UPWEY I_\l IIZIWU ' | 2 Rooms for ofces. in Ross Block, No. .97. Dunlop Street. Eire proof vault; lately occupied bv Dr. Wells. Also two rooms with vault, lately occupied bv jl-lood, Jacks & Fraser. Barristers; immediate possession. Apply to C. H.` ROSS. Barrie. Ianuarv 1. max. .x-tf. , west" corner of "Mulcaster and House, 2 storev. 9_rooms and halls, g Apply 9n the preuuses. ? j . '1'U'l\BL` L , I.'cuuun_~ j OFFICES TO RENT on LEASE . n___ n|....I. Mn nu, Dnln` Frawloy 85 _Moore.8o1e Local Agent.` SMALL-POX gr TORONTO. , Another outbreak of small-pox has been reported at Toronto, involving the removal of ve patients to the small-pox hospital. They are Edward Hague, 15 Papa avenue :~ his son, John, aged 17 ; Wm. '0ldeld,an engineer, and two of the children of Hogge. The son was at the Niagara camp, and it is possible that he got the disease there, as he -was almost convalescent when a doctor visited the house to-day for the rst time,` and discovered that the family had. been dealing; with smallepox o_' their ` -own bat-- for several weeks,;and going` out, and in among. their neighbors.` . The `s'.'s'e for vour benet, and our prot. These % are the blends we are struck on. 25 E13. 31 per Ammm am Advance. _____________.T )WELLING To RENT, cenmmy situated, 1 .......+-mmar of Mc_Donalgl' A quarter. of 9. centurv we have been blending COFFEE 'n'M-:ncHAN'rs, 3 BARBIE. rvvvvvvvvvv9 Judge `of nofhing 3*. first sight. I I wcli,-an-c-1-ii}: v fitwell and wear badly. year rccord, and the M`akers p1-ice stampodon $1: is a sure `Hing, even if boughfin the Jerk. rhslam shoe" ""' 1 35 cts. 4 % ` 40 cts. ' And TEA . O1- Tnlul have Barrie for and arrive Illdonnentioned places as follows : Ion. TORONTO - n _ _. nvnrl TRY THEM. ntrally situateu, scum 1 McDonald Sts. \ [a118, garden and lawn. .1:-tf Bargain Klng. ; hoapost In Barf The Gash Store The Bargain Centre The Right Spot for $1.90. -'No new name will be added to the Subscription Lit until the money in paid. Subscribers now in arrears for three [months and our will be charged S!.;o per annum .' off. ' 5.09 "` . North Bay Mxxea. `nan. Ian. Qravenhurat mixed (south on! 9.37. COLLlNGWOgla)jl&_ MEA ORD. 11.15 mm. 5 32 [mm Ex teas. 7.55 mm. 3.00 . . - Pm PEN TANG. V `oQo Acc0mm0d8t_i0llo p.m. I.00 p.m. Accommodauon. 7.55 am. ALLANDALE & BARRI_E SECTION.- _ BARBIE TO ALLANDALII. ' - 1.3: 1.31., 7.56 a..m., 9.37a.m.. u.:5 3.111.. 1.2 p.m., 2.13 p.m., 5.27 p.m.. 8.oo pan. ALLANDALR to muuun. 7.30 I.lII., u.xo a..m.. 11.25 a.m., 12.58 p.m., .38 p.m., 5.22 p,m., 7.55 p.m., 9.09 p.m. 1:5;-is: COMING )? We mean the Duke. A Since our last` lime in which we suggested the Duke of Cornwall and York should be in- vited to visit Barrie and lay the corner Itone of a monument to the late Pte. Findlay, other towns have requisitioned the authorities at Ottawa. to include in the arrangements a visit to their towns. Why should Barrie not be heard from? We cannot expect to have him for the more asking when his time is so limited. That requisition to Ottawa should have been accompanied by some request as above. Perhaps, however, the people do not want a monument to the memory of him who died` on the South African battle eld. `(-00 `till can nun... -___ _ ,_, 5.97 pm. Ivfan. . 11.33 mm. [.13 pan. Muskoka. Express 18.58 pm. Muskoka Express 1.28 p.111. 86 pan `Atlantic & Pacic Ex. 8.03 p.m. he evening Express leaves Toronto at 5.50 HAMILTON. _ 7.81 mm. Efrcss. 9.09 pm. ' I.83_p.m. ail. 11.88 a..m. GRAVENHURST & NORTH BAY. " n -1'" Mam `:27 Puma - ` T GR`AVENI-IURST an uuzun mu. Mail 5 I `om: 0 o 08 p.111. *Atlantic & Pacic Ex. 1.26 "pm. 8. 0.09 North Bay Mixed. 7.31 mm. Gravanhurnt mixed (south only)_9_.3_7 27 pan. MINISTER FOR DAKOTA. ' . Hon. _John Dryden, Minister `of Agriculture, State of Dakota. and Pro- vinoe of Ontario! How does that sound? Yet we are not so far from the truth when we put Dakota first and Ontario last for from the late action of the. min- later of Agriculture in this Province, it seems that Dakota is dearer to him than this Province of ours. If- that be the case the people of this Province should demand his resignation regardless of party and let him go to Dakota. We are glad to see a Liberal paper, edited and ownedaby a Liberal member of the lame Ontario Legislature` begin this demand. _ IUIUU GIIB llbuu nJvvun' --u-vu-uu- -cu------y . `Dlilv. All other trains Daily except Sunday. In another column will be found what Mr. Pettypiece, a prominent journalist, and Liberal -M.P.P., for E Itambton, says in his paper the Forest Free Press. There is no mistaking the tone of that editorial and there will be. no mistaking the (eelingof this whol Province on the matter. Dryden go! `lathe message he will get and go he must. A representative of THE ADVANCE was talking on this question to a To- ronto gentleman, who was one of the judges at the Toronto Industrial Ex- hibitioh two years ago. At that time, ' he said, shares were beingsold in Can- ada of a proposed Dakota Ranohing Company and the president ` was none other than Mr. Dryden. It so -hap' pened that when in an argument with Mr. Dryden, the Toronto gentleman censured the Minister for allowing his name over the advertisement that Da-A kota was the best cattle-raising oonntry win D the world, and the Hon,` John Dry-. ;-fdven was `forced to retreatthat the non- j:.;.sl,o'ni1nati_on might notbe so3freelyknown- ~ IARRIE RAILWAY GUIDE. Evidently the ranching company has been successfully started. A man may hsve the right togo -in business wher- he likes. but the people of this ` h will,` not stand" ._`for!'.s Minister who-opera-we an t ~ s '0 chum: * tr e mum or I 0RTA|lS_." %:s'n\:`~ E Tums or Sunscmrnou. URU FIVE 7.58 p.m.' 10.5` 11,011 .*J8`1|5f f"'8% %'A ` am is` Cinndi i; greaet riml._ '.-The. onlf mesaiqe. in rsponae to an? plea. Mr. Dryden may pni forth 1'nua'e`be from Liberal `and Conservative altke-- Dryden, go! ` V _i::m'ron.IAL_No'rms_ . - ' _Hae Ali. Tyre: been over in Allen- dale lately 2 An ounce of p-ubl.icit';y by .a merchant is worth a pound of it by the Sheri. Welcome to Old l3oy:a 1 That's whet we hope to beaaying before long to the new old boy organization injToro'nto.- They will certainly be,weloomed to the old town when they do come. . Next week we shall have further` particulars about the assooiation s pgogreda. V CULTURE. H. J. Pettvpiece, Liberal M.L.A., for East Lumbton, in. his paper, the Forest ; Free Press, strongly condemns the action of Hon; John Dryden, On- tsrio s Minister of Agriculture, in en- tering the ranching business in Dakota, and demands the minister s retirement from the Ontario cabinet. - . IIUIII UIAU \rInIunm-no vuuwrn-vvu Mr. Petcypieoe expresses `his opinion very plainly, and the indications are that Mr. Drydeifs new business move will cause a big stir in the Liberal camp. TIVL- 'nunVn`=A'l\ QIIIVEI - `CT: Ann`-n:n -sauna V-KIvC The article says :-If certain news they doubtless are, Hon. John Dryden, gone into the ranching `business in an individual, hasa perfect right to go into business anywhere he pleases, but `when a Canadian Minister of Agricul- ture goes ranching in the States he gives the agricultural interests of this country, which should be to him a sacred trust, a blow that the people can hardly be expected to tolerate. This is not . a party question, but one in which every citizen of this province is interested alike. ' We are spending thousands of dollars in drawing the attention of_ the world to the fact that Ontario holds out the greatest opportunities to those who wish to engage in agricultural pursuits, but how can we expect people to believe these statements when the enemies of Canada have simply to point tothe On- tario Minister of Agriculture as a living contradiction? It is beyond the power of tongue or pen to fully offset the bad effect of Mr. Dr'yden s actions, `and the people of Ontario, irrespective of party, . will be doing only what their duty -to their country requires, if they ask him to resign his portfolio and step down and out. His usefullness as a Minister ' of Agriculture, _in the highest` sense of t the word, is gone" items which have appeared in the '.l`o- ` ronto papers this week are correct, and - Ontario Minister_ of Agriculture, has Dakota. Of course, Mr. Dryden,` as ` Hon. Senator G. W; Allan was car; ried to his last resting place Saturday amid the mourning of many friends, and leaving behind him a lasting me morial in the services he has given his country throughout. a long and useful life. i Iinann AND -The funeral was a private one,, _in that it was attended by no society or organization or officers of State, but the esteem in which the late Senator was-. held was given free expression in the large attendance at the service in` thecathedral, who came as friends to bear testimony to the helpful life of a kindly man. Simplicity -was evident also in the absence of owers, the fam- ily having specially requested friends to abstain from sending them. The City Council attended In a body. "I"L_.'.- --.--n -A -4;-ncunnu AL `Ln Lacuna LIBERAL MEMBER'S coNDEM _NA'-E TION or MINISTER OF AGRI- \llU \lvIn:v-Q --wvv1vuuw- --- wv -ww-JV J . There was no service at the house, but the body was taken _to St. T James? Cathedral, where the burial service was read at 11. The oiciating clergy were Canon Welch, Provost Macklem, 7 Canon` Oayley, and Canon Murphy of 1'&i9.`- .. .s h A 1],. -_L` _,I,,,I L'_- ul- cortege proceeded to St. J amee Cemetery, where the body was interred in" the family plot. The- pall-bearers were Lieut.-Col. Graeett, Dr. J ohu` Hoakin, the service at the cathedral the Col.` Sweeny, Mr. William Mackenzie, . M1-{Alfred Wilson, and Mr. R. Wilkie. ll- --_..___L.!-... -1 VIV.._2L_. 'I-'T_.`.__.. All-B0 ZILIUIQ VI Iauvno, vnnvn on... v coin-at The corporation of Trinity Univer- sity at a meeting held Friday afternoon passed a resolution of sympathy with the` family of the late Chancellor of the University, at the same time expressing their thankfulness to God for the purity, integrity and nobility of his character, and for his eminent services to Trinity and to the public generally. 5 The mem- bers of the faculty and Senate of the University attended the funeral this morning, though not in their oicial capacity. - Are the 35th Regiment of Simooe Foresters looking forward to the mili- tary display when the Duke of Com- wall cornea`! The following is a timely hint that all preparation: should be carefully seen to at once. It In from Monday : World: ' e- um. -...-...r.n_.. -1 Q .-... -mnnn Vwm IIBYDEN man? QILUXIIC 3 Y7 VIIK The assembling of 8,000 or 10,000 men for review by the Duke of Com- wall and York will be" a large under- tekingtin thi|;.oountry,4..a_nd me to num- ber: will be a paltry eiir _-competed SENATOR ALLAN'8 FUNERAL J. Frank Jackson,l HOW ARE THE 35_'.l.'? e..sse.. rhee:mmigj=ga v.'il_II`ii'l.1a_'.~ be given a every opportunity to perfect themselves in drill, and theirequipmeut should-be, made perfect; I. The city` regiments` are well uniformed and drilled, but some of -the rural corps, judging by appearances , on the return from Niagara camp, will ' need to be supplied with better tting uniforms. The need of leggings was noticed. ` Proper leggings add much to neatness,` and the officers in charge will do well to see that there is a full supply - of them. Let ..the government he re- quisitioned in time, so that allthese matters may be attended to. One mil- ' itary gentleman suggests that while the . troops are massed agmonster sham ght ' he held the day after the review, to take the place of the usual Thanksgiv- w iog Day manoeuvres. That is _a eug-* gestion for the proper oioers to con- ` sider. Eergusonvale. Advance correspondence. , The bricklayer: have nished the _work on the new store. Cumming has goe to Hamil- tonfor some time. _ ---.` n o -0.: .1, w-i!l.i:s-`:l'3-:"F?E;';.11',- at Barrie, is visiting the Misses` Richardson. T ? -_o 4- 0 cu urn AI 0 HQ UVII nvnvuouuu v.-v-- Meara; A. D. and N. Campbell, of Guthrie, visited it iends here this wgaek. 4 Mia; .A..`-";;a..1-1:Inf`:-:'J.`L;'lf.;>custs visited Miss Cassie Cumming last week. Q u-r n'~:v 1| ,, _ A lira: .6;I.';'t-i-Q`!-31;; -L-l;i'a-s_J: o;i)i1i$, of i*`loa Centre. visited Mrs. Hy. Thurlow last week. . ,,-I \1',~______|_;,_ ____1 rum sumuas M'<.e;a;r;."C.l..'1;t`>.p."].3-e'ri:-a:r' ;..a* John Shaw. Bridgeport, are visiting Mr. F. Bernardg V _.- `up u a nu. Q 1 m___ IILIWS \lI-IIHDU \l|------:3 ---- v Meaira. P. Doran and: 'H`.W'\;Vandless. of ` New Flos, called on friends here recently. 1 1:9,," 'I'__-__L!_- -13I-- ardson's this week. IJUI IIIIO 1.9: i Messrs. Wm. Nelson, of Stroud. and Wm. Riach, of Barrie, visited at Mr. John Rich- wniauvno up u--- v. V.-. What might have been a serious accident occurred here last Wednesday evening when Mr. Mitchell Dickie was driving a little north of here his horse frightened and jump- ed o" the road, throwing him off so that the waggon passed over him breaking some ribs and bruising him up badly. The horse ran away and was caught near -Apto. Mr. Dickie was taken home to Hillsdale the ,A_ __ _....-._ .. LIIUIIIV "nu vu- nexu morning. T Wyebridge, Advance Correspondence. Miss Cssselmsn is in Toronto the guest of her sister. Mrs. H.,Bishopric. __I._ E... (`I _ _ _ _ _._ nuv- ---iv-` -__.. ._.- , __ . .Miss Simpei left, zvek for Spragge, where she will visit her sister. VIIJVQV unav II nu- v---v ..-'_ ..__--._ Leon. Ellis. of Toronto, spending hisv vacation at Mr. G. Kennedy's. -. cup `I ___ ______ LA V+id'1:e:fhdeI;<;dli"a;d7iaix1ily have gone to Midland to take up their residents there. 1 sn,.,.,._ 1m.1__ 'rr-.._______. Miss Jennie and`Ma.ster iEWldon Hamming- way`. of Feeaerton, have been holidaying with friends here. 1: Id "Ra d-M mu Rail V an?u':7::l3'u"Bo3-gfsed ugoatlv. Y W .II\-!I-- All -a.L-.. `non:-in '\n:Iu avnnnl QIIUIAQID lune can--`-w c-vu '- The unfavorable weather was . probably the reason the Maecabee excursion was not very well patronized. , 11_~ nn___I_._I- ..-A.-.._...I L- L... `I......... r"A-f.t;"a"le__n`gviiirieeewwliich wasi berne with Christian fortitude, Mrs. T. W. Parker, nee Miss Lucy Brook, passed away on Friday last. Her remains were interred at Waver- v co; u v.. r--_ ------ -- ~ Miss Van Buakirk returned to her home in Victoria Harbor, after spending a. van? pleasant: time with Mias.Eunice Copeland. , 1--.. 211..--.. _I.:..L ....... l........... ...:n.. l 1%. |`` avo I. Miss Hattie Richardson, of Thornton, is visiting relatives here. ' -nr 5 u.,L,_ -_,.i _L2I.1..-.. ~...._' ..._:L3~.n "'34:-I3.`-(}L}'s;_L nQr1y killed bv aktrain on the 8th concession crossing last wee . ___ _ __ _ - - up. an -1-`: 1 Mrs. J. Stokes {and children `are visiting Mrs. Wm. Wilson,-of Grenfel. - 1 ' __!__SL N ---" '- --- -- ------x ~- ~-- v---~~ V - Miss Maggie Brown, of Toronto, is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Harry Stokes. 1 .-. n,;_____ l___1 - |_-u.--._ ._--..1.-- I.:n...: ` - Mr. Wei. Richardson and Miss Eva Rich- ardson are spending a few days with friends in Goldwater. ' -- vv-w Iv vuwvuu Jas. Binnie, jr., was helping to load a. car in the yard here last; Friday, when a. car stake broke, letting a. number of scantling fall directly across his leg, terribly bruising it. Fortunately no bones were broken, and its is hoped he will soon be around again. THE NORTHERN ADVANCE Utoma, T Advance Correspondence. Master R. Bell,` is spending his hdlidays `at. honeywood. ` V V II A `IN I` `NI ,_.`_ ____ _-__`_ n____A___ wa nnvncv vu www- Mr. A. i3ell, Elmvala. spent Sunday with his paaenta. 1-1,, _,1_ _.._-_ 2.. 1.1.- .._-'...a. -2 '1;dit;.a"Et;1'n'1_>;'('3annington. is the `guest of _her uncle Mr. Robt. Rennibk. _ ` " Miss hjlinnie Longhurat, Barrie, i spend- `ingvadmetime here with friends. ,I_ ('1_.-__._ TTQII L-..< ..-L._V.....-.1 Ysaiaa fuck, czovwn mu, i133` retrned home utter a visis with_t}'iends here. vi-1-;.-.};>'l;nA':;;.-1:, \;a.a visit- ing his aunt Mtfa. John Cross this week. ,_.._ 11! \T_._-1I -...I Q Ia`-...I IACL an mil`;-3.1.31:-a'..-l'E.--I-N``av;e'1-lFa;11i_ 7 left on Thursday laut fodr Poplar, Manitoulin Island. _ -1 Il ._ Luau.-s~w' ----- -V: - -`--.._, _,_....__ A party was given at the Vnonae Hof Mr. Thea. Ford. on Monday evening or last week and the young people all report a pleasant, time. ' . V Amen M1113 . ` ' Advance Lorrcspondeqce. Mr. `Geo. Muir "has returned to Bata._via, P` `T Grentl. Advance Correspondence. J.` Copeland and Henry Cole are on the aiokglint. . - `g nan 18 Page 48 Oolumh Newspaper. ` II Published from the Oice, :23 Dunlop Street Bertie. in the Countv of Simcoe. the P|'o_- ` vince. of Ontario, Canada, every Thursday Morning, by mu 'iE5:1Teuda1e, of Jdaephine, visited friends here last week. 9 _ ? ,,, _-no __ A g___ m13i}:'1'3nha Orr, of Georgetown,~ has re- turned hbm[e- ' _.... nun an 1 p1-',_A_|_g___ _g_gL__' ` .;;`."A..:'[:V:i'l-.' '1;-a-;'rie, in apehding {L few- dayiwith J. Elliott. gn_|-_2.; 1IT_I_l....Q - 'D--.IC4uu`I-annals gun; U VVIUIl_ vu --uwwwu II, - I Melvih Waldru , of Bradfordlpenb Sun -. day with W. A. Hoolmdge. -.. ___ n1__.. -2 133.. D-.. 13-8-4. Sn ` UB1 VVIUII vv I Min Cor visiting Mr. &'.]..'l':l`l', -(;f.`i` Bay and Mrs. F. Harris. I.-.'-_-_ _:u _L-_L ..|.....-I.l.... 4-1.!- V|II`U|I-I. alum: cu-an qua- -._-__ Sam McPherson v;ill- `at;-t tl;reahing this `week. A Lowe will also start this week. Sympathy is extended to Mr. P. J. Fraw- ley in the loss of their daughter, Mrs. P. J. Callaghan. ` ` `The people of this vicinity were greatly shocked to learn of the death on Saturday last -of Mrs. W. Parker; jr., of Wyebridge. Mrs. Parker, formerly Miss Lucy Brook. was `a resident _of-this lace until her marriage. and was a fgenera favorite with old and young. . Slnoere sym athv. is extended to the bereaved hushan and fomghsmall child- v ren who are left to _Inou"rn ale 3 wife and _ther. j Quite Q number from here` attend- and Line Larka. ' Advance Corrupondegce. V. -., E _-. on 7649 ' +AAAAAAAAAA~.A4 Al ' . ,, _ - -..._L..uuv n-In Luna IAMUEL WESLEY, PROPRIETOR