will not be even Tuesday or Wedneso day, but Marks will again play on Thurs- day and Friday and Saturday. at [$!.00 PER ANNUM IN ADvANl- _ ;7S7a!r1WGLE conns mvn cums The-Barrie Gazette is issued thin week under new management. "Messrs. A. P. Wilkes and Thompson Crew, formerly of this oice-, have taken charge, and we wish them success. We are sure their acquisition printibg bueinesr in Bertie. of the Gazette will be of advantage to the Campers sup not-All the delicacies of the season 1: -tinned menu. fruits. .&c..\a.tB0l`lIWE_l.Ia9B. _ ,. aAzmTTm's NEW MANAGEMENT sPon13m6r'TH WEEK. MARKS BROTHERS HERE. BARBIE MARKET. AROUND BARBIE. General Sporting News; The BgR%B{I_A9f__ERA HOUSE ` ..:..A -5 Mia}. an Mnucin lTlLt.`.\ [Ur .\l|U\\'- ZS, NU at Rob-.2rtson's Dfug Store. v:nun::_\ IL`-\\IILu:u nuu up su ...._ ........... -. \\'A'rCH`F0R THE GOLF CLUB BAND. Concert at 7 to 7.30 in front of Opera House. Prices mr shm\'. 2;, :5 and 50 cents, Seats on sale :1! I.`.ul\.:-vn.\.x`u l\Enn- Qtnrn 16-Q6 Estate of the late D A1t0n1YIo[}a.rtFhy. ,,/- AUG- 3. A ,4-,. f Salem - .3` Thm,.,!, by .j.1).`rJu3E`;guirC`. Auctioneer NON 11) KI. ]\. 1-K 7 v 189 ` gar)` rl`o\`/II 0 _ Qlleonnmlloteln `."`u)e OH aL11rt1ay, the 14th day of September 19U1, % " ........;.n a it 12 do` Okxk I h\`\ \ I] \ ~ 1}, ~ \ .L fQllQw)` . In `e la ma 3 a ti pfe 1. I36` Q PA Re,` IL I `v\LQ `S 11. J 36 I bu th _ Incl llgiv Q: C) II the a N0? Rid`- `Alpha, . {uh St Tee . t_ `is 311 W n n P1 an R .9` esgkkml 31. 2.\[ hf 3 U `S Ann 16 Dvertt ` ` an 22 NW` 133 Feet ~` s aghclu . Qhealxue `Vt: ' 0 on Q,` D1 an LL At Lm.e,;,,g, on the 24th inst. the wire or A ,_ . _H 11_ ofa son. Chas" Ma Fesserton: 0 we 9 \!A`1fVi;t{m, Evans. of a son. . O ACE,-1n Alliston. on Tuesday. _Aug. 27th 'A1`L wife of Robext J. \Va1lace, propnetor .of the 7th inst. th wife` JUI . PANEL 1'.-- Lots :7. :8. :9, 25 (excepting the ` Somhl`-Tl) `H: ft. thereof) and 26 on thelwevst Side Of '9l1Strect. as shewn on Plan No. 3:. _ *CI'iI.` _4.~LntS x. 2, 3 and 4 on the East side of arles Street. as shewn on Plan No. :14. thPARcaL 5.--Lots 1. 2, 3, 4 and West half bf 5 on 9 South side of East Sfreet, as shewn on Plan 114. ,3`?-KRCBL 6.-L0ts x and 2 on the South side of John reet, North. as shewn on Plan 114. th"CEL 7.--The Northerly two-thirds of Lot :5 on ast side 0! John Street, as shewn on Plan 121. sit\RCEL 8.-L0ts 2 to 1 x. both inclusive. on the West 9` Uapperton Street. _ N::RC`- 9--Part ol' the Easterly half of Lot` I I, lh Mm-I: Com... 1.-:_.._ .1... nr.......-I.. :...u (IF 1- A 1 Inn. .__ of a son. ` D: FAA` , I\&'t'}`] '-M rart ot the Easterly halt or not - -, pm . Mark Street, being the Westerlv half of g e th Pm) known as "The McCarthy Block. 59198 6 Sh? 3` Present occupied by Mr. Garrett; 311d the s C88 over 1-ame, vielding the annual rental of about v4S0`0o. v , PaF:RF:L Io.-The propertv known as "Oakley ac, ' m." and containing by admeasurement 13 es` `"9 9 W108`. and beam: composed of all tha_t V PARC!-I Park F acres V ` uogkleY . meat __ h pl-ogerh eagure ar`-m'I.;,_nc;rc((:ntain1ng adm . hat a 3" t h comP` the Soil` . or a":;2z*?., was" arce or trgct of 13- j1dg`}:'e East` bYd Coo: the west Y: `C tract. 0 n ,_on the North bv Rose 5"t 3 Peel Street, -cl in the Town of Barne. ' (both in- tO 0- . - cel N0` ` The Lots comP"`5d In Par uive. will in .t0. 0 . I _ tel v of In C sold either separa Iunthe pure 7 21 W H haser. Parcels 9 3 Se rately. mmediate .- - -`Par God in . ` ts C" "' Dossessnon 0`: Lo feluto . A 9 induswe can be given. but , `no will be . a Lease?!` sold subject t0 ng ' Funny Pretty Girls -~_-\'I` THF.-- zo Miss 'j 3f\I"`|l'|II- \II |-IIl-I u ua- Presenting that \\'hir1\vind of Mirth and Music Q-4A\AVII 95' IJJIIJIJI e per cent. at date of sale ami balhanochinh W her terms and conditions will be In 9. tirlhe of sale, oxgd in the meantime. 0'1 ted`. lots :31: 3:50:13 will be oifered suhct V Bid. Any of the propertieahndt 0.013 be purchased by private: l.%1.1 'O'I!:79#P.?` __ _n to the General '1`:-mun Cm`-nnrntion. Toronto .erlv ox Deeuux. ; Barrie. aged 8.; - -.~-xv can be urchased "v sale. on 8 "0'! Ge{r 1eralTrustls? 3$'1 at-taetion, Torontg: _tors of the late D'Alton Mc nrthv. or 011 SP . 0_the undersigned. Further tdrms. and. the m 1!1be made known at tll'e'tim,e of._sI1i?0'i*" ~ eantame. on applicaiont ,to"tl1e; `un_f _ 7 Av; FMCCARTHY, 3qgsE;_`,;_,g4t3RG' I sevgwuunnen `exsmons snua entirely rc-\\'rttcn and up to the moment. nrsr n r-1 nu DAN v.:nnvv' V'\.\I\ rnlvl-\ Lo No` SAMUBI and no graduate am ng is the record of the- '0 __.....-man nnr 1' um.-'1 ` _\ u.....` w. H. sHAw p and Gerrard Sta ".'~"i;\\% Lu`. ---- ._, -SC`ARRO\Vf-At :Mint<~. M_an.. on the 7th .. at the re.s~`|dence. of Mr. Chas. Smith :her-m-law ot_ the l_)nde. `by Rev. Mr. Sing` est Hall to `Mass Ahce Scarrow, both formerh: * school_ with g machmes, FITZ &. WEBSTER 'S_ TOWN or BARBIE.- more. - , --S]L\'ERTHORNE-At Owen Sound, uh. Henry Penton.' un., of Toronto, 5 Jennie Silvertliorne. of wen Sound. 1 -.~r r N .36 WHOLE -1'~`o.. Scznzzyun Vvxsnn Proprietor. 3487 < _\' SESSION OPENS \ `Ty mailed on request. )'--T\vo High Grade Ladies Bicycles, . . .1...-... and in re! class order. Write -T\\'0 High Uracle Laales Dxcycnca, cheap and m rst class order. Lrticulars. C. G. ARTHUR, Shantv ` 26.16.n 1i?iims AGDLLEGE, __i Li1n*ii1:T1sE1v1EN'rs. Wynn . _ a dozen `teachers, gixgwsix ines, and every facilitv fondoiug -Urn/.v from. {Inc Toronto General ",~u,.-/.\ C'0rpo7'aIi07zs. MARRIED ma comww OF TERMS OF VSALE_._ 5:1 L'A'X`EI) IN THE /`v!.:-ultll ,AUfm1N l`.l-' I.L`.\'L`-J?\'G To THE BORN. . ---0F~-'-- DIED. | the inst. the wife of Iw LVA U I-`Gauchos:-my V*=;`9%rb'J- 51i**!9$ ' PRINCIPAL. 3., Toronto, i SEPT. 3rd; Ll\L`4Isg 36-36-p I QIIGII |- V 36-36-P U 361! 36-36 TORON'I`O S CRACK CANOEISTS MEET ' ' - ORILLIA -AND BARRIE--GOOD The Boating Club could not have been- favored with better weather than that on Monday when they held their first annual regatta. Shortly after twelve the Orillia Canoe Club arrived in-town, bringing with them a number of Uanoea. When they held their regatta at Jackson's Point -the Barrie ' Club had sent over a good contingent to make merry the day; and on Monday the Orilliane returned the com liment in tine order. They brought witht em theenthuei- arm of the town, pretty. girls and Canoe Club colors. Energetic -Secretary Bobbins was with them and. some of the paddlere were Arena, E Currant, Sinclair, Mulcahey, and Stephens and Miss Webber. There were other good canoeists who preferred watching to working, and they cheered lust- ily for their own men. ' Vin- l`.nn-unnndn-A Rt-nluvn and Mnninhnl. II [VI IJIUII UWIJ lllllu Vice Commodore Brown and McNicbol| and Vaughan of the Toronto Canoe Club honored the B. B.~U. with their presence and succeeded in carrying away a. good share of ghee rsts. - - 1 .. J ,,,!_L _.,._II I___.__ ___I Ul IIIIU Lllho y The bay was dotted with small boats and canoes and several-yachts added to the looks of the affair. One belonged to Commander Whish s party. The Captain himself pre- ceded his party, however. and shortly after two called for the Gents Singles, open, and for the rest of the afternoon kindly gave his services to the Club, iudqing to the satis- faction of all concerned. . __ 1-..- .__L n... ----mun;-noun IUIVIIIVIJ VI ll \l\II-l\l\lII-I\J\- The Barrie entries were not as numerous as might have been desired and those who did race deserved credit for paddling against whom they did. [Misses Vair and Sherrin were the only ladies entered and they were matched against one of the best ladv paddlersjon the lake. Bobby Gray Inna Anna nllnan nrnnnanf. Rrri frinda who IILGV pauuwrsuu ulu rune. uvuvy was once again amongst Barrie friends who induced him to go in one race and though out ot training he did well. Dyment, Butler and Metcalfe distinguished themselves by beating Toronto and Orillia crews in the second event. The Ladies Doubles, open, Gents Singles. ,Barrie. and the Hurry Scurry did not come off as there were no entries. In the rst event the contest was very close, McNichol only winning by a quarter of a length, from the O.C 0. man. The results, giving rst and second only, were :-- 1. Gents Singles+-Ist M cNichol, 2 E. Curran. - . i 2 Three,Paddles-l Metcalf, Dyment and Butler. 2 McNichol, Vaughan and Brown. 3 Upset Race--l Bow and Uurran, 2V Areas and Mulcahey. - 4. Ladies and Gents-lCurran and Miss Webber, 2 McNichol and Miss Sherrin. = n..._-..s n....m....#1 Qinnlnjr and Ste. WODDBT, Z MCLVICDOI u._uu 111133 Dlllbluo 5. Gents Doublea-1 Sinclair and Ste- phens, 2 Brown and Vaughan. 6. Stern Foremost-1 Vaughan, 2 Sin-! clair. . . ~ 2 7. Gents Doubles, straight9.way`--1 Vau- ghan and Brown, 2 MacLaren and Wilkes Q mam. r1....+..+._Tn the first heat Cur- ghan and Brown, 2 Mecharen anu .vv ulsuu 8. Tilting Contest-_-In the first heat ran overturned Butler. and Wilkes overturn- ed Arens. In the nale Wilkes and Curran drew". the former winning on a. toss-up. ..- 'n_.1_n-_ as-n:n`-`I-nmn\7__` Mn drew. the totmer wmmng on a. E055-up. : 9. Three Paddles, atraightaw-.\y-l Me Nichol, Vaughan and Brown, 2 Maclmren, Wilkes and Gray. 10. Swimming Ra.ce--.1 Harry Marshall, 2 Urogan. T f ` _ l1. Greasy Pole-1 Thompson (Orillia), 2 Bingham. _ Counting p'ointa Toronto led with 10. Orillia second with 9, and Barrie with 7 points to its credit. M ' ` McM|LLAN"S cms1% MILL] on short notice } I know what you want is good Hour 1 feed. - . I will be; glad to attend to your wanta. Tender; will be received bv theundersigned until Wednesday. the lltlneday of September, 1901. for the supply of zoo cords of good body Hardwood 4feet long. Maplevand Beech. not more than )6, beech. the balance to be maple. to be deliver- ed at the County Buildings in Barrie. not later than the 1st Day of March. 1902. to be delivered and`pro- perly piled at suchplaces as may be pointed out, also tenders for 30 tons of first class hard coal (e g and nut) to be delivered at Registry Office and oal in Barrie. during fall. 1901, and winter, 1902 in such ,........:.:... 9. mav be reauired` from time to tim_e Bai'rie._during tall. ape Winter, lpuz In 53.... quantmes as may be required` from time tune during said season, all tenders tobe sealed and ad- dressed to ` - gueerfe SATUKUAI. aur- TE BER 7th-. xgox, 13 o'clock noon,`by G. R. F ord. Auctioneer. the east half `of Lot No. 3:. t. Veepra more particularly set forth in registered mortgage 0.: 3 _ . _Veapra). . For further pa xculare -see posters or apply to the undersigned. * - '_ K. - . ' - A` G. A. RADENHURST. ` I Q- .1 -..v 'e2.I:..:onp Rnreig. Con. I beg to notify." my old customers that I am ` prepared to do , A- A --- 3.._._